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INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY School of Computer Science and Engineering LAB4a: Botnet Course !

ate Network Security Lecturer Pham Van Hau,PhD

Duration: 135 minutes

Student name###########

Student I!""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

This lab aims at providing you and hand on experience on botnet. The main objective is to understand its concept. It is not our purpose to study in detail various commands of complex botnet implementations such as Agobot, SDbot. or our purpose, !e use https:"""coleifer"irc #ereafter are the instructions to run the botnet $% Do!nload the source from https:"""coleifer"irc &or copy it from me% and copy it to the t!o virtual machines '% (n each virtual machine, run the follo!ing commands as root apt)get install python)dev libp*)dev libevent)dev python)pip pip install gevent pip install httplib' pip install irc+it ,% -n.ip the do!nloaded file a. tar )x.vf coleifer)irc)b/0b'$/.tar.g. b. cd coleifer)irc)b/0b'$/ 1% Read the README.rst to know it works and start the botnet. #ereafter is a its short summary a. Start the server: Turn on !ireshar+ python botnet" 2c secretbot.3tobe3renamed 2n choose3you3!ord Task1: Observe the traffic captured by Wireshark and e p!ain what happen b. (n the other virtual machine, start the bot python botnet"! 2b choose3you3!ord Task ": Observe the traffic captured by Wireshark and e p!ain what happen c. Task #: use irc client to connect to the server and issue commands $% Task &: 'ropose a way to inte(rate this si)p!e botnet and the si)p!e wor) that you have studied. *% Task $: +)p!e)ent what you have proposed in task &

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