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Fort Loramie High School - Defense Series Explanations

This year we are going to run the 4 - 3 defense installed y different series! "ou will get a call that is a num er first! That will tell you the series to e in! #ext you will get a co$erage call for the secondary! Finally you will recei$e a stunt call %sometimes we won&t stunt'! The series re$ol$e around three different loo(s! The first ones are our ase sets %3)* 4) + ,)'! The next loo( co$ers up the center %3-* 4- + ,-'! Finally the last loo( in the series gi$es more of a .spread. loo( %3/* 4/ + ,/'! The 0) series is a goal line series! 1e will use this is short yardage and red 2one situations!

Defensi$e Thirty Series

Series #ame3 30 E S T 9 T 1 E Pos. SE3 ST3 1T3 1E3 Assignment S 4ontain S 7 8ap 1 : 8ap 1 4ontain Alignment Slanted 5 Techni6ue 3 Techni6ue - Techni6ue Slanted ; Techni6ue 4 yards off <T 4 yards off 4 4 yards off <T Alignment = Techni6ue / Techni6ue ) Techni6ue 4 Techni6ue

Sam3 S 4 8ap 9i(e3 S : 8ap 1ill3 1 7 8ap Series #ame3 31 E S SS T T 9 E 1 Pos. SE3 ST3 1T3 1E3 Assignment S 4 8ap S 7 8ap S : 8ap 1 7 8ap

Sam3 S 4ontain 9i(e3 1 : 8ap 1ill3 1 4ontain Series #ame3 32 E SS S T 9 T 1 E Pos. SE3 ST3 1T3 1E3 Assignment S 4ontain S 7 8ap 1 : 8ap 1 4ontain

4 yards off <T 4 yards off 4 4 yards off <T Alignment Slanted 5 Techni6ue 3 Techni6ue / Techni6ue Slanted ; Techni6ue 4 yards off <T 4 yards off 4 4 yards off <T

Sam3 S 4 8ap 9i(e3 S : 8ap 1ill3 1 7 8ap

Defensi$e Forty Series

Series #ame3 40 E S SS T 9 T 1 E Pos. SE3 ST3 1T3 1E3 SS3 Assignment S 4 8ap S : 8ap 1 : 8ap 1 4ontain S 4ontain Alignment = Techni6ue / Techni6ue - Techni6ue Slanted ; Techni6ue 4 x / off L9<L<S 4 yards off <T 4 yards off 4 4 yards off <T Alignment = Techni6ue / Techni6ue ) Techni6ue

Sam3 S 7 8ap 9i(e3 >eactor 1ill3 1 7 8ap Series #ame3 41 E S T T 9 E 1 Pos. SE3 ST3 1T3 Assignment S 4 8ap S 7 8ap S : 8ap


1E3 SS3

1 7 8ap S 4ontain

4 Techni6ue 4 x / off L9<L<S 4 yards off <T 4 yards off 4 4 yards off <T Alignment 5 Techni6ue , Techni6ue ) Techni6ue Slanted ; Techni6ue 3 x - off L9<L<S 4 yards off <T 4 yards off 4 4 yards off <T

Sam3 >eactor 9i(e3 1 : 8ap 1ill3 1 4ontain Series #ame3 42 E SS T S T 9 1 E Pos. SE3 ST3 1T3 1E3 SS3 Assignment S 4ontain S 7 8ap 1 : 8ap 1 4ontain S 4 8ap

Sam3 >eactor 9i(e3 S : 8ap 1ill3 1 7 8ap

Defensi$e Fifty Series

Series #ame3 50 E 1 SS T 9 T S Pos. SE3 E ST3 1T3 1E3 SS3 Assignment S 4ontain S 7 8ap 1 : 8ap 1 7 8ap 1 4ontain Alignment Slanted 5 Techni6ue / Techni6ue - Techni6ue , Techni6ue 4 x / off L9<L<S 4 yards off <T 4 yards off 4 4 yards off <T Alignment Slanted 5 Techni6ue / Techni6ue ) Techni6ue

1ill3 >eactor 9i(e3 S : 8ap Sam3 S 4 8ap Series #ame3 51 E 1 T 9 T S Pos. SE3 E ST3 1T3 Assignment S 4ontain S 7 8ap S : 8ap


1E3 SS3

1 7 8ap 1 4ontain

, Techni6ue 4 x / off L9<L<S 4 yards off <T 4 yards off 4 4 yards off <T Alignment Slanted 5 Techni6ue , Techni6ue ) Techni6ue 0 Techni6ue 3 x - off L9<L<S 4 yards off <T 4 yards off 4 4 yards off <T

1ill3 >eactor 9i(e3 1 : 8ap Sam3 S 4 8ap Series #ame3 52 E SS 1 T 9 T S Pos. SE3 E ST3 1T3 1E3 SS3 Assignment S 4ontain S 4 8ap S : 8ap 1 4ontain >eactor

1ill3 1 7 8ap 9i(e3 1 : 8ap Sam3 S 7 8ap

Sixty Series
Series3 60

E 14 F?S

T 1

# 9


Pos. SE ST # 1T 1E

Assignment S 4ontain S 4 8ap S : 8ap 1 : 8ap 1 4ontain

Alignment 5 Techni6ue 0 Techni6ue - Techni6ue - Techni6ue 0 Techni6ue

14 S4 SS F?S 1ill

@- 1ea( Side @- Strong Side @/ Strong Side @/ 1ea( Side 1 7 8ap

3 x - Anside or / off for Bam 4all 3 x - <utside if E9<L<S other wise follow 14 rules 4 x / <utside of your man 3 yards off L<S 3 yards off 8uard 3 yards off 8uard

9i(e S 7 8ap

Series3 61

E 14 F?S

# 9


T@/ SS

E S4

Pos. SE

Assignment S 4ontain

Alignment 5 Techni6ue 0 Techni6ue / Techni6ue ) Techni6ue / Techni6ue 0 Techni6ue 3 x - Anside or / off for Bam 4all 3 x - <utside if E9<L<S other wise follow 14 rules 4 x / <utside of your man 3 yards off L<S 3 yards off 8uard

ST@/ S 4 8ap ST@- S : 8ap # 1T 1E 14 S4 SS F?S 1 : 8ap 1 7 8ap 1 4ontain @- 1ea( Side @- Strong Side @/ Strong Side @/ 1ea( Side

9i(e S 7 8ap

Secondary 4o$erages
4o$er / An this co$er we will ha$e our two safeties sitting ac( co$ering the deep hal$es while the corners are manned up on the wide outs to their side!

C 4o$er 3


The strong safety will ha$e the short flats on the strength side and the corners and free safety will each ha$e a third of the field!

4 C F?S Duarters

1hich e$er way the 6uarter ac( rolls out to will dictate which safety %C or F?S' will run the alley and ecome the force player! The other corners will need to roll accordingly to the strength side and pic( up the other out thirds! The other safety will ha$e the deep third!

4 C F?S

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