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Martin Enrie Ramos


Quiz: what is right or wrong

1. James Rachel – right: is that you shouldn’t be unselfish if you have power. Wrong: is that you
use power for self-interest.
2. John Arthur- right: is that in order for people to behave or to do good it depend on people’s
religion & interest. Wrong: is that if we neglect our own religion to do bad things.
3. Fredrich Nietzche- right: is that the one who has power should take control of people. Wrong: is
that the one who has power and who abuse it is a bad person.
4. Mary Midgely- right: is that you shouldn’t practice you own tradition if your on the different
place. Wrong: is that you practice your tradition in other places/country.
5. Stuart Mill- right: is that the majority should take control and the least number of people should
be slaves. Wrong: is that minority should take control.
6. James Rachels- right: right actions are simply, those that have best consequences. Wrong: is that
having least consequences.
7. Immanuel Kant- right: is that think first before you act. Wrong: is that you act before you think.
8. Aristotle- right: is that in order for us to be happy we shouldn’t seek pleasure in that happiness.
Wrong: is that we seek pleasure first to find happiness.
9. Joel Feinberg- right: is that people must have right, their own right as an individual person.
Wrong: is that some people neglect people’s rights.
10. Ronald Dworkin- right: is that people must take their own responsibility on their rights. Wrong:
is that if you interfere with the rights of people.
11. John Rawls- right: is that all people are equal regardless of their wealth. Wrong: is that some
people think their above all others and abuse there power and affect people.

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