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1 Alien Images in Brain Scan By Larry A.


4 Faces

3 Faces

3 Faces

Everything on Earth, below Earth, under the Ocean and in the stars and Galaxies all have images of this Advanced Alien Race that constantly imprints its images onto everything, even all parts of our body have these images in them as they grew in age

( "his advanced Alien Race #ses "achyon Generators to affect each gravitational field of each individual Galaxy of $tars and %lanets and those that live on those planets throughout the #niverse "his Gravitational generated force of images is always active and functioning all the time &ou can ta'e a video of water flowing down a stream and stop it at any time, and you will see these same images in the water And if you speed up the video and instantly stop it, those images are there, but with different faces each time you do this

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