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Complex, Varied Marketing Activity

Detailed, Rich Marketing Models

Comprehensive, Robust Marketing Measures

Role of Integrated Marketing Communications

Marketing communications
are the voice of the brand and are a means by which it can establish a dialogue and build relationships with consumers. allow marketers to inform, persuade, incent, and remind consumers directly or indirectly can contribute to brand equity by establishing the brand in memory and linking strong, favorable, and unique associations to it.

Role of Integrated Marketing Communications (Cont.)

Consumers can be told or shown how and why a product is used, by what kind of person, and where and when; Consumers can learn about who makes the product and what the company and brand stand for Consumers be given an incentive or reward for trial or usage Brands can be linked to other
People Places Events Brands Experiences Feelings Things

Simple Test for Marketing Communications

1. 3. Current Brand Knowledge 2. Desired Brand Knowledge

Integrated Marketing Communications and Customer-Based Brand Equity

One implications of the CBBE framework is that the manner in which brand associations are formed does not matter -only the resulting strength, favorability, and uniqueness

Designing Integrated Marketing Communications Programs

From the perspective of customer-based brand equity, marketers should evaluate all possible communication options available to create knowledge structures according to effectiveness criteria as well as cost considerations. Different communication options have different strengths and can accomplish different objectives.

Alternative Communication Options (Consumer)

Media Advertising (TV, radio, newspapers, magazines) Direct Response Advertising Interactive (on-line) Advertising & Web Sites Outdoor Advertising (billboards, posters, cinema) Point-of-Purchase Advertising Trade Promotions Consumer Promotions Sponsorship of Event Marketing Publicity or Public Relations

Alternative Communication Options (Business-to-Business)

Media Advertising (TV, radio, newspaper, magazines) Trade Journal Advertising Interactive (on-line) Advertising & Web Sites Directories Direct Mail Brochures & Sales Literature Audio-Visual Presentation Tapes Giveaways Sponsorship or Event Marketing Exhibitions, Trade Shows, Conventions Publicity or Public Relations

Print Ad Evaluation Criteria

Is the message clear at a glance? Is the benefit in the headline? Does the illustration support the headline? Does the first line of the copy support or explain the headline and illustration? Is the ad easy to read and follow? Is the product easily identified? Is the brand or sponsor clearly identified?

Ad Campaign Considerations
Campaigns make brands -- not single ads Be creative and develop creative themes
Avoid slavishly sticking to executional formulas

Brand communications should sing like a choir

Multiple voices Multiple notes

Find fresh consumer insights & compelling brand truths Productively conduct ad research

IMC Case Study CMPB Success Factors

Smart strategy
Relative deprivation

Imaginative creative
Funny but relevant

Clever hook
Got milk? slogan

Timely secondary media

In store

Right partners

Common Mistakes in Developing Advertising

Failure to distinguish ad positioning (what you say) from ad creative (how you say it) Mistaken assumptions about consumer knowledge Improperly positioned Failure to break through the clutter Distracting, overpowering creative in ads

Common Mistakes in Developing Advertising (cont.)

Under-branded ads Failure to use supporting media Changing campaigns too frequently Substituting ad frequency for ad quality


Audience Communication Option Overlap

Communication Option A Communication Option B

Communication Option C
Note: Circles represent the market segments reached by various communication options. Shaded portions represent areas of overlap in communication options.

Evaluating IMC Programs

Coverage - what proportion of the target audience is reached by each communication option employed, as well as how much overlap exists among options Cost - what is the per capita expense


Evaluating IMC Programs (cont.)

Contribution - the collective effect on brand equity in terms of
enhancing depth & breadth of awareness improving strength, favorability, & uniqueness of brand associations

Commonality - the extent to which information conveyed by different communication options share meaning

Evaluating IMC Programs (cont.)

Complementarity - the extent to which different associations and linkages are emphasized across communication options Versatility - the extent to which information contained in a communication option works with different types of consumers
Different communications history Different market segments

Keller Bes
Be analytical: Use frameworks of consumer behavior and managerial decision-making to develop well-reasoned communication programs Be curious: Fully understand consumers by using all forms of research and always be thinking of how you can create added value for consumers Be single-minded: Focus message on well-defined target markets (less can be more) Be integrative: reinforce your message through consistency and cuing across all communications


Keller Bes
Be creative: State your message in a unique fashion; use alternative promotions and media to create favorable, strong, and unique brand associations Be observant: Monitor competition, customers, channel members, and employees through tracking studies Be realistic: Understand the complexities involved in marketing communications Be patient: Take a long-term view of communication effectiveness to build and manage brand equity

Pick a brand and gather all its marketing communication materials. How effectively have they mixed and matched marketing communications? Have they capitalized on the strengths of different media and compensated for their weaknesses at the same time? How explicitly have they integrated their communication program?


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