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Serenity Saturday Hilton Head Island Sweepstakes Official Rules No Purchase Required to Enter or Win Eli i!

ility" The Serenity Saturday Hilton Head Island Sweepstakes (the "Sweepstakes") is open only to legal residents of the 50 United States (in luding the !istri t of "olu#$ia) who are %& years of age or older at ti#e of entry' (#ployees of )*+ In ', its ad-ertising or pro#otion agen ies, those in-ol-ed in the produ tion, de-elop#ent, i#ple#entation or handling of Sweepstakes, any agents a ting for, or on $ehalf of the a$o-e entities, their respe ti-e parent o#panies, offi ers, dire tors, su$sidiaries, affiliates, li ensees, ser-i e pro-iders, pri.e suppliers any other person or entity asso iated with the Sweepstakes ( olle ti-ely "Sweepstakes (ntities") and/or the i##ediate fa#ily (spouse, parents, si$lings and hildren) and household #e#$ers (whether related or not) of ea h su h e#ployee, are not eligi$le' )ll U'S', federal, state and lo al laws and regulations apply' 0oid where prohi$ited $y law' Sponsor" The Sweepstakes is sponsored $y )*+ In ', 110 2roadway, 3ew 4ork, 34 %0005 ("Sponsor")' # ree$ent to Official Rules" 6arti ipation in the Sweepstakes onstitutes entrant7s full and un onditional agree#ent to and a eptan e of these *ffi ial 8ules and the de isions of the Sponsor, whi h are final and $inding' 9inning a pri.e is ontingent upon fulfilling all re:uire#ents set forth herein' Entry Period" The Sweepstakes $egins at %;<00 a# (T on No%e$!er &' ()*+ and ends at **",& p$ E- on No%e$!er *,' ()*+ (the "(ntry 6eriod")' (ntries re ei-ed prior to or after the (ntry 6eriod will not $e a epted' Entry< !uring the (ntry 6eriod, go to www'aol' o#/lifestyle and follow the instru tions to su$#it your entry' +i#it one (%) entry per person per day' The use of any agen ies or auto#ated software to su$#it entries will -oid all entries su$#itted $y that person' .rawin " )t the on lusion of the (ntry 6eriod, Sponsor will sele t the na#e of one (%) potential =rand 6ri.e 9inner in a rando# drawing of all eligi$le entries re ei-ed during the (ntry 6eriod' The odds of $eing sele ted as the potential winner depend on the nu#$er of eligi$le entries re ei-ed during the (ntry 6eriod' Require$ents of the Potential Winner" )n entrant who is notified that their entry was sele ted in the rando# drawing is a 6otential 9inner' 6otential winner will $e onta ted -ia e#ail and will $e asked to pro-ide their full na#e, age and #ailing address within a spe ified ti#e period' If a potential winner does not respond within the ti#efra#e stated in the notifi ation e#ail, the Sponsor #ay sele t an alternate potential winner in his/her pla e at rando# fro# all entries re ei-ed during the (ntry 6eriod' ) 6otential 9inner is not a winner until they ha-e returned all re:uired do u#entation and eligi$ility has $een -erified $y Sponsor' 6otential winner #ust o#ply with all ter#s and onditions of these

*ffi ial 8ules, and winning is ontingent upon fulfilling all re:uire#ents' (> ept where prohi$ited, 6otential 9inner #ust sign and return to Sponsor, within a spe ified ti#efra#e to $e deter#ined $y Sponsor, an )ffida-it of (ligi$ility, +ia$ility/6u$li ity 8elease and 9?@ for# in order to lai# her 6ri.e' Aailure to return do u#ents as spe ified, or if pri.e notifi ation is returned as undeli-era$le, will result in the entrant $eing dis:ualified, and the pri.e #ay $e awarded to a potential alternate winner' ) eptan e of a pri.e onstitutes onsent to use winnerBs na#e and likeness for editorial, ad-ertising and pu$li ity purposes without additional o#pensation, e> ept where prohi$ited $y law' 68IC(< *ne (%) =rand 6ri.e 9inner will re ei-e a 5?night stay for two (;) at The 9estin Hilton Head Island 8esort D Spa in Hilton Head Island, South "arolina' in ludes an o ean -iew 9estin Hea-enly guest roo#, $reakfast for two (;) ea h #orning featuring 9estin Superfoods, two (;) $i y le or (llipti=o rentals for three (5) days, four (E) Hea-enly Spa treat#ents *8 four rounds of golf or tennis (or o#$ination thereof) at 6ort 8oyal, one (%) * eanside a$ana in luding lu>e lounges, refrigerator, T0, and eiling fan for three (5) days, F;00 resort redit for winner only, and free a ess to 9estin 9orkout, garage parking, hi?speed 9i?Ai and a ti-ity shuttles' )ppro>i#ate retail -alue of =rand 6ri.e is F%,&50' Pri/e does NO- include transportation to0fro$ Hilton Head Island' South 1arolina2 Winner is responsi!le for all costs associated with ettin to0fro$ the -he Westin Hilton Head Island Resort 3 Spa in Hilton Head Island' South 1arolina2 -rip $ust !e taken !y 4ay (+' ()*52 6lackout dates and other restrictions $ay apply2 6ri.e is not transfera$le and no ash or other su$stitution #ay $e #ade, e> ept $y the Sponsor, who reser-es the right to su$stitute a pri.e with another pri.e of e:ual or greater -alue if the pri.e or portion of the pri.e is not a-aila$le for any reason as deter#ined $y the Sponsor in its sole dis retion' The winner is responsi$le for any ta>es and fees asso iated with re eipt or use of a pri.e' 7ENER#8 1ON.I-IONS" In the e-ent that the operation, se urity, or ad#inistration of the Sweepstakes is i#paired in any way for any reason, in luding, $ut not li#ited to fraud, -irus, or other te hni al pro$le#, the Sponsor #ay, in its sole dis retion, either< (a) suspend the Sweepstakes to address the i#pair#ent and then resu#e the Sweepstakes in a #anner that $est onfor#s to the spirit of these *ffi ial 8ulesG or ($) award the pri.e at rando# fro# a#ong the eligi$le entries re ei-ed up to the ti#e of the i#pair#ent' The Sponsor reser-es the right in its sole dis retion to dis:ualify any indi-idual it finds to $e ta#pering with the entry pro ess or the operation of the Sweepstakes or to $e a ting in -iolation of these *ffi ial 8ules or in an unsports#anlike or disrupti-e #anner' )ny atte#pt $y any person to under#ine the legiti#ate operation of the Sweepstakes #ay $e a -iolation of ri#inal and i-il law, and, should su h an atte#pt $e #ade, the Sponsor reser-es the right to seek da#ages fro# any su h person to the fullest e>tent per#itted $y law' The Sponsor7s failure to enfor e any ter# of these *ffi ial 8ules shall not onstitute a wai-er of that pro-ision' In ase of a dispute as to the owner of an entry, entry will $e dee#ed to ha-e $een su$#itted $y the authori.ed a ount holder of the s reen na#e fro# whi h the entry is #ade' The authori.ed a ount holder is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an e?#ail address $y an Internet a ess pro-ider, online ser-i e pro-ider, or other organi.ation responsi$le for assigning e?#ail addresses for the do#ain asso iated with the su$#itted e?#ail address'

RE8E#SE #N. 8I4I-#-IONS O9 8I#6I8I-:" 2y parti ipating in the Sweepstakes, entrants agree to release and hold har#less the Sweepstakes (ntities fro# and against any lai# or ause of a tion arising out of parti ipation in the Sweepstakes or re eipt or use of any pri.e, in luding, $ut not li#ited to< (a) unauthori.ed hu#an inter-ention in the SweepstakesG ($) te hni al errors related to o#puters, ser-ers, pro-iders, or telephone or network linesG ( ) printing errorsG (d) lost, late, postage?due, #isdire ted, or undeli-era$le #ailG (e) errors in the ad#inistration of the Sweepstakes or the pro essing of entriesG or (f) inHury or da#age to persons or property whi h #ay $e aused, dire tly or indire tly, in whole or in part, fro# entrant7s parti ipation in the Sweepstakes or re eipt of any pri.e' (ntrant further agrees that in any ause of a tion, the Sweepstakes (ntities7 lia$ility will $e li#ited to the ost of entering and parti ipating in the Sweepstakes, and in no e-ent shall the Sweepstakes (ntities $e lia$le for attorney7s fees' (ntrant wai-es the right to lai# any da#ages whatsoe-er, in luding, $ut not li#ited to, puniti-e, onse:uential, dire t, or indire t da#ages' .ISP;-ES" (> ept where prohi$ited, entrant agrees that any and all disputes, lai#s and auses of a tion arising out of, or onne ted with, the Sweepstakes or any pri.e awarded shall $e resol-ed indi-idually, without resort to any for# of lass a tion, and e> lusi-ely $y the appropriate ourt lo ated in the "o##onwealth of 0irginia' )ll issues and :uestions on erning the onstru tion, -alidity, interpretation and enfor ea$ility of these *ffi ial 8ules, entrant7s rights and o$ligations, or the rights and o$ligations of the Sponsors in onne tion with the Sweepstakes, shall $e go-erned $y, and onstrued in a ordan e with, the laws of the "o##onwealth of 0irginia, without gi-ing effe t to any hoi e of law or onfli t of law rules (whether of the "o##onwealth of 0irginia or any other Hurisdi tion), whi h would ause the appli ation of the laws of any Hurisdi tion other than the "o##onwealth of 0irginia' SWEEPS-#<ES RES;8-S" Sweepstakes results #ay $e o$tained $y sending an e#ail to SERENI-:S#-;R.#:-RIP7I=E#W#:>-E#4#O821O4' In your e#ail, re:uest the winnerBs na#e fro# the Hilton Head Island Sweepstakes' 8e:uests #ust $e re ei-ed $y !e e#$er 5%, ;0%5'

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