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Reinforcement calculation for Nozzle.

A= A1= A2= A3= A5= A41, A42, A43 = c= D= Dp= d= E= E1= F= fr= fr1`= fr2= fr3= fr4= h= K1= L= P= R= Rn= S= Sn= Sp= Sv= t= te=

total cross-sectional area of reinforcement required in the plane under consideration (See Fig. UG-37.1)(includes c area in excess thickness in the vessel wall available for reinforcement (see Fig. UG-37.1)(includes consideration of area in excess thickness in the vessel wall available for reinforcement (see Fig. UG-37.1) area available for reinforcement when the nozzle extends inside the vessel wall (see Fig. UG-37.1) cross sectional area of material added as reinforcement (see Fig-37.1) cross-sectional area of various welds available for reinforcement (see Fig. UG-37.1) corrosion allowance inside shell diameter outside element of reinforcing element (actual size of reinforcing element may exceed the limits of reinforcement material outside these limits).

finished diameter of circular opening or finished dimension (chord length ad midsurface or thickness excluding ex plane under consideration, in. (mm) [ see Figs. UG-37.1 and UG-40]

1 ( see definition for tr and tn) 1 when an opening is in solid plate or in a Category B butt joint, or = 0.85 when an opening is located in an ERW o welded joint is clearly identifiable and it can be shown that the opening does not pass through this weld joint, the joint efficiency obtained from Table UW-12 when any part of the opening passes through any other welded joint correction factor that the compensates for the variation in internal pressure stresses on different planes with resp configurations except that Fig-37 may be used for integrally reinforced openings in cylindrical shells and cones. [S strength reduction factor, not greater than 1.0 [see UG-41 (a)]

ti= tn= tr= trn= W=

onsideration (See Fig. UG-37.1)(includes consideration of nozzle area through shell if Sn/Sv<1.0) e Fig. UG-37.1)(includes consideration of nozzle area through shell if Sn/Sv<1.0)

el wall (see Fig. UG-37.1)

t may exceed the limits of reinforcement established by UG-40; however, credit cannot be taken for any ad midsurface or thickness excluding excess thickness available for reinforcement) of nonradial opening in the

when an opening is located in an ERW or autogenously welded pipe or tube. If the ERW or autogenously oes not pass through this weld joint, then E1 may be determined using the other rules of this paragraph; or = g passes through any other welded joint ure stresses on different planes with respect to the axis of a vessel. A value of 1.00 shall be used for all penings in cylindrical shells and cones. [See UW-16(c)(1)]

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