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Timiska aming, Wo olf Lake an nd Eagle Village First t Nations 6A Kate eri Street, T Timiskami ing Reserv ve Notre-D

Dame du N Nord, QC J0Z 3B0 0 Telepho one: 819-72 23-2019

PRES SS RELEAS SE Quebec c Politicians s Told a Con nsultation Protocol P is R Required wi ith Algonqu uins for Natu ural Res source Developments Occuring O on Algonquin Territories s (Kipawa, , Quebec/Au ugust 13, 201 13) The three Algonquin n Chiefs met t on August 12, 2013, wi ith Quebec Minister M of Aboriginal A Affairs, A liza abeth Larouc che, Rouyn-N NorandaT miscamingu ue Member of the Natio onal Assembly, Gilles Ch hapadeau an nd MRC Tm miscamingue e Prefect, Ar rnaud Warolin to discuss Algonquin A iss sues and con ncerns regard ding Quebec cs proposed d developmen nts he Aborigina al Rights and d Title of the e three Algon nquin First N Nations. on lands subject to th e Quebec po olitical repres sentatives were w presente ed with the A Algonquins Statement o on The three Asserted d Rights, wh hich was form mally transm mitted to the Quebec gov vernment in J January 2013. The Chie efs told Mini ister of Abor riginal Affai irs Larouche e that it has b been eight m months now s since Quebec has h been given notice of f the legal rig ghts of the th hree Algonqu uin First Nat tions and tha at now it is time for act tion! The Chie efs presented d Minister La arouche with h a proposal for a formal Consultatio on mechanis sm for mana aging natural l resource de evelopments occurring o on lands with hin the AbitibiTmiscam mingue and Outaouais re egions of Qu uebec that ar re subject to the three Al lgonquin Fir rst Nations Aboriginal Rights and Title. T efs told Mini ister Larouch he that a form mal Consult tation Protoc col is require ed for Algon nquin The Chie consultat tions and/or accommoda ation in proje ects or activi ities involvin ng natural re esources, suc ch as the Regio onal Board of o Elected Officials of Abitibi-Tmis A scamingue P Plan for Integ grated Land and Natural Resource R De evelopment of o Abitibi-T miscamingu ue (PRDIRT T), forestry, mining, the current re eview of a management m plan for Lak ke Kipawa a and other reg gional develo opments. Quebec Minister M of Aboriginal A Affairs, A liza abeth Larouc che, committ ted to discus ssing with a Quebec government g inter-departm mental comm mittee review wing the Alg gonquin sum mmary of evidence and sending g a letter bac ck to the thre ee Algonquin n Chiefs in a short time with Quebec cs response to the Algon nquin Chief fs proposal.

The Chiefs confirmed to the three Quebec political representatives that they were not opposed to sustainable development of the region, but that Algonquin involvement in natural resource plans and activities must occur through a formal Consultation Protocol consistent with the provincial governments legal duty to consult and accommodate First Nations, which was set out in the Supreme Court of Canadas 2004 Haida decision. -30For More Information Contact: Chief Madeleine Paul: Eagle Village First Nation Chief Terry McBride: Timiskaming First Nation Chief Harry St. Denis: Wolf Lake First Nation Office: (819) 627-3455

Office: (819) 723-2370

Office: (819) 627-3628

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