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Newsletter Date Volume 1, Issue 1

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German Government
Germany is made up of 16 states. These states are named SchleswigHolstein, Lower Saxony, Bremen, Hamburg, MecklenburgWest Pomerania, North RhineWestphalia, SaxonyAnhalt, Brandenburg, Berlin Hesse, Thuringia, SaxonyRhinelandPalatinate, Saarland, BadenWrttemberg, and Bavaria. Each one of these has a separate governmeny, their own constituition, and legislature.

Defense, foreign affairs and finance are all subjects that these states can not pass laws.

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More Info on Germanys ThisGovernment country is a parliamentary council which consists of 69 people;
government. It was governed under the constitituion of 1949 and by 1990 it became its own for a united Germany. Their presidents are elected for a five year term and dont have much influence on the government. The chancellor is the person who is in charge of the government and is elected for a four year term. They have a federal three to six per state based off population. There is also a federal assembly which consists of six hundred and fourteen deputies. These people serve for four years and are elected for the position.

Government System in

Government System in

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