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Case of the Stolen White House Flag

Director Mysteries
By Malik Vamara Kon Kaniga Illustrated by Nifa Kon Kaniga

Chapter 1
Hi my name is Eric. My detective partners are Ron and Mia. We are the Director Mysteries. We get paid for our job 25 cents. We solve cases for people like when Rons Mom lost her wallet in summer. I biked at Rons house. I rang the doorbell. We have another case in our hand I exclaimed. The President needs our help I said. Why asked Ron. He said the American Flag, has been stolen I announced he said there was a fortune inside. Ron hurried to the phone to call Mia. Ron says that shes like the Brain. The phone started ringing. No one picked up. Lets go to her house said Ron. We biked over at Mias house. What was the fortune? Ron asked. It was a lot I told him. Hi guys whats the rush Mia said at the front of her steps. Best news

Ron shouted. The President invited us to solve a mystery Ron said. We went back to our houses. I called a taxi. We left a note for our parents. We got our bags and went in. He dropped us

off at the front of the Airport. Your airplane ready said a man in a tuxedo. There we saw a private jet. I found out that we were the only ones! Then a lady came out of the cockpit. Hi Im Captain Wassler your fly attendant for to this trip to Washington D.C. The waiter gave us a menu. We all chose pizza, soda, and ice cream for dessert. We got blankets to sleep. Then I felt a slight bump. Were here I said. We saw the President waiting outside. There was a helicopter outside. Were going on a helicopter, this is the coolest thing that ever happened to me shouted Ron. What happened to the flag I asked. Well, I saw some spies he told me.

Chapter 2
Spies you mean your agents. No! They landed on the roof top of the White House. There he showed us where the flag was stolen. How did the flag get stolen? When I was going to Dr. Frons lab I saw spies swinging there ropes. They took the flag he said in a sad voice. What was in the flag Ron asked.

$5,000,000 I answered. Mia said even though they are spies doesnt mean they did it. Who else works in the building? What do they do? asked Ron. Well, our cook Mrs. Burnsy is the Chef, Mr. Conar does the window, and our servant is Mr. Obrian and my agent Mcafre and Tocmob. Hmm, this Conar sounds familiar I said. How about you take a tour in Washington The President said. Beep! Beep! The taxi was waiting. Have a nice tour he said from the window. Once we came back we saw the flag. This is weird I said. Didnt he say that the flag was stolen? Great news, I got a new flag. Why asked Mia. The other was priceless. Then we came in a shock. How about the money asked Ron? Mia found something. It was a note. It said: This is our money and our terms to buy a new invention. A new invention. What could that mean? We thought. President Mackaro, you said that you went to Dr.

Frons lab, for what? Mia asked. Well to see his new invention he told. Can we see Dr. Fron Ron asked. Well of course. The President held out a card and swiped it down. He opened the door. We found Dr. Fron fixing something. Marge, I heard about the flag Dr. Fron said. How is the new experiment? I need more pieces. What are you building I asked. A time machine. Dr. Fron do you know by any chance whos letter this is asked Mia. Well no, I dont care for money, I do my assignment to get money, I got a good photo of the crooks he said. Look. The tape started. The thieves jumped up and climbed. They took the flag. Before we could see their faces, Dr. Fron spilled his coffee on the key board. No, now we cant find who they are shouted the President. Well its getting dark you kids should go to bed. He led us inside the White House and took us upstairs. There were three

beds. Good night. Ron and Mia went to sleep. But I didnt. I kept on thinking if Dr. Fron did it on purpose or he was drinking his coffee. He was up to something.

Chapter 3
Mia was still sleeping. Ron and I ate breakfast. I saw Mr. Conar wiping the window. He looked nervous. Ron was going to wake up Mia but she was already awake. Mia I asked. You think that Mr. Conar stole the flag? She couldnt answer. After, the President came out, and the note says to buy a new invention. But if he did it that means the spies are working for him Ron said. Why didnt he put the flag back Mia asked. Well maybe he called the Flag Company to bring a new one exclaimed the President. But why wouldnt he go get the flag he asked. If he left it would be easy to find the flag Ron said. Wrong I said. Wouldnt his spies, be protecting his lab. The President had an idea. If the spies were watching Dr. Frons lab then we could go to the underground basement. His lab is right under it.

The President gave us each a flashlight. We went down. Ron was frightened. It was dark. Buzz! Buzz! Oh no said the President.

Its time for my meeting. You kids cant go alone he said in a low voice. The President left, we followed him. We had a feeling we might follow. There was a little opening. We listen.

They were talking about the flag. After they talked about Dr. Fron. They agreed that Dr. Fron would be arrested. We listened more, but Mia opened the door and stopped them. We need a trap she said. Everyone stared at her. We can make a trap Dr. Fron and his spies, thats the time we can arrest them. Mr. President, please call your agents I said. Do you think theyre the spies he said. Its obvious that theyre not around sometimes I said. If it was them they will be guarding the lab! So the President called his agents. Agent M, Agent T shouted the President. So we went to the lab and saw the spies. Youre right my agents are spies. Lets plan a trap I said. If we call the police they could escape easily from the basement I said. Why would they join him in the first place Ron asked. So they could buy the White House.


Chapter 4
We planned a trap for the spies first. We went down the basement. We opened the bottom of his floor. We placed a net on the floor. Boom! Boom! Boom! I heard footsteps. We went back down to the basement. "Oof. They got stuck. You are under arrest said the president. But I was checking if Dr. Fron and if he was finished said Agent T when he was gone. Have you seen Dr. Fron said a voice outside. It was Mr. Conar. He winked at the agent. No, thats why I went to his lab. Tell me when he comes he said. Mr. Conar why do you need Dr. Fron Mia asked. Well, I need 5,000,000 dollar he said. For what asked Ron? He has 5,000,000 dollars and he promised me he will give it to me, and then I could buy my own White House. How did he get the money? He stole it. And I lied;


I was going to bring the money to you. Youre not Mr. Conar I said. Youre Dr. Fron, youre in disguise. Hello said a voice. It was Mr. Conar. Thats the real one Ron said. How about a contest Mia said. The President called the police just in case we find the fake one. I will never steal money said Mr. Conar.


Chapter 5
I know for sure that Mr. Conar is my apprentice the President said. The President was lying. What is Mr. Conar favorite sport the President said. Tennis is his favorite sport said the first one. I wonder how Dr. Fron got to copy Mr. Conar whispered Ron. I wondered why he chose Mr. Conar I said. I thought that he was innocent and always tells the truth. What is his favorite color asked the President. Both said blue. Both were incorrect. I thought the real one would say orange. Maybe the President doesnt know Mr. Conar well. How does Mr. Conar eat asked the President. With a spoon said the second. Mr. President I know who is the real Mr. Conar, its so simple he doesnt eat with a spoon I said. He wipes the window with his right hand, a spoon doesnt have ends only a


fork I said. I had thought well. And Mr. Conar has a longer nose. Hmm! Lets take off their masks Ron said. We tried to take off both of their faces but it was sticked on. Ron noticed a bird coming down on the second Mr. Conar. The bird pulled off its mask. It was only because he didnt know Mr. Conar well. It was agent T disguised as Mr. Conar.


Wouldnt be Dr. Fron Mia asked? No I said Dr. Fron is it but he sent a spy to do it so he has time to buy the White House instead of making the new invention. Does that mean the invention was a hologram asked Ron. It was a junk but he paints it to look new one said Mia. Dr. Fron must still be in his lab the President said. Look! He has the money with him! whispered Ron. The policeman slammed the door opened. Youre under arrest Doctor the Policeman said. I could have gotton away with it Dr. Fron said. Mr. President are you going to arrest your other agent Mia asked. I think he learned his lesson said the President. We celebrated with soda, pizza, and ice cream. After the President took us to the Airport. The case was solved. But one thing. The President looked worried. Mr. President whats wrong Mia asked. I dont have a science


man. Ron smiled. Mr. President my Doctor does science Ron said. This case was solved and there will be more.


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