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Ante Vrankovi Domjanieva 15 10380 Sveti Ivan Zelina Hrvatska / Croatia July 20, 2013

Mrs Viviane Reding

European Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship

Rue de la Loi 200 / Wetstraat 200

1049 Bruxelles / Brussel Belgique

Dear Mrs Reding, I hope that you`ve already recived my official letter sent on July 3

(available on the link:

in which I have informed you about the reasons of my hunger strike in which I have support of the Croatian Helsinki Committee and all other relevant organizations for the protection of human rights in Croatia. Few days after I`ve sent you that official letter, I was informed about the existence of truly shocking documents proving shameless, unhidden corruption both in the work of Croatian Bar Association CBA (responsible for my hunger strike and its consequent very serious, irreversible damage to my health

by not solving nor even responding /=braking of Croatian Constitution, Art. 46/ to my 2 disciplinary reports from March and September 2012, ) and in the work of CBA`s member, Croatian Minister of Justice Orsat Miljeni, whom

is as you know directly responsible for illegal Perkovid`s Law i. e. Lex Perkovic, promoted in Croatian Parliament on Miljenid s proposal, although Croatian leading legal expert PhD Zlata urevid, professor of law at Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, publicly warned him (In Croatian leading daily Veernji list) as well all other representatives of Croatian Parliament that by promoting of Perkovid`s Law Croatia is violating its obliges towards the law of the EU (see her public statement on
the link:

Mentioned documents proving both Miljenid`s and CBA`s radical, shameless corruption were published on leading Croatian news portal (see the link: allready in May. The documents available in the Appendix of this official letter on the pages 1-5 are proving that minister Orsat Miljeni continued to officially work as a lawyer even after he was appointed the on the duty of Croatian Minister of Justice in December 2011. Document on page 4 of the Appendix is showing that he recevaed necessary power of attorney (Croatian word=punomod) for his representing the client i. e. legal acting on the behalf big molile phone company VIPnet d.o.o. in the case of foreclosure in January 2012, and by doing so, Miljenid consciously, directly violated Law on the Legal Profession i. e. Advocacy Law (=Zakon o odvjetnitvu), Article 54 (1) which runs like this: lanak 54. (1) Ako je odvjetnik izabran ili imenovan na kakvu pladenu javnu dunost, za vrijeme obnaanja te dunosti obavljanje odvjetnike djelatnosti miruje. i. e. : Article 54. (1) If an attorney is elected or appointed to any paid public office, in the period of his performance of that duty his attorney practice is stationary. By this direct violating of Law on the Legal Profession minister Miljenid also violated CBA`s Code of ethics as well as Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe`s (CCBE) Code of Conduct for Practitioners of Law, and therefore he should have been sanctioned by Croatian Bar Association. For that reason it is very interesting to see the reaction of Croatian Bar Association on Miljenid`s behavior. After they have seen all relevant documents available in the Appendix of this official letter (pages 2, 4, 5) proving that Miljenid broke the law as well as the Code of Ethics, they were asked by the journalist whom sent them those documents for their official attitude on this matter. Here is what they officially responded him in writing(!):

"Smatramo nemogudim da bi se ministar Miljenid pojavio kao punomodnik stranke i obavljao poslove zastupanja stranke za vrijeme dok obnaa dunost ministra pravosua jer i ministar Miljenid i suci sigurno znaju odredbe Zakona o parninom postupku i Zakona o odvjetnitvu, kao i pravne posljedice mirovanja odvjetnike djelatnosti (see the Appendix of this letter, page 3). i. e.: Our attitude is that it`s impossible that minister Miljenid appeared as counsel to parties and performed the tasks of representing the client during the time he has served as Minister of Justice because both minister Miljenid and the judges certainly know the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure and the Law on the Legal Profession, as well as the legal consequences of stationarity of his attorney practice. As you can see, although CBA`s officials saw the documents which are irrefutably proving that minister Miljenid appeared as counsel i. e lawyer to parties and performed the tasks of representing the client during the time he has served as Minister of Justice, (and by doing so he broke the law), CBA has an attitude that its impossible, despite all the evidences irrefutably proving contrary. There is a word in the dictionary for the person who is in direct conflict with reality, as in this and many other cases officials of the Croatian Bar Association are. I believe that now you can see Mrs Reding why famous Croatian lawyer and former president of the regional Bar Association of the City of Zagreb Mr Jadranko rnko told me (after I told him about my
case and the fact that CBA in 2010 three times officially stated that paying of taxes is not one of duties of the lawyer, which immoral and openly illegal official attitude they have paid this year with the humiliating obligation of introducing fiscal cash registers in every lawyer`s office as the only lawyer`s Bar in the world(!) which they -- after realizing that Ministry of Finance has recived from me mentioned compromising official documents issued by the CBA in 2010 -- shamefully accepted without opposing(!) ) that nobody normal doesn`t want anything to do with them in the Bar (=CBA)

which was the reason why he left his duty of the president of regional Bar Association of the City of Zagreb on his own demand in 2007. (see the article Rebellion of the lawyers against the Bar (=CBA) on the CD attached to my official letter sent on July, Folder I, File 2, page 10, also available on the link:

Unfortunately Mrs Reding, this kind of conscious illegal and destructive behaviour is a rule, not an exception in the work of the Croatian Bar Association. In my official letter sent on your address on July 3, I have sent you vast documentation of similar conscious illegal behaviour in many cases (see some the most drastic cases on CD attached to my official letter in Folder I, File 2, Chapters III-IX and Additions
4-11 also available on the same link: ; in Folder I, File 4, Chapters I III. Proofs 415, also available on the link: and in Folder 6, Files 1-6, especially File 1, also available on the link:

The most significant case of Croatian Bar Association`s malicious trampling of facts, law, international guild legislation and dignity of legal profession in the context of Miljenid`s illegal representing the client (by which he broke the Code of Civil Procedure and the Law on the Legal Profession) and CBA`s refusal to sanction him for such illegal behaviour although they had the documents which obliged them to do so is very similar case of the lawyer and Croatian Parliament representative Draen Bonjakovid, published on Croatian news portal in November, 2012, which I already mentioned in my official letter sent to CBA on January 24, 2013. (see CD attached to the official
letter sent on your address on July 3, 2013, Folder I, File 4, Chapter I. / 2., and Proof 6, also available on the link:

; as well as Folder VI, File 4, pages 4-5 also available on the link:

See my official letter sent on July 3, pages 4-5(ad: 5) and page 7(A).

As you can see from the articles attached on the pages 8, 11, 12 of the Appendix of this official letter, although lawyer Draen Bonjakovid became parliament representative and Deputy Minister of Justice in 2003., he continued his attorney practice til 2008., and by dong so he directly violated the same Article 54 of Law on the Legal Profession as minister Miljenid, which I previously exposed here at the pages 1-2. Later (201011) Bonjakovid also became Minister of Justice(!). When the journalists asked CBA for the official coment of Bonjakovid`s illegal practice as a lawyer in the same time when he was Croatian Parliament representative, the comment was not given by any of CBA`s officials, but by the secretary (=tajnica), which is not the lawyer nor the member of CBA, and therefore could not be responsible for the given legal opinion (!). Here is what the secretary said: Draen Bonjakovid se nije zaposlio u Hrvatskom saboru i nije u Hrvatskom saboru ostvarivao pravo na pladu nije dolo do uvjeta za obvezatno mirovanje obavljanje odvjetnike djelatnosti Zakon dozvoljava da se odvjetnik moe baviti odvjetnikom djelatnodu, ukoliko se prihvatio obnaanja neke nepladene dunosti i. e.: Draen Bonjakovid was not employed in the Croatian Parliament nor in the Croatian Parliament he realized the right to salary... (so) there was no requirement for his attorney practice to became stationary... law allows that attorney may engage in law business, if he undertook the exercise of some unpaid public office..." Although it is well known that parliament representatives are paid for their public office, I have checked was that also the case with representative Draen Bonjakovid. Croatian Army liutenat colonel Branko Kakarid who publicly spoke of Bonjakovid`s illegal attorney practice told me that Croatian Parliament sent him official confirmation that Draen Bonjakovid realized the right to salary there from April 1, 2005 till January 30, 2008 (see Appendix, page 15). I have already spoke with Mr Kakarid (address: Zinke Kunc 4, 10000 Zagreb) and in the case of my death in the hunger strike he can send you verified documentation proving that Bonjakovid illegaly continued his his attorney practice till 2008., so that you can to send it to the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) together with the copy of this official letter and a copy of my official letter sent on July 3, with a vast documentation of corruption in Croatian Bar Association on the attached CD. Liutenat colonel Branko Kakarid who spoke about of Bonjakovid`s illegal attorny practice was recently hospitalised in the psychiatric hospital (!) by the police (!), on the request of the Croatian government (!), after he announced that he decided to start his hunger strike in Bruxelles because of corruption in Croatian judiciary and trampling of his human rights. He was released after 3 days (!) as the result of public protest of Mrs Nada Landeka, president of the Association for the Protection of Victims of Croatian Judiciary (one of several organizations which are giving me a support for my hunger strike2) who officialy informed Mr Baroso about that scandalous, stalinist move of the Croatian authorities. Dear Mrs Reding, I would like to kindly ask you that in the case of my death in the hunger strike you send a copy of this official letter to the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) (address: Rue Joseph II 40 / 8, Bruxelles), so that CBA could be disbarred from its membership for the reason of repetitious malpractice and radical corruption, so if CBA will consciously send me to death, they won`t be able to do the same to nobody else. Something similar happened to Soviet Psychiatrist Bar who was - because of the reasons of conscious malpractice - expelled from all international guild associations from late 1970-es till 1991, which then led to the creation of 2 new Psychiatrist Bars in Russia, which were then recived in the membership of international guild associations. Mrs Reding, thank you in advance! Kind regards, Ante Vrankovi (handwritten signature)
In the attachment: Appendix (16 pages), (available on the link:

See my official letter sent on July 3, page 4, Chapter 2.

Postal confirmation of sending this official letter on July 20, 2013

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