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Solar Facts Breakdown


Mercury was the Roman or Latin name for the messenger of the Gods. His Greek name was Hermes. The word Hermes ears a great deal of !honetics as well as "isual similarity to the word s!erm. # further similarity can also e seen in the functions that each !erforms. $ust as Hermes was the messenger of the Gods% so the s!erm is that life material y which the messenger or heredity transmission is from the father to his re!roduced self. This is the true significance of Hermes or Mercury. &t relates to God's s!erm. &t is ()%***%*** miles from the Sun% and in these mathematics% a further re"elation is made. &t is that +nderstanding or child rought a out y the ,-uality of the s!erm through the !rocess known as Birth. .(/)012.


3enus is the Latin name of their Goddess of Lo"e% from the Su!reme #l!ha ets% we know that this mathematics of lo"e is knowledge 4isdom .562 and with this knowledge% 3enus' true nature can e deci!hered. 7nowledge is only the self of #lmighty God #llah. 4isdom is only the secondary as!ect of his self through which the self reality is !roduced. This is his woman or 3enus8 she is actually an e9em!lified re!roduction in the highest and most efficient form. &t assumes in this !resent day and time. Throughout reality% there can e no such thing as a female God or Goddess as they are called. &t can e easily understood why a made man would ele"ate her to his or this status% and his woman can in no way com!are with ours in regards to the earing of the fruit% child of


lo"e or any other feminine -uality for that matter. She is ):%***%*** miles from the Sun and in these mathematics can e seen and reminded of the facts that ecame of our woman eing .)2 si9% she is not e-ual to God% and must e at all times mastered .)/:05(2 and dominated to kee! her acti"ities within the ounds of her culture &slam. .5/(0;2 ,arth the !lanet that holds the distinction of eing the home of the <ation of &slam% as known in Roman mythology as =Geo or Gaia>. This root meaning =,arth> can e seen in words geogra!hy and geo!hysics .science of !hysical force affecting the ,arth2. This is the !lanet through which God irthed the understanding of his self. Thus% she is 1(%***%*** miles away from the Sun. These mathematics also show that it is on this !lanet


that God orn in a form that can e seen mentally as well as !hysically. &t should e o ser"ed that in order for an o ?ect to e seen y the !hysical eye8 it must e at least three .(2 dimensions% lacking one of these dimensions is an illusion% thus all things are com!osed of ( dimensions. #lso% the mathematics of 1( shows that ecause of the ,arth eing woman% it is our duty to draw her u! and orn to her all understanding that we want her to ha"e. @nly the Sun is a le to draw reality out of the ,arth's gra"itational field. Mars this is the fourth !lanet. The Roman God for 4ar. From o ser"ing !resent day of circumstances% we easily arri"e at the conclusions that war is eing contrary to God's "ery nature and character as e9em!lified y his greeting. 4ar is a state of affairs


that the grafted man thri"es off of. He maintains his "ery e9istence off of war. This is how he co"ered his way to the to! of the !olitical system and the !eriod of rule that was !redicted of him. The mathematics of this !lanet's distance from the Sun% show that other than God is eing the causer of war. These mathematics also show that the knowledge .52 is the origin of all cultures .;2% e"en the said one of the colored man .62 as confirmed y the (5st degree in the #llah Free Ai!her. $u!iter is the Roman mythology% this was the chief of the Gods. The first three al!ha ets of his name eing $ustBCourBDower% re"eals him to e none other than #llah. He is known as lo"e% to which the name can also e related to Deter of the Bi le .also gi"en !honetic !ronunciation2 all



cultures .;2 that ha"e e"er !roduced uilding .E2 seen .(2 on this !lanet is either grown or made from #llah% it is his e-uality that sustains all life. Saturn This was the name of the Roman God of har"esting. Har"esting is a !rocess where wheat is se!arated from the chaff. The sweet from the itter. The good from the ad. # se!aration is also !erformed the mathematics of ,-uality. #s when things are drawn u! to its le"el. &n reality% those not caught u! in si98 will e9ceed it% while that which is so limited will distill. This !lanet's distance from the Sun re"eals that uilding or destroying .E2 .E2 will occur at the mathematical ,-uality .)2% thus orning &slam .6/60;2. +ranus this was named of the Roman !ersonification of Hea"en. &t is the de"il's way of earing


witness to those who e9iled him from Daradise% for it is the God !lanet from the Sun% and !ronounced youBranBus. Hea"en% the resting !lace of God's ci"iliFation .5:2 is the only uilding .E2 that can e seen in .(2 the Blackman's mental and !hysical in its original and highest forms. This is why our 5:th lesson in the 5B;* egins defining ci"iliFation as one =#llah> ha"ing certain characteristics and -ualities. <e!tune was the name of the God of the sea% as this uild .Eth2 !lanet. &t should e noted that in the highest form of material uilding% fetus de"elo!ment of the young #llah. #t one !oint in this cycle% the facts .fetus2 is surrounded y a sea of amniotic fluid% while in the wom of his old ,arth. He is God of that sea. This !lanet is 6%:1(%***%*** miles


from the Sun ecause wisdom .62 or woman is the "essel tra"eled through y God .:2 when he irthed the .12 understanding .(2 of his self. & am God eing irthed through the ,arth% he must o"ercome each and e"ery one of the 65 ci!hers which com!rise her weight% at which !oint% he is irthed through his 66nd ci!her ."agina2 !roclaiming his "ictory o"er this eternal trial in"ersely. Dluto it is the name of the Roman God of the underworld or the underworld itself. &t was a su terranean region. Su terranean means8 elow the ,arth8 su B elow% terraB eing another name for the ,arth. 4e know the ,arth to e our woman. Her su terranean region is her wom .from which she ac-uired her name2. &n which she conducts the !henomenon of irth% which is the ninth !lanet from the Sun.

The mathematics of this distance is (%)E*%***%***. #s to understanding .(2 due to the ,arth as ,-uality .)2 goes through a cycle of uilding .E2 or growing in the ci!her .*2% known as the wom . These mathematics add u! to 5: .(/)/E05:2 0 .the uni"ersal God ody2.

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