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Annotated Reference List Erica Priscella Grand Canyon University UNV-501 May 22, 2013

Annotated Reference List Annotated Reference List

Saveski, K.L.,& Brown, M.R. (2011). Developing a Classroom Management Plan: Using A Tiered Approach. Teaching Exceptional Children, 44(1), 8-17. The article discusses what Response to Intervention is and discussed different interventions that could be used by teachers for classroom management in their classroom. The article is scholarly because to the use of professional accounts and research. The article is peer-reviewed. Speece, D.L., Schatschneider, C., Silverman, R., Case, L., Cooper, D.H., & Jacobs, D. M. (2011). Identification of Reading Problems in First Grade within a Response-toIntervention Framework. Elementary School Journal, 111(4), 585-607. The article describes a study used to identify reading problems in first grade students using the RTI framework. The teachers uses a list of battery tests to determine if the students are at risk and are in need of early intervention in reading in the classroom. The article is scholarly because of the use of professional research and studies. The source of the article is peer-reviewed.

Ward, T. (2008). Voice, Vision, and the Journey Ahead: Redefining Access to the General Curriculum and Outcomes for Learners with Significant Support Needs. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 33(1), 241-248. The article discusses the integration of Special Education students back into the classroom. It provides information on what access was before and what it is now. Teresa Ward discusses RTI (Response to Intervention) and how it is to differentiated instruction for all learners in the classroom. The article is scholarly

Annotated Reference List because it is uses professional accounts and research. The source of the article is peer reviewed.

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