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June 13, 2003

Thomas H. Kean
CHAIR Ms. Rosalind A. Knapp
Lee H. Hamilton U.S. Department of Transportation
VICE CHAIR Federal Aviation Administration
Richard Ben-Veniste
800 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20591
Max Cieland
Dear Lindy:
Frederick F. Fielding

Jamie S. Gorelick Thank you for arranging the recent briefing for our staff at the FAA
Operations Center. It was quite informative, and we look forward to
Slade Gorton
following up with you on a number of the matters that were discussed.
John F. Lehman
As you know, on May 7,2003, the Commission submitteld; to the Department
Timothy J. Roemer
of Transportation Document Request No. 1 (attached hereto), which asked the
James R. Thompson Department to provide the Commission with eight categories of documents by
May 14,2003. In response to that request, the Commission received three
Philip D. Zelikow
installments of documents; the first on May 28,2003, the second on June 5,
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 2003, and the third on June 9,2003. Each of these sets was accompanied by a
cover letter signed by the Senior Counsel to the Deputy Administrator, Shirley
Miller, identifying the categories in response to which the documents were
being produced (also attached).

In order to complete our records, please clarify in writing whether the

Department of Transportation has now provided the Commission with all of
the documents sought by Document Request No. 1. Specifically, please
address whether the Department has provided the Commission with (1) "All
documents relating to the FAA's tracking of hijacked airliners on 9/11/01,
including without limitation communications with NORAD" (DOT Request
No. 1, Item No. 5); and (2) "After action reviews or self-assessment reports
concerning the FAA's handling of the hijacked airliners on 9/11/01" (DOT
Request No. 1, Item No.7).

Thank you for all your assistance, and we look forward to shearing from you.

>- ~

>aniel Marcus
General Counsel

301 71'1 Street SW, Room 5125
cc: Ms. Shirley S. Miller, Senior Advisor Washington, DC 20407
T 202.331.4060 F 202.296.5545

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