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Name:SanchitGupta UFID:59339993

SurveyonAlgorithmsforAnsweringtopkNearestNeighbourSpatialKeyword Queries

Type:Survey Area : Geographic Information Systems, Information Retrieval, Knearest neighbour, Keyword Search,IndexingAlgorithms

Keyword based search is oneofthemostpopularwaysofsearchingthecontentinweb.A user presents its query in form of natural language keywords to a search engine which presents the results ranked based on the relevance to the query. Here the keywords are treated as natural language keywords and the resultsarerankedbasedonthetextualrelevancetoquery. However a user might be interested in the query results which are ranked based on the distance from a location. e.g. All the restaurants serving Sushi near Hippodrome State Theatre Gainesville . Such type of queries has three aspects to it: a.) Spatial aspect, denoted by near Hippodrome State Theatre Gainesville, b.) Textual aspect, denoted by Restaurant serving Shushi. c.) Ordering aspect, denoted by term near. Note that third aspect is sometimes might not be presentexplicitlybutissometimesimplied.

Given a keyword query Q consisting of words( w1, w2 wn), representing textual attributes, and words (s1, s2 sn), representing a location L, find the document set Rcontaining top k results(r1,r2..rk)orderedonthedistancefromL.

Approaches for answering topk spatial keyword queries can beclassified into two categories: a.) Separate Index Based Approach : A text index B Trees and aspatialindexRTrees[6]are maintained separately. Queryis performed on both the indexes and the resultsaremergedand rankedbasedondistanceproximitytothelocation. b.) Hybrid Index Based Approach : A single index is maintained which contains the spatial location as well as textual information related to the location in one node. Hybrid based approaches are variantsof R Trees[6] where text information is accommodatedin thenodesin variousformse.geitherinformofsignatures[1]ortfidfmeasures[2].

InthepresentsurveyIwillexplorefollowingaspectsoftheproblem: >Whatconstitutesdocumentsimilarity?[1,2] >Whatconstitutesspatialsimilarity?[3] >Whatisknearestneighborsearchandincrementalknearestneighbour?[4,5] >Datastructuresforefficientlyansweringspatialqueries.[6] >Approachesforansweringtopknearestspatialkeywordqueries. >SeparateIndexBasedapproaches.[7,8] >HybridIndexBasedapproaches.[9,10,11] >Conclusion

[1]. Christos Faloutsos, Stavros Christodoulakis: Signature Files: An Access Method for Documents and Its Analytical Performance Evaluation. In ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 2(4): 267288(1984). [2]. G. Salton and C. Buckley, "TermWeighting Approaches in Automatic Text Retrieval," InformationProcessing&Management,vol.24,no.5,pp.513523,1988. [3]. Y. Zhou, X. Xie, C. Wang, Y. Gong, and W.Y. Ma, "Hybrid Index Structures for LocationBased Web Search," Proc. 14th ACM Int'l Conf. Information and Knowledge Management(CIKM'05),pp.155162,2005. [4]. N. Roussopoulos, S. Kelley, and F.Vincent.Nearestneighborqueries.InProceedingsofthe ACMSIGMODConference,pages7179,SanJose,CA,May1995 [5] Hjaltason, G., Samet, H.: Distance browsing in spatial databases. ACM Trans. Database Syst.24(2),265318(1999) [6]. A. Guttman. RTrees: a dynamic index structure for spatial searching. In SIGMOD Conference,1984. [7].RASIMHYKwon,KYWhang,IYSong,HWangWorldWideWeb,2013Springer [8]. Martins, B., Silva, M., Adnrade, L.:Indexingandranking inGeoIR systems.In:Proc.2ndIntl WorkshoponGeoIR(GIR),ACMSIGIR,pp.3134(2005) [9]. Felipe, I., Hristidis, V., Rishe, N.: Keyword search on spatial databases. In: Proc. 24thIntl Conf.onDataEngineering(ICDE),IEEE,pp.656665(2008) [10]. Li, Z., Lee, K., Zheng, B., Lee, W., Lee, D., Wang, X.: IRTree: an efficient index for geographicdocumentsearch.IEEETrans.Knowl.DataEng.23(4),585599(2011) [11]. Hariharan, R., Hore, B., Li, C., Mehrotra,S.: Processing SpatialKeyword (SK) Queries in Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) systems. In: Proc. 19th Intl Conf. on Scientific and StatisticalDatabaseManagement(SSDBM),p.16(2007)

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