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Penatalaksanaan 1.

Non-farmakologi : Cholecystectomy Laparaoscopic choleystectomy Kontra indikasi untuk laparoscopic cholecystectomy : o o o High risk for general anesthesia Morbid obesity Signs of gallbladder perforation, such as abscess, peritonitis, or fistula Giant gallstones or suspected malignancy End-stage liver disease with portal hypertension and severe coagulopathy

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2. Farmakologi : Mengatasi kolesterol : o Ezetimibe (Zetia) is a newer drug that lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol by working in the digestive tract to reduce the absorption of cholesterol. It is sometimes prescribed along with a statin. Niacin (nicotinic acid), a B vitamin, lowers LDL and triglyceride levels, and is very effective in raising HDL cholesterol levels. Side effects include hot flashes, nausea, indigestion, gas, and high blood sugar. A newer medication, Advicor, combines niacin to boost "good" cholesterol and lovastatin to lower "bad" cholesterol.

Analgetik : o Meperidine untuk menghilangkan nyeri dan menimbulkan spasme saluran empedu. Sedian : Tab 50 mg dan 100 mg. Dosis : 50-100 mg parenteral.

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Antikolinergik : o Pencegahan Duclomine hydrochloride untuk menurunkan kontraksi vesica fellea.

1. Diet untuk mencegah supersaturasi kolesterol. 2. Meningkatkan motilitas vesica fellea. 3. Reducing sekresi mukus. 4. Cukup minum untuk mempertahankan keseimbangan cairan tubuh. Komplikasi 1. Empyema (pus in the gallbladder and abdominal cavity). 2. Ganggren & perforasi. 3. Gallstone ileus. 4. Cancer. Prognosis Quo ad vitam : dubia ad bonam.

Quo ad functionam : dubia ad bonam. Quo ad sanationam : dubia ad bonam.

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