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Your Last Delivery Date can be entered in the "Requested Delivery Date" field in the sales order.

By doing so, the system will give us a confirmation that whether the delivery can be made possible on the Requested Delivery Date or NOT (The status can be seen by going in to the Schedule Line Level of your line item). The system also gives us the NEXT POSSIBLE DELIVERY DATE with the confirmed Quantity as a Second Line item in the Schedule line level. The System considers mainly the Material Available Date to come to a conclusion on the Delivery Date of the goods. Also, there are other activities (Loading Time, Transporation Planning Time etc) for which some time will take and that also need to be considered (The same can be seen by going in to the Schedule Line Level of your line item and then click the Shipping button). Your Scenario: In your case, the delivery can happen ON OR BEFORE the Last Delivery Date. So for that follow the steps: Step 1: Put the Last Deliv Date in to the "Requested Deliv Date" field in Sales Order. Step 2: After enetering the other necessary details in the sales order then Save it. Now go the Schedule Line level of your line item and look for the Confirmation of the Delivery Quantity on the Requested Delivery Date. If Yes: Then its your wish that you can Prepond the Delivery Date by giving the required Delivery date during your delivery document creation. If No: Then you have look for the Next Possible date. OR Make sure that you can manage all your other activities like Loading, Transporation Planning etc. in 10 - 12 days time and make your material Availabilty today and do the delivery.

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