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Mathematics Teaching & Learning Experiences

Develop a range of mental

Term 3

Wk 2


Develop a range of mental strategies & informal recording methods for add & sub. Record number sentences using drawings, numerals, symbols and words


strategies & informal recording methods for add & sub. Record number sentences using drawings, numerals, symbols and words

Develop a range of mental strategies & informal recording methods for add & sub. Record number sentences using drawings, numerals, symbols and words


Aspect: EAS
Problem of the Day: 10 min whole number
stating the place value of digits in two-digit numbers eg in the number 32, the 3 represents 30 or 3 tens using the terms more than and less than to compare numbers using a number line or hundreds chart to assist with counting and ordering counting forwards and backwards by twos, fives and tens, on and off the decade

Aspect: EAS
Problem of the Day: 10 min whole number
stating the place value of digits in two-digit numbers eg in the number 32, the 3 represents 30 or 3 tens using the terms more than and less than to compare numbers using a number line or hundreds chart to assist with counting and ordering counting forwards and backwards by twos, fives and tens, on and off the decade

Aspect: EAS
Problem of the Day: 10 min whole number
stating the place value of digits in two-digit numbers eg in the number 32, the 3 represents 30 or 3 tens using the terms more than and less than to compare numbers using a number line or hundreds chart to assist with counting and ordering counting forwards and backwards by twos, fives and tens, on and off the decade

Modelled/Explicit Teaching: Race to Target (10, 20 or 30) Demonstrate using race to 10. Students work with a partner. Roll a dice and place that number of counters on tens frame. Record the roll and how many left til the target on the recording sheet (ie if racing to 10 and the roll is 3, there is 7 left til the target). Players continue and take turns. Winner is the first person to reach the target number.

Modelled/Explicit Teaching: Race to Target continued Demonstrate using Race to 30. Demonstrate counting by 10 when identifying how many left til target. Goal is for students to count empty tens frames as 10, 20 and not count each empty square.

Modelled/Explicit Teaching: Doubles Students practice doubling by rolling a dice and doubling the number. Record. Differentiate using different dice dot dice, numeral dice, 12 sided dice, tens dice, 100s dice, etc

Whole Class Reflection/Evaluation: Resources: tens frames, dice

Whole Class Reflection/Evaluation: Resources: tens frames, dice

Whole Class Reflection/Evaluation: . Resources: tens frames, dice

Mathematics Teaching & Learning Experiences

Recognise the need for metres & centimetres & use them to estimate & measure length & distance Problem of the Day:

Recognise the need for metres & centimetres & use them to estimate & measure length & distance Problem of the Day:



10 min whole number counting forwards or backwards by ones, from a given two-digit number identifying the number before and after a given two-digit number reading and using the ordinal names to at least thirty-first eg when reading calendar dates representing two-digit numbers using numerals, words, objects and pictures

10 min whole number counting forwards or backwards by ones, from a given two-digit number identifying the number before and after a given two-digit number reading and using the ordinal names to at least thirty-first eg when reading calendar dates representing two-digit numbers using numerals, words, objects and pictures

Modelled/Explicit Teaching: How Big is Your Foot? Students draw an outline of their shoe and mark the length to be measured by using markers such as a green dot at the start, and a red dot at the end. Students then select an informal unit to measure the length of their shoe print. Students repeat this process using a different informal unit and discuss why different results were obtained. They then record the results.

Modelled/Explicit Teaching: Body Parts In small groups, students use body parts as units of length. They record the results in a table and compare different students measures of the same dimension. Possible questions include: . Were your measurements the same? Why not? . What could you use to measure more accurately?

Whole Class Reflection/Evaluation:

Whole Class Reflection/Evaluation:



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