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Components of the First Year Fitness Test

The 1.5 Mile Run Test

This test is the simplest and most accurate means of evaluating cardiorespiratory fitness. The 1.5 mile run test is an excellent assessment for college-age students. The objective of the test is to complete a 1.5 mile distance on the indoor track in the shortest possible time. This distance can be covered by running or jogging. For less fit individuals, the test becomes a run/walk test. A good strategy is to try to keep a steady pace during the entire distance.

The Push-Up Test

The standard push-up test is used to evaluate muscular endurance. Your hands should be placed approximately shoulder width, and your legs should be extended in a straight line with your weight placed on your toes. The objective is to drop down and touch the automated push-up counter with your chest and see how many you can perform in 60 seconds.

The Sit-Up Test

The bent knee sit-up test is probably the best known field test to evaluate abdominal muscle endurance. Begin by lying on your back with your arms crossed on your chest. Your knees should be bent at approximately 90 degree angles, with your feet on the floor. The complete sit-up is performed by bringing your chest up to touch your knees and returning to the original lying position. The goal is to see how many sit-ups may be performed in 60 seconds. This test evaluates not only abdominal muscle endurance but hip muscle endurance as well.

The Sit and Reach Flexibility Test

The sit and reach test measures the ability to flex the trunk, which means stretching the lower back muscles and the muscles in the back of the thigh (hamstrings). Start by sitting upright with your feet flat against the box. Keeping your feet flat on the box and your legs straight, extend your hands as far forward as possible and hold this position for 3 seconds. Repeat this procedure three times. Your score on the sit and reach test is the distance, in inches, between the edge of the box closest to you and the tips of your fingers during the best of your three stretching efforts.

Activities that Will Help to Self Improve Weak 1.5 mile Run Test 1. Intro to fitness 2. Cycling 3. Swimming for fitness 4. Hiking 5. Fencing 6. Cross- country skiing 7. Tennis 8. Racquetball 9. Pickleball 10. Latin & American Dance 11. Ice skating 12. Volleyball Weak Push-Up Test 1. Weight training 2. Intro to fitness 3. Climbing wall 4. Swimming for fitness 5. Fencing 6. Yoga 7. Self defense 8. Ice skating Weak Sit-Up Test 1. Intro to fitness 2. Swimming for fitness 3. Cross-country skiing 4. Down- hill skiing 5. Yoga 6. Fencing 7. Self defense 8. Ice skating 9. Weight training Weak Sit & Reach Test 1. Intro to fitness 2. Yoga 3. Fencing 4. Latin & American Dance 5. Self defense 6. Weight training 7. Golf 8. Karate

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