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Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

Solve Questions
Ques – 1: Is there anyway to view the output of an ASP page
without having a Web Server?
Ans: No. You can view the contents of an ASP page by using
Notepad or any other text editor, but you cannot execute an ASP
page and view its HTML results without having an ASP-enabled
Web server installed. Of course, if the ASP page does not exist on
your machine but rather on a Web server somewhere else, you
can view the output of that ASP page using a standard Web
Ques – 2: How do I put my ASP pages on the Internet? I have
installed a Web Server on my computer, but only I can access
these ASP pages.
Ans: To place your ASP-enabled Web site on the Internet, you will
need to work with a Web hosting company. These companies have
direct connections to the Internet and can help you get your Web
site on the Internet for a small monthly fee. By working with these
companies, you can have your own domain name and Internet
Ques – 3: Can server-side scripting and client-side scripting
Ans: Sure. You can certainly use both in the same page. There are
many circumstances in which you will want to. You just have to
remember that they can coexist, but they cannot really

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

cooperate. They cannot share data or communicate back and

Ques – 4: Which is faster: System DSN or DSN-less connections?
Ans: It is though to say for sure which way is faster. Microsoft’s
performance tips page says using a System DSN is faster. Other
sources disagree. Recent testing seems to indicate, though, that
DSN-less connections are actually slightly better.

Ques – 5: How can I improve performance when connecting to an

Access database?
Ans: The connections in this Day go through the OLEDB ODBC
driver. If you are using a recent enough version of ADO, you can
use a direct OLEDB connection instead. We mentioned this earlier
n the Day, but if you want more information, it is available on the

Objective Questions
 True and False
1. Microsoft® Active server pages (ASP) is a client-side scripting
environment that can be used to create and run dynamic,
interactive, high-performance web applications.
2. Only a working knowledge of HTML is required to begin using
3. The Internet is based on the Client-Server model.
4. ASP pages can only be run on Microsoft Web servers.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

5. Active Server Pages do not run on Microsoft Personal Web

6. It’s easy to create an .asp file just rename any HTML file,
replacing the existing. .htm or .html extension with .asp.
7. ASP cannot be run from the file system as HTML pages can.
8. ASP enables the inclusion of executable scripts directly in HTML
9. With ASP scripting, any scripting language can be used for
which there is an appropriate scripting engine to use with the
Web server.
10.Active X Components cannot be used with ASP.
11.There is no primary scripting language in ASP scripting. The
language must be indicated using the HTML tag <Script
Language=”Scripting Language name ”> </Script>
12. Is it possible to mix scripting languages in a single .asp file?

13.From the perspective of the Web Server, an Active server Page

is very different from a normal HTML page.
14.From the perspective of the browser, on the other hand, an
Active Server Page is almost exactly the same as a normal
HTML page.
15.The ASP scripting engine is a COM (Component Object Model)
object that process scripts.
16.Active Server Pages provide a scripting environment for a
number of other scripting languages, including Jscript, Java
Script and Perl, and others.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

17.ASP is not a scripting language; rather, ASP provides an

environment that processes scripts that are incorporated into
HTML pages.
18.In the case of ActiveX object, an instance of an object need not
be created before it can be used.
19. The Server object is used to store and retrieve information

that can be shared among all users of an application.

20. The Lock method allows the modifications of the contents of

the variables stored in the application object.

21. Only when the Unlock method is called explicitly the Web

sever unlocks application variables when the script ends or

times out.
22. The Application_OnEnd event occurs before the
Session_OnEnd event.
23. One can call the MapPath method in the Application_OnEnd

24. Referencing the Session, Request, or Response objects in the

Application_OnStart event script does not cause an error.

25. The Request object can be used to access all information sent

in a request from a browser to the server.

26. The ClientCertificate collection retrieves the certification
fields (specified in the X.509 standard) from the request issued
by the Web Browser.
27.Notepad can be used to create and edit ASP pages?
 Fill In The Blanks

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

1. Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) is a ___________

___________ environment that can be used to create and run
dynamic, interactive, high-performance web applications.
2. Only a working knowledge of ______________ is required to begin
using ASP.
3. Active Server Pages _______ _________ Microsoft Personal Web
4. It’s easy to create an .asp file just ____________any HTML file,
replacing the ___________. htm or .htm extension with .asp.
5. ASP _________________ be run from the file system as HTML
pages can.
6. ASP enables the _______________________ of executable scripts
directly in HTML files.
7. With ASP scripting, any scripting language can be used for
which there is an appropriate ___________ ___________________
to use with the Web server.
8. Active X components____________________ be used with ASP.
9. The_____________________________ scripting language is ASP
scripting is_______________________.
10.Is it possible to _______________________scripting language in a
single .asp file.
11.From the perspective of the Web Server, an Active Server Page
is very ____________________from a normal HTML page.
12.From the perspective of the browser, on the other hand, an
Active Server Page is almost the same as a
normal HTML page.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

13.The ASP scripting engine is a ________________________ object

that process scripts.
14.Active Server Pages provides a scripting environment for a
number of other scripting languages,
including_________________________, __________________________,
____________________, and others.
15.ASP is not a scripting language, rather, ASP provide an
_________________________that processes scripts that are
incorporated into HTML pages
16.In the case of an ____________, an instance of the object needs
to be explicitly created before it can be used.
17.The ___________ object is used to store and retrieve information
that can be shared among all users of an application.
18.The _____________ method blocks other clients from modifying
the content of the variables stored in the application object.
19.If the ____________ method is not called explicitly the web
server unlocks application variables when the script ends or
times out.
20. The _______________ event occurs when the application quits

after the Session_OnEnd event.

21. One cannot call the _____________ method in the
Aplication_OnEnd script.
22.Refreshing the session, request or response objects in the
__________ event script causes an error.
23.The ____________ object can be use to access all information
sent in a request from a browser to the server.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

24.The _______________ collection retrieves the certification fields

from the request issued by the web browser.
25.The HasKeys attribute is used to determine whether a cookie is
a _____________.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

Short Questions
1. What is the difference between the Static and Dynamic
2. How ASP is different than the Client-Side scripting?
3. How does a Web server handle ASP page requests differently
than static HTML page requests?
4. What Microsoft Web server is needed to run ASP pages on
Windows 95, Windows 987, or Windows NT Workstation?
5. What version of Internet Information Server do you need to be
running to use ASP 3.0?
6. What is the default root physical directory when installing both
Personal Web Server and Internet Information Server?
7. If you created an ASP file in
C:\InetPub\wwwroot\scripts\hello.asp, where c:\IntePut\wwwroot
was your Web’s root physical directory, what URL could you use
to access hello.asp from your machine?
8. What is wrong with this code?
<% Response. Write “Hello, World”
9. What kind of scripting is the <SCRIPT> tag used for?
10. What does Response.Write do?

11. What is the shortcut alternative to Response.Write?

12. What does the Connection object do?

13. What does the ConnectionString property do?

14.What is a System DSN?

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

15.How are DSN-less connections tricky?

16. What does the Recordset object do?

17.How can you keep from moving beyond the end of a

18.How do you access a field value in the current record?
19.Define ODBC, DAO, RDO, ADO and OLEDB.
20.Define CGI, ISAPI, ASP.
21.Draw figure showing the hierarchy of data access.

Long Questions
1. What can server-side scripting do that client-side scripting
2. Write an ASP page that displays the current time using ASP?
3. What are the things an ASP page can contain or Write about
the composition of any ASP page.
4. Describe the Client-Server model of Internet.
5. Discuss in detail the Active Server Pages model.
6. Draw figure that shows the Components of an ASP page and
describe each one of them.
7. Describe the process involved in Creating, Developing and
Running an ASP page.
8. What is GLOBAL.ASA? Discuss its working in detail.
9. Describe briefly the fundamental built-in ASP Objects.
10.Describe the most commonly used Data Sources.
11.Describe all the Six objects available in ASP for data access.
Also draw diagram showing their relations.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

12.What is the basic difference between a connection established

through System DSN and the DSN less connection.
13.Discuss the process for reading and displaying data from the
14.What is Electronic Commerce?
15.Describe Business-to-Business, Business-to-Customer, and
Customer-to- Customer e-Commerce.
16.Mention the H/W and S/W requirement for E-Commerce.
17.List various Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Commerce.
18.Discuss the benefits of E-Commerce.
19.Mention various Issues in E-Commerce.

Jatin Soni : 9904181899 : Hi Friends.

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