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Vmbry rmin s kora

Nemzetkzi tudomnyos konferencia Vmbry rmin hallnak szzadik vfordulja alkalmbl

2013. szeptember 13. Budapest, Etvs Lornd Tudomnyegyetem, llam- s Jogtudomnyi Kar, Aula Magna

International Conference Held on the 100th Anniversary of Arminius Vmbrys Death

September 13, 2013 Budapest, Etvs Lornd University, Faculty of Law, Aula Magna

Arminius Vmbry and His Age

A Vmbry rmin Centenriumi Emlkbizottsg, az Etvs Lornd Tudomnyegyetem s az MTA Blcsszettudomnyi Kutatkzpont tisztelettel meghvja nt a Vmbry rmin (18321913) hallnak szzadik vfordulja tiszteletre megrendezett nemzetkzi tudomnyos konferencira. 10:00 MEGNYIT- s KSZNTBESZDEK Marth Mikls, a Magyar Tudomnyos Akadmia alelnke, a Vmbry rmin Centenriumi Emlkbizottsg elnke Mezey Barna, az Etvs Lornd Tudomnyegyetem rektora Nmeth Zsolt, a Klgyminisztrium parlamenti llamtitkra 10:30 10:40 11:05 11:30 12:55 DLELTTI PROGRAM: Vmbry, a tuds s politikai kzvett Hazai Gyrgy: Nyitbeszd Vsry Istvn: Vmbry rmin, a turkolgia ttrje Mustafa S. Kaaln: Vmbry rmin keleti-trk kutatsai (a agataische Sprachstudien) Jacob Landau: Vmbry rmin s II. Abdulhamid

request the honour of your presence to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the passing away of Arminius Vmbry. You are cordially invited to attend the one-day symposium and to join our international audience of scholars and other guests. 10:00 WELCOME ADDRESSES Mikls Marth, Vice-President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, President of the Arminius Vmbry Centennial Committee Barna Mezey, Rector of the Etvs Lornd University Zsolt Nmeth, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Hungary 10:30 10:40 11:05 11:30 12:55 MORNING SESSION: Vmbry the scholar and political expert Gyrgy Hazai: Opening address Istvn Vsry: Arminius Vmbry, a pioneer of Turkic studies Mustafa S. Kaaln: Arminius Vmbry and his Eastern-Turkic research (agataische Sprachstudien) Jacob Landau: Arminius Vmbry and Abdul Hamid II

The Arminius Vmbry Centennial Committee, the Etvs Lornd University and the Research Centre for the Humanities, HAS

13:0014:00 EBDSZNET 14:00 14:25 14:50 15:15 15:40 16:00 DLUTNI PROGRAM: Vmbry, az utaz s kzleti szemlyisg Barbara Kellner-Heinkele: Bukhara vzii sszehasonlt rtkels Vmbry rmin s George Nathaniel Curzon utazsrl Ruth Bartholom: Vmbry rmin s kzp-zsiai utazsnak rtkelse tegnap s ma Melek olak: Gondolatok Vmbry rmin kzp-zsiai utazsnak fontossgrl az Oszmn Birodalom, Anglia s Oroszorszg szempontjbl Csirks FerencFodor Gbor: Hrom birodalom szolglatban Vmbry rmin mint kzleti szemlyisg A KONFERENCIA ZRSA

13:0014:00 LUNCH BREAK 14:00 AFTERNOON SESSION: Vmbry the traveller and public figure Barbara Kellner-Heinkele: Visions of Bukhara A comparative look at the travels of Arminius Vmbry and George Nathaniel Curzon Ruth Bartholom: The perception of Arminius Vmbry and his journey in Central Asia yesterday and today Melek olak: Thoughts on the significance of Arminius Vmbrys travel in Central Asia from the Ottoman, British and Russian angle Ferenc CsirksGbor Fodor: Serving three empires Arminius Vmbry as a public figure CONCLUSION


14:50 15:15





Helyszn: MTA Knyvtr s Informcis Kzpont Az MTA Keleti Gyjtemnye amelynek egyik legrtkesebb rsze ppen Vmbrynek ksznheti ltrejttt sok Vmbryhez kapcsold anyagot tartalmaz. Kelecsnyi gnes, a Gyjtemny vezetje s munkatrsai ezekbl kisebb kamarakilltst rendeznek, amelynek megnyitjra a konferencia napjn, annak vgeztvel kerl sor. Ezenkvl az MTA Keleti Gyjtemnye trk anyagt gondoz turkolgus munkatrs, Kovcs Nndor Erik vezetsvel kisebb munkacsoport alakult, amely olyan Vmbry-honlapot kvnt ltrehozni, amelyen a tuds letre s munkssgra vonatkoz legfontosabb adatok, rsos s kpi dokumentumok, valamint rvid tudomnyos sszefoglalk kapnak helyet, s amely a ksbbiekben folyamatosan bvl majd. A Vmbry-honlap nneplyes bemutatsra a killts megnyitjn kerl sor.



Venue: Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences The Oriental Collection of the Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), an extremely valuable section of which was established by Vmbry, comprises a conspicuous material related to Vmbry himself. gnes Kelecsnyi, Head of the Collection and her colleagues have organised a small exhibition the official opening of which will take place after the conclusion of the conference. In addition, Nndor Erik Kovcs, curator of the Turkish Department of the Oriental Collection, with the assistance of a small working team, created a new website dedicated to Vmbrys life and activities. The website contains important pieces of information concerning the scholars life and work, MNY O as well as written and visual documents. Besides, brief surveys of different scholarly topics will also be available on the website which is planned to be continuously updated and enlarged in the future. The memorial website will officially be presented at 182 5 the opening ceremony of the exhibition.


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