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Douglas A.


PO Box 6603 Lincoln, NE 68506 August 10, 2013

Mr. Rex W. Tillerson ExxonMobil Corporation 5959 Las Colinas Blvd. Irving, TX 75039 Re: The Main Thing -- Water is endangered Dear Mr. Tillerson,

Reinvent - Replace Refineries with Renewables

With Tar Sands Development, Growing Concern on Water Use

Environmental questions about Canadas massive tar sands development have long centered on greenhouse gas emissions. Now there are mounting concerns about the huge volumes of water used by the oil industry and the impact on the vast Mackenzie River Basin. by ed struzik | August 5, 2013 | Yale

I will continue to remind you about your speech at the Boy Scouts of America Annual Meeting in May (video Imagine yourself the captain of a ship of state leading a change of course toward a world of lifepreserving carbon-free energy.

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