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PROGRESS TEST 1 ( LESSONS 1-7) GROUP B Name:______________________ Date:____________ Grade:_____________________ Total:_________/ 70

Grammar (45 points)

Circle the correct word.

Before we write a maths test I sit nervous / nervously in the class waiting for our teacher to come in. She is very kindly / kind and she teaches well / good, but I'm so badly / bad at maths that this doesn't help much. I try hardly/ hard, but I learn very slowly / slow. Once the teacher even caught me cheating in a test and she shouted at me loud / loudly. I was terribly embarrassed. y friend !ic" is very good / well at maths. #e sometimes helps me. #e e$plains everything patient / patiently. #e says that I understand things quick / quickly but I do e$ercises too careless / carelessly. %%%%%%/ &&

B Insert the time expressions in brackets in the sentence.

&. 'hey go camping at we"ends. (usually) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *. I get up at + on Sunday. (never) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,. I read a boo" in bed. (every evening) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -. y younger brother ma"es a mess in our room. (always) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%/ -

. Fill in the sentences with a verb from the box.

#I& '".

ut the verbs in the !"#"$%

spend sing talk



live eat

ask stay give

not have

/enny 0id lives in .anada. She %%%%%%%%%% a famous singer. She often %%%%%%%% at concerts. She also %%%%%%%%%% interviews. Sometimes she %%%%%%%%%%%% to her fans at fun clubs. 'hey usually %%%%%%%%% her some 1uestions about her music or private life. She%%%%%%%%% a boyfriend because she %%%%%%%%%%%% most of the time away from home.'' Sometimes I get tired of travelling. 2ou %%%%%%%%%% at different hotels, you %%%%%%% food that is always the same. I also %%%%%%%%%my family. I see them twice a year.'' %%%%%%/ *3

4 Complete the sentences with () or ()"#.

&. #ow often %%%%%%%%%%% you help in the house5 *. %%%%%%%%%%% he spend all his poc"et money on computer games5 ,. %%%%%%%%%%% your parents complain about the clothes you wear5 -. 6hen %%%%%%%%%%% they start wor"5 7. 6ho %%%%%%%%%%% she spend her free time with5 %%%%%%/ 7

ut the verbs in the !"#"$% C)$%I$*)*#.

Dear Ann, I am writing (write) to you from the ea!h" I _________ (ha#e) a great time" At the moment I _________ ($it) under my ea!h um rella e!au$e it%$ $o hot" &enny ___________ ('ut) ton$ of $un$!reen on ( you )now her tan" *he a!tually loo)$ li)e a film $tar" *he __________ (wear) her new gla$$e$" I thin) our friend$ __________

(!ome)" I !an hear them laughing" *o, that%$ all from me for now" +o#e ,ate
%%%%%%/ 7


(15 points)

Find pairs &. social &. fast *. oral ,. couch -. football 7. musical &. problem %%%%% fan %%%%% potato %%%%% wor"er %%%%% instrument %%%%% food %%%%% page %%%%% e$am %%%%%%/ :

Fill in the sentences with one of the words from the box. AROUND BACK AFTER UP ON

&. I used to play the piano, but after some time I gave%%%%%%%%%%%% because I didn't have time to practise. *. 6ho loo"s %%%%%%%%%%%% your dog while you are on holidays5 ,. I have a younger sister and we get %%%%%%%%%%%% very well. 6e never argue. -. After school is over I usually hang %%%%%%%%%%%% with my classmates. 7. y parents don't li"e it when I tal" %%%%%%%%%%%% to them. %%%%%%/ 7

# +rite the word from the box next to its explanation.

a hatte!bo" a !e#$gee a psy hologist a host

&. A person who helps people with personal problems


*. A person who has forced to leave the country ,. A person who tal"s too much -. A person who runs a show

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%/ -

LANGUAGE !N ACT!ON (1" points)

'ook at the problem page below. &atch the problem with the advice. ,. -------.. -------/. --------

,. I'm plump and my friends always tease me about it, especially during /.8. class. I'm very slow in all the sports and I feel terrible. .. I'm in love with a girl from my class. She doesn't "now about it. Should I tell her5 /. y younger sister reads all the messages from my friends. She even erases some of them before I read them. 6hat should I do5

0 If I were you, I wouldn't tell her '' I'm in love with you''. 2ou shoould spend more time with her and she'll figure it out. <ust be nice. 1 If I were you, I'd tal" to her. If she is too young, tell your parents about it. 'ell them you are very upset. C Are you sure they are really your friends5 'ell them that you are trying really hard. If I were you, I'd as" your teacher for help.

%%%%%%/ :

< $ow write an aswer to the problems below. *se the ideas given in brackets.
I'm very angry because my sister ta"es my things without as"ing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------(talk to her and tell her how you feel) I have problems with history.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (study more / ask your friend to help you) %%%%%%/ -

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