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!Lc Eoly Onldc Ltedlag IoaC Llfc, Elcaerdlcee, ud tlc ley to loutL, eld Vl'rtuc, ud trad

Eceltb, tltdor

to Cbragc, Curc, Altcr tbc rtetr

of tbc Bod5l.


bclag redc p1ela ead cea!.r to lot! Celncltlca.

By Joha Ecydoa, Gclt.

o(ltdrrroryr,I scrvut of oodrad

Sccrctrry ol f,rture. Audc lgnl.e Yoctt.

U)lfDOIf. Prlntcd

by T.ll.


Io lbc truly Ey fll f,oblc tltlr,

S1r rlola Eurcr, Buroact.

S1r, Iour lorthlncas rhl'ch I pronlacd to your Tuplc ead 6ntcful acccptalcr of thle hl'ad ol Lcernl'ng, put forthr 1a nor flora for

your honoureblc aclf, f,rorlcdttr

I rould Pcrfcctton;

of Seletyr

ot ecgulrod lnrte aceadeloue profceetoa,

rcfir6e ead protcctlont hlptt Laryere: SycoDbeltsr f rcrn


tLc rl'clcdlrgec

of lt1trcreat or!


eld aoEo of rt tbrt

the Pbrnetlck

Reblc of Oon-!e!,

Datc e6elnat tbc thcec contcad 8ut

f,l'lg aad Bil.rhoper rLor God proacryc out of tbc!,r Dorcr: re cortlauellyl tel,e Leod ye unrleo rtead? tlcy uort end coltcrn thrt rhlch

tbey do not k!ot. rbcn rfU rl,ttout lole

thc pcoplc; not iletr

O ye foolcc, rr.d cordcrn rlth

yc uldcroddcacc.

Judgc tbcy hlor

lhJ.g IOL! OUfDE, il!'cb lty thcrcto,

eDout tcn yeere 1natl lrcrcllc

otbcra of effl> I hd et lctanrct

for rJr tlrlvetc

eld retlrfect!.oa uto orc, lt bccue ultll

coryrcacd; rbl'ch Dc1l6 corrual'cetrd eld nr roet bd by traucrtptlon

corron uato rut; lt urtvcd la r



dcprevcd coplc

eld lror to Doctor f,fCE0LAS CULFEPPEB, cetccrsdr ud

hl.l reay cuc to

Coylea, lhl'cb aore ll'gbly

othcra ebured: lt llvratlon

Dees ebout rGye! ycus tcrlpt to tbo lcencd

peatr I tDclcd ry true Vlr6la ldatbcaetlclea llr.

1a relu1l

aIOEIIOADBIIRI, rbo rea thcl




Ceptela ODOROE tEOmOIf eld otbcr 0cltlncD, .!d rlnc: tb*cforc

of rhlcb oar

bed I GoDyr but lrprrfccti lDtrcetcd rct It rc to publlrb

haorlag rc to bc t!,c Autbor, bcceurc 1t rea

I ruapcctcd ry eblllty,

dora ruJr !/crrs Drttr CoDccptloae et thrt et r11 thcr;

rbca I res vcry Vo11!6r tad ree tbc gcasc of Dot ea tuuteblc tbcrctorc tlcrc rblcb ler rlgbt ulto ry edveaclnt

t1ler ud

tud8crcat pleurtblc

bc reny tLla8a tbcrcla

nato tlr prsrod epprcLcaaloal thcrcforc

erc aot e,6rcreblc to ry ebould be prlated.

prcecat aclf; hlt et laat

uan11l,1a6 rny rork of rlac Ifor thc clcdec routbr blttcr

I rae pcmreded; rlth furr

of f,1a6 Cherlcs & the Bil.ebrtrcd, cavy, raltcc ead

Lopar vcrJr proudly, cdulalear I rteadr

hlndred re fror rbcthcr


of lt


Eracc f be6ea to be tt

f aDould put fortb

tbc rcet ol tbc book, or Do; rhl'Iet to publlck ceathe f1re, e

I dld doubt tbrt rure, end ae lt

I ebould by tbla reala cxl,oae uy eell rerc caet ly eelf out ol the aloke lnto by puttlng


rude fcar eclsed upon De, lcet tbea offlcl'oua cupcru

tbcu forth f ehould to

lecr ror offenelve thc clvy of raltclous tLh6a troublc

to lour aad crpose your lorahlp rhllst

end ton6gca of dctrectera, dcaperetloar uDrlthtacce'of


rc rltb

r yrrlouc

tbe qul.cLacrs of your tudtcuent, Rc1t6l.oa

undcrtteadlag, rltlout orlty

cract dlacrctlon,

Superet1tlon, ud tntcgrlty

eld otbcr rcat klora bcyold crccptlonr rll'ch

Ylrtuce ln you, tour eutlcaa caslly cbeck ead brtdle ls to aet by reason of thle bookt end f,aturet

tbe toagsce of rlendcmrst uDoD tbrt dlepdrc: ln rLlcb e6da lore boldly, tbcrcforc (rott

rcnovcd ry doubtllg, rhlcb I Lrd elroet

eld llforled lcft oft,

honourrd Str)

teke ln 6ood Frtr

re ebcr thc rtgtcrlce

of letrorercJr

ead Ocorelcy, lrt


Golr|tlll orlnrtocrd tht tlct|

eld ?rrroltlell, &tlqu1ty Socmtr by rcl lrlrt

r11 tlJ,agr Doll3 olnlod mletloa of, ead rhlch

ead lalfltcd; cll.


to ry Llorlcdge, ud not firlly bc by rc, ttudloue

of B. CRUCI|trS (hlthcrto of htcr of trrturel tccrctr: thct). Ylrtuca by rllch ilrt rltl


rpprobcldcd eftcr lrd

!/our protoctloa to tbcu tbet trc tlell

ths lbcrlrg curlour

grolnrcd lct

ol tlote Doartltr

hla tlet

bc protltcd,

erd Fcolvc ol thlr rcrrtag ttey t.

61vc you tbc therhr, eld eettla6 Tltlc of

rbo beve bcea tbc occeeloa to bc lccn eDroed,

publlcat1on, tbc lonoureblc

of 1t et llbcrty


four Lulblc Srrvent,

JoDa Ecydol.

L|'b. t.
Eooh III.

Cbrptcr I.

lbc hy

to Lolg Llfc.


Xor to tehc oac 11vc tro eld otbcr!; 5.

buadrcd ycen;


JOEI I{ACKLAIIS our CoulEclpa froa eelf; 6. The


Pollcy lotblng

to prcvent occeeloar; 4. caa bcget eld rork EpoD tt


lcade of dolag ceuaca; ?. llolrturecc; rtuffc rct 17. eO. Llfri lO. Of nle rltb rlad;

lhc rledon of Oodi 8. trd fcrah etuffc; ll.

I toer of E[rc; t. ltl.rturcs; 12. Of thc The Scc-

clotthrd 15.

Cloea rl'r erd hcat of Ecevcn; 14. flrc ead fat Actber; 16.

hcat; ll'rc

Thc atarry

Errth ead tatcr; Of Eelre eld [oof; Thr lceae to Loa6 25. Xeturall Tbe trutbe Wat-

ead Elrc; al.

16. Drlffercacca of hceds; 19. Of ralrlag rad; 22. 24.

Ererplea; 2r.

Thc food of Llfc; 26.

Tbc ceuac of lon6 Llfci fd of t{aa; ??. 4.

of ietnrc; rrtcei 5O. 2E.

Thr Juatl'cc of Ood ud

Ot tbc clcrracsa 51.

of rraa body;

Thc Juctlcc I lorg Recci

of traturc; ,r. Eclps 56. etc.;

lbc reyce of f,eturci 14. llc llfc 5?.

I{EEEUSAIiEDII 52. f,llt

to Iorg Lllei

of Gyeatei 59.

ARcAImfrS l:llei ol lature, rlet,

PLlS0f S Couol-rceltb; 5E. fho food of Strrei l+1.

caected bt tbc Ilr Eultry eplrlta;




bodlcel ead tbclr 42. thlnte; Of thc

lonr orcrlre; leturel 44. rGrla

IDc clu8rblc 4t.


eld coursc of Crcetumai

to lo16 Ltfci

8ou1, L|'fe eud Ecet of rrturel Of tbc leture of lcthcr; 46.

Of tLc Elcrcat

of E[re i 4r.

Ltb. t.
fooi of ltlEERi 4?. Of tbc u!.cc! of thr lhc llrtt Holrtnrc elrl Erla6 of Ltfc; t9. ot

l+E. of tbc flret e plellr tcrfctt, rtructlon Oylca i ,r. lntton


oylo ot thc fooi of rltc; !O. tetu.rca lnttrra ceuec ofLlfc;

of ldJounrcat

of Ltfci

aot cour g2. ra-

or tbc blood rad flceb of sccdi il. ead nourlrblnti Ifetune lorke 55. la trerplc cqrr!'l ln rct6ht

of CIRDAI|IIS; *. eld truth,

Our eil.nglc


Ecrc rc hevc rct


tbe conroa ergureat,


thc rulcrre-

ed uro to dcfecc thle tcr rltb tbc belrcd,

goodly .oqucrcG; rc ru8t 6o torrerd rho bcceure tbclr Leppyr kaortag,

tad cacou.Dprodec6, torrng, Aaccst-

6rcat dccda & clfccte hcaltbfurl,

tbat 1ar to rerc arl rlaer

1oa6 rtved,

bleeecd r.nd vcrtuouE, rrG abovc tbclr retc

!k1111 or of thclr

oa8; Tbc Greclele falec ud cdr that eld reelcr peltre ud tlc gu1lcful;

both tbc rorka trpoaalble,

end tbc rorkaeae ray to ry taatr eppolntby otbcr lorG bcerta,

I lca-u, I rryr

ptove, rccordlag

tboee 6rcet ecta dccds rrt leala tbcn EDRI{ES lfcdlclrca:

bc doac & pcrforacd Aad thle I rust

do rl'tb


bccruee thl'e ray erd ratry tnrth of thl'e lGcrct,

oDcc rrdc

lu tbelr

arcat lervollous

te5r thc loDC ceelly

corc 1a

ead tekc porelaaloa. 2. But ol eucb verlcty fhlcb of bard ead eltppcry to takc? lerc lettcr, rLcrc rcrc lt thc acaa.e

boat to act out?

rey tlrst

!'t aot rcet rnd rctd ltfc

erd bclpe nato plceeurc to plcaaure 1t eelfi?

ebould bc flret


bcforc tc cotc

Ald erong tbcl

to glvc lont

tbc foreuost

pleccr 1f aot for hla rortblaeaec,

yet for hls bchoof eld leccaaary,

Llb. ,. Dclat lccdful to llvc, llc rblt ,.

1a eII

ConoD-lceltha rcll,

rad ptlvrtc ulto

pomoDa; flrrt thlr old:

to rccl ua

bcforc to llvc la long Llfs, But r\y

tbougb tbrt rGa rly

tLca lct

ead hor ell

rcrcb urrto J0En H CtrL.lltf. fc had lccd bc cror end

do rc lekc euch 6rcat heat? e tettcrr

rdvleed lu ro grcrt lleJ/r lrhcd after

rDd to look bcforc lc vcntcr oD so loag re bc rcll prorl'ded rnd furnora; or lf

end of ro reDJr deyce Jourucyr tbet of err tb1n6e: rbcrcla tbe tbrlfty

r Loper l.f r brvc aot of rlac stored lJr rclf;

naaaer, rben r en relr

yet r borror

to prcvcnt lcadlngr thls turnr lt ebell

eltbough I took upoD truet be no ttrla unto ry credlt;

ro auch ee rould aetye but bc rethcr deened

a eefe rad rary tsYr to cut off ebroadr capeclally rcll bclovcd. 4. thelr ulto 1l I teke lt

occectoa of robbery, up of aucb teD aa ue

both et bone and nogt faloua ead

Tbcec ebould be ly frlcads eccret bclp lor

of AEGYPT rad IRABIA (though re here

rad theE) tbc bcet eble ladeed, tad tbc acereat knora aad beloved 1n thc rorld; to tbat otber but be-



they rere ao rell I rllt fly

clulG tbcy bc aotl toat rcaorned tbcrer

eldc of OREECE, ead to tbe

ead bcet llkcd:

EaIPOCRITES, PLATO, end ARfSIOTLE, ln thlc tettcr: Let ue

rhon I doubt not to flnd

vcry frcc end rllltag

aee tbcn arake our old atu{lee rary ltrrtsr hvc rorda? toyatly lttcr grcctlag,

out of eleep, eld lyc to thcn, rbat aeed brokcnl they nehe ac thla

rad the rettcr


Oodr becruec be ras Good, dld not grleve to lcq"{Dt of a1I

otLcra clJoy ble Ooodnees, that 1e; to bc, ead to bc reIl, a rorld (tbough ARISSOILErltbdrer chaageable tblnge, Lla Laad bcrell) flrst redc ell, full

to ukc

klnd rad cvcrlaetlag

ead blended

Ll.b. 5. tbcr la ono rtorc bcndl'ag rould ,. lrPoa tt plccc gtlU llca lclfr (rDlch

colfirard tclf.

lurD togctbcrr

bora uD bt Lla ora tc16ht

uDoD lt rcclag

1t ley ttlll,

rnd tlrt


could bc6ct eld rort

bc forccd out ead rnadrcd eray rorud ebout, I tlae ltvcly thcy ceII Erevca) for thc llrlc-t'tovcr dredly) tlt rad lortnca, lcevlag

tl'c rcet tld

(ee groaac ud leeLloa1a6,

lor tbr lrulc, tlc tbcrcof

to conteta (or Elc-

tLc rorrla8 rcntc)

rDlch rc tcn rnd EIRE, ltd

four bcglaala8a .pru!6

Eil,R[8r IATERT lfR,

tbs lovc rhtch

lG tce yct Eotrcon thclr couplcd to6etbcr. 6. llhcl that tbcrc

rDd tbc 6rcat


to be Joyaed a6e1u and


bo ro aurbcr

ead coafiralon

ol ald

dolng cluaes, ud tle rtrtue

but all

to flor lato

froa onc Lced, drer ell r lerror

force of,

of begctttngr tbelce

rouad cotpaae, rb1cb re call eprctd ead bcgtorcd ell tect1lg togctbcr, ebout tbc lrde olc

Sunr frol

to bc rcnt ont,


botL ebove ead belorr llghtr letnrcr

rhl'ch t6e1l I1lc

Scacral bcat, eII thl'aga. ?.

ald, roul of tbc rorld

thc cauae of

lad bccauee 1t Dccorca tlc to tekc erd rulc oac aclf-Bltc rld


rladol ver!'cty

eld plcaeurc ol cucb of thlege Lcre bclor, tbat onc 116ht ln tll'a ray end tlcy

e Bulldorl eld lot tray tht rlgLt E. trary

the lnf,lal'tc thlng; attat-has


lc corrrlded

to nm ll'a ctcnrl trfr lltly Ill.e tbt by thclr

Dlce, too erd fro,

vrr1.eblc prcacDcc, ebaencc tad rcctlng, cbugo of tl1tttl6 Crorturc!. toycr,


tLe cortlrurl

Soulr rhlch

PI.ITO celll

tbc ovcr rortrt r rhlch

qrdtc cone


hc DC.reclf coastnrctbr

Llb. t.
.oYcrblc to rrho lt 1e lourd h rrc) roYcDr (tbrt rU oEc rttl te nJr rcrvdl PInlTO, ulbsa thrt b rl6bt end rrell hor IULLI eould trurhtr LUCIIIS aAr-IORElt rl.rlcd br el rtcrael bcel, e rperl loyot, 1t, Llu, ea rLlc!

ro'rc coplra e roet

lee 1n f,at-

ead bctlt


of bcevcnly ttrc,

1l propcty

eld qurltty,

by hle clcllacea, rtth.ll tcqnretGl


eld fllacaees, lot;

eld for bla rolrtacrel ctb h1a rl.nd upoa l't. 9. It

lE eppcercth to hLl tbet bcrd-

tou Oonbt ol thl'e rotatncss,

thtDk aothla8 1e lade rltbout elall togethcr tbc rbole

r1a61:[Ir51 rhl'cb 1e by drarlag atuff, freet, rbcn r dry Lcat drareth ead thcrcby reetcth

1n, end brceklng

out end ecettcrctb all

tbc llnc

fron tbe

end auroreth

tDlage, nothlag: TEIfc APT IO h.

As for crrrplc,

DttXGEAICEEilE AIt DoC, AfD QUICXIEIf, tllf eehee t111 Dever do lt; by I good ratcr, bcetctb tbcr both gcltly, 1e rot rolet

REtEfVE LIFE, rbca tlrD r6lne ea lcevedy flele

rbet lccd rc tore? rhlcb lltrlng upon hcat or

tLc bead oD l drlr clorth, punl.aDrcrt; 1a trrpcrcd

rltbout ol tt eclf,

ead yct tbl'e Suuy rltb thc rolstacaa llbca lBllES thlage.


bctore lt ept

of Dlr rlfc, calls

thc lfoonr to rekc tt

3or gcacrettol. thc llotLcr tO. bc tlrat ol ell

tLc SIltr ead thc lloon tbe Fatber e.ud

tror tbc etutfe oprD, tlet lcart

eld fclale,

to be flt

to auffer



1ar aoft end roletr

ead thca aot oae, aor yet Dan5l tbe aeret brulee thcy

l1hc tll.agel ead rot

t'D Doth tbcsc crac6 tbcy aDould rtend stlll by tbc rorklaa, bt contlnuel ud ut1l rtr1.vel rt

rLcn thcy bc etlrrcd olc elotbcrl iltly rcat

eld brcel

chugcar tbrt


core u.lto e colstrat

eld etey; rld

uporr raell

occaaloa tbe

r!b. l.
lllc coBfoDt rl'3ht tu lld egellr rlrd cor. ud cDrlr8o tbr rlrbtd 1.o et flret, thrrc tb rad eld klora four

Du4to.c of thc rork; tl6lt14 tDrlr brfor cacrlca: Errtt tlc


Ood crtt

yot 1l tbc roft

eld opca rtntfc,

ere but tro of

rnd letrr prlnfirl

ln orc rlrtutc,

lcoa ead rrtrat

et tbc bcgtaalag, ELrc out of Eutb, l1r. bcet

roul tht

drere out erd rorka tbc rcgt, eld rladlo thtry

eld out of letor l l. to rlaglc

Drceth-ltkc tbrrc rtll


80 Shrt lf tbcrr ttrc

bc rucb Eertb, ohcr 1t rclf



ead 6rcrt

rad bcer tbc arey; 1f but nall Eutb 1111 rulc tbe rooet; but e

Lcat uPo! tbe eerc lGaaurc of Eerth ead latcrl tf on thc otbcr ril.dc; upoD elell hcet of ror*116; ruc tbc thlng rtorc

of Eertbr ead luch feter,

.rell lf

1111 fell

out to bc rer ead reterlch; bcat, tbcrc ar{.ecth u Alrle,

upon tle


ead etroatcr


1s tcrred 12.

r fet ead oyly body. rbea tLc SouI corco don by tbc Aapccta of Stara (Rced cloetbed rltb e flae rlndy tbe


tbc EARIOIT!OF TEE IORLD) upoa tbe atuffe, cort of the clcencat l1r lcrt

uato Ecayca, cellcd srtrceu ud

(rlthout AEEEER


ol rblcD relle,

tbc tro

unecqurl.atcd ttraagcra bcat lt loves

rould trcycr ber3el'n ead rgree to6ethcr) ttr rad rltcra lt vry dlvcraly, ull'ng

by Ll.a toct rlld

reay rorte eld kladr

of thl'nge,

d1ftcr1,n6 rccordlng tbe otbcr. lr. et tlretr

to tbe atrcngtb

of the onc, ead tbe obcdlcnce of

lad ro by rcraon 1a thrt tbc etuffc rae tlrougbly a hot Suucrr rcrc rrdc ellkcl


of tDet tlac

ead lale


tost eld daglcd, eftcr e rct ut

tad thc hcat of ell

trcevca thcrcby (Itkc rhlcb, rra rnd eII

Spr{,eg) vcrJr fltly; eccd eoral otherrlee


LlD. 5.
thrl ud luc by tbr letrrr ttort eld lt Stcdr-lel rttll llgbta, ol Brevra, uDoa tlc couol rtuffc Etrtb

lccE la tlc rLlch

corroD t111e6e, yrt Stert-upr, ud

urtd ta thoes qpruEg out lror

eld uattllod

.orG cell

tLcreclrra. oDly ell tlnaclvce Fclelcs; try,

Ae rc rrt

bc caetly lcd to tbhk, rl'tbout ud ell tettlng

1f rc coaetder hor, not or torlag, 610r up by! of pleate, la tolc phcce;

eolc hlad of Elth 1a thc See arc only of tleb therc rbouade la tbat frozca Couathat

but elco rbet plclty

for thc 6reet hcet rad fetaces of tbc ratere;

ead cblcfly

upoD tbe rlhy rad pcrfcct 1oncd. 14.

rDd tbe hot laadr of AEGIPT, there ere yet aoue bloody (ee Earce ald Goeta, ctc.) a1l rede ead feeb-


Eut.bccauac efterrard

the reIl


rad fat flne atuffe, ead yct tbe

aad etrong rork!.ng beat fallcd

(es 1t nuet neede la ttue) fllttlng,

6rcet lOnD rould bave tbe contlauel bold tbe ea!e, ead tlt rlthln

cbal6e, and guccceslon eucccselon

cauaeo rere dally Eghts,

kopt by conttnual

the body of the pcrfect

tbc etuffe

1n the sbc, ead tbc

hcat l.a botb, fclr for

ead es far ee need rcqulrcd tbt tble

la ecedcd Pleate l1eo. bcrvcaly Sou1c, rhca lt eplrC.t (aot only loveth thc etuffc; for

re ruat uadcretrnd ea rell, thrt

1e eo cloetbed rltb eld rorketh aothlag tbrt rith

rlady boCy, 1s callcd

h1a bcet) but elso for food raateth

le rade, 1e eble to Dcer up h1e etate end belag rlthout guctclrDco. flre bcro bclor tcet; See ry EARH)ff OF TEE UORLD. fecdeth oa rcatbcr ead rlndt

Dl'r propcr eld l1ke lood ud 19. cellcd |fbcn rB our troea l1r,

aE ulron h1e llgbteet

aad ee tt

tn hl'a due plecer le

too thln aad ecattercd,

aprcadlng tbe f!6urc

ao fer as 1t folloretb

llo Llb. t.
lll ully retcrr rta$y loodr urtll et leet lt vedlbctb to !oth1D6, utlols .ld eo tcpt

1t be plcntlfehcll of

Lcrped ead crordcd up to6ctbcrr rhlcb 1a callcd flre rad tle

1l e llpor

oylc or fetacre;

cyeD ao 1t 1a bctrcca tbe ttac fat of AEtbcr, for thet luto cauae tbcrc

l1ke food, the t1lc

bcgldce thc dlvlEc Purposc rbovcleldr quertcra, teFylag; to flnd ead drcae hhaelf

1t corcth dorn ta lnat atorc of rcet, r8 rppcrle

by Lle eld you but

for rB looD ea bra food le rpcnt be fryeth

arey ee feet,

Icevca hls Eoet et etr eld aevcaa uacarcd for.

r rae about to tcll creatures,

thc couree of tbc dlvere aorts ead aulte of theee rorer tbat thla thcre la6 I Srcat Puaae of ratter aor bclag lnesed oyer, 16. Thcn lf f rlll

cale bctreen aad erept le rraJr.

6o fortards.

tbe sufferla6

atuffc_be groaa, four end tougb, aad tbc 1a rltbl.a or rether aad under the grouad, by tbe Arablck rord,

nakrnt bcet Yoly suall tDlnte are rade, rhlcb rlttre,

aad eeele, eg lt thcy call lletale,


brokea, eltered, (Eartb cepcclally)

or cbanged; but tbc troB6 bcgtanlags, nrle rtlll; rrtd tbe lLfe aad aoul,

Eartb aad later ae lt to atlr rltb cellcd tLc lor rere,

1u e dark dua6eoa, feet chut up, aad cha1-ncd, re aot ebre relf et ell. theu tlll flca tbc etuffe te fl.ner end aofter, tblag,

ead cher lt


heat ulna 1t, bettcr


e rootcd ead grorlag ead fnrtbcr

L Plant,


ead erellcr,

brokcn froa heve lor eraycth

eld foul bcglnalnge; or Alr,

ead thc l1fc or rater

of Eceven aball

tcopcr becauac lladr tbc lrttcr. l?. But lf

(ead yct later


tbe Soul be yet rorG rlglty, ead El.rc) uut that ebove thla

end ttrc ctuffc ereltcd,

yet flaer,

be ls eble (lrr

to rher bheelf

Ll,b. ]. r qul.cls rrrar



to tel,c trt

r tlacr

Dlccc of tork, tbom



eld by rlclty

forcc pcrcrlvtag; ud

Dut by torso! rlrc et lert,

tro crurca,

1nae1a6 by tboac dcgrcoa, to roult rnt eld tlcr{,c tad tel'rr fco! lt Ll'ld coatrlvcdr rrougbtr

tLcrc 1a ea rrccllthrougbly, aot ceslly lbracc

over our k1ad, f rcenr loat cycl .o fet lndccd, rccdel

eld thcly dl

tbet bc rrt

rrdc rt thrt

ol tLoec ell-rek1n6

thc lour bc6lnnl'a6t: tlrc,


rLrn e Corptc 1a coaauled rlth certb relelnla8;

tbcre erc fouad .clDcc of DoCy tlvca oc-

.1r onncea of clcar fllcacac

cealon to tbc grcrteat to pcrfora

qul'ckaeee ead frcedorc of thc Soul, end tblllty rovlng ead percctvht; Icrr rad ehrll uc rlth

(ea Lt'e dutlce of l1fc) elao?

I nrt t'n uadcratendlag erothcr rorc. f1lc ud

For elbclt celled

Ood Dath !'nbrcttbcd lllnd,

clceD royct, ea rcll

for e epcclal rad dJ'voae of lt

1ae purpoae; yct thet rlad, rolf ta ell placce,

ea tbe eoul rbovc, ta all eccordht

ead rorkl'n6 dlverely,

to tboac dlvsre

pleccs, 18.

ra rs ahell

acG ror et large hcreeftcr. tbc dlffcrcncce thln6e; of tbe four 6rcat hcrde end degrccs rad ee elso

lfhon tou rce ell conteJ'a ell rttDln

k1nda; rtrpr fylns

yre ead of rrtry lcaecr

.vcrlr oae of thceer rhl.cb f rercd aot bsforc; tbc ndag) of doubtful

ol erudrt tonchhg thc flrat

eorta (not rortb eld lnrtrlt{n6 tro,

ead nccdlcee tbh6a,

on cecb rlde of tbe four 6rcet olca (or betrecn borbe la the Scottleb Sce; bctreca

rtoncs buddlng llke thet rprult

Plaate erd Bctsta,

IPES, OR RATEER BIIRI tbc d,lvers drturce

IILD l{Hlr betrcca bodlce.

bcerte ead ue) to procccd fror ff you crnnot qulckly

of tlclr

pcrcclve tbc rattcrr

bcbold rt

olcc tbc outrrrd of atel're bcforc

tbepce tad ftshl'oBal you.

ee they hcrc go dora a ebort peir

L1b. ,. 19. bodt, rtetum lrol Do tou lot rcc trn elonrr rltb tlrougL r rltbty thrt blr trcrtdllt llac ead !f6tt


up eld roultcd

bcet of lrevrl, rlsht

of ra upr1.6bt bc lrccd clu8c,

ead cerr1,e6e of Lhrclf,

hlg dl'vlae rlt

tbc clog of tbe flcah? tbc Aroee or orrtbly declere) tbrlr lllrc uc gultc

rhcn otber l16bte, hrytn6al otbcrvlee

frou tbc contnry of hr1r,


or orGrorratal

hoof, ead torerds tDr

eucD lltc 6rould,

dfupoacd, ra re !cc,


rad eo tbc lces bot eld tlar

tbcy bcr tbt

1g, thc ll'ke the rartl, rteturc footlcee etlll; tad efter

the ncercr thcy Dcnd uato bcr, bclng lcaee of thet rui-feetcd uatll to aupport tlcu; but et lea8tb end tl6hta

ead 6rovellu6,

tLcy cole to thclr

bceds dorarard,

tbere they atey lotr to Plelter thel

but peecc qultc oyGtl end dc6encrete frol f dgbt teny ebout tbcll

ead fron tbcaccr lf tbrough eII ral'l

f rould gcad tbct

dorn etllI

tbe etcps of tbcn ead l{1ncrale, uatll trou rheacc tlcy rll

coEG to tbclr

reet eld etey,

aprung clcan

Eerth ead trter. But f thlDk lt bc aor hlgb tllc

to teke ry lcavc of theec PEIITSOPEER rE 3oo! ee I hevc peckt up !y rtulfe rt l{ed-

ald PEISfTfAf,ET end to gct forrerde round togctber, lclneg. 20. rulc repeclelly

tLc bcst rad roat prectoua tll.nger

Ihca rc gatbcr by that l'nler6cd rpeecb, one chlef ead aotablc thrt thc ebepe, uture, thlnge hcrc bclor, betagl pcrfectlon, eprllgetb trol ead tll

ol lcarnhgr

tbe dlffuncc telpcr tbat

1l ell

thc rJ.rture ead lad rorLC'Dg cluaet to bc a plcce

ol tbc stuffe rekea, dnglca,

ead Dc5lnn{193; tDe dOlagr rllt{a6 broecbeth r^nd ecta eII lnrtcd r ruatl1!6,

of thc flner

part of tbc rboler

aed lnckt

up togctDcr la the Sul;

IJ,b. l.

ol rblcb .ocrctlJr cdlod crtyr


DrDtr folc


rtlll rorc

1a tbc nr frccly,


tudc ttuffc atuftc,

hlC ead pleccd: otbtnorc !ccd; rDd la flacr

1l thc belf-rrde

ercd yct rorc l1vcly,

ead la tea roat et 11bfrou ell klad of body; roul, Llfe,


rhcrc I !r1d 1t rea free tldccd

rad yct rll bcavcaly ud 21 .

tDcgc but oac ead tbc relf-allG arturel bcat. dlvlnc

tb1n6, callcd

Thua rcels

EfPFOCRATES rbcn hc Hlthl rre eltcrcd, caa dlc,

nou6ht ta rede,

rad lotbl'ng r1n6llng: la loet


but eII

ead cbaaged up ead dora by ualces all frll; rbcre be end rltb

And egalar tbat ao tl6bt egrcceblcr rad 5t'rlrctb rtth

thcee Sroruds rnd rulee, ff

tbe rLole otbcr tro, he chell

rsb of our ROSIE CRUCIAI|Phyelck. PLATOeld TRISTOTLE,lct flad

enlr lan doubt of tbe booka dtb beed, aa,d of th-

bl'r reed thclr

then, rberc thcy apedc neturally, torerds tbts

end by the llgbt

bunane rcaaoD, to drar etlll

heed ead potat ol trutb,

outh thcy coDc to rtay sorctlne, rtedou of Aetroro!$r, dl'tloacd Sters rbovc,

rJ.aled, I tblDk, vari.ety

by tbc ovcr reealag

to tbe flft'n!'tc

of d,lvcre aaturcd aad coaceualag tbc llke eadleas

end sucb l1ke Influeacee of all thln6e. rct forrard h

odde, eld dlffcrerccB 2. loat l[fc,

Lct us Dor, I sry, ulfoldl-ag ftrat

our tlrst

dayee Journey to and laetly,

rhat 1t 1er ead tbe ceuae tbarcof,

tbc cornoa ead. hlgb rey to lt. ft aeele bard for r ran to eppolat rhat bouade of Llfc ere large

end loa6 caougb for llea, udeee God (rho kloretb of plcaeurc Ll'u) Strat and bapptnese flt eet ead rarkcd tbcr; for Llnr

bcet botb tbe leasure for

and tbc rrcc of t1le rcct

so tbet tbe 6reetcat r6e and fartbeet

I llll

r,lb. t.
tlrc dlot, tbrt tbc lurtlcet rctr ead bcrt rcechrd ud had-lordr Clrlnrd ltvcdr bc rct rrr bod5'crl bot! trll, by tlr by Ll,ad rad trmt rla

Lrvc et ery t1lo of our 6rcet

Sood r11l tl,fc,

tho bouada, rtlnt tcet

eld crd of tad tbc


raough to hold tII rc .ry ell eh

tbc plcraurcs

for tuklad,

rerh rllcb rulo !II[I

eld lcvcl

our ladcevoura et,

yre ead rtth

topc to llt lElnS, for lf r!

ead rttcbltr you rbrll

ead ao ttrtbcr,

1a ebout AX EUNDRED AI|D

Lcer rlono to tbc rrk{ag up of thlnge, ead

thcre do thrcc cluaea rcct ell'tbclr

tbcrcoa lcercth of thc loycrr ol tDclr lont

belng; tDc rtuffe,

tbc rover,

end thc lcat

rhlch ls tbo letacre bctlg erd, coltlauucc

of tbr rtuffc, tl tletr crtrtc

tbca .urG tLc ceuec cea bc aotll'ng cltc

but tbc ftvour 25. (to lct

ead 6oodncae of thoac thrce cluaea. rad hcrt of bcevca 1g 6ood erd fevoureblc off to tlgbte

Tbc toul

tbc reet 6o tu

rore dark rad furtbcr upol thcu; tblng 1l ell rolrturcr

ry puspoec) rbcn abc cea De ao otber odds food of Ilfc tbat

Dourc! hcr rclf


for tlcre plecce,

1a olc eld tbc rclf-auc rhl'cb thcy cell 1r lyllg rk{ll od tlrt lld ud the fl,rrt nllcel

but tbc fet

eld le thc fllcat

plccc of ell

ln tbe eould accond Dert ol l16bta, ody

ead yet by

to bc fctcb,cC out ead rct bcfore Er, ruet lot 6rcet la rtorc, by lls tlecrcra to ntcb bc rry tbs fced1ng eoul, bc both frlcadly tlcec flortng,

bc plcatlful

but elao teet rad flae, to llvc, ud A1-

ead ll.kc rorie

oa!r, or ntbcr to Lrop bl'uclf letacre tlrt


(rc ruet Imvs


tradllag) lla

both 1r cold ead bret (rllch thoy cell

eld thrt


eai cloaclc8a,

1a htlne, tooD Le uy

DElSItlt or SOLfDUM) Dc ror leathg rad


hl'c rucb rtutfo

1n r lart'or

t lb. t .
ilt f:hr to conttrut. dror Iol tbc rtuffc rll eld Dody tr togctbcr, ud bcet rbru lt tbrt othcr 1t feet, eld

to bold eld lug rtopplag

to 6tvo ttcc of l1fc.

acoPa rltbout 24. t1lo rtors bo(L

or lct,

uato thc coltlauel tbc clulc

eld rl,at nce

fhcn to rehe Mr ;prllklcd

of ellr

of loa6 llfc

ta e faat r.ud I

erd tcreoacd rlth hcet. f t tLla rettcr

rucb 11'!c llac

lolttruo, proff,

ol brtvcalt

aecded eay fiutber of th1r6a, !o lry lt

could ceatly

by cuttlDt

up thc aeturr

opca bcforc 1t aecd

Jrour la tour olo cyes abould rltacaa to rote, tbey cbaU BGc lorcthl'ngl IRISIOTLE te!.thr

rad acc the erre;

but tf

aad tbat eufflctcat

to contcnt thcl.

For thc tlret, thrt thc t'Lcy tlvc botllce;

rad re fLad Lt true by crpcrlcace, dry, aouad, aoft, ead

lolgcat Dst cblcfly

1n bot Gouatr-Lee tor thelr for tbclr flaclcea,

frcc rccourae ead tblcb

Pr86ttc nnto llfe; llors trol

for ege rad khdly of hcat,

dceth cole of rottctneeg,

tbe atlllaeee

and elackncss to aelve ead refreab

tbe prrts. Toucllag thc rcst, to rttl nrk tbat ruch bcat ead ruch good lataces of ell tboae l16htc, that are

I caute of long llfc: cltbor tbcl raat tlcl

tbe ehort ll'fe ee tbe rel'rcd

by hlnd,



oDe8, or raete egalnet tbe

by rotion,

ee tbe ralc ehorter-Ilvcd louad,

las, Orcybouad of LACEDEMOT thcn tbe Bltcl,,

corrae of kind, ead tbc aclt tlea otbcre.

lor hl'a palae 1t runnlng; hunt bettcr, ead l1ve loagcr


rad spaycd fclele, llvce

lnd tbc Cock-Spanot

but helf rcDcry;

eo 1on6 ea tbc Eeu, la firll of

eld yet th|'s but tbrce ycera for thrl! rucb crerplca: the 6rtat

tbc rorld

rad Dclold ege1n, the Elepheat on thc otbcr tbe cauaeo rbove tlc rert,

eddee for aa Ery eppcat

Lclp ard tavour of all

tt6 IJ.b. l.
Dy trLolr trart ead rtorecLr enod lcD, tlul.t tad ct|lct. 1B hh, tbtt 1e ttroagtb, blgncac,

bc1tl6 rblc to crt

to bcrr tbr grouad lork et r tho,

of r Ceetlc of flftccl tl d,rklae (to ln(ARIS-

9 burhcla

ead to drllh,

lure end hold out rucb loagcr lqlaE 1e rtnc lutbor

tbcn eay of tbc rcstr

ead to llve

1a tbc etort) lont llfc tt

tbrcc buadrcd yoaro 1a el.l. ceuee thcrcof, rblcb lct ua aeo

tor rbcthrr 25.

rc kaor rbet ell

1rr ead tlc or lor end tlcu

rca uJr rcrcb all

ray tbcy rrJr tcrch lt. of,

At thc flrst


by tbc rlll loag, eld all

eld rplnlntncat tbe fe1llag

raa fouad, ead lusty, loa nor edaye (rLlcb la tbrougD dlaordcr rtltl ell,

ead llvcd falely

end conuptcrept

accrcth a redr coadltloa by llttle aclf

of our aaturc)

1l our.rclyce, lt

aad llttle, at hat

& ro by aorlag

tbe LlEc ch1ldrea, ead rade lt, ee tt

rpread lt

dccply rooted ovcr aad kJ.nd of nen; eld brougbt If Cod

rerG, r ccrtrla



rberefore back e6!{! ald laturc lorc

bt good order |-a our aelves, lt uato tbc eaclcnt bave ord.tned

rey bc reforned

Eetate; but hor rry rc ploye tLla? a dlrtae cad above the reet; corplel'ae) Ilve

rra ulto

end yet tben

bcaeta (aa IEH)PERASTUSfor e londer yce aad longcr


our couoa rate, re outlt

tbea eay bouads rbore act; by tbc ratc of leturc,

certalnly rltbt rhlcb

to do ea rucb rad rorcr flratr

rad of all

tad rcaeoal ead coac dl'd rt rey bc rendcd. 26. tlelt But lcaat

beforc rc fell

by our dcfeultr

I tay heppcn to dcal rlth of Oodr nor yct yleld ell




letthcr rltb thel eoEe, to nat-

tbe Justlcc

to the ead of tea; f rl'U brlng

f B.yr tbrt ural

have eo fer put off


cauae6; I rtll

opeD and lay bcfore tbcul

both tbe rorte

rad frulte


Llb. t.
of ll3hta, f rcen ol rcn rad bceete; tbet botlr tbcy bc1l6 e ronatroua doubtclortlod tl oDlt rltb lthc out-

firl ll,nd bctrccl terd rlrpc

tbet la1 Ecaata rlthlns

of llcar lay thc bqttcr

Judge of botb (ts

ceae tbey lt ls

forled rot

of tbe llkc tlc

ul'shepcu lloaatera the Poete kaor ry lern{ag,



of e cbaet ead roderu Pcl) rhl'ch beth 1a tbet eeelag et het tbc roraer l16bta to

tbe rore ceulc to l:lve loat; ovoD6o ue ln lltcr rccclved to yleld, ead d.ght end to ru!

to tbc very goele 1t eclf,

rnd yct to heve

leaac cause fror


tbcy nay be dr{.vea DJr force of reacon klnd aad loracr cuetouc, ead tbat re dld

that re beve a bctter llvc

1oa6, but for our ora fault, the roul ead naturel

rhlcb laJr be reforned. bcat for hie lorthl.ncas, that lee

?i/,. To bcgJ'n rltb lct

us ecc rhlch of tbcu la lndered rltb

rore etore of bln,

of the ch5.ef cauae of lon6 l1fc; tDrora

trn ralheth

upr:L6ht, rben tbe rcst ere llght ead

to tbe 6round, becauee tley

leck tbe force of tble of tbctr

aeccndlag bcat, ebuada-tlt; aball

to bear up tbc relgbt

bodlee, rhl'ch rc have thcul te

but lf

re lceve tbc outrard foreel6bt of aatural

ehepe ead look lnto l16hte, rblch

Dy tbe 6rcat

erc bot eld full

of blood, have a6alaet the earel e coltnry lore Lrert; tlcl, e.nd aote lcee,

the root ud

spr{.lg thcrcofr ect,

to root aad telpcr I rean gone of tbe

la place aad property etlll eccordlag

thc braln,

to tbe bcloof

eld rcqucet toall

1n to rucb tbrt ee rot

tbcy tDrt Lrvc lcsec blood ud beYc lo bn1n et rll. tf

Dcat rltbll

nccdl'lg elJr coolerr

28. ell

llbca Dy eerteln

racc ead couree of klnd, holdr tlat r rl!


be true rhlcb brala gtorc of

P\yelclale ll'glts;

& Phlloaophcre


tLc areeteet

of ell

1t ruet necda follor,

thet he betb tbc 6rceteet

lt6 LlD. ,.

Lret elro: ncl El: torc

but .!tcr




eld you drll

.cc rr!

by Lor

bc 6octb bryoad I bcert la llt, rDrhgrtl

ro rucb to bura ln hcet tbovc of tho bodlc. lld thle oct

tor rlt

out of tbr clceracee

of hcet, 4. ly tedcr tutttcc Itore

te f dll Ior 1l tlla

paovc 1a Lla plecc bcrcaftor. nrst plat bc dolc ead greatcd, It tbc loxt rltL 1e gulchtbc

cYc! ta oDe ntcl of lrturo tDet ukce

ta rede Dy elotbcr. lot 1r vel'l,

rtodcth thla

to tetch

6rocdy hcat rltl tlrst rolature thc rad Dc

of good rcetr

tbet lar arltb

ol feat eld flac



oD else lurcr

EERACLfTUS, thc offlcc!6 To bc rbort,

of Juatlce,

FIIRES rould tLc tlird ro thrt

.ooa epprehcld hcr.

botb tbl.e l,ad that, 1g cleercd, rlxt, 1f tt

llkcrlae, rel

r cloac tlac bodlc ead tll clcer and flacly

1n rek1n6 1a rort

eld brokca of tll

tLe lorer


rE re bcerd GvcB nor decreed ln thc Couaccl of tbc for lf lf tlct6 rcugbt rekea but rcrc lo otbcr odde eld flncly

beet Pllloaopbcre lcetr tr

aad BOEfE CRUCIII Doctore; but rucb bcat;

tbcn rought reketh rcll

eoular l8 lae ebovc-arl'd: ud tLc colcoctlol

ead 1t thc begluJ.age bc rell bold,

r{ n6lcd;

tbcy ruat lccde 6etLcr tbcnaclvcs 1l ctuac, Vorr ud tlc l! leet; for rbet

cloao togctLcr 1e fl-tc icclarcth, EtlcrLel oc. oylc

elao to rehc erotlcr ud fatneea, but retcr

rhcrcr|'th lato

rc flor, rn el'ryr

our breta tnto el



eld nl'ccd

or retbcr

cloac rubetelcc; colelder

but 11 5rou 1111 Eot stud but tDia oac crerplcr l16ht,

to thlg tht

dc6rec, tbca dbelt un

for tll

eld rcl6h

bc roro

61vcn to luatr

tber eagr othcr rorc

ead tlcrcDy otbcrr

drylag up tbc

Do4L l't plal'nllr


thca 1l ert

erd rceLeaetb ell thrt k rte ead Lolds

tD'r Lclps of long Ltlc


botb tbc rotaturc,

lb9 t'!,b. l. tlc lmrrr rtd rhlcb tht Lr ttt tLlch lmdr cnr tretr etrd tblr rLL; ud Llr tbcl ro

el llfcr

dut by lrtut.,

bc lnyttl


dry to hle ehoet ely

ora re.lto! othcr; tht

yct Lc llvcth

rad boldcth out longcr tbet 1l Lc ltvcd bc rl6bt coathuucr. tbrt f lor6ot

ro llJr phl'aly rg ordcrly trcc f lcer


te cheetly,

ead ta

otbcr lnlata thcr dl,

ee tbc rrt, of I1fc ud

fer pt!!

lDd oyor-ru!

1l tble

Blt rcthhke

tbcr rh1rpcrl

ty rclf, ea loa6,

r^ad the eld loa-

boulda of ry long Llfcr

rhca I rekc rcn eblc to llvc lnae tbat Eartl

6cr tbca eay beaat; lor to lct ovcrtrke levc lcud, Reyen, rbol 5O. tbc loa6cst goctb fu llfc

Bad6cr ead Revca, rblch rs rc thc

of our old rca;

elacc thc Elcpbrat,

bcyoad tbc ycrJr Douade of e6c, ca1nclelly dnc of our ltca. tbc hst

EIIRIPIDES1111 havc to ltvc acGE aoD rettera,

Ibere rrt

but chlcfly

uncurcablc, I

ead yct tlcy lrl!

ere ladced l16ht end carJ.c, lad thc lest tbcre rra Dcycr yet ral tDrt ellorcd

roat of ell;

tLe RIVEf,; for lf

of cou.Bd Judgeaeat eld tlc story (ead I8ISTOTLE of ell

kaorlcdge |'n tbc re1cs of neturc, bJr luc t16Lta, Bcclicc, bsllcvcd, condoraa lt, eld ru rcrt rbcn bc 6lvcr to bh)

tbc Elcpbrlt

tbc loageet }[fe

rbet? rhould ro lcercb eftcr thcr colfcse Dlraclfr

Poeta Rccordd?

dotb aot olc uon6

tLcy ere not to bc

ead bcld ee rltlceace? cbrae tbcl

dotb aot PI"ATO' oncc r Poetr rad thea up ead don ta tll placee? lad 1a one Huaca

e Phlloaophcrr phcc rtoole, tII,

eayctb, thoy uc ud

bcatdeg tLclaclvear gourh6

rbca they d.t oa thclr tlat

rua ll.kc I rprhg lcna rccouat, ud

out ell

colca? Are thcy aot

la dec rtgbt

tbc greeteet

cacrteg to Godr 6ood llturcrst or tLc Dcv1l bred?

ead tll

tnrc klorlcdge,

that eyGr tbe rorld

LLb. l.

71. tLle ud

Eut I rl1dc

too hr D.tbrDr

u!rrrr.!; tb.r. rot .brll

e.a'd1f rc ruft bc lo tllet

of forcc Dccolvc burt tccctvcd:

rtod Bevlar tct I crllot

fcc thy rc rry


DJ'l rltb

HE!EUSfLE{r rDd sore

otber egcd Fetbcre 1a EOLI fRfT, rg dlc thrt of our rgca corca to, rlth .eyr tboee tcrr! for elbclt


to havc l1vcd ra rraJr ycars It 1a lot cnougb to Hy rad lot

edylategc. ere to bc rerat .olc

for rontba,

ra tG eccouat tbcn; gee ln PLIII, tbat ler tllcd

I L.uor tbe l;gyptleas rcckoa (ao rc lay ue sald to llvc e thouaaad ycars aplcce,

rbcrs aole of tbcl

Bo reDy roathe)

yct 1e egrced eroDg thc DlrC,Do8, len beet alcthat the JEIS accouut ras otberdee, rrhc lt. But lf tb1s elclcnt ultruc, vea 16

la tbcse rattcra, otbcr letlone

rc eld dI loly

etory of our

rca De r tblag la doubt, or ccrtatnly yct your e6ed RIVEil ley 60 rltb lt,

or to be leaat of

ronthe, to6etber; hdced buldrcd

and tbe Fetbcr of the tale

re ray, rhca re 1111, DaaB to the ELEPEAIfT. ARISTOTLE Td thrt tbc ELEPEAITllvetb thrcc 1s thc luthor of tLle etorlc, lrcare; bor thea rhall hla rttaese? Le arltb: re rletrlc tcll 1n llke rhrt rrtucr of thl.e laat le e vory bard

e^ld roftac rettcr thrt

t srnrst

to aey;1t

ead egal'n f haor, tbat rhca thc porer aad purse ALEI(II{DER,rto 6aye Dl'l clght talelte of Sllvert

of Ll'a

eld ScLolcr,

e bu6e futrEe, to tbat r1ac, bc heeped up e rablc of rll ead beerc-lalrc8 l'ato .o!o ol thosc boohs (by eore cellcd ) ead sore falec ead untrue telee rl6ht tbel; yct I orc rucb to the lara rortb1acae;

klnds of reports

creep 1l auong

end agrln tbc booke lave of the aad lanacrs,

ryor L.ld

tbe plece of e truc Rccord; and beeldee thl.e uttcr

ELEPEAXT,both for tbc forecouched caueee, ead for hle rlt

Irlb. ,. aorcrbrt tolloDo rlthlD ycrts; LlU ol u rbcrc


oul rrtutcr r ..y

rrJr mrloDrbly rtrh, rcttrllhe thrt

rcll r lccl thle



ttrr touad ol to cbb rad fror llvc !o rea.t of t1c tlre

Eor thra? rc:

ry r1ld

lae yct ruppose 1t truc,

Bctat rlould

thc fSLIfDERS ot IEIL Dcer COLECUT, rad thc lalebltente llEOr botl of thcr colloaly y.uar ead ururlly mecb our eplntatcd

Luldrcd ead tlftJr thcy drell, tehil6

Dy thc fevour of tbc rtre for ou6ht r caa Inor) dccn, tf

oaely ead roll thc conaoa retc tbcy rlved as


ead courac of thc rorrd; cbaately

tbat re rrJr larfurry

es tbc ELEPEAI{TSr rho colca but once ia tro years to ycncry, h1a otbcr 6ood ordcrs of llfc thslr egc loager, ea tell, that they nlgbt

end arallorcd ceetly 12.

drer forth

end corc to tbc drye of thc ELEpBtm. by our ora tll half dlct ead

For'ee re ta our leae happle ao!'lcr,

crooked cugtonce, blYe cut off aad lost co lt rorldr uJr aGcr to tLcl; tbet rlJr ra! tbc bleat But tt for re lurt

tbe better

of our t1e, of the

aot tblah l'a tLla of laturc,


fulttllctb of uathcly

thc tllc dcttb.

but all

erc ercpt

rrrJr d.tb ,r.

ray chacc

tbet loat

rece of l1fc,

rhtcb courlc

tbc autbor la tbat klad,

rekca thc bcaat to lruDr tta

Do coinoD ead ord,lDrrt ud thcl,

Dut of forc odde tad rere crerplc; erol8ct loublc rorctbca tort, tht )4. lllr lct ua rLlch tbc couol by tLclr tcn,

ao douDtr 1t8 tLcre be rote rot by rhet 6ood Lrpl rblch

d1116clcc, trd eo tlcre bc rot llvc

I kror rertlag trlcc

1a thoee plecce,

PFove e6cd lclr tl, le lort

ead rhlcb

ee lon6 ec tbc coEDoD

er thc ELEpEAtr.T. tbla, lrDr or ou6bt clee tbet cel bc ceat e6ahrt dl.ct end

lbcrcforc, us colcluder

for tII tbrt

1f he L,cpt tbc 6ood eld kl'ad}[c

LLD. t.
ordlr trh llvr of l1tr, rltcb otlcr r16ltr; vold of roeron bt tDr tnrc ead ccrr ead rrur cl.c rrecl uto 1t, rltlt

6u1dr of treturc Lctp, longcr tbcr uy

trv1n6 rorc bclpr Vur eld vltl furtbcr beceurc lt rltlell

of tbn;

thr bouads of

loeg llfr tbc ddrt l1l1

eppolatcdr eld tcllr u

eld plrbrpa lt ud tcrc, yrt

tlto; tccn

bot rc hevr rteycd la to obcy tbc tccrot thc lholc drrlrc of

of Ood thc brttcrr

to tltl

f,etnrc. Ibcn reJr your 1t rcre 6ood to lcarn do usc to kcrp eld follorr e bcratly .trre l1fc; do rot lf lt tLc ordcr of llfc ead ccedy rll'cb Bceats to lced tbc

rcrc rcct

for tra

co trlrc thc tcedlt rord; r rra tr erd lnrtry

of e good trlng, rot


ol e foul tnd flltty

olc ead d.nglc er tbcy Drt I Bcert (bc epohu elbelt,

bcr Dut oosbrc erd tro tLlaga, rl'tb rcv.rGrcc) rad lnrt1y

I llgbt, tLtn6;

r torG dlrlac

erd tbcrefore

eecordhg lnttern Crcrturt do, rltcr lotc rrto

to Lla dlrtac ead fon dlor


aad rceaon, bc ought to 3o11or tbe dlvlac yct ea Lc ts e f1gbt, lry tt rad en cartly

of l:Lfe rbovc rct; 1t fu rot urcorely,

1a nccceeery to do ea tbcy .o, lt rcrc bctter, bcrt tler rbrt rt1ll end bcloa6a eltcr

e tort; rlth

ead 1f 1t rorc tltogctlcr tbc rtll of hturc, rclf;

egrcceblc llfcr tht

rho kaorcth

tar uato lcr uucrr

for lce0cth of rlt

orc duc ead ordcrly th us t8rllat of treturcr

rLcn 6rcet vrrlcty ee tlcy ery,

ead guldcbceil.dce tlc rey

l{rf,ERvaEs dllr ulto

tad qultc Cuetolcr, rad flret

I tbouaaad by rad forolgn tlor our elclcat

rhl'cb te tbe oaly rboh ead rccoad

cruec ol onr dc6cncretlon oetttc.


lJ,b. ]. (rEcl!t.



e tboureld



deetle donc)

|lfD !O

LrYE 1O0E[8ER 1O lED nrolr EtD 0r ilTttBE, rEtt rs, toR cErtDRErf,ltrD
IOT tDR PLEISURESSAKE ( tor tH.c ne la es tcldorc rrJ to lrrcscrvc rrdc to thc rlglt purpoec) ud

eld duc couraer ea thc bcttc llfc ead forcetell dlrleeee,

eort ol Brasta, thc rced5r BIII ESPECIII.LI I0 OEt @OD LllOUR tttD E RDSETP,I'IrtrcLED lclpe to loag }ltc eld

cEILDREilT ltrD !0 ERIf,O UP IESIR CETLDRET Ir IIIB I{UCB I{IRIE AfD SLEEP IOCEIEDR, no rell ea thc dlrcctora ueet lld thcrrclvce


coafcas rad klor. tbose Bcaats offcnd ead fall but ln 6reat dea8er rurt tLelr tcr-

But lor tbclr trcatly) lf


tbey rould

coueat (11 rLlch

to tehc no p\relck,

caat 1n by dgfortulc

caee tbc Bceata do lot .!d

odlca) DcyGr to drlok rlac, to teh,e ery rcet tbc tlac frol erd drt'lk

tbe gbortncr of llfe; tbet thc flre

to bc ebort, aot ruudcre rc ror

hatb toucbed ( for lt

thc 6roaa, tLrt lcft

1a, thc bcat frou tbc loret,


cbooec) but er f,eturc btb tLcre thlage, ttrt rl.ttrln f aey, rerc thrcc

thcn, e.ud othcr l16Dte uee tbcn;lf f e.l fully lt pcreredcd

duly kept rad perfoned, end off-lprta6r,

or four 6cncratloaa

rould corc to aot oaly but

prarG, tbrt prs.f,Dt rbolly

re rLould cee tDle pcople provc e letloa ud tbc bouade of lorg e1l the blogelrge llfo

of Ghatsr efore lctr

tbc e6e of Bcerts,

ead rcctorlng

of the tlrat


of thc body. 5). offecte ud 1ld thfu f 6ethcr, aot by our orn coltruy but chlcfly cuetouee oalyr t*{EE

la c!.oaae ead coltreryr pcople la tllce pratr

by tbo Ll.fc eld uae of OIillTS


erd eore otber yct et thl'e dey, rblcD racc rad couree thlch f dcacrlbcd: Aad

ree eni la tLe vGtJr relf-eelG

ttl t l,D. l.
.urc lotr tlrlr hld for tLc llbrblterta tLc trn curtorcr ol IEILL rDd llEO, ol out loa6 llfc, eld rlcrc rbl'cl I brou5ft la .ycD of

fllllat uec ud op.Dr tlc


f el rot cutela f hlor phcc

f ttnd tbc etoryr la tbc fLret

tLc cturc le

aoodacae of tbe eoll

( for 1t le thh tro

ougbt to bc tLo blcercd tbc ncrtl 6rcet tlc lor tDc bcl6bt

PIRADISE) ead upoa tbc goodlraa ot tbc llr of tLc l1II, rlthout r11 rtad eld rr1a,


of rcne bodlce; eld kladly fon

yct f el 1cd to tbiak erd rule of llfc,

tbat tbcy do kccp to drer

aale ordcrly

or et lceet

Dear uato ltt rplrlter tourncy thtt

bcceuee elbett

clcen A1r, by clerrra6

ead qulckcalag tbe corforta la tH,a

and lcarchh8 (ee rc rlell ltvea

tbc bodyr bc aot llttlc ecc, lf 1n tbe clcaacr

helpe rld rll

re rrr*. hor uont tlcreat,


lcad tholr

do tbc 1oa6er; E[ah

tbcn lorusr

rad laad f,lghta thca tlcsci thc bcttcr e5.r atllt;

eld rlngcd oDca yct loa6cr, bclneoruch ea CARDAN dercs tblDk, tbcy llve for cver);

caua tLc hlgbcr, that 1f uy yct lf drell

ln AEIEER, r.e PLATOTS Ectr efflrn, rcat rlthell, tt rould rrr

1I1 dlet

ea ruch ea tbc otber ande, long

rad grcatly 11fe, ,6.

cloy ead hl'ader, yer ead cut abort tbc recc of tbelr

I el of tbc arlo dad

for ell

other odd end prtv!'tc


of grcat rgc aad 1on6 ll'fc tlrc, regletred


(ee for aore fTAI..IAI{S!n PLIIIES

of OfE EIIIfDRED SlEltTY IOttR fEAnS) ead auch other egcd rlgbt lct tn bcrc l lGa of crenples; LMD but f ruet Alt EUIDRED of

ren ln Autborei a ul be rlort; lllD TfEilTl ncltber


thrt I aere Kl'nC AROAI|TEOIV,

IEARS, AISDREICIED EIGETI IEERDOF; aor yot thc old rr{6bt S1r ALfXGTOI|, ead PARRE, ctc. lct ltDXTl

our Couatry,


l$ tLb. !. tlrt Il'aily 1t ao lt1,mtc 1l iobllltt, tbet tbcy co!o, t3 1t, llfc. utrto tht

coulsc of lttc,

eg uato thc 6lelc tlet lt tr rot

eld oad of lolt ualnaelblr,

lhca re lcc et logtL rr otdlDery ead raglc rrtter tbe rtrcl6lta llfc

ra tbcy aey, but

to etrcatthcn rld

tbc rceh naturc of nadrJ'ad, ao lced Dl.l oa etlll to tbc

to cdergc rlctcDt ,7. of state,

of hl'e llfcr rpp,ohted. rtart

r6c rad lolt

Btrt I rcc tlen

up erd rey tDc l'ltc (rurlcely,

ea CllK) 1a effal'ra ee 1f

uacd to glve coulscl

tbougD D6yea eo reIl)

he hed bccn ln PLATOIS Gouon-rcaltb, So l'a rrttcr fonor of {yct ud

ead aot tn tbe drege of ROMIILUS: re llved ln the

order of bodyr rpcdr ea tf

6o1dcn l6er

rhl,ch, ae FOEIS trln,

rae u,ldcr SATllRlI, eld not la rf th the rorldr poter, es lt to raze

the conuptloa aor 6octb,

of JUPITERShlngdore;

rDd thrt

caaaot be brought (rltbout ead reke a Der rorld, f rustr

e klad of dlvtno

out tbc old, ead khdly

ead thrt lf

la loag tllc)

uato tbe flrat take the

cuetole of llfe;

f lcrD to do rlaelyr such rcataeae r! of hcalbg ll'fe

lctr lB f fl.nd then; ead prove tbat ell tber, fortb rrt uto bt rrls hdcevour ead aktll

Dot 1a enong

bc upholdcn ald lcd aforeect. et ny beads of tbc

thoec Doulder aad the cad ol loat

Al'bct't f Drvc dole ra rucb rB rcasolebly ln tbl.e plecc, rrttcr, rblcb te1l rhl'ch ras rlotted

rrgr bc rcqulred

out to rhor tbc 1nealblllty bettcr by plelnneas

lrct bccauae f corut lt 1a tLc cnd of ly rrltht, lg/ prulrole,

of spcoch to do 6oodr of lrgurcnt to oDpolat eleot

tbea by rubtleroat

I 1111 core ulto

VoEr erd vcatuDc Epo! tht bop1l6 not tlet

bc 1't lcycr bold lell

eo brrd eld dcaperater but Ood C;oodlcDr



Llb. ,.

lbrn 1t rcllr tlr






of eld brlag, end tbc trerc

tbt llfc

ead roul of ead rltb

eld Llr

tood tbc llnt


eld tclpcr 1l ordcr,

body tlet

holds thlr

botb; ro lct

ur tekc tbcr ell

roc hor tbcy ret tl.c lert, 58. DIcr rDrll

bc ttt..crytd,

rad Lcpt togotbcr, tad lt6btclt. thrt

Dcgtnal.a8 flrat

bccrulc 1t 1t lcmt rt 1r oectcd ol.ry llvc

by tbo ler of ietulc, erd prcscrvc l(a

ao body, drt

or e1ltro rad 1e plela tbough


e.ud bcla6 rltbout bla klnd, lt

bclpe or cteyee, thet lel ol ll'g leturc; 1a tDc tlrat elt

rcet end rrcrclec,

cecb llkc

ee ln lone eld rlrplc Folr reprctelly brvc llfc erd rovht lf

eld aubtlle

bodlcs (for ee thcy tcn

tbcy Dc llvhg'


thla6e trdccd tlcrJr rcet

ead eoula, lB re bcard ebovc) thc Lot oDca crcrclac; rolet oDcB, rlad ltkc ead retcr, tlor-


116 food eld crerclee; ud rcet tor crcrclae,

cold ard dry tbb6a rhlcb le elao llkc,

ta cartbly,

sustelence state

rad preecryea tbclr

ead bc1ag. ,9. thlc Dlt 1l rll rloac eld rlrplc tbh6e lor bs rlthla crctptcd; tbe coupaee of rad thcy epcek lot

Lerr tlon

Ecevca rry eot bc frccl tbet



aey, thc STARSEEEDUFOI| TEE SEA; rad for tbet tbc Occa! ro rlghtly tbe retcr placcd uadcr tbe

by Sood edvtcc of leturcr of tbc Ssl; yct tbclr ceelly

cour.G rad relk ud rullkc tbcr, hbour ABtLcr, IDrt

for elthougl Iprer ud 1t, tbl'lt,

be yct eo fer off, rblc


1a ruch, ee tbcy trc tLret prop.r lato l1r, food.

by tlolr tloa lrto lO. olt

to rellrc llkc

end turn lt ead tLclr


e rcakcr 1r ro,


tbc brugry Soula (rll'cb 1t plel'l bcrc bclor

erc but frpe allpt urto ut, rDca re rce

the bcevcnly bo{yl


tlb. 5.
tl|r r! .t111 ur11ltr6 tl.t to teny, erd rueblo to llvc flP.lcc uoDt ur dtLout tret,

bcrrey thrmlvrr ley trko thlt

by tbc plelr onc tty, tf

el0 rerto

of thc flrrt eld ell lyctb


you rould rerk rclll

oa tbe 6rould: od tctlol 6hily ucrclrcr

tbcn thcrc la old co1l ead f16btla6 tlrt lar for 11?c ead bc1l6 (rhlcl

hcrc bclor

for tset


tbc ceuee of ell end bs

eld dohgr to Dl'e l1lr;

rcet end cbu6c, rDd lf

erd cvcry otr nrancth crally bc tcvcr ro ltttlc

hl.r rtrcrgth


rubducar dlgeete, bJr bln; hc lerce but tf

eld turae Dl'l lato

l!'e ora aeture,

rnd la etrcngthcucd

be rleae of ble l1ke food et haad, ead be nucb ltronger, lad le eblc to oqu1l ulllkc th1n6e, 61rtlg eld coatrerlce rlsht tLlnge eleo; thtl6e ee f


of tbc Sterer d.6ht1eat Eut la crao thc uallhce thca aclthcr lnllcd, lor

to ell

la thc rorld:

be of equ1l porcr eld natcbce, but both rre lrzcd,

dcvourctb nor coneurcth eecb other, rLtcb thcy cell

eld rcekctcd,

coaecat, and tenper, ead ul'rture; dry rlthell, erd rater vGry


f|.rc crtrcr! rct,

bot eld roaerhrt to6ctbcr

cold e.nd roucrht of etrcr6tb, tbl.a rrturc lnto uc


la cvcn porera erd prolnrtlons loat ead dcatroycd; but l'f

both 1r1nlrcd,

but rcltLcr


by tbe hcat of hcaven to be takca ta Lead, ead tuncd tubste.ncc, tbou6b tbere bc nor tro roaetcra yrt bccauae of tDe heat ol reetbcr llke ud tlrer bl.a rcdrer ect eld foc eai

er el'rJr elC tet

etrJ.aat tbc drought of ftrc, Eceycl rbouad1lgl orc$r yl.cldl'4 lld llture.

1t ls aor bccore 1nrtly for lood ulto ildc 1t,


cncrcealn6 ble etrengtb hl'a crccsdlag rad ratry rolcoldto

But l.f on tbc otbcr thc dnugbt

el.r edd ulto



of fLrc,

yct aone rtrelttb

lcaa (ea rppcerctb h

tb1ck eld fo6gy reathcr)

1t 1g eblc ceally

Llb. 5.

orarcorc tl. tour tlmt eld dtlll rcrso!; Lret

tLc f,lrr,

erd ott

h1r up. 1r e conernt eld dnlrtlg erc, lt of tbc

tror for r d.rt leroua rtcrlce,

Do{t (rllcl

rrdc eld kcpt 1l tuac ud bcrt upo! thcr) or drlvcn eld tlght

by thc forcc

of el hcevcaly end rrturel for rbcl cltbcr

betb thc tbla

lor lech of rcet,

by rloloacc,

dcpertcthr torc

tDc fr{.cnde be61n to etlr one ttelde

for food eld frcelorc pert ald

dorer ulttl of bla foncr

out rbovc thc rcet, pute tboae thrt

eld rGcovcr!

Dorerr rhlch

cea fccl

to tbc loret,

brccde dleearesr ead at laet ellr ud toltrt uO turle then ell lato

6cts tbc rbole lcrdebtp, Lla ora lrturc;

ead rulcs ovt

tben tbe old conacDt, kaot, etlll cane:

bo(y 1t Drokcar lort dornreid, u.atll

erd apollcdr

ead l Dcr redc erd 6ottca, froa rbclcc frere thcy ell

tbey rctura

to earth, the tlery

for crerpler tls rul

ead tbat Leer borc: Il of lood fallg Dlrst, flre

of uae

bodyr rhea retiro erd

aoul for rant beck 1l ordcrr

ead f[ta


tbcy atrclgbt luke-rlrlr la, rt reterlab, lclgtb tror tt

rarctD, rotet.ud tbrt tlll

rupt up rltb etd reter bc loet dry

e1r, eld tl,le ruddy, atlll

looD rftcr

thlck eld cold,

rolrc ead rore tDlck etrd dry, ell

eld beery, rld ell' ect forth

bc dcvourcd e.ud brougLt to certbl lld thl,s 1s tbe leturel

rbcacc tbey ead dceth



of our body; forclbls otber torce, rLlcb

daatb el'd dcgtructloa

la by dleeeac (to bcar out breetb or relt, Ctr-

ro rea cra rarrelt)

rbca cltber

tclpcrcd 1u1l6e

1l aorc guallty, tbovc tbo rcrt,

do fccd ead nourleb erd nke lla rtront colaeat

sore oae thelr

l1'kc bcg-

rad r,blc to veaqulab tbcnt rforseeld; ea rhca by ratcr= later, tbrough bot

erd br{.ag la the Jer of thc rualcal lah rcat r^nd elr all

tbc bc61'nrr1gE lte

stren8cd llto

Ilb. l. erd dry lato tbc crcrclfc to prcacrvg I llcry tclpcr,

ead !o forth;

or clsc rhca tbc body trDte rD1cb 1r qulck lotlon, of ra^a, lrol t!,e aloth

rhtcb 1t orlng eld duc ruto hh, tbe r1r eld flrc tn tbe filnc frerc

eld liIcDcBB of tbc rlor

end ruaty bcglaalage. tbe IEIJOU ,tAUtfDICE, rbeu ell the blood 1e

For 1n e Dtlcaee cellcd coavertcd lnto cbolcrr lf

tbcre be aot r ralr to coavert tLat cbolcr for lf ell tbc blood coavcrted tbere be blood:

back !,ato bloodl lato lot

hor cra tbe nrr llvc?

cboler be let e ray lcft

out, he nuat naede dle; so he augt alao lf to trarenutc

la leture

thle choler bach egala lato

I dght e rergllal

laeteace tbe l1kc of tbe Dropele; Dut f ghould laltc too long lotc; ttudJr tteture, ead sbe rlll rake tbec e bettcr to fortlfle Pbyclcu of la a

tbcn OAI,E!{ Dl'nself rae, ao gball you lcan tbe body th.t lluelcl'an rlads 1a the rcet, ls rcak, aad ahoet up that

that quallty

eetea up by lta

adveree quallty,

atr1a6 that 1a eleckedr t1ll

1t uekes a barnony

but he rlade tt

aot too hlgh, lcaat 1t aouad overtop tbeu.

By rblch grouade leld, rade plala tclperete lcd rllke, and eaelc; A1r ead rert

re ace tbe ray to uphold the tcaper of our body ao lore but to fced ead cberleb 1t rltb that all tbc beglnalnta ud cleaa ead atryed aad to


ole rrJr not bc rore proud, rtroag, rnd overtbror 1e crtrcen aad ratery

eble tbea rnotberl poleon kllletb

aubduc the rcstr uer Dceeuae lt eg alao tlcry rtrcrgtldag

tbe State; etrd therefore

cold ead dry, (for tcrpors frol

;s Day abut out all


tbs nene of lntaoa) llquor

feedlag end

tbc dre6e, but devourlag the flac Plelte,

of tbe bodyr ee

ycDououa Julcee tbs llke tbcse elotber;

rad tbcse aoleone Beagte, end oae of

nay rhlch ts very straager f bave rced of auch netured

t60 Llb. t.
l.D of ftrDIAr thrt b uttd to ret lordc eld Ylpcrfs |ld lIJEnfltS nltb,

SAI A OIRL Ol IEREE lErnS OLD, IBAT IED OREEDILI UPOil SPIDERS, ud burt, Do rct but l1kcd 6rcetly rltb tt. rbon f m1d ebove, fetacss rad cealot bc fet, cxcept tlrc ratr rrnl33s ud tbat at1ll

rra tcyrr 42. rel

tblDk 1t ely dlecord,

ttrpcretclcle rater

upLolde tha body; r11 1a oae; lt bc rcll eld cvenly rlrt; el rulc rron6 tLer;

tbc certb ud elr

Dor tllc,

bcer te 3ood e strokc,

but you rrll

f,eturc hrtb ln onc rtry lror fror

6lvce bcr crceturce eld plecc tor cvcr,

e ralk

of courae, lot

to ateld

but to love ea,d relk thet lc,

up eld dora, to ead God bath

onc eldc to eaotbcr; rorldr

la rra 8a1d before, thrt frale

redc e cbugcablc bodtr celaot'cvcr looaacd ud ol arturc, atroagcr larerd lort fall

ead thcreforc

ead buJ'ldJ'n6 of naae

bold ead helg to6ctbcr, tauadcr. I graatl tbc dlI

but ruet tccde oae day be

1t ruet lccds be ao by tbe courae of hcr IORD, cbe batb eplnlated thc rent ead ebeence of tbe 1r tboac rblch the t)relcrce erd Sklll (rhlch tbe counou

bcceusc to fulfll tGlls

rad cauece to rork, eld kcrplng thleger


frlcndeblp ctll l:lr1lg

of tbc roul,

or |'n the rect, surr{lt llt

of eore rlvcloua by tbe Lclp of

eld tpolllrg rrtnre l1fcr


but tf

le ebovc tbc eoumc of lrturc) eld dcfcncc egallat tlc othcrr

by kaovl'a6 of tbc-duc food lor

tbc tDtrJr, rey bc eblc to dcfend tbc ore, ead ol Dotb dead

kccP oft ui

tbcar lo doubtr thc frenc ead tcrpcr lor cYer. elrcedy, end born by ccrtrh tle

qul'ck, re5r hat 45.

|lLe rey 1e fould ttrt lrt

pcoplc for tbo lal.llag caeny rlth etatc


f rlel,

Drtb oftca, ud

by off

e rtrong



upbcld r dcad tbllg,

of rllppcry

l6l Ll,b. l. ud !oo! drcey for rvcr; r! r Cor2e by BeIr oD nt.r ILy tlol of Srlt, tLrber rcrt Dnoye

by tlc

oyl ol Enlratolrr to rltr tlc

eld rucb lthr: ltorc

aLould tlr to llfc



ol flt

food rtlll

ead art-

urel bcet (for rhorc

otbcr bclpa of rcet erd crerclec our rcel thrt eld hcrt fnre

ere caste) to ruder-

or h,ccp uprlgbt

for over. (bcceuac lt tlret fccda

lhc Orccka holdr lpolr dellyr ruct ead reetcth rLlcL

our lrturel flnc

eld !l.fc

thc roet

end uDlcr!

oyl (cellcd end flac


to food of llr

ead l{cat 1r ttt

cnou6h to rcpalr, Lct ua aee for tble

aeed fe1lt

ead fa1I rlthal,

rnd ceal.ot bc rcetored:

rbat rey bc lrld l'e ell. ll4.

to tD1a, yea eld bcad ell

our force uato lt;

.|rLc goulr ll,fe

aad latural

hcat of thlage 1a ottea

aad fltly

coalnred ead ltkcaed ce,Ilcd flrc; ceuot ettcredl clrlccr oyl; rld lors


the otbcr 6roaa eld flcrcc, thl:, L1c redi-Ilkcr

bot ead dry body, tbat l'e, el.r

to lced end uelatet'n rad beceuec lt thc flrc

be raltla6; dlrtdl'a6

1l ble due place 1g too tbJ'a rad ecof ll'e food ead euatof ratcr, cellcd

to lou6Dt ln purault

1t ruat acede by hcepa bc crordcd up 1a e ahcll ead oyl rect togcthcrl

t'f rucL hcrt tLcreout rs fel 4r.

the rork la grcat e.ud buele, of thc rcetr ald tbc tlrc fol-

ra.ecth e euork la a lcevtag ee tbc rlodr thc lature batb eny fetacae, of flre uekce a fluc. ee loug es 1t hatb food ln e cloae plecc ra uader

Albelt & crrveth

coatliueth erd rlll

rlon6b, elbca, ice!'rce

lo grcat crcre1ae,

yct r flerc

belng rore theu flrcr alrr botl

r hot breetb or ctrod( bcaldcat tbc tblckr thc reluecr rhlch

opeD eld clcar choek hln,

to recclve

olec rould

ea alao lor L1e reaker

food, tbrt

he bc aot

ll,D. ). rt$Yodr tbt tt rblcb rry tlln8 lot tro erc cloutbr relvrll 1a tllr tt brrldct e llttlc rotlon tor Lle .rcrcl..; tor eaotbcr ebbora


rtr1cb bc 1l cooltng

llodfirl coolllg atlll

buelacrc, t8 lt rhlch

rhcrcea thc ktld le cntnv.D

of tLrc end elr

ee ble coatnryr to fly tror thrt

1l tbc lrturc

of thhgs,

burts 1t. of l1fc rad dlf

f,or 1r llke leturel


to corc to the lruDlrore, 1f thc tlrc e llttlc ttlc oIIr ead firet

bcat bc not grcet, ud


tervc to fecd lt,

out of tbc ahck

rorkl'n6 etall

atorc of refuee to clcaae

brcetb ead aloak arlscth eld fccd 1t, tLclr ra rppcerctl

to leke accd of frcah rad opca elr by tDoec f16hts, brcatb, rhlcb

arc eble to Livc 1n parted tbe lltcr,

plecce rltbout

bclp ol rlrd,

eld e!'r: thc llttlc ald Etsh tl

Yctrlac(callcd lay ln tlc eelth;

1a Latlae fSECTA) llvctL


aorud cartb solcthcr;

Torda ln cloee Bocke, es IGRICOLI ae ARISTOTLE reporta: I[ke a flalc, aud flac to aour.-

ead Hllee la tbe roat gccrct }tlaers flrc,

but rhea thc hcatl ee la tbe botter brcetbl tab tlc

oa tbc othsr atdc, le great ead llvely, lo tlght

f1ah, ead other,

cea ra.nt freab alr

botb by lle

clearncaa to purger rad h1s reekcr llkcnesa eloek, ead aplrlt thca flare, thrt lecdeth cenlctb cooltag flt 1t.

tror tLlar

Do lore

to preacrve hle bclat; for rlt eld reltbty perforled. 1t

but to terpcratc pcrcclvtagr 46. la plala lrture; erLcty |llet rblch,

thc klad of bl'e prolnrtlon, r eayr bclorc I brougbt, tbcn e1r,

aad lot ead tblc

thc dr

AEthcr la etroagcr

to coneure lt,

1n rreaoa by hla renth uA

eld rolctaeae,

Eeaalnt elr olalty

1a hla ora aad contread

yct grose r^Bd tD,lch elr, ttr r1It

ee bcat torerde


ttead 1l corbet egal'nst lt,

rad, oyercole l't,

lJ.b. 5.

tbrlcr tle tl8ht




1l dccp 1111;-p1ts, eld crvce uldcD tDould, conuDt, 1al nrltrld rulcre lor relt of llorhtr

rhcrc 19r

el'r 1e tDlct, cra irer

!o llgft


rad llve, r1r,

by ely dctlrc

thc rey be found

to rove ead aourl.ab tbc lllc 17. lhca to drer Dclr

ead reke 1t kladly. 1l tbe Stera do fcrd oa AEther, lcehcr llgbte, ead

thc rettcr,

eld tbJ.g Epo! cloea ead rpotlcaa our aoul ead llfr

el.r, lB oD tbclr cyrD e allp

1e of r atemy Lhd,

ead egark tbercof

(ea you rey read et lrrge tbea lt ao f,.orctb rhlcb fsrth

tn ry EARIOIIY OF IEE IORLD) es 1a eforeaald, to feed our AEtber, tbe of our aoul, but to

rf th 6ood elrr aour{.ab llfc

le rorud ebout ue ; tDet 1111 aeDye tbe tura, aelf. D[tDcr lt gclf

end beat tt

ruat bc tbe food, or crcept tlle aperk of

tbJ'e bo{y rblch. ta ro bl'gb ead paat our reech, hcavealy flre rere ablc,

ILke tLe rbole body eld aprlng ebove, by hie the rater flret lnto breath, ead thle lato ead to lakc

porGr oyer our ncats, ADthcrr rhl'cb lt l corlo! but rot 48. ttt fl.ret

to turn

1a not,

ead cen 60 !o further flt to rourlah rl

thea to elr,

oyl eld fatleae a hcavealy flre. lhere tbea aball


es ttrcy tern tt,

our llle


food ead austGDaacc, Eey lrout flae oylr ud ulaeeD

to bcer 1t up, ead uJ'ntel'a rolature end fat, eld call

hls bc1a6? ID tbrt you tbrt lEtberlel?


tAs of,cE SEED, AIID BEmRE TEAT BITOD, rrD FInST 0F lLL I PLttrT, BECoUE l FDI eoft llghly 8O EftrE, CLEARAllD ATIEEREAL?Eepcclally fl'rc of Lcavcn; la aot eble to rake ro flne rhcn oae rcdr Strr, e lortr ro felr-aad ard

auadered; f BaVr thls

1a tbe gccret eld dcptb of e11, rblcb beceuee rervel 1l tbc roelr to prcecrva Ilfe

tbe GREEKS r'cvcr foruded,

f do lot

Ll,b. 5. ild



but ue rbut up .vcry


eld Dolp tbcl

ln thla bclp tbrt bevc lo3

lccs trttcrr lrl'a

yee eltbough

rc bc drlvcD to oDOEtbc tllrga grcat drr*lcae. lnrte la by thc bellore

htd tad coycrcd ovcr rltb Ihea our llfc t'a thc lusthg uato rork,

of thougbt pratr


upr ead rovrd eplrlte

1t ecadcth forth

out of cvrry

tbc hot netunl

ead brcetb of be6cttlag tbe dery part of our reat,

cloethcd rJ'tb tbc gbeU rcady to bc turacd cartb) ead not

ol eced, cut out fror lnto our body (or rt


alreedy, of tt,

eld nor turaed tato

fron tLe refirac aad lcavllgs lf the 49. rould euffer,

la aole 3ay, rhcn I could ehel lt, our bodgr. of our leat aad tbe

tbe best tutcc la all ead flaest

TLla ts tbe furthest

ror*relnh{p etuffe

food of bodyr the very beglnnrag erd flrst food of llfer perfcctlon, tbc be6cttlht ead fealloned lourl'abrelt lot efter tbe reae1n1n6 forty ea re klor,

of tbe tlac


deys ta Lcat, before tt tJ'tb the doublc aatural

cone to beat of frued

bctag rrou6Dt, brceth,

aad tbe tonb,


drya before 1t bc firlly

1ato tbe foru ead ehape of r raD, rcady to drar food or (bc lt or rcletrue, recclvcd by routb or lavclr I ce.u-

etrnd to rcaeon) fron tbc rothcr, bnt tbc flrat rolcture

to tbe J.lcrcasc of tbe toutb eld 1g aor rt hlg firlI belng ulfcd lt of Phtelck, grortb eelfr ead ald raebrth

eonadcr perte: perfectlon, tetb

rad lron tbeacc fcedeth llfe, tlc arounds eld rulcs tbe rorllaa ulto

dor lV egel.lst

for tbc chlld

Dot rccolvcd rLlcb

r11 tbet

cea 6tve; & ls put ovcr for tbc restt peyrent; but rbet hath ehe

ta Dl'e aourtrbreat,

bl'a rotLera

to 61vc for food nato tLe lood of tlfe? clee rc rlgbt llvc for cYr.


ea f rhcrcd bcforet

t6t tl,b. t.
ILcl lc rcc ftrt tt tlc tlrat totrtura br relltrhcd lBr lnd bot 1t orcrlt by 1tl bcceurc lt tbc food la tbc

of tbc Dodyr & ilt tort gert elry tror


1n1cc ( for thc rcrt rbclcc hc cue)

to ovGty olc L1r rrvr tba aced rtn6lcd,

erd tekc h,la ora rrougbt, purgod,

of ell

relredr 8cthcrl ud

eld rctlted, forty thca

eld tbca clorcly

thlckoacd eld dr:lvca up cloac torhtcb 1l oac dry le cadcd ruflt ln aay to cven 16

rorc & eDovc our rcrt, certh,

rcad5r to bc turacd llto

end thcrcfore roteturc,

lacreeec urect 9o. (lf

eld cloave to our tlrst for rll tbo rorld, rc retcr

tbc food of l1fe,

le to AEtber, oyl or fetacae. re have e prala pattcra, great ryetcry of AtrtOUB-

Lnd Dy thlc

to colc to tbc polat, ud

rs bc d'ac end cercful)

rey to rork tlc

lfElfT OF LIFEj lor lf of tLe lettcr olll lctl, rareth lyetb

1t bc ao, ee I proved rbove, thet all la the relatcaeacc of our aetnrel hcat,

thc rolature ead lt, flre, rE

r.ud all ead ranctbr

rGtaoD tcacbcthl 1s qulct ud

follorcth fe!'at,

tbe etcpe of couon


to thc atorc of tla end cloac e.nd rad

foodr erd tlrst le tllar toyl lll,c rtlll lrtural llltr lold: of tlo rltb rlthrl lrto flrc

toteture; po!'lte

thca .urc rc cen take en oyl ee flac r11 cle rttl thle; lt rlII caelly ud

rry 1r dI our tlret



eld ro fccd, tourlsb, prell rclron,


i .veD 1r u tD.c tlre of oullr

good ud botl rot

ae thc urs

oyl dropt

euglcata ilould lorccr

food eld flale; only 1r1nlr

yca put clae the eale lor lack of

ble rtrcDtthr tlao,

erd ehch lla yct there tctc

but rbetc E a blglcee dolc; tor tlta

la ronc PLyelcea.e

ao grcet Lurt ilrr

aocoud eperk end ellp

6rcet ead corroa (S{cb

ol leture, oac ln ell

bc{nt e plrce of tLc fl.aer part tDl.r6s) ead fclIor to hle l1ke in

of tbc rholc

la rll

t6 6 LLb. t.
lltr llor 1t tr redc trrc lld clor. ttnd tlt 1! tbmc uttm. oyl ead tet tbt tot hret ttnt tot..turc? tbc Dpdncea; I you, by tbc llkc t11'e by ccrGo!t1afllc lSBLrr{.rI Hcdlclace,



thc Lcepr rld |Drll rc act tlc 1e dnra

But lor 51. rirrcd rtuflc tr1! urlr tlc

LlLc ttlr fo frrr

lLe lettcr lnttrrl,

tberc 1e ell bcforc

.v.E er returc by tlc llhr

tbr Hrc eld rorhg

eld food, ud groof of ell oqullr ud


orrr tc! ro1at,

ta cretly

to bc fould, beat.

c?c1 e 6catlcr

tbat b,


But thc accd eccleth brr:d ead htd proporttoa lucb be

erd uublc ud tcrpcr

to bc letched,

beceuec e k!.ad of etrelgq Do ll! cl! by couleel

of our Dod5r(rblcb

ead klorrcd6c,

lcee by hrad ead rorklaarh{p, boyld ell tle drture la ell


ead coultcrfclt, thrt ell thc rlts

no not lf

tbe leete Lta on

1l tbc rorld

could devlac, redc lt 72. Ibca lor

tbua eftcr

faahlon. erd telper aot by usr but or lecd, ebovc all, lf re e.nd

1f re te&,e thc eerc frere

by kl,ld proportloned? dII cell (rblch lt

r lean tbc garc brood, or fleebr

thc ren of GER}IAIW cbooec, eld coarend tt, lt aot bc vcry retunl? 1l lla tor lf

HmtrA) rould

tbc Doctore hold lt aad hclp hll ea to rcld caanot bold, thG l.'te of

toodr 1l uy rlth tlc lrkc luet

pert ebout ua fdl

duty, to conect

Dert of rore bcaat; tltb

1nea1l6 ta tbc propcrty; Bcaat; tbo rolb thrt

frlltleg rl'tb

thc yerd of r luaty

tLc rolb

of e qulck Coacclvcr; llght. rtth


breetb!.ng rttb

r lor6-6rded Ibra on ;nrtr

Sec thc EAR{Off OF IBE IORLD, & ctc. bor ruch lorc khdly colaent rc rJ.gbt rltb our

conrldcr flacly

dreaecd telp


1n our dlsclarsr of th1r trctt Sccrct sf

But lor ty put

I cenaot rurtad

tbc bottor

tLb. l. gDRllarr; lor rc lclD nrlce lot to rekc r t|e!, but e fut th!'cb tc to br lnrcd tolrturc oaly; 1l thc

Gouracr 1l lla ell tllaga tte

bc truc,

end thra rttL ud dlffcr rDd do

tede of thc .rDG atuffc, oalyr lt bootg lot lrt la rblc

by tbc relc


but by rlagllat foru lt oftca, ,5. eaothsr out oltlr Ard tlcn tbo hatr ud

rbers rc bcAla thc relc ta thc to do rt



oace, ahc lry

oo rcecb tbc cad of ieture. aced f rey rorc? fa not tLe rettcr flac oyl end flret roleturc clcer cnou6h, tbet llkc to

lblt feet

ley be andc, 1n tlI ead the naturel

lnd eble to nrJ'atela, tlet

or repeJ'r tt

together? scrve) bcceuge

by thc Bale (tbougb othcr tlc

caele leetra rould

1t la co tcrpcratcl

botly rey bc brougbt aad bcld ln rquerc rad tcrr tbe ceusee rcct eay for cver, ud rlll and flock togctbcr, the ltfe

PClr ead ro by rcason all

rey bc prcserYedl I dare lot destlay tloac rhlch Ood hath lads,

for fcar of thc stroke of but uato tbe tera, aad

bave kcptl tf

bouaCs rbove eetr ead beyond thcn eleo, Scc tbe TE{PLE OF fISDOt{. tt

Gvor rnlr Ean hrve toDG

bcyoad tbcu. *. Eut lf

rbould cbracc eny of our cboaen cLtldrcn be uaeble yct, for ell thls tcacblag,

(to uee tbe to teke eld

phraec of our Fadly) dlgeet

tb1a food of lcernlng, ghrn6elh6sr

rbat ls to bc done? Sball lc caet thcr off rolcn tblDk? Or clae for Bcars let ue onc

for untorard

as tbc foolleb

Aad Apcer l8 CALEI{dld tbc OERl,tAlfS? tro, thrt rethcr lourl.ah tlen etlU ceetly ead 6eatly, that ell

tere la[u6rn{ ly; bop1a6 tbet

tbey rlll

dry provc re!; rta rtc 1l tlc g1-vc l.t unto tLel, f lean ell

thc root rlee end cuaalrg


tbc hosta of EERMEIfSTS, Lave frou egc to aad ahadore) aoaerhet covertlyl rad taugDt

cver hcld (but uader valls

t6E Ll,b. l.
lor crl,I r ttttb tbrt ruch e flrrt flac oylr rbercof I r1nkc, rDd lhlcb llfEER, thcy

Drtrrcr tlo

Ecevoal or bt l rorc br"lttlc rtatc of rl!,

f1t lerc, vcrJr lolg lor

te eblo rlolc

to lo1d to6cthcr rtcc

ebovc tbc lontcd lcar thcrc be yct eorc

botb ln LfEEr EEAI,TE, rad LUSIIIESS: !ry, lott 1n tbclr lutlorlty,


I rtLL go firtbcr; ta tDcac rrttcrs, dada I thlDk)

Ae lentrr ln tbo othcr eld tcca roucthl'ng ae (beFEC-

aldc of GREECE, ra led trrvollcd (tDoqgb lot rltb cyoar but rtth

colfcaa thc selc; ead rltogctbcr

eldee tLen rblch

pcrbeps f kaor lot)

FERI|EI 1a 1nrt, ald lceraed rrlttngar

(rho rere ae rlae If,US CARDAI|US ght fortb) do opcaly dsclerc ln tbelr rl11

lea aB a"n!r tlne But lf thle

batb brou-

eoft and eaede feed thelr ae

hlnd of dcltrcry clrG rs rell

not yet acrye tbe turar bellyr


thcy ruet

ea tbelr

ea thc provcrb 6oea, theu let

tben tell

by rhat dlllgeuce uec hl-e rorda)

d1d PLAIO ao order blneelf

end ecbool hls orn body (to


PLEASURE? NTD BY DEPARTIIIG OR DYTtrGOT TEE SII.IE DAT ETGETTONE TEARSAITM EIS BIRIts, to ftlflI tl'rcs lc1lcs? nlae, thc lost of purpoee (but I haor aot of rbat purpoee) n!.ne perfect aulber; lNlgbt Lc lot rbel have had aouc eucL Hed-

tratr ta 1t aot ltke

he bed tlcn

he rae ln AEGIPI eroa6 tbc lcanl'ng flon elon6

Prl,cete erd Ulgc lc!,

e.ld brought Lole aorc 6reat

thca? lad rbea be epcaka ao rucb ead oftcn h!'rself r:lce PbyaLckr though EIPFOCRATES te1a rrlttea thla helt rater ln dlvcra of l1le, ellvc

l'n dlcgrace of hi.e ota CouatBrlt lt le for cer

tbcn rclgled?

of our Rccorde, thet raay of DGIPI; tbc aprtng of self-eale tater,

have before aad slace PL/[1t0, by tlc trlce ee loag as PLAS0; tf f rl'gbt


br{ng ln tbelr 111) lere not


or 1f thle rLole klnd of proof (rLlcb ol Peoplc uasldllfull..

f ll'kc firlt

coulted by tbe lrt

IJ,b. 5. 7J. tlrrr tbca lct lor thla oDc trlrplc told by CIRDll, I lr.D rllorcd tlftbr rroDg


e11; ltrt

CfLDilltS of letc beact rlth



by thla Bcevcn of our!, tbc rplr'1te Llr rcll fr. of hcrbsr rort

Stere (re rore do tcn

1t) cncrcesed

bt ra ceclc acet put lato uatll olc Luldrcd rlrturc bcttcr eli

tbcn, ead ao prcecrvcd tcltao oyl, (thou6f

1l lurty lc''tl.t

trclvc tbcl

tblDk tbrt

our aln8lc tt

LltLLI, RUPERSIS,PIRACELSIIS,ead !o!c rorlc 1a rcaaoa for

othcra e.llor

eo) but rathcr I reaa for

too ruch Lcat 1r e redr ead looec b{y;

Ioag Llfc; tlrat

by b1e o?er grcedlneee 1a catlag 1t nay be bctter

up too leat h5's ora rad our


becauee 1t 1s atDonger e6al.ast dleceses; 3or

cy! re tbc Leecbes Judge betreen tbc iua6b111 ead r 6ardca hcb tbc aalc ceugc. 27. Eut I tlhk of f,eture, rk{}} e loet tbc dcvlce not tood 1n elthcr, rblch iore evcaly rclglctb Dor t6rccable hcr rorha;


tbe .Inetlce to thc khdly lclneal sDtll btD

aor tct l.led-

of EERI{ES,lhol fastr rhlch

to tbc grcet edvante6c of lls

tougbr erd 1art1a6 etuffe, tollorcth. f,or 1e lt ttre

eccordln6 lB re to rcet, re hve

shor |'a tbet

redc tbe TlJ-rd e loag deye Jouraey.

Ll,b. 5.



.1.2. Of tbc tccurate dlffcrcncc of rlta.


of rua

boqy: ,.

Of loy url

6r1,cf, ead

r Adrlrc

thc loodaoaa of ood torerda tbc edrlreblc thtt lrtltlce

ue ta tbc tralc

ead structnr.c

of our bodlcg; latt bJlr


oALEf,, tbou8h e t{etural-

;aa 3o tekca rltbr to thc rlcc crcator

hc could lot

but rdJudgc tbc bonour of e of tbc rbole, nktll ead evcry

of 1t.

Tbc coatlaualcc of crqulelte

pertlcular tbt lf I

ta eo cvldcnt

en ergulelt

ln the t{akcr,

tbet eulta to ry Dutpoac, tt rourd elouat ltuD.uc tll 'hould to too 1u6c (yct er cntlre) Volulc. f rlall tbercfore rrlte ell that lc lcedfirl to bc klora by ell rcn, lcevlng thc rest to bc auppryed by Anatonlete: lrd I tLtdr tberc 1e ao tal thrt leth rlJr rk{ll 1n tbtt art' but rill confcae, thc rorc dltlgcrtly ela eccuratcly tbc frrac of our body 1s cr*laed, lt 1a fourd. tbe rore crqu!.ettcly coaforreblc to our Bceeon, rrudgerclt rnd Dcelrc; ro tbat auppoetlg tDc rerc lattcr thrt our bodlcs llc rade of, 1f lt brd bccn tl our orn poror to heve thca rc tbc aothhg radc our rclvce, llc! To tlctaacc

rc eLould Levc frercd 1a.olc pertlcuhDa,

oureelvea !o othcrrlee

Ar ln our ESrosrt1c turber, tbt tc cr! crcogltetc


tbc t|br{.ck

of tbcr le ruch,

to bc rddcd thcrcto, or uacftrleee; ry tontbfirl rlce

or to bc eltcrcdp Bcruty, u lot

clther r lrvc

for thclr treetcd

Beeutyl safety, rggely of 1t 1j ay teader

But rg tor tbelr end lor

rcrlry Pocls,

rl'aded to treracrlbe rtylci r r:[ll

subJect, ead couple 1t ry .eycrcr

onely lote

l7t Llb. l.



tlry tbr

erc tltnrdcd; lror lnrt rrttonr



lrend thct tlor

out tor ludor

tLr urc tbcy ert rtrol,mi but


eld thc trorc lrrcf ee tlr

rncb r curlout fror elellcst

Eyc, brln6 Dccclllrly of tbc fortberd tll Eao-Drorte; l! dth


to ril.achlrt by tbotc trc tbc tt!

tbc rrcet rll.cb rtlff rc crll

1r frnccd off ud tlr

tro rroethr lortltlrd erseul't

of lr1r, tltb l1ttb

lyc-llda r6elnet



of lllm

eld Onrter rad ancb IlLc clepe don,

bold AIIHALCIIA; boeldcal

uppr ltd


eld 1r rs 6ood e Fcncc le r Portcullla rhl'cb le done elso oy.rJr rlgbt, or !o, rs tl rrture hcpt Gerrleoa rucb Lars

ege!'aat the lqnrt'rrty rbctLcr ta tltr thcrc

of tbc Erny;

bo ray prcecnt egreult bodh lr trrc

|'CROPOIISof ula

thc EEID, rad lookcd tbrt lost for bls aefcty.

rbould bc duly obrcrvcd,


2. tht loeat purcly l'atcetcd

lad nor lor tlc

uee of the B5rc, le r16bt, flercd flrat, for thrt

1t le cvldclt, not tbc

tE g Orter te ao crqu1altcly cur'l.oatty trelslnrclt cel bo eddcd: lor to lrt,tn llghtl

purlroac, tbrt

thc EUlOllR eld fllf,fGLES ero uafoldcdr eld uaeopb-

erd colours lld

by ely tlrerd

ttlcturo. tbcrc rlgbt obtcct, ulto

tLcr r6alDr

tLr perts of thc $re of rrly reye codag 1l thr bottol

erc rade O0trVEX, tlat frol orc polrt of tlo

bc e dl.rcctloa

oac 1n1rt rrlrcreblc

el tbc olcr rlt, Itr ttrt brttc ud

to rLlch

pur1rolo tbc CERfSlffLLffE EUIOURla of 6rcat ro!tlc rilght rould bc vcry obscure ead rcak. dl,leto !rhlt{-


rllcL, UYEAlrth


e ]|USCUIOUS POIER, erd cu 1r cellcd tlc

ead contract

rorud bolc 1e 1tr illcb rodcretll8

Pup1l of tbc E'or for tbs Fourthly, tbc llelde of upo!

tbc trurolrelor tbc nI1

of ll.gDt.

thc UYEA1g bleck }[Lc

of e Tcnala-Court,

tLc reya frlltng

Ll'b. t.


RDllIf,A etetr; lltthlyr

for tlc

nrch r roDrrrcusd,oa rould IUtrICf fnfCEmfDES, of lts rllcb





corfiuod.. 8ltIIIiE llrdr


tbe Cmftbruat for-

EUIOUR' by vlrtuo or drer bech tbrt

PROCESSUS CILIIRES, cr! nlcftl mgul're. Drrt of tho $c,

prctloua rlrll

ee tbc artraGao leetly, tlc fUI-

or dlrtracc

of tbr obJcctr lor

Sil.rtbly ud

ICA REIIIA 1e rhltcr 1cr ol tll'rgr to rccclvc I bcllcvc lt

thr bctter

eld rorc call

truo rtccptloa

of tbc epcc-

(et thcy ordlrrrtly -of la not rccdful llk;

tLcn) ee rDl'te prpcr 1r tlttret tbet

tloac 1rr6ca

rDd tbe cyc le elrcedJr eo pcrfcct, rosc tbcreof; etdc, for;

to epcek l$r

rc bclng eblc to r16ht havc ua-

toYc our Lced upteria tterca

ead dorararder eufflcloltly

erd oD crcry rcll

tLotUDt our rlvce dao


bnt llature dsbt bc reltlrg;

bath edd,cd [declcc

to tbc Eycc, thrt

ao pcrfectlon


lor re levc oft

occrril.on to rove our Eyce, our leads belag unroved, lE rorc tnrtlculerly rorc eay obJcct act bclorc slc brtb ue; ead

la reedl.Dtr eld vlrrhg tht

thl.a rey Dc donc rltb

crae eld eccurecy,

furalehsd frer-

t'Lrt Orgal rltl 116 of l{uaclcr, for ta lt loncd rlould rot

ro lceg tbcn elr rot oaly 1r tlc tbat

several Huaclca; end ladccd tLta Eyc, but la tlc our flcaL rlose rDole bd5r

!'s eddrablc;

e roader,

.ycD elI

abould bc ro headaolcly rlse erd lnacrttons

ead coltrLvrd bc rt'tl




aucb edveategcr tht ead thet the lnrte

tLcy do rcrvc

to rovc ronc pert of tot rovcd ouly thcy body or otLcr? !o colvcalcltly, erc rblc

of our boiy ue eld rubatet xfll

ee 1111 actyG us to ralk lregleeblc thrt

Dy, but tlet

to rovc cvcrJr ny

rdvelte6c backrudel rltb

ua; for re cel forrerdsr tlelr eld fect.

fiI1n6 our Lrgr eld lrls rouad, es tbey thrt

uprarde ead dorurarder or rould


epread e ltolc-bl.ll

Ll,b. l. !o tet tbt try rotllDg

ol nESPfRAlfOir tbc conetrlctlon thc Outrr rDd fo cDlrrght

of thr DIIPERAOI|Efor thet tLo Luags



tbc lE)RlI,

Lryc Dleyr rad the eeclateacc

of tbc lnrerd

IIfIERCOSIAL I,IUSCLES la to cool our of

lccp aneplrrtloas, hcertr ovcrchuged ro rcll

rhca re tekc lore rltb lovc or fonor; rltb

ler6e gulpa of Alr lor

of tbc cur.l,oue Frbrlck

tbc ldalrr tulablc


tluaclee for the rodulatloa SIIGIIG:

of tbe volcc,

apcccb, eld dcllctoua of tbe EEIRI' lts

fou rey rdd to theae tbc notablc


tro IIEilIRICLES, aad !'te rr,DJr YALWLIIE, flt for tbe recepttoa and traaeto corfort eld cber-

Bo frared ead geltuated, rl'eeloa

rs 1s roet

of thc blood, end 1ts cent thence aray rar! of tLc boey; for rhlcb

1sh tbc rcet

pulpose elso the VALWL/IE 1a tbc

vclna atG lede. ). But rc acc by experleuce, that Joy and trlef proceed not ln aII

rea frou tbc ee.lo ceuees, ead tbat uen dlffer utloa

very rucb ln the conetltvttal con-

of the bodJr rhereby that rh.lch helpctb end furtbcretb la oac, ald 1e thcrefore ud tLerefore dellghtful,

etttutlon lt h

bl.aderetb eld croeseth The dlffcrcDce thcrefore


ceueetb 6r1cf.

of tlte

beth lta


fron tbe dl'ffereat thcl.

peaslonsr ead fron the cnde dlffcrcncc rLlch erlac-

to rb1ch tlc



Ae for tLat dletenpersr

tb fron alcIaees,

eld euch eccldental

I bave eppolnted thcl tbe eaue es 1lbcaltbt

for thc eccoad Pert of thls portlnct pcrfcctloD to.thls

Book, eld tbcrcfore

f orlt

place, rad consldcr tt

only 1l cuch ea have tbelr

of bodyr end Orgaae rcll


LlD. '. Chrptcr If

t. Ot tbe pcrfcctlon fo8. Il6ht. ). Ot Dcl[6hts. E.

of tbc Eoiyr 2. lad tbcn ol thc leturc f. Pela. 9. Loyc. 9. Jot. 6. Batrcd.

of thc Sca-

?. Scutual Dc-

And Prlas of tbc Body.

tO. lad Orlcf.

l. tbh6e

Otlcr eE ue


I brvc 3o aayr but I rllt


!'aad,et upol aucb

caele aad tntc1l[6J'blc rbo lf

cycn to fDfOTS, or eucb PEySICAIIS tbe tolnta of tbelr hande,

that lre or klor

Do rtcerr

thcy caa but teIl tecth, thcy rry ead tf

thc usc of tletr


dl'ecovcr 1t res Couaecl, tbeec latural they rIIl

not Cheacer tbat created thcl; l{cdlclaes klol tbat

tbcy but undcretald crelple,

I Lave prepercd tn thle

Book for tbelr

tbey ebaU bc cured ol ell

Dl.acaece, rlthout

pat.n ol eny grcat

coat; rad love, ior

aot lloacy, rae 1t that rede rc uadcrtake tLte Taek. lnrte of our Dody, f rould klor ee aleo 1n our flngcral rby rc bave thrcc but tbat tt ras eDr4) ls

of the relL-freled

Jolnta la our Le6s ead Ane, rucb better llke thcl

Drvta6 but tro or four? Ald rby trc our foretcctD but our tlrard tcctb

Ctrl'eclc, to cut,

broed, to gr1,ad? But thla broad, or tbc fore-

ror crqu1altc tocth

tbca hrvl'ng th'cr ell rberp;

rherpr or all but rc rlgbt coudlttoa.

broadl ead tbc otbcr

hrve redc e bard ehlft l6el'a, rhy arc tbc

to Lavc llvcd, trcth eo luckly

thoug! ln tbat roraer placcd? Or retbcrr es la tbc Jar-boacer

rby rre there rot for tbey rlght hvc

Tectb ln otber becn ee cepablc loF 1n yatl. to Toutb;

borce ee rell ra thcce.

But thc reaeon ler

aotbl'rg 1e donc foollaLltrr llfe, ead to retun

I lavc eD,ered you hor to prololg

froa lte

Ll,b. t.
lld bor to cberSc, rltcr p*foct rcrerd, (to bcelth ead ercld 1r ry prc..rt le e dlr1lc tbc rtetc dorl6lr of tbr bodV: to tcrp eli to cnn tlet rll thc

DodJ b r!'tDout lge1l outrerd brttcr{,rg 2.

Dl,rcl!.a ell tLllgc.

for tbcrc

Provtdclco cnrlosttt


eey lotbl'lg

of tbc !'rrard but tbrt

of tbc Eu) llorn tbat lt

rhy la thet la for the

Srerc ol l'tr

lc ccrtrlaly

of our bcertng? f d6ht rdd, thet irturc Drth redc thc hlrdrort ee provj'dlat pute ol our ret1a6

Bony (rb1cL rc slt ur I leturel

up,oa) roet


lor our cltcr ol liotlon

CueDlon, ra rcll.

re for Iletruaeata lnrt

for our lhltlc l8

e.ld Lc6a; ebe hrtb rede the blndcr bchg otherrl'ac rrlfenccd egal'let

of tLe Xcad rore etrolgr erd otbcr craudtloe. tlt


Shc let'b to bcnd, roFC oae catlrc our E[a-

rade tb

ee be1a6 lorc Brcx'-boae of eevcrel YERTEBRAE, 1r drrger of brceli'r6 tbca lf

tou6b, end lcer bonc, rl'thout tcro

tbcy rcrc ell

thosc 6rLet1y Juacturca. tre1ls, rhcrels

Sbc betb rtrcl6tbcacd levc

ead Tocg rltb

abc r16lt

rcat out tbet eubetrtJ'cl brd aot bccn ao ead Lurtlul. Dccauao ttrcy teDC

tlcG et the crd ol tho flrat Ludcorc lnd hatly, ead rscful.l lltl

ead, rccord Johtal mrcrbet



thc Dath rrdc ell

Doncg dcvold of aerrcr

to bcar thc rc16ht 1f tlcy


of thcreclrca,

eld of thc rbole Dodyi eld thrrelorc hed becl peJ.nful coatlaurlly end dol-


led rcnae, out llfc

9. for

|rrd ror I lrve

coartdcrcd lct

tbc lltDcea

of tbc lnrtr brlrfly

of rels


tl,o 6ood of the rholc, ud thcl eri rltb

rc Dut coneldcr rore aolldly

ll'e ecneer eld thr ceuac of I EOL! GUIDE

I1'a aeture, ell D!'ecilcs'

I lntcrd thrt

to dorolrtreto

tDc Cure, bcceulc f lrtrndrd

Irlb. ,.

1r rt Lrvr llgbt le eII

lf8l|0f,l tcvcnl

OF IEE I0RLDT rtd Cotccptlonr



By our tcvrrtl h tlo obtmte;



of rrvonl


for by lrturc,

lc levc r coDccptlon or trr6c ttrc rotlcc eld hlorlcdgc of tLr oyl.

corpoacd of colour ead tl6urc, to ur of lte

tbc obJcct ltpeltctb BV Ererl.nt

by tLc rrcrllcnct Souadr rll.cb frol tbc Err: 1r ell lld

rr hrvc r couccptlon


tLc klorlcdgc to tbc rmt

rc hrvc of thc qutllty

of thc obJcct of

of tbc Sraace erc eleo conccptlons of thclr obJccts. conetettn6

rcveral 4.

quelLt1ca or returce Bcceusc thc hegc

1l rtslon

of colour r.ld ehapc, ls Seaec, 1t

tbc laorlcdgc

rc bave of thc qualltlrg lor e rea to fall llto

of thc obtcct of tbrt tLla oplaloa, rld

1e ao herd rrttcr colour

Tbrt tbc eanc for tbe aelG

eld rhepc erc tbc vcry qual1t1ce tbcraclvcs; rould a.nd aolaG lre cLargcd rltD tbe quellttce

cauac tlet Culvcrlag oplalon

of e plcce of Ceaon or or of tbc llr: luet And tH.s

aulphuroue Pordcr, tbat

flrcd, tlc

Drtb bcen ao lon6 rccclvcdr


ncede rppcer rDd yct thc

e grcet Parador. lntroductlon

llhe rerc qualLt!'ea er caalcr l'a e bcll; vtatblc ead latclll,glblc; lnaelag

of rpccler

(rhl.cb tc acccsaarJr lron tbc obJcctt I rhrll tbore-

for tLc ul.atolelcc la rorlc

of tbrt


to eld fro hpoealblllty.

tben eaJr Peradorr ee bctng e pletn to ukc pleJ'l thccc polate.

lore oldcavour ,. Thrt

tbc eubtcct rlorcla !cDo

colour eld 1re6e rrc lnbcrcatr

1a aot

thc obJrct 6. 7.

or thhg


therc 1a rotblat

(rcally) or Colourl


rc cdl

Iragc or Colour, uato ua

?Drt thc erld fregc, e6ltat1on,

te but en epprrttlol

of thr rotloa,

or rltcretlon,

rDl,ch thc obtcct rorketh ln tbe

L1b. !. brel'll E. otb*

or rplt{.t., Ibrt Sllecer

or lorc

latrrul ao rllo of tbclr


of tlr tbrt

lced. er{.rc frol thr

rs lD rlrtoa, tlc nbtrct

1l eolcrlDtlor! llhercace

le Dot tlo

obJcct, but tbc

contlacat. 9. Ibrt Goncoptloae lad lpFrltlora rubrtencc tbcrc of.tbc uc rothl'Dt rotloa tlc rcally, lot but rotloa

ln eolc t'atcroel ol rcccaetty Yltrl; rhcn lt ruet

Erad, rll'cb

rtopplDg therc, rblcb 1a crllcd


bclp or hl'rdcr Dcllgbt,


hclpeth tt rcally

ls cellcd


or Pleesurc,

rhlcb 1e lotblnt nothlng but lotloa Pl'careltr

but lotlon

rbout tbc Ecart,

ee Couceptlon ls

1l thc Ecad, rad tbe obtccte tbat cauao 1t are callcd, ead the artc DcIl6Lt, but rLcn auch rotlon rlth rcfcronce to tbe the

or Dellghtful, lovc;

obJcctr la cillcd vltal rotloa,

rcekcncth or hladretb to tbat rb1cb

thca 1t le callcd Brtred.

Pal'a, ead l.a rcletlon

ceuectb 1t' 10.

Tbcrc erc tro eorta of pleeauree, rDcreof one lccEctb to effcct Organ of thc EoDBG,ead tbat I call 1r tbe't by rblcb rc ue l'lvttcd rcneud, tbc great-

tbc corporcel

cat pert rheroot

to 61vc coattnuaace to rcat, tor 1e of

to our Speclee; eld tbc acrt by rhlcb I lt! prcfctvrtlon lot of lJ.s ladl'vldurl ely Inrt pcraon.

te lavttcd

Tbc otLcr

goet of Dcllght fbe Dcllght


of tbe bodyr eld ls callcdl Joy. Ll'kcrlae

thc l{hd,

lad le tbt

rDJ.cb re call callcdr Or:[cf.

of Palnel Bo! affcct

tbe Dody, lad erc tbcrcforc lot; ud tboec lrc callcd

Tbc Prlae of thc Body; ead soue

Ll,D. 5.
Cheptcr ffl.

f .0f

thc leturc

of tbc toul of tlalz

2. fhcther ehe bc I lcr rcally dlatlact: l.


tcetlon rbctbcr

of tbc bodys ). Or r lubBtuce corporalt or llcorporcal.

Aad thea

7. Aad of tbe tclpcr

of the body.


Ecrc I



to apcak rhet

f heve 1l


book celled


SPIRfT, rad lt

1 a lot


to ry pulpoae; tberefore


re eay but

tbc goul 1e a lccr

o f the bodyl tbc aoul thea ls

oae udversar

facurty of thc bdJ,

or a lrqy


put to8etbcr;

ead tboee opcretlone rhtcb 116 uaurlly of ncccealty'be attrlbuted ta tbc boqy rtll r lpler ulto


uato thc eoul, luet To tbat thercby

the bodyi f derend therefore,

you ettrlbute,

SPOIITAI|EOUS tfOTIOlf? I ulderstand or bold,lng st1ll flager: lnto

la our lclvee

of reggtng,

rost of tbc parts ot ff Jrou rllt eay thet

our body, la our baad, lupllooc, our llttlc lt le rotblng but tbc tuleeloa

of tbc eplrts

sucb aad such lfuec1cs, ud dlrect tben eo plece

r rould kaor rhrt curl,ouelJr; Ir lt of tbe brala thua llrlt tbrt

docs 1anlt

tberc ep1rlts,

tbeleelvee? or tbe bralra?

or tbat pertlcular

thcy caII

tbe PIIiE-KDRI|EL? ltatcvcr tbclr

1t bc, tha't rb1ch doth

tbea ead dlrect

ruet beve Arulnadvcrsloa; and tbe eane Xor f rould kaor lfenory aad

hrtb bhadveralon tlc tplrlta

heth l{cnory ead Rcaeon aleo:


tbcnaelvee bc capeble ol lal.ledvcretoa, hposslble;

Rcaaon; for tt eplr{,te trc

ladccd atEa elto6cther clac but rattGr tLat eII

tor tbcee rrr{ ual


vGrJr thln aad ltquJ.d, rhoee aature of tt be 1n rotlon, and belng

coaal'ets 1a tblsr

the lnrtlclee

lJ,b. 3.
looec ftor oDC rDothlt, fllg eld pley up rld 1! ttor. of tbcae lnrtlch! 1a tbcec !o taDy you aay hor dora lgssid{ rt to tbc lcl-

rntc eld nllct 2.

of e6ltetlo!

I thcrclorc

dcleadr rhlcb eaother,

looa1y DvtD6 onc lror tbt tbcy ell


AatladvcraLoD ln 1t? ff

put to6cthcr tbet

Devc; I rppeel to hrr tbrt

thuc l!3telo,

+-rlkcly ulcalnblc

1t 1c tbrt of l{crotyr

ehould Drvc Adaedvcralon

tbat 1e ro uttcrly

ead coarcqueltlyr coapctlble

of Rceaon; fot 1t 1e llpoealblc

to rcrory

to auch e eubJcct, ta l't 1a D,or to rr{.te

Charactcra t'u the fater, ). ff

or ln the llnd. ead dJ'recte tbeec eplrlte; lt aclf, bor caa

tou eay tbe brel.n tnrri" rDd epoltaaeouely.rove

tbet ro trcelt

or eaother, tbet hrth tbou6h th,o Breln gelf; bot

ao llueclcs? Bcsldce, bc tbc laatrulent tber caa tbat l'onely, rcqulrce Aartonlets deronetrete 8cl3e, thrt

Doctor CIII.PEPPER tclle

you, tbat

of Scaser IGt lt

batb Do acaas at aII of lt

hrtb Do acDae dlrcct aplrlta llto elt lnrt

ue apoataacouely end erbltreru of tbe body? la lct Eut lct thet plel'aly

thc rnllrl dctcrdarte

gcaac end preceptloa: tbcy rlll, I rDrll,

tle Physlceae aad lltttc lcese thcn

conclude rhat tbrt


thc bralae Lrve !o .caae; Adredvcrelou; rad tht

for thc ealc t.a us tDat hrtL brth m{1s{y6rsloa Falcy ud Rcaeou.

Drtb llkcrlee

1e ua, lrtb ll. pcttble rl6!t

elao e fecultle

ol frce ead arbltrerloua of thc braln,

Lct ra Dor conalder tbc neturc tboec elteratloaa rtcr of tl1e larc,

ead ece bor conre takc a our seDae

erc to euch e aubJcct; ver{.ly lf p1tb, or retror ln rus

bced, reltber

ror underetardlng cen prctcld

caa dl.scoyor ely thlng ror tl operatlolar

thl'e eubata.ncc thrt ead eagacloua

to auch roblc

la lrac lrrgllrttoa

lJ,b. t. collcctloD! of Lolcy; 1ul, ulrel rclI of Bcelon, lor tLls tbcn tc cl!, ilrccra pulp thrt

1l e lnrp

of fet,

or I Dot our cru-


la tLue rmplnd

up rltllD

1a but e epoaglc ead Dorous body eplrlta,

rad prcvl.oue, tot

oaly to tbe could, lot by

but elao to rore Julcc eld llquor; rt lcest 1t could rot be co roft

clec tt

bc lonrlabcdr ud

ead rolstcucd lncpt



es to rrkc f lor

thc uadcrateldl'nt dcread, 1l tll'r roft

ead sottltb

1n 1te opcratloaa. re call llguldr ttrc Brelar ud llquldlty

lhcrcforc rloec

eubateacc fr!'el




1t 1e 1a aoae lolsurc of looacled perta; ln 11c?


e revcral


rbat patt fa thle

or Dercal thcrcof colelatcacc

doce Fency, Rcreon ead lnhadvcralon llca



l1he e f,et, eJ.l on bcepe la the retcr; tbcrcof, lot doce tble laculty of

f dcraadr In. rbet trnot, Loop, or Iateryal lree Feacy rad ecttvc !ry, lot

Rcaeon reatde? I belleve

r Doctor ln EIIGLAI|D, aor !J.a ren, Doctor eay, tn ell lnto tb,ie or ell cap epcc-

Ltlsclf, Doctor CIILPEPPER

rero be alaove, ead lf

FREEI'I,AII, ald thc rcet, togetbcr; thst tclty tbcy ruet

ce^o eea16a Dc uy;

eny rtll

cey tbat

tbe rholc Bnel.a la fltured celccl lotce llcrory, ud

rcpreacltetloa, of tLcrc rould dlct1act

tekc rtry

bctag uy

eld plecea for tbc ecvcrel rltl rey tbcre le 1a eld Fencyt tley

lce of tbe th1a6r tbcrc prcacntcdr

but l'f tlcy

.ycrJr part of tbe brel'n tbJ's porer of lallrdversloa to rrlcrbcr, tuet tbat tbc braln ls 1a eore lGalure


a l!'quJ.d boiJr

ead re Lnlt

caqul'rc Lor tbcec looge lnrta ud notlols;

underaterd olc arotlcrc


tdvcraloae eble) yct lf

ead 1l tLey could (rtfcl Lcacc do uytLlrg lnto

l'e yct vcry naconcelvtorud tbo lulealon ol thc bodyt ead

they conld frol ellnal


of tle


tbta or that ptrt

tEl ll,b. t.



lo 1t Dy llorlng ea rhel rray

or. rol

rlotb.r. rt olccr

rllie, tLo rord


bt e tont

coatcttlo! trbct regalc

ol rtrrlgtll re13h &cborr bodJr thrt lt to trhc


3lvca llrn ol tbrt

put tbct r rtrcn6th rtrcrgtb pertlcloe


for thc rortlg deele rltl;

tlbc al.r6lc tLc eovcnl obJrct

of oac could rot of tbc Dnb

but thl'e pcr-

.o rrlt


.oDrr e flttcr ,.

for leu6htcrr

tbca tho leeet


ol bcllcf.

Eceddcrr hor colc tbcec reg/ Aal.ledvcrrlona

to rocn but oac tbc llguretloa doce lot tbc

to usr our rlndc of olc pert

bclng thcae, rs 1r anplnacd? Or rhy lf to ell tbc rcet:

of tbe brala bc coruualcatcd

stpc obJcct Bcer dtueted rcetL,

both Dchlad urr eld bcfore u8, ebovc aad bceal cvtrlr ra!/, ta tbc lrprceae

on tbr r1,gbt b.!d ead on thc lcft; agelaet ell

of tbc obfect 1r reflccted tDerc appcu! 1g e aufflcloat tbcy erc lot tLcrcfore

the perta of thc bre5.les? But eld onc .ftht of tblngs, be lanyl 1t tbt

to ue but one ArJ'aedvcrelol, lr$leat rutuelly tbet

tbcrc ls Dnrt o!c; lror

or 1f tbcrc


tbe perta oDc to eaotLcrl torrrde ole dcaltn; tbcsc lr{rel rbcace

tbcre cel bc lo eucb toylt tbrt


t't 1r real.fcat, !.nto rbrt

thc bralDa cetl.lot !'rrrt

or dl'rcct

pert of thc bo4t ticy


I,l,b. J.
Clrptrr IV.

t. Eor e CeptelD rla llllcdz tcmel rclfc: ororl. Pbcnorcla: 5. tbt 4.01

2. Of tpatelcou!


5. Of tbc cr-

tbo leture 7. lld

of thc Eecclcc:

,. Ol thc Soul bcr E.0r lncorp-

1t lt:

rbctbcr tt

bc corporcrl:

f,or I rurt ceraot hprceee ro .I[tLt brrrnll:


you, thrt

thc brel'n hrtb Do lcnscr rDy rotloD

ead tborcfore 1t 1e

.poDtucouely tbat lorc

oD tbr eal'nal aptrlta;

rrgurcnt, end tLls

Dc1lt dlaeected,

bevs beca fourd rltbout

I ranr e Crpteh

ln Cf,RISLEIT 1n ARlBfA, tbet raa le pleaseat' but e llrptd uc caallt

rccllcDtally but lot retcr

eld e.n ARABIAI| hl.I1cd Dy el ALCADE ; tbc atortc to our purpoae; but thle tnatcad of bnlaai congletclccr ru hrd aotblng


1l hl.e leed, lnto

ead thc bratae geaerelly rll'cb r6teca rltb

Cleeolveble lrtcd beforc. uc

r retery

rbat I 1atlthcee l1qu1d es to be

Xor I rppcel

to ealr frce Judgcr bor llkely of that lrture togctbcr contcrtloa lnto ud


to epprovc thcleclvce eld hdttla6 .o, ea rtth obllgetloa


ebl'c by crcct!'ng to bcer tbcncrlvce

thcrrelvce onc Jolrt

for e roncat of thet of etrcagtbr thlg to

clua el erbltrlrloua rlltc lnrt

of thc rplrl,ta

or tbat deter-

of tbc body; but tbe ebaurdltlc elrcedy. I rtra tbc llerror

of tbls

I brvc eulflclcatly

lledaurtrd 2. ttcG rltb

Tbc f,crvce, tbe bral'e,

of tbcll


tbc t$lc


beye Do acaael te 1e dcloaetratcd not rccunulatc

lroa a CATALEPSIET ao palpeblc.

but I rtll or CASOCEUS;

Ar6uncats ta r rrttcr

I.lD. l. lt for ttrt llttlc thlt fDrutlt tlocc of thr bnla, rh!'cb tbcy crll retnnl tbc COfeculty tho coursG

trACIOltr thrt lt lt

tbould br tbc yGry eubatencc, rhor tad by lts thls or thrt rcttoa

to rovc ltetlfr leto

rnd noda to dotcnlnc

of the rplrlte foolleb t !r

pert ol thc bdf,

a.c!8 to tc ao lceec

e.nd lebulous

tbca tbe Storlc

of TBOI,IAS EIRRIIfOTON,CULPEPPERS ff you bcerd but l{uebrorcl bor

rbo tcllg

r tr,lc of h1a llaetcrg Oboat, & ctc. etory tbet le told of thc llttlc

tbc rrgnlflclent lt


doea rot only bear eld acc, but 1re61ace, tceaola, of tbe body lore dcrterouely aubtll tbca ea fldlea

coanrnde tbe rbole Boy doce en Elepbaat: dt{ flflil by ila-


rhet en acute loglclal, PLyeJ.crD, ud ccctlol r1lly


prudent StatcslaD, And tben afterrarde

Drofould Pblloeopbcr be lsl

you dlscoyer thts rorkcr conteaptlble a llttlc

of llreclcs

to bc nothlu6 but r poor of a tbln Menbraaet

conslstlDg Klob, or PROTUBERIIACI, pulpoue nattcr,


ruch of the Eene neture of the reat

of the BRAIN; ADMISSTRISUII !EtrE.A!IS AMTCIt SPECTATIM ,. lld truly lould f ny you not looDer leugb et tt, tbc bcttcr leugb et lt lorr thcn 6o ebout to coafute lt? havlag elrcady coatutcd 1t

1u rbet I Lrvc efore rcrlly 4. I elell tbcrcforc

ergucd conccrnlng

the reet of tLc brela. of

adre bold to coaclude , tbet tbe hprcsse frou tbe enluel aplrl.ter aor fron tbc

epoatencour rot!'oa !.e nclthcr bre!'a, & ctc. utcd rnto tLoreforel tlc

?hercfore tbet tboae operetlone tbat are uaually ettrlb!oul., uc reelly lacolpett'blc to ely put of tbe boCy; end tbc eoul ls aot thcrefrol.

lE 1a tbc laet


I Dl'ntcd, f ray, llbrt

e tcr lodiflcatton

of thc body, but e rubetaace dl'atlnct


Llb. t.
). thrt for rc uc to cnqulro, cell lhether thl'! nbltrDcc dlrtlact flo! aubatucr,

tG olitDrrtly lt

thc body, bc rlro If

1t sGIf r corporcel le e colpotcll aubtll thol,

or tb.tbtr

bc llcorporcel?

you ley lt lor rttb


tou ctD ulderstaed tLc eltrel eplrt'te

ao otber then rettcr tbcleclyea, rlaglcd

ead tcauoue tben end dlrpcreed throug!

tDa vcaaele rad porosltlee of dhersloae:

of tbe body; for thcre ctu bc no pcaetratlol foad coacelt; rtth atl tbat

But I nccd Do nGr er6urcnte to coafirtc tbla rplrtta before, la rppllceblc lt

for rbat I sd.d of tbc rnlral clBe ead tltacaac I edvcrtlee .l!c tLhgs 6. ft

to tbla preeeat ceae; rDd let

be aufftclcat

you lo luch, ovcr agaln. rslalne

ead eo bc crcueed frou thc of tbe


tbat re concluder Tbat tbat rLlcb trprcsees upoa thc ednal

epoateneous lotloD rplrlta:

upoD the body, or rore hnedlatcly

Thet rb1cb lregtnee,

rcucnberel ead reaEoDB, 1s ea lanatcrtal mlpgl aplrlte lld ead

aubste.uccr dlatlact the breln

frou tbc body, rlJ.cb uaee t[s

for laatrurents

tn aucD aad eucb opcratlona.

thue re beve

found e eplr1.t ta r propor notlon ald stgnl'ficatloa, cutly tatter. ?. la thle for lt lld nor thls prlze that re bave ron rlll thcee lacultles la lt, lt

that bath rpper-

can botb ulderataad end loyc corporeal

proye for our dJ-aJ-gD

aer rctbod of Phyelch eld Philoeopby of very 6reat coDoGquence; 1e obvloue bcrc to obecrvc thet tbe aoul of ral j'e te lt rcre

, l corpcndloua atatuc of tbe Dclty; ls e golld Efflgtee ol Ood; end tbcrcfore,

ber aubetaacc

ra r:l.tb olac, re coaslder ephere, or

tbe subeteace aad rotloa

of thc vaet Beeyene oD r llttlc

IJ,b. ]. Olobc, .o tc rry d.gbty lty 1a thle rtth teclllty coDtorDhtt tbc letum of tbc l1to htlr-


llodcl of 0od, tbc roul of rel, rhen rc trelelcr


rbet rc obrcrve 1n our rclrca tbcac Clrclra tbcr rhlcl

1t uato Ood, ta te btggor

do lre6tne rhllc 8.

rc vlcr

ol tbc Olobcr to bc vaetly

rc lelcy ftcrcforc

ea dcrcrlbcd

1l tbc EclycD. lhet thcrc 1r r rDlrltual do rcad.Cc, r7z. lct us but

rc bclag meurcd of tblar


1r our rclycsr

1l rh1cb botb tberc propcrtlce nttcr;

of tbe underdtaadlngr rad of rovlng thc corlnrcal cdarge substucc our rl'ada ao es to concclve re rcll that la eblc to rovc ead ectuetc eld eftcr rbet ray ud

ra te cea of e eplrltual ell rettcr rbetrocvcrr plceec, ncver ead tblagt

eo far crtcadcd, that lt brtb rot


tocver lt

oncly thc kaorlcd6c co6al'nlcc

of thl'e or tbet pertlcuhr of all

but e ilatlact e very coaplcat Oodr rLo,

eld plcnary

tll.lge ; ead rc have ladecd ol thc ctcraal eld lavlalblc

epprebcneloa of tbc rature doea rot

Llke thc roul of rr!, opcratc



uader lcDac, but to be gttbercd

doae cvcrlr rl.crc froa rbrt

eo, tbat

hJ.e pcreon l's caelly foascao

l'a dl'ecovercd by our outrerd

tLb. !. Chrptcr YI.

Of Plelter dll lot

tht eroult

tLc lccr


of tlc


try lDrt

do lorothlDt, lt

yct lt

to tbe productlon

of Pleate. rcrulto I tctr thrt

1e lo Dotch 1a otbcrr thet of eub-

treturcr Iteltuel'

tlrt fotrl.

tore PEAEFOI{Ef,A bc tic Iblt bcruty te lot

of l{otlon, fracy, ud

tbc bceuty

eld vlrtuc

of Pleata ta ea lrgnrcat ea lrtellcctnel

tLcy erc redc for tbc uac of

our bodlca frol



Eor rcah la llaa, lf

you coneldcr !l.e leture,

rbat frcultlce


DrtLr ead ln rhat order hc 1a la rcspcct lld ladced,

of thc rcet of tbc Crcrturcs? yct Lte larard botb lor

tbou8b hla body be but rceh ead dleencd, coltrlvaacc, rtrlcl

ebtll'tlce tladleg lla!,

of Rceaon, ead ertlf:l.clal out ttoee eccrct llcdlchce,

lc t,r-{rablcr

God prcpared for tbc uae ot

la thc Borcla of the Euth, 2. lad flrgt Fon of Vc8ctablce, rld Eoruty,

of plenta end trlltrcrera. rhcre f elell sccd, tbctr toucb oaly tbcec four st6neturce, rad tbat,G ead tLclr Drlr tbe bctof

Ecrda, tlclr


grcat uee, ee rell tcr tlc udersta.nd

for tfcdlclnce el rustcDucci

tbc ldvutrsc

rc Drvc 1a tb!'e cloecr coaterpretloa prece to trtc rettu, or 11 lt .!d notlcc

rorLe of f,eturc,

rG ere 1l tbc tlret rllcb re call aclf; clcci

of tLe

condltton Frrr tt lrto

of tbc lubrteacc,

Dor fluld bc hrd, rlr

eld ellphor uatlt thh6a rot

ead urdctcrllletc

1t le of lt uy thla6 tllng cu

1s to bc chregcd tato e rolrturc bcforc



bc acacretcd of tlrr,

la rG eoftea

tbc rar bcforc rc act on the !erl.

IE? L|'b. t.
l. ton lor rotlol tborctotcr of tbc llrr nllcrc or.orc tc rtll rorc be foollrb, nbt1l l! blceutc Elocat, tbr unlny ao

corporarl of r ttttlc

rquelly lltr

corPrcaa or beer tgellrt lt lato

thc lnrte

vrporouB lolct-

ea to foil

ronad drope ( ta tG lea la ths der, ead otbcr bcsauae ttrl.e tore nrde ud doca ell gtacrel aotlon


rad tbcrefors

car do lolctbllgl tclaoD colfoear ratter 4. hrve.olc ly hply

to coacludc tLat tt tLrt tlcre 1e r! ud

tb1n6a: fc ruet 1a ell rbercof tbc


lltad ead Yl'rtuc,

1e tbue uecfully But recr ktld e rlec


chra6ed. rotlon, bccauae aeturally lt rlll

nrde eud undlrcctcd tbrt

of rceulte, coatrlveacc lrtlnatcd,


1t dll

rcach to eucb ra plalnI SOPEISME, upoa the rea-

of couascl, tbrt lt

t'e eo rldlculoua f!'t to trlnee

ee r. Levc elrcady lncouslderatc aoar tad lcll

lc rore

eoule of foolc crerclaed

end cblldrca,

tbcn upoD rca of lature

ln Pblloeophy,

or thc 6ray ead rell thrt


SERIPEICILLY fLLUAIATED ROSfE CRUCIAIfS. Adrlt end lladt rentloa ead Erll, for crerPlr ead rce, eld rhuadcr, tbat raSr De lct klorn rt

Reta, ead Snor, r

eld r,16btn1ag, rnd e star

1e e^rorgat l{cteore, gce, r trevc acea lt

by eole callcd coppcr vcr

Er:r-r-Etrs s[AR, end la rclr rcle rboerd e rhlp; lt


corcth up fror

of u

beap of auch vepouta ra ere carrLcd, ead auch ll'te ead mst llcteors lay be

by vlolcnt

croee llnds

tbe Eerth;

the products of bcat and cold, |rtll pertlclce of tbe tatter;

or of the rotlon

of certal.n coa-

yct thet the uecfirl ead bceutlfirl end Fultr


ol tLe Bmnchce, Hlorerrl

of Pleata rhould be eo

toor (to tay aothbg lculous

yct of l,ilaerala,

lad tbe bod!.os of rca) ls aa rldTbrt bccause tcer heat

ald auplnc I collcctloDr

lE to lnfcr,

IJ.b. 5.


eold doee !oft.! tbrt el5r rrt

ead hrrdo! thla

ler, lret

end puts 1t 1lto ead coldr


rDrpc or rnd tcat,

elothotr rltbout ultoa lt



or rotloa

iad dlrcctlon,

tedc tbc SILVER SEtt too, ead grevcd or tbe ehrpc of eorq Blrd or lafcrcncc lc lorc tol-

m cur{.oualJr aols Coet of lna,

Bceet, lB rD Dglcr treblc fer tlra

e L5role otc. aey ladced tlla theae cffccta

tbc otLcr;

of Art bclag lorc

ceetc, end

lcese roblc ,.

tben thoee othcr of Xaturc. rt ell la the rorke of lfature, of that that

lfor 1a l't eay dettclcncy

8o!c partlcular rotloa lore

PEAEIIOI,IEilA bc but tbe casle reaulte uato the rettcr frol

general of


Ood; otbere tbc effecte or Reeson tlor

curtoue coatrtveacc,

or of tbc Dtvlae Art,

such ere

tbeA dyf


lacorporated -----{ the RArro[Es sEIr{nrALES)

tbc l{atter lt eelf beln6 1a gone eort vltal, that lt la put upoa, rLea lt le

ln tbe t{etterr

elee 1t rould aot contlnue tbe rotloa put u1na, rhca 1t 1e occaaloDrlly

tbl'e or tbc otber ray loved; fulaess of l1fe thle

ead bethat le

atdea thc f,ature of God belag thc roat perfect Do.slbly rotcat coacelvabl'c, 1t le terJr coDgruoua, tb.t

outuoat aad re-

abrdor of hlreclf, tLtEge fi1l1n6

be eore ray, tLou6b but obacurcly vttal: off by degreca frou thc hlgbeet perfectlon,


1t 1111 De no uleyoa or ulproportloaaDle top of tLta utrost loa, or rcflcrl've Creatlonr

atep, 1f deacending fron the fhe coacept-

t{AX, la rboa there le a lote

Rcaaoa, rhl'eh belge orr, lE evet:/ raa hatb ao nuch


aa to bave leeD thc Sua; erd otbcr vlail.ble ObJects, by rerad Glaaeee, end thle ea yet ahrll I uLll ttve be r1l I rI11

f,lcd,on 1n thc later ray lor tbl's rca6on;

Jrou roDe tbea I proal.aed tn tbe Contents,

tE9 Ll.b. l.
by fonr Prcporltlolr abrll coDccrBl'lt thG lrturc of ConccDtloBar eld tbcy thrt Colour uay

bo provcd; erd rlao

of tbc rela tbe thlng

dcccpttoD of Scalc, lccD la lot:

erd Inge

re;r bs tbere rhcrc

But bcceuac lt

br ael.dr Tbrt aotrltbatendllg toctr but e tblng lt rccrly

tbe frege ln the Uetcr be not ln thc obyct tbcre uy thls be colours reallt lbat dlvers


1n tbc tll'lg tlrce ls!


f dU

E86e further


Beo dJ.rcctly

thc aerc obJcct double, ea tro Ceadlce for one, or otberrlse la thelr rltbout dletenper lf a

rDl'cb tay Drppea froa dletelper, raa rtIl; tbe Orgale bctag clther



or equally

dlsterpcred,, tbl'a6r

thc Coloure rDd Ilages tberela,

la tro euch Cbaractera of the sane bccauee the thlag Been calaot be ln

grnrrqt bc tlbercat

tro plecee. 6. Oae of thcae Ilages tberefore la not lnbereat ln tbe ObJect; teuper or d1eeDd consequprop-

but tbc aeelngr tbe Orgaae of tbc algbt ere then te equll tcrper; ontly, orltloa ?. or letcrr or ulder tbe ole of tben ls ao lore aeltLer lnlercnt tbea the otber,

of theu botb ere 1a the ObJecta, rblcb !'a the flrgt 1a thc prcccdeat nulber. tLe frege of ery tblng by rcflexloa t.e lot ely thlug ta,


Sccoadlyr tbrt or tbc l1ke, tbe Ueter,

ln a Glaee,

or behlnd thc Gleee, or la, rblch l's th,e eecoad

everJr lel

raJr 6ra.ot to Llaeelf;


of DES CtnTES. re are to conalder, (ee lt tlrst, Tbat overlr great agttetlon cspectally eay rLlcb

For tblrdly,

ot coDcnaed.ol of tbe brala

happelctb fron e rtrokc,

1l tbc etroke bc upoa thc cJrc) rbcreby thc Optlck lcrvc 6reat rtolcnce, there appcaretb before the E5lee a ccrtel.l

ruffcrctb llght,

l90 l.
l t rr ctE$rt tL o u t , D u t e a l p p e r1 t1 o n o n 1 y;e l lt[!- @tgr gr lbcr .6 lolcnart'o! t. uy or rottol of tbc lnrta of tbc tervc; frer ch crpcr{.tLtn6 but

conclude, rt

!!het epper'!.t1oa of llght fror

le rcelly

ol rltLb. D[r to u


Lucld bo4tes thcre cel bc llcrvc ta rucb relDer lr-

to rffcct

thc optlck

J,a propcr

rrrr t o1t . ! cr c r t l 1 f o 1 1 o re a l ra 6 e o fItg b tro l cr her g{ #.r thr tl1ae, l1 cLt bc lo t t o ! ' l 8 e t l e atd cr{'vcd to th ccyc,th rt1=' ator r y,h Dbtcct, lf re look dlrectly on lt, eld la tLe Glaea or Uater, rhea

mk u p o a 1 t 1 n tbe 1 h e o frcf1e:don,rh1cb1acffec t # 1 g t b e t h 1 rd

od 't1 o n 'le l c I y ' I h r t 1 u a 6 cu d co 1 o u r1 e b u te aaP@t1ontoue hrt rotlol, agltatloar or eltcratloa, rhlcb tbc obJect aubetalce ta the ead lllu;r{netc sd. dles, thcre Optlck 1a

brel'a, or rplrlte, t. But tDet frol

or fore !'ateraal ell luctd, eLl.nllgr


produced to thc cyc, ead tLrough tbe cye, to

l'el deo b t o t bcBr e1 a 1 b yrh1cbtbeeppar1t1oa6f rrf f ig h t o rc o lo rrr


te lot


to prove.

Ard tLrst,

1t la cvj. by ro

t tbat


r tLc oDlt lucld 7 trtrr rrtly

body bere upo! Eartl,


cquelly d, 1t le t tbrt notloa

tneoruch ea tbe totlon crtl.r8ulaled,

tbcreo? etoppcd or lnc lld furtbcr,

ead no lorG ftDG.

lb y t Le f [ re r o r k e t b 1 s d 1 1 rt1 o a e a d co l tre cttonof1t_gcIfe1ter [y rcou o n ly e a 1 l c d S c htt1 1 e tto a ,o r6 1 o r1 a g,1aetr lsoby d'r acc if rola u c h r o t 1 o n 1 a th cf1 re ru stn e e d eer 1aeG- %ar eJect1ol,or 116 ftot 1t aell off tLet part of the rediul the nert,

rhich le rld ao

ontl8uous cceelvcly
e l.npcr

;r rrcreDy that pert ereo reJectetb

nrt bcetctb back raotber to

the very

ead h

t9 t
IJ,b. l.


trtsrl,our rtlll


of tbc cto Drclrotb ior

tbc lntcraour cott



of Dl-



thc lntcrlour

of tbc ryo 1a aotbbt tLc rotloa 1a etlll of

clae but e plcce of tlo Optlck Xcrve, rad thcrcforc cortlnued thc Bralnr concclrttg end caII Strohc: lt tborcby llto ts ebo ra rotloa Ll6btr

tbe Brel.n, end by rcaleteacG or rc-eGtlon the Optlck ferre tgela,

e rcbourd lnto rc aot 1r rltbout,

or rcbouad froa rlthla,

do thlah lt

ee betb becn elrcadgr rDcrcd by thc crpcr{.cacc of a the Foultel'a ol L16bt, tbc Sun, lad

fle bave Do reaeoD to doubt that

rorketb, by aay other tays tben the El,re, et lcaat la thle natter: thue ell vlalon Leth lte orlgtaal frol

eucl notton as ls berc deacrtbed; ead tbcrcforc colour

for rhere tbere 1e lo ltgbtr luet be tbe aa"Ectbhg dlffcreace rlth

there l's lo rltbt; ltgbtr t6 behg

thc cffect

of the lucld

bodlear thelr dlrectly

belng oaly tDle,

Tbat rhca the l16bt coleth by reflcrC.oa froa bodlee, ead 1t, rc call

fron the Fountaln to the yr or l'ldlrcctly

clean ead pol.tte bodlcs,

aad auch ee heve not eay pollte lotlon laternal to alter

cucb ee heve not aly parttcular 1t lt6bt;

but rhel 1t coaeth to the cye by reflcd.on, affccted rlth

fron urcyen, toutl notlou of tbel'r dlftcr-

tad courae bodleer or auch lE lre on tbat uy elter 1t, thca re call


1t Colour; colour ead ttght

1n6 oaly ln tbia, by that 1or,

tbat tbc one 1e pure, ud

tbe other perturbed lL6bt; of the tblrd Propoalt-

rhJ'cb bath been aald,

aot oaly the trutb of produchg

but eleo tb,e rbole lrtrrter ,. As colour le lot

l1gbt ead colour la rpperent. but u cffcct thereof


ln thc obtect,

upoD ns, cauced by ruch rotl'oa 1r tbe obJect, ea brth boen deacrlbcd; eo neltber 1e louad la tbe thlng le bearr but la our eclvea; one ranl'feet

Llb. '. rlga trcblc thcrlolr lar thrt l! ltD uy rcc, to tllo bc rry bctr doublc ead er

Dy lultlpllcetloa

of Ecboca, rLlcb h

Eclocr erc foulda ec rtll

tbc 0r1g1aal; rlt lot 1a tlc ln lt

eld aot bclat

onc eld ths rerc phcc, cen rrkc

ceaaot bc taher.le

body tbat tekctb sclf;

thcn; aothlag

eat thla6 rhlch

tbc clepper of e Bcrl hrth ao eouad 11 lt, ln thc tatcrnel trlnrtctb lnrte ol tLc Bcll;

but lotlon,

lad reketb lottoa rotlon

ro the BGtl batb

eld aot couad, thrt

rotloa hpertetb

to tbc el.r; ead tbc a1r rottoa by tbc Ear ead

hatb rotlon, Ifervc lnto Brala lt l!

but aot aould; tba alr the Brala; e.nd thc hala

bath rotton,

but aot souad; fron tbe ead tbcuce 1t becolct1


beck lato

thc f,ervca outrerd, 8ou!d.

APPerttloa rltboutr

rblcb re caII

lad to procccd to tbe rcst tbc elcrl ud teste of the are not la the

of thc scnses, lt .r.Ee tLlag

te eppereat cnou6b, thrt

erc aot tbe to every !err, ead tberefore but in ths ncn; so rlkerlse

thlag aaelt or treted, frou tLe flre

tbe heat re feel fron the hcet

ls rallfestly

ln ue, end ls qulte d!'ffereat

rhlcb 1a ln the flre;

for our bcat ls pleasute or palDr eccordlng ee lt By tbla

1a 6reet or aoderete; but 1a tbc cool tDcrc ls ao rucb tLlag: tbe leat erlse le proved, ltz. ttrt ee 1a v1.elon, so tlco

ta coaceptloae thet

fron othcr Scascs, tbc aubJect of tlelr

labcrcace ta not 1a tbe folloretb, tbat

ObJectr but la tbe Sentlnelt: rbataoever tle rorldr lccldeate

Aad fron belce eleo lt

or quelttlce

our Senacs rrhe ue thlnh therc be la oaly; tbe

they be aot tbere, thet reelly

but rre seen!.a6 rad tpparltlone rlthout

the tblnge by rhlcb

erc tn the rorld

ual ere tboee lotloas

tLcae cecalage erc cauaedl end thJ'a l's tbc 6rcet deceptlon of for es rc1!c telletb ac,

aeDaer rhlch elao te to be by lcDao corrected:

L1D. J.

rh.B I rec dl'rtctly, r13o aoDac tcllctb obJrct. tn rbol lelge Eut lor

thrt rcr

thc coloua .ecrGtb to br 1a tho obJcct; .o tbet colour tr Crtetloa la tbr of l{an,

rhcD f mc by rcflcctlon

f er out of tbc ray trol of lore rlarer,

tbc outrerd

thcrc 1e a prlaclple

flnc ead teaaoD, rhlch la tbe roro perfcct too aerror hlnd of Brutcs,

on, though not lD tbrt (Iotb

ta tcDlc deo

to bc curbcd dth

corlraea) layee hold

ulroE lorc h!'ld of Plaater ln thc rcst

ee la tboee auadry eorte of EOOPEIIA, but footetcpa d1ecovcrcd of aa aalnadvcrof en laadverteat

tbcre alG Do lurther

slve foru ebldlag 1a then; yct there be tbe effects

forn t )rciyO


I of ratsrletcd

or lncorlnreted

Art or aenlnal
frlnt end obof

Rceeoni f eeyr tt

1g Do ulcvea Jot to lnea froa thc lore llfe, l{ctals, flxt,

acure cxalplc of Spernattcal 6eneral l{otloa ln Hlaerala, l{ediclaes ertracted, thetr retura

to the Dote coaal.denble cffects aor yet to aay eny thlng of the dlseolved, end lacorporated our laet rltb


proper Vca6lee, bccauee re have lntended lt to ltherals, llctale,

buelnees, to

ead suDdry l'leteore, lhoec eesle and rude prl.uclplc of llfer or Spernatlcal of tbe letter.

abapcc hrve lo necd of eay lnrtlcuhr fora dlatlnct lO. trou thc reatr

or aotloa of tbc lnrtlclcg curloglty of forr

But there 1e tbat

ead bcauty t'n tbe lore tbe

aoblc klnd of Plaats, lore (lfe rctlned


auch e eutableneaa eld baruony vltb of the eoul of llan, tbrt tretlfled

Belae ead aa6aclty

bc ca.aaot cLooee


toucb bclag ro areetly but rchaorledge

by rbat 1t dcprebeads

1l aucb llkc


tbet eole hlddcn ceuae, aucb a !l.n 1a the coatrlver aad perfecter

to Lla ora nrture

tbat le lntcllcctual,

of thcre ao pleaaalt

spectaclee 1n the rorld.

194 ,. to tbc Aurpoee to obJcct, tbrt of proprtlon le but e coacclt, thlr bud.loea of .o!c rr! to thcn,


l-s tt



EENt'If ead corclhcra rchlorhd6r

brcture heldcolc

ao rucb thlag,

end r11 thin8a ere ellkr

rbo yet lotrltbstendtag toll,sg for I re1rr thla

have tbe uae of thelr ntbcr

Gycs aa rsll

ee othcr

rehce for rbet re eJ'n et,


IUDE t'a coaveyed ladccd by thc outrerd latcllocturl bcttcr, fecullty

rencea uato tbc eoul, but a Eore l.t; r! l! or ASTROIOGfCAL,

ls tDet rLtcb rcllehea


la by tbe eyca, but tbe Df0ilSTRATlt 1s rore ratlonal to afflrlt

fON le {lscerncd tbat

by REASON: Aad thcrcfore prtac1ple

!o!e tntellcctuel tbeu tlat

of raa the Author of tbJ.a PULCERITUDE tle hclp of thrt

thlnga, prtnclplc:

thcy ehould be tbua faebloned rttbout

ead aoae And to aey tbere ls no cucb thlag ee PULCERfTUDE, f aaererr lar s.nnot rellsh becauee aoue aII obJects

laVr tbere la ao ray to FELICITY: Tbe flrat, reno aoule me ao dull rllke ta that reapect: aad stupld. Ibe tlret

Tbe gecoad knora not EAPPINESS,aor tbe UAY TO

IOIIG LIFE, nor thc I{EAXST0 EEAI,TX, Bor hor to REIIIR]I FROM AGE TO IOUTE, & etc. Ill'ch ls ea ebeurd eld grouldlcee, re BEASOf,ud But that eg to concludc tbcre ts ao fool canaot

eucb thht

Dcceuac e naturel DEMOilSTRATfOf,, tbcrc 1e rucb a tDl'lt

rcecb urto 1t.


LfFE, rad e ccrtaln dcnoaetrete: rcet TEE ltY

rey to EEILTE, lot TO EETLIE f aball

ae yct knora 1l ElfGLAl{D,I rlll ahcr lrou r!o! h thla Book, tbc

1n eaoth,cr Putr 12. f,or tbat

ea f proaleed you. lt 1e ack-

tbcrc 1g aucb a th1a6 aa Bcautyr eld thrt of lea,


aorledged by tbc rLole tcDeratlols rad Frults,

to bc la lreecr la eII l6car


eld the of bulldhgs

le tn exa.uplet


Llb. l. tmthony; toD rbrt 1g rorc ord$rrt rltb of tlolr eo forlomc tbct, tbca Bc-

eld uadcdebh trll'rg rldce, 1l tlorcrr

etrd frn1te6c to ely rra tbrt

for thc 6uD1rht-ttt 1a lot eunlc 1lto


I rppcel

a pttch

of pc6cnGmcy, thrt Bceata; rbcthcr

hc 1s ea etupld to tbcec thlngs ee tbc beeeet of e rtgbtly CUBEor ICOSAEcut IEIRAEDRUHT tbca ea;r rudc brohtn othcr rol1d bonc l$lt tbouC!

for orerple,

DRtttl, Drvc lo lore

la thcr, PTTLCERITUDE Or to Du. eo calhdr

1l thc f;lcl.d or lltb-rrJrca: tlcy bc aot rcguler propcrly

E[6urcar rhlcb

yct beve r setlcd the slgbt

fdeer eld of theee do


16 I COFE, SPEERE,or CILIXDER, lbcthcr tbe rtada of lca lorc,

aot gratlflc

ead prctcnd to torc

clegancy of tbat fall

tbapc, tbea tbogc rudc cuttla6e fror thc liaaoaa Lnde,

or cllpptn6e

of Free-etoae but to flll

end Bcrve for lotbln6

up tbc nlddlc ugllaess: GmUElr-

of tbe rall,

r^nd ao to bc hld troa the cycs of llel for tbclr tbat lf lfeture ahape aay tLlat of tt rlth Dcar tblr

And l.t la obecrvable,

RfCAL eccuracJr, tbat rc takc lotlce utc, ag tf lt bc but cxactly

rucb contcnt ald pleee-

round, aa tbere be rbundencG of eucb etolce ordlnarlly Qulr

upo! I|ESQUE,a h111 ln IRABfA; I heve BecD tbcn thcrc, queagulu, ead lrve thc d.dee perellcla, etoace, end tr

tbrougb tbe Algcle e of Alabaeter

be uaequllt found berc

es 1a seeD l'n rore llttle

1l ElfGLAt{D,errd other prctty

rtoncs forud upoD BIILVE$Oil-EILL acar SfDln Tll{5 OROVE


ard QUARRI PIT, et O0L$01f, ead et TARDEBICK'STOtrY-EILLTthc SBAUES uc EAZLE-EILL, eld AII!-EILL 1l UARWICKSEfRE, trot naturelly cuycd rltb verloue rorke, of dellgbtful louad eucb etonce tbet otbere tltL

aole rltD'Roeee, lorke;

Lt'oas, Eeglce, ead all


tbcec etoaesr I

Ll.D. 5. gretltlc tht thr eoul gloucd thoec


orr dtbt, 1r retlolrl rlth ut



r lcrtr

cotnrttoD etld thcrototc flts rltb:


of ua

eld latsllcctuell outrud obJcct thet fiualabcd

1r rell

rD'ca l't rrctg colgcal'to

eld rgrccg rltb

Idcre bcr orn aaturc le

For Sll{l{EIRY, EQUAI,I!!, of Rceeoa, aot tbc ob-

ead OORRESFONDEICI of puta, trct of Srtrc,

le thc dl.rccrancnt

ra I 1a our EAnHOff OF TBE |ORLD Levc la eaother plecc

proYcd. lr. llor thcreforc 1t bclng crtdcntr tbat tbere 1a aucb a thlng ee (to say nothlag of tbe

ol proportloa BElItTf, Sn0{EfRI, rad CO}{LfXESS dcllghtful r1rture of coloure,

end tbat thle la tbe Droper obJect of

tbe Ulderstalela6

ead Beaaon; for tbeee tLluga bc not tahcn aotlce of tafer, tlat rbrtsoevcr la tbc flret Hattcr lato

by tbe Beeata) I thlDk I ray eafcly ead prlaclpa1

cluae of chaagtn6 tbe fluld ead eyuetrlcrl, eld krore

end uadeterdnatcd

elapes eo colelt

aa re eee ln florcrs

ead treea, le rl end of tboec rorld, eld

uaderateadl'n6 Prhclplc, obJectc hc offcra

both tbe nature of len, outrard ead vlelblc

to hls alght ln tl!'a

rould brvc lea acerch ead flad out thoae eccrcts Lccp bfu body 1n lcalth

by tbe rblch

bc d6bt

rray bundreda of yeara, lad et lest for thcce tDhga thc

rrlr our EOLI OUIDE lcedetb; or by a l{ultlfertoua ettcnpt

cannot colG by chrace, upon thcaeclves;

of thc perts of tbe ratter

for tbcn 1t rere llhely l1t rot rt6lt, uy

that tbc epcclcs of tbla6s, eld rldtculoue; 1e a s16! thrt

thou6h aolc dght but aor tbcre ls thc fluldncae of

yct roet rould be rahed 1a aagr thla6,



thr ntter rtcrnal

le guldcd ald dcteniled rlad.

by tlc


couasel of ea

IJ,b. 5. lS. florcrar rela If 1t toDc lot !.cdhear I dght lnateacc 1n ruadry klada of

hcrbar rad trces;

but tbcsc obtccta bclng ro obylou3, ead cvcrl tlth thc rcaerbreace of R)SES, IIARIGOLDS,

fercy bclng brelcbcd


PIoNrEs, TI'LTPS, PAnSTES,PRr!.|ROSES, FERTEEIOrERS AJ|D of thc Vlac, & ctc. 0f

SEEDr ORAtlgE FIOIERST thc leavcs ead cluatcrs ell rhlcb you ruet confeee, tbrt

tbere 11 1n tbel proportloa;

bceuty, eld aylretry, to

rnd uec 1a Pbyalck,r ead gratcftrl toary you rltb aay loater

f bold 1t euperflulty


but sbell

paae on to tboac coaelderlnss

atlons bebJ.adr of tbelr througb theu very brleflyr

ecedr elngeture eld ueefulnees, end rhall ead tbcn f ehall colc to rl'acral


tboae obaervablca bclng verlr Deccsaary flret latroductloa, bctter eld ae ordlnery aad eaelly

to bc kaora by ray of ea but for your



1a tbe underetaadlng of thte Book, read the EAR}|O!{I lou aust renenber our deslgl Parte of tbese fiyeterlous

OF TgE UORLDT aad the TEI,|PLE OF ffSDOM. le to proYe botb tbe Theory and Prectlck trutbe.

l9 E
IJ,b. 5. l. I l. 2. ). f. ,. Ot tbc Srrd,a: Ood nde 6. ?. E. rad Slgteturtl of Pleatt: 9. tO.

lad rbcrcfore


l. lre

Every plant brth lte

ercd,; ROSIE CRUCIAIIS tbcrcforc 1l tbel, rblcb

BeJ/ therc

occret Mystcrt'os ffc


gbould bc our dcltght

to flad out; Aad tbla

for Dd.vtnc Provtdence radr rll result

6ood for tbc usc of !aD: rB the

belag Do llcearary

of the rotloD of thc retter, ead lt

rhole costrlvaace

of tbe plaat ladecd ta lot;

belng of great

coEaequeace tbat tbey have seed for the contlnuaace of propagatlon of tbelr rhole epecles, ead for thc gratlfylng ( for ruch of Euebandry ud of rans Art aleo, tndustry 1n tble) lt

a.nd aecesglty

Gardenlng llce

calaot but be tbc act of Counoel to furnlsb rltb tbclr eeed, especlally for a rhlle lt

tbe eeveral klads of Plaats tb,ou6h

tbe eartb belng of Eucb e nature thst fortb ell aII ranaer of Plants,

et flrat

r16ht brh6

(as sole yet at

r11I bavc lt

eleo to have brougbt tortb eo sluggteh,

klnde of Ardlala)

l'aet 1t rould 6rot anall

tbat rlthout

tbe adva.utage of thoee the Grala of eced rould ea5r rater,

conpeadloue prlnclplee !o rorc rater

of gcucratlon,

yle1d ao rucb blrtLel ualeee Jrou pour a llttle aoDE fullr 2.

tbea a Purp grorD dry 1111 yleld tnto lt tlret,

ead tbea for eo Dary See-

Von nay fetch up so ralJr Tarrkards full. raterlal to obJcct, that at1dcln6 reeds aad polsoafor

Itor le lt

one plants

bear aeed too, ea rell

ae the aost pleaeaat aad uecfirl;

eyen thoee atlaklng

fleeds aad poteonoua Plants bave thelr kaor bereafter;

use 1a ROSIE

CRUCfAtrUEDICIIIESToB you ahall alck-Lortere

beal,des our connon PLygrounded upoa

often usc tben as tLelr

fancy guldes tbcr,

Ll,b. ).

ro otbcr try of ru ful;


thca tofirl

ead dcedly crpctlcacc;


tbc ladue-

la croDellcd

by thcll

to rced tbct out rbcrc thcy elc burtret ua but coaetdcr, rnd etru8tte tl thc flcah, rltb, tbat lf of

rblcb rcrsola, laduatry

1f ttoy

ace! eltght,

hnrrrs llDa

brd nothlag to confllct bc half crtlngulebcd

the flre

ap1r1t rould

ead thcu re shrll aor

ecllorledgc l'aveltd. 5. vulSarly llck

that tbat rhlcb I bevc ellcdgcd,

la not ao coutenptlble

But eccondly, tbo klora but 1t 1e ro rltb



te fenctcd concernlng Toade, aad otber polsonous Serpeate that tror olf thc eertb? So polaonoua Pleate tey rcll Jutce ead rourlalrclt, tbat drar

tbe Yololc

to tbeu ell

thc rellgnc

tbe otbcr ley be

lore Putc ead delecltcr aad huactorlss 4. taturc call r.aetlyr

ae therc ere Rcccptaclce 1n tbe body of aan; auperfluoue Cbo1cr aad l{clancDoly, etc. knora by ther that kaor eay thlnt tbs tude aad i6aoraat 1B rorld

to draln off lt

la very rell

ead Phyelckr teedsl

Tbet tboee lerba that

are tbe tatcrLala

of yerJr SOVBAICI| IiEDfCIrES; tDet ACOtrITUH 1a renk polaoa, te reporscorplone, and tbat

ElEltALEt or Yff,TER IOLFS BAUfr thet otherrtee tcd to prevell red Dogs, rhlcb Plaat rlghtlly egahat tLe blttng

of ylpcra,

S1r CERISTOPEER EEfDOtregaertctb

uato; rad thet

that beare deatb ln tbe ver:r Drle of lt, ereepr tf


vcate deatb by procurhg tloae

1t be apprtcd ln a Ecvcr; Dor lre eay tbc ROSIE CRUCIAI{S,lhose ue uadereta.trd; but thcJr dII teach

ttrlnga to be dcercd uaproflteblc, rl11 aot let

lr8e ou'r bcavy l6lorencc Ea la folloretb. 5.

Ic coue aor to tLc Sl6uaturce of Plelte,

rll'ch t'adccd rcepecta

200 lJ.b. 5. E. lort

DrroD.rlt ud

edtcqnrtrly ru

tbcn tbc otbcr, lato

r.Dd te e Lct (ee thc end u.t of thc Trtre-

BOSIE CRUCIIXS eey) to rltcr Etcs ol f,eturc; r iclead,

tbc klorlcdge lbctber


1t bc Dot I vcry eaele eevcral bcrbe ere larked tbey ere good

lad 8eaulue lnfercncc rtth for; !o! rerk or ltga

fron tbe obeervlag that tbet lltlretee tbctr



lad tbcre betag aucb e creatur

la l,iaa 1a thc Uor1d, tbat caa read lelce to collcct that the

ead uadcretead thcce altas ead chmectere;

Autbor both of ran eld, then, kaer tbe nature of tben botb; rDd beeldes Dlvlne provldcnce rould oaely lultlate ead enter lanklad lllrrdnated ta tbe useful nOSIE CRUCIAf,S for rII of

Lnorledge of bcr [rcegurGar lcevta8 tbe reat to hploy

by thc Serephlcal tbc vul6ar that

tbcy rlgLt

aot be ldlc; ead thcrefore

tD'e Tbeatre of the rorld tLla8s ere 1a aoEe tolaurc

le lD cxerclse of tana rlt, obscure ead tatrlcatc; bave uatter

that tbe eudullty of couqueat ead asateteace of

tbat dlvtae spark, tbe aoul of raa, ny trluuphr Ood. 6. of tbclr But tDrt tberc be eorc plenta uec, for erelplc, rtcn he letb done bravely

bt a auperadvedcnt

tbet bear e yery crJ'neat al6nature GAPTLLUS vEI(ERrs, poLrlRIcEoN, or le good to rasb

aature ud

ITAIDENEAfRE; tbe Lye ln rhlcb tLe leadr coctloa lor tlc

1t 1e roddea or tnfueed,

ead reke thc ha!.r tror tre

tn tbose places tbat are bare; the dele5'ry Fu1t, 1e eccounted good

of Qtrlaceer rblcb letcDlng

l doray ud

e6a1n halr


beth becl fallca

by tbc f?Ef,CE pOX; tbc roots ot

tbe lce,f of BAlltlr or Ar.r-r:rOJAE,or IOOD-SORREL, ee elfo ItrTBORA, reDreaclt 7. tbe hcart 1a flgure, rl6nature ud

are CA8DIICAL. greel

IAIJIUIS bear tbc rholc

of thc heed; tbc outrard

L''b. t.
OORlEf llrrcr! tooA tor fornds rhlcL ud to thc PERfCRAXIUI.|, 1l thrt Dmtr r! r $It rrdc ol 1t le elnguler 1r good for thc brl'aet

thc f,croel

1t rercrblca. to provokc Lust, ra Doctor CULPEPPER

UIIBEIICUS VEI|ERIS1c porcrful efflrre; ea eleo tour eevcral

aorte of SATIBIOI|S, rbJ.cb bavc ths cvlln0l{ capccleJ.Iy, ead fron aone beaet the lest the beard lacen-

dcat rcecnbleacc ell

of tbe gcacrel parta upoD thcr;

your OBCEISSES,tbrt

tbcy heve glvcn Delca uato,

or otber, rLercof

ee Cil0SORCEfS, ORCEIS,NIODES, TRIGORCEfS, & ctc. for lts Ooatleh enell, le of aII ud Tufts lot uallke


of tbet lecheroue lllrel, tlve to luet. E. vltb

tDe rest

tbe roet porerful

Tbc leaves of EYPmICOf, are very tblck Lo1cs, rad lt 1e e elngular


ot polntcd ee ugefull


tood louad-berbr

aleo for de-obatructla8 9. ttll plab

the porea of tbe body. the crooked


of a SCORPIOF; ard OPEIOGIOSSUI'i, or ADDERS $Of,GUE,batb r yerJr ead pcrfect reacrbleace ol thc |Doagueof e Scrpcnt; ea alco OPB-

IOSOORODEII of tbe cntlre rre dI

bred eld upper perta of tbe body; rDd tbcse ol Scrpctta; &

held vcry tood agalaet polaon, ead tbe bltlng dl

goaerel'ly Ylperar rthge lO. rlort

rucb plante rB ere epcckled rJ'th epots lLke the aklaa of vcDoroua crcaturcel of tbel, ud rD kaora to bc 6ood r6elast obJects the

or otbcr or bltllgs

erc porerful

poyaol. read

fhue dld Dlrlne to tle

Provldeacc by neturel rar;



rudc r1t of nrlgar belnt eatred,

otLera of tbc SE3grg1QALLf crpcrlcncod of


eld eufflcleatly

fiz LLb. t.
tbtr; thrt lrd lould rot out tbc !ret, lt bc1r6 vrrJr rcrfoDrblc dght tlrt otlcr brrbr utel, l.

mcb rdgnrturca, thrt bd.

bc vcry 6ood tor llrdl'clnel

r.11 rs tbcl ll. erturca

R0SIE CRUCIIIS Drve qul.ckcrcd rad ectuatcd thclr to rorc lrcqucat end offccturl YEIERIi for tbctr vcry ftcryr

Phlcgnetlck IOltC LMS, to say nothlag

EEll.SEr eld IOIITEFULIESS, lhels of thclr

tLey rr rot

EAPPIIESS, f,tOlI.EDCEr RICEES, rIsDOl,t eld VfFIUE, bcceuae I Davc elnken of 1t largcly.

ta tbLs lfrcatlee

IJ,b. 5. Chrptc Vfff.


2. Of tbs ueel\rbcgg

of Plute.


4. lad of tlc

lorkg of God.

l. r,Dlrlcea

fou abrll of Plelter



takc Dotlce of tbe uacfubGse ead protl,tFoodr eld thca Drss oa to tbc tbclr llcdlctlea but f uc3

both tor Pbyatck ud


of th.c larplrcd


Ar for tbe conuoD uaca of P1ute rcfer

Berbele tcach tou lon.thlat;

you to tbe SII|GULARttEDICIfES Of K)SIE CRUCfAIStn ry Book of of tour bealth; lnl'relc

fEE EARl0f,Y OF lUE fORLDi 2. tor the ralvatloD klor ee rucb by lnatiact lhat brutc erd aeture; Boeeta klor

ead tbat ls roet obeervablc ea ruch ra rary Pbtalcena do thet

bcre 1e thlst are teu6lt of lfature,

by Bcrbele olly;

eld tbcec dcny tbe Porer of God 1a thc rorts h thc gkl'll of l.lra, tbat lt should

and the poter of ileturc

bc lapoeslblc


ORO[, 8O BIOSSOI.I,AtrD EEAR APPLES, COI|TRARI!0 KItrD, Itr ]lAnCE. 2. Bcaata heve kaorlcd6e la the rtrtuc of Plelta re rcll ee l{ea; (ae le

for tbc load bohg ovcrchergcd rltb rell tlora) Lrtb r.courae

tbc poyson of tbc Spldcr,

to tbc Pleltaac-lcaf. lrls bcr eelf rlth

Thc ?caael, rben she oat1n6 of Rue. fells The

1e to cacouatcr tbe Scrpcat,

Do6r rben be 1e elck et tbe atoreck, vodte, ud te rell. Tbe Srallore

knors hts curc;

to hts traaa,

rake usc of CELAXDIIE, tbc Lcaaet elgbt. lrd tlc lesc, rhcn he

of EIIPERAGIT,for tbe repa1rl'a6 of thclr la opprcesed dth rehacbolyr

eats of ths bcrb ASPLEilTII!|,or IILTIAST, of the Splccn. !!he Bevea rekea

ead so caaea Llnself

of tbe arellhg

lLb. trc !. ol CfiQUEFOILE for the proloDtttloD tcrl!; llrd tbcroforc of hla Llfr, I thhk tt fu' to rorctlroa tbrt dr

or lcvca huldrcd IAIS Drcrcrtbt u.n to eraolat frol toltl rrlakhs


thc oyl of Reycae, Srellorer Lheelf, to coltlaue

end Euta,

for thc ulG of body

Lta frecb lad lel-coupleldoacd

and leleEeaa:

ead DICTfilfUU CREEEI|SE 1a lucb ueed, as f

you t'a ry IISE HAIIS CnOrIl, rad lEl{PLE OF fISDOt{: CREfIril DITTAI|! tocyto of Provldence; for tbeJr

curca founde of rhat arturc lhlch

thlng I concclve Do obecure ladagatloa ead teture,

dolng tbat by lnsttuct Hen, rho bave lree Reaeoa, ead flttlngl nay aucb, tbat

cal.not but echnorledge to be yery pertlacnt tLe rk{lllulleet bavtlg Pbyclcaa rlll

rpproye ead ellor; tbelselvee

eld tbcee Crcaturcs

ao aucb roaaoD aad ak1ll

aa to turn Phyalcaae, lt tbat coatrlved tbcr,

uuet aeeds be coacluded by vlrtue

of that prtaclple

aad lede theu of that nature they erel enabled then aleo to do these thlage. 1. dIl Lct ue Dor cotralder tbc Fnrlte of tbe Trees, rbere I thlnk lt

rppear verJr ratllfectly,

thet thcrc tae oDe IORI(EROF II(IRACLES, AfD aor rcacb out to Erotlck Plaatet

filSPIRER OF ROSIE CRUCIAtrS; f d6bt gucb ae tLe Clalelon-tree,

the Balaole-trcer

errd tbc Trce tbat bears

tbe f,utaeg, lnvelopped tbe llace, as elao tbe faloue Indlaa lfut-treet rhl-cb at oace (re tbe ROSIE CRUCIIIiSeay) effords erlee ol l[fe; plentlfirl ahoet all tbc Decesaa Bottlest

for 1f tbey cut but tbe et Evcal.agr tbere.le

tad pleaeaat Julce core6 outl rh1cD tbey recelve lato of llne, rad out of rhlch thcy crtract

ead drluk laetcad

aucb ea AQUA tD,e

VI:[AE, as ia ycrJr aoveralgn agalast ell

raaner of rlckleaees;

Ll,b. t. breacLcs ead bougba tboy ukc bo{at v.rt tato lpuD&r rltblnl


Eouecg of,

rDd tbr body ol tbc trec tbcy trelly contrlve of tbe

tLougb berd rlthout,

the frerc

ead uae of tbelr

CAIIOES, or FATS; tbc kcpel etrd the gbclla

f,ut acrvee thea for brsad ead leat, 1ni rad lndeed tbey ere aot re.r lclons coolta8 rllk la tbcl;

for cupa to drlnlr

crpty cup8, for thcre la fouad e del-

beeldca, thcrc te a klnd of bclp that la-

cloeee thc iutr of lt Salle

of thl.cb they rake Ropce ead Ceb1ee, ead of the flaeet shlpe; eDd tbe Leavea ere ao hard aad ebarp polutthelr

for tbelr

cdr tbat they caelly Saller

rdre lfeedlcs or Bodk{ns of tbea for stltchlng

aad for other Deceasary purlroscs; aad that Provtdcace Day aber beaJ.Saee rell ea rlee, thl's so Dotable a Plaat le aot restes the EAST ftrDfES, but 1a fouad 1a

bcr sclf relaed

to onc. Coast of the forld,


tbe falaads of tbe fiEST ftrDfES, aa EISPA1fasd eeveral other placee of

IOLAr CUBArrhere ouD lea are rtctorers, tbo aer-fouad forld. 4. Btrt r tLougb f1t to lnelat

upon theee th1n6s by ray of proof rLthl.n tbe conpaee of aucb eubend fedller{ty end ordtnertly

eld Ilstnrctlonr

but to coatel.a ry aelf

Jecta ea ere lcccasary

for our kaorledger

beforc our eJrcer thet te ray tbe bettcr occaelon fron thcnce to denoaetrate tbclr ordl.nary l{edlcLnce rblcb

(thcee tD1a6e uadcrctood) take aad

thc ROSIE CRUCINY ray to healtb,

to ua are not yet kaora, & ctc.

Ll,b. 5. Gbrptcr ff,.


Tbc BOSIE CRUCIAI{ rry hor to gct hceltb. ,. Of tbc tlret reat. ,. arturc of thc lor1d.

2. Ihe cluasa tbJr te cat S. A lcaauro of trt ead ecunny Gall. carclcaa of rdrtag have loDe rt tll. r.Dd 6. tbc 9. Eor DL8eases.



Aad thc crule of tbc flcry, ?. tature

lnd lecdlcaa

ruddy borcla tbc llllt. ol dralers. to clcalae lrour eelf

8. Drl.nhleee lahale Borele.

frou tbcee ldlc

lO. Aad evold all


Do you aot conelder tbe reekaese of lau,

rbat facultles

he bath,

end 1l rhat order he ls la reepcct of the rest of tbe Creaturea; ROSIE CRItCIffS obeerve, tbougb ble body be reak and ilearued, abllltlce of reaaon, and artlftcal yet hJ's larard

coatrlvance le edul.rable; be le nuch VfRTUESOf PLAtrTS, ffGgTS, AllD MIlf-

6lven to seerch out tbe HEDfCII&

ERALS, end batb fould out thosc thet rere of so preeent rad grcat coulequcDcsr ee to be Altldotce dlspatcD,ed lalkl'nd; HEDfCIIES, lor r6alaet poJraoD, that rould co qulckly bevc

1t rere 6ood for us to dcnoaetrete


our I"AtrD fS AFFLfCIED IITE A SICl(ilESS CALLEDtEE I{Eg rercdy, for aone ae yet brvc to llve, rad for old

DISEASE, OF TEICB ILL SORTS DfE, rltDout prescrlbed

a l{EDICffE; FOR lOItfG HEll that deelre rlthout rblch no llfc

rea tbet for bealth, thca lct

le areet aad savory; f1ret, ead cudcayour

us bcnd our aclvce to curc our breathren

to eber tbe reeas (bcsldee tbe co!.oB Golle6tea Doctora drenches, or ray, CULPEPPERS tll'lg atrelge, bor every u! rey gct aad keep ble hcaltb, thst l's eoac-

Dut a vored truth;

thc consent aad cqul'f (f lcaD egrecable

20? Ll,b. l. t6 hrrl) trrpr erd dnll:tDt our four tlmt tlla llot bc brokrl, bc6tu1a6r, thr rtrffc of

our Dodlrr; foncr

lor lf

eld tlcy lootc torerde tbclr lor tDclr aeture tbc rulc of nature,


tlcy trr

proud eld atron6l erd tltht; end lcts

1r to6ctL.t
rad thla 2. custore uttcr

Dy tbc cere, ead put ue to prh,

thc dlgcaac. otrc lt oacc, r!

tbey cell

!!bon to brttilG rtlllr

out rr.Ltrcr 1a, ead rl11 kccp ogr rcG1a no eucb tbca ot

to kocp our lceltb

rad bodt ln tclpcrl

to re ee tbc rorld

rould rake lt, to let

creD pleJ'aly l'rpoeelble, 1a dleeeece ead dlstcrpera

I knor all

thc raJrs eld cltrlce by arell

tbc bodyl rri ,. tPtrk

hccd bc atoppcd ead seaccd. rcat; tll for the cruec I l1ell clcer ead tgrceable,

lc ruet acede drer brcetb erd crt of lt 11 lte placc;

rDd es tbla te lot

eo TATIIREDlth bcr lcevt'ngs; ud

r^ld e6a1a, r,Ax)uR aad RESTerc nccdfur, rlth Joy, grlcf, fear, ealtb

pcrhrps rc cr^naot chuec but be rovcd 1l dld

lopcr eld aucb llke DES CARTES. 4. rcll

paeelone, thougb thc STOfCKSdeay nccceslty,

By co trlJr lrlrB ead 6atcs dlscaaa raJr elter,


tbey bc lot

retcbcd eld lookcd ulto,

rhtch reSr bo done tn rcaeoa, end beth becn loag rltbout ell dleeaaca JOEft UACr-

doae oftcnr

ee tbey laaurc ue ttret hrve ltvcd ee JOEI| EARDIXG relatce

erd ctcklolaegr

of e t{laleter, lrcara leat


LAftrEr to lavc contltucd 1r lcalthr crte tourt rl6bt ttry ead eftcr rtrtl'

for tbese flvcacore

pa6t togcther

ble belr,

teetD, Gyca, rad flceh rcacred, rad bcctorlce ere to bc lorud elough, lf 3or ell Dnt dr re

ead eucl ltke

to ecck thea; tore ere contcatcd

ead ncat,

but thcsc leJr tLcy levc often aeede of d!-acaaee lyc Lld 11 then, uneblc

lJ,b. 5. to be forrlccn .bar (ea llacr roat hrteful tlc oD Drrvcrtcd, la rc tlad thoac reat! bel'ts) tbrt to bvc rrhe thc tlacrt blrl h tLct

ead Su6crr eld euch GDtlcllt

d1rceace end drcae tn thc bottou; yet le aorettuce lafcctcd l'ato ltr clthcr

so tLc rll,

rbca 1t gccrs yDo-

bcat eld hlghcet,

ead poyeoncd rltb frol bclor,

lou6 breatbr tbc Ster!

rcnt out ead, tbruat

or fron

of Ecayenr and e'e the ceuac te bldden 1ai[ rrrlrnora to ue, ao to bc rvoydcd rad prevented. ry apecch rua et 1ar6e, cepeclelly flret, ln other (to coue to

tbc burt hpoaslblc ,. ff

f lJ-et to let

roaa grou.nds, I could flnd that Dtvteloa le falee; reat aaoa) ald then 1f lt rsrc truer

Vet tbe cauae of that tafectlon but I al so aorry for tbe fault yet aetblaks lt le e

aot uaablc to be foreeeea ead rarded; tbove, that I cel tbe bcttcr grlef rttb

take becd hereafter; dlrtne

to hear the barnlees aad glorlous alender, 6.

thlngs abovc, ao defaced

eld ao rrn rahea eDarer for then. 1f the STAXShave rboleole rnd pro-

Oentle Reader, be pleaeed to stey a llttle, end ao Do porer but lror then they burt hh lld a6a1n, lf ae lt rere,

ao Ught,

tbe SIIIT, tbat loet loet rroa6fully,

apcroua crcature,

end tcprloyG tben-

eelvee vcry rt gbtly. pertr ead flret

tbey be but a p!.cce of the tlncr of the lorld, ee I Deve ahered la thlags thelr


ry Book of IEE EEl.tpLE OF [ISDOI.{E, thca they be the rholeoneet 1r ths lorld, eo fer be they fron poyaoned elarder: datled ln tbelr ueetlagsr Aad so let

LleDte De never eo grosly

and tbereby tbat

Statc of the Ueather cbanged auddenlyr ead frou tbence our bo4les troublcd aad tuned ready for 1t, t.nto Dlsease, bccauee they rere aot preparcd eld nade yet the thlngs are good end prosperous; rDd by knorledge

209 IJ,b. 5.
of Altrolo6yr rry Drcl[rc or 1allueDcea of tbc Phnrte, our rolyca, ead prcycnt ell; errA ncct of tbc Sters, rc bvc tbrt tepp[-

1l rc crllot

lGaa to cosycrae rltb 1t le not rortb tbe lorld;

our 0UARDIAI GEffiUS. lor

lor lorcr

rcflccttoa, grouad la

tbe eacrcrln6l

rhen tbere ls eo ruch raste

tD,ea let

ua pa6e over to that otber BREACE;tay re not abua ee 1e rost tbc loet tenperate hlnd1y aad

the lcar1ng balte

l'n our Dyet, rad teke aucb leat ead thea dreea tbe aeuc efter rell rltb

eld near our f,ature,

rboleeouo leDDer, eeaeoaJ'uglt 7. of dae, And to be plalul

labourr drth

aad slcep?

I bave ebered la anotber part of thle llreatlee rbat a Jcrel of health lt teDe

ao luch noted by our lrltera,

to uee a1l rar and tcnperate ueat, or becauae re be rlee vertuous, ead thls Dyet rould perLape cbaage our f,ature ol flrer ray, takllg but }[ke P8IIOead

a qulte SOPEERS leavbg rorst,


tbe bestr lhen a6 Done ls lostr

rblcb J'e that re Dot taker a lay I saYr to strlp

ol all

troaaDeae errd foulnese of bodles, the only hurt of tbeneelves, and 1s the Food of Dleeases. 8. I 1111 telt fLnd lt you alotber true, lf ray you 1111 tblDk atraager but be teupcrater (tf ae f btd you chuee 1tt

you eball

the leat

thcre l.s no Durt caD coEe thereby, aaye froa Jrour leavlags; fer; but l'f you rould

you keep leaeute la your eelves) a Dyet tlret 1111 be very

thcee l'a eo clear

be rulcd


thoee fer ebould aever burt You. g. Of aII the Leavtnge tn tbe bodyl tbere are three rhlch unto us ( for tbc rest the Llver

reketb roet e Llglt


rre ceet ly dt epatched) a cold GEOLER;

aad eaele, or ratber

e FfERY (ae EoDe call lt)

2 t0
lJ.b. l. crllcd llELffCEOLLf ; rld Cbrptcr, but ell thc tbl'rd 1r lIRIf,E, rhlcb ud thla

rad Lcrry trcet 1r lot


I rfU trult

of la tbc lcrt t'a thcraelyce,

but thorc tro tD,c roracr; by rceaoD of thc lccdlcae

ead burtful

borels 1a our bodlcsr (aa thc Sccda-ran uacth to eor 6ood rad bad to6ctber) rh!-ch bclag of tbe .lrG tbcl rtlll ulto kl'ad ead qurltty rlth thoec hulora, do

drar ead pull for frol thclr tbelr

tDcl (ea ell

othcr lnrte

eld thlaga rlo) Drser6ce too ead

Dood eld nourlshrcnt

i rDd eo by tLc lerror and boldlng,

6rced5'aeee la pulllng

eld a huadred cucb leans, rbereas

aubJect to 6reat rtecbaacea, bave brougbt la ee reaJr dtchlefs, f,eture tbc great crpeller cbotce ea'i llbcrt5rr rould of bcr uallhc, otberrlse eo erall rlth

eld Encnlee, 1f abc bad frce clBe, ead rltbout of tbe better Lurt, crpel

tboae LearC.l6e, cepechlly

a rulbcr

aort ln ao

clcaa a Dyct, Day, eet tbc lellce OALL, AIfD REffS) ff at Lardl tlulcce, ltke

of thoec parts, rtore

(those parte ere HfLl, of othcr foul ueat

there bc aot eufflcteat

I lroJrsoDedor a pur6h6


thcy uee to drar Sood la thl'e cbaptcr, to bc teu6bt

ead to reke Food of thea; rbet 1e aot nnlfeeted be dclolstreted 1n tbe clsul'n6,

sDeU retbodically rerlone


for f tntcnd

1a thl's pert

of ry Eook, ead rlll

eber you rbet lfature

ll,b. l. CLrptcr I


Roal.c Cruclea lledlclacs

rrd phln

by cralplcs,

end tborc ue


coltrohcat. frtleaa rt rrly

2. llbet thc ret Sua-bcere declere ,. Eor to ltvc

aolc tlae ead fonalu Jrcars rltbout Food,

to lourl.ah reddld. crreturcB do.


4. Uac ud

Cuetor r aecoad f,ature. Dog. 6. Ibet

5. Tbo Bil,rd


llaluda Dlacer ead tbc et4l'rg ?. b crperleaced

tbc Celcll.oa rerer Para-

cate food. celeus,

lled1c1rc, rad hor to apply 1t rlth

ead the Roate Cruclea ler Art of Ecallag.

l. ure, ud

Of ARISTOILElt ee tf

1a rcportedr

fbet bc ta the rltty

Spys of f,et-

he Lad bcea radc 1l thle retter, ftrelle

he tbers tbe aced end vcrJr truly Pood, bc

ute of tLe grcater e"nd rlaely. rocd?trl od otler tclllr6 tlcy

eld Eorcle of YIGETS, ead saltb Llvcr ee tbe rprh6 of Llfc ud

Tbe Ecart ud

for elI

ffGETS, eddlag to the botter thc EEA!, etrylng lry for one of thcl erd Cerel, lolg-Ilrcd

oae the BRAII| to @OL, tbcre re lf Lc tbougbt thc eey)

tbc LfGEtS to cleelcc three ulproflteble; tho rtorlca Dr botb eo rrlft,

1n thc saro Book, (I

of tbc Errt Lcdthful,

etrd g1rl,a6 tbc rcaaon rby ud other tood propertlola tbe ralt of tbe flery

ebovc tbe rect ud tbrt llc rcuuy Gall,

cleeoeeed, voucbed ta plel'n tcma, la t grcet fcry to thcr,

for tbe !111t thet ruddy Borcl, crcaturea. end of

l't ray bc lcft llcedor. loar

out ee aoedlcar 1n thc bodlea of tLc bcttcr rbca by e rtraage tlet

dcclere CORTff,Aend I{AOOIDERE

ll'ddca vartue 1t;

tbey bercave tLc Bcreta thercol fSPLUJIUHT ea f told

gres upo! tbel,

thc Bcrb lg cellcd

you 1n the prcceedln6

2r2 tlb. t.
CLrptcrl .rtrct{,frcr, 2. lltl tbt thr llllt tr rot oaly tdh, heth ttught (f uyr tt. I llor tot Dy rhrt ce.rbut lurtful, rhlcb rII

ovcD la our rclvoa, Footroa,

fbc IURI(S l1ght tcr


ple u.nlcss lt eble to trevol to6ctbcr) tbe rort ).

tbc teat

of thc llrc

1e tbc Cercl,


tbc Bcest de5rce

ea buadrcd dlce

r drtrr rnd ro rltbout purged of tLclr

drlDk tlltocn

bol.rg 1n tlol'r Llgbtr trl.ft,



Drorc tbcrcby

touad eld lesth6

Footrca 1u tbc Uorld. ee drldrlcea crcaturee bavc paeeed aot

Ae lor tbe vclaa of Urlre-drarcr8,

loDC et eII,

ro aolG nea hevc but one of thcn, te lf rc could forbcer our drlak


to rrJre ray et ell;1f by thd, ryold 4. lot

(es tbcse Bcaate do rpuc tbcu, ead

eld eolc lcn by custon) rc dgLt tl onr bod1es.

tbe Dcttor

leay dech1cfe Tbcrcforc

tbe odd raa, PARACELSUS, I kaor not by rhet lltht, Scrapblcal llluulaatloa) tbcn, ead to


(caet ta I tblDk fror of the ROSIE CROSST .eoa tbcae faultsr otf rll but rleo

lrot ody

tlade raya to eleld

cut tbe rlecDlefa lag Creftr but ritb

tDcae three DolrBole 1nrts,

aot rttb

eay yelldl'ItnUH

nOSfE CRItCfAIldlvlac to rvotd ell

klnd ol Ecal1ag, rltb

FOTISLEr .tc. trkc

eo thet

dl'celece tDrt

apr{.nt ol tbo Lcevla6s,

of IURUI{ FffiABLE oae ouDcc; olG Dould of tbe Oyle of Revene; tro or ISPLEf,fUH, e baadful of CII|KEFOYLET of DfCTAI{f,IfH queltlty,

rouad of HILIIASTI

CREf,EilSET ead S@RPIODES, ECEIUI.|, ol cach a l!'ke OPEIOCIOSSITII eld obrcrvr tlrtr tbc Aeccldcat and hle lprd; ead tale

end tbe lloon, and Irord of tbe of r telaut tou rlll) cvetJr alght tUc rest

et your dJ'ecretlon,

thc quaatlty

eld ror-nhg,

ead elo5rnt tbc tece ead baads, and (lf

of tbe body: ROSIE CRUCIAIIS have other beallag ead ye!' l{edlclnes;

2|, LlD. '. tou rtrll lclac, tlc tbt Laor tlcl tou Llor 1a tbclr rhcrr pleccs; to flnd 1t; borela, tll'e la eucb rl .4rcrl.caccd l{cd'

f accd lot

.bor tou to put out

erey eld Dorcr of tbcae ldle

or pcrhepa 1t rbould aot necd, ea ahe doth

erd la e rtock tbrt

ceeetb our chel

Dyet f,ature bcr eclf

1a thoec llcadors, by other crcaturcal tbsl rlthln ,. oplll'oa, r fcr 6eneretloas. go firrtbcr, lct lot

rould elao qulte rele aad dlspatc!

But f dll end tct


ead ulheerd of

Jrour Jud6eueat rua before lrou aGe 6ood reaeoD; nlgbt UITEOUTALL FOOD? ff not al.l


burt rad daagcr of rcat be thca forestalled? llfe rcnt balgctb upon tle eerc hold,

other Crcaturce; rhoac Day by the counaad-

by thc auffcraaco, for cverl euffer

ot GODeld lllTIIRE, do lest et laet

but tbe tberc ls no REASOT{ lad to

rare CO}ll'tON rlll f,ATURE

1t ln ue; Lct us aee.

etcp oycr the CAI{ELIOI{,bccauge l.t tr rbat

CREATURE; a COLDrad BIOODLESS one? a BfRD tn the ao

aalr rs to e BIRD rbl,cb 1g ea bot eld perfcct

IIOLUCCO ISLAIIDS, HilWDA DfACA by aere, rore tlen ea ordiaary ttgb,

that hath no fect et a1l,

lB lrlr. I'(),

rad I bave aoen ber; thc foru of then, la rucb

tbc blgnees of bcr body aad b111, re llkcrlee

rhet of a SUAIJOUS,but tbe epreedlag out of bcr UD{GSe.ld TAIL bae ao lcee corpaas tbea ra EAOLES;abe LfVES end breeds 1u tbe AIRE, bora up by tbe force ol IfND rlth lot lore ceae tbca ARCEIIAS bJ's DOVE,and cones

ncar the EARIE but for ber BITRIAL; for tbe lergeDeBa aad llghtness aad te!.l suetrla bcr r1thout Laeeltuder ead tLe laylat of

of hcr rlags

Lcr E6gs aad broodJ'4 of her tro'nt la upoa tbe back of the l,lAlD, rhJ.cb 1a rade hollor, es elso the breaat of the EEIIALE, tor thc rore easle

2lll Llb. ). hcubrtlon, le tould: trklng tro otbcr food (ae elea hor ehould lhc ?) thca thcrc rcrrly of tbc dcr of EEIVEII, or of f11cs

but lbctbct

tbc llvca

eld such ll'kc lneccta, 6. rblcb

I lcave to otbcrs to dleputc.

f,ayr have you not heard of tbc LITTLE DOGla the UESTIHDIES, elagetb ao ereetly elt tbe atgbt loag, nclther algDt aor de5r catlag tbca lt le ccrtrla

ray tblng? Ent there bc crelplce ebovc eontrohent:

la our kl'nd ee rell;

Str CERISTOPEER EEYDOr eel.tb therc ie e I,pUI:EtESS OF l.{ENabout the head of OA![GES,rhlcb

ttfD SO A llEtfLESS PDPLE OR fllfD [vetb by the breatb of thelr tbcy read tbelr

I|OSTRILS,orcpt rben they talre a far tbe auell dthout of FIOUERS: ead lcst you

touraey, lei

DIET rltb

th{ ak I leaa upoB bare lutborltlee

tbe atay of reaaoar all lay

tbe ratter

reste upon thte reason f told you beforer that our llfe exerciae) of tro llke uE, aad the fluest eny leat, leate,

ta the baad (beeld,e a llttle eld IIAIURAL, EEAB rblcb

one for SOUt uolsture our

le rltblD

end flrst

1a our body; tLe otber le vlthout

of the BaDe Tcnpcr rlth of t!,e I'ne

bo(y aE Dear es ray be, to upbold the fraue e^ndbul'ldlnt rLlch ?. f eal'd to bc a llae AfDRY AfD EIERY ELAUE.

A'ud rc ars Eor grotD eo out of order,

aad ao uucb ssgienged

fron our EIEERfA.L tlrst rard, torards

]OISTURE and tbe lJ.fe of GOD, tbet te cteep dom-

the EtRfE through dlseaeesr bcforc re caa rcach the LIEE dlx-acore Jreara re dyer aDd are hiddea trou the

OF IEE YEEICLE; rlthl'a renalble

epproacb of reaeriag


Ll,b. l. Cbeptcr IrI.


Of llature aDd Lor rcd!'clDcs crpcrtcBccd by Boa!'c Crucleaa. of Htstcrlca. Escr ,. ,. Ot the bcellag ead coaeudlg

2. Of tcd-

tbc occuLt rl'rtuc lc!.ace.

lr. Ot thrlr

Ot tbc Ooutr Lcproetc,

Dropalc ead FaII-

lng Stctsacacr Gtc.



tbc AIRE 1t eclfr

repeclally rltb

rben lt

!'s cvcrtorc

aa the

fEE SltllBEAl,lS dcclare, laJr aeeE aufflclcat

eo aprhkled

aoDc EtfE FORRAIGII FATNESS, plrt of our DR.I]{E, rbcrcdn ataadcth,

food to aourC.ab the tlacr

tbe tenper of ltAI|KfltD, rnd hla LffE (touchlag le aa aucb a6 a.!y leat

thet polat)

caa do to LfEE, ( for 1t 1e aot fcd by conbecauec the eball

rou food, ae I sald ebove) thougb not cnough for etreagth, trosaer, ralt eouader, and toughcr parte rhereln

tbc atrengtb lyctb,

food ln thJ'e DYE8, and fall

lo doubt greatly;

yet LIFE SEAIt LASI oplnJ'oa: or 1f re

STfLL, ae loag ec I,IBE aad EIRST IOfSTURE bo1de, ln rt tblDk tDet too alnre snell e Dyct, tc tay rcad lt

(ae thc }DIIIIELESSPFPLE ta eble to drrr ell placcc

DO) rtth

ol EIO|ERS: or ratbcr, food rbJ'cb ebe dcsl'reth

l8 re kror;ATURE througl

AfRE ead otber

thc ehJ'n lato

of tLe body; ao 1f ehe'Lad reat rpplyed to tbe etolach, doubt eatlatlc lct ttet bcr self thrt ray roet ftaelyr rltbout

abc rould no tbc bcep of burts for DRItrIC, lad for rcat, rort tbct

!'n et tbc broed ead couoa r1l thc rhllc re stt

6etee, r!

rc aee by crerple ttrlrat:

ln |ATER, te Bhell lever Dy epplytDg of IIIE

I have beard ROSIE CRUGIItrS ray, leatcd rl.thout ell burter

la thle

for tro ycare togetbcr.

2 t6 Ll.b. 5.
2. rhel rot Al'd !'a llkc atudlcd rr"lacr I beve cxpcrlclccd, thl'ar lld fertcd tro daye thet rould getc,

I flret lctvc

thc leturc el'd rc rust

ol thc GUARDIIf,OEf,rr: But lf lrctdB rccclvc tlca tlc l'a lsat

thc tutn, lct

et tbc co!!o!

yct re ret

1t paee ao furtbcr

6ate, ead rrkc

tbc etouacb

l'a tbe loutb,

rhea tbcy ere rhl-ch la tbe uec of aolo ROSIE CRUCIAIIS oaougb for l1ts eld etrengtb,

SERAPEICAIJY fLLUMIf,ATED; end to provtdc end a grcat dcal better tor our hceltbr

tbca re do, bccauac tbo clcarer I aay, for thc clcar dle-

part aloae abould bc recclved. patcb ol that rtll lot euffer our ordlnary

lad lorsoyer


ald aaoyarce rb!'cb Jrour reveteDc a!o!g PEfSfCAnSTbut they eblfte and holds lf you

re to aener eltbou8h I dgbt But 1t ehall lot

knor ry reedng: r11l bellcve

rccd to etcal

t!,c ROSIE CRUCIAtrS,tbat re ray ceelly

fast e,lI our llfc all Llnd of neat' aprlnglag; 1l tbe EOLI

(thou6h t-t be TEREDEUIDRED ultbout IEARS TOGETEER) rtld so eut off ell

doubte aad daagers of dl'ecasee tbereof f klor aone tbat havc faated and llved

end for ry ora partl

ORDIRSOF TEE IRATERIIITI rC.tbout ell Ibat el6bt; reed re Eey nore? lf rld

food TEII IEARS epacc togctbcr. of bellef, ald dull of

you be Dotb eo lard

rep,orta of good Authorer nor rJr orrr erpGr:lcace rllt

Elnk lnto

Iour nor yet crl Lem e ler one rl'tb

you acc tbe l1gbt of reagoa eLh1n6 before you; tdre rattcrs la thc LfFE rad. uae of acar aad relgb to

of ordlnary 1s lt


not ea corroD l.n ueer ead lndecd acedfirlr evold anothcr aalelees ff aore of thcee, taJr rll

1eav1a6? eld to DRfilK, but to aleca oepeclally? rey be alnredr rby not our leet elao? let us

acc a ll'ttle, open to carC,I.

end by eralple,

bcceuse Reaeon le botb too loag aad too

Ll,b. l. tLlcb hevc dl llyot lcft; EX,IZABEIf,


!o lmvr




DnEtE r DEUOTSEIRE oEtTLEfor{AIr, IS REPoRIED tEUm S0 EAYE SPAT, noR IEE If,Dl.rf, iAtIOlf. LESS llA$Im mnfl S1r itrOEll EEfDOn lrltb, EE IrEf, OlfE IEAT IEPT TBE IAIIEthJ.e elarerttb rot tbc

DAfES TOGETEER. Ard altbou6h elcretb thc tnrtb of tbc foncr

qucatt-onr trct tt 1n ao foul ud

EOL! STORI; for tf lt; rhy

troae e tb1l6 ea dJrct 18, he could Eo lotrg rrat ao clcer eld flne r dl.ct, rblcb eboat upty

aot tbcac lctr for cvcrl of ell lsev1l6e?

eld vold

For the groascr sort, beforer

lake up thle

foul aad ehare-

luJ' ols re left

aa you beard, ead tbe flncr Getce rcre drarn ell

ln tbe llaesagc fron aray to tbc LfVER, To cloee up aII, I

thc STOI{ACE through

tbc foner

es tbe rlke le cver tn us a.nd volded otherreleB, raa at Sce rltb paat, rad llr. one that

elept uot oac rIDk for thcee tbrce years laet to tble truth, rnd Captatn


.,OENEIIOrSFORD e fttnees '.a

ltld tbue re 8oe tbese straogc tblnge Dlretl ln; urture

faJ.l out ta proof; tbel,

but bor,

I caa^not staad to rher. eeotbcr iature, ratter of-laay of leat


tbea uee and cuatoue, the llke la thle

brlage tbcl

yct re ray rell


re Dave ln Lud;

For re tbc BEAR(eccordlnt faeteth fourty

to the grdee

Bcaate tlet

Lurk ln flatcr)

do{ear eo EUGE{IUS

TEDODIDACTUS, the reported ROSIE CRUCIAI|tc1ls DAVfD ZEUtOtSt tLat ral'tcd three dr{ss rellr togctberr

lOItNc ltAN, of a SCOTTfSE to faet

ot hJ'l, tDet by uee brougbt bl.reelf have bcen tlree

rbl'cb by use nlgbt tbereafter

huadred ae

1l be Lad ordered Dirself lt,

by elor aad creeplng custoae,

ea Gaptala COPELIND calla ,.

rad by auch !ara as f aet dorn before. la

So le aee, f eay, great roaders proye ple1n and caele trutbs

2r E
L1b. ,. tlc dtht ol tlgdou: Jrou bryG rord of tbc rordcrful toths of OODla


of hle SOIIL, of Llo SEI{SES' of bc that rhlcb

PLAIITS, of }If,ERALS, ald ROSIE CRIICIIII I{EDICII{ES sball I rtll 1nelat upo!, etld thet by tbe lean6 aforceald th!.e llke thcn aot,


arc Doro ts poaalble

tLen onc, lf for dl rcl

tbcy aay talce aaotber) tt to kccp thelr ea rsll hcaltb

by hLad e.ud custole that le,

for cvcr: Let us lt rere

solc to tbe aert polat, loet, ud tbat aII

to be recoyercd lf

dleeaaea nay be cured.

Tbls l'e a polnt nuch barder all kl'nd of lets and lnculforrards.

thea tbe flrst,

cy6D ao beset aad atopt rltb

brances, tbat a Da! ca.n acerce tell Elret

rD.lcb ray to ect hJ.s loot

tbe chlef aad PI"ATOT EIPPOCRAOES, appeera ASCUI^APIUS,

auong tbe cone by rDd

bearlng ln baad cundry dlscaees of botb klads (botl ORECIANS, deeceat, aad gottel by purchaee) bopelees errd past recoyeryl

oyer the lea that ore theu, for troublesone to tbeuselves aud to tbe Connoanealtb: fhea you lay see OALEI{, b1s aoft aad fluc bll, rlth tbat tbrt follor Conpaay rltb

and tbeEe theee ae GERARD end RfVERIUS, end CIILPUpPERT ard aroEg tbese etaad the Btll-!!r of EEDGE-DOCTORS; Hedlclnea upon cycrJr poBtr vlth all kJ.nd of dahty aad COOKST CATERERS aad cry,

a long traln danbe tbelr

Iadea after

tben rlth

Drugs, etand fortb have tbese raly patae l'n eearchlnt

Agee devoured heape of Booksr tad took endlees of elatle lt{edlclaea, ead rakl'nt Dtr-

out tbe lfature

turea of thc se!o, aad, yet could lardly

curG aore .[guee, aad otbcr leeae

dl-aeeees: But for the lour greet dleeases, yi'E. thc 0outr Leproslet Dropad,e, FaIIlag Sl.ckaeea, they could Deyer beal theu, eld have tbers-

fore for Orecles aet tben dora lncureable.

rJ,b. ).
Cheptcr XIII.




kaorledge ud


of l{cdlctaca



Lld froo



2. Eor tbey ray be 8ottcni

5. tad of rhet ltee out

coucbcd la tbe O11 of Bodlesi

4. 0f tbe u6er ead hor to lecch lt

by *r 11, tbe Eevea of l{edl'cltrc.


Ihat l.a lcft

to be doae 1n th1a llatter?


sbeU rc eet a6alnet

tbe rel6ht

EquaIIy put theu 1n the of Eo DaEy great DeDBAUTBORfTfES? ead relgh tben rlth TRUTBand REl,tE l{R.

BAI,f,,lf,CE, lE re heve doae bl'tlcrtor SOlf: &rt rhere shell aald, droncd EOBBS ebout, aad largely one luII

re fLad 1t? say tbey; Ae l't le cverylhercr 1n the deep, ao lu tbla aattcr spread rlthal; lt

le ecattered ell thlnge, aad every

for tbere be threc

of ulder-BRAIfCEES, belongl'ug to tbe ROSfE CRUCfAI|AnT AND WAY

IEE REttOF EEALfITG; TEE EIRST IS TilOTLEDGE OF TEE DISEISES, TEE SECOND EDIES AGAIIST IBEM, AIID TEE fBfRD Of ItrE APPLIAIICEOF TBE RE[.{EDfES,all rh1ch eball gbrll lot bc traverecd ln thls llethodlcel ryatcrloue Treetlae: but lt ao loag

rced f hope; lay re ruet take Decd hor rc cntcr llto r corprae of ttre

ead large a racer 1l eo ebort ead oarrot cspeclally

appolated, aot onc of thc

bcl.rg Dever rua before by eDJrrar but ouraelf,

rl-ae Ecl?lIAIlS,

aor our If,CESIORS, IEE K)LY COI{PAIIY OF I,I)SES AI|D ELfAS, to follor, end thclr rucceEaora; for rhca tbey ead gottcl tbe greet end gcadleeaBegt tbey ae lt le tldccdt

rboee ateps rc gtrlvc Leve otco hit crel tbe lerk

tbcy bevc ahot at,

l,ledl.ctac gtPItT I,OR,lntUll A.P. r1tb Gaae ell

thlDk l.t strrlt

clough, eld aa erpty .rd leedleas labour,

Il.b. 5. end tbclr IEEHSDI.VES CEILDREI|rlth lugc Rulre ebout laaureull

to troublc rrtbl'c

of lnttdtc SIGllS tad GAUSES 1a epplluce. bclre tlc1d; tclthcr

d1sceecg, ead ebout othcr rould I havs tou lct



PIRICELSUS, eld tbclr goodly pelae 1n tblg 2. l'eb yct)

EpoB rer ead eay they bevc telrcu grcat ead you rlll tbea force le to apeak ry tbougbts. ae too you!6 ead cDlldrad by loat pro-

Ibough tbeae rcn (to let by great ll.gbt of tlt

the Bil.ll rcD tor


tbcy floredr

l!-ng botb rltb

cyea, eare, end hendsl 1n tbe rysterlea deep secreter of the ROSIE CRUCIAI| rorldly pralscr elthoutb

of EGYPTT Eat yea and there fetgaedt

ead perforaed !e!y 6ot loat of tbelr

I thlDk a nulbcr

yet PARACETSUS hl'e ncr Art and Rules ol EeaI[Dg lre lat'on; For flrst, egataet eI1 thlngs,

not good 1n ay oF

frou rbor the crauplc ol the ROSIE CRUCIAI|ST aad tbea ln dcsplgbt end dlegrace of OALEit carrted

be bad rccelved for dscalltag ereJr rttb elraye tlat laed,

h!.e Couatrynen, eB Jrou bave beard, but chtefly

e rad aad ragJ'ag dealre

of FAl,tEand EONOR,rhl'cb CIILPEPPER rbea f easlsted to eet up

deepleedr yct ths STARSfevourcd hln, ead etreage rork

Der, feloue

of PEISICK, nor rell

kaora end prectto pull eecrctr dor:l rhlch

took ln head, r raa unflt PARACETSUS

to do lts

ead raze tbe old lork, he could Dever do ell ,. roli

ead to act up our Der erperlenccd hl's llfe. 1a perforoed;

Tben ro .ee bor lt

be aete dora aoDe falee rules, ruconetaat, dtaorderedr end thcl


1&lc, eld aole raat1agl end all rben he doth reII


(ae be doth eouetlue)

le doth no lore dlagulacd rtth

ree done before hlnl oid,

end br1n6a ln the aane thlag


cDoaB, ald unheard of Darce, aucb 16 ray uoye roader et thc tlrett

221 tlb. t.

but rbca tbcy br rcenaedr hughtcr, lla llkc dcvtcca ot hl! lclch

rg l,h. lO0R .rltb lld lf tbet

of PEII"II,EIEES I do Dot lleadcr rould 1dn{ !


tLcn rberc thcre 1e no cauao, f could pto"e, e Yolure. ea ceally ece tbel lbcrefore tou tay klor let us follor tben by tbclr rlth thcl;

thla phcc

tbe true tad r16bt ROSIE CRItCfAtrS, lctloae, lf cvcr you tortuac to

tad bc ecqualatcd 111 uttcrr

ead Icave paRAcELsus, aad thc ea he rakce 1t; eld rby latter? you have

rcet la tlle

rad Ll8bt aad lptahl

sbould re speud all

our cete and thought rbout e aaall

a 6ood !{EDICfNE ead reuedy a6alnet trtr

dleeasea, rLen OLD IMS

!'n tbe Cour-

aad goue good WOl,{En, elonget otbcr Dn. CIIPEPPERS I*ATEffEE, rad l'n rcepcct ot tbc GRECIAI|eubDtyr Gve!

SfXPLE MEtr, o! our slde (f rcaa Shple tll;lttea all (lct about nothlag)

tbea tbese people have bcalcd rost, senran{ s! }ledlctnes hdeed; hatb qulto by deecrlblag elala

dlseaoeBl end rlth

the GERUAN Doctor the GRECfAI pEfSfCK,

ua glve bla ble due pral8e) fsl rrnk{al,

aad berc doae luch patcblag

aad dlecr{.b1ag end dle-

our cloee ead eecret clelJrr rhlch tgalaet our cnen5.ea hetb tbls ; rhlch

uader colour of frleadshlp loag tl'ue betreycd us and beet CAPTAII|SOF thetr la DGfpT, begua to h!.s forucr palne (rttcb 1t to be

eld tlgbtlag

done us ruch dscblcf Stater gacll

thlng oae of tlelr

Eml|E[,fUS by laDcr eftcr at laet,

be bad beca a rll.le

and begal to repeat hJ.uaelf ol all 6reat)

re hnor lere but rorda,

beetored la tbat kt'nd of EElLfIfG, lr$rrt force eld relght of thls

ead the rbolc

IRT to lcan upon the

kaorledge eld vlrtuee

of Hediclace,

SDCRSILY EID AJ|D@UCEED IIf IEE out ead 6ottea by tbe eklltfirl

UIDSB AIID OIL OF BODfES, to bc fetcled

2?2 Ll,b. ]. rcrla of bls tlr Ict of AIICEIMISf,S; oyon fo of tbet Art, fellore beforc erd ltaca blrr rblcD la eo ruch coDdclDed end do neily fl:lc frol

bavc flcd

ilr Iy totl ua sblft

eld troublc

of tbctr

I?UfILESS Af,D BfRnEN DEADSD[: Ifor too, I hopc of rlnd ead tlde

our SAfLST aad llle te havc.


ead all1 4.

rhlcb But lct

us rorurt up to the HAft-[tST deacrlbe

TOP of our Kaorledge, and

ace l-f te cr! rbat narks lt lest

the EAYEIY OF ROSIE CRIICIAI|I{EDICII|ES, lad aee dlffers frou other Creeke adJoyalngt Dore abane and grlefr and euffer

bath, ald bor tt

at our Journeys ead re nlse rttb


A I,IEDICfI|E1a tbat rhlch kllle

tbe face of that rblch hurte

uB; aad thle 1t doth !a!y

rayea, and yet aleo to oae ead (rhl'ch le the for bls food and eueteaence.

ead, of dota6 aad lork1ng a6 I sald before)

Ll.b. 5. Cheptcr IfV.


Of l{c{tclacg. thcrcby.

2. Of lltchcreft. 4. Altbough tbelr

5. Eor to cure tboec thet are effbodlca be poaeceeed rltb 6. Pote. cvll eptrlts.

llcted ,.

Thet cauae tbeu to voult

up f,eedlee, Tblnbles, lO. lhlch

7. Glasses.

6. Ba!'r.

9. ADd ahrcds of cloth. I l. llLat llnde

by tbc Dcvll rere coaveyed ere lal.aed by Etcbee upon

1ato tbe Bo{y.

ead lerpcats

Doer ccrcDonl'es of l{edlclnes. of otber superaatural cffecte

12. Of Poyaoas; rltb of uaclcaa Splrlts.

the eranples aleo 15. Of tnagtnatlon.

14. Bor to cure a lltch.

15. And to tdre auay her porer.

|, of rbat

A SERVAJVT OF OOD ffD be rrltes, especlally


be rell

advlaed (vlz.) fall 1u by the vlet; of

thLs age, and of th1s natter he shouldl as f sa5.d before, be ebould

tbe ROSfE CRUCIAtrPf,YSfCK, lcet thle deslgnl and eo lt

aay be a shaae tbat trutbe

be rcproved,

pretendere tbea let

to tboce rlse us cono ite!'tr

he aloue batb opened to publ1ck our apeecbee.

aad eort

A HEDICII|E SEAI,S US ffD sunlng lt; for tDen lt leete Joya)

KILLS OUR EIEMT, elther rlth then ln a contrary etren8th

by du111D6 or co!(as rhen

of eveB atreugtb they aelther

oJrI aad PoJraoDr etc. etroy th{ng, rhl'ch oae anotD.crr rblcb thcy Xaturc call

cat up nor de-

but both are dullcd castcth out for

and reakeaed,

aad nalce oae beav5l

aa uallke

aad udrJ.Ddly dead tblag, caee lt destroye, be of lore devours,

er crcrenent,


Dut ln qulte

etrengtb ald turns

ead porer bl'n llto

tben our GDeEy, tben tt bl'e orn Dature. And thls


l'a c1tber

Ll,b. 1. usr la rhJ'ch loat eveB la cvcDy bcrb of aundry ao oDo Eoydo heal us, by plaln rea-

thc thl.lg qualltlcB



drarB ud

feeda upoD ble ora Julce ta e Gudcnr rad all purglag eld drarlng th1l6s

roa doth cure alotherr eld all

do rork ROSIE CRUCIAI|SEfD end DMI{E PROPERTIES le ua] aad contrary to tbclr ead tor, rad vlae6ar,

roD; or clse lt mDlorr fat

custou; aftcr ftre,

rblch or other

ee dry atlcka, before rater,

qulncb rlld


rboee fataese feeds lt, up the reaker;

for tbe atron6 contrarSr

qualJ-ty quellla6

aad eatlag

eo dotb aay cold and dry tbJ.agr Poysoa; and Bo are a tbe ROSIE

as FLEARIfIXTCK, TERRALEllfIA, etc. cure a rotten

6reat anruber of cures doae; rhlcb only couraer 1a a rordr use for Pbyatck, and aot lndeed rltbout CRUCIAilS eyc! nor of tro Dladrance! take ularares, ta"e aay hlat of heallug,

6ood Buccea6; re heard

rhl.cb our coEDoa Pbyetcane dl'd

preteade to bave found out before tae, and PARACELSUS to the lorld of our experlenced lnventloae, DISof OOLD

SOLVED AXD IIADE POTABLE, BEING IilCORPORATED rfTE ITS PROPER \rEfL, rhJ'ch te lror use by tbe aalc of AURUM etrayetb FOTABLE;but PARACETSITS 1a tbe rrHag of ltr aad klors lt aot no lorc uucb


Dr. CULPEPPERS llaa, rhether they thlDk aII 2.

la tbelr

lpJrsone, oa tbe otD,er elde, rbea

Curcs thereby pcrfoned. bave done theLr dutlee, Ifature

Xor rben tbc conaunlag lledlclnes

cxpele tben for poyaoa aad utrlJ.he atraage thl.age, accortlng GUIDE, ae reII rot tf as tbe ORECIAJ| RIII,ES, because aL1 tbelr ead rere by tbelr

to tbe EOLI

l{ed5'clDes rere

epproved by tbe Frateralty, tbey bad eltber

confeecloa such: But rblcb as I told

tbougbt of the dulllng


Jour tdree tbe aaturc of tbe leavtlgo

or ercreueat,

or bad kaorn tbe

22' 1,1b. 5.
BOSIE CAITCIAXilolcaoro {rt: But ht If tbcr tor llcdlctDGr ead lct they lould bave rrde tLle torrrde raotber tockot'-

ur ese out ln bc aoth,lag cqualtty be full

tbc EAVENOF Lurtfirl lcrye thlags, thc tura) of Creatrhlch

EEALIB. ead, thetr or }[kee utear lro, t.

tho Art ttronger

of Ecallng cacdee ud (but

but deetroyl,lg 1111 eoacthea


thc rorld of

of botb theee klade of four

follorln6 lB t 8cc,

the neture Eote ltke,




ead aore coatrary

oae to uother. aot (ae aone raJr aldlled la tbc

|fhcn aute the ROSIE CRIICfAI{ Art truly lt rarteth

of EEAI,ING ls

eay) bposelble; lfature for tbc (f of tb1n66r

but e raE reII

A SERVAI|T OF GOD, AlfD SECREEARI OF NATURE EI tfAHE; l'n a PEISICAI{, to klor rhlcb ruet be kuora ald rbat otbor part bccause


f aecd not put tbe dJ'gslaea,

Cauace of


ae Slr


STNAPEICAI,LY ILLUI'fiNATED ROSIE CRUCTANS, Ec that knoreth tbe cbaages and cbaatbe Llttle. upoD eyerlr are 1a

ead learned

aalthl Uorld,

ces of tb1n6s ln

Ealr aoon flnd

then la

But our aougbt-D,eallng rall ald poet,

8il.11-Den, thrt

daube Medlclncs

ead BoEe Leaches rtll ald 1a elI Bo Lld fLad tber ao laay, eld dromcd or lf nlgbt ldrl

etep l.n aad eay, aad raae rlt ln le


soue eo 6reatr

eo reek

ead ehallor, tbat 1t 1a tben a.Bd be

aad tbe lledLclnes lot xtth poselble to

tbe deep of Nature, fouad,


tbey rore abldc t all

to apply

aucL dlccretloDr rt.tLtn Lcr. aent

lE lfature Ard egala, fron


poyeoued lla1ce yct there




aone dleeasee Lave thelr vorlted


aad SORCERY,aad othcr

rean6 rb1cb bave


end eo thelr of cloath rtth


I have read of eone thet tben, lfal,ls,

up plccca

Plae etuck ln


226 IJ,b. l.
ud lucf, llkc gtuffo; rtrd thlg 1a la6eetcd llto tbc Storecb by thc prcGleee,

rtlgloua fron, rcctedr


ol iltcbes:

Otbore I bavc aacD vod,t up Erlr, Plua stuck tl tt; elothers

eld plcccs of food rltb

Corps ras dlr

ead RfPPIilO UP TBE VEIITRICLE, tbere tbey fouad tbc cauae ol tbe taa a ROUilD PIECE OF [OOD, mUn KnfVES, EoEe ETIEN AND filDEllTED LIKE A SAW. Othcra do I{IRACLESby ceetlag thc IEST, or str{.klat a RfVER

dleeaeeer rLlcb



BROOl,l,or ELfilGfIfG OF SAIID IIf TEE AfR, tbe STIRRfilG OF ttRINE fn A

EOLE In TEE OROItlfD,or BOfLIlfc OF EOGSBRISTLESIN A POT; eoue by WUISPERTnGSOIIE IORDS rr TEE EAR OF AIf EORSE, OR UrLD STAG, COITLD DIRECT ErH A JOIIRilEf, ACCORDING TO TEEIR OUil DESIRE. But rhat are theae thlags avallable? To gatber Clouds, aad to coycr tbe Alr rltb peals of Eall darknese, rad

tben to nake the grouad enoah tlth llr tenlble rl,th

and Rala, and uake the

frequent Llghtalng

and rat11a6 claps of TDuader: But

tble la frou the porer of the Devtl (as EoDe faacy) rhlch he bath 1a hls Klngdou of the A5.r. 4. acltr For the renedy of tbeee nlechlefa, I have aeca a.t! raa pte-

rhen EoDe bave voal'ted up XEEDLES,IEfUBLES, SEREDS OF CLoTE, euffer blaself but lt for uoaey to appeered to

PfECESOF POTS; GLASST EAIR; aaotbcr lould be rua tDrough rltb !e a Fablc. People.

a Srord, rben I tae not there,

I have aecn a ROSfE CnItCIAtr PBYSICANcurc thoee affltcted

But 1l you 1111 sayr there le a touchetoae rhereby re nay dlsof lletalsr of lllraclee but tDat tbere le nothlag rhercby re lay dleBut f

cetn the trutb coyt the trutb

recorded eyery rhere lu Eletory.

aasler therc !.s' aad, tbat le tble:

IJ,b. J. 1f rbat 1s rccordcdr



raa rvoucbod by ancb pcreo!8 tho

had no oDd Dor t'ntcrcgt 6. ?. Sccoadly t tt Tilrdly

l'a lucb thl.lga. tore retry ryc-vltDclaeo lf of the Ba.E ntter.


end laetlyr

thcee tLtn8e rere ao atmngc eud dracbehlnd tbeu; ttouglb f rfU falee that raat aot acklor yet

ulous, leavc rtry acaalble effecte lcdge tbtt all thoee Stor"Les lre tbtt 1t le leor

tbeee coudltloas,

f dare afflrur

hulour eld rulle!!.eae

ln a lan to relect aotblng but rbat

the Truth of tbose tbat bear tben; for lt he eeeth hlaselfr of Eletory; frou rheace tt

1s to bellevc

1111 follor,

that he ie to read nothlag

for tbere 1s neltber

Preasure aor aDy usefirLaeee, 1f lt

deeerve ao bellef. 8. Anotber Renedy for theee SUPERNATURAL DfSEASES ls, tet one ratcb after,

tbe PARTYSIISPECTEDT rbea they go boue to tbelr before aay bod5t go lnto the bouse after Lll

bouee aad preseatly oae pull

or her, let

a baad-

ftrL of the Thatchr or a Tlle

that 1e over the lloor, aad lf eetttag

1t be a ftle, over lt;

uahe a good Elrer ,nd heat 1t red bot tbereln, thea take the partles lt rater,

a Trtvet

1f 1t be a Haa, ronan, or CETLD, aad pour aad tben on the otber, bot, turn-

upon the red hot Plle, lnto

upoD oae el'de f1rst, th,e, ud

and agaln put the tlle tng lt tl.le. 9. ff

rdre 1t ertreenly

evep ald anonr aad lct

lo body cole l'nto the houee 1n tbe aean

they be Cattle ald alr

tbat are bcrltched,

takc aole of tbe balr of or ret lt lell, aad

overJr one of tbel,

the balr lu fal.r later,

then lay 1t under the 811cr the Srevet etaadtug oyer the TlIe, Iuety flrer turn your tlle oft upoa tbc balr, ald atlr

uahe a

up tbe balr yer

L1b. 5. you have doae thla

rBd r!oD; lct


by the rDrcs of r' QUARTER oF t}t Eoun, bury thcu lu tbc grcEDd rtvee.

the tlrc txat If


ead rhen thc eebea are cold,

torards lO.

quarter of EcaveD there the suapccted rltcb the fltcb llve rhere tbere le no TlIe, lt ln the pertlea tben lay lt

but Thatcb, thea take rater, or elee ln eo tbat lt a Trlvet

a great bandful thereofr cotlEoD later nay roulter oYer 1t. rlled rltb

and let aore aalt,

la tbe f,lre,

aad eaother by de6recs, aad la e loa6 t1nc, eettlng

Or elee take tro ner Eorse-ahoe8, beat theu red hot, and nail

one of tben on tbe Threehold of tbe Door, but queoch the other 1n thc Urlne of the Party eo berltcbed, put tbe Eorse-sboe ln tt, the ur{.ne ls; settlag tben eet the UrLne over tbe tlre, a Trlvet rltb aad

oyer tbe Plplrla or paa rbereln sart upoa tt, and the

nake the urlue boll lt

a rlttle

Eorse naLler uatlI boiled fully

ls aLnost coasuned, a7.2. the Urlue; rhat ls aot tbe flre: Keep Jrour Eorse-sboe aad Nalle la three aeveral tlnes; the operat-

ataJr pour lnto

a clean cloth 1on rilI

or paPet, and do llkerlse

be far uore effectual

1f you do tbese thlags at tbe yery cbange or aecoDd euarter. Talls rlth the thea be

or ful.I l{ooa; or at the very hour of the ftret If tbey be Cattler you lust

nl'r the hel'r of thelr bound togetherr

Tbatchr alrd nolsten a long tine ll.

tben belng reIl cousu.u1a6.

rrd so let

1n the flre

Iou bave beard tbe Gauee of aoEe of tbeee dleeaees, and have the conpass of lfature, aad so rhlch i'a dally lothlng. (to return etrlght ead Lourry eo

beard tbe cure; but these are, rlthout ret thcn pasa vlth our elckrc ataadlng,

beaet rlth 12.


tbat Bo Da! caa rarreat

Truly destlnles

ere so deep aad bottonlees

Llb. ]. eld tbcrcforc 1t rsrc dtb tLcu) bcet ladrcd tLc rethcr to lct thca 6o,

EOl{ER-llhc rI,oD tbcl, ud tbc rDplyln6

of tLc llcdlclace tr

bccruac tho Pbyetcea,


(I rcea thc foncr)

eo al16bt e rrtter

to e dlrcrcct

aucb a oDc rg le polatcd rbo both 1a thte, ro fer paeecd ell cycr ovcrtelc ead ell

out by thclr

old rad feroua Lceder EIPPOCRATES, uade euch apeed, ead l's a good ttne, could

othcr dutlee of hle Art, (ee rcD atnce, rblcb

h!'a fcllore

Ll.n) Do lor

yct colc ao lecr

es to kecp the a16bt of blr

rhou tbey had ln cbase ald folloted. 15. CAUSES,rhlcb lhcn for thoee SUPERI|ATIIR.IL ao tbey ere calleal) tf tbey flor f aball not staad

Lcre to sgarcb (for rlcked thit rlndy Splrlte

fron unclean aad of tLc thlngs

(as aone thld()

they are aot the atuffe they drell

Lurt ua, tbough sonethca nettere, ruch llke

1a ald poeecoa thc bodyr but and eudden chaagee of the Stars,

unto those flerce


proceedlag fron tbe Iafluelceo thc ll'kc Iet effccts

of tbe Planets aad tlrcd

ead rorklng ls natural, natural

tn rcne bodl.ea, eo that tbc nearest cauae

the rest be rhat they r111r and tbe Cure be doae by 16 rc cee by crperl,encc eloa6lt ue: Aad therefore of the rlcked, a natural E.A. rllcl Med-


that pretends ead pute the feult Le e tll.lg l.claer 14. rhlcl ee far ebove Xaturer re call

t'a tbc faltb

tret lolde

1ts Curc dtb

a QUII|TESSEtrCE. tbat sonetlnee thle lt vlth sickaees ls


f e^l not rJ.lllagr

aucb, ee he blde ue soaet1aea rltbetaad bcllcf celt act egalaet lt, (lst Dut for ny 1nrt,

enother aa etroa6 a rttb ry coD-

I cenaot rcecb lt

deepcr beede thcl, or tbe VICE-CEAf,CEIIOR OF OXnORD, bot theee bellefe ud lragj.retloaa, and

Doctor OUEI|, thl.Ek uDoD l't)

lJ.b. 5. put. out of thc SOIE to be,

othc tlclr

eld Dorcrs ol tbc roul or r|'ad ol relr eld nElgn oycr e IDREIGil IpDf, If

cel .o flyc trct tf klor

orD klr6dor,

eld t{ItrD ls ro fegt bouad 1r tbe DDf urtll 1t bo tle 6rcet plceeurc

end rc llkc DURAXCE,

of tbc OHilfPOTEllTAf,D TBE OI.IilISCIEIIT cOD, thelr to lct tbcn looac tt once, ead

ttre CEIEF 0OOD' rbo letb sct tbcr et1ll et ll'bcrty; Ict


ead tDla rey bc dlaputed rttb tbcreforc

ead f,If0lORACE

LEDOEoE ry part; rhlcb bc rould, hve

tDl'a rra to bc lore

bulac e6el,aat ry f,XOILEDOE, to the lftTURAI, FAC-

then ORACE,f tppeal

ULTfES of aaJr IREE J'ltDOE, IEEtrEER TEEREBE I|OT AS I,IUCE GRACE Ilt ttE AS IEIRE IS EOIIESTI ff, f,fHr tlat rae OLfVER CROI{trEtS Creaturc, aad eplrctat-

od to cranlne erd Jud6c le bc dld not underataad? All they llke re rJ'll of Storlee; aeverely follor co lct

rcn crasurs es talce for ne;

tbcu pasae eloaget old rlvce Thrt lf the effect

our teck.

do aot ceaae rblcL aslde

tbe obJect hath rrought

upoD tbe Braln,

ao aoon a6 oyer by turalag vtz.

of tle Orgeas tbe obJect ceaeetb to lork, ae tbe atroke of e etone, r blaet of rlnd, rotloar ead lt dotb not preecatly tlve

through the scnce be past; lato

pute etandl'ag rater

over rorlng

a6 aooD ee tbc d.nd but

ccaeethr or the Stoae aetlctb; rore obecurer rhlle ually plyetb

eo tbe fra6c or Coaccptlou relalnetb,

to ere areke, because aote obJect or otLer contlnour cJrca and cars, kceptb the rlad the rca.ker dotb not caelly appcar. 1n a

ead folllcltcth rbcrcby



Aad th5.s

obscurs coaceptlon la that re cell detlae 1t)

PEAIYTASfE, or fHAGfXATIOIf beln8 (to and llttle DECAIrI|G I'RO]| a6

OOfCEPtIOtrREl,lAIf,TtfG,ead by llttle ff


eone of tbeee deseasee aprtag,

Doctor CITLPEPPDR aad sole othcre holdr and rltb

good reaeon, lrgn aelther

of both tbese tro roota aauedr but froa e toul end yelououe breath,

tlb. t. forth lrol r I,oJrBoEcd, tclpcr ctrs: Ior llougbt tbca ell of thc lltchce fashloncth bodyr tlrough the rladel-


lecgs of batcful

thc Blood ead Sptrlts

roet et Lts plcesure;

thc ceuaea bclng ordlnartr

end egreetng by thc ey

to tbc corrrsc of lature, aetle coura ead lcaae: tarrylag, lt l'e rorth

tbcy rry be cured ead put to fllglt rhlch oplulolr

1f tou plcaee to bcer rlth

the beldllagr

te.ketb hold upon tbJ.e rcason, be60ro beeste of ranker yeaoue, do

ciuse (ae ROSIE CRUCIAI|S do rltness) rltch ald hurt after

tLe eale rerrner; ea rn old Toad by ated,faet vlert but benune a ?eaeeI, but k1lIs r youtrg Cbl1d. fDd

not only prcvalls,

by the Ba.DeDcala the Bcver bunts the llttle But loet flercely ead dechelevously of all

Elabr and takca hle pry: Creaturce l'a tbc rorld, for tbat.

the tro Moaatcre l.a klnd, tbe eyc of a lelstruous l't beboldcth: telletb

the COCKATRfCE end APOBLEPAS: agaln, roE"r (as all report)

doth Epot tbe glaes

Ald roreover tbat

EUCENfUS IEDODfDACTUS, 1n tbe mSE IIANSCROTlf, tbrough a lroJrsoacd prerogatlve, eye gave ulto rblcb r DoD-

of lany folk

etroue l{ark of a double-etgbted

thea, rere able to berltch end gurely eet aad

to dcath al'l thoee upoD rhon thet E3le raa ergerly faetledi but chlefly

becauae re aec theu tbat uee thle rlchcd Trade, conplerloa and aature, brought

to be by of a ruddy ead eartb-llke by rge, ae tbey be rost pltch of llc1a.lcboly, 15. llke l[le, For certaln

connouly, Iolg ltfe,

aad grosae d1et, to tbe

that 1e; to a cold and uost dr5r nature 1n the ror1d, proof rbereof, br{rg one of then out of tbat beastrttb darnty Dlett

brougbt unto rerrJr coDperJr, and fed tull trenty

eld rlthln

beaa trl.ed a trutht dayee, as batb by a ROSIE CRITCfAII shall

the rhole atate eld nature of ber body 1111 be eo chaatedr as lt

lrLb. !. lot ruft* blr to bcrlltcD eld burt rgalDr ts tou ny med ln rt FlllfrrrD


1l ry Book crllcd

!trE lEilPIA OF lfSD0tl.

IJ.b. 5. Cbrptcr XV.


2. tbe f,eturtl dlteaacs.

cffecta fltb

of ltcdlc1ao.

5. Th,e forcc eld lnrer

of ntabatb

crale tl

crauplce aleo that every dlseloc-brceder ,. Eruplce

tbe cure or reredy 1n lt. eoncd people. tbe Pleaetc

tbat poyEon prcparcd curea poy?. Ibe vlrtuc end porcr of of tbc rooa flrst

6. Boste Cruclrn l{cdlc!.nee.

rD.d beavealy Stare poured tbrou6h tbe lnfluence 8. Of Eot Stonache.

upol tbe Lover Creatures. roleture netural of Ea!. cure6. I l.

9. Of tbc Etberlal [atural

lO. Ererples elso of Roele Cruclal Of the underetaadht

and Super-

of tbeee erperlcaccd trutbs

by tbe rlt

of rsrtr


Let ue core to tbe aext aad chlefeet


Aad tbere te auet too

not aay for ehauer tbat theae belpe and renedlee lye !J.d la aature, for for the rlt of ral to flndr ualese re rtll

rccuae our orD alotb and


For nature hatb brougbt tben fortb thluge,

and Lal'd tben opD as rell

as the Poyeoas aad burtful rtUlag ?.

or elee sbe rere yery cRoa6 ead 111 seene ehe dotb all thJ.ags.

to bl.n for rbose sake lt f,ay firrther Ler 6ood rtll

ls aucb, ee ebe hatb not oaly lald

thcn openr but g1ve! ua tey6 to cole by thea, aad rcaas of epeecb, baldB eld rlt not left aleo, far above all other ll.vlag creatursa. to rldc ltrd tct aad rles ahe lath theu, to la.alr

ua Bo, but lcst

by chance rc nlght torarde

abcr her lotherly rl.tlees

love aad affcctlon

us, s!.e betb atded

Beasta, cycD by connon aeuee, uato tbelr dleeaees: ttat

epcedy Lclpe aad reu-

cdlea 1n tbelr

re by the plahDeBa aad aha.le of the

rJ.b. ). ortlPIG lrtule


bc teugbt eld rovrd ea rcll

to rcck out thc rtltct'!.oue ea bcaete thrt




Ec.k ead ttnd ue


1a tba ll'lce dlacaees, uarorthy lcan{a6;

for our IERRESIIIL TABInilACLE. abe leketb tbc beaat BIPPOTAMUS

Ae to Dale e fer lot

tn tLre of Lts fulneec ead fatacee to 6o to e recd, ead by rubbla6 a vcln to lct blleelf blood, ead to atop tt egaln by laylas lud upon lt;

A elck do6 to eeeh ea Eerb ead purgc hlrself; aaDe after

ead tbe beer to do thc

hle loag faat la frIfTER; ahe leads the PAI|TEER,rben he ls aDd tbe Tortoyac, aftcr be

poysouedr to ber foul r.d Danlcss learln6; batb cat r vlper, ural Aetrololer,

to sruner savery: Aad tbe Eedgc-hog 1e eo 6ood a natthat Dc fortlflce hls hole agalnat toul reather; tbc

log rlll

gatber lloes eld strat

to coyer hlaeelf

a llttlc

before 1t ralas; ald

Tbe Dog knore the lnflueDcc

of tdere rhea he doth sleep by tbe ftre,

1111 eot 6o out adores rhen he 1s ln eay cvl.1 poaltlon; LLke cra^uples bath nature lald et laet

aad la1y euch by rLlch uea of

before ua for our hetruction;


GREECET ae they tbeneelvea report, the order of the ROSfE CROSS ce!e, bave ltr furtber

be they ELIAS or ELfSEA froa rbon (aa sole eay) or clae es others rtll ead by reaeoa ead

fron l,lOSESror EZEKfEL, or rhoaoeyor, prool togetber, flret

uade tbe Art aad rulce of EEALING, to kaor lad tbea eeclc1'ngal1 aad Ilttlc they natcbed

rbeace dleeaece ca!c, about for reledlce tbe rost

ead hor to rccovGr tbea, by tlttle ah6le

to gcrve each turn, rank rlth

Part of the leeger

lledlclacs, tleoluch

aad tbe greater ee at laet, rhlch of

oDeE they doubled tad couplcd raay togetberl rae ln EIPFOCMTES the,

tbey rere eble to beal ell

(aevlag fourr)

lJ.b. J. tlc 8rcetcst & icopcet dlrcreca, tbc GOUT, tlc DnOPSfE, thc LEPRoSIE, ROSIE gRttCIAM oEeIJr. fRATERIffTf : uor uot

tbc FlI.LfilO SICtrIIESS, rhlch Blrt tble rrce ts Dclor

etrc Dor beelcd by tlt


e PLyatcaa that 1e llacd

Plurh 1a EI|GLAI|D,SPAII, OERI,tAtfY, or FRAXCE, loutbr four, not ettalaable, cell tLcy tberefore blc. aait

but bolda thet lOIlG-LfEEr Eeeltbr r!'tb ,. nltutc, one coreclt, uolgst

thc otbcr

theu blnaat

But to colG to tbe polat; tbey do ceally olly

rhet rroB6 thla rblch

ras botb to aklll

eee ead laugh at,

knor tbat ln thJ'e Labour, tbe etouteet belps ln

they dJ'd lot

oyeraec end ekl'p tbe l{lncrals,

tbc rbole etorc-Lousc of f,ature (eltbou6b tbey could dJ.g thcn out rell eaough to otber erd roracr urce) but aleo, rblcb le la all, tbe ROSIE CRUCIAII8lE11I of preparln6 rade alnlgbty, 4. qulte oacape tben. to rahe up tbe ROSfE CRUCIAI{ ART Of EEALfilc, aad to dieeaaee crre !'n, or l{edl'clnes, rlereby dt'd let

rcak tLtags are


rake l,t abJ'c (ee they eay) to help aad cure ell rethcr vlth rcat arture bcfore; lato

rans body; Tlre DGIPTfAXSln great fevour too aoll ead br{,ry1!6 upr ao lotably coulcnded

both for thelr IfATIOtrS, (bavln6

ebove alt

for crarplcr

to rovc rad teacb tbcn evea tbc for rlte to devl,ect

great G-eht of tbe rorld ead bodlee to put tl ,. lLercby

ee SIR JOENEEfDpIf aalth)

practlce. tlne tbey uafoldod tbe klot rby tbe ltllerals rblcb

1l rhort

tere of 6reateet rac a dtvhe llght,

forcc eld porer agalnst dleeaecs; and eoon efterr erd tnralghtr tbey pcrcclved rl.rtures the huge lebour of

ecelr1lg suc!' e hugc eort of ataglee ud ud'tul uoag rlaenea.

to be val.n and cnptyt

256 Llb. l.
6. but lt Eccrurc tlretr htb thc LreI thcre le aotbl!6 burtfirl rnd e brccdcr of dlecere, For tbe illfcs lsbce of Scor-

eld Dcrcdy for tbc aerc ebout hll:

rad EEEf, of CIIITEARIDES, tbc FRIIff of tbe ROOI BEAIR, tlc ptonar Toedar aad Vlpera, ead {lvcra lature lld eklll drcst ead prcpercdr other strolget

lroJrsolo, botb by ora and ell througbout

do cure e.nd bcel thclr do curc tbelr ltkee

otbcr Poyeoaa; Dry ee r11 rtroager tbe rholc rorld, of dlacasea,


avcn eo rbca r ra! heth lorud out a tblng

tbat Lurte hllr ae.uo l\utber; caelly, rlthout

he nay by cesle 4h111 r1a61e aad brcak tbe tcuper of the tLat lsr nakc 1t eble to cat up ald colsrrpc lt doubt, toll aad lebour; eelf es be-

eay furtbcr

But cepeclelly

cauae tb,cre ta no oae thin6 lD tLe rorld, rot tte vtrtuce of tbc PLIXETS e*eeted tbsreof rlthJ.a lt eelf,

tdre rLat you rlll, aad faeteaed upon lt, tbat le lot

tbet bath and aleo

of the qualltlee

as 6ood as aII, dleeaaea; reacbed,

ald ray seryo laetced of ell, rblcb thlag relgbed, aad rlth ud

aad that ta aot able to cure aII dlecouree of r1t ead realoD fully

tbey reat to prectleel

by tbe rlke aharpaeae of rlt,

tbey found out

tLc ll.nd,ly reedy ray to dreaa ald rdre lledlclaeg rforcael.d, rbJ'ch coatala ell and grcvoue toyl,

tLt thcae thrce hlnde of elI tbe rest

the Art of hcallag; to tlre a rorl-d of rits

ere bnt raet rords bootleaa rattcrl thc laet,

ebout a

as ga!.tb DES CA8TES. But especlally eld yct lot rltbout

tbey reetcd 1n 6rcat forccaetr for tbelr ease tbls, to

rhl'ch le caough elolc,

cDuec oae of the bcst, la

and that tbe very beet of all,

of late Tbougb Dr. CULPEPPER es lcll to splght

rae not content rltb

but raa tbrou8b the rcetr

hl-a elenl.cer the GOLLAGE

of PEISICII|S, es to rdce bJ'rself

as feloue la TAIIERIIS aad ALE-BOUSEST

Ll,b. ).

PIRfCELSUSla hlt nrlc





hc atrovc

to follor

egaluat ttc

of ROSIE CnUCIlf IISDOI{ AI|D yfRTUE, ead the crerplc 7. But beth Gvry thlng ell tbe vlrtuce

of Lla eaccstors. tekca fror the curyou

ead lnflucDcca all

tbc PLAIIEIS aad STARST by tbe !()Olf, to tbe eartb? That te, 1ag ead beallag porcr of all ruet rercabcr thc tL1n6e ln the rorld? the rlrtuea

Vcry rell

tbat f proved ebove all tbe laflucnc.

ead porera of beavcn, creaturea,

Poured dora tlrough to bc nothlnt ge'ie llfc aII

ol the l{oon upon theee lorer aalth)

clae (as Cap. GDORGE WEORTON truly

but one eclf

end Soull arrd bcavealy bcat la all frou dlateaper,


aad agaln, that

dlaeaeea flor

aad ee 1t rere dlscord of the lfatural rb.lcb le cndued rltb atore of llfe, aad etroag

coaecnt of tLe body; then tbat thlut lld rlth

eract and tenperateneee, aeated upoa botb a subtlle

bodyr (rh1cb the tblng 1D tbe bottou le)

able alone by eubdulag hls ble fellor b1ud1n6

leaLer enenleer thoee dlsteapered dlseaaee, by streagtbenlag llfe, AURItl,l ln our bodlee. POTABLE,
tbc fraae that ras sllpt

Aad lastIy,

by orderly

together the lnrera

out of orderl I16hts,

to do es nuch e6 alI aad daerale

and forces

of all

the Plaate,

1n tbe


tbat 1s, to put to fllght


troublea of dleeaeea, and reetore

tbe body to perfect 8.

health aad qul'etaees. of blgh thln6s, aad huddle

But hor ls alL tble done? te talk togetber. ft

up too lany 6reat latters out dletlnctly; redlclaee, allp

rere good for us to rork then end stroag tenpered dlgeetloa, belag

rben tbJ'e AIIRUIIPOTABLE re epeak of, lato lor tbe atonacb, lt atalce !o lont

elready dlgested, 1t,

looks for aay ordhary

pasea6ee to be opeued lato the uatural

but ae aooE as lt

ls ratsed out of sleep by h!.a feIIor,

Llb. t. Lcrtr rttcr tt, by ead by bc tltca outr rad skoura rbout, bcraclf, ea trat ea tbc DOLPEIIE I tekc

bla preyr or r8 lrture srlth to plcrcc

rboa l{r. TB0. EETmn r! to thc purpoac, thrt

bouade, end ell

1a to acck

bte llX,c food, ead austenaace, rhereby to prcscrve bls ctatc aad bclag, rblcb 9. 1a thc purpose of eII tor thJ.ngs 1a tbe rorld, 16 tas aal'd aboye. tcrpcreture 1n you

tberc la aotblng ao ll'ke eld neer e perfect

the rorldr

es thc EIEERIAL FIRST HOISTITRE ta raa; but rbat le thla, VEilTUSII{AGIWS. la the bcart, the root of llfe, flrat, then

ray rcad la ly book catltled lO. thltber lt

Thl.e ls beet aad lost

Lyeth ead preyeth upoa that part reetoreth a lan balf

aad that ts tbe ceure rere, pulle Lln

r\y l.t preeeatly out of thc tbroat

deadl aad ae lt

of death; then lt

ruaa to the reat all

about, lacreas-

1n6 by thet toanea tbe natural

heatl and flret

nol.eture of every part

of tbe body; rhea tb1's le done, he turDa trlroa the parts tbeueelves, & by cncouatr{.n6 rLth tben ln the saEe eortr ray torards for lf accordtag to b5'a dgb,t, bJ.s orn aaturc, rlth upoD

tb,en, al'd brl.ags theu a certalD la r? dII cretlon, bJr our uaate euffer; 1t rltl

eyeD ao far

re take lt

leaaure and d1ebetreea hJ'a

brlng our body to e dddle ead tbe dlsteuper

ra! aad atate,

orD eract teupcrature,

of ileeeaos,

oycn a better takes

etate tben Gver 1t bad before; 1f re uee 1t out of loaBurer lt [g Ep too hl'gh, aad too aear hle ora nature, tbs deede of tbe dutlee of aa earthly tbe ddet of thla rorh, rc luet llfe. aDd ldres

ua uDEeet for

But tn tbe leaa rLl.le 1a

kaor that by hls ercccdl'ng heat and aad ralcce up l!-ke guoke bcfore

eubtleaeas rhlcb tbe atrcgth

le gotteD by ROSfE CRUCIAtrEklIIr thlugs, lt

ebove ell

dlytdes aad scattcrel

Il-b. 5. tb rttdr rII dlstcrpcrGd ead brrrtf\rl lrture tL1E6a, .!d tbrora 1f tboy ceatot bc rcout r8 dced end

colclltd ultrultnrl I l.

eld turDod to toodlcaar lcevl'age. Hrt bor do re talk



by the VERDICTof all

thc QUEST 1a thcee casc6 there te ao eucb tb1a6 bcard tou tG aey tbat 1t

fouad, 1D f,AEIIRE, but 1a XEAVEXOILY? Ifcltber lloatcd eloftr

HIT ree Sl[fI( TO IBE mTTOl,l OF rrr. IATURE; aotrltbstaadbg For as

by a true ald Eoly ROSIE CRUCfAI to be touaded and relgbed up. beaven raa once a tro6a aad dleteapered

luup (ae I told you 1a ry book

OF TEE I|ATURE AfD DIGI|ITT OF AI|GELS) by the dl'vJ'ne art of God tbat ordercd all reftaed ataldetb; thl'age (aa you have read ln the fltroductorJr part of tbl.e bookr) rherc lt nor

end sundred aray rouad to tbe place eld arture cyeD ao ole of our trose bodlea bere belor, aad all oac rltb be rctlned

belag A PIECE OF

TEE SAJ.{E LUMPalso, by the l!.ke art

tbat rh1ch Ecaven olce raa, rry end parted fron all. hJ.s dlstene Ecavcdy nature of the

and cuu1ng

pered droes aad foul best ead goodlleet

droesnces, ead brought lnto


l.D Bcavea: Ald yet you ruet not tdrc lc aa ald rlt of ral, rDLcb 1s but e alnrk of tlc YEtTltS IfgEltS) to be able

tLough f rould bave tbc dld dlrtae 6rcat rladr (f

rpake l'n ry book called of hl's rork,

to rcacb thc cxccllency lf be do but ehador 1t,

aad to rake ao 6reat perfectlon; that 14, t-f hc reach aot

eld neke e Couatcrfeltr

ao far ae to rake tll la rell, rot lt


but to rend e ler by thle hJ's Eeavcn, all

1a ag rucb ee I caa look for at tbe band of eny raa that 1s to reet a llttlcr etld pray for tbc

a ROSIE CRUCIAI{. f,or ls tbc tlne of thoee tbat

good use ead practtee


rcad our ElRl{)Itf OF fEE I0RLD.

Ll,b. 5.
Chrptcr XVI.

l. 0f the Roslc Cruclea Sua. lorhs of God not tct obeerved.

2. Or Splrltuel


5. Ot tbc Dlv1ne ,. Eenplce of

4. Bor to Dekc lEthcr. 6. 0f Poyeou. 8. llth

Hcdlclace Roelc Cruclea rnd Greclen. lrtural ltlraclca of tlc

7. Ot thc Supcr-

Rogtc Crucleaa.

oDldence to Rcaeoa.

9. llotLcr ret ekl'll

l{cd1clae of Supcrleturel of llature. ll.


tO. Of tbc porer ead secle. Aad lor to

Bor to dleaolve llllerals.

pDepare for Meae Bodles.


bath ehcred you thle EEAIIEII, nay thle EUGEIIUSTf,EODf DACTUS


of onrs, rDlch le lought clsel logy,

ea I told you 1l one of ry books of AatroOF EEAVEILTSPIRfTS, aad tlne end plerc1ag1 lorld, aE l,lr. TEOI,IAS

TEE TEI{PLEOF ffSDOM, but ar OIL nttt

yet t'n quallty

ol hJ'e body Juet, eyea ead aeturel, able ae rell to rulc thle ll.ttle

cloee ald lastlag, BElmf 2.

8a1th, tbe 6reat SUX le eblc to govcra the greet forld. But rbet le he tbat cra ace tLle Dlvlae Art aad Uayr rbereby

rade hle great rad rlgbty God,

8ook, Or 1l htltled, he ear lt,



ee r ahered ln ry
of GENSIS? Noae but ead

IOSES SPEECEIO @D, upoD tbe accoad cbepter lcern end ratch 1t by lnltatlon? ald tbct I aaererl Ood trth lylag

ROSIE CRITCIAXSto rhor uleealed ud t'n all tLelr eye6,

I er r frlcadr tLcy


bavc fouad tbe tay

opGn 1a ell


ilATURIL CEAJIGES,tbey tbet l{r. IEOI.iAS f,EfDlf hc be aot erlft

ece tLen prBB ead travelr crlla soft ald rl.ttyr thrt

f eay etlllt 1el hladly

tbe course acparatlon:

ead lf

aad reeh aa DDyr

eucb ea TEOI{AS

2lll tl,b.5. gfREE[r but rl11 bnt ltttrc duc tllc pFfoncd:

bryc lobcr lntlclccr for hturs

hlg ora rklll bcr rcrt

eld lebour rtlI rl11 1l hcr


1l hc plcrac; pcrfon ell,

rcrJr thdry

tad cvcl ell

thet beevcaly rorkralahlp

bc cestly ettcld

ead yct I rcea not eor but that Art luet rltb ao grcrt

rccolpeny ud

upoD f,ature (tlough bechrrrd

palac ead a1111) botb forrerd


la tbl'e Jouracy (Doctor FREilCI hnora ly teadngl utry Ccarurc rtll ruffcr Dl'r ltrturel

eo dotb Doctor he

OUElt, 1l llc

Jud6cncnt) uatll

cole to hl's rlehcd rcst, t. ff

end to the top of aII


you percelve aot,

coaelder tbe ray rbereby re lad,e our AEIEER rolature, a thlag

1n our Book ebovenaled, ead latcbed our ora flrat AEIEERI.I.L, f eay, ud tlrtbcr cad la tlc ehoet Tenperatc; lrrk

rbet I arVr tbere 1e a rhcrcby lrou caue ao


bold oa thc aare lelrrs,

tar tDrough TEE UISE ltAIfS gROm{, aad are toDo eo far ln the EAxl{Offi OF IEE rcRLD, rhl.cb 1e that f elnke ofr eld you ray reach lt. 4. Tbea you ate tbe ray to cure all dl.eeaaeo by the thlrd call tt ray of


rbl'ch tbey dor aad re nay rell


Ecayen, eld yct l.t t.e e rrJr tar bcacath the ROSIE CRUCIAI|Art of Eeal1nt, la rc abell 5. ebcr bercefter. aot yleld to reaeon, but rutter etlll TEOI.IAS

But 1f they rlll that


tb,cee Eeavcnly l.lcd,lclnce of cura ue rlta,

very hlgh for

thc reacb of lsDa stlly otlsr leeecr

bcre etrored belor upoD the ground for uanr or lf

aad baeer uae6, aad tbat Do rerr alace tbe flret tbat flrst

I 1111 ary IOSES ras tbc ftret re they caII tbeul eftcr

fouad out tbcgc laventloast

ADA}I; ead tbat Dole but tbc Succceeore of I{OSES to havc fouad ud rrou6ht the aare; f 1111 not

heve bcea eyer yct laora

2t& Ll,b. J.
rteld to bcat Roeaon 1lto tbtcL rucb 61d{y-breld rcnl but 6o to thr othrr

tro reycs ol hcellagr thc tlrat lllncrel

thc DOIPIIfAI{S fould out rad urcd, ead cellcd ead thces HOSES teugbt tbc Chltdren of lHElf EE IOOK IEE 0OLDEI{CILF IBICA


ISRAET 1l tbc VILLET OF lf)Itl|T SfIltI,

EE EAD t{lDE, lt|D CAI,SIXEDIT rn IBE FIRE, Al[D GROUT{D rT TO POWDER, AtlD rrcoRPoRllED IT IrTE A SOLARY EAOLE, Ar{D r,tADE TEE CEILDREI{OF ISRAXT DRITK ItrRU}I POTABLE. 6. lld tbe nert nyetcrlce ead eecrets, aa ralr rppear by RIVERIUS call tbls eecond

re ray flt1y hl'e epeak5.u'6 of ROSIE CRUCIAX SECRETS, klnd,

beceuae that J'e too lerge e f,aue (1f 1t be larful other LEARXED l{EN, rhere e f1t rord rantg f say, to call lt

for us es rell

ee for all ray do reII,

to lekc a Der) rG la by tbat

a CUREfT SELF, becauee lt further

ray of heallng, eclf;

rbereby ver1r aelfsane thla6

brokcn nay eure l.t

aDd thls lnrard

ead hldden tb1n6, as thev sayr tbe outrard and rhereby thc etrolger ltke cats up ln

eppareat by tbe course of klnd, trlal 7. end conaules the rcaker. ff

tLle leave bc oace granted, re r11I borror a llttle becauee tbetr aalea ere not pertlncat for eo lt

lore to our


the otLer tro llkerlse, purposer ead call thrt


doth, aud the acxt to ead

l.e alrays of the ROSIE CRUCfAilS e CIIRETEE OREIT, becauae tbe ORDER latch rlgbty tbe greatcr and lore lllaerals. rtubbora sort of dleeases rlth tbe rtout

A.!d tbe reet rltb

tboee Llddea CURE-8BEI,ISELVES, or thetr llkes; only

et lsaet tn tbe lorer trt,

realc of 116hter dlseaseer rl'tb

uae thenr rlthout ae the ORECfAI|S 8.

any curlous dreesln6. because GRECIAXS

Let ue drar Dearer a concluelon of the uatter;

24' Llb. 5. thcleelvca curt lrc eblcr ead our EI|GLISE PEISICAI|S thet lcrra of tbcr, to

tbc lt6btrr

aort of dl'aceeee, ead to bcel rll

but tbc four tfoDcthta eccoad klad of our bettcr-

ee1d, rc rlll hcellag

leeve the reet for then, aad ao let

6o, callcd

ead bcad all 0ttR BIDDENCttRESEEMSELVES, rbtcb tbey call lacureable,

lcs rgal'agt thcee four, of our lllncreJ llcdlclaea

rad ece hor by force

they uay be cured; re Bee tbe poyeoned aplr.l'te rlth rhet force thcy rork upon our bodlee, aad bor tbey coDaule then; l.f you youreelves; 1f not, reucnber sl6ht; Eear oDe or tro uore cold

ead breathe of ycDououa thtnga, thluge ln Nature let

agaluet ther,

do not aee by 1na61aatlon, rasoD tlth tbeae above laned, tbat kllled rtth


tbat rork tbe eale by touch ae vlolently. ead dry Creature (to onlt lf

Tbe EARE-FfSE, a loet

that she naketb a D'pB bead d<e by slgbt) a staffe, tbat her veaonous breath nay The root BAAZAI{ ln and

you touch her aloof oaly rttb

go etrelght

ald rouad uato you, you dte presently. k1lls

rrltes, PALESTfNE,ae PITEACORAS tberefore lately.

tbe uan tbat baadleth 1t, lt

tbey used to nake a Dot pull To cone lato

upr rbo thereby Cled lnned-

tbe body; that COSTLY that ls l'n tfUBIA, POYSON of aa hours

and oae graln kllle

e laD out of hand, yet atay but a quarter

rork5.agl ead tbat oue grala dlvldcd

u111 overcole ten nea; I bope you tbcy rorc llke to the 1a I{ATURE

doubt not but these al'ghty poJrsonar lf four great Dlscases, ead by llttle ect upon theu, rould bc able easllyr

aad llttle by tbelr

to be born by f,ature, ead great etreagtb, to devour

& conguee tbeu; or olee surc sucb beaps of poyaoB la tbe PEISfCANSglve ue rould lot GDt. drcll so long rlthJ-n ue, but rould put out llfe 1a a !oE-

lfor rbat arc tbeee poyeoned Vapoure, but nost cold ead dry bodlest

IJ,b. l. tDout[t ttltacaar quelltlce ere callcd tbe lletele but rbat therr tbel eld broht! by thls uD by lrturel pclrcllg rrlftly da311a6, uDto grort flacncae ead tubcoatrery

eII ebout, ead by thctc


lhea lct

ue tdre tbc etouteet

llIf,ER.lLS, luch re

I'IIDDLEUfNERALS by nOSfE CRIICIAIS, or bard Julcca (to leave for a bettcr ealtb, Durlrose) be tbelr poyloDs, a8 O. TGRICOLA ud after rG bave by rccr rorklag clcaared

tbcy bc I eerc aot; thel

eld ctrl,ppcd to a t1le

of tbelr

cloge ead btndcnncca, thelr

brokea ead raleed tbe burtfut and etrl6htaad so devI

eubstaacer tbcn ratcb thea rltb tbey not let all


tbl,nge 1l our Dodlcsr aball ray cleave to thclr

tbe reet alole,

felJ.orar ee rell

t6 r pur61a6 l{cdlclae, If

our ald drar then out by llttlc 6raat tbey rfU ea rell ae tbatr

rad llttle? fall

tbere be ao llkee,

upoD tbelr

eucniee, or good tulces,

and feed upor. then. 9. Tben rbat do you doubtr ls not a Hheral 1f lt be ral.eed to ae great r flacnesa, body far better? And uucb etroagcr l'n lorkrberefore end


lag then tbe gcntle eld looae tcuper of a llgbt tbeee our l{lneral l,ledlclaes, rad roae otbcr tber,

or Plaat:

forcneatloa.ed l{edlclnee,

CIIRElBE GREI,T, la te caII upo! tbelr thelr ltkcel

sbaU ta tagr reaBoD rork rore rLoleatly poyeoae of tlghts ead Plaata do upoD

thcn tbe naturel


both bcceusc the LLke dotb lotc tbe llgbtcr

caatly yle1d thcn ttre

contrary, tO.

and for that

h,crc ls the atron6er. of the nlud,

But l'f you caDrot ece tbcee thlngs by thc llght lnto tle

ops! Jrour cJrea, ead caet tben e ltttle tbc lceacr Scbollara, ead lorer cepeclally

Scbool of AI,CEEMI,luto sos tbe rnd llftl'ag

Scboolr f rcaa of GERl,tAf,, end you ehell tbe ltieetersr by strlplag tbe lthcrale,

IJ.b. J. [D tbclr thrcc propcrtlls, but e fcr dcgrocr, thc lctdltoDc rtroa6cr, pettcra to rork toldcDa; rt to ltlr Lle proout of drarert,

or loutr

by qucacbll6 Llr

ta tbs oyl of rron, eblc to pull e arll

pcr foodr tbcy rrkc e poatr ctc. lot lld

tca t1lca

by tble letural

tbcy ndre Artlflclel

for Iron enlyr but for rll I1ft up ea Ore frol

otber thlage, tbc grould,

Jar end gone ro n16bty, eld rcnt tbc Aru of tbc agaln, ttrt

re tbcy dlt

Tree fron thc BodVl lB !lr. he rar e Eleah-draver

dotb rttlcee, COIIER

rbo rcportctL

tbet pullcd

up oDc buldred rel6ht up lato

of Hleehr ead AlfD CEO|K-

e l{als Etre out of hJ'e Ecad, ead Lle Llghte ED EIM.

ble Tbroet,

lbey reke BIilDmS eleo to GLEWTfO PIECES OF IRON IDOGHIEER, es To be ebort, tbey rake EATERS eleol to lougbt ln I Do!thc SI,0AK

laet aa tb,c SI.IIIB caa Jo5a thcr. tht cnt:

1111 coDaurc IROtr, STOMS, or eny hard thlng, lbey dleeolve GOLDlato an OYLE; tbey ftr

I{ERCURY rlth And rlL

Of BRIUSTOI{E,eld ualcc Ealy rare devlcee of lt: ra.ay lore, ataad ebout lt. llkc lll'aerals they do by certaln Il rcrc tbe rca! the

tbeae rond,ers, you lf f could

reason; f could tcll coaeldcr, lf

theee or eny otbcr auch ftaeneee

rel'aod hlgber, rltl

ead led to tbe top of tbelr thclr Ilke

eld aubtlencee, Contrarlea,

rad retchcil

Conpaalone, or r1'tb thelr

l'f you rlllr

tLoec 6reat D{geaeca ln our Bodtca, rhat etlrrs tbenl bor ceelly tbey rould bcr then, plcrce, alreya bavc a epeclal rr tbea thc nature of tLe upo! uB, aad lct l{lacrale, tblnge verT

tD,ey rould rakc uort llr1dc, 6rrdr tlt.lg lastee tbrt

rad conaune thcr? But you rust

tbe l{edlcllce

be aot I1kc our laturce, flrsi fall

that hurte ua, for thcn thcy rould heed la caslly otJ'tb DES CIATES.

the Dl'scaooa elols; fer off our naturcr

taken tl

246 ri.b. l.
IDA rltb retcr rlork ll. urlcee thcrc E4lcrtcaccs of thc roadorfirl ylrtuc rlth of thc oyl ead tt, but thc

of lfobaccor flac

rcn I hevc kaora do ltlreclca

of 1t 1a thc ebbomedat thlng ln the rorld. Ubat la to bc eald Eore 1n tbcse netters? tbrough tbc couatenencs of aa td,le oplnlon to the lest, end of ell f tLlnh aothln6, thet relgaa elo!6 thel,

tbey dere llye

other thc roat clcnder rheltcr, eucb stout 1111 you tbc porer

ead deay our ebll:lty

to breahr teuc ead baadle ae re l1et,

and atubborn bodles: (rbat) faeblon all

bccause you kuor aot hor to do lt, flse rea rould flrst look lato

nea by your nould? aad nrture,

aad etrength of rkrll lt

and sec rbat tbey caa do, end nsasure

tberebyr aad aot by thelr

om redrDess; tbere ghall you understand, go atrong ead etubbora, but !.t betb tts euch le the aature of of Metale, and t!ln-

that there ls notblng 1n leture natcb et leastr lf

not hle ovcr-aatch ln f,ature,

Maae bodyr of hls Souler of slgnetures of Plants, crals, 12. thls, 6reatr and other thlags aleo. tut

sdn{t eonerbat reaker, ea EERBS ald PLAtf[S, & ctc. reaa lrt ulto bl'n, aball

Iet rar

t.f be 6at the belp of a flec aad rcad la etreagtbr


ead be able eaelly

to overconc thet otber:

llark bor thc dre6a of Yl'aegarr e tblng end,lt aclf ae redr as latet,

eprurrg out frou a reak beglnniag, 1t be but once dlstllled, to

1s eble, lf

rake etouter

thluge theu lllnerale, ead nelt

eyoD Heta1s tbensclvee, all

but SII-

vcr aad OoId, to yleld rh1ch l'a rorc, cuu1ng

dora to hla ora raterleh

aature, nay

theu MILI'DEf, of BEAVEN,rrougbt

f,l.ret by tbe BEE, tbat dletllled ylll

Bceatr ead tbea or thrlce

by the l)letlllers

do the Ba!e, Jrou laJr Judgc rttb

your eclf,

rhat not only tD,eee, but other

Ll,b. l. ilrrcrr rrl!; eld .hrtDor rld thlaga, ra Srlte, & ctcr loro l1kc to do upoE l{llc-

bt tLc ray coDeldcr, 1l auch i.ld preparcdr us rblc

tb1n6e r8 ItDc ead Eoaetr, thc rogt attffe

30, lernly

to aubdue 1a that lort Bo t{lDcrale

ead tou6b th1n6e 1n tbe forld,, 1n tbelr

cbeapsr tben AITRUM POTABLE, Dleeaae (bcue eit ud

Dl'ghest dcgree of d16a1ty rould cute tbe etoutcat fltly) tbat cea trot la our bodlea. f,or lct

1lg prcprred

tekc our reat a llttle,

e^nd then rc vlll

leed tou the ray to the goldea l{edlclaea.

treaeuree of f,ature, aad safe, caelc aad effectual

Irl.b. 5.

Cbeptcr Mf.

f. Eor the ROSfE CRUCIAI{S lake a Chlrurteona Iastrureat. lbell DteDce througb ary part of the rhole bodv, rtthout Tbe dlffreDcr

2. That lt seuae or feelof Connou phyb. rhat tbcy

lngr ead souDd tbe depth of a Uound. ,. elcaasr rarr bluat, ead berby t{edlclDog, 5. fhtt

and RosrE GRUCrtxs:

a Ph5ralcan ought to bc. ought to practlse.

tbcy ou6bt to learn,

6. tad rbat

l. aad yet cra"lple; lf

But I tear Eltb aII

eray tlae

1n valal

to apedc so uucb about thla f rlII add oae yct


are aot of llke


fanlllar deept let

rhca a Chlrur6eoB at 1t rltb aad lt

goeth about to aearcb a Uouad tDat ls prtck be tould Doye Laugbterr

he thrust

a Butcbers rllt

hl.n tdre tbroughly,

a Tborn,




but to do tt grlef Cblr-

and at bls e flac


he 1111 uec (tbough of letal.

to the 6reat But a rl6ht

of hl.s Patlent) ur6lon (the

aad long Inetruneat

conEoa oDes are but Butchers)

eucb e oBe ae 1e a PEISICANT rould touch lt DJ'e InetruteDt pl'crce througbout eucb as tbcee cal

and ASTROIOGER,na:/ r ROSIE CRttCIlIt a1ao, rltb a lped,stoDe, tbat all ls sclec connonly or foundr

to lakc

tbe bo(y rl,tbout thcees l1ve are bard


Evea eo good PEISIC.IIS' Governuentr rhere noDe ol

to bc fouad l'a tLla elrle. If



one of tbese ROSfE CRUCIAilS be to eacouattbeee four re epedr ofl hc rould notr at I

cr rltb

our groateet


Dope, l.f bc rere dth the rar eld

a truc bluat

ROSIE CRUCfAII, be so led ae to thrust Eerby lledlclaeer auch ae Doctor



Llb. ,. Do nor rltbouth E?tthrr llartydono thcy bc tharpaEGd by l,tr. rtA@B EEIX)lt, by rould, hc, I thhh, of rude .a6 jrnk naturalr for gttty et1n6 the

prcscrlbc8, plela

dlatllletloaa3 rtth

Door Petlcat


rad unlees tbey qualLty, rhlch

tGr ledc lnto rould lork

a flne,


rDd terperate


ead destroy eltber

of theee fonr great DfSEASES, or at

LEPROSIET OOIITTDROPSIET aad FILLfI|G-SICKilESS: but feed, coufort, lcast not offeld ald burt bla Patlent;

tbey labour 1a vela tbat practlee


Tbeee are tbe l{edlclaee rbl'cb I oaly use, end rblcb a tood aad lf be canuot flad ae thla, I say, at

ead rlse Pbyelcan ought ouly to eeek ead follor, lt, lct

b5.u use tbe CURETHB{SELVES. But such a ttlng cquallty

brought to tlie tbc flrstr

and f,lneDeas of lraae aad teuper,

(rere lt

WfGET, PI^AltT, or [filERAL) raa lt

rh1ch our FATEERaod FOIII{llke to Heaven, ead tblngs.

(tbe chlef of tbe Rosle Croes) cald,ls DERTOSES the atren6tb of aII 2. etren6the, plercln6

aad aubdula6 all

Th1e rae l't that


hl.e Sone the ROSIE CRUCIANS to lyor ahortl end ell Dleeaaea GUr-

eo atoutlyr eblc;

tbat Art rae longr aad Llfe

rhen EIPFOCRATES,TEE PATEER OF COMI.Oil PETSICAI|S, raa dr!-ven by aad cadleee ratter rlth of hl's reak body and cavlous nlnd, Mc4lclaee, to cry to ROSfE CRUCnor Ltn rae ehort.

thc laflrllty thctured

Covctouenca6 eld fl'cklc

fAIfS, but thcy lould IOf,G tfEEi

not hear sucb btd-hcarted


he eal.d therefore,

tbat Art raa long, aad llfe tere faln

Lnd rbercas be rDd hle off-eprlpt lceel to the 6reat ebaue of .[rt,

to leave laDy dl'ecaeed belp1a 1t aDy Dariay,

aad glegue of ]iraklnd,

vcl rben as tbcy prlck

at tbcu (aa I aatd) ulth e Butcheis-prlck? practleel they be so far frol ell

eec rbat they do by thelr

help aad

ll,b. ,. corlart uly to tbc Prttclt crcrpt 1a trcetcet drlger, tbrt Eehr thcy lncreesc hlt ead tbclr rlrcra


tbc 6rcet Erscr of ell edrlalatcrcd: Ilret,

corno! Hcdleuffer

clne DEITE' bc qulckly tbe punlahlcnt rck rltb rblch tlg that

tbcy rehc thc Petlcnt

due to thelr labour

ora rlotbful.


burdenlng !,1s ator-

of loogealnt

end euadcrlag tbc E[nc frou tbe Groee, tnto tbelr 0LASSES;rad tbea by dorould tlre tbat dulls thc

tbcy chould beforc bevc talcn they clcaa tlrc

tLeee oftcnr

hl.r fccblc treture (eg lt

e Eoree) rbea aa by etrlpplat rorkhgt

the foul aad groa6 atutfe, !'n a Dauor

and reta5-ulug tbe Vlrtue

etrong bodyr tbey u16bt aad bccauee thelr l{cd-

do es lucb at one tlre icbes lurt

es tbey do aor ln trenty;

applled ere of analler

po;cr and reaker tben tbe tblags that

uer tbey lcedr aourlsb and atrengtbcn the Dleeaee rnd slckneas; but thls, lf eoae of thJ.s conpery end elde of Leaches bave been end Dleeaaea tn our body (tbougb rltb yea end thoee

for ell

are yct eonetlues able to beal all

rucb ado, aa you bave bcard) raye tbe four naned relcdlesr re rell rcport. ln thelr as before tbclr rlpeacaa,

as tbey tbeueelves

ln GDOMEIRI? Ie tbcre any PROPOMIOIf Lct tbe @LI"AGEOf PEI-

SfCAI|S lay reaeutGa rby tbc ROSIE CRUCIAIT HICETY MEDICfFES, rhl'cb I cell CURETgE CREATS,1nae1a6 tbese 1l porer, AS MUCE AS TEE RIPEIIESS tbe rlpe as reII but thls plala-

TEE SPRfnG, shall OF l' DISEASEfS ABOVE ee the green Dleeaecs: fherefore ly true, bcal1ngl that albelt

not ovematcb

there be no doubte Icft,

thc ORECIAf,S reak aad haltl'ag they tcru 1t)

ln tbJ.s kJ.nd of thc PARACELSIAI

yet 1s tbe DGIPTIAI|, or (ee lor rufflclent to curc eII

aad lill.neral cklll

dl.eeaoGa: ID,ca I hrve pald the

rbole suu of ry prodae,

touchlng tbe secoad reals rnd helpa to Bapptaese,

1,1b. l. Kaorlcd,6r of ell foutb, tIlnts pr!t, prcscBtr rad to colc, loat Ll,tc, Beelth, ell Dd,sseses

RlcLcar fledoae

ead Ylrtucr

bor to cLeage end elrld rLlch t'e Llfc rhlle

ln yo"nt ot old by ROSIE CRUCIAII llcdlclaca, t. Belore f cloacr I tLllk eervctbr 1t vcry rcct,

ead Eealtb.

tbe tluc ead place bc ly lntent, to

Ycrlr tltly

to do e 6ood deed, ead tDl'e rhrll the Greclaa Lcecbee, and tbelr fton lf

adnodaL aad crbort l1sbr


tbc Eng-

S1nnls!,, rad Frencb Phyelcals,

tbcy follot

EIPPOCRATES, ead pttty

aad h.le fellore, PLABO, PYIEAGORAS, for tbetr nlsleadlng otbers,

f love for thelr lt



be grevloue) f kaor too old es 1t rerer eDd aleo, 1l

Scbolare, rone 1n a kJ'ad of LcarnJ'ng, to ualearn aLl, begta agalu, for tbelr orD credlt aad rl.rtue,

Vrr end proflt

thcy eatccn tbat best, aad all

to leave tboee GILDEDPILtg end SUGRED BAfTS, tbe lorld bath beea so long caught, ae (to

other CRAFTY SNARES,rbererttb

ead eo loa6 toruented, you tbat are lcarned) rttb the read5rr true, ttue

ead to eeek tbla oaly heavenly Soclety; caally lay tclper

yout aelyee, ald be ecqualnted lay of beall!6 Dlaeases. f

plala and certah

thlDk tn lorner

they rere aot 6rcatly

to bc blared aad accuaed but

of dulaeee aad ;sakre56 of uaderataadl.ngl 1a aot applylag aad ecelag tbJ.s perfectloa, ead euppfffng of aLl tbelr rords only, raats; but rlth but glnce tbey lave eranples of Learacd

been so oftea raraed, not rltb

SIC!eD, l,lATgEOLttS trERl{ELfUS, SgVERfilUSDAIIUS, PEIIO J:UDAEIIS,DIODORUS ULUS, eld otber eucb llke thcn dally, to elt etlll: rhl.cb bave aad do revolt, aad flle aray fron

yea aad by the certala Uell, fer rorde rtII forrard.

decde of PARACELSUS, 1t rere luplety serye to rlee aad rl.rtuous Phyetcaas,

such e6 ere of tbeneelvea

Llb. 5. ll. hoaeatr of all But tbcre lorG ldlc tbe grcetct prldc

1! rDother, eld coyotoua,

rDd I el rfretd, lull of rlndy Do frleads rardng


Icaa but cnpty

ead rorde,

tood lcaralagr

rDd tbey lrc

to BOSIE CRUCIANST lot a ROSIE rlth b,1n ln

tDey to tbel, CRUCIAN Ltleelf PGtBoDr rould pcrleh for

eud these ro 6entlc abould colc prevall; of belp

to any, Eo tboutb aloa6

aad brLng TRUTE ber eelf !ot, l't accnae lf balf

rbo clro eld

laakJ.nd abould thelr agalaat 6alas; tLls oyer-




thcn looae foollehly,

a^ad rhlch tbey eatcb es lf lt

aot oDly epeak foully, vlrtue, the Stater but aleo l1ke

but rrlte the glddy

people of uy tlne,

rhere rbererould

banl'sb tbe rea that (quoth

bold aad poseeee lt; .TRISTOTLE)tle uatter

rere fron

a 6ood Coanouealtb

be eo far l{,ANas reII lence KTf,G. ,.

BfitISEMEl|T or IMPRfSOilMEtfT, as tbey rould be ls btnself a Lal) creupt

eeteen such a fron all obed-

as tbe LAWS ( for

and Jud6e hJ-r rorthy

to be follored

aad obeyed as a PERPHIUAI

Thl.s uatorardlees

aad crookedness

ln nen, caused all tlne to tlne,

our ILL to eblde 1111-

BEILIIIG INCESTORS the ROSIE CRUCIAIS, frou tLelr Sentence, but to the great hurt


aad loee of uanklnd, a klnd of Goveraneot ) rherelD

go lato anoDt you

1ag BAlfISEl,fEIfT, you have eetabltabed (to puraue the BaDe, Ilke a ltttle

lrou rule healtb

alone over aad safety estate rere rhlch

tbe reak and eomy

BubJects of leDs Bodles,

tben tbelr

you ougbt to eeck oal.5rr bcsldes aleo, rblcb PLA19 allors for Luaaalty

enougb to nalataJ-a a coateuted and not proflt eakc; for to onlt only

hJ's Goveraours, and Rellglon





they do llgbtly


1f a Phyelcal

begtn oBce to rake a prey of ueu,

IJ.b. 5. Lc 1e Dot olrly !o ralr corPercd ead utchcd tbc d.ahaPs! llonstcr but r rolt e4t ftcDa; tlcrce tld cruel Bcart, Dot ftt to bc ae rltb

1f you rock eII

ovcr thc rorld,

of ff,DIA, rblch

ARfSIOTLE dcecrtbca,

ead calle yery

XARTfCEORAT rbtch betag by aeturc or cuetol, treedJr uPo! lena flcebr eld aned ruto lt. 6. Elrat rlth a face llkc aad call ls rlth

I kaor aot rbether,

lanr fold aad roaderful

bclpe furalebed

l llaa, a volce llke and then lf

a Trunpet, tro flt rlth the erlft-

thlnge to allure

bln la,

be flye,

Dea6 of ea Bart to overtake bl'a; be darte ltke hln afar offr and rlth the talI of a scorplon, hrrtbernore, leet

a Porcuplne, to rouad as 1t rerc, all e poyeoned

sbaft acar-hald

to atlag bln:

th1'e nl,sbt not eervee aad cruelly

by occaelol of Aruour, he hatb fect llke

a Lloa,


to tear hlnr aod three rors of teeth oa eacb cbap for tbe devourlag. Apply you aad the Apotbecarles the rest Jrour selves, ln cecret, partr es f an aot a ROSIE CRUCfAlf,eo I en as reII lDd I an loath to epedr evll ol lt; for ny

ae they aon1r to eee

evll. ione.

arrd aure rere not the to ssc deeert troddea

great 6r1,ef rad cnvy I do beat, ald alrays dld, dorn by auch uarorthilesar and aole llttle

bopes f have to bear of the ead 6ood llea out of baa-

anendneatr ald eo of the return labnent and bprlslouneatr

of the Trutb,

yor abould have fould re ln UIESfMINISTERl.a Tern tlnel and leaD to coattaue

EILLI as f bave been an Attourncy

ry pract!'se ther ao loag ae I llve, tatend

except 1a the Vacattou, rhlcb I

to spend 1n CEE}{ICAL aad ROSIE CRUCIA]IHEDfCMES, for the 6ood reallng nen: Ae you ehall tlad !.n tbe flft Book, after th1n6s past,

of honeet plah

re have proved.r th,e ray to BapplDeaE, tbe ray to kaor all

2* Ll,b. 5. IrrcaGat, erld to corc, to rar foulg, tbc rey to loag Llfcr tLc trlr to Eceltbr tbc rey

eld to coltlluG

sor tbc rey to BlccecdlGser

the ray to of tbc pnd tbey

Eedone eld Ylrtue,

thc rey to cure, altcr

eld eaead tbe rtate

Body; the rey to flad out tbc Goldea Treasurss of llature ead Artr thc ray to prcpere ROSfE CRUCIAII!,!EDICI[ES, tbelr bclrg aefe, caele, erpcrlcaccd, ud cffcctual uee rad vlrtue;

Rulee end Rccelpter and to tbe 0lory of

auch, l,s rboeocyr putr la prectlee

ehe1l flad trucr

God, de116bt of bl.s SouI, aad cure of h1e Body.

Ll'b. '.

Cbrpter XVff.

The Uay to lar



Old lter

6tay Ealrs,


Eyee, deaf Eare, rottcn

Tccth, e.ud lele eld othcra.

bolee renered to etreagtb 2. Tbc Rcaeoa. 1lg ltfe. ]. Ibat

r.ud youtb; JOEf, I'|ACKLEII|S cralplc

rakoa u8 touDt and f1our1ehla6.

4. Of cbcrlgh5. The dccay

5. Uhy chlldrea and old folk ere leee Actlve. 7. Eranple, of renered youtb.

of the tood of llfc. aot long llved. rets. tutc. ll.

8. Yby Prlaca ere

9. To preeerye Jrou. 10. Of Bracbuaae aad Iudlan aec12. The flret roleture la l{a-

Tbe stay of tbe Lar of klnd. ll+. Eeat. ll.

11. l{otlon.

Eor to loye the aptrlte. 18. Ot youth.

16. Frult-

fulneee aad ActJ'vlty. lag youlg.

17. Ot Prost.

19. Klnds of rar?,2. To epr{.ng

20. Varloue oplnlone.

21. Strange chaages.

to youtb fron Age. 21. lfan reetored. 1r youth. 2E. Ihat

25. Hedea aad Jason.

24. Of the Decds of lfature. aad he1r. 27. Of order

26. To rcner the eldn, aalle en old ra!, rry

be taLea as 1t uere fron tbe brlnk

of the treve,

rltbered, 4.

feeble ead crooked, aad led back to !l.e forncr Acte of Klade. ,O. la old roEa"Dturned lato tbese tblngs.

youth and lusttBeee.

r rlan aad of otber th1-nge. 11. Eor to accorplteh

l. ulrelldy rrce; rot

Eorbelt aB lt rherefore

re LfVE IOI|G end ff, EEALTE, lf la ln age, lt aust neede let

our bodles ug luch la

be rcah and 1n thle happy

& clog

the thlrd of order

atep aad hclp le youtL;

to EEAITET tbrt

youth ras knor best


nalr out

UEAT TEEilt fS IOUTE? tbcy

Ll,b. 5. tlrt hrvc loet 1t; Ir Is lEE I,DST ACTTVE, FRUITFI'LL, ltrD BETUTIFITL EsEltE rbcrcby tc ray kaor

Of TEE FDIs lt frol ell


bc thc ratka ead dlffcrclcGa, I rcen rctlvlty, tbls le lt

tLllGE clae.

trot lu dcrde of lovlng oaly,

but of llfe

rad ecase elso,

rhlch tdrce up tbc lfrture of aot as Deed full helps, eltber beauty) but

youtb: tbe other tro nerks rre taken la,

to rotllfE or EEaLTE eld gucb ea ray aot be spared ( eepeclerry bccauae tbey be very lotablc rerke

to kaot youth by: and that la re aleo perforce

lcard of true honour end pleasure above, ao theee rlll baat on ead follor, 2. Theu thls

though tbey be ualoched for and unregarded. le tbe natter uader haad la thls p1ace, thts re uust ead; yea ead tboug! aad yet,

pDove poeelble to be kcpt aad preeerved to our llves 1t tere loet flrstr beforer

tbat 1t ray be gottea egal'n end restored;

ea our aatural

heat ls the cauoe of our bel'ag, eo the cause of of 1t, that, 1s h1e chlef strealE done. of heat nakes tbe best flnd lt so;

our beat eetate; and youtb 1s the florer gtb ald qnlckless. 5.

Thea keep and recover thls,

aad all

But re had aeed be eure of thls,

tbat thc florer

u6 youat ald tlourlebJ'ng raeuralce l'a tbe forld: tor to be61a rttb leue aad uaperfect

and sure by proof and crperlence, let ug look eII over aad re eball }[fe

Plaate, rl.ghts,

elthough tbclr

l'e dark, ald they be but



BREDEEAf , CAUSED BI TEE TUO SEASOIYS OF SUHUER AI{D t II{TER, ea appeara ln f[DfA, rbere for the coatlaual heat aad rolaturc and suuer of tbe

Gouatry, uo plaat tlose parts,


eger or FALI OF fEE LEAF, that rord 1e IDLE 1n lt batb

becauae by e Btterge property besldes tbc reet,

IJ.b. 5. stlrrge rhrt coollaS rbove tbe rert, !ua. !tead1l6 1D trtcr f;lrat, eld thsa sore

dccply froa thc Suucr

lfay uoaget

ua rc aec tboac Pleata thc torce of cold,

rLlcb are bot rad dryr round herdyl eble to rlthetaad to keep tbelr 4. leavee ln rlntcr, aa EOIJY, IW,

BOX, & ctc. rltbl'nl

l{orcover hccp otf

tbe etervlng

cold, e.nd cher{.eb the llfe nourlsb

ead you lay help aad elcnd lfaturer ftrlt ln rrater;

ead lekc ea3r Plent

and beer

EOf rs IEAT? but aa aly latter:

Plent lt

1n a etove, and you

aad cover tbe root rlth ahall eec tbe proofr

Boree drln6, ead tbe rest rlth rortb


1f aot the proflt

tbe cost and trava5.l. that re coue not

Tbe aaue ls geeu J'n beaatsr but let to the ead too late. ,.

ue leave tbe alddle

llhen rhy are Cblldrea and old folk then tbe nlddle sort,

lees actlve,


and tbe SUM-

beautlful, l,tER first

but for rant of heat? For let

dry us; GALEI{salth

aad tbat before the blrth becauee lt ald thls

as I shered,

be great thcre la atoret stlll dally; rlth

bulk & quaatlty, uoleture

raxeth & taneth

b5.s foodr orr flrst

fron thence decayetb uaketh bJ.n rortby oyeruucb

yet L5.e quallty,


aad ectlvl'tyr


of the Denc of heatr ls then llttle, forralgn aad etraage retaesa.

aa oyer nrcb drorned rlth

(L1ke a6 re see 1n a greea fa6ot) uaable eltber to knot tbe alnaers for strennote-

to rork hls rrl.11, aad sher hlnself, tthr

or coDcoct tbe blood for toodl and colour before the forral6n tlne:

turc be speat ead 6oaer rblch le not 1l a loat provcd 1n ly IEilPLE Of WISDOM. Xor for old folk rhat ta eo clear ae thls, dally decay of tbe food of llfe, the falntlng

Tbe ceuae f bave

that by reaeon of tbe beat lets the Knot of

ldb. ]. ead luetlncae of bloodr lLlch ahck bcfore ead looso a6ah, ead tbc bcauty, tbe ratc coacoctlo1

rtrclgtb colour

r1d rad 6rot

rede ceed eld

to dccllne

to latcrlEDtess? toDcD have tDelr rtufl oaly tlt

In etck rea ead roEeD for eeed, yct to recelve rblch le lt Llfe

cauac; ead albelt

aot hot aad qu1cka1a6 eeed, but as dead ead feshloa; lt aDd ldrr{ t tbcy be lore colea falr

aad auootb thea tar foul drlvea lala ln lcavtntar outrards, rlthlar trutb

ere botter, of beeuty,

by cbeace because tbe of laaly hsat ere to re-

tbc Dlculsb

by tbe force

rhen tbe slacknese lnto leastrus,

of the heat of rouan suffere a tblag Dore grlevlous

end turn

aad DolraoEe

tben beeuty 1s dellghtsone.

And therefore

ARISTOTLE very reII klnds to be tbat the fenale. of beat ls the rorld; flrst,

calls rblch tben lf

her a teak nan; aad he uakes the nale lu all ls lt eble to coacoct the blood; be cleared of all doubt, ald tbat that rblcb

la not, etrength

tbe chlef

tbe cauee of tb,e florer let us take a stlck

of age and youth,

and aothlng

else ln

to th.e uatter,

and eee hor lt

uay be nalntalned

and then reetored. ?. aor yet I 1111 Dot urte thls rltDees Plents of tbe ray of upholdlng tbe GERMAIIrbo bath beat 1n Plaats aboye said, tbe

fouad out ueaas for la hls

aa.ter botb ln

aad rlgbte,

es he teechetb rhlcb

EfGE OPINIONS, and as of

nor yet rake account 6ood order of llfe

of tbose exanples,

by course of nature near to thls latter:

bave done reIl1 rho pronounced

end drara upoE the

LUCIUS tbe pleyerr togetbcrr tlo cver year6;

stage at R0HE al

huadred years elxty aad llke,

Bor of CORf,ELIUS rbo bare SATIIRfffE TtrE CONSULafter Dor yet of K1-nt l,l,ASIltISSA, rho about alaty both l'n frost

6ot a cbtld,


and saor bare headed, aad such otber

IJ.b. l. rukcd rlth tltlg of lolt oace. colthucd ltfe lnd lusttaeeg. reporteth I rlll thrt dgb coEe

to tbc polat rt letton

PTIXT (auch ea lutbor)

thc rhole tto bua-


dred yoars rlthout tcetb,

of Bodyr aot ouce touched rltb rlth eplttlngr

ake of bead,

or eyr aor troubled

el1 tbe greet coupanlons tueae, rhen they knor

(aa re ece) of age, tbat re !a!r gatber by llkely aot the COuprntes", tbe thlng lt aeede aDJrtueestat self

ae unknora unto tben; but rhat aad tn pla1n terns

rhen the eaue naa for certaln

aesurcth uel that ln that part of ff,DIA rbere the SUNBEII{G TEEIR ZEt{IfB, that 1s r{.6ht oyer thelr heade, castlng ao sbador, TEE MENARE EM one huadred and thlrty years,


neyr ra:d'ng oldr ard belng rbea tbey d!.er as tn tbelr cLlef streagtb & lusthess? fbat aeed lore rords? ff

nlddle a6e and tbte report be true, is

aa te nay not caally aot lupoeelble, an alre, tly

doubt of euch aa Autbor, tben aure th1e uatter

as they rould bave lt;

but aII uen 1f tbey llved ln aucb as I dJ.scrlbed (f nuet stlU

aad took eo good a care of llfe euccour)

to tbat


TEAT TEm.tAfD STIIIT OF LfFE APFOfilTED; or tf Dor aoEe rhat ataler vot bare rltb ry leanlag,

and yet perbape Bone

otbcr leaDa aay be fouad for tbe ratter, cuaalng; Iet uB aee ruch Dore brlefly th5'e part le already rell ell ell thoee helpe, lust 8.

1a the etorehouae of skJ'll ald

thea re have doae before, becauee ls the llnk the reet, of aad

atgh dLepatcbed; ao stralght

that ore car scarco be looseaed rtthout

go to6etber. Then rhat treans lay re flad? Uhat preaervetb thte uatural &

260 Llb. t.
bcavcaly hcet of ouro? Ibet tDllt( thet thcre prcsoryc couor pcoplc tekc Lot leeta ea etrply & drldta, &

brat & returc,


PUT LIHE f0 THE R00I OF A TREE |EICE EE IOVED: FOR AS TEfS EASTnETE rEE FRUIT WrTH EEAT, BItl KILTS TBE STOCK rrrE LMLY JUICE & HOfSTURE: eo ln tbeu tbelr qulckcn rud attr DROUGET, & SOAXETIUp TEE hot reats out of klnd, the frult latd of llfc,

to tl,e root of llfcr

up tbc aptrtta,

lor a aereon; but rtthall rolsture, that le,

uaderataadr drtDk lt

up & taste

tbe flrst tbue

tbe rhole etock of aature;

aad so by eoftalag

the b.ardaees of age; as 1t rer fron ln the f1re, for a tl-re youthful, and llvely,

they uake 1t seen sber

yct l.t le but a vala rnd elpty colce out of thc ftre,

ald ehador; aad ae lroa rben lt eo tbey lake thelr

le tbe harder; by

age tore uuelldly,

end drar 1t oa tbe faster

that Deansr and tbat le the very cauae, to6etber rlth

care aad pleasurc,


eucb queetlons here) consuues dry be besldes uy

le aot to be eeen 1l a yerJr flae end dry reatber

bodlest and eende tbeu pachlag; aDd besldes, (though lt purpoeer) turne 6ood huuoura lnto ead sedltloa; and ao laklngr acu! called

CEOLER, causG of Broylcs slgn of

tE te Beer tbe buah Starr a plalu

both those ratters,

but cauae of neltber:

As you nay read la our EARH0il

11b. ?. oF TEE WORLD, 9. Ihat thea preaeryeth hcat? Learoed nen have brought 1n certaln

Ll,b. l. tlac fet rad rlrt rcrtlr rs BUTIER, OILE, ilfD EOfEf, eld corrcndcd tbct both erc tbet le

for vcry grcat belpa & rcaae to prcecrve LffE eld lOUlf,r (for dole by oae trlr rad nader onc) but cepcclally up ebove tbe rest, by reasoa lt onc of tbcl,

EOIIEY,beve they ll,fted cold & bloodleae beartr oa!e, llveth

for tht

tbe Bec, tbat lltt1e end fed rlth the

1e botb trde of, rlgDta,

ao 1oa6 ebove thc klad of lnrted

cyrD c16ht Jrrars uato ran, ts

ee tbey rclnrti

end bccauee l,telaa tbe feloua rourlehcr

nothlag elee but e der coacocted ln hot Countrlee, ven 1n etead of tbe Bee, and for eucb Ilke

by tbe beet of Eca-

caueea too long to be told But tbeee

la ao ehort a rece of apeech as I have througbout appolnted. loD atc as rell, though not ae ths forner; that presetved l1fe, for lf

you reucnber rell,

rbea re epake of thlngs


1s aotb,lng, clse

as TEOI1AS EgfDOtr batb eald, lng to tbe usee; vi,z. leat altbougb the flner AEf,EERIA.L Splritar

but Eeat, there rere fouad oaely tro belongaad ererclse, and that to let pess exerclae,

breath of the outrard AIRE of our reat lalr aerye the rhlch camleth ltfe ae rell uprard ae dorarards; foodr aa AE-

Eee rJr TEI{PLEOF UISDOM;yet our Eeeveuly aust heve flaer

TEERIAI body le ready aad et baDd, norbers t'a nature saye ln our flrat roLeture, tben thl-e fat & al'ry reat of thelre, ray belp to lengaad nalnbealtb and

tbea l1fe,

and youth ladeed; but aot dlrectly uolsture,

by fcedlag llfe

tela1'ng the flrst aouadaess, (for thls la,

but by eaotber by-ray procurtng

slckaeas aad dlaeeBes brlng ege ead deatb a pace)and 6reat cleaaaeesr rbereunto they bc rrought they nelther breed (aa otbcr leata do) neny

because for tbelr

by nature and Art togetherl

droeey DISEASES,Dor stop tbe llves

aad beate free 1ne6agc.

262 LlD. 5.
lo' sttb tbca thcrc lc lothln8 ln thc rorld, r1th1n tbc colp6a eurt aecds falat out, rey Jrou, tht


our tcechr eblc to relutala ud raae dally rttb our flret

ead nourlsb hcat, roleture;

but lt lt

hor falle rarlng

thoac rrDIArs lo hept thetr of PLII|T? I canaot teII,

youth, rlthout

old, aa ,e beard out

unlees the SUI|I for tbat 6reat ead frn{ltar

ecqualataDce eakc, hatb favoured ead blceeed then ebovc all pcople, and brought dola AETEERT ald 61ven lt thca to aourleh then; for thelr soyle ald acat, becauee 1t lyeth rlght under tbe SUI|Stalk and travatl, ls aot througb crtreal beat udrabltable, (ae TEoHAS STREET supposetb) by reaeon tbat ertrean beat but of otber the best ead roet tcuperate,

of heaven ls nost equally aaateredr aDd Juetly teapered rltb cold and loyeturc of tbe ground proportlonabre, rhlch thlng tbey kaer not, becauae tbelr eJrea rere set to blgh to eee the lorer cauae and courae of nature, aoet p1ala & certaln. bere belor, For God.rbea be aeant to uake our cbaageforeatgbted rledon, etlated tbe able rorld SUll rltbla

by e roaderful

thoee kaora bouade tbc f,ORTBend SOUTE fUR11s(rhlch

they catl

TRoPI0KS) least rastcd lt end ao all varlety ls

rben he had tuD Douad about, he abould bave rorne and ead rede lt anootb aad eyen 1u ell placcs; for the

everyrbere dtke, eltber

I dry grorud or a staDdlag poole, both uaflt

9f shrn8e rhlcb be reaat to see prry before hlu; but aow be rlthJ.a thosc bouads aforesald, he cau reare tbea

eo curbcd aad rcetralaed furtber

the grouad lo

then ble force ca! rcach, Dor aty otberrlse ao tbat tbe earth luat leede De lost

ec hls force serveth; rasted, Ilttle rbere lt aad llttle,

lorne and

lyetb rlthla

tbe colpass of b1s ralk;

aDd ao rlee by 1t cone to tbe

oa botb sldee rttbout

the Turne, rratll

IJ.b. '. top ead ttgbeet plna (rhlch tlc pltcbl rhcre tt 1c firrtbect off, thet 1e uader the tro for the coldacea, ead for the beat part; rbereby the and abroad,

tbey cell

polee) of the rorld.

Thea bcu

cartb le tlt

to thlcksn

the alre aad brced ;atcr, ead loreat

ald falllng

to ecnd 1t dora to tbe ddst

great etrengtb of beat ts drara upoD bcaps ead ta 6rcat plcaty; for tble ud ceuBe ead thc lcagth of tbc nlgbte, but tllekeae lt crqnot acatter

vanleb eray to nougbt, ralaln6

e pace, eld falle

e6a1a abua-

dontllr thls

three or four tlaes

a day.

Ubereby re lay tlud6e, tbat

alddle gl.rdle rherelu

te l'nbabtte, but 1n all

camot be eo broyled and uaeuf_ reaeoD ysrJr dld ald tenperate;


aa our STAR-I.{EN avo;r

& thlnh thet aa the SUt rcaat to favour all eo cblefly rttb all ald above all

parts aB uuch ae u16bt be, bound hln) of

that (as reaeoa, yea aad necteslty ls certala

rblch be 1e best acqualated; and ee thls Autbore) la all

(by report otber

otber tb.lnger va aad 1a uen touchtag aII

61fts ras lot ll. crtot

and bleasd,nge, ao te !a!r tuees thJ'e one rhlcb sllpt ald left out 1a eo lergc tLta, a cbarter.

re have ln haad,,

But for all lt

and ta 6ood sadlcse (re heve but argued hlth-

le aot good to aeck to dl.epence agalnst the loee of aature, to dlscredlt PLfffi tbe reporter, (though be he Deycr thln6s: for

ead 1t lere better eo good aa Autbor) thle

thea Seture ber eel!

the Autbor of all

etory 1e eet agalaet thc rhole eourae aad drlft

of aature tboee

rorks ra tbcy bc lot rray by llttle epeclal

toyerr end rade up et once, ao they decay aad rear 'ald tberefore aad llttle: lh{ ! theee lca of fIfDIA by 1n

rtcence fron above, do bear a6e fresb ald youat e long tine, fet re nust 1n ao rl-ee thhh

respect of other llatlons:

tbls le for eyer

264 rLb. 5.
rDd Dot for dcatb; ee plrm !dth, for thcl rblcb tbey rhourd lot dl'e ead

dcpert es otbcr rca dol arturelly, shanCat by ltttle rather rad llttlc,

ts rhcn rte

crecpta6 on and but by aad aad

1a ee raat rade rtpc aad falltn6; and ee lt rrc delivered

by roue cudden force be tekell

by to I klor

aot rbat baag-a3a t!oD6 the desttal'ce, but rbat force cal thrt

to be cut off

put to death by vlolelce; furthcr

be? lfay I aseure you

that 1f tbe etroek of atcknese eld d1gcaece rere atalr (aa ealth they d6ht ltve for ever; aDotber breath of the leyer

h, l.t 1s aluoat)

brokea lars of klnd. 12. certahr kladr rlse rterelore let thle etory 6o, ead lct us bold tbls rule for

that by reaaon there 1a ao other food for aatural royeture, youth lust

heat opea ln llke-

but our flrat rasteth dotlYr

rb,lch becauee for raat of eupply, lt aeede by nature fall

atay and caanot last

for cvcr. 1t ras full

ADd yct re luet

alao (to coue to the purpoee) reuenber bor

oftca ebove proved, that gucb a free eupply of due food tor and letcbed out of the botton of aature to avold the Jar

lJ.fe lere to be nade by rtr11, ead all ud 1Il thh6s

by tbe Dlvtne ART OF EERI{ES. Iherefore upon one thlagl

rouad of our often bcathg above declared, te lt that

aad ollr PAI{TARVA


feeda our beat, tbet botdetb aad pre-

acrvetb IOUTE; tbat le lt dora belore; I rlll

I aay tbat doth tbs deed, for teny causes ect tbe rlght ray back

acnd tben that coEo aot hltber betore tDeu, lotton I rcal,

a6a1a to takc all lr.

But there le eaotbcr thlag;

ald that belps to

bcer up the atate of llfe

aad hcat, f ecaat toucbed 1n uy dlecourse be

of Phyelck theree and yet 1t rhould be bandled: becauae elthough lt

Llb. 5.

|rot fo rrcdfirr

rs thc foncr,


1t cau,ot

la eay crrc bc reatta6; ead rdour 1t aelf


ea lllRIlAL

PDOPLE tIf,E ltf,T(t I{ARS (ee rc teru tt)

loeeth Lls 6lory ead brlghtneaa 1a Dcace ead qulctleaa, at lar6c Edltlon; ead lustyr ritb

rB you uay read

1a our IDEA OF TEE LAf,, 0OYERIY!,!ENT, AtqDTfRAI{m, the eecond !o tLts beet that rulcs our body, thougb 1t be Dcycr so atroag ea lt decays ead ea lt rere rusts

yet 1t ceaaot !o aooD rcst, DrY tbc FDY tt eclf


belag ae I ahered aboye, ea AfRy rE oDe of the tro

aad EIERI TEUPERATURET rust aeede beve qulck lotlon, plllare rorldr of Dle atate; YrJr rell ud

tberefore PI^ATO by tbe eranple of tbe treat to love botb body aad liadr a1d that

advlscth ue et1ll


1f te toaa to have tben loag coatlaue.

ADd te flnd bls Coun-

cel Sood by drr ly proff, as r1'ce aad learned lcal for tbe noet Patt elerclee qulte contrary other }lttrer

rbea te aee tboae tbat Doye tbe lenory loat, do bold lt tbetr loa6eet, but becauee thcy do not Thereas

bodlcs, to lose that quallty:

tbe counoa sott, are a 6reat rhlle

by reaaon they tove tbus nucb, aad tbat la body lusty, rben tbelr uenory 1s

tone as qulckly. 14. Eol rortng lacreaeeth bcat, lt appearctb 1a aII pleces, tlrst Eerye

1n the eprla8 of ell

bcat tbe SUI{ ArcVE, rhl-cb could la no rlee tbe rorld at olce, lf

to ctreacD, eo far as to beat half beavenry beane aad splrlts IORLD. Thca tbey rould

those beapa of

dtd not belp hlD.

sce ny EARloNr oF TEE

be ehut up faat ae they be 1n etoace, aad netale 1od61age, aad not (ts re aee tbea) atlrlag; no lore doth any flre

ald euch alsor eld bard lorer rost freel qutchr llvslyr aad erlftly

belor burn eo fterccly

as tbat rhlcb by a cold blast 1e drlven up close

Ll,b. 5. rld rould togctbctr rDd tc rcc by tboac thet loyG ead etlrr (ee thr rcrhcet for rhet to tbe rtroagcat elould rolt llyslt;

to peca by thc Lt6Ltalagr lad a lntber plela rotc

1n tbc rotlf?

tucb tftoof6; rotlon

f gtaad eo lo16 ulron so 1e, but rhlcb every a

e ratter?)

doth aot onlJr lacreaas heet rbcre tt Aad not oaly tbet rry

bcgcte eld purcbeaetb l't of roth1ng. ral recth, by rubblng tro

bard thlage together, ead e1rel

but alao by gratlnt rhtcb 1e solcrbat

Derd thlng egalaat

tD,c eoft


aad, yet kaora to tbe BABIITI|rANS f[

TfMES PART, fBEil TEEI ttSED TO ROST eDd go'tbese


IRCEERSTBAT BAVE SEEII TEE LEADENEEADSOF TgErR ARROWS, TO MELTIr fLfIlfG, eo great a fatber of beat ls rotloa that ro Day Judge hor able

be 1e to keep lt lr,

rben 1t 1s once 6ottea:


lfor 1t thla be eufflcleutLy

eborn and proved, re aced bestor beat and aplrtts, te caougb to crhort be-

tbe leaeer labour to teach ncn, hor to loye tbelr cauae eyrJr chlld tbat caD tor can do lt; and tt

then that love tbeuaelvea to do lt. 16. Tbca by tbeee tro reeae of llkc (thet la, neat and lotloar re bave our

youtb cttll


OF YOUTB; TEEREATTYTEIIIG ELSE? IBESE }IAI(I UP ALL IEE EETTGAlrD TATITRE crcept you fear tbe loee of hle han6-byee, aad appurteneacesr rhlch are OF SKfNr aad of EAIR the OF BEATE, the SI{OODEIVESS TEEf,E, the SXEEINESS OOU)UR TATURAI,. 17. But 1t le ao daager lf reualn rlthout t11,1 be full you rfll let ne rua tben oyer; for lf the Jar-bolce our

beat aad roleture tecth be rortlaed,

decay, flrst and rotetr

rhereLa tbe

eble to trlPe

ead glue and

Llb. ,. lo to Lold tbc relc fror fel1h61 tbca r11 111 rlcll rdDklca rhlch cotrs of reracae

eld raat of brat to concoct 1t; to ebrtlhr & ttthcra tbat

of cold rbl.cb rekc tbc fecc bcat eprcede e broed aroothly, beat fel'nts &


ead gray helre falle, lt

fron tbe eale cauac; for rben our natural 1t eelf rerr


frou tbc outnost coldcet parte rooaeet, eld bcat to ealt ead kccp

lcavee the rolaturc 1tr for leck of larard

llrcg open to thc torce of outrard e rblte

cold, rheace coDe! ell lberefore


ead frou tlts

coat ead loarlDesa.

re eee rhy slckaese as to

ald sorror brLng tray haire eo faetr PaBs by the pla1'aer, you shall lut YoUNGGENTLEUAI{ OF ITAIY,

trar eouethes prescatly:

beer by oac straage cralplc



ATES, AI|D LArD WRAPT rr A SAIL READYTO BE CIST OVERBOIII|D, AltD ilITBIil TYEITY FOUREOURS SPACE, RELEASED AND SET AT LIBERTY, rbo by great grlef lears forclnt bls beat to retlre to the beart ber Cestle, rade turu agala

b1s bead rhlte aII hl.s llfe,

aad eged 1n thet Bpacer & could Deyer 6et lt rLlcb rae a loag tlne after.

Ald so re bave tLta polat


ead caelly

dtapatcbed becauee 1t ras a looee and caey retter;

but tbe lcrt, lo euch tblng, bnl'ldlag

that 1e llg REOOVER IOUTO IEARS SPEIT aad blora atayr stcrs lor to be ueed 1r tbat rcparatl,oa, order; for aa a aer eld atrong rheraas great

by duc aad delly

ls kept eouad a loag tlne; rltbout

l.f for lack of care, lt coet a.ud the lt lt

bc oDcc falne to decayl 1t cr;pot t's dth

be recovercd; oven eo tt

our body; re l.t le caey eo lf lt Dy tsgll8cnce ecere a lerYellous

bc taken ln tlne ttth

beed to preserve lt; rottel,

tb,c reathcr

Lave once bcat ln aad lade lt tt.

rork to repatr

Llb. 5. llthoug! tbca rlr ladecd 1t bs tuch trudcr, rcrc brfore; Dot olclt tbca Dlr tcllor, lot tlvc but

thc tcEt tbt

yct rc rlll

1t ovcr aor, lct us go

eld rrkc 0!R IDIE FOEI' FAIL IEE IAST ACT OF LIFE; rbcrsforc torrardr fore loet pteecrYed. 19. Tbcrc bc so ralJr klnda of rarln8 6tven to tbe aature of r16hts, ud rltD rll our cndeavor etrlvc

to ebcr, IEAT IOUTE long beray be rccoycrcd ee 1t res

(though aot co caally)

yct es rell

you!6 egela aaned 1a PEIIOthat lt rere 6ood tlrst to

SOPEITud rort lato oalyr

thcr outt to ece rhlcb re reaD 1n tbc place, least our labour fall thclr bande tht cea qulckly rlstake; oae of theae ralra 1a by DaEe

ead lot

la dced, As uEEl{ TEE SoFT ilrD BIRE SKIIilED BEasTs usE BI TEE SPRTTG ArD rar.L OF rtsE LEAF, TO CASt

coItRsE oF KrnD, TtrcE A rElR,

oFF IESIR UPPE|R COATArD SKIN, TEEI SAI IEEI pUT OFF OLD AOE, AtrD rAX IOUI|C AGAfI; th,en lt 1e ln trutb the puttlng oa of age rathcr end decay

of f,aturer aE rpPcaretb to tbcr tbat klor cold ead droughtl aad rlther eO. ell atalr. There le eaotber klad, the true plala

tbe cauec, tbat .yeD for very nk{u dotb Iooaca

cer rarks of e6e, thelr

aa lar ln cxtrcdty

ea tbet other,



l.ndecd, rhl'cb ILCOIfEON cells

Joyalng of olce cld to hls dyee; and

bcCln{a6r thla

ead rblch Le saltb la! lot

cenlot do, ead tbercfore

ts aad cyer taer

the oplal'oa of POEIS oaely, but of PEIIOSOPEERS but of all f,atloaa crcept our old EGYPIfAI|S, rlre r1adou osteeled.

eld aot of OREEKS onely,

end ROSIE-CRIICIff,S , lcD rlrays 21. kladr Tbcae ra!,

ln ell

es f sald aboye, do not uac to rerk tbc ttcpa of atralgc end uaroatcd chan6ea, but elso act aad cnter bcr lost

269 Ll.b. J.
upon thc llkc cerry tbct; by dtrll; ycr ud to lrass fiutbcr, lt tay rcrlon Lot, r11l

ud, eo et lcagth to tLla

thcy cllGr

eld I Inor rot

or tbrtbcr the dced,

by 6ucrs or klorlcdge eld rhcthcr

RULEDCERTAIf,OROltllD,of ml'alug for aay .rB, put out by lorclble

1t tra po8.lblc

rad vlolcat

d,cath by netural ead ae tt 22'.

rcene to eld qulckcn egal'n, ead ao to be rcneled, rcetorcd. ud After rarvelloua rcatrs? tLlcb ray 1s thls

rerc by e rer blrtb But rbat bc tlclr ler

lncreadlblc otber d.gbte

courae perforled?

thcy ser lot

oaely BoEe parts of

(as thc TAILS of LfZIRDS, the EIES of SNAI(ES ead SWALTOWS)

but eleo tbc rholc bodlca of cold aad bloodlcre oDcr, clcaa rezed and deetroycd, If.ITURALLI TO SPRIfc A FRESB, AlfD T0 BE RESTORED, AS A S]IAKE

cuT rr PEICES AND ROTTEI Ir DUNG,T0 QUrCrEr, ArD EyERYPrECE TO PROVE A SnAKE AOAII{, TREI BECAI|tO REICH BY DMNE KTOWLEDGE AttD PRACTISEAT SOltE FURTEER UATTERS;ud rprlng not out of nothlag, to eay aoDe rbolc eld bloody rltbtsr tbat

but are brecd by forcc of Sccd aad coatuactcorruptlonr to relse theu

lon of Hale ead Fenale, ead tbe L[ke klndly up egala ead rcaer

tber (rs r BrRD BItRlltr aLtrvE It

a closE GLAss, AND sO

A EElf, AIgDSO ROTTED, AND IEEil ITCIOSED In A SEEI,L, TO EATCEIT UXDER RESTORE TEE SAI,iE) end otbcr atrea6e proofs tbcy ccaacd not to adtet uattl eld ell llve tt laet dght tbcy durst be bold to thlnkl tbat aly rtghtr cYeD e-n ald

by thc aaue course rar tou!6 ead be bora egeln etlllr

for cYer. 2t. Thle 1a tbc accoad ray of rarlng ee thc otbcr, and yoult egallr aad ee 6rcat an

crtreen reports

rad as far fron ra5r reantagr thou6b tbere be dlvcrs flouD ebroedr of lcn thet took ttre aeuc race 1n

IJ,b. ].

1a tbcleclvGs lng rhlch ee I tttt tcre

eld tlrlt

otberer feYoura

rtrd fouad botb 6ood ead bed lucccsa tt rlll tbhk) ea tbc rork

(eccordby tlcl

res latcadcd

put 1a truet:l{EDE[

SPED n:EtL sAt TEEf,, IIf pRooF, upoN JAsors SAfTE, RECOQUENDO; BII1I Ecrnes,




eecoud Book of thc EAmO}If Of TEE ToRLD, ead the TEMPLE sbould r Dan eay to tbls ratter? Albelt rlthout f do aot choose cau6e, and the story

OF SfSmM. thla klnd


of renerlagt for a thlnt

yet I 111,1 aot coadenn l't flpoeelble; caelly lu

Jud8c lt ol

for I aee Do reaaoa but tbat true, becauee lt ls

tbe Sndre nay be full uaflt 1f etuff

bred by 1t eelf, tbe rest all le oae

and of tore to naturer general

tbe aane Dapncr; aDd for

tbe atuff

and place be lcet (thlch

and convenient, one l'n all

bavlag ber thlnge) h all

seed of begettlng

I sald rae all uaklag (yet

her bosoae ever ready, eeeded Plaate rltbout

aad thereby

as re heard before) rlghte

eeed souerbere, tlrst

yea aa'd perfect and roub, lan eld aII

botb tater

and Laad oDea; a.ud at ald all 24. served very

then the etuff, bavlng rrought

end ber ora beat, so. for ralt


But nor rby le helps

seed glven up to thlnge? for

Becauee aature ever)

of tbe foraer places unleee to rork

(as tbey could not last etuff

so aot able la ell to auch pcrfectioa,

tbe rar both

of tbe beglnaln6s rell dreet

Eo far,

ebc flad

tbe etuff

aud balf

uade to her hand;

rnd a rbole rard; us caII rell 1t

ronb l1ke then for

an artlflclal one natter


to belp ead aet her fornan, let seed


aad De.DDrr, of reatorlag rhat

to the accouat

of reaeotr, and conslder

l.s that

Irlb. t. tbet lekcth rea, eld tbc Dhcc rbrDc he la rrdc; tbrt ts ell tbe rork?


TEE IHOLE AODI RoTTEDrf, LrKE I{AI|NER, AlrD rI{ A WotfBAGREEABLE, SEALT SUIM OUTAT LAST, QUICKEN Al{D RISE fEE SfilE? f cennot teIl, lvor lf nor dleevor the rattcr; I r11l neltber


tbey bc lcarcbed ead uarould to tbe botton. ray euffer thla, but not Rcllgton;


and yet lt

1s a daagerous

aB our !e!, 25.

ead tbe Poet fouad by aone Dcna aa5r1nge.


SELVES, rEICE gE CALt SEED, ORDERED BY THAT SKILtt{tL KUVDOF RECoCTIoI{ (rgICE EATE BEEIV FOItfD TRUE, A SOME REPORT,AI{D I TErilK I[ pcrb,ape lor klndly aad tbroughly, but aure rore clvl'lly CERTAIN)or

aad rellglosIy

la tbc due place appoluted;

for tDl's also a klnd of renerlEg of hlneelf ts (as ARfSTOTIE8e1th reII) but neltber anols

aad ra-rng yourg agala, rhen h1s cblld tber hlnself, tbt.e tblrd RESTORED. 26. aII Then the fourtb 1e lt especlally

oaely euadered aad eet apart frou hlneelf;

l'LAN kl'nd clougb for ue; fE I{UST EAVE TEE SffOLE AnD UI{PARTED

f reaa, rhlcb 1e lndecd e aean betreen

tbe reet,

betreen tbat eupty aad dangerous dced aforetbe out-elde, aad lsse rlthln race of refreshlag tbough tbeu

eal.d, perfornhg tbe otber:

rore tbea tbe one tl

for tLls

ray dotb not oacly by a better

1't r1'th beat and roleture,

tGler the akl'nl Dal'la; teetb aleol otf

thcee by tbe aaDe ray of puttlng chlcf aad aeedful parte,

tbe old oues; but for the lnrard by the natural

bor out of the seed at flret

2?2 r,lb. !.
Drktrl, lt elell leltbcr ukc Eor ler foner ra,Jr oDcly cbaltc rad altcr,

Dur6r ead plece tbcr tll aud luetlaess. 2?. orderi cell Thsa let begtunrnt tben parte)

la thclr

atate ead rouDdacla, youtb

us Eee hot re EaJrbe reagred aad rar lrouDg ta tbat fLrst rttb tboee ld,le ead aeedleee thlage (f cannot rer rade up, tLalehed, trct, rad lourlahnent; the TEETE,

of thc bodyr rblch after of our lcat

ead eprung out troa thc lcavtng

trAILSr and EAIR; aa for tbe akln lt

ls a part of tbe aeed, or tbc crust

that oYcr caet the th1a6r rhen 1t ras ful1y baked; tbea es theee bad no certah courae and order of k1ad lu conlng; for ( to onlt ba5.r thet aalla,

toee and conea uPoD every l1gbt occasloa) eoue are born rltLout end eone rltb tceth;

rhea others agaln have aoDe before thcy be old, aad Bo tbey doubt by ahlll tbey nay coDe rad go agaln PLffy TELLS OF Ot{E IEOSE

auch l1ke dleordere; rlthout

aay burt or great cbaage to the body.

TEETH CAI.{E AGAII| AFTERtrE UAS AN EUIDREDYEARSOLD, At{D UPIARD: eld JOEil }|ACF,AII{ aa Engllsh l{lnleter tlg renered bl'e age and rared young beaot rell IEETEERTEE SOLDIERS Iff

very o1d ae they eay: and f klor

oERr{ArT Br DRrlr(rrc

oF A sPRrnG, BY TEE RrVER RBrilE, EAD TEErR TEETE le eerrake and

SEAKEN OUT, AND IOOSE AIID EAD TEEH COI{EAGAIN A IYEf,'. But tLls tal'a that there be raters la the rorld,

rh5.cb by a epeclal quallty balrr borne aad loofe,

tboee beaeta tbat drlDk thcreof, 80 reler 28. tben, ae the Poet ealtb.

caet thelr

WDat Deed DaDy rords? Thls part ls easy ald of elall over: but that ar oId feeble, rlthered,


and re lay paBB lt banen ra!,

crooked, rad as t.t rere and

ebould be td<ca lron tbe brtntc of hls travo,

IJ,b. J.

lcd back to tle 1a trutb falac,



rad luethcal,

ta e tDllt

rey tbcy, both

rad ln toraoa llcrsdl.blca;

aey 1f tro tucb rca rere act hdecd lt illl aceE Eo

bcfore uer 1t rould seet !.a aelse rldlculoue: to eucb teD aE are cltber ere ell all

aen6e ead no reasoD, or elae rboac rlts ee ls not rorth tbe

bcetored npoD thc ecarch of eucb troublce

learchhg. 4. It lt Lad bcen rpent rbout the decp ud bldden rorka of aeture, chlld-

there rould tole have eppeared ee 6reat ae tbla 1s' ead ateycd ell leb rorde; for ny part I au rllllng of klndt to eupply tbe teat,

to uafold, tbe

greateet tcte

end ect thea bcfore you but thle rork 6rots too I r!rt, or rould; 1t 1e pleated upor era!-

feet ald provce b166cr tbca cltbcr eo good end lrultful pleel

a 6rouad; yct bave one or tro of tbe tltteet tbea, and thle aud rortby

end aearest and latch fall out to Jest,

togcther that lrou lay see lt, (I aa lotb to fall lato

et laetr


tbe noutbs of Jestere) about a golld you!6 hlrd. 1O.

and eracst ratter,


by a

Is 5't aot ae bard end roadcrful

e cbal6e thlnk

you, to eee a ald llttlc PLIIfI la

fOMAn SUDDEI{LY PROVE A HAf,, ae to bcbold aa old rer btr ltttle rar you.Eg ega5.n? Conparc thls ny lutbor hlneelf reula6e stlIIt rho rcporte 1f you but doubt of the etory.

of tbree sucb auadry chances, rbl.cb be ulnn bcr

ear, (be nancd tbc placc ead Darty) eld hor perforned

dey: CARDIT mUBnED M IBIT OF TEE TRUIE, EUT YEIITURES AT A bccauee tt let lt 1e botb llkely to bc true, end naaecnlt

REASON FDR fT (rblcb to be told, I rtll

go) ead he vouched thc Garo cbaagc e6a1n, but thea the f;Lrst, ead rbereof no

1n another htad,

end yet rore atrangely

IJ.D. }.


cvcr durat or could bold l rcrloa:

Tbc arne rel

rge1a teltb,


the Bcrat EfEXfA, EVERYfEm llll,E,



rrD HARVEIOUS TUR[I!|G; IS rOT TtrIS A l{lr08 }toRE EARDER & CREATER KIrD OF CEAI{GE AI{D ALfERATfOn TBEtf TEAT fE SPEAKOIit Thcn re graat aature ls eble to do thls leYer dotb 1t; rece; but lf tf ebe be rllllag: lf but tt eeenetb aot becauae ebe her eppolutcd thle

ehc runnetb etlll

ehc bc aot lctted,

tbcre be naay dead chaaces able to htader aad lct hor uueh Dore caa tbe rrlt of laa,

courae of aaturer

(rblcb ts a spark

of tbe rbl'ch taye by ber Comlselon) oftenr lf f dgbt etand to ebor lt,

doth 1t? As she dotb

botb stoup and lengthea, end yet Let us see theu for thls uatter

ehe 1s rreyer ut1l1n6 and coneeutlng.

l-n band, bor dt{ 11 1s able to oyemule klnd by her orD con consent, aad ldrc all ber rllllng to return aad rar youug agalu; flrst let us know that and eoul


tbe llfe

aad natural

beat to be alrays of 1t aelf youD6 ead luety,

ead never old, and

Dut to appcar ao by reaao! of hcr falllng that I bnve oftcn ebered ln r k5'ad of tlre

part her lnstruneato, and la.{Dg


to bcr beat ead lotloa; renerlng; fn llke

tben here oae good belp to tbe great rork of

eort tbc parte of tbe body are aot aarred aad lost, ran tbat hc 1e decayed, rhen hts noncy tbc l1fe ead lor eakca hlu; llttlc rorldr ls vea eo rhen our uatural and 6oaer tbe body ebrtaks tbe parte, end llker1se

ta tbey eay of a rlcb of tbe lor1d, bcat the l1fe betb lcft of tbls

up and le defaccd; but brlat roDey l-nto tbe belkrouts flourleh

egal'n beat lnto


and tbey ehall be both luety aad

agala, es ruch es cver they el'd.

2?' Llb. 5.
,1. But bor uy tb18 hcrt bc brougbt egala? To uhe for tt fcr rorde, ead cvcl

es ahe 1e kept fell for raat e8alal

ead bcld of

by due rcat

ead rotloa;

rbc felat

thea oaly, leat la

thea glve ber thcr, that drars

aad ehc ahall


ber aelf rard llke

thc balt

bcr dorn; lork

l.fotton coues forle perforned

e gad-bee to prlck order; flret tble

ber forrerd; rblch

but tbat ttae

1n thle often


1a that

ead AEIHERIAL oyle, tbe ROTA


by Eugcnlue TEDODIDACTUS l'n bl.e book catttLcd

MIINDI, aad ln ny ROSIE CRUCIAI AXIOM,ATA 11b. Z. chap. ?. exceedlag plerclag srlftaessr dfldeer ecatters rhlch aad rhlcb for an'd ecoures atay raat of tbe tlllage tbe groee end toul of beat, had overla to

degrees and IearlDBEr 6rora ln our bodlee

raa cast llke

e blockleb lf


our ralrr gtlr latter) flrst gotten eld

TO STAY THE FREE COURSE OF TBE SEIP OF LIFE, run ber toated but alao race, all (rblcb ln soae tbhlc tt

ehe l1fted

enougb J.n thia neat, and


about ber der aad deslred By rblch

uolature her full

to drar strength

her forrards. aad llvelyness,

reahe our llfe ltke


and returaed

tbe SUI{ IN

suMuER INTO AI,L OUR QUARTERS, BEGTnS 1O roRK AS rRESH AS SEE DID AT ntRStr knltlng (tor belnt the eene upoa thc eane ebe nuet aeeds do tle eane) aad

end b1nd1u61 tbe reak aad loose Joyata aad alaere, all by 6ood dlgeetlon, and then tbe ldle fourth parts

raterlug llke

coacoctta6 eball:la

leaves aer be young

the bot Sunner eprlng of

and 6ror


out of thls

ead youag tcuper aad flourlehlag. Thl.s la

bodJr, aad all

tbe thole

face aad eber sball



gay Jrou, lf a ntracle;



lB Eoo! doae. ao nlracles;

IT WERE f only



but f rork

2?6 Llb. t.
Lclp, rs r !eld, tbe rllllag recc of klad, tn rekclag all rhercforc eld rar1lg ls lolg decay-

lag eld tcerlng

rteJr, or retbcr

to hl'a pcrfcctloa;

so la readtag no doubtr be eeaaot rcturn back by l1ttlc ead llttlcr

et oace, but rust creep

rDd eo bc reetored.; or ELSE I UOULD EAVE

IOLD IOU AT EIRST DASEOF TEAT SPRIllc fI{ TEE fSLE Boalca UEICB Master EDUARDS CotD rltaeasr Sray tralre aad rrlnklce) rtll 1a tcr daya reetores a lan qultc end reke hln youa6 aga5.n. aad to rtn f,ay tf credlt all (aavlng I bad talrea enong the coor the toodly

a cour8e to dell6bt non eortr

ronaa aad chl'ldrcal

I rould have eought thc Legend, aad rtfled aad fltted uaay to ny purpoae. nJ'strelsr

rouders la tbe rorldr

But as I eerve Ia aad tn tbe

l{adan BEATAuy IOV.E, aad ralt lost larard

upoD a rleer

aad eecret pLece uoDg tben, eo I rould by uy 1111, epedr and rel,I eounded 1a for tbLe uatter be-

aotblng that ehould aot be pleaela6 ln ber slght, tbe cars of rledou; tberefore let 146 tbe truth,

tbeEe fer eufflce

as I learned of Xature.

L1b. 1. Cbeptcr. XWff.

f. 0t poyGrty aad rlchee. trourd bodlce.

2. 0f rorldly



Ot LRABIANurder5. That the heat ?. gbe

under-8round eecrete. 4. Of SOCRATES lllaerars.

of thc cartb boylee Rocks llto aulphuroue ead lNlucral quallty Alrc.

6. of Qulck-ellver.

of the breatb of !aD.

8. The Frozen

9. gt purglng Qulck-cllyer. ll.

lO. DLesolvlag of aeed, aad breaths 12. Sun 15. Earth

of letals.

Earthly Brlnstoae to uake a perfect telght. l]. Of raklng lrletals. equal. 14. fnstructlon.

ead, l,toOnlake llant. ln Porcrr later Prants'

1a Qulck-ellver

16. f,ourlshnent la l,tlnerale and 18. l{laerel beat. 19. Eeat

l?. of troaa aad ftne bodles. cold coyers tbe rork.

perfects l{lneralar

20. fron aad Copper of the and yellor Copper

llature of Qulck-etlYer. ae Gold ead Sl1ver. l{etale cleaased. 26. Tbe lnaghatlon of Gord faateaed.

21. That tfature latended rhlte Hetals.

22. Si.lver and Gold l'n aII

25. Degrees ot

24. lfature change able. of Bil.rds. 2?. Guldee. ,o. To dl.e lletal.

25. Of aendlug Nature by Art. 48. Aatinoay. zg. Tbe corour ep1r1ts. ,2.

31. ro atay flflns ,t.

llo rash the halds 1a lloltea lcad unLurt. Bullet uaburt.

8o etaad tbe force of a 5r. To uee uarlpe

34. To keep e Cloath frou burnlag. ae good as tbe best. ,6.

gold ald lake lt ,7. lhet



lay be bouad, coloured aad nade GoId, and of s!3ang


Even thla at flrstr


tbe polnt

at laat



tbe ray to PLEASURE, because 1t ls lndeed tbe laet & lorest

Il,b. J. Prrtr (brlag !.lveattr r.Dd to to be uacd) eld yct very lccifirl ruSSED EOUSEEOLD; toD elthougb ra bayc atl lf ead, lot hclpe

to bc sPeltd ln tbls to long llfer

EEltTBr end IOUTE tbat ley ber lrt

te raat tbe ecrvlce cut off aad

of r{.cbce, poverty 1111 beelege us, and keep ua uader ud Llader raly

goodly decde aad rorks of TISDOMand VfRIUE; but rbat are by ROSIE CRUCIAtrS and PEII{)SOPBERS rtree lt eclf; the rorld reckoae rtorc aot ta of OOLD

BICEES? For thc rorld tble tccouat;

rot tbte rltbln

aad SfLIIER to be RITCHES; ARISTOTLE ENOIIGE 0F !|EEDFIILTEITGS: IEE STOICK EIIOUGB Of EAITE AfD AIRE. rade ler8cr llo begtu here, tbcee dgbt etral.taese: be strcacbcd and rould tbey have

enougb, but tbat re knoy thelr

ua ILve by brcath aloae, aad never cat, accordlng to tbe 6utae rLtch I aet out la bealhg? feebler Be lt poaetble, ae lt acelctb; yct lt le eonerhet

as I shered tbere,

and ao aonerhat haltiag for our firll

a-nd uaperfect (by ltfe appolnted,

Iack of youtb aad luetlnees)

ead pcrfect rhlch f rlgbt

bceldca tbe reaae aad hurts of poverty, ARISTOTLE 1e sonerbat etralt ae rell:

aor touched.

also for bcaate, tbat f rcakoa are rlches aeedful for 6ood llfe, yct lot all, rhcre-

1l be bad put 1a caough of thlnts

lore te tere reder Lc bad aal.d rucb bettsr; eII the bodlly

for eo ebould

reara aad helps eforeaa!'d be couated r{.cbee, a 6reat derl lor ruch lses crn re rete tbe golden rsalth hurgcr for all tbls; rlgbt aad

too colfueedly; truc rlches,

becauee a ra'D lay dgre rlth


soLD A IOUSE IOR TUO EItilDREDPErfCE, DYEDEII.{SELF tpR LACK OF tpOD, fEEr Tf,E BIIIER LMD, aad tbl'e ree d.oae (to lct go falned, I.[DAS) rben EAIfFIBTT. aeed-

bceclged CASILIIYE;tben true rlchce u firl for good ll'fe, tbat la,

cDough of outrerd tblate

for our PEYSICKabove let.

279 LLb. !.
But bcceuse tlrt rry & lctla'to tLls toldea rad torldly rceltb lc e rcrdJr rld ccrtrtE rG

(out bcarlng

vl.olcnce rhtcD !o u!

cra rerreat) to ehor

r11l uae tbc cauac for tbe cffect bor all

la tD5.e place & to etrlvc

leD leJr get cnough of Gold ead Sllvcr

ead tbet by reaker DoaE6 elthough by tbc aa6e taJr lato

tbcn EDRMES I'IEDICII|ESae tbe place requlrcth, colcerdng allver the etuff

rc rork on; tbet !'a, by tur-rlag basc rctals

ead Soldr by the Art of preparla6 l. rlts,


la ny EAXI'O!|Y OF TEE UORLDT llb. rhlch turns the cdge of rorldly

chap. 12. thls le the bard tattcr tbe brlgbtaees r aay, of theee


thlngs daslee tbe eye of tbe Connon aad bleared people, beaccouat the best and hlghest, and rost bappy 1n aad

cauae 1t 1s 1n thelr the rorld; rorst tryall

rben tldeed aad truth

as 1t ie thc reaet aad lorest,

of all

the bclps uato PEISICKS, so !'t ls la proof aad

tbe lese bard & troublGsone, both to ARI end NATURE,tbe nost

readSr aad, easy to be gotten and perforaed. ,. And to ehor thls (re rlll lakc ao long tanylng) ft tere llret

good to eatcr lnto uklag

tbe ray aad order rLlch aature belor kecpctb, ta I rlght aot nrn lato SOC-

the ilEfALS UITDERGROUI|D; lf I thougbt

RATESLle accueatloar

for eearcblag oyGr dceply tbc uaderground uattere: palae of the ainers spades,

but r hope r abalL aot nor by the rtghty aad nattocks,

the rey 1e rade eo p1aln before re, or elae sure as they

bcr lndeed f rould accouat thea oyor deep aad hard for ly pea to dlg 1l. 4. Sben all under8rouad bodles, rhlch the .lMBfAflS CII.LS MfNERALS, dnerale) or one

erc elther

etoaea or hard Julces, tbeee es all

(rbl.cb re Drle rlddle otber perfect

clae tbey be Hetals;

thlags bave ell

2gO Ll,b. 5.

etuffr rbovcr tbear perfect

ferth for

ead retcr, thclr roub, rllt la tbat


oDG torkla!

thc hcat of leevcu,

rs I srld

bccauee they be but dced tLlnge But for tblch place hlde that aature

rs thcy carl

tbe eerth thlngs

tcryr k1nd,

aeant to lake aost to tlnleb tbcui ehe eelf,


fong tlae

cbose e loet aot

auD ead certala dght

cyeE tbe dcad aad hard rock lt tben as hurtful tblage,

to tbe end tbe cartb all ( for le

and leaa or rather an ORATOR,

uPo! tbeu rlth very flnelyr lt

ber relght, re kaor

ae SEITECA saltb efter

vgry aevcrly, ftueaeae) ltre

hor be hruts

to rhor


lO LYE A LITTLE IN EISTORfES, thet ls the orator of the rork brneerf coafcssetb. te tbls,

be nay brla6

1t 1n Dore prcttllyr ,. pelrclug that le

Tbea tbe lenner dorararde, lt ts

of l,llaerals


tbe ratcr

softens eoftest,

and, brealce the rock,


her course etlLl rhlcb

ray rbere

to nake the croee aad crooked race, or plpee of tb.e l{laerals; thlng la order) lt

8ee of ronbsr (to take snall



but as the rater raehetb aad


the etuff plecea

ae the aext of the rock,

ebavetb off together

a^ud rhea lt

staads and gatbere tbe

Ln oae place the nlld

by contlaual

draln1ag, rblch

cleaneah and reflaeth ls

saEer untll coue ald

heat of the carth, lakee

tbe beat of heaven, togethcr lnto oae

by long


1t tblcken

ead ttor

body of laay lclads, rblcb 6. tbey call


to tbe dlffereace as I aeJr or dddle and holdlng

of the stuff ldnerals.

aad heat,

bard Julcee,

Thla rorknaa the cold

contlanlng and drougbt

oa b1e labour



COLA salthr end by llttle letal;

of tbe rock nor laycs btads lt lato 6lvcs

upoa the stuff, herd forn of a

aad ltttler

and et laet


nay thougb


the begtnalng

thc lork

to tbe

281 IJ,D. 5.


cautc) out of tbc bcert es tt e clcalr clolc,


ead bcat pmt ratcrllbr

of tbcl,


ctb out et leat body callcd cral lork,

ead hcevyl ntl ateldetb

rtrd nradu8 of thls l{lnby the Eerla


ta perfcctlon

erccpt tbere cbalce (rblcb eay coutraryr ell

chaace bappeus often)

of tbe bolllngr to be nede rltb raterlehl etrue, 7. tDelr thls

rbole ead dry breatb of tbe sanc klad, tben tbe lectlag rlth rlth tbe rar, !B-

ln the aa.aeplacc,

and uabappy lulp, cur,flcsr

LLke a reraet

E1Ik, or aeed rltb

thJ.ckene, and faehtona lnto

tbe stardlat

body of netal. (thoug!

Thls nJ-aeral breatb of ran, for his ltkenese la quallty subeta.uce do greatly dl'ffer) do uee to call the rork,

nor then BRII{STOIYE; the nlddle beat of

eecold aad eartbly

beat le cone 1lto

beavel eets the stuff forrard, these tro


etayed before to rork agal.a, and drlves 1t by coutlaual lt bolltag aad nlngIlag1 altcr


and cbaagel cleanee ead reflae after EarJr Jrearc labour,

fron degree to degree, uatll

at last,

1t cones to the top of pcrfectlou, rblcb they call

la clean-

DesB, flaeueee, cloecaess aad colour, rceB !.f tbe beat be tertlc

gold; theee deg-

aad loag-euffer"La8 (aa thcy eay) BE FIRST A![D SO |D0 OOLD, but 1t lt be strong and up

LE[D, IBElv TIN, TEIRDLI SfLVm, auddea, lt qulckly,

turne the reak rork out of the ray qulckly

and burns lt

aad aakee aou6bt but IRON, or at tbe least !.f the beat by soaeyea and eonctlnee tbe fullaese COPPER; thc courae of lature la thle rork, of tbe eartbly BRII{-

rbat better, STOI|Ealtcra

ae algo tbere le odds le ln tbe aad ead ot end rhlct

of QUICK-SILVER;but lndeed tbe cauee of all rorklng-beat

the dlftcrencer ddet

tbat ralceth ald dleposetb tbe begtanlngr accordlag to hcr etreattb

e11, thue rad tbus,

aa,d coatlluenccr

282 Llb. 5. trouDd to thle purporc, QttfCf-SILVER 1e thc rother

1r tbc rrla tbc rctela. E.

of aII

Ifor rhen tbe lork te doae, 1t lycth florlag foru, llke

yct ee 1t dl.d eII netal,

tbe rblte le

l'a a tLlck

tbe foru of a rolton bealth,

ead tbeu lt

ft.t to rekc Teleenee for love, tarra6o, for fortuac 1u l{ercbaadlle aad Tradc;

Ioa6 Ilfc, othcr

youtb, grn{ag; thlngs.

for rar ead aII

But rber tbc oraer coiea to cnJoy 1t, elr upon tt, llke ulto

brl.agtng la tbc cold breatb of tbc

Coralr and other eoft aad grorl'ag Sea-plaats, lt for tbe turn a.nd uee of nan ln llbese be the grounds

freezeth aad bardenctb of a euddea flt otbcr tblager of tbe lost end firrtbeet rbereforc tt

ras lade rnd ordalaed.

ald beat of our rea ROSfECRUCIAI|S,that 1s of nen best seel traveled la aucb rattcrs, rhere uato CARDAf, a Ean ladlffer-

eatr aad none of usr yet very learaed, agreetb Junp as ray be; but least tbeee aad llttle llgbta uay aeen to be darkaedr rlth the

brlgutnesa lete tlle

aad faue of ARISTOTLE,and bl's Scholar TEDPBRAT, and tbe hard the coatrary, and tbe aaD 6ouerDd !y Darrot rLlch

renoraed AGRICOLA,boldlat rtlffely relntalaed; auffer, I rlll

as luch a6 lD re lyetbr

bouada rl.ll

endeavor to lay the reaeone al.l dorn 1n order, tbus, aad ctal'd tbel ln the aa-!e ophloD;

loved then to tblnk

that rtse

len et least ray lay oDe reaaon r1tb aaotber, and Judge rhlch le tbe relgbteet outrerd 9. aad rortb;r to bare the beet pr1ce, rltb tbe veln regard of

sbers aad authorlttee. Elret, all Tbat the l{lneral cuanlng lllners etuff cal teII apruag out fron tbc rock shavlage you, rbo atlll by the nature and eorts (as tbere be


gr111 of tbe etone, tbougb thcre bc treatJr ae"eral

L1b. 5.

tolctlreg cth.

1n tbe rock) ere tblc

ccrtrlDlt the llgbter

to say thls lettcra,

oD thrt

velD follor-

Eut to Drss ovcr llghtty lE ts;

end nrcb ea tbey or lenetrue,

grant rs rll or rotber rhen lt lenr

tbat QIIICK-SILVER 1e tbe ncarcet rtnff that le the tblng 1n great strlfe lf re lark

of nctalat

ead questlon, tboae

lecded aot ln ly oplalon, Netloaal aort,

tbe coneent of all

1l ell

tbat put the Dele upoD ttlage, fletly to rllor otber

rhlcb rere not of

tbc ulrlscet lt

thle aaytng, rhen tbey by celllag toaguee gu1ck or Llquld Sllver, tn

tn GREHC,LATItrE, esd all plahly

aecret lea'{ag rorklca

aayr that lf

by tbc force of tbose tro rbole purgcd, lt rere notblng else

aforeeald lt

;erG atayed and better

but Sllvcrr

for ladecd AVIGEI{ead sone otber of tbe Lcarned elde, Icav-

lag out the nlddle degrces, bold tbe very flae opJ-nl'oa, rhlcb I also th1nt( true, 1f the etuff aad heats (as thcy are ln hot Countrles) be good rtll accouat thte ktnd of argruelt un-

ead laultlessr skJ.IlfuI,

but tbe dlaqulet off,

aad so cast lt

then reuoyc the cold that at last


upoD the netal aad hardened lt, but eucb aa altered lO.

and 1t r,ppears to tbe eye aothlng else


Or 1t tbe rltaeaa ol aenae be eonethee falee aad deceltfult

cater our Scbole e.nd behold tbeu by a lore kJ,r&ly aad gentle ray lead both ta cold aad heat ebldl.ngr belng a back to a true QUICK-SILVER, true rule ln Roete Cruclan P$slck rade of tbat rbereuato lt dll rcta, lot ead PLllosopbyr every tblag to be But lf all thls

l'e loeeaed and dlseolvcd. furtber

aerve, paaa a ltttle

l-nto tbe border and edge of secthe stepa of klud uaderaeath eeeds and

and you eha1l eee tbcn by follorlag

(rbJ.cb I larked out before) tbet le by aorlng the dleeolvlng

284 Llb. t.
brcetba of rotals fon of rctel I l. upo! QIIfCK-SfLVER, to curdlc for. rlgbt, ead br1a6 bcr 1a thet

rLtch they 1111 end rleb

Ifor for that eartly

BRII{S!O![E,aature doth rdre a perlect order,

end ls feln to brcdr bcr flrst rolbr & of enother rorkaan;

ead to takc tbc belp of a rhole dead creature

oyeB ao to frane a pcrfect

beeldce tbe bclp of EUGENIUS botb to faehloa aad to boll TEDODIDACTUS; 1t to perfcctlon. 12. lben as ARISIOTLE sal.thl TgE SUX AttD I{oONI{AKEA l.tAN: aad tbe

reet have tro aad rovtug cauaea, tbe heat of heaven, aad the breatb of tbe ualc eeed; so 1n tbls rork of aetals, the 6reat aad 6eneral begettlag aad lnrttcular there 1e aot oaely

breath of beavea; but also tbe prlvate fatber, that tbere lacke a llttle ehercth, by a pretty

eecd of the cartb thelr

eartb to stay QUICK-SfLVER. IRISTOtLE hlaself llke

eranple (he eal'tb) TEAT EEARTS STILL ilEEN IT IS COLD, BIOODEIOWETH rants those earthly etreane flndlnt

YEENAS OTEERS becauee lt STAIYDS, others have, to ldre lt

gror together, a atralner

aE re EaJr Bee by tryal tdcen lray!

no blood rblcb batb then rlth but run contlnually. aetal flor (rLlcb

to staad clustert

of a Even eo teke aray the EARTBand BRIHSTONE rtlI rot etaad a6a1a but tbat aotblug stands

our Art can do) aad the rater

for cver; and tbls

ls geaeral 1f re uark rellr rullag

aad leavce bie runnlng before eartbr lr. falla Yhosoevcr allors end emore, aot thls

blnda and etays hln. besldes otber

ray of aaklag aetalsr

as be eball leyer uufold tbc aature of QUICK-SILVERT end etrlvlnt egal.aat tbe etfron the flre

etrugllag rc by ARISTOTLES aad ACRICOLATS rca! about 1t, gtvlag

the cause of hls florlag

and flylag

28' tdb. t.
ulto ebundaacc of rlre tro thhge ta hlu, fer for tbeu Lla lt6ltasea eld fccdlat ee 1a rll of elry

tbe t[rc, bodtca, 14. lald

trou hle neturc roul'd re rcll ua. fortb But be tlet

ead eppear ulto

ataads uPoD DUGEIIrUS TEDDIDACTUS8roulde aad rulca h!.e otD rat, cold, ead raterf co1-

dorn Defore ra5r ceally to aakc hlu tlye rule


tLe tlre

Lt.e cneuy; aad tbl.e cyet proportlou 1l Lla, to be the cauee of

ln porer ead rqull ll.s 15. ee rater Tbe tlret

of carth end rater

le plalar

but that tlere lt seels ell

le ee luch eartb ln porer, rater) ead ao lore of tDls le

l'a QUIGT-SILVDR(albelt rnrely dagled

then of tbatr

ead put to6ether,

rppoare becauee lt

tbe onely dry rater a.ud her rater tbereofr or rater to lelt alother

1a tbe rorld;

her carth bellag but thle

oDe rrJr nakes her dry, 1s a ccrtalu 1f clther sign earth

caueetb ber to flor; by reasol ell

that rbsa re flnd ntletb lltl tlre

otber thhge,

oYer tbeur eltber and, rater;

to etaad rltb

cold aad Dardea, or elac th1e ole dry rater cal.l'cd

yet re aee plalnly yelld to neltLer;

QUICK-SILVERto etoop, ud

but to our purpoac. ror*lea 1n tbe l|lne, are

Tbe reaeoae rLJr the hcat of bcavea 1s tle raDy; but hear e fer aad br{,cfty (ae f proved abovc) ell perfect

delt.vered, 1l Le rorketb daglcd

rad da8leth let aad f,o,

bodlee, ttea tDat aball

Dar trlu frou tDl.e lebour eleor tor 1f thoee gubtlle 1ol of dl

tbe deptb eld haldaeee of tbe rock? ap1rLte,

bodlee rhJ'cb re call

ere able !-a the oplabrcaeh or elgn heaveuly frou that

rear to plerce

througb etoae ralla aubtlle


ol passagel hor lucb tore soul? But all

eld eble to do 1t1 l.e thls of lLrC-nge to f,lot,

reD 6ra^Dt tbe rorknalelulp

2E6 lJ,b. 5.
olcly clu.o rDd loultela? Tbca tcll u. bor 1t colea to peer tDrt IISB

(by tbc rttncr

SOIffD D,lmE'

ol good lutlore)

anE sot'tpTIltEs tpurD Ir lEE DDEP rxD

IEERE f,O TATER RIIItrE!!E, rey rh1cb ray do vcry !Of"DS OEI

fmO CER|IAIX ITIOXESItr 0ERl{Atrf' ArD !{ILL-STO![E RO0KSIl| mAilCE, cycD lo clorc tbt SLcy cealot bc rplcd, Dclorc tbcy bc fclt la gr{.ad1a6 ead

brcek tLcrgelvca 15. rcatr tll'e But lf

t8 OEROE .IGRICOLI rcportctb. l{llcrale at rsll ee P1eate tekc thclr 1g clcer food end nourtab-

rar tad trol rt'll l?.

la b16acaa, ell

f Lope ead vold of doubt;

I prove lercafter. Ia tbc rcal brttcry ttre let ue rta 1t e6al.n Dy proof ud tryel, the botb

rtrol6eet llke crlat;

tbet re5r bc; cold blada ald gethcra tn tLc etuff ttoes ud, ftnc to6etberl rtthout

ead urllket but retals

ely cleea1n6 or euadpur6ed bodlea.


ere ver5r lhely

tad clsaaly

lgel.a 1l cold lrolcs tt

e.nd packt up gold togetber, thlrge)

tLc forcc of beat (ea tbe but otbcr

eeo tLc proof 1l ell rh1cb 1a lot.

ehould cut tbe bhCs aad ulrakc rtrrt colour

rork rgrh, hl'e on coloum, usII ttry

To tllc,

aprtage lron cold,

rrtcrlal re tlor

e.rd certbly etrlgbtray

colour? lhrt rberc lt

1l r be {ycd rltl

Drd tbni

beel,dca cold leevee ao tbcn to onl't tbe

bchbd. 1t; grells

but Lcet ts tbc cruao of el'l rlella,

of ror atonca, ead groct revor of otDsra, rad the verlety lappcncd lt tbrt 811ver fouad et HARI-BERO SIiELT LIKE lca fcel tbe unplceaent ecat of thc plaln thclr elu

of seat 1l tnlcce

VIOLEIIS, AS AGRI@LA REPORIS; thet ell of COPPER eld otbcr len, rlen baac rctala.

Eut rrrk

tbc prectlac

tbey dcvlsc rad Judgc of a lll'ne bcIor, rerk, tlea 1f by gratlag tro stolce

tbey trkc

et lo bctter

of thc hl.ll


Llb. ,. tlcy tcel r trcll la tLclr bc ro rcteb dorn lato of Bri,utolc, concoctlol. Doceutr tlcy !o bo rhort tetr tllt tto herlrt. ot

tbc rctele rLSr tbcrc

do but cert rtth rulctr toul tlcy

tous tclvra, ualord 1n cold

but la tOCf,S eld lDt[EAItrS, tbc PI4fXl ead thct rlcrcforc

end ebut tlcr Couatrtcar Courtr{'cl,


lad tlac

gfLVlR eld 0OLD, beeldce prcctoua ltoaca ln bot f;tad tbc ceuec of tbl'g to bc ttrc dlftcrcacc elrl tbc clotracea rll, of thc plece to Lccp of plente

lad you rDell

of thc rctlal.a6 1! tbo heevclly to drer 1t fortb 18. they fcel

eld pur6la6 Lcet, bcatr ud

ead barrcDDcaa rlth spcnd 1t.

ead clptlaeea

Sole cennot coacelvc bor beet ehould cauae th!'r ratter,


lo hcet ln tbe t{lae; I r1.I1 aot tr5r to auch thet thts heat ead gcntle every tbcre, cartb, ley tbclr stlrred rrter. slt dorD eld bulld upon lt tbet ell ald tLcre cspeclelly; but b1d thcr

ts roet rlld

brtag a plece of l.llneral eLaU fecl tf thcy rtll

ead ley 1t 1n tbe opca e1r, ead they held upon lt, ao .ldl but e buralng

heatr by ttrc cold blaet of Llle 19. llbcrele elbclt te atlncd llerefore trc

up eld cauacd, .yea es tbc bcat

up rltb

te raJr .o Hfcly

rrde rltl

Leetr eld get thercby tbc!'r

bc1n6 ead pcrfcctlon, la put

the outrard

ahepc rad leet

coyar ee !'t rere of tbc lork,

on by cold. 20. ior for the atcpe rDd dc6rces of actel'a, tbcr, thrt erlae thcy ell ercept

Iron eld Copperr thougb aolc do not crccpt ud de6rece ol becklag tbc telt orlc thl.lg

fron the atepa

eld gtuff


l't eppeare 1a Lced l,tlaeer rhcrc 1e elraye eld 81lver fouad by relnrt

for the toet Dert gole Gold ead thcrcfore elbclt srltD,,

of good Autbore;

2EE Llb. t.
tbrt tLlrty factlonr 21. el'gnlilc grrpr{ n6 llbcrl, ot tourty ead thet tcrttr thlng u.c 1l trcb ctla to rhut uD tbr l{lnc r6e1D, for eld brkc tt on to putglta SECAVOIIII.

to bekc tLc Lred bcttcr,

to brvc bccn torud truc l'a hl'e tluc rnd lcllor ieturc

But rhet do lhlte oato uer but tbrt

COPPER IS louad tn the ground Dy rey of concoctloa

rae trevclllng lgela

uato tDc cad of Sllver lrtltlccri can frtcb

ead Oold.

bor cores 1t to lnes tbet plaia soEe OoId rnd Stlvcr? And out

out of cvcrt rctal

of tbcae BoDc base retala,

un-leas OoId aad Sllvet

rere the heart aad tbc uetals.

beet gert of the rholc bodyr ead of oae self 22.

aele thlug rlth

Ifey PARACELSUS evoretb that not oaly 1n tbeee, but ln l{lnee th{ nta furtber tbcrelore thelr of f te you kaorl tFo nGvcr rltbout Councel to rater tbea, aa lf gllver they tcre tbey rlll

of dacraler ead gold; ud plalts rlth

bc glvctb

oru dlel

& k5-ldly rater,

aesur{.ng ue tbat

Bror up to rlpenessr ellver 23. rbrkca, tbat tll dDc.

apd la ter tcers

proye as rlch

rs arly gold and

llhea re ae et laat

the atrengtb

of tbls


la 8rouad ul0RECIANSI bclng all

end etandlng Bure for elI tetsle

tbc battery

of thc etoutcet ead aaturcr

Lave but one QUfCK-SILVER,hlld

oae gelf

sato, dllterta6 thrt

1n dcgrcee of elcalaess

e.nd f;lncaeest

cloaeaeee and colour, degreee of boyllat ratter,

1s fron Accldenta aprd.aglag out frou tbc ls nor tlne to go to bulld up thls ud ulcleaa rettals aay be lend,ed aad Rlcbear lf aII

rtd dccoctlon:lt

eld to lbor bor theae lor Sllver

chrage lnto rctele

ead Oold, to rake tbe ray to ettaln one aaotber, nothlng, cspeclally

ere ao Dear & Ilke

aole of theu (lhlcb of cleaaetng aad

I aet dorn bcfore) rentlng

but coatlnualce

lr1b. ,. Dur61D6 by coacoctloar Dolslblc rettcrr

thca lurc


chentG ttt


ao lucb trud 1rlrt of EERI1ES

Dor to accd pcrhepa to belp tbe dlrtac lry

tlcdlctaea, 24.

but e leeacr end baacr nk{ll

acrve the tura. of atore aad flad nore aktlt

lad ae lature lf

le aot poor end aeed;, but tutl abe r11l thcn rhlcb fctcb lrol lollor

cheage, 3o reJr ck1lI

tD,e atcpe ol aeture, ray ead lesser

rays tbea onc to lettcr follorctb aor belor 25.

te tbe lorer

aeture? lc r11l

tbat rey tou eay aature take GveD TEtL lOIt SBORTLY. eo 1111 f, lletale, eraEvtt.

tbe grouad rbat 1a thet? f iILL As aature h her lork

belor uged bot rorkncn,

ple tn tlJ's plac e: aad neatloa tbe flve lceeer ald lupurer

c}( fr &
roet perfect long tlaer her lLttle



aay be aneaded aad chaaged lato the 6reater ead H r1:z. lnto O .od $ Uot thl.e canaot be doae rltbout ue retura to our rork 1n band tarry latcb ber leleure and

tte Phlloeophera PI$TARVA; ald nor let la tbe Couree of lature. ehe taketb

Aad becaulo ro calaot

to that purpose, re rlll alarerable

aad couatervall that re

hcats uLtb proportloE

and for our tluel

ray do thet l.a fourty proportloa tbat lyetb ateh

daV6r tbet lature

dotb la ao leay yeara, and thJ.s tbc odde ead epatc,

ls aot berd to be fouad, rhen re conslder betrcen tbe fouadcre flre,

and tbe geatle beat of heavea; a.nd ae that Eater above beat aad lazy breath do rell tn

tbe dllference

ol eucb r ecourlD6 pur6or, ao qulckly e^adthe dld

coasu.dn6 Stoaee ald Iroa

of a th1ckeaed QUICK-SILVER. Aad therefore trytag aad pur6lng tbe rude letal f1re, frol

ae the alners flltb

the outrard

and leavlaget aad, plerc-

boaldee a great outrard lag tDlnga to fiutbcr

to put to the llap

laDy bolle

tbc rork ol boyllagr

and eo efter

thcy bave done

tJ,b. 5. eld rrdc tbcr lrol tbc rctrl tbc larerd gleater clcer nlth ud bendaoDG, lf rc tca! re ruat to cleease tbeu furtekc tbc relc courac,

ead drouelnceal

but rltl

lorcc ead ek111, cycn eo nuch tore, eld hbred

ee 1t 1a lore herd

to pert rtay

ths larardal

uacletr'aBor then the outtard and

atraage Bcurte ead fouIDBBr Althotgb lctalar I dlal act beforc dlycrs dlffsrercoa aad lerka upon the

yct ladeed tbere ere but tro to bc couated of;

aad tbere ls ao tbe reet 1e all uader

odde betleen tben, ald GOLD, but la cloeeleae aad colour; cleaaness, fheuees, and stsdfastDeas ln the flre, follor

cloeeneee, lor e thlng 1s cloae, rbea ruch thl'ag le packt up together 1a I Dettot forer aleol rlooD rhl.cb ceuot be ercept tbe atuff be clcen aad flne bcaad stedfast

eld rbeu thie ls eo prct up, 1t nuet aeeds be rctghty beavy lor tbe lucb atuffs but etedfast

tor tro causee; botb for to pterce ead dlvlde nor yet aty 6DoE6

that tbere 1e neltber the etuff,

Entraace left

for tbe tlre

(aad by dl.vtalon al]

th1a6e are epolled) renaJ.d4

end 6reaey etutf cleal rblch rl'ddle at f,lret,

tbe lood of f1re, & l'f lt

QUfCK-SfLVERae I eald ras

r!'tb a flne brlaatoae you etay & feetca lt, 1t etralght ray (f rcan rltbout curdll'ag aay breath

1e oftea b

Lot couatr{.es)

atepe) prove 811ver ud

thea Gold: but l'f tbat

be foul aad greaey (ee tt toul retala tlrstl

1e rost

lato coaaonly) Lt turae QUICK-SILVER tany e longcr ea that lelaurc loul to be aad,e

end tbc rork luet tlrt 1e uat1l

clcan eld perfect,

aucb tlrel


be clcaa purged out ea lt

ls onely 1l, GOLD. eld Art by l.lltetl'on lrJr Inrt

?;6. fhat f,eture dotb l'n duc tlne, eld drlve eralr eIl the tl.lthy

Rcnaet, tble le e s16! becauac 1t 1a ao

tl,D. 5. pert r .dt!

of tbc thllG;;

Lor 1a tlet

provcd ell of tbc thla6i

tbc flltDy bor lt tlet


f-hta lr tbet

bcceutc 1t 1r Do tnrt lecd tbet

Drrovcd? lor

1t tb,c rele 1t rcltr Cerpeaterr lt ler phll

Dcgctar rehcer ead ell, outrard tbc rork rover,

eld lought bc6cts rLtch le l1ke tbc thrt thls la to, rtuff

but 1a radc by e straagc ud or otbcr rorkrea torerda

he rrkctb,

by the relo cycs (ttat

recd of rlgbte,


ta not tLe retcrt rl

Bcr rltl,

1a but I rbell,

glvcn lor

tLc aefe L,ccplat) but ra tbc belp of

unaec! Lot breath of thclr tbe rbellr raly rlgbte

bodlce, tbereby aloue rlthout

bcgct tbclr

llatcs rt.tb IOU!6' a'a re aey rced ln rbat rakes lt ro pleJ'nl AS lEE BARREII

IRISTOTLE aad otbcr Eecs rEIcB luru

6ood Autlora;




of,EtY ax ouIgARDQurcKilIrc cAItsEFRor.t rEE !r,aLE?

lfbea bor ahall re pur6e out tLts cloee rad rell rlthout toul aad greasle rorklea, to of ea5r lctal colourcd? f,ature rould beve eay othcr help; but re luet

lahc tbe rork

doae th1s 1l by concoctlolr hast to ebortea the t1le Dsaa, eld tlc rbcll, tlc lcrt otbcr llt

for uee, tro dev1'aea, onc to brced closetlc tlrat Iet l.e e f,aturc etl.ll bc

to brln6 oa good colour; culalng,

l's e iytas

for tbc flret,

our grdde ead lcader. 28. As ehe 1l ell her eealc cbaagca, uaetb to coneule ead rize Ilkc .o re, out

tbc ree}'cr rl'tb rure all ead flncl rl'tb

tbe atroE6er;

1f rc rean to dcvour e.ud conthet rben dl tc rust te clean

tLe grcaatc & grosa rtutf tle rctal l1ke; rry rlat

of the retelr

drar 1t up close togctbcr;

cncouater 1t ln

a etroag

rae thc ERIIIIiTOIIE oD eay otbcr you? DC.df lot tell



rad of rbt

atock thl'lk

you lt

rprun6 out

292 Ll,b. 5.
of e coltulcd YrDout? llcn tlrc elltlag retcr rct tbcl bcep of ddAlc ht ur tdre rllenla, lld rrf I lllntrel rld broetb ead 1a r ttroa6 ead tbc

thc foul

eld therp rlncrel'rr rrrc

uDo! thc rctelc,

ead tbcy abalt

by tcarclllg drl.Dk up tlI

rouad eboutr qulckry rlke droea of tbc lctall

drer to then, cat ud ead lceve tbc rcrt lorc ebout lt;

rhlcb 1r ualtkc clcel do rc not rec bor I loul ead t[1-

eld ultoucLci; Soep a fllthy tby clotthr

f recd eot etend uy atrong thlag la brttlc,

ead rttb fayl

tahcs 1t cloan ead rpotlcse? tlerce blut ead foul dnerel, lcarch

to coae acarer, bor dotb

lIlTII.pllT tbat golA to clcelee tule hla llke

rbere be 1e aet on rork rltb tbe letal, teke eld conleevlng rell, thc rset

ead rua ovgr ell


erd thc etreagc ead ruclcea perte, to be rhort, ray, lf you lrrk

re uallko flnd lt

rad uaneet for !1r; the pleln

you abell

ready end kladly th1ag. thla Drrt

not only 1a all

purg1D66, but

ln evcry latural 4. llner rather Thea lct retgbty !ore;

60 btrrr ead ettb nor tbe rctal

ts as cleaa, ra Sllrer, or

ega!'o ea QUfCB-SfLIIERr or cloae & etedfaet let ue trkc tbe lert 1n poht lt

he.ld, rad br{.ag oD tbe colour tuat bave tbe falracee rad

of GoId, tLls leetl'ngnese 1O.

standetb upoE tro potatel

ol Oold. to {ye tbe netal ell over, rlth

But bear 1c al.I tbe cuul'ng, colour; to thls

en cverleetln6 tle rball retal, rld

purposcr l't bed lccd to be able to plerce tbet flrat le aot trerd a6a1ar But hor belorc rG ley tbe colourt ro fest enbrace, cleaaaed ead

to ebtde at flrc;

tbl'a be done? Pcrbepe re aecd not rtr{.vc eteadfaat aad Dladlag; but llke

to rake lt

ae Oold rJ'll,

ead hold Ll's flylng,

rake qulck-sllycr,

1f sbe be e llttlc

29' L'.D. 5.
ndc tLt to Dccltc htrr tbat no flrc rctel rbrll rball dcpert tLcr; ro the clorcbut

Dcla of tble .upDoao tt

onc ltcdfest

dcacnd lad .ryc

tbc colour;

t111 Dotr yct tt

fron rad Coppcr, DrJr, thc rlddlc


ley bc bouad eld uade abldlag 1n tbe tlre thcn tbclr 11. Iean coloure reJr be etald Uhrt ta rcnalllat, lf

(ea our !!rr hold ead teach) rbo.

ead rrde ttcdftat

you bc not yct coatent 6o to ecbool end aplrlte, er thcy call thcu, CARDAI{ rho yet allors

to faetca ead atay fly1a6

denlee lt tb,1e retter rlth

poealble to rehe eE open retal,

cloae ead atedfaetl

caele, aad eltb te are berer errd he ro ready, Iet ue talk I rarvll ruch at Lln, the cblel l lal of dl go rell lcarned (but

hJ.n a llttle.

lndeed aot gklllcd bc had epoken rell one etuff, to dlffer

1u tbe Artr tbat althoug! alI uctals to be uade of

r great rhl.le,

rad ellorcd

aad to trevel

by one ray of concoctlon unto oae end, GOLD:ald

by oae accldent only aad cbance ol tboee dcgrees of bolIlug, that all the foul netals ray be turned one lnto Gold; becauee 1t ls nothlng elee but rantin6 aought but coLour

and tbereby yellded

e.uotber, aad Sllver-Ilke laperfect rblcb

rlee lato

Gold, an,d tbc roraer

part tbereof,

eaa!.e aad and a lltt1e

cloeenees, rbJ-ch by purglng out the greasl,e yet for all tbl.e, be denye tt poeelble

food of tlre

nay be 61ven hla;

to cblpte ery of tLe lorer

netala l-lto cltber

SOL or LttIfAr because of

belag burnt tbey caanot our auddcn beat (ee I aald) of I{ARSead YENUS be brougbt to tbelr aor etedfaet 12. old llercurlal clearness, lor yet be lade abldlng

la tbe flre.

|[hle hc rould Deyer have sal.d 1f be hed bcen brou6bt up 1n thls he sbould bave aeeB us eaelly lead tbe netals

our trade of Leardag,

29ll L1b. J. beck frol for, tlcDcc tbcy ell tbrt cerc, rll tld tben, Dy rcene eforceeld atey theu;

bc 6raata Ltreclf

tbc cruae of uacloseao3s, uaetcdfeatle tbat our fetty Bnlaetoae, aad that 1t

Dc86 ead raetlng ray be clcalacd lot

tu the flre, out of Sllver; trot rt

rby aot out of the reet aleo? 1111 they fLrat, but by llttlc ead llttle t!,ey rtlt,

ablde tLe rtolcnce?

aa gcatle ud relr

rlge rcn haor hor to uee tben, tbcre ere othere eleo as tbet deuy tLls ert of cheaglng; lf rbo throu6h lgnorrnce

ee ber ERAsrus tad such Ilke,

f tbougbt tboee rea needed aay labour of reproof,

of the polats they baadlet blunder rnd rueb !'n tbc dark, croo6, aad reprov tbeuselvesr aII pltty ebout ln such aort as they EeeD rather aad to call to nove forth

to tbe etaadere byr tbea to lake e cballeage, Then sucb nen f rltl plaln

ea adversatlr vler of certaln

erhort to be better

advlsed, by the

exaaplee rhlcb f rlU oyer srlft lt

lay dova before then, and and fore runnJ-ag Jud,genents, eelf, ln tbat thtch ebal,l apotlers of

thereby rltb ultll

tbear to atay tbelr

tbey coDe to tbe trlel ae that rorklea tbe foul rctal

aad battle klor

foIlor-LELD, h,le fel.lorer hlr lefc,

ls oae of the greateat

ln tbe rorld,

arye thca frou the rage of a Teat, end be 1a couated cssatBo A fer Jrears eto

upon a ehell

of Aaheer rbJ'ch tbey call cnougb e8alnst ell

8urel aad stedfaet

rbcn f ras la EGYI{[, ebout APRIL one thoueaad elx buldred rDd ftfty, IRAI|SrI^AXUSe Learned ran of ALEXIIfDRIA told rl5'cb f klor rc of l re! et CEAFFAIOVIA,

aot hor ao anaolnted ead arred hlueelf, to raeh tbsn 1n aoltcn

I reaa h1e face Leld. to the

ead bande, as be could suffer ,5. Alotber tl're

I rae 1l ARIBIA, end fror

thcnce ealled



29, Llb. 5. EIIPERAIEST la tDo ycer onc thousud rlr Lundrcd tlty elrd tro; ebout th1a6r, of a

il f I tot EDllEl OBDETOE tad tbc AIfIDES raoaget reay roadcrfirl tblr f sltr mc rbo duret oppose hlc lrked Dody to thc vlolclce naturally

BItLLEf,abot fror e llUSl(EI; ud tLlr by e cberlo

blg flceh ree hardsned

fW uy lot tbea by tbc aalc ereuple e tougbcr ud berder all forcc end vloleDcc.

l{ctel be rorc ceally erred rad fcaccd tgallat 54.

Il ry ORfEffAL TRAVELS, tou rry rctd of thc cvcata la urture

ald agala to be experlcnccd by ty eclf; of lrture caelly pcrforncd, lay you aball eee

crpcrlcaccdr lore

ronderc Dy tLe rk{l}



l's bccauac tbe ertpcan eld deadly ferde do eave tbo dddle thelr delgbtr faet. ,r. urrlpe Io drar Darr utto GoLJ)r flt you; 1t la vcry rell klora lorklng. fa lt tben r roader, by

1f IROI| or COPPER be by aoDe pretty tlre, aad tedc au'.o ead gted-

or tlndly


defended froa eII

tbat baee ard

oaly tor loleanea

rbea 1t 1e, lee rJr ROSIE ORUCIAI{ aa lt rere l rta.D betrecn rucb eraJr tn tllc degreca of blndtben Ls

II|FILLIBLE IEOUATA, llb. SILVER ud GOLD, rentlag trtrl,

| . la tbc Prclecc; colour

ald cloacaeBa, raetlag

of proof ud lltr tlcre

rry by aorG of tbe lceser aad lorer

bc rcf;lned rnd lrde ea 6ood ee tbc beet gold !'a tbc rorld; eay lct 1l rcaeon, r\y tbe rcet, eapeclelly Sllvcr,

Dy etroag

erd rorc loD.


rceaa rey aot bc Dould ud

colourcd ead rcach perfect-

IJ.b. !. bcfotc ol tlc tle tnrtb to prcvclt pleccr; ead



f trrvcl



1e tlmt

lcc.rrlry la otlcr

tbc dclueloas lct you Lror

llouatcbedcs ol lOtfDOIf, ud tbet you be rot

dccetvcd by tbotc tlcdl'ctace

tbet prctead

to beve lURUlt POIAELE, eld tLoee rxperlcarcd 3Lt rer r3 Jrou ut

llrdara BEATA teubook Hcdtllt-

Eco ln the Prcfecc eeil Clrp.

t2. of ry ttret

of tbc EIRHOIWOF IEE ilORLD. f,oae Drtb tbccc tnre Phl.loeophl'cel 1c1aer, (but EU0EilfUS IEEI)DIDACTUS, end Doctor CULPEPPERS rldor) by the rtudlcs

lacd to be ettal'aed od o! le; ftt.r truth

rbo leanof onq Dr. f,ICE. CIIIPEPPER frlead, but rot a llaeter


to tbc Goldea erpcr{.clced l{ed1c1nG6, But to uadecelve Jrou, tbe PoetDoctora eld pretcliera crr, ead. la stead of Potable 0old, eld tlacture thc PAI|AREAE

PAIITARYA rhl.cb 1s tDe qulntesaeDce 6lven to rea ea llpurc cvtl that lollore

of Oold, etc. have the dlffcreace be glven end

CaIx of Gold, aot conelderlag 61d

rpoD lt:

Celclacd or pordered, 1f lt

to lcar

ta 6athcred l'ato one hup lt

tn tbe atonach, end doce no good to ead htadere tbc concoctead et lclgtb ITAI,I rhlcb dcetb lt for

the petlcnt, lon, relf; bcelth

gnl'lds thc borele ead storacb, elcklrcoaGaa follor, bcreof lnto

rbcace reDy end vrrlous I rcrc

6o1ng et the fldehl.nt Teke ao Hctalllac rade volatllc, potablc

f lcft

aeke, ctc. be flret to prclnre

Arcaaun or lledl'clae lnto

lrour bodlt Tbe be

ualese lt bcglulng tfterrarde

ead 1t be reduced lato

ao rctal.

Oold 1a tbls; ol ltael

!o laJr aucb e volatlle


ln rp1r1t

tbat botb ray racead togcthcr

eld be rade volatllc elro lt prcpalc poteblc

laeeparable, Lltlll, rl.tbout

rad rB you prparc Coldr 80 !.Jr lrou

l,tERCURl,VEilUS, lrlARSr JIIPfTER, rad SATURf,; practlee aad e teacbcr. But to retura to

le bard to lcarn

29? tl,b. 5. lld to coacludc lf of neturc, tc rry rblch by trectBg ud dlll6catly tura ud pcrplrat

our puslnac,

.r[DE thc footstoD! of rlgbt lry lato

tbc trcrdctb 1lto e rctrlr


a ltoDe,

rnd rlaerala

ead Lcrd 1lto Tla, rl.tb ao great elcbaage,

Lcad lato

Copper (es I rlII

prove bcreafter)

rad cacreaee of ccnter ead cloecneaa; then tell ln proportlol, cltber, 17. Lcad, or rather Copper ray lot Cold.

rc rby by rceae lltted bc turned lato Sllverr or

of tbeee cepcclally lherefore

811vcr lato

to nrke up all

PARACELSUS reporte Sllver,

for certalnr rld thl'e lato

tbet Gold

la CORIMEIA tbey couoaly

tura Coppcr tato

J.E EIII|GAII, tbou6b be lanea not the rsrls rn6a1 yet lc ney castly dora before, that la,

rbereby tbey rede thoee crcb-

Judge tboae ralra, of blnd1nt a.ud co1our1,n6 aet reya tbca EERI.IES llEDICflfE, aad yet rufflctbat realtb eplnhtedr aa te Day


!'eat to serve our turn, see by tuees of thclr aad, foolleh, of the rcturn

and to ralee connor practleer

rhlch elee tere cnptyr velnt nlnerale ln reepect

ae eleo by tbe l16bt ead gala of gold. let

chaa6e of dddle

ADd 1f tbe pralae of an cncn]t be 115Dt1y

true and uacorrupt,

a dcayer of tbe Art of EERIIES ue beer rbet POEIDUS that Qlrlckellvr lay by dlvers end oa Dey (rlLcb

confeeaeth upon bl.s ora crperlences;

talra bound aad coloured aad nrde perfect rhen 1t ls rttb Bilnstoae

Gold ead Sllver;

bnrnt aad nade CIIABER votJr talafully and firtLer that

th1n6 iloamrEg CERISIPUS forud true)

1n hle due tlue d'11 be

rlthla by tbe groeh of BRIHSTOf,E eld place I{ERCIIRY tuned lnto perlect LllNA. I dght preaa tou rttb

one lonth torc

ee 6ood proofa

ald tr{.al reat

of aen of credlt, let

but hcre la enou6br f eay to stay yout Judge-

for e rhl'lel

ua 6o forrard.

L1b. '.

Cbrptcr XIX.

Ibe tro guarde of aafcty, to tbe Soul aud Body, dtb t!,e crpcrleaccd

lledou, otler

ead Vlrtue, roaderful tru_

end pubttshcd by good lutbor!.ty.



end 4lll6eDceo ead soul.

2. of the dLffereace of saptcace aad prudeace. 4. Eartbry Jud6ee. 5. of the tervaats of

1- of the dad

soure aad eplrlte. tn recelvtag tle ehapee.

6. ileeeeatrs of ep1r1te. 8. t{otlou of the eplrlta tbe eoul, ead elI ll.

?. The porer of splrlts a^udleubers. 9. Tbat

AEtber carrleth

hle bcals doya lnto

the body.

lo. Thc crccrrcncy of lan. eld bot CouDtrlea. put oa uaaly latule.

Tbe aature of ater ead lrouth 1n cord lA. Of Stare end propbets. lr. lbat e beast nay 14. of a llole. 15. Of the degree6 of lfature. l?. to lcnd laa la al'ne or ten off_ 19. Of dlaeases aad Leprosle. bodles aad tbe l,llrture. 24. Of tbe rttl rad food. zg. The !O. Tbe

16. Of tbe cauee and cure of K1ad. eprlngs. 20. llt 18. The aature of parsata. rad radDce6.

21. The cause of fooluh

22. Tbe ctuae of flrtue. eld of nan ead etars. 26. of tle

21. The ceuee of leDlerso

zr. of the place of the sua, alr, z?. pepper turaed lnto rvy.

Polee of tbe rorld. 4.

Gauae of dlateEper'a. caua of lladaese. bcart end llver.

The cauee of aonstroue childrea.

11. The cruac of toy or fear.

92. Eor to teaper the etc.

33. Ot tbat proceedeth trou the heart ead l1ver,

299 LlD. 5. lou Drvr !cc! plcaaurc, ud uc Dor brDlrtDcss, kaorlcd6c, dlrlntcbcd, tad leaaa, loag 111c, bceltb, youtb,

rnd re hrvc aot ruch e 6oodly qulrc ot to UISD0H rad WtfUE, tbet 1e to perfcct to brL4

belper tletrutcata,

EEILIE ead EAPPIIESS; rhat ta reatllgj ell lcn unto ltr nnlcre

but 1111 ead dlllgeace,

therc be aoac ee tbere be reay, bevtng tbclr dlffercace

eo lude arrd

fond by blrth !o fer frol

ead aeture, tLclr

defeccd, and bcta6 tbet attlougb ead lndeav- eetranged uato tho kl'nd of bcaeta, !o Dor 6ood rlll

they leek not tbeee helpe aad furnlturee, our to set thea torrardr thon to rl.t |[ben lct rad, goodnese. yct ell rlII

not aerve to aead then and brlng

ue seek tLc SALVESfor th,eee tro e rhole and pcrfect

SORES, ]Lkcrtee


re us,

ray rake 1t at laat

pleasure ead bapplDcas; Iet

I aayr bead our eelvee to sher tLe reans, BOUALL FOIIL AltD VITIOUS PERSOilS I,TAY BE CURED AIYDBROUGBT fO EEALTEOF MIIID (;EICE IS fIf iESS) !o cure caa bc aklllfully hlora eld rcloved; perforrcd, rtthout AilD OOOD

thc cauae to be tlrst GoD' rhcn

the cauee of IfSDOI{ eld VfFfUE, aad eo of tbelr I opcncd bcrctofore


(3or ole of tbeso do bcrray erotbcr)

I brou6bt l.ato tLc bould rad bouechold of rlee tbat tro otber proDertlce tbat 1a clcerreae

reD ot Roale Cruclals, of body,

eld tclperrtDcaa

but bcceueo tG brve lo auch bouada ud 6lven rad 6reatcd, aelyeer to ley dl tht tboae tro uc ead 1t bebover tf tbe fouadatloa;


eg tbe .ca6urea have ely thJ'ng our 1n lard egala,

rc lsan to bnlld let

ua take tbc latter

tbe very cluaGa eld rakere of tDl.a beeltb ol dad, end VfFIUE, and tbea teacb tDe rey to epply the rea-

that le of flSmll c(Y.

Llb. 5. 2. llo begla rltb Il0) eld tbcrcll IISDOI{ ( tor tbrt IITUI.EDGE brd e bctng bcforc eubtttltlcg DO-

to lrt

lnca el1 thc ldtc

eDout the dtffcrfor oace e.nd tbe

fDce bctrcca urc lt rot)

(lf SAPfEICE rad PRIIDEIICE te oac ol thcn to be !cc!

I rey ro tcrn lt

la 6caeral ead cvorleetlag,

otbcr ln pertlculer torc bottcr

rad cbrrGcable tbl.lga, to go to8ctbcr

rad bccauec thcy ou6bt Gyer (cvon ra oua hgltab tol6ue

(ra f rbcred et flret) thcn olthcr

Grcck or ht1lr I tfLL

betb llahcd

ead ebut thcn up botb

ln oae rord, togetbcr) TEAI fS' 1n ell IIT

llKE TBE COt0{OltAfD mUE rcUlIDS 0F tISDOt{;

AfD KtrOILEDOE OF DIVII{E Af,D EIII,IAIIETEIIGS; tbcse coatalnllg tad bodlcer ead effalre lt of prLvtte to brhg lca, fedltea end Coa-


rolreelthsr urdcretaai

r1l1 bc very berd hdeed tbcee lettere; but lot

the FRENCE foole to re have peeecd great


us ltrrcb,

daagere, ctc. 5. frd lf 1a tLts dlacourae of tbe rild (aa rell ae 1n tbe forucr

of tbe aou1, rad aore otbcr) rake thcu abilde the Druatr bletreless eld ellored rlgbt bc tbe bcttcr

I CALL III AcAfil TEE BEST PBIITSOPEERS, ead f bope you 1111 not !e ln e coutae cycr of auch retght, botb tbat tbe trutb

ln rattcrs

Dolted out, rad tbe na

rarded rtth

e chera rtal'ast

tbe abot of cnvy, 4. l[Dcrcforc lctthg prga theec EARIELY JUDGESea ARESTOXEilIS DfDtbe rlnd ri eD carthly tbln6r

IRCEUS, PLff,I rad OAIJ.Df,ESIS, rho ntlnt do Jud6e 1t to dyc erd to bc cleel other rror6 IlfS Il.fe (rberc of eIl oplrloae lt rltb

rarcd out rltb

tbe Dody, aad ell

tbc renc rlad;

old PEIIOSOPETend ROSIE CRUCtlet re tbc eoul e^ud tbe odde eprlaga

1r bcat edvlged) bold end teech, 1s rll onc rltb 1t eclf,

tllage all

t0l IJ.b. l.
lror ttrc dlrrt! rllr of tLc bodlml ro tbc dl'rtnc ead lrrcrtel dld

Dropcr uto Ittcr r! lrto ud

rad IBfDR h

OF ffSDOH ftD YInnUE, to bo rlrc ell polatr, 1a ell lcDl

tad e I[Lc-

oac eld thc auo

ee OODROtl lB0ll

CAI{E; IS OfE ffD [ISE) erd to dlffer ruldry pleccsr

rbca 1t le dlrC.dcd, rad tcnt

EUEI AS l{Af,l RfVERS PfSSffG IEROUOE llAtT OROUI|DS, EVERI Of,E TIXE A SOTDRIrAIf,T, tlret llke thcy ell rpruDt urkc

Otr gttXDAr QUALITIES D0 LIO$LI ud returs fror thc 6rould,

tbonSh tt fltly

rad florcd

tron one touatala kl'ade of l16btr recelvc l16bt, tlenr la of lt

or Leedr or rore la the rorld,

ee tberc are haulcrable


to the reate ead bouees tbat rccelve ea the le the

lbca tbe l:lght relf rll

of thc Sua lron rbence they ell 1n ell placee. thcl

ono ead thc .r! I be etltl

8ua (thbk L!6btaorert

eot rucb tf

drlvca to l'lkea, th1lgsl

bectuae lt

ray of dellverlag

dlrtae thlngs


Jrou 8c le plua6ed;

lor es tbe eye cea bcbold all 1t cealot ro tbe rlnd eo rell

but bcr aelf f1t to rprcocat

rad tbc Sua, end tboee tbc fl'gurc, dlrlne cyon

aee but 1a enother thlag

ca.olot uaderetaad hcr eelf, ead coqlarlsloa)

nor yct othcr

retters, cver

ee la a llke

es the 8ua, f ray, of hlleelf rlth

ehl.aetb, rad eccth ell or aole othcr laII thlck

th1n6e, 1f hl'e bcala be aot rtopt creD aor the dad tlole,

e cloud


ead beforc abc kaoletb all

|'ato tbe cloud of tbe body, le eyer buad.c ud ee uato ro dlrLac e tlJ'ag bclorgetb, rlnacrr



but lor

sbe 1s eo lntuglcd a.ud nrver recketh

eld darkcacd ltl thle eLL tb1ats ). tea lought

ebe 1a aouetluca ldlc,

et e11, rlthout

thc leavc ead bclp of the bodJ. tbc rry aot bcr aelf

Tblg courae tlcrefore

ahe nor ta.ketbr altb

etcp fortb

rnd rante abroad, to aee thlagal

ebe cteyce rad takee tbe

Llb. lclp fl'rrt l. of thc rour eld Llr rhc uact! rcrvutr, rptr{,tr rhrch tbry tbrt r1t cell brera ol qflltte;

tbc ortrerd

1l tbc rd3c eld Dordcr of of thclr tht hrtnucntr, tbc

tbc body for rcaecttcra perte rlcre of tllngrr .l!c tld{nta

to recclve

(bl lclla

they lodgc) eld brlng tD ttdl'nga, rnd, tbca thc lnrerd cld rcprcecat tlcn, bce^l rlttlng

1e ahcra rad ebepcs tekcg tbc bcfore hcr, tbtt dd)

1a tbc bnll,

ea 1t rerc 1n e tlrae;

rbc lay ceat hrr ll8ht


tbey cell

tbc ruffer'!.ag or rccclvaat vlte

uPo! tben ead eCc then to aklp oyer the haora t!'nc; lnrard re Dave (not unfltly) several tle Ict conpared r1th Elret glese, tre divl.d,ed lnto


auadry end

eeate ead. offlGoso of thc brala,

oae aort cdlcd,

tbougbt tabebttlng tLe abepeal


takee, horda, ead rcpresents

1! at tbe rludore

of tbe tlne outrard

aDaes; thca eeother err rhlcb

re call

reaeubrencc, heep the hlader garte of tbe head,, recelvctb.etlll ead layetb tbeu up ta tt rere ln a etorocelled

thoee abapes tn 3reat pleaty, houeer ulttl tlrat

tbe thJ'rd, coupen5r of tbe aouls rad eplrlts la the dddte of tbe brala

colroD BsDser ald rtttlag calleth lorcr tle fof

(ts becores a Jurlge)

thcn to crarJ'ac then ead detenlne

of theu (thougb thle ead thcn et laat to-

Judge heareth preeeat rettera grcat chlcf Juetlce callcd

1a thought rlso)


by 1ey1a6 tbe thlngs But rhtcb ls the

8otber ead 8atbertng eeat ol tbe cLtcf t tekc lt pettern

oue of eaotber,

Judgctb ell.

Judter that 1ar tbe queetlon rrlont tbe lcarnsd: 1f thcy ell graat thrt


to be ao qucatloar of her flre

thc aoul, by the tn the hcart, rad equally ea equll

tbc Sua la tbe great rorld,


tbe lldCle to tll

of the body; that by caatlng ebe rl.gbt 61vc l1fe

ber beals all equally

tbout, to dl,


aad llgbt

Llb. t. dlrteat trol r11: ead ln tlc to tovc othcre rldet of tbc tcet, prrt es tlc oaly tovetblc

urd tbcrcforc turc tror


tbe oaly llt kcrael,

of tbo Dorly; for tbca of thc othcr tberc tl-

tbe rlad

bclng ta tbc lnrerd

es Plll\O .rld

thc soul eld tbe eplrlt,

ruat lecde reat rnd bc rootcd


Scctag tbc llad lnrard rlta


ead klorcth


but by ncene of tbc

eoul & lls outrard rltbout

ead eptr{.te, tbe ttvs rlte

not tbcee but by tbe trcrp of the or DelaeDgera, aor aeltber of botb,

oDear callcd

the parts rbere tbey lodge eod rest;

rad cyea ee tbe parts of thc

body etaad effected

ead dlapoeed, eo dotb thc rlad nadcrstaDd. partlcularly to tbe ratter, ald aee rbat Go1-

Let us go dora lore dltloa


or dlep,oeltlon

of the Dody be1pe, or Lladere thc rork of undcr-

?. dellvered



the rlts

aad leaaeDtors have tbue rccelved glaee vltbl'a the braln,

aad tLte

uP tle


to tbe threefold

by attrrlnt tbe dad, ttet

atrd nrulng

up aad doru, preecnts ead uuetere then before ber l16bt gatber ead vl'cr Judgeth aad deter.tlaetb, tro thlags ncedfirl to rlsdou splrlts, aad

ead she by caatlng eld qulckly flret

le ralr caslly

good understaadlas; eble to recelve clcar flcal aplr{ta

eucb a glaas,

or euch tarard tbat le,

aE lre

eld bold leay ahapce hpr{.ated

verJr cleaa aad or of aa ertl-

by tbe eralplc

of ra cye tbat kLndly glaea, r11 rbtch r1ll

oEer or of a garneat, tekc ead eberr 1a that lhereae rben

GtEGl cvotJr llttle tbcy ere darkl

ap,ot shePe ead taebloa aet upoD ther;

four ead uaeven, tbcy can tehc nothlag,

aor yet reprog-

cat thenr 1l thcy Dad theu.

tol] tl,D. l.
Etcoadlyr lllrrc qflrttr hd nrada8 rcci bo qulcl, eld ltycly, fro, to mprctcat tbrt 1r llolc,

to ba eblc by t'Dc1r dlt tt.r 1r! ell rlncor eld rerlly;

to ud

rad rbor ley-

for thc rlad

dotb ell

by rrtcbl'ng

tbrr6a 6. fbrt

to6etDcr. Lcrt 1a thc erule of quJ'ckacrg eld rtlrrtng rtcr rouad elcrpl e4y [gbt repcclally of tbs eplrlte,


la dckacalr

1l t6c end ad.ckacea, But Lor 1a elecp? tucn

roDc clcerlt

thca rcrls

of la ctthcr

thc beat of tbe rplrlte lulce

acrvlag rlt,

loedcn rtth lebourl

tbe clo6g1ag areat,

eld breatbs of tLc etorrch, bsboldrnt, (for

or epcat rlth

or rltb

ald atlrr lcnt

rcat tbetee bcat, ee r cycr Eald) or clae follor-lclveltar tbc eplr{.te of llfe, aad qulet, for tbc al'd

for e tllct

urto hlr

diSeatloa outrerd It

eekc; tlcn

tbe aplrlte aelgee, tt't

of the brala bc etlll ead naderetandhg all

eld lnrard (to ortt cloggllt

ceaee et oDc: But rucb, lor of are Bor

the rctt

3he crpelcs of Leat) ree relther hlnd, ead eo letther breethln8

beaw ud

out leedlng

atuff, begla

rcedl,ag forctgr to tehc thct'r bolorc tLlr6e rccoytr tlc b rl'f

Lclp to dl6cat 1t, ora erd rrturel rlcrcbt e6rlr

tbca our DeDcclv!'ng aplrlta uto thcl,

rnd to rovc e llttle


rbc bc loldetb rhlcb l't cellcd

eore old ahrpee ead ghcre of drcer1l6, ht t'a clrG tbey

tDcl'r lnerl'lg, thrt Lcat,

thcy bcgtl'r


r Daco, rulnJ'n6 to tbe to tbe rlad, rhl.cb

outel,de of tLc bo4l rben rbc pcrcclvctb,

ead brl,a6tlg l'e crllcd

bach ncr tydlngs la clcar et le:t la rc rcc, to rlt a cleer If aa l^n

|!lcn tbc cauce of rledol eri ctlmlrg glarar

ead of folly eIl

rhca tbc srle 1g toul ead atlll. or rll11n6 tolly;

tbc 61eea be toubd

over, l.t ceuactb leturel

t l,b. t. loobt cllldrclr or druhudr; el 1t tct. to tlc tltl rlad, but 11 1t bc bot borc eld tbmc dr* atrokre ud llac! bcrrcrrs

rd, rrd drerr tbo rbpcs tlms 9. rlcn

of toul buroura, 1l e broken udaeea. ald alor,


oy.D ee tDc tonr eld lt l'nrerd

rDpcrt! ukctb

to tbc cye by Lelfs bt bor cotc tlc ol tlcl clcer, tbovcl

eld coafirecdly, rplr{,tr of tLlr

gleaa to loul

tbcy trt

eclvoe (er bccorctb tle qulck eld llvcly? rDcn t[cae

bcera ol e hreveal,y roul)

both vcry olcur clcer ead foul

But rc aecd erJr Do toDG, but ratc lt or rarr tbc lholc

tro qnrlltles bc crcar,

rork of pcrcclrrllg; ln tbolr lt on nature,

for !.f tbe aplrlts

l'a I ettn tbey erc but lf tbcy be toul,

eld ao rLolc & qrrlck dthll, rbolc coadl.tloa eld property elao, relthcr

1g r tokca tlclr rt1llrcee

1r l'oat eld goac, end 1a tbet lEtbcrlal cerrletb tbc aoul tbove) bctrccn

rc tbat tbr'6

1a core uDon tbcl

rDlcb 1e celled Dcere don

by tbe aele of e ep1r1.t, ttrtt 1l tbg bo(y ud (for

eld aLI lle tlcrr tll.llr, clcear

breekctb (ee I lrld uc lot

foul or et1ll

ol 1t eelf;


lE loDG leecbea Uut vcrJr flae,

rede of but recd dtb eld llvclyr tDrt

tbe breetbs of our reat) of lEtlcr;

ea eLL rcn treat ell tle crulc

bor tbca? l{uat 1t not ca8ol rprlngctb lltrabltc?

lcede tol.lor frol

of lr11 rad raat ta tbla rbcrc

tbe bodyr end frol lO. If


pert calnclr,lly,

tbe rtte

tbc reked rce.oD brou6bt la by TEEODIDACfIIS above 1111 not thl'c rrtterl lct us lced bln forth 6reatcet, clrd roat rltb proof ot

setvc to contcnt oJroa, ltght rost rlg[te bcforcr nt|'af$lt !-a rlter

eld crperleaccr

thc plrl'anat, lf

t1111a6 ead otber

roeaoa tn tbc rorld;

rea elonc doth Drss ell

for Dl'e Acry ead Elcry tcrpcr

rbovc tLcu, la ro bcerd 1t rust neede

tlcn 1l orc un

6octb bcfore eaotber tn rlt,

Llb. t.
lollorr ilca lror EEtb tho rrrc clulci for t! llt rad Xlrc er. ro lto clou ead qulch, rbcrc thcy

eld lrtcr

ere foul ead elor; botb la vlt

tbc rtgbta

bcer tbe rlayr bctrecn tbc Eut


& bo$,

ra rppcur

rl'th dlffcreacc erd noyeoue rlghtr; pllr of tbc eg ls

tad, thc ford; rby erc the lcl Couatrlcs?

eld ell

other rholeole

to go fiuthcr, rorldr

ao groae& rudc uadcr tbc tm Ald ao ctvll ead rtsc

1n the froren loteth;

1a tbo rlolc ta tt

IRISIOTLE rcll e clcaaserr tbe other ffylag ell

but lor tbat

tbe outrard tbetr

heet clcelecth

end dryetbr

ald eo clcaretb lbercae cold oa by atopplag the eld 1cav1a6e, takcs elao, lt. bccause they are es lt tclc

etde blnd,s end tblckcDa.

And ao llkcrlse luroura

out of tbe 6roea, foul ead raterlab

aot only drrk ead cloudy, togetber,

but rbole end loyat ee ARISSOTLE temetb

druaken by bollLng ||.

But le tD,lnks (I uust fevour tbea a Ltttle he dght bave doae rell

our nel6bboure)

to bave reaenbled thoee broycouatryes to

Icd people to old ren otherrbere, the youtb ln hot soller flore

end tbe aged rea ln frotea

bccauae the odde of rladou betresn r6c & Jrouth of drou6h ead rolsturc, rae lot PL,ATO tbrt 1II le clcenncga rDd edvtecd, rbcn tbe eye of 1a-

froa the aale clule

touhega be aald,

of thc bodl'cs; rDd therctorc that rt

aucb ttne rs tbe cye of the body fal'lcd, beglna to eec aherply;

the uaderstandlag etrurent rtgbt

becauee rhea hl.e raterleb

dryetb up rttb lt

the reat of the bodyr tbou6b 1t put out the ts e toksn tbat tbe llght of rlt lncreagetb; rtth for

of aenser lct

drouth ea I aa1d, breede clearaeas, lor ell, tbea lt brtnge ln eartblaees

1t 1t be aot dred


the lost

foul aad eluggleb Eleueat of vry doatln6

eld tberefore

tboee that are tery old aad co1d, uc

Ll,b. l. eld chlldleb tlc bcttcr) rtrh: tlrt urc but 1f thrt drought bc acuoacd ead ttll rltb Lcet (tbc rorc ea

tbc rea ycty dac, obesrvcd:

of uadcmtudlng, ro; but loro

1t lrtb bclors ody rbolc

bcea rhaya llnr

CAESER la dcrcrlbcd


IlEl(lf,DER rloee rrest l'a bls l1fe

bo(y Dy L1a 6reet hcet ead drougbt ras aot tlne but rble fylat dcad ebovc grouad 1n e frceh

roat rcll

eld teeaon rlthout rltlout ell tetat

eay belal.agl elone to kccp 1t eelf ud coruptloa for lany drye to8etber.

ead lrect 12.

But f el too lon6; rherefore ap!'r!.te rlger

Propbets ere aaJ.d to be rleer


reD: ead tbelr

tbeu tbey, end tbe etare loet of ell;

for tbe odds aad degreee la tbc beet, drou6ht, bodlca.

ead clearacas of tbetr

f,or tbel re kaor tbe ceuee of tbl'e Durt and dlaeaee, lct the Medlclne; let ue clear

ue rpply

tbe fdots bodVr la naay klnda of foollehness,

ee ln cblldbood,, drunkeaaeaa, eleep aad doatlng dlseeaea; lfature ber aell ell 1s tbe Ea.De to dlaperee la her due tJ.ue ead eeaaoa, and scourc out tbe toul eld, clog6y cold ead groee huloure rhLcb ovcrrbelne and aeke tben uacleen rad qulet; or at leaet tbe aort


1a tbe nnhcr

of tbeu, eg la dottry Itttle rk{}J to do lt;

dlsceeea abe lay be opeaed caallyr tbat re !a!r Judger lf uturer 1t rclf

and cuebled by

6reat ead etroa8 ead dgbty tbe reakeet ol ellr and

reeta ol lrt

charced olce to Joya rttb latural folly

dccpeet rooted, fbet la' dl.epetcbed. 11.

rey be rooted out rad

But Jrou rey rcply ll6bt,

ea aone dor tbat

tbe rest,

rDJ'cb aprulg out

tron outrard

eld bang by cauaee, aay bc curedr rhcn thts bclng and flrst u1.rture ol the aecd (e rlrture aa 111 es

eo rooted 1n nature,

tlb. t.
e bcutly r.y drturc) cr! lcrcr bc r.Bdcd, uDlc!! tc treat r bd tbet e bceat you brck

br Lolpca r1!o

lad Dut oa trlly dlotcd


Docd .c!d

to tbe dcArcca of kladr of Philorophcrer etelillg

ead Douaded out ebovc, by tbe Couaael Jrou coDalder rell, that e bcret

rhercby you rrlr eec lf

1l r lorer lalceg bcllt

alecp ead kl'ad of rlrturc, thrt hle terpcr be rmred

cea la !o crae be bettcred flret & rad,c e ler, ud

eld rade tllr eo h1e l:lfe

put out ead razedt rhcl

aa r foollab

ren betb no gucb

cauae a^ld rcaeoa, belag botb for hle dlvlae dtb (though 1t be ccltpeed,

tbe abedor of al eartbLy body) ead 1n reapect of hls teaper a degof !ark{1{, tlre a-

ree above a beaet, ald 1a the etete end condltloa boundlng la hl-n ae hle ebape declaree, lot aa rell

ae tl

othcr len tbougb

ao rucb, rnd ln tbc aale potat and leaeure. 14. Ard rhat ts tbe cauee? f,ot becauee, Xature ueant lt eo, but

reasoD or aature raa let rrVr rlthJ.n tbe etuff,

aad hJ.adered by aoae crrooe thiag lay ln ber

rhereby sbe rae drtven to atray aad nlee aad cone llke ee the llole, all ee ARfSTOTLE aaltb for all her

ebort of her prrpoae: blbdaese, rhlcb

le la the aale rltb thclr rtta

otber rhole eld pcrfect


ebould Lave ell 19.

lr.d seDgca. l't le

Becauee bavta6 dl

the parta of aa cye rhole aad perfectr and raa lct rl'tb

e algn tbat traturc reat of a 6roea ead thlck lor

to have toDe forrardr

thc barr

.klD. ddly corected;

tbeu re aec tbe fel-l eld errora of hl'ad by rldll tbe Dlcrlgh hold lt

yca aad Borc bold oplnl.oa that out eld ueadcd tble fault eleo:

1a the llole rey bc raebed poaalble to do thc llke ln

That re lry

of folly,

lay te !e!r tDlDk 1t lore

tag!/ tben aote of tbeut

509 Ll,b. t.
bcceutc tbcro 1r lo .cv.rtl tbc iolc; o! toro eut frol 16. But torc odd ud fltty lorc dlecegca lcft 111 tclpcr re5r tLle lrurpo.c, rlrc th!'sh re 1t tclr ro la tbc lort roattmr ol


la hbd, 3;lraas

by aeturc,

deccnt, tad lllori.telcc,

of tbc percnte. dlcceec bc curcd? 111 thlnga il Ll6Dcrt turnal rnd dccpcat pltcb lrol Uaa by tbe ead cad, ead roturu -

Eut lor

coutao of Llldr ar 1t t.r.c tbetr

Leve both tbclr lloutb rad lortb

rbcncc tLey stlll

aai go back aga1l, l?. rua lld

to evold lnfLnlty. end laat dlaeeees, haye thelr rDen 1t la all dle rlco rblcb tbey

So theae aetural apead by llttlc epeut,

end llttlc; (rhlcb le dthla

runl and tbc etock thel

of conuptlon tbey rcld

or tcn off-eprllga)

ald retura

to hceltb

e6a1n; snch 1e tbc tace of rladou aleo, 1e lacloecd rltbJ.u

aad of bcaltb tbe otberr

of body; for the bealtb of tbe dad,

ee te tec by the chl'ldrca, lad eaay. rtae rca beget, ead eo tortb;

tbe cauee la platn tE.

Tbea te 8ce la thle retter, end 1t lrt

hor netura l'ncItDGB, ead 1e read5r ber h'd, t raJr th1ak the curc cut oft ead abated;

to trold, ber sclf; roul,d be ruch loro eld ee re flnd rllght tet!6

rould lcld

epcedyr rad rely

perte of ttre tlle larard hurte,

la eorcs ead other L[6ltcr rk{ lle

thl'e donc by dgbty leaas,

of gleadcr

ro rc rey decn tbat by lore

rore 5rcat ead d6bty thc rettcr, lclt

iecrle rey be pcrfoncd;

Dut rbet do I fctch ebout provcd, thet eII

rbcn 1t l'a ebove rs f tUDk

eufflcleatly erd otber tatunl Hedlclnce clcalscd (rhl'cb I call drlvc!

dlacaces of tDc Doaly, by thoec bcavetrly the Cure-aller eld Cnre-316-great) ol

eld lllaeral rey be qultc


eld thle elrolg the lrnber

tlb. l.

hert trdr

..d, returer of puorte? 19. lrrl




out fror




of thr

to odt



Lt tDc toproril.c llorlr6 bc curcd; nrcl tlrt te,

frot rotc

thc foulthlr rtlch


of tbc blood of ell fror tlc irerc

thc bodyl trf of oao put



troe r ruddy bpla; rlolc, thrt 1e

or 1f thet thc Llvcrr

dlaceee rey bc rald bcceulc lt lt 1r tlc

to oorc trol of ell

onc lnrt bloodl


yct thet oae 1c e toet

drageroua pert lf ecede to ell coate8lol,

bc lll-effcctcd, eld so rcechctb

bcceuec by aced of neture, lt through tlI, eld atr{,kctb ell by thclr

placee, tlrcee

thc Dmh

ra otber .orc kecp thersclvce


bouada, ead rtrctcb 20. But lct

ao fiuther. lf good ttae tcupcr tbrougb ell fellcd tron e good u[t, dlct

us 60 firrtbcr,

eud lnealole

of tbe roul,

hatb ottcn

to e klnd tbcn Eure

of ledaeaet .crlce ttrougb thc coatruy

to be dlscrlcd cluae, r foul

tron the etatc of ra fdlot; frere

tey be cleared ead raee rledou, capeclerly lf tboac l{cdlctnce,

by ee tood rorlo! coltnry rhlch tle lnallols

ee tLe lrt rad dlct

of reeo! hetb uy,

bc Lolpcn eld get forrerda

by rcct

Orocleas loor

eld teecbl ead rhcrerltL ell

tbey uhc

6reet chugee

1! retre bodles; tiaer ter; cleer, for lf grutr

but rltbout

doubt tad qucetlonr

1f tbet our roat

end rholc tLe d6btlcr

D0YPIfAil Gure-all

cole ta plecc to hclp tbe tatoyol.,coro tbc rcekcr ehrll lneelng (re tlne-

ctrcrlr eheli. 1n tlght

lrou rll

ead tlcreon rtcn lt

etelds your P\yrlck)'thcn u{.ectl 1n thc body llhc rll rlete bcet,

lesa ead clceraese, lonlDgr lclttcr

tbc Sru 1n tbc clcer1ag erlftlcee,

erd put to fll8ht

ead drrhnceel etrca6th ud

eld acourl!6


by bls retcblcse

,ll Ll,b. 5. .vort Dut 21. lorctblc rLlch tlrc of tLr DodJ. frltlrr.lrll doellagl tou lryr rhcl er l1tc et tlrat lllc 1t relf dII rulfcr !o.ucb rtolcnt ead

ebell do 1tt

tor rbet te tbet

tede rad dlglcd curLrd

tLc loolleh rbtt

body, but e bcen of beevenly la th!'a our Lcevcaly ]lcdlcllc ua put rere to,

oD I Concb of IEIEER? lld

but thc aelc er 1t ebovc rhcro et lergc; Itroagtb to ttrcrtth; ead lf

tben lct

onc before rae too reek to brcek ea 1t lor botb togetborl otG belplag she1l be f

rould tad rlaglc enotler, tblnk old, ead etlll

thc foad body flnclyt rltb

fresh eupply reaerlng tbe battle, ead rt last


to overcors tb.c lorkr porfcctloa. 1e lor ff

to brtng 1t to tbe rlshcd bole ead ablft, uor loat; ead place 1n all thlnge, ead eld

lnae lld

you flye

to tbc leet

tay tbat tlrc ellpt lrayr

peet, ald occrrlon

of plece etuff

belng too bard for nature upon eo bard e etuff lf Jrou look to bcr orilanry rlcc

to rork you rhell

eucb crcbalgcs; eee tbat

abe la eble, end, doth d'{Iy stuff 1n roat uatlt rork; rDd rot


rule r.od equere Ve

Yer3r 610r! lrd ruch rorc ctuff borcls


plecee to our thlnklngr oaly tbe thlck

tben tbcse tn thlg

and eturdy

of lllncre,

cleaaalag the rorka (yct ln uaaeca placca) dora to thc ead tbc troas eld nrd.e tcsr but rlao llvllgr rortntr la thc botton of the end percelvlag leld

of tbe grould;

sca to lr.kc ebsll-flabl r16hta, 1n tlc

cloae rocka (ea you hcerd before) rad ln the cold Snor rs tbore torls et once; .lf ead lllee tn ARISTOELE.. To cloee up

eld bunla6 ud ell, ond tble, retter

you rcaeuber bor thl-s our hceven1y Gureheelth, ead lustfoul ead

rbea he res eent lnto dld aot only atrlkc

tbe body to rork loag ltfe, rad kJ.llr


and put out of bel'n6 eIl

lJ,b. ]. 6torr ud dlttcrpcra, hl't oB rnd our c!cdc., erli brtng 1t tonrda ol tbc quellty) but rlgo clcrl,rbr (cyr! Dout{,!b re far

lrod our Dodlof,

our orD Drturc lrou rry ceelly

ra te lould glrl'a cleeal 2..

by dlrpoelng

concelvc tbc

end ccrtel'a flnel cleul

ray of thJ'e 6reat crcbeage rbca you kaor ble loet ead ltgbtaone f,rturs. part of Pbyelckr Dot rB aoao lct ue 6o to tbr eccond; rad te

tror f beve dlelntcbcd

tbc tlrst

Levc pretcadcd, but oyGE to God blreelf, becauge rc heve aot done lt rl'lt trutb beforel

thou6b re talkcd nuch thereofr end uekc vl,rtue

nor begta to bouad tbe rattcr,

(es ARISTOILE aad otbcr nen; el.I la onc;

tcacbeth us) e rearr 1a !.nrerd deede a.ld deallnge rltb tn rrnlcra end coadltlong, rs PI^ITO teructb ttr

or I rcrao!

tbc ceuee of vLrtuc le llkerlee a telpcrate body; but I left

eet forth

ln tbe bcglnnl'ngr to rltt 1a all

the proof uato thle place, lblch for 1f lt

tbc berdnese 1r tLla cute of leredacse; tclperttelcoa tcd!'ctae, t'e thc cture of vlrtuc,

be once knora tbat by tbet teuperate

re gball


ao loteable

ln the rpeecb 6o1at bcforer

purchaae ead Procure that re ley

tbe gerc; rDd lby tbat la ao, lt qnlte ceat 1t off ead leave lt, e tclperete 25. or lotl tbrt lora

beth ao oftcD roa bcforer

be1e6 nougbt 1a thla place to prove that

etate of tbc bo(y 1a the cauae eld ray to vtrtuc. lct uB Eee rbether rtate all ralasrs flor frou the body

But flret

eld tbea lron rbet

or coldltloa

of the bodyr eloDt tben thc ceuae of !a!ot ol rena bodleet

Drve eeerched the rcaaone aad nature of tDlngar la leld upon' the dJ'eposltlon, rlllt, clther of Starar eltbcr

or of t[clr

thua or thue frered,

by tbc bcnt of aaturet

or by uae of cuatou, let

us acan the ratter

and thet brlcfly.

lJ.b. t. 24. ell Ihcy celrot flor lror tbc 1111 of tbc dnd our dally of rra, hest

rca rbould Dcr-forcc

bc tood r6r1D!t 1s corJ'ag frol

Droof rDd crpcrl.Dc.;

bcceuse tbe d,ud of 1t lolt good la tll lcnr

goodleee, 1e 6ood eld ellkc ead

ee I aald beforc;

rrd sure no cucto! cr^D elter but by 6rcet upoD lt ratchlag

tura to dlv1,ac ead r16bt e rlll eealtyr I klot rLlch rot force cln-ot

to lcrdaeea,

forcc of acc-

bc ecnt eld leld tptcre, rltb by loat

by thc Stera, la ead berleglag tbc

borr thc reetbcr

Skyr the hlgb ald atrong Gltyr

eupty and bootleea lebour,

bavc ob-

cerved; for rb.etbcr the Stare be r16hts or Do, thcy are all bcfore) of one good atralu eltber aud qualtty,

(ee f gbercd

or 1f tbey rGre aot; or rhateothcy canaot toucb tbe dad

oysr they bc h lrrcdlately,

eubeteaco or quallty, neede be lct

but lust

ta by the loopa of the body, end so aad by leala of tbis eflect the nlnd;

3han6 end dl-spoec tbe body ft'ret; for lt the rlld lt eelf, e llner

thlng then tbe Stara, ceaaot plcrce thca rucb lcsa eball thcy neke ellotted;

out of tbe body, aB re heard before, ray to 6et ln by tbeleelvea, end ae tbeae erc dl bodlly rlth

out the belpa to our dld helpe)

(f rcaa tbe llrst

eo tbe aeercst apl.r1ts

ceuae of naaacre nret accde flor ud rlte }lkerlee

fron the body; rDd 1f tbe 1nrud tbe laetrunclts

do aougbt ritbout ead dl'epoeltlol

of tbe body, e^ad of tbe


thc effectlon roul,

of the ae.ue, tbe appcttte

uueraolrble end hl.e betre tbe rhole 25.

coulon bctrecn ue end bcaate (upon rblch


do l'ay tbc ceuee of raaners) ruet aeede clearly

la dlepatcbcd dro,

atreal But lct

nra frou tbe body.

rone ef{

drnger cone & chake tbeee o1d Orouads, lay so lolg a6or eld eo thJ's bulldlng algbt

lrou Ber tbe Pblloeophere

lJ.b. t. hll eld turbbr tri ell t rtll rborc lt up d,tb orpcr'lclcc byc rltlor I tllat rbc toft tt t

to f,lll lr

Plctee dlasesrsr or fror

tbc fc!.c so rll

of tlcr D!!cr.

rhlcb rprhgr

rotD$g frol

but llal. eld

tbc lrturel

lrlcr{.ted, tltl

tbc purcheecd tcrpcr frol ttc

ol tbc body; to Lccp tbc f;lrst el'r ud ro11 rbcre lc llvcl cttbcr rhrt or

r.Do!; tLtr

re Drve rltlor

frou tbc reet rblcD rc takr; Sur or tlc rrture of tlc

tbc A1r follorcth bttt tLla

thc plecc of th,c too berd elC eld uafold end tbe elr ead leet

6rould; lct

1g lorc

thoray e hlad of tcecbl'l6;

us calar6e our aclvce, et lergc bcfore)

proye hor (tbou6h I elered the ruaer eltera rerllera 26. erd cDengetb aad rakca to dlffcrr rude lld ll1 llcrcc. eld Pllloeophcra rlcre off,

thc bodlce tlrctr

rDd to tbc

eterrca tbrt


tbcn rc Boc by proof) or r{,ght thcre

bold oplnloal ovtD tlers

thc Sul ta eltbcr ae ulder

too Dcar tbe pcoplc,

or too fu

tbc tro pltcbee of tha rorld,

thc bodlca rro D16 eld etroag aad thc lrDDers rsde and flcrcc; rltll.l the tro tcrperatc glrdlee of tlc cutbr


they kccp e reea end ruacra. re rcc tDrt ud e fet

Ll't tbe rldst,

ea tbcy aeyr botb 1a body lld for I rust

To core dora to tbc ;roud( eld toggy lead rekcr dtrll chrt, eld elor, loaeetl tlc

Dc rlort) tblck eri

blood erd rplrlta fold la rlt

6roaa ead tbcreby feltbfult

rad to tbc tcn eld rtlll 1lr tht

rudc e.ud ahplcr


of ruaerr; tbercrlth.J,l ead Ilvcly, otler

rhcrcas r barcn (ra et ROHErad mbttl eld dcceltrppcr-

rarl dry 6rould, ud lnl llEHS) terl

1l tbc eua bc tcrycretc


tbe aere tbl'n eld clcu ulcleat, eld eo lortb

vellert, For reet,

of rll

pFoIrGr ttce


rrnDere 1n rra ere llte

the vtrture

e.nd DlopGr tltles

, r,
Ilb. l. lollorhg ud DotL tbc rurdry tbc tl tcrpcrt ol tbo boClorl rbca tlc 1l gl.eltar foul

1a tbcr, dl. ltra up ui

re 1r onc la ell. quelltlce to thclr eld rl-rtuca ta pleltfl rto

er tbc drturcr, dora eccordlag


lood eld euatcDlDcc, ec (to odt rtcrcby Pcpcr broutht tura lato out ol

tbc outrerd CILICUI 1lto llkc; or *[p,

nourtrDrcat IIALY,

of tbc grouad;)

G,11 eltcr

e tcr ecttla6e

fW eld ancb thc aced

the caus 1e plrln; or better

e cuaa!'ag Oerdeacr cltbcr 1D tlc

by rtccplag cl!

Dy laclorlnt teetcr

root or gtock,

Cve to ray

pleat alSr colour,

euell or torea of Dee11a6: cyoD eo the tcrpere of tbelr llaaaera, chuge to rnd fro ulna

of rear bodlcar eld coadl'tlon tbe aane occaslor. 28. tbe llke tbetr !rnier8, To let to that

bold 1a phyelch,



roeta do brccd ald


1l tbose faroua hruoura rhlch rby erc tLe TAnTAmlIfS ao beaatly

rake co4rled.oae, aad barbaroue tn


but bccauee (bcel.dcs thelr

go11) thcy eat rad drLlk

thc flceh cnrel

& blood of Eoreee? fe eee the fgleldcre & fel'ec ee doge, rhose f,Lcah tlcy flel-d; but lct ns drar lear cat:

of CORSICA Drove ra bold, r rel trJr rutr rlthout

ler l'ato th!'e oruae tbrt PLUTIRCE,

hore; 1t te lot Pbtloeophers,

PLASO, end othcr

6revc ald rlec

61vc ao atr1,6bt cbar6e

of the carc eld bccd la tbe chotcc of fnnce. 4. Ia 1t not llkel tletr dlk lal tbetr 1n tbcl.r optdoa outrard certeln, thrt the chlld lLy

eucke 1n rl'tb lot? Ae rell

ehepe eld t.nrrrd


es beaatg thet

auck of atraatera urk{1lly Cuela, qualltlce; lre

out of hlad,

do ple1aly

drar ulto

thcr ruch of thelr

rB rDpcma by tbe foale ge5.ll\rl tbea thelr

ln AERICI, rDl.cb Dy aucklat

rede tore

Llb. t.
lildr lltlt ela lcrrtlfirl 1f tlr lould lor lt; ruffcr; lngrrltcd donr rtld oloutb.ucl rlro fruDlor dgbt ur by our kladrcdl end

bo brcutDtr Illlsltf cLlldrcn

to corc to our Dodlce bft eld hbrcd 1l rtocl,a, rnotLcr

r 1f -re foc rulcra ead ncphcrs rtlll l! tbrt

to tekc oac ettcr

e loag tlue act dora ln

Dy klad rad leturcr AnISIgfLE, nnt locdr

cureed frthcr rtocka, rllcl

bcer1a6 tt'ldrcd, thougD tlcy

rad othcr pllfcrtng rttel; rhlcb to lct

heve no aced,

pea! lccbery,


ead otLcr good & bed

qualltlear tbcec? lot lngreeecdr tllt

t aeG da1ly deaccad eld rela ol kl.adrcda, rheDce ue dnds attLgbt eld off-eprlag, etld, rboler phce Dor clr be left rnd

fron tbc lnrenta but ruet rctura llfe tbclr

& al'l at oDcG tbcn th.ey fror rbcncc they ce!c:

out of tble ere eIl

to tbrt



r1te allkc

trened by uce eld cuaton, but brought

up aoaethea 50.

coltrary. to cut ofl the gld{y recllag druaken oplul'on aE I


atrl.n6 too ruch dlecordlng, eeedsr rblch

those lnraGra eprlng out froa thc perente bodye, purchreed by neat aad nourlabnclt, dlet, ue cveD rlke ud the dla-

1e a part of tbclr

rbJ'cb bodlee 1l thcy uee 6ood ead telperete flrst; tclpera, that otberrlac tbcy follor the leture

of tDc rcete, dletel

of tbelr

ea CARDAII ln a fcr of tbc roret or oycr rtudloue

hatb rost aotably anrked, or lerge odonred ead


or too grcat 3ortb,


cetlng frentlcts 51. rt

parcata do bc6ct rad brla6 chlldren. To close up ell thle flret

for tbc roat 1nrt,



thla oac llttle

proof ee rben

oncc: If

re flnd our aelvea to do rany thlnge egelnet our rlll, our bearte pa.nt ead lell rltb fcar;

rben e fel.r le oflcredr

lJ,b. l. . frlr lurt rtrd lls .D!tD6! Drrt fror 1111 rrL!c, tbrt !oot, rhcthor rc rlrl or !o, rad ell lry thle


thca lulG tbs body ruft

force ulroD u8. Eut bor te tLle? Ald rblch end ceny rny tle rllr ray doth thc body ao rtoleatly oyt-rule

eld d.nd atter

bcr? fhea eay rbepo rppcare !-a atren8tb 1t rltb (rc lust rear

the thought of l!t1 tl,cae rords tlth eld natchlng ratr

tLe do1a6 rad d.nd, tekee lt rad rake tber aofter) all thlage,


6ood or bad, and tben

and corparlng

dcgrees ead deterulaee;

placeth ta tbe head, foll.ors and deslree: ber 1111 eld reason rhlcb PI"ATO But at tbe eale tlle that urtoaaoalble beaeter ald eLttlag steps ta enother double 1111 ald appetlte aent frol

ald pcrcelvl'ng

aoul, rLtcb le conaou betreen us & and deslrelng outrard goods

oae part ln tbe beart,

of ttre Body; aDd look rhlcb of these ls etronger,

tbat te, rblch bath elee baaer uould, and novea ttre

tbe etronter bouse, elther by descent or purchaeer'(or be etlU eptrl.te thc rcdcerr uato ltr ead obey the better) that prevalle

ead tbose tbe flneDcsa;

eld tbose egala by otbcr Lldae la the pleaeure ol tbat

dle rea-ner thc rhole body or pert thereof, Gonnaader. 12. lbcrcfore to coEe to tbe poht



re rbell

acvcr be

good aad follor


tbat 1e oea! ead reaeon 1n our dcelrcs and dothe heart and tbe llver, ead tclper, the root, tpt be flret by klnd,

1nge, beforc these tro parte, ud tbcl by dlet !.a orderr


to obey the lays aad

rules of rcaaon; for to begln rltb ud rolatr

1f the beart be very hot ies1relug dcceltful: bonour aad great but 1f lt keep

tbe raa l's couragloue eld ltberal, If bot e.ud dry, cruel, a!6ry,



tlb. l.

l t.r!r lot

obryctb rcl.o!

1u thrt

Llnd of r|!lct;

lor tLc llvm

11 lt


eld rol.t,

1t follorctl

vrncry ead gluttoay;

1t bot end

dryr 1t doth tbc earcr but crookcdly eld dryr tLc rel aolerbat

& out of courec; but l.t 1t be cold rad 1f cold rad lolat, l1rcr

1r very cheet aad rbcttaent; but outrard.Iy:

chrgt & ebatlncnt,

IbcDcta e tcnpcretc

bolds I rcla robcrly

1l botbr rad lollorta6

the racc of hlad doel.rcc to llve e lLfe te far froa l{oaka

1l colpaay rad boaeety l.n rrtrego, end lctchet8.

ead Ecr.ri,ta aa gluttona 5). lbercforc

re ece thet all

naaners procecd tron tbc tcnpcr of lt lt veryetb etlll

tboec tro parte

(aay pcrhape uaderetald1ng elao, hcats eld rolature bud forth to the itvcre 6ood reltrsra ald ell

|'n tbe bo(y) ao tbat rll


fron tbc goodr equ1l & nlddle end all our Lebour ead travel lato Equare ead tenaot oaly

tenpcr ead drture (tt rc eeck vlrtue)

ol the eale parte; ruet be to brla8

tboec tralae

psrr tDat le equrllty by thc Phlloeopblcel rtgbt 1l h|'s t1ler rot

ea Dcer aB ray be of the four quelltlea; ee]'ve of uee ud cuetoa,

(tbougb PLITO hl'ta lt lede by lJ.a rlllr ead

ea rbcn bc rlll

beve !o rra

tberefore but ratbcr

to bc blaled

but tbrougb hls bt-uee or lrturc capecl.elly. rlcrel'n

1I1 dl.apecd)

by 600i dletr

ead by r1.6bt P\yelck tlnlabcd

lnd tLue rc bave et lr,gt prcpare tbc rl.ld tlc

thcee pertel

rc reea to

Dotb of tbe couoD and lcaracd peoplcl l{edl.clnca. of EERHES to hrpp(neaer kaorlodger rad vtrtue,

erd to take

ray to tbc trutb

!!Lug havc re proycd our ny Lealthr rert loly youtbr Dlcaaednessr rlsc

loa6 L[fc' Ict ue

pIel.n eld ctsy;

lnaeotb ulto OuJ.dc.

the 0olden trcaeurcs

of rrturer

eld thc rcthod of tbe





A cmpleat


things, Past, to Cone, !it, of Pleaeure, Iong llfe, Health, Youth, Bleasedness, Wisdqt and Virtue, and to Grre, Change and Remedy all Diseases in both Yorng and Old.

teaching Present and yet

tlre knowledge



By ilohn Heydon, Gent . , fiLi,oVofr o! , a senrant of God, and a Secretary of Nature.

n ael ani nh of, Lt".

"And. he tooh the gollen CaL( which, theg had, made, and bunned it in tfre F-ttte, anil gnound. +t to ,powd,ut, and tttewed tt upon the Naten, and nade tbe Chtldnen o( Ia-

Exo. 32, v. 20.

Printed by!. and are to bti eold by l|r@as lftrittlesey arrd at at the Globe in Caruron Street near london-Stone, all Booksellere and Shops. 1582.

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