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LITTE RED RIDING HOOD NARRATOR Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Red Riding

Hood... NARRADOR Haba una vez una nia llamada Caperucita Roja... MOTHER Granny is ill in bed. Be a good girl and take her some food, will you? MADRE La abuelita est en cama enferma. S una buena nia y llvale algo de comer,de acuerdo? RIDING HOODOK , mum. Ill go there with my basket. CAPERUCITA De acuerdo, mami. All ir con mi canasta. MOTHER Here there is a cake, some bread and honey. MADRE Aqu tienes un pastel, algo de pan y miel. RIDING HOODOK, mum. I will follow the path in the woods. CAPERUCITA De acuerdo, mami. Seguir el sendero del bosque. MOTHER Yes. Pl MADRE S. Por favor vete directo a la casa de la abuelita y no hables con ningn extrao! NARRATOR Little Red Riding Hood is looking for some flowers for her Granny when shemeets a wolf... NARRADOR Caperucita est buscando flores para su abuelita cuando se encuentra con unlobo... WOLF Where are you going, sweet thing? LOBO Hacia dnde vas, dulzura? RIDING HOODT o visit my Granny who is very ill. She lives in the yellow house on the other side of the woods. CAPERUCITA A visitar a mi abuelita que est enferma. Vive en la casa amarilla del otro lado del bosque. WOLF You don't say! Allow me to escort you. You never know what you may find inthe woods. LOBO

No me digas! Djame acompaarte. Nunca se sabe que puedes encontrar en el bosque. RIDING HOOD Thanks! You are very kind, Mr. Wolf. CAPERUCITA ease go straiGracias! Es usted muy amable, Sr. Lobo. WOLFOh , look at these pretty flowers here! Why not pick a few. Grannies loveflowers, you know. LOBOOh Mira estas hermosas flores! Por qu no recoger algunas? Sabes, a lasabuelas les encantan las flores. RIDING HOOD Thanks, good idea! I will pick some flowers for Granny. CAPERUCITA Gracias, buena idea! Recoger unas flores para abuelita. NARRATOR But while Little Red Riding Hood was picking a pretty bouquet, the clever wolf ran to Granny's house and knocked at the door... NARRADOR Pero mientras Caperucita Roja recoga un hermoso ramo, el hbil lobo corri a lacasa de la abuela y golpe a su puerta... GRANNY Who is it? ABUELITA Quin es? WOLF It is I, your "delicious" ... uhhm darling grand-daughter. LOBO Soy yo, tu "deliciosa!... uhhm querida nieta. GRANNY ght to Granny's a Oh come in, honey. The door is unlocked. ABUELITA Ah entra, querida. La puerta est sin llave. WOLFHello Granny. Surprise!!!! LOBOHola abuelita. Sorpresa!!!! GRANNYOhhhh! Help!!!! Help!!!! ABUELITAOhhhh! Socorro!!!! Socorro!!!! NARRATORAnd the wolf gobbled Granny right up. Then he put on her nightcap and wentto bed. Little Red Riding Hood knocked at the door... NARRADOR Pero el lobo se devor a la abuelita sin vueltas. Luego se puso su gorro de dormir y se meti en la cama. Caperucita Roja golpe a la puerta... WOLF(There comes my dessert...) Who is it? LOBO(Ah llega mi postre...) Quin es? RIDING HOODIt is I, your little grand-daughter. CAPERUCITASoy yo, tu nietecita.nd don't speak to any strangers

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