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Proving Triangles Are Congruent: ASA and AAS

Section 4.4

Daily Homework Quiz Pick 2 (one from each row), copy down question, and complete.

How do we prove that triangles are congruent using the ASA Congruence Postulate and the AAS Congruence Theorem? Check Homework 24 with Groups. Think about it: What are two ways to prove that triangles are congruent learned yesterday?

Angle-Side-Angle (ASA) Congruence Postulate

If two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to two angles and the included side of a second triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

If A D, AC DF, and C F, then ABC DEF

Angle-Angle-Side (AAS) Congruence Theorem

If two angles and a nonincluded side of one triangle are congruent to two angles and the corresponding nonincluded side of a second triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

If A D, C F, and BC EF, then ABC DEF

Example 1 Proof of the AAS Congruence Theorem

Given: A D, C F, BC EF Prove: ABC DEF A
Statements 1. A D, C F, BC EF 2. B E 3. ABC DEF 1. Given 2. Third Angles Theorem 3. ASA Congruence Postulate


Example 2
Is it possible to prove that the triangles are congruent? If so, state the postulate or theorem you would use.

Yes! AAS


Checkpoint 1
Is it possible to prove that the triangles are congruent? If so, state the postulate or theorem you would use.
1 2 4 3

Yes! ASA No! AAA is NOT a congruence postulate or theorem

Example 3
Given: AD ll EC, BD BC
Prove: ABD EBC

Statements 1. AD ll EC, BD BC 2. D C 3. ABD EBC 4. ABD EBC

Reasons 1. Given 2. Alternate Interior Angles Theorem 3. Vertical Angles Theorem 4. ASA Congruence Postulate

Checkpoint 2
Given: B C, D F; M is the midpoint of DF Prove: BDM CFM Statements 1. B C, D F; M is the midpoint of DF 2. DM FM 3. BDM CFM Reasons 1. Given 2. Definition of Midpoint 3. AAS Congruence Theorem


List the 4 postulates and theorems we have learned so far that help us to prove that triangles are congruent.
SSS Congruence Postulate SAS Congruence Postulate ASA Congruence Postulate AAS Congruence Theorem

Algebra Questions 4.1

How do we multiple integers with exponents? (Example 8) Are there any cases where we will multiply the exponents? (Example 10) What is the quotient of powers property. What is the power of a quotient property?

Algebra Assignment
Work on Section 4.1 #1-35 ODD due at the end of the period. Show your work/explain and check your answers. Utilize your group members to complete the work. Turn in ONE final product! When you are done, volunteer to put a question on the board.

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