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Structure of the skeleton

Wayne Rooney, Andy Murray, and Usain Bolts skeletons consist of the following classifications of joint:

Immoveable (fibrous) joint:

Immoveable joint Between the flat bones that make up the skull.

There is no movement possible between the bones.

Immoveable joint Fibrous joint (immoveable) Fixed joints bones are fused together.

Structure of the skeleton

Wayne Rooney, Andy Murray, Amir Khan and Usain Bolts skeletons consist of the following classifications of joint:

Slightly Moveable
(cartilaginous) joint:
There is only a slight movement possible between the bones.

Joints of vertebral column.

Slightly moveable joints have only limited range of movement due to cartilage tissue.

Structure of the skeleton

Wayne Rooney, Andy Murray, Amir Khan and Usain Bolts skeletons consist of the following classifications of joint:

Freely moveable (synovial) Joint:

Complex joints bones are linked by ligaments. The end of the bones are covered with smooth hyaline cartilage. They have a joint cavity, synovial membrane, synovial fluid and a joint capsule.

Freely moveable Joint

Freely moveable Joint in the knee The joints are able to move freely. They can move freely but this does not automatically mean there are lots of movement possible

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