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A conpleat Physician teaching the knowledge of aII things, Past, Present and yet to Oome, oiz, of Pleasure, Iong Life, Health, Youth, Blessedness, Wisdqr and Virtue, and to Cure, Change and Rernedy all Diseases in both Young and OId.

By John Heydon, Gent . , 6tAoyo,r. o! , a eenrant of God, and a Secretary of Nature.

" A n d h e to o h the golaen cal,( wLLcFttheg had nad.e , and binned tt in the F-ttte, and giound tt to powdert, and ttnewed it upon the 0)aten, and nade the Chdld.nen o( lt, La cL a n i n b o [ L t-t'. Ex?. 32, v. 20.
LONDON Printed by T.l{. at the Globe in all B ooksellers and are to be sold Cannon Street near and S h o P s . 1 5 8 2 . by Thomas Wtrittlesey and at london-Stone,


H( lLY


LEADTflCrEE VAf r0 ?EB t)nDEn 0F TEE

teaching ttre knowledge of all things, Past, Present and yet to Come, oiz, of Pleasure, Long Life, Bealth, Youth, Blessedness, Wisdqn and Virtue, and to Grre, Change and Remedy all Diseases in both Young and Old.

A canpleat


By John Heydon, Gent . , 6Ci,oVof. of , a sernrant of God, and a Secretary of Nature.

n aeL ani nh. o[ i t.".

" A n d h e to o h the golten cal[ wh,Lch theg had m ad,e, and bunned tt in the flte, and gnound tt to rpowdest, and t tte w e d .i t u p o n th e Uaten, and nade tlte. ChtLdnen o{ It -

Exo. 32, v. 20.


Printed by T.u. and are to be sold by :fhonas wtrittlesey and at at the Globe in Cannon Street near london-Stone, all Booksellers and Shops. L582.

Ll,b. 5.
!o tbr Lcencd JEEUITf, llouat, Deq;


eld lerrcetrhl

BlLae ead lrrppl-

Deaa De rl.ebcd.

' four ora rortb lJr aelf ead thclr attcndeate have la raye of Clvl'llty, to rhou I lold lctloar ob116cd for your Fevour to rc, atnage, thrt forced thle publlck e Peraoa ao rholly lct rrlll, f


pcrhepa you rrt

e ctralger

ee fr

abould tcndcr you arch a plcce rs thlg: rc of rudeleea rud laclvlllty

doubt Dotr acqult coaslder tle

1a ao eotag, rben you 1n lt, drth, aad !o ao Do

prceent dlecourBe,

ee there 1a no bunour at all

f Lope tbere la lcsa Letard of Ccaenre: For bercrs Do hr!'gb Satyr{.cal Co4naurc lepturer aharpaeaa, Bo rrltllrg of dae ro Poctrfr ora rladr or dLatorttag

the Geuul'nc llale of Alotbers;

to ect out tbe dcfonlty lo, Do lore tlea

lo Etlueleslc,

tberc 1e 1a EUCLIDS

EI,EMEf,TST ot EIPPOCRAIES hl's Aphorlarcer ee to recltc rlat tbcre ls lot

but tbougL f lavs bccn ao bold lcevc lt

1l th1s Book: yct I bed ntbcr there la, tbrt uy

to your rl-adol to Judge rlet ry aelf ee to sDeek ely thlng la already crtant tlrt t}l.s

thea be put uDoD eo rucb aodeety lecD to 61vc lt uy lte-crlleacy ud P\

tbove rbat Ody

la tbe lorld

eDout PlllosopLy frol

I rey aa5t tbue rucbl coacenh6

I dl.d on purpoee ebstrln Subtectl tlet f dgbt rli

rradlag uadieturb-

u5r Trcatlees .dlt rrltc

ttre rrc

tbe eaey DHIf,ATIOI|Sof ora lllad,

orperLcaced lledlclaee;

,El Llb. eri lrelly J. rct bo clrrLed trll lror tt off f.lf, tlo! rlrt f krcr to br trutl ry tloucltr il!,cL rllorrld !rt-

by prcprtceetl8 tlcrctorc ettcr

bt tLe lavclt-

lona of otlcra: Glerectcra r,11 di'rclacs i'tl tlcac

f Drvc rrtt

rc Copy bnt tbc Etcraal llcdl.c!.nea tor rca Coaaultlag tloug5 lt

of the dldr

ead tbc rrfcr

clay eld cffcctutl of teture. lld dl

1l tDc Laour Pbeaorcu tlet cldeavour to rrltc Dy ell lc!;


1l thcsc llettcra,

rey bc lot lPoD tlc

dolc tt{hc

t't could aot Lappca but f rbould toucb have rrote lor tbelr tDet tlougb before lel rbo

rarc bceds thtt

otbera have, tbrt

tbougb tbcy ter{.t

vrJr btgb colrcldatloue Dave beca lucL,

lcarned ecbevcnelta; tley rey aot be

yct r Dope ry lldeeyoura Corr{.vela or Pertlcre but tlcy toctlon ray do tlslr eld lntro!.te

la thclr rhttc

pral'oc end credlt, tDrt lmDllck

yct I do not dlatruet good, uadcr tour pto-


f el-l rt. dld etbolien rc to publleh beforo, tLle lncaeut Trcattsc; bcceuae r (lrttcrrd w eld

Itor tbat rhlcb icdlcete rcll lt

to toE, tea aot ee r srld that Lt rea bctter of rcl:

1a I Corceltr 1r tle

or rorc pleuadblc,

tbeu rhat 1s eort, ead fro

drcadt Las lte otlcra, rot


Dut thet 1t ns

ol e dlfferent

pccul:ler aerylcceblcacer

ead rdveategce tpart

rad dlatt'nct

rboee propct prchcnl'ncucl'ca 1t rey eloot gtl rlac corpare rt'tb. iltt go thrt

rc1 but drre sdrlr{ conrlttcd

la uy

tLere la ao leutology

1a recoucldrat

I Lrvc rrLttcn

to tbe publlcts r1er, tbc fiult ud

tror elJr lcsselon, for

1lg tbc Leboure of otbcrs coaatdcrat{it 3Le mrlir Drvc ionel


by tbus offcrtag

of dnc tctpcre

tDcre ere cuch acvcral I lo rot dletrugt but that

coqrlerloaa ea rhet

of uca 1l

DD. fiIIPDPPER ead othere to rrly, eo tbl'a of

laa bccn vorJr rcccptablc



Llb. d,rc b ud ), rry bo Lctll SuaL tt lt lt to mrc 1fr ot otborr rDd .o rcu lot to brvc bcca ;rlt tolt lt Petrone6c: tLc Slle of ee by

Yela. rubrlt

I rDell

lcevc tt tl

Lcre uldft tDhk

to your tndgcrcat, of ttr rLctlcr

tou .b11


to takc cogdracc 1tr (rDlcL

to pcaugc erd coad.d,er tbc truth ln thcec, ee rcll

by Ereroa of tour good eccorpllebncnta ol Lcenlatr rl,ll: rou erc rell uarllllag

1l othcr tor thore

lnrta thrt

eble to rlo) or to ley tt by el3r trynrtruc

es bclrg

toltc!.tetlon rettere of

to trcelnaa rotc rhlle

uI,oD your Lcreu.rcr or dlvert

your tbou6hte frol ae thcee,

Goncerancntl to colelder tonr ltvour

of ruch thhge



go fer ee to 61ve le leave to hoaonr you, ead (tboug! Drd tLe bonour to be rcll kaoru to tou) to

I brvc aot hltlcrto ry ae1t,

Juae, llr


81r, lour roet burblc Scrvut, iloln Eeydon.

Lf,b. ).

!hc toly Oul.dc.

Eook Y. Cleptcr f.

Of ProJsctloa

eld lrroDarl.Dt Roglc Cruct'rl llcdl'clncs.

l. Of the OrLglnrl lfctals. 5. llat

ol Cold.

e. Of Spero.

5. Of tbc flrat



4. Of tbc dlffcreDcG of 0old. Sdt, Snlphur, end l{ercuryr rrc.

5. Ot tbe dlff*eDce ?. Of the vlrtuc 9. Of Sr1t. l].

of Clluee. ol Sulpbur

of llctal'e. ll.

6. Ol tbc Xaturc of ]lcrcury.

lO. Ol gold. Of lurur potable,

Ot SLlyer.

t2. Of thc Preparatlon of Gold. 14. Eor to rake ther. procEa.

erd Otl of gold. Etc. 17. llle tblrd

15.'ltbe eecoad paoGeaso 16. 19. Se Chlld 22. ![te Star of

lE. llbc tnre o1l ol Oold. 21. llhe lloon of Gold. lludlene.

of OoId,. gold.

20. Tbe Sun ol OoId.

25. Tle Relnbot.

24. Eor to leke Aunu

l. rhat rtll (t)

I aDall nor eadeayour to cher rbence Cofal bed lte thcreof le. le f,eture (ealth



thc rettcr

SEIDfVOGfUS)1a tn tbe t eeedt

of God, ead Ood created ber: so Drture lede for bcr aelf bcr S.1l l'a tbe el'cteate. dlvcra tDi.nta: lor ahe ladeed le oler rl'thout

yct rbe br"l,n6a 81nrl; rDateoever


but ahe opcrates aotbhg

the Spcru rl1l, of eay art1flccrs. rore profltebl'c

nature opcratca;

for che ls ra 1t tcre

thc laetnrnent aad

Thc Spen tberelorc

of cvory tDlag 1a bcttcr,

tben aature ber self : for tbou alalt

frou nature rltbout

Ll'b. J.

r 8t.ttr 6rd!

do re rtrcb tB r 6old.dth or lacdo lor



or r Duebudlea


tbc Spcn of ely th{nt

lc thc lllrlr,

tLc belaoa but to pro-

of aulgbur,

eld tbe gere ee EUltIUil

RIDICAL,E le ta rctrh: elclents

cced to rhat coDserla our purlroac, lour tbe rtll hrth lta cl'eleata 1ty) of 0od, ead lreglaetlon ccnter, by thelr

generatea e Spern, by

of aeturc:

For as thc .pcrn of r raa eo tbc tonr qual-

or tbe vceecl of lts 1adcflclcnt a Speru lnto rotloa

eeed 1n tbs hldncyr:

(cvery ole eccordlag to tte rbere lt

caat fortb

tbc centcr of tbc earth,

le dlt-

catedr and by rotlon certel'u lortb enpty placer

1e eont rbroad.

f,or tbe center of the eartb la e end tbe four eleacata acnd of thc ceutcr. rhlch rfter As e nale tt bath

rbere caa reet: lato thc clrcunference

theJ.r qublltleg

eende tortb

bl'e eeed lato

tbe roub of tbe feuale, eo lt

recelved a due portlon ol the eartb, tbat

caete out tbe rest;

happeae 1n the ceater

the na6uetlck to lt l'lto eelf

tlorer of a part of ant place ettracte for the brlnglag forth of aoueth1a6r ald For every tn tbe

eoaethlag convenlent the rest tbb6 rorld tablc le caat forth

stoaes a.nd other crcreaeate.

batb t.ta orlStaal

frou tDl'e fountal'ar

tDd there 1a aothlat

produccd but by tb5'a fouatel'n: a veesel of rater,

ae for cra.uple, aet ulnn ar evD thereofr atrd

rbl'ch ray be placed ln tbe dddle rnd dlvere colonrs, lnto

rOuad about 1t eet dlvera th{rg6, cvery tblng by lt eha)'l aGe tbe rater lcd colonr, tt rlll eelf: thel

aleo aalt,


pour the rater

tbe rlddle,

aad you

to run cvrJr rl5rr and rhen aay atreau touchetb the bc lade red by 1t;11 lron lt, thc aalt,lt 1111 contrect doth not In

tbe taate of aalt

ead eo of the reet:

tror tbe rater

shmge tbe placea, but tbe dl'verclty

ol places g5entetb thc ratcr.

L1b. J. lllc frol rellcr tho rccd or SDclt bclng cr.t lortb

by tbe lour clcucnte tbcrcot, lnasctb

thc ccntor of tbc certb unto tbe eupcrtl,clca accor4tn to thc lrtutc cole to a puro phcc

througD vertoua Dlassr ud ely tDlng produced: lt pnrs tLbt 2. 1a rrde. lt

ol tbc plece te e

of eartb end rater,

lbe Sced ead Spera of ell tbln6er re lt

thlnge le Dut oDe, eld yct lt clalple.


etee dlvcre rhilet

rppcara Dy tbe foracr la lndlfferent

|[le Spern 1e

1t le la the center, eay deterninate

to eII

torae; Dut rbeu tt torn. lhe aa a

cole lnto


1t chaageth no rore lte ceD ls eaally

tpern rhlret letal,

1t ls la the center,

produce a tree,

and aa hcrb as a atone, ead one rote precloua of tbe place. lor thle

thcn eaother accord-

1!g to tbe purlty thue. trarlcty fortl tts

Spen le produced of eleneats coaseude

Tbeae fonr eleaents are Dever, but by reaeon of tbelr rutually act one upon eaother, ead everlr ole of lta eelf

ora eubtlllty,

aad tbcy a6tee 1a thc ceetcr.

tror la tLle tboae Sperrs thca by tbe For tbe tt) of

ccater 1s tbe ARCEAEITS; the gcrveat of lature, to6ethcr aeude then abrord, rotlon and by dlatllletlon ulto tbe euperftclce dd,!t eublhee

beat of a coatlnual certb l.e lnrouer 1e by dl'stlllllg rhlcb

of tbc carth:

ead tLle

vapour (or rlldr

ae tDe Pbl.loeophcre call rcsolved lato raterl

througb tbe lnree

of tbe certb

r11 th|-rga are produccd. tbat

Lct tbereforc

ra I sa!'d bcforer ell lron thc ln vel'a do retter, rblcb apedc

aoDa ol Art klor Spen of ell lrtlate

tbe Spen of retala vtt.

ta eot d1ffcreat llbcreforc tbctr tlret

thlnge betlgr

e burld yapour. of letela lato

cndeayour tDe rcductlol trot saltb

l'e oaly e vapour.

BERIARDIREIrSAN, rhea Pblloaopbcra

5E9 J. rettcrr thcy 41d lot rllcb rcu tlla rrDour, but tbc eccoad tettor bcctuac ro lcyct dl'etlact

of e tlnt thlch tlld retala cartb, rlere

ta en Elctuous tetcrr tbe foncr. La tbue. lor

to ur t'e tbc flrat, of thla

tbe rpeclflcetlon

vrDour lato

lhl'a vrpour lneectb

1a 1tg dlatllletlon

throu6h tbe pure,

tbrough placee clthcr the tatleaa of rulpbur

cold, or hot; lf stlcta cell

throutb Lot, ud

to tbe eldca tbcreof,

tbcn tbet drctb tad

vrDour (rll'ch tolacth lt aclf,


the llcrcury

of PLlloaopbcra) lt

1t eelf uato tbat aad tben lt


rhlch elterrarde

eubllacs rltb

bccolea, 1cav1,agtbe re^ue of e vapour, uactuoelty, by euDllratlon lnto othcr placce, rbl.cb tbe


afterrards valnur


eateccdcnt tllls

dld purte,

rhere the cartb la aubtll, ud

DutG, ead burld,

tLe p,orea tbereof,

aad 1s Jotled to tt,

ao 1t bocorce gold: But l'f that ead lf fatleee tbet

eld rhere 1t ts bot,

and aouetblng hpure,


core to lapure placear rblcb ere coldr 1t la rede lcad: placc be pure ead rlred rucl rtth aulphurr

1t beconee coppar! for by Dor go lucb the rore ercellelt

tl,e rore pure end rern thc place ls, rake tbe retala. of retala

Cotb lt

5. f,or tLte rettcr aubtlle subetuce,

ls a Lrnld, ;ltb

rlecouar lncolbuetlblet :ubtlltyt bclng equelll But ee la


e.a cartbly

erd atroltly Irrlr

rJ'red PER }tfIIHA l'n tbe ceyertta of tbe certb. 1e e trofold unctuoetty (rhsreof

tD5.age tlere tot.ltrcd

ole ls ae 1t rere


la tbe centcr of tbc th1l6r ceuot be rltbout

leat 1t ehoul,d be dceof tbc aubstaace feculcnt ead con-

troyed by tl,rcr 1t eelf rbcrela buatlble)

rllcb tt

the destructloa rere crtcranle

1a: tbe other la lt retale

ro 1n ell

crcept gold, thcre la a trofold


l,l.b. J. ttc onc trlch 1r crtcmrl, .ulpburour, rld tafleneblc, totrl rblcb ls Jola, thc

fd to 1t Dy rccldtrtr tclrcetrlel trcorbustlblc, lnrta

rnd dotb lot

brloa8 to tle

udoB rlth

of tbc thlut:

thc otlcr

1r latcnal,

r1d vcry rubtll, of ARGETT tbc dce-

bccluec lt celaot

la of tbe eubateatlel bc dcetroycd by tLrc,

coapoaltlon ualeaa rltb

VfVEr ead tLerefore tructloa tht rlth

of tho rhole lrc loto

aubataace, rhcacc 1t eppeara rbat or lcea iurrble ln tbe f:lrc:

tbe cauee la


For tboae ebould appcare 1n all-

tbat lnterael capeclally

uactuoelty, tn 6old.

erc lces coaculcdr l8 lt Ecacc ROSAXIUS saltb, out eny thla6 thrt

vcrr ud

the phtlosophere

could lrsYer Dy eny Dca!.e flnd but tbat nactuous bruldlty GEBER eleo aaeerts euperfluoug DeEs 1a tbelr & coubuetlblc fuelol:

could cadure the f1re, ead lnconbustlble. bodlcs have black-

oEly rhtcb !.a perfect,

tbe eene, lhen bs saltb ead aulpburelty,

that lrperfcct


6enerat!.nt a conbusttble

ead corruptlng tcrreetrlety, tetall

then; they bave aleo an hpure, Eo troea aa that lt tladers tLle

feculont ead


Dut e perfect hpurJ,ty; lt

es gold, betb relther 1e fully

eulphurouB or ald uelted; aa Jrou !a!r

terrsstr{'el for rhllcet

f rean rhen lt lt


le lu coacoctlon,

hath botb Jotacd to tt, edbcre to lt

eee la thc 8oldcn ore; lt lay bc purlfled frol tf

but rhcn tbey do lot

so, but that

then, rhlcb other letale you etteupt to eelnrate

cennot, but are botb

deetroyed to6ether

tbe one fron aaother: prlnclplca rlrcd rlth

Bcrldee 6o1d heth ao ltttle ltr tbtt tbo lnrard

of theee conupttble aptrlt

eulpbur or letallhe eelf,

doth aonetlnee ead h rLlcb

soEo plecea oYercolc thca of tt ls fouad varJr Pure eouetllce

aa re rey aco ta the told of thc eartb,

la the aupcrflclee

aad tn

Lf,b. J.

tbc rce.r!C!, f,or tltr tbcrcr

ud told

1r reny thrl lhlcb

tr Dutc ra raJr roftacd

told. 1r lot gencnted

le lound 1a aelder eld rlycr!,

ea aeltL

0REGORIUS A0RfCOI"A1n trla tblrd tbe lonatel.ue rtth

Dook DE RE I|Ef,ALLICA, thrt rua frou thelce. 1n tbc tope of lrpurltlcal eld

but la reehcd dora frol lLcre 1a elso e fh.rnt


Ealtb) 6old torud (ee PARACELSUS lron ell So tlet


rh1cb 1a ladecd reparated of ltaclf gold rbataocver.

1a ee Dure ra r^Dy rctlacd eltlou6b lt

you ace, that 6o1d lt, yet 1t

Lrd ea extrlneecal aelnrated tbls

eulpbur aad carth utred rltb rlz. by that flery

ls aoretlacs 1a ll lt.

fron 1t of ltrelf,

epJ,rlt tbet

for tlto

pur 6old (ae ealth SEIIDIYOGfUS) naturc rould bave but raa hlndered by tbe crude aJ.r, rhtcb crude aulpbur rblcb lt fllIe rlth lts ueets vlolence aad


aa clld,r;

el'r la ladeed lothtn6 rttb

elae but tbat crtraaelck

ead le Jolned to 1t ln the carth,

ead rhlch

tbc poree thereof, tbls

ald hlndere tbe actlvf.ty

of tbe Splrlt


te tbat prleon rbl'ch the Sulpbur (aa saltb Bo tbat 1t crnnot ect upon lte

the eforeeaid author) body, vtt. llercuryr aad

la locked up ln,

coacoct 1t l'ato tbc aeed of gold, es otberrlee l'a tbat

1t rould do: end tLle bctrlrt tLs

dark Dody (as ea1th PEI|OTIIS)that ls laterpoeed Sua rad l{oon, aad kccps off tor lf ant akfllful tbe lnfluoDcea

phlloaophical tbe otber. edvcat1tlous tulpbur

of the oDe fror Beltarate thls be rould eet rltb

Pblloaopher could rlttlly ls yet ltvJ'ngr


frou gold rh1.lest lt

et l1berty,

and for thla hla eervlce he rould bc 6ratltled Yegetablep llulral, ead lillneral;

Shree k1n6donel rtr. teEove tbat tato

I leaa he could

great obstructloa lor,

rblch hhdere

6old fron be1n6 dlgcsted or tlncture of'

tbe EllrJ'r.

tbe Ellrl'r as Balth SEI|DfVOGIUS,

,92 rlb. J.
PLlloropberer ls lothllg nrl8er clro but gold dlgeatcd tato la ea ra Lcrb rltLout thc blghcat degrcc:

lon tbc Sofd of ttc (1) l:lvflg rtc

rced; but rhca 6old tbt thc Sptrtte to be rcduccd

6o1d ( for corao! gold lrycr

cea by rcrao!

bouad uD, ead tndeed ee 6ood ee dced ead aot posclbly ectlvtty rhlch la rcqulrcd for tbe produclat

to tbrt

of tbc epcrl of eycD AD If,EINITInt.

SoId) 1e rlpcacd,

1t glvce I lecd, rLlch rultlplleo berrcnacga of gold tbrt r7,2. lapurtttee:

Ifor tbc reaso! of thle le tbe eforceald trated ,. by thls

1t producetb aot e aecd, fou rny aee thle ll1us-

crudc t1re,

clanple. llke othcr treee, eld yleld

Ue eee tbat Orenge-treeo ln FOIOllrA do tror ead erserbere, rbere thelr aatlve

eleo 1a rr[,r, frult,

aoll ls,

bccause tbey bave eufflclent

heat; but !'a tbcee colder countrlee becauee they ere oppresed end areetly belped, tbea te la

tbey are ba$cn aad lever yleld rltb cold: but lf

aay fnrlt,

et any tlne aature be r!.ttlly that aature could Dot. fnrlt, After

Art caa perfect letale; lt eelfr

tbe eare EeEDr tt

tor 6oLd tould ylcld 1f lt

aad eeed la rLtcb lt of tbe rh{llful

nl6ht uultlply ertlst, rho

rere helped by the laduetry (1) to aelnrate

kner bot to pronote uature, llpurltlce lf lt lrou gold.

theee sulpburoug aad eartLly beat 1n llrlag 5old,

For tbere 1a a eufftclcat

leac etlrrcd

uP by ertrlneecal

Leat, to dlgeet lt

tato e eeed by Sua, but that splrlt thet


heat I do aot lcal

the hcat of tbe celestlal

beet rblcb la te tbe eartb ald sttrs 1a la ell 8old. lor

uD sead (1) the ltvlag

cubtemeaDal aperna to rultlply, tDle le e heat of putrefactlon tn tbe eartb,

eld lndeed rahes gold becoue occaeloled by ecld eplrlts cralplc rclated by


ea Jrou !a!r aee Dy thle

L1b. J.

]HGI|USTbut to rhtch tbc reeeot raa 6tven by gENDItfoGIus. ^I'BERIUS lberc rre eeLth tle forucr rutbor, ccrtala 6re1aa of 6o1d fouad bctrtrt tbc tceth of a dead laa h the grave: rherefore be coacclvcd tbcre res I Pouer 1l tbe body of ren to ra&,e end ftr otberrlecr aa eelth tbc lettcr coaveycd lnto author:

gold: but tbe reaeoa 1e fer

for aatth be, ARoEtfT vrvE ras

by aoue Dhyalcel clther

the body of tbla ran rhea be ree allve, or Bole eucb ray, ee tho cuaton ras;

by uncttoD or by turblth,

and 1t 1s the nature of I'lercury to ascead to the noutb of the petleat, ead tbrougb tbe excorlatlon f,or tbea lf of tbe noutb to be avotded rlth the flegue.

lD euch a cur.e tLe alck ran diedl

tbat llercury aot havhg aad that carcaae ttue belng sh,ut beat

Pr6sage outr reaalaed betrlrt becane the aatural

tbe teetb la thc routh,

Yesael of Hercury, ead so for a lont

up tae eongealed by 1ts proper eulphur !.ato gold by the natural of putrcfactloa, but 1f tbe ulneral beht purtfl.ed by tle

corroalve flegue of the carcaae; gold hed

Hercury bad not been brought ln tblther,

Dever becn produced there:

Aad thle 1e a roet truc erenple tbat as llcreelf, belag atlged up end

cury ls by tbc proper eulphur tbat le la lt belped by aa ertrlaeecal cd by ray eccldentr

heat, coa6ulated lato a requl.elte

gold, ualess 1t be 5laderLeet, or a coD-

or bevc lot


vealeat plecer eo algo thet arture

doth ta tbe borbla of tbe earth proaad otber letele eccord,lng to tLe cleered

duce of I'tercury only 6old ead sllver, dlapoeltlol by thc nrlc of the place, ead retrlr; of rcductlon; for 1f lt

rblch aeaertlon le furtber be true tbat all thea told

th1n6a coaslst of

tbat rhlcb tbey nay be reduced lato, because (ae roet grant,

coaelsts of lfereury, at thle day profcss

& AVENROfS efflrne,

ead laly

Llb. tlcy ). GrD do) rld rry bt rcduccd t'lto 1t. tlcrof, ruDrtelcc tbmr 1t I lrt ttr bt lh1cl tbr

thcturc lully lorlch,r lrd lf

of 3old rhlch 1r tbc .oul rrtrectcd eld rry ell tlrt ttrc rclel'dag

eld tt!.r3

rrJr br.o Llhc lr.. f f ro, rrt

1111 bc rubltmd ea 8ub11utc. retcr,

bc ea terlly rat

rcduced lrto



bc rcduccd lnto

e treaepercat lld ol lt

eg lt

(eccordlaG to tbe proccae act dora bctorc, eld cletot 1|r helf to kaorr trJr to tura e lnund of llcrcurt

f &lor elotl,cr rclf llto

bcttor retcr

e clcrr

ea hourr rhlcb together rltb

1a onc of tbe 6reatcet

cecrete f klot, and rhell

or cuc crave lcave

rbat ley bc produced thelce rey not that ratcr a hhd of lLvlag ultLt

to be^ etlcnt rectlfledr

1a) r\' bc crllcd ud

1a core rense, 1f 1t be rcII gold out of rhleb Jrou rry perbrpe for thc vulter tattcr to kaor? ft eppcars

rekc e rcdlctne; aor fron rlet llercuryr ead tbat

r rcnetrur tbat aalte,

1a prenlecd,

tbe lucdl.atc ead I klor

of gpld la probebly dreal of,

ead not ccrta1n the crtr{.nseca1

not rbat rs ruy tbc ctrtb,

bcat 1e froa rlthln

ead aot tbc couatrlce tberc

beat of the 8u!, lB BoE hrglae la r11r or ebost cold couatrlca JAXES lJ-a tl,rel lal all

(becauee la the bottcet rlo tt

6o1d 6cncratcd)

tbcy conetdercd tbet tn 6old rllea ln Kl'ng

el'eo lte, rould

rad ea 1a SCOILIIID rcre, tlca

be of enother rlnd

to tbhk

tbat tbe cclcet-

eua could pclctretG 5. for

ao ee to bcat thc certb go dcep ea roet gold LLgB. dlacovcrcd rhat of gold ls, rrer vt!. f rball Srltr tlc lntrlaeecalr eld la aorc rclaurc heat, ald tbc rettcr thorc thrcc prlnclplcs

cltrcnaecel tqlle!'a cnty, rhrt

acrt cndcrvour to Snlphurt ead l{crtbat eftcr tblags

ol rhlcb

ARGEIIID WVE, ead told


Eaor tberetore

treturc hrd recelvcd

lron thc roet Elgb God tbc prlvllcdgc

of all

Llb. j. rDoD tlc tror1lc.! llonucht to oycly of thlr tbla8r roDldr rbc bc6el to dl'ttr{butc to lte dlgdty; ud plecoe end 1a thc ttrrt ol tbc forld,


plece dld coaatltutc ead tLet dgbt tle rlII

tbe four Elcrcatg

to bc thc Prlacrc

of tbc roet Elgb (tn rloee rlll ordel'acd thet tbcy doufd llrc tbcrclore rct

treturc la pleccd) ulnn oac raotbcr 1l-

be fulflllcdr lhc lbe ltr

ceeaantly. Sulphur?

bc6ra to ect upoD tbc l1r, rni

ead produccd producod lfer-

el'eo bc6ea to act upoa tbc latcr,

cuty: Tbe latcr

also begea to ect upon thc Eerth, ead produccd Salt. produced nothla6, but becene

Ilor the Eattb not bavln6 rhercon to ect, tbe eubJcct of rbat ree produced. prtnclplcs; tbc rattcrr

So tbca tbcrc tor produccd tbrce rot eo atrlctly consd.derlng

but our r.acloDt Pllloaopbcre

deecrlbcd oaly tro acts of tbc Elereater y1.!. Sulpbur end l{ercury;

ead co aancd but to

tto Prhclplee, be ellcat ?.

or elee they rcre rllllng

la the otber,

epcak1lg only to tbc BoDEof lrt. of PLlloaophere (rLlch la not, hdeed le the Sultbat tbhg coEDoD fer but

The Sulpbur tberefore ald, of ell

pbur of l{ctale, colbuetlble dlfferlng preaerrtag,


rE retrJr thlDk,

Sulgbur rblcb tron tDet,

le aold ln rbope, but l.a uother rot burnlp6, lor lt

aad la lncoubugttblc, ell


ead rcotorlug

tblags rhJ'cb l't le 1ar ud thc flrc of f,rturet

1s thc CIIF

IDltl.t fmnTltl.l of cvery thht, e,ad of 3be aaturc 1l ely tblng tulpbureout, of the netural

the creatcd L16bt1 rhataoeYer 1a rholly

ol tbe Sua, eld 1e callcd eld alryr

tbe Sun; ro thrt tbat ely tLlU

l's t!'cry

1a Sulphnrr lot

but rhat 1n 1t le roet tDl.a ead rubtllc, E[re,

betan6 tbe casence rhlch tndeed

ald thc nature of the creetcd Ll6btt PLlloaophcre have 1n ell

1e that Sulpbur rhlch

r6ta rltb


1,1D. ).

dlllgcacc.rdcrvourcd rad .o to pcrfcct tbc rorld ead Sllvcrr rulgburr pr{.lclplc E.

to rrtrect, tbo 3t.rt

eld rltb


groprr Ior


to itr,


ol leturc.

of r11 tD14g h

tLcrq 1r notblng hetb loro of thlr but ccpcclelly

Sulphur ln 1t thrn 0old lt 1a called

GoId, tnronuch tbat oftcntlrce

(lre.) ln lt, llcrcury

bccauee Su1pbrrr ta thc rost Drcdorlnent ead crccllcat tad bcla6 ta lt rcrc thcl ell tbJ.nge bcgldce. la

1g aot hcrc tel,cn for couou .IRGEISI VIVE; but tt

the EUI{IDUHRADICALEof cvery tblatr rtacoue bunldlty ud 1t 1e callcd ol tbc utter, ead lt

tbat pure equooua, uactuoue, end le of thc aature of tbe l{oon, vt!. becauae 1t 1e and

the llooa, ead thrt 1a celnblc

for tLta rclao!, of rccelrl'ng


la elao bccauee tt

the lnllucnce

1161t of thc Sual r1,2. Sulpbur. 9. Satt la tbrt flxt pernaacat Earth rhl'cb ls la the center of ead uaelterable, rhlcb and 1t 1a tbe aulr lt ts rtrongly drt.

cvery tLln6r portcr lor

that 1e lrcorruptlblcl

ead rurse of tbs EUlfIDUtl RADfCALE,rltb lte

tDl'e Salt Lrth l.n 1t r eeed, r1l.

CALfDUI!INI{ATltl{, rhlch le eld yct theee tbroe thlagl

Sulplurr are rot

ead l'ts EIII'IIDUIIRADICILE, rblcb 1g llercury; dJ.atl'actr gr to be ecperetcd, but ue

ole lolo6eneal

bevlnt Epo! e etffcreat eld tlcry 1e cellcd SaIt, ell lO. ycllor

eccoult dlvcra !uce;

for la reepcct of 1ts bcat hud.dl-ty, 1t lt le called

eubstaace !.t 1a callcd llercury,

Sulpbur, !.a reapect of tt terreetrlal atcclty

aad 1n respect of lte

rDlcb tre 1l Gold pcrfectly 0o1d thereforc

uttl'tcdr depuratcd rad flred. lletalel of a helgbt,

le roet aoble ald eolld of ell


colpacted of prtaclplea flred.

dlgeated to tLc utroet

eld thercfore

Irlb. ). ll. lror eull lt 8l'1rcr 1e 1a tbc aort phc. tn dlgcetloa ctlcfly; of dl6ntty to CoId, rDd dlffcrc bcceulc tbcrc la aorc

r rr!.d chlcfly,

lrpur:lty 12. lor

bcat'dca edbcr{.ag to dlvcr. lertl8 61vca lorc lNrfl rccouat of tbe orLglaal of told, tatter,


end accold, aad renacr of thc grorth cur{.oaltlce tbrcc, tbcrcla, r!2.

I ehall la tbe tbereof. la tbe

aort plece ect dora totc tLc prclnretloaa drtlol tbcreof tre rltb

end prcparatlon



otbcr Llquore: Oll of 6old, rhlcb le 6old ltquld the rlrturc of tlc of eay other Llquor: colour tbereof. ead the tlacture,

by 1t eelf rlthout

rhlcb l.e thc crtractlon

lhe Otl

of Gold.



Dute flae gold 1n AQIIAREcfS accordlag to Art (tbe

AQITA REGfS belng tade of e pouad of .f,QUA tr\)RTIS, aad four ounces of Srlt utlon Arooalack dlattllcd put lnto r lergc to6etber by Retort 1n aaad) rblch clear aol6lees of a rlde ncck, ead upoa lt pour drop by before of

drop Otl of larter ree yellor,

radc Pm DEtfQItIl,t, uattl aad rDlte;

tbe AQUAREGfS, rblcb

bccoue clcar

for tbet l'a a ef,tn tbat aII 1t etaad all dgbt,


6o1d le aettled ronJ'ag d.tb Lcet. 14. tehce llre Iote, Dour off

to tbe bottor;

tbca let

rnd 1a tbe tlaes

tbe clear f,l,quor, ead raeh tbc cak ratcr, beleg raned, rad dry lt

four or flvc rlth

cor.oD rprl,rg

e noat gentle


thet rcll, llkc

thet 1l thc heat be too 6rcat,

tbc calx and


Otu-porder ead fltce

etay to thy lrnter

Il.b. loae; lU ). tbar.forc 1t 1t brrt rltb to dry 1t 1r thc rul, fo tbl'r or oa I rtoac, cdr edd belf atlpe pert

1t dlllScltly

I loodca rlntth. tbel

of tbc Potdcr of eulpDur; rlx lct thc rulpbur

togctbcr, puttlag

ead 1l el opc! cruclble e gcntlc ttrc to lt et

burn rralr ta tbc flre, e roet r.Dlor

thc flret, tDrt tll'c,

ead ln tDc rld ny la iorc

etroag tlrc

for tbe 3lrrce of en bour, tad bccolc logt eub-

tLc cak

bc rcverbcretcd,

rh1ch kccp la e rLol cloae etopt 19.

for your EBo thla rltrDer, put lt v1r. lDalsetbe lato a 6ourd,

Tbrn tekc a gp1r1t of Urtac aftcr rel dr{,dr5'ag flae

urlae rblcb

of e bealtby you luet


atop cloacr lt

eld eet 1l Loree-duat ln aand lnto Rectlflc

for tbe .Drco of fourty e lerge Rccclver, uatll

deyel thca d1at1ll ell tbe b'r{ dltf thst

by r Lhbeck oft.

be dletlllcd tbc Sglrlt

thle Sptrlt Thcn dl-stllI

by cohobettou lt ln aaad

tbree theer

only aay rLee.

by e Slaae dtb torJr rcll vceecl llkc Lct tbie to ltr

a loag aeckr bavlng e ler6e rccelyer e.ld the Sp1r1t vlll rlthout be elcvated lrto

lanered, aad cloacd tbe top ol tbe


rny rqueoua buulrllty rutll eII

acconlre^Dytagof I't. be rteea. ead be dleyou luat e glesc


bc coatlaucd,

tbe Splrlta rela-ratcr,

Tbcae chrletele tlllod re bcforc;

ruet be ilasolved

1n dlstlIlcd tlaee,

tDl'a ruat bc doac rtr dlatlllcd.

ead evcry thc

teke fresb rah-ratcr bolt-Leed, Ballour roet lllcr

then put theae cbrlgtele


rbJ.cb cloce Ecnctlcrlly,

rad act ln the rodcratc heat of a deyal tbrt tbey rey bc reduced lnto cqull relgbt of 8p1r1t of e

for tbc lpece ol ttftcca Llquor.


Io tDla L,l.quor rdd u aad lct

vcry rell


tbcn be d5.6catcd la BALIDO the elncc

ol trclvc

daye, 1a the

tLey 1111 !s nt'{ t6{.

IJ.D. ).

f5. ulttcd dlgcat





of gold ebovreatd, covcr tLcr tbrcc

ead pour uDo! tt flagcre bmedth,

of tlcrc eld

8p1r1,te rs rucb re r11l thcr ln I tcltlc tbc tlacturc, rll

Leetr uatll

tbc Llquor bc ttntcd

eg rcd aa blood; Splrlta, ead

Ccceat otf

ead put on lore of tbc eforcsald bc crtrectcd;

io ee bcfore t1ll cd Sflr{.te

tbs tlacture

thca put tll days, efter

tbc tlnctrbJ'ch


ead dlgeet tbcr tca or trclvc dth e gcatle hcat, ud

t1re ebetract than the calr

thc Splrlt r11l

cohobatc 1t oace; atd

reueln 1a tbe botton

l;Lkc ra Oll ee red ea blood, ln eay Llquor. ff you eletll tbc ea

erd of a pleaaaat odour, ead rbtcb 1111 be dleeolved lbereol thla O11 rey be tbc SUCCEDAIEUII of tnrc Oold. by Rctort

tbe care solutton flret

la eaad, ttrere r1I1 colo oycr, e,ftcr rltb

part of tbe ncnetruun, thc tl'ncturc

tDc othcr part tbereof,

red ee blood, the eartb rhlch 1r lcft blackr dry, apongloua and llght.

1a tbe bottou of the vcseel betag luet be valnured aray, bc kept aa r

The renetruun self,

ead tbc OtI of gold tlll 6reat treaaure:

renaln by lt

rLtcb lust

eld thl's 1a Dr. AfrTBOtrIrS AIIRUU FOTABLE. gralne of thJ'e OII taken tn rhat raDlcr tbc Sp1r1te, erd rorka reyral Dleeaeea 1a youat ead old. Boeyer, toDby

Four or el6bt dcrfully srelt, rcfrcebeth

reyer eepectelly

ead curee all

Tbe llrue O11 of Gold.

lE. rectlfled

Trke ltr oul'ce of Lcef-6old, ratcr of l{ercury,

dleeolve lt

1n four oruccs of thc

cxlrresaed pa6e 75. dlgcat thcl la Lorsc-duag tbe l{ercurlal retcrl and at tbc

thc epace of tro roetbe,

tbca cvaporetc

Llb. 7.

bottor tou lbrll botbcr

Lrvc tbc truc 01I ol 0oIA, rbich 1r reClcelly


Droccr! hcmof lrou rrlr tcc lngr /1.

TLe Chl'ld of Cold.

19. of urd

Dl.gaolvc Durs Oold 1D AQUAnEOfAr DrcclDltetc lnto e ycllor (tble pordcrr rhlcb you ruet dnlcltlc

1t rlth rtth rer!

tbe otl rltel,

ead tbcn dry 1ti der 1r trlcc

1111 not be flred

ee AURUI|Ft[J{If,AfS) thle portbe cauce of rblcD tDe gold. Put tLte

ae hcavy rs tbe GoId tbat rae put lu, preclBltetllg lt self rlth

1c the ealt of tbe fUate ycllor pordcr lrto

e cruclblcl

rad rake lt

6lor r llttle,

eld 1t 1111

bc turaed l.lto lt

tbe hJ.gbeet ead fal.reet 1t ttll 1t rlll be brora. dlaaolvc tt


tbat Jrou yr aar, but tbe rtroa6eet

1t ataad loa6cr, (for

Ihea pour upoa tt better

ap1r1t of salt rLlcb thcr

tbcn eay AQUA REOIS) on of llaer ud dl6eet fall

eleeolutloa togctbcr,

p,our oa tbe bcst rectltled


ead by r loa6 dlgcatlonr llke

loro prt

of thc GoId rtll

to tbc bottol f,1trc bc lelted 1lthony of Selt,

a rbJ'te sDorr ead ray rltb e rbl'tc lta rctal

Borarr Tertar

ead aalt rltb


ae bcavy ee goldr ud


trJr rccovcr


colour atala;

tben cvrporttc

tbe ap1rlt

eld of Ulae, eld tbe 6o1d ![lncture

rcrel'netb et the bottont

r.nd 1g of grcat vlrtue.

the Sua of GoId.


lek'e of the eforeaald


CeIr of 0o1d,r prcclpttated


ll0t rib. ).
O1l of Hndr or of cryetrl; 1n e 6cntlc (rLlch lt dll olc Prrtr r1r tbct rad tbrcc rcll tbrt or tour Dut! of ttc Llquor of eead, e cruclblc yrpour eray


rDd put thcl


bcet flratr lot

tbe rolrture

of tbc 011 rry

do caallyr ro tbrt

bcceuec tbe drlncae of tbe tead rctel'as lt flyeth rrey lt'ke loltca Allru, tlU or Bo-

tbe rotaturc rer)

tbcreof, rtll

rbcn !o torc

vrpour rrayr

cncrclae your tlre,

tbe srulato a

clDle bc rcd hotr ead thc drture rlnd tlre lsto furnacer ead covr tt about tt

ccaae bub11a6; tben put lt lnto lt,

that no asbea falt

aad lake e etrong 1111 be turaed ead crtrect tbla blood, netal

for the apace of aa hour, aad the dxture Ruble. aplr!.t !!bcn takc 1t out, end beat lt, of f,lae, rb1.cb 1111 becone llke lay be leltcd lnto

a traaalnrent rltb

the tlacture

ead tbat rhlcb renal'as undlseolved, ae tbe forner.

e rblte

Tbc l,looa of Gold.

21. tlII

laa6 plates

of OoId oytr tr1,eblel

the fuae of ARGEilffYI\IE, ead they ee ler. lhl's l'a callcd out of rblch tbelr Dte6-

becole rbltel

ald flurrblc

neela of Goldr aa aalth Phllosopberer

PARACELSUS, ln fladl'lg

(cal.tb be) follorers, eecret,

ae ftrOHASAQUfIfASTead RIIPESCISSA, rlth of palnsr but 1n vel.a; r^nd lt for thc rclt1l6

took e 6rcat leal end bdeed flured.

1e r rctoreble

very alnguler

of retels,

thet ere aot caellt togctbcr r1tb

tror thca Oold betng tlue


tnd reltcd

thc l,Icrcury, le becone a brlttlc out of 1t a tlacturc

eubataaccr rhlcb ruet be pordered, aad of letale.

ray bc dravn for tbe treasautlng

lrl,b. J.


Ster of 0old.


Tdrc hIf 1t rtth


ouncc of Durc Cold, dletolve O11 ot fllate, dulcttte


la IQUA REGIS, rarE rater,

PscclDltrtc eld dry ttr

thc Galr vlth

ead !o 1t la prcpued eld rlr lt rttb

for your rorhr

lhca tekc REEULUS f,ltrc, both rhlcb

}|ARTfS Poldcrsdl put 1lto

thrce lDuts of salt gcatly rltl

r cruclblct flrer lhlcb

end rerc tbcr glor eld tbcn tLle drture

et tlrat,

tbcn gtve e

strong leltll6 ple colourr

bccone to be of a pur-


takc out, ead beat to porder, aad add to tbree of the celr of Gold prcpercd ee before; ead rdcc tbeu rclt put ther

p'arts of thla lnto e vlld

oaa lnrt


1a a atroa6 cruclblc,

aa I letal,

eo r1l1

thc If|[RUI{ lXTIl.OfIAntH 1l the rclthg eld dJ'eeolve ltt Let tbla aad tbe drture staad florlng

takc tbe celx of gotd r!11 becole to be of an ttll tbe rbole

to 1t aclfl lret\rat


ln tbc flre tou rey try do ao flor

raBa be aa traaaparcat out end coolhg lore arlt of 1t.

ae a Ruby, rhlcb If the drture le colplctly ead tt

by taklng a llttle ceet 1a eole fortb, betng Ruby; tbc


of trltrc. lato

lLeD lt

donc, caet lt bc IlIe


e brecca llortcrr


to el orlcntal ald rtth

tbaa lnrdcr rptrtt lllr

l't betore 1t bc cold, crtract

tbea put tt

l.ato e Ttol,

of llre

thc ttacture.

le ouc of tbe bcat prcperettoas of Gold, ead of rost excellent

nec l.a l{

L1b. j. ,|!tc Rellbol.



lake r tutDrcc


for tbe purpoec, thl'ch rust r flat

be cloec botton or four

et tbc topl ead bevc r Dlpcr to rhlcb r. Declpleat rttb lust tlrllsr furnacc purplc tlree be llttcd: lhea thlc furance 1e tbua f!'ttcd;

put ln thrcc rblcb

aot ebove l! 1e bot flyeth colourcd firre,

outlcGr of AURUI{ntL}{IIEf,S, .re!r llto thc rcclplclt

la lootr ra tb tlc ptpe ILke e thcn put 1n


end la turncd lnto

a purple twder;

or four gralae lorer rhlch

ead do es bcforc,

t111 you lave cnougb floret t!,e bottou, a-ud pour

crs of Cold (thet ray rlth Epon thel eebes tlll oratcr

flyeth lrto

aot eray, Dut rcrahetb

Borar be lclted rcctlfled the aplrlt aptrlt

good Gofd) ther tah,c then out, tartarlzatcd,

of flne

ead dl6eet tben 1a

be colourcd blood-redr

rLlcb you ruet tbea eyalF of ao auall vtrtue.

ead et tbe botton rlll

bc a blood-rcd tlacture


llake tDe pureat gold you cra gct, AQlta nEGrar atop your 6leea rlth t1u ycllol

pour oa lt

four tlnee ts rucb lD rarl ud eahca, ao becone a

r Dlpcr,

ead ret tt

tLe AQUAREGrA ln ea hour or tro teke up tbe 6old, retcr, lf lt

bc etrong cnougbl (be eure tbat J/our old hath ao bc loet) bccauac tbc Copper rlll th.ercof) thsn pour

Coppcr Ln lt, bc preclpltetcd oa tble ro rlll ycllol tle

for tbca yout lebour rlll rlth rater

tbc gold, ald bl.rder tle

ft r1lg

drop by drop, pure Oll of tartar lnto e drrh yellor

redo pIR DETIQIIIUH, pordcr, ead tbe

Gord be preclpltetcd

Llb. ). bo clcer.




tou potrt rot

o! tor. lt

o11 of trrter dll dlerolvc

thca 1e lnrt ol

anfflclcrt prcclpltrtcd cthetloa; llcn Srcrt lor lt

for tLc prcctpltttlon; Oold to t\y rad dnlctttc cdr prcludlce. tbc celr


pour off dietlllcd

tt'c crcar trJ.quor by larej'a-ratcr lemcd.


sct tlle

1n tbc gua, or aorc rrrl Glrc, ttre tllt


to dry, but trrc ln r phce thuadcr, bc grcat. rot too lot; rltlout

bocd, rad capcchl dlI prceently trle

you act 1t lot erelr llke

eld fly

great iqrtel

to tbc rtudcre

by, lf

the queltlty

lfblg te ttc dlf1ilcultlce

soEoD ray to rake tURItt't FltLttItrAtrSt ard lt 1a tlc tl prcperetlott.

Drth conai.dereblc

Eut tLc best rey te to preclpttate of SeIt lruonleck

gold dlagolved

AQUAREGfs by tbe gPld.t

or of; for by thls ud glvcth a ter greater

rey tbe gold le rade prrler thea by the other, crack a.ld eound. eted rltb fore. A tcr gralns of tLla bclag ftred ttve f,otc tbat thc aalt

of tbe eplrl.te

rblcb la prcclpltes be-

thc Ootd, luet

be rashcd arayl ud

the oold dulcttted

a crack rnd eouad ee 6reat Dlor up r3y tEaS tlrt rllr qulckly lore for-

18 t lluaket rher lt clbly fer

lc dleclrrgcd,

rad ulll la e lnrder

tbcn Oulp,ordcr, aad lt

eld car

1Iy Dc flred. lhls le of uss for pbyalck ea 1t le 1a porder, but capcctarly tle forctohg thcture. lt

te uecd 1n uk1l6

Llb. 5.

Cbptcr ff.


0t lcctnr

Phlloaoptrlcur. l. Eor Elllua

a. of lqua lhra sorle cclectla Lulee ls lede.

scorplo. le rede.

,. i.

of aqua l{ere Eor stcrra vl'tec la rede, I t. lrl.

8ubt111tet1c. rttrc le lrde.

6. Eor frllle rtte.

?. Eor Igda

E. Ol ldtuetrl.l Ol Arl'cua iltre.

9. Of Selua rttte.

tO, Ot Sragnls lC.tee. 15. Of rqur ycaue, ylr6o.

le. Of Succua y!,tee.

Of equa l{era Aftcg. 17. Ot ltcdulla tltae. 20. lqua vcaus, Llbra. 29. Aqua Jupltcrl Vlrgo.

15. Ol rqua SoI, Cancer. 16. Of rqua t{ere Lu!a. 21. aqua velue, 2b. lqgr Luna. scorplo.

16. Of rqur Seturn, Llbre. 19. Aque }lge, Canccr.

22. aque gor, vlr6o. Z!. lqlr llercury, Lu!e. 52.


tiars Oencer. Sol.

26. lqua Jupltcr

2?. puella

2E. lcqulclto !1.

29. Aqua Luna, Scorplo. Pucr SoI.

,O. Fortrue tdalor SoI. )4. Sol Here, Atleg. LLe eplrlti

Rubeus Sol.

55- Aqua .fuplter.

5i. of ra}1a6 eplr{.ts. vtr-

76. To rake a Ye6etable to ylcld tuce ol theee tatrs.

ead of the roaderful




Trhe Eoaey, satt

rertcd, dl6cet

of eecb e pouad, of tbe atroageet eptrlt tbel for tle aDrce of e tortulgbt, or

of Ylnogar tro pourds; lolcr thea dletll

tbcu tr

rabee, cobobaic the trLquor upoD tbe fecce tle epl.rlt. 6laea-gonld.

tbree or four tbee, f,ote thrt

tbcn rectlf,lc

tbcy rust

be doae 1a a lergc

Ilb. 5. lqur llrrtlr Scor1ilo.


tehc ot thc Dcgt Dcctltlcd uralekcd f.lre, uatll


of llac,


rblcb hblDc thcl put

tbc etroageat tLcl llto

thcy bc rede tnto off tbe rptr'l.t

r paatc,

r gleae-Oourd, lrceh Llrer hevc r y.ry tbe vlrtue

rad dletll ud

1a rahrs:

Tble aptr{.t

pour oB torc rad thou rhelt ead to crtract

do ea bcfore; aubtllc rplrltr

do thl'g tlrce

or four tlnce, roet thh6a,

eblc to dtelolve

out of tbel.

lqua llertle


5. plnt, fror

!!drc o1l of Ollve, itatll tber ell

Eoncyr rcctlflcd


of llac,

of eacb e tbe flegn put all tbeee


1n aahcer then eeparete dI

tbc o1l,

rhl.cb rtll e Pcllcal,

be C1at1n6u1ahed Dt Hay coloure, eld edd to tber the thtrd dlgeet tbel

coloura llto of Bah,

part ol tbc Eaeence Tben

eld Sa1lerdlne,

for the spacc of r noltb.

h,ccp l.t lor lBer llls Llquor 1e ro eubtllc tht 1t pcactreteth cvotJr tLtag.







11. ! of Claaoon, Lor6-pepper, Cltlpa-plllr

Clovce, trutlegsr Splkenard,

Otagcrr Zedoaryr Oe}[u6elt Cnbuber Ctrdarulgr lhnk{ncenst r.nd ouacc


Cel,elue aronetlcue, Toneat1l,


Orouad-plaer llacer rhl'te


tUn FOTAALE,tbe ttltb of Dlarf-clders

IJ,D. 5.

of lrcb: rortr tchort, of Eldcrl llooarort; lleldoleltl



Bty lrrr{,ce,

tbc rccds ud In!'rcl


of l{otbcrSrgc,

tbo rocds of 8re11e3r1 lcucl, Rorcury, truJomrl lthta,

tLc lotvrr

of gortol,



thc florere

Rotce rcdr rEtr, E6tLlony, Edlver ccatory,

of tbc hevea of Sctblou!, hrlteryl llocr, ptrpencr,

Rnc, tbc lcaeer gcbr15!t, Durc 5bcr,

gorthlatlc, ourco.,

rod gruldcral of oecl tro

of oecl tlo

tbc bcct Rluberbr Detce rtoledr


drycd Efte,


ol tbc Sga, ouacc, ot

erect lhoada,

Grelaa of tbe ptle,

of cech u

tbc bcet AQUAVITAI to tbe quaatlty e pouadl of rblte llorere Eoley balf

of theu e11, of the beet bard Su6cr

I pouad, thon edd thc root of ocattrn, tbc root of Brtony, gorbread,, ioranood, qulncb Gotd, put tberela efter trenty or{.cnfour

of Roaerary, Pcpperrort, .! oEBGe. Iol

of cacb helf

beforc ttrcae ere d!'st!'lled, ln tLe foresald re,ter, tt

bcla6 ladc red bot oftca-tlucs tal Prarle beatea suall

ea ouBccr eld thcn dlettll

houre lafirs1oa. lhla la very Cordlal leter, good egalast fel'atlnga end lnfectloa.



1a trde tbue.


|[e!c of tbe rlad

of Cltroas

dryed, QimtGcl


Clovee, Ctn-

tlanotrr of eecL tro orucca; lrolatlcue, Zcdoalyr

tbe roote ol Elorer.-dcluce,

Cyprus, Calanua

Gal:lagelr Gil.lgcr, of cacl DrIf Luiftls; llorer

e lnnnd; of tbe tops

of l,avcaderr BocelarJrr of cach tlo llertorerl Balrr lllata, sater,

tbc lcavce of the Bey-tree, of Bogcg, Deuek, of thc

oacb Delf I baldfirlr

lltBltl{ P0TAEE a dran, bee-ratcr

lour plnta,

ll.b. ). rllc I grllols Bsrrl.c rlrt rllcb nrt bo brulrcd, tlcr. tbrl Llfttc thcr

Drrt illto dl truty

tour louml



tLle la tDc ratc rl'rtuc er tLc foncr.


Lurec Crlcetl,a,

ta rrdc


6. Ollgcrr lllrc

!!ex'e ol Clovce, OelLlgal, of cach t drerr lhlte oft rlnc thc tulcc

CuDebel llecc, Gtrdenue, of Gclcnd1ac Lalf lafuse ell I plrt,

trutrcgc, eplr{,t of

e ptlt,

thrce plate:

thcce treaty

four Loura,

eld tbcn dlatll !Dl-e retcr

tro plate by e Ltrbech.. rltrd ln tbc stoucb ead beed.

1e vcry Sood egellat



la radc tLur.

7. futrc6s,

|reke e gellon Gral,ls,

of Gaecolgl r:Lnc, Ol.ager, ealhtall lccde, Cerorey


Alll.accCer Fclacl

accde of cach r drer,

.IURUH P0ltAEEr rD oulcc, Boeclrry, Splcra rtl'rrl,lg rttb Dy tt 1tr rl'ld, rd

Se6er rcd ltlatcr hraldcrr

rcd Borea, llDl.rcr Pcllltoryt of crch r Dudful: thcr reccretc trclvc Bcat thc boure,




tbe Ecrbe lcttl,a6 d1*11 tbcl

tl'ca lor

eld tbclr

by r Lcrb!'ck or coDpcr atlllt plat by 1t reltr ead thc accoai


hccp tLc tl.ret

lclf. tlet of tlc tbc tlrrt plat r11I be tbc bottcr, but tbc rccond thc

Iotc etrolgcr


t1b. V. !bl,e trtcr 1l rotl llon to cortort tll
thc prllctpel 1nrta.



E. fror tlcr

Teke of rod Poppy-grkca (eftcr 1a e cold ttlll)

tbc ratcr

bath becu dlatlllcd of edd

not over drycd tro ponad, pour upoD thel errd hrlf, Cearry r'.nc tDrcc plate;

tbc retcr to tbcl

of rcd Poppy e galloa

of Cortendcr accds brulaed

four ouncce, of D[lI lt

tced bruleed l! ouDce,

tro oulcee, of Clovcs bruleed half of Boeerary r baadful,

or[lce, of lfutEcts ellccd dletll

thrce Oren6ca cut tn the r!.ddlc, put thc lulce of e1r onlgce,

thcn la

r bot at111; to tb,e reter balt l!

ead baa6 tn lt tro drars

outrce of lfutrega ellced,

ald, re nucb Clnaenon brnleed,

of Clovcsr a haadful of Roeeuary cut alell, l! oulcer of Raleons of thc Sua etoaed Lelf tbc rater

ereet Fcarcl aeeds brulaed e pouadl belng r,Il put lato

e be6 rLtcb rey be Dergcd tl tbe elncc of e ronth, tbcreof bclag tLret

(tbc vceecl betag cloec atopt) tbc Llquor eld of lltRul,t

eld tben be taken out ead cagt Iray, prceaed out lato thc torcsal.d ratcr,

POTABLEI drr. fhla retcr 1l of ronder vtrtue cauactb rcat, 1a Suractc elld Plurltca, tro, colporeth or four

tLc splrl.tar

helpetb dJ.6eatloe lf

or threc,

otrlcc8 thercof

be drqpk, rad thc patleat

conpoec bhaelf

to teat.

Salue vltae.



6recn f,teop 1n r cold rtllr


you bavc e garloa end

s lo
Llb. U. lrlf full of tLc tetor, to tLla put four lradfurrc of drrod Breopr e held_ brulrcd,

of Ruc, er rueb ol Roeorery, trortLound, Elocerpelc-root brultcd,

ead of Borec-mdllh-loot
tbc lcef ery rlDc, eld h

of cech four oulcca, of Tobrcco tu

tro qugte of Caathcn,

tDrcc otlltccar lanleccd lct tbcl r11 rtud

brulged tro oulccr,

la d13cet10a tro deyr, tbca dlatlr put balf

tbe ratcr


lc dlrtlllcd

e lnuad ol Rrtaora of tbc o'accs

8ru ltoncdl end e helfr tl

of Llcorlsb

tro ouacce, ercct

Faarcl rccda brqlgad tlo rad let out.

Olager el1ccd a! oulcr

aad e half,

tbcu bc lafueed

FRrGrDo tbe spaco of ten deyar tben take tbcl fhle ratcr glcetened rttb

Su6ar-candy, ead dnrak to tbe quairtlty l'n e day, 1e ver!/ 6ood for thoec that arc flc6nl opetra

of three or four ouncca trlce Pttrlcalr lt etreagtbcnctb

tbe Luage, atteauatea thlck tbe stonach.


ead tg vcrJr 6ood to confort

Seagul.e yttae.


Tehe of lorlrood



ouacee, the ebartage of Eerta-

hora tro oulcca, of lloea brubcd

of Peecb-florcre half

dryed lD ounce, AURUl,t POTABLE a drel, of Teaele, Ruc, let tben

en, outrecr po[D on tbcac thc reter

Peecb-floterar bcllg put llto

rad of fon-roodr

of oach e plnt rad a halfl

e glaes yeeeer, be dl6ested tbc Bpace of three dayer cohobatc thla rater tbrec thee. tbc fone; it ley bc 6lven fror

tbsa dlattl


Sble ratcr balf r!

la very crcellcat


otlDcGto thrcc ouncco, eccordlag to thc e6e of t1c petleat.

Ll.b. ,.



I l. fror


of nOS VIIRIOLI (rhlch ln tbe ce1clnh8 tbcrcof)

le tbet ratcr tro querts,


1l rtlrttlled


la thle put of Rue Drglscd

e heldfirlr Datf r!

ol rludper


brulgcd u

ouDce, of Eey beptcs CelpLlrc dlgest


Pfoat bcnlea

brulesd atr drua,

tro drarel tDcac four rlaye

Rhuberb rllccd ta a tenpcrats therc rllr ft tttor all

l!, ouDcer AUnUUmTIBLE tr,o drata, BALltDo, then dlstll

tben ln e 6laee veeeel tn eeheer tld

co! oyer a rater

of no anarr r1.rtue. lt bclpa alao tbe ylrrgalaat

cures ConYrrlatone 1l Chlldrca espcclally, the Eyeter{,cal paeeloa, ead Eplepele, lt

1s vcrJr crcelleat

offenglve It

vaPoura and rlnd

that enloye tbc bead a.ld etoaacb.

rey be tahen froa tro draue to tro ortrGer

Succue Vltee.


Teke ol loranood, ttth


bloeeone, of cacb a ltke tbcn etrld thcl



theur ead d: tn e coli

tbcu aoue Lcaycn, and let

plece the apecc of a leck, take a galloa

tbca d!'etll of tlle

fcnentatlol '.n la e cold etlu e garloa

t111 tbey be very iry: of the aplrlt Itll of Urher


eld half

Pour tbea rpou tro lnuede of drted Brool bloeeors,

e pould of f,orec RaAtBh rootc dryed, thrcc ouDeGaof tbc bcet Rbutro oulcee of rreet tbel Fcnncl eeed brulecdl ead en ogace ald e 6laes vcseel

Derb altccdr e half

of Xutrege; let BILtrD;

dlgeat a reek belat put !'lto

tn a tclperate

thca preas the trd.quor Lerd frol

the fecea, Dut

41 2 tlle rrect 7. Llquor 1D tbc eeld vescrl Dcalcl ecldc brulacdr rtrtrr eld to 1t pnt tLrcc ouacoa of etlccd tro ouactrl flot Ctgctt thl la


e gcltlc

bcet thc rlncc

of e rcekl rld frol

tbca Dout off

tbc focce, ud

of llIRUll POTABLE,tlo fhla retcr


kcep lt

close etopt. of el oulcc to loul ouDcra

bclag druk

tbc queatlty

.terJr rcnllgr lall fur curlag

tad et four of thc clock 1n tDc tftcruoon, tbc dropslc; lt atrengthcnctl

dotb ecldole tl yery

eleo tbr L!'vcr,

good agalnet gravel 1n tbc bech, etoae, cureB tbc scurvey, Gout, end eucb dleeaecs eB Ptoceed fron tbe reakaess aad obetructloas of thc Llysr.

aQuAvElfus YrR@.

13. brlf

Take of Adeeed tbrce ouacesr Cuul'laeed Ifutle6, balf

tbrce drels,

Ctnnanon thrce

er ouDcel Hlcel clovca, Calalus lrolatlcua ouncGa, Bey bcrrlce

ol eacb e dran, oerlagal,

drarar 6es tto

drledr DrIf

el ouDce, tbe dr-lcd rLnd of Oranoulce. of l{ellago

a! ouDcc, Aurul Potabrc l! ta el'r plats el'l bc drJr.

Let ell

thesc bclng bnrl'eedr be reccnted tn BALf,DO tlll

rl^ae l boura, thca bc dletlIled rlrte retcr bc{n6 druk

to tbe quaatlty

of en oulce or tro et e the

do caee the gflplags

of tbe De1ly tad atouecb, vory lucb.



take of black chenlcs

bnrlged rtth

tbetr balf


a ge,lloa, l{uatard

of thc florcre

of Lavcnder tbrce haldfula,

r.a oulce of rhltc

Llb. J. i.r tlctc togctbcr, thrl put .orc tonrat to tbcn rad lrt tbcl ln BILIF

a.od brrrlecdr tlcl tlll rtlld rll

cloec covcrcd thc rlncc bc dry. bctat

ol e toek,

tDcn tlttll

TLlr ratcr

drrnk to tbc queatlty

of u

oulcc or tro or three, tbcrc-

dotb rucb rcllcve otr ae dso

tbc rcrlacag

of tbc boedr erld helpa tbc Vcrtlgo eld crlnll rhdlacar


tbc rlncrs

out of tbc beed

eld etorecl.


15. lurul

Takc thc root of tbe greet Eune,

freab, srallor


freab, ot

Poteble ea ourccr Tbe dddJ.e r!'ad of tbe root ol tbe Asb-trec, end hfuee thcl

each tro pounds; cut tbeu anall, Mte

24 boure, ta tbe beet tbca dlctll then 1n

rlae eld Rue tLnegarr of cacb ftve plats, Dc dryr put to tbe rater

BAll{EO t111 ell

ra ruch of tbe Splr{.t of Sulead to cvery plat ead tyed

PhEr PER CAilPAllAll, ae r11I glve lt of thc ratcr

e plcaeaat ectdl.ty, of Cupllre

put a acruple eld a IaIf contlauelly

cut ruell,

up 1n e ba6, rhl.cb rry

heat lu tbe ntGr. thc plaguc, lf pcetlleace

Thle tao a faloua ratcr ead $tldcdcel oEDceE tbsreol dJ'ecaaes; tt

1a GERI{lf,I r6allst

ceuaeth sreat ronderfully colpoac ll.ueelf

tro or three to ateat.

be draak ead tbc lntlent



lfdrc of tbe bcet Splrlt

of ltle

a gelloa;



l]14 tlb. 7. trc ourccar the root! Poteblc, l! frrre of Coltr-toot, of .rcb hrlf thrcc ou!cr!, el outce, root, tbc of

r1I oUaccfr l{Jrrtl Sprne Crt1, lurul


aoot of rrellot orch tlo drera,


oulccr Dtttuy, e dra^u. lllr tll



Cuphtrcp tbcl

tbcsc to6cther

1a e glaae deya la tbc

Ycaeclr eld lct 8u[.

rtead cloec,

etopt thc elnca of clght

Lct tbc Prtlcnt ccll to areat.

dr1nk of tblr

e ap,ooaful or tro,

end corposc hla-




tbree plnta of Uuecadlnel end boll t1U a plut be raeted,


1a Sete, and Rue rnd aet lt oycr

of cacb e landfirl the flrc

thcn etral.a it

a6a1a, put thcreto

e dran of loag Pcpper, 0lnger rnd Nutneg bruleed togethcr: tben boll thea a llttle,

of cacb lrtf

ea oulce bcln6 ell hlf

eld put tbereto of l{lthrl,datcr ouDco ol lurul Tbla ntcr end ebovc ell ful or tro,

e! oulce of lldrorncbus


rDd tbrec draue atr

ead a quarter of e Dlnt of the beat &6e11ca rater, Poteble. (rblcb, cartbly ea Hltb treaeurc) the luthorr luet rurt

be kcpt rB lrour llfct of a BItooD-

be takea to tbe guanttty lnfcctedr


& evcnJ'ng; 1f you be rlrcady

rnd areat half 1n the

thercupoa, tf tbe noralDt lutbor) falled truet

you be not lafectedr at al6ht: all

a apooaful le eufflcleatr tbe plague tlre

end half to tble;

uader Ood ( arlth or ch1ld that

lor tbere tae Dyer rtlr ln trL1n6 of 1t.


of thelr


t-hlg 1a elro of tbe aane & ctc.

cffecacy not oaly t6al'nst tbe pleguc, but por, ncaalee, gurfeltel

Ll'b. J.

rQur illns, Llntl.

lE' rekc of lDdMrcLus erd balfr Potebro u

Trerclc, helf


ouDcc6, thc bcct ll5rrytb, tro oulces tro drels, Auruu

thc beet sattroa oulce!r1r thcl

.o ouDc, cerpblre


thea Dour upoa tbcu tea ounces tbcl atand 24 boure ta a rarn plecc, cohobate the aplr.1t

of tbe bcst aplrtt tben dlatll three tlnee. Thla aplrlt lafectloa. It tbel

of r1ne, ead lct

ln Bar.trDO rrtD r greduar flre,

ceuseth areat rouderfully,

aad reelete


lanaer of

rey be takea fron e drar to en ounce la eore approprlatc




Trhe of the roote of Eletort, tca drare, drers,

Gcatlane aa6cr1ca, torueatll, Bey berrles, Junlpcr beplee, of saffefraa lblte tro

of ercb tcn dreoa, pllpernel of cech l! ortnce, trutncg, tlvc

lhe chrdnge

ouDccar Zcdoary brlf dtaler

e drera, lnrur

Potable a dgr, gcord1ur,

Seadere thrcc e bandfur, andrc-

the rcevcs of Rue, rornrood, of rall florcr,

of each half

the f,lorers

Bugloeacr of each a Laadfirl rarl Dtlf, of cacb e1x draus lnfuae tbel ell

recbue Trcacbler Dlate of tle


la thrse

bcet lbltc

rlrre rc.legar thd epace of elgbt dlettl thcn ln Balaeo.

daye 1n FRIGfD9

ltr glaee veeeele; tlea

|Dhls 8p1r1t te very tood to prcveat loer eld tboae that ue elrea{y lnfected,

tbcn that ere fres

fron lafectlt

frou the dalger thcreof,

Llb. j. tm or thrcc lpooDt\rh tltcrr tl.rcof bc trtc! oDc ln e dey, ulth .rerthg for othcre.

for thoec tbet erc hfcctcd,

but rltbout


2O. Judpcr

fele bcrrtce tbrt

of ttre rlddle brrrlacd,

r{.ad of the Doot of leb bru5.acd, tro 1nude, Potable a drel, Vcal'cc

tbrcc pouldsr lurul

turpeatbe trelve lct ptrte

1s very pure, tro pounde ead a half. ln a glase vcssel rell

Put tbeee lnto closcd, ald therc then

of spr1a6 reter



ln horee duag for the rDece ot three rontbe, core forth



1n ashea, end tbere rltl

ra o1l end a later,

eeparate tho one fron tbe other. len or trclvc or elr drope of thls oll bc1ag teken oveDJrloral'ng d!'asolves thc travcl 1n four

epoonlule of thc gald laterr ronderfully.

ead etoae 1a

tbe Ll,daeJra, loat


21. latere lel, lrfuae bsrrl.cs

Ieke tbc Julcc of Redlab; Lcuona, of cacb a pouad lad e Lalf; of Bctonyr Sonecy, Srrlfrate, ead of cacb a ptnt. In tbeae Llquors daya ln e geatlc drcd Eyd$-

rad l{ehfey,

of cecb tro pouade.


3or tbc Bpace of lour or flve rtpe atd nerly Bur-dock,

Balaeor Jualper tbe rocd eld cced of

6etbcred bcing brut'acdr threc oulcca: f,ettlcer

of Orolcl, teuel,

Bad1ebr Sarlfra6er

Oal.oaer laleer

ol cach lE ouDce tad e helfr

tbc four cold tcede, tle

Ll,b. ). ts.rt llellorar of crcb !1r dnrsr tbc Celr of Egg-eLcIIe, tro drena, ht rll bc tcll Clanelon, etralacd

of rlch

thrco drelc,

of CelpLtre

eld dlatlllcd

la eabcsr ead efterrarde ratcr

ea ouDcc of lurun potebls. doth loaderfully chalae

l[I'o ouacce of tbla

tekca cvcrlr rora1ag, eld crpell tbe srlt

the Eldaoysr Itrrovokc Urtne, clac tbe fccca r.Bd ertrect

the Stone, capcclelly

1f you cel-

tbereof dth

tbe mld teter.



Tdre Plaatala,






Bctonyr Egr{.rony; gaaacle, Bler-bottlea, Eoney-6qckle leaYca; Bralble-budor Daate roota, haldful: latcr, tlll leavee ald florers;


Daadello1, aycDa,

Eartbora Duds rad leavee; Hug-;otg, uorn-rood, of lb1te soutbcrarood, of each one

Bo11 ell

these ln a bottle be raated;

rl.rre, aad ae uuch spr:lng

oae balf

thc Lcrber aad put to lt efter: tbea put lt that lnto

ls thus botled, atrala tt fron '.t half e pouad of Loaeyr ead let tt boLl a llttle ead kecp tt for your uro. but you lay keep

and rben


fote tlcn

theee hcrba ruet be 8atbcrcd la ltAY oaly, et ely the. aad lt

dry, ead rake yous rrter Thle rater

1e very feloua tn raay Couatrlee, ald tnrard


doae eucb tbat la

curcs la curlng outrard

louads, Ilpoathruce,

end Ulcere,

you rould, gcatcc beltevc 1tr lf Ycry good to hcal r aore louth. tDe Patlent luet tete

f abould rccltc

thea to you: rlgo tt

three or four epoontule thcreof be sball tlad oeae, ud



cvcnln6, eld 1a a eLort tlle

lndced a cure,

llE IJb. 7.
sdcra ff cloetba hc bc !o ter dccltncd tLr nuldbc rct outrerd, r! lt lotbln6 drort cra aocoyor bh. eld ltaacu

ruat Do reahcd thcrcrlth, tbmeto.

ln tbc aelc bc tpplycd


29. eplrlt

Teke of Ilveader


I galloa;

pour upon tbcl

of tbc Dcct thel

of rtne three gallons:

tbe vcaeel be1n6 close etoppcd, Ict

bc laccreted

to6ctber tn tbe Sua for tbe rlnce of ctx drye, tben dletll rltb 1ts rcfrlgeratory, then take of lutur Potable Eore6e,

theu tn ra Alclblch e dra.l; thc florcrc

of Segc, Roselary, Gorsllprr

Bctony; of cach e bendtul,

Bu6loear Lllly tbe florcrs

of tbe Velly,

of cacb tro baad?ule; Let ell and racerated ln a gallon of

be freeh e.nd eeasonably 6atbered, of llnc, aad dred rltb

of tbc bcet eplr{.ts

tbe aforceal.d aptrtt llothcrrort,

Lavcader, eddlag tbea tLc leevcs of Erln, gatbercd, thc florers

Ona6e tree nerly of cacb ea rgal'a; tbea

of StccLadoe, Orel6ee, Eay berrles, dlgcettoa slr let thcr be itetlllcd

ollnGOr lltcr

a coavealcnt

edd thc outrard e1r drara,

rtade of Cltrone


tbc rced ol Plony hurkedt Cubcba, of yellor Seadcrat


f,utncga, l{rce, Carderulal Ltgnul lloce onc dralr

ol eacb hetf

lD oulce, hrll atrala

tbe best tluJuber the ker-

le,l'e tdren out, alr reeke, thcl

a pould. & tl1tre

Lct tbcu bc dlgeeted for tbe cpace of tbc Ltquor, prclnrcd to rhlch hcreld edd ol Aurul Potable e Scrupler lrbcnSaaderst

el ouacc, prepered Pcarl, trasr Hurh, Seffron,

tro drers,

Bcd Roeee, Seaderel of cacb rD ou^Dcorfcllor of eecb a dran. Let all

Rlnds of Cltrons


tbcee rplcce be tlcd

lt 9
Lib. j. h6 ead hra6cd la thc forcnl'd .plrlt.

la e dl},ca

rQUArtRs, cAtfcER.


tekc tbr berca

of botb aorta of ScurrlG-lna!'

bclag tedc vG4r

clcear of tacb d,r pouade: Ict fortb: half

tbcoc bc brul'ecd, end thc Jutcc prceecd letcr crcaaca, of cech trelve rbole Letons

to rhlcb edd thc Julcc of Brook-llacr e pouadr of the beet tbltc rlne,

clgbt plnte,

cutr of the lreah roote of Brloay four pounds, Eorse Redleh tro lnuads, of the berk of Ilntcraar tber be recerated lhrce thrcc balf e pouad, of f,utrege tour ouDces. Lct

daya ead dlatlllcd. taken trlco ln a day, curea

or four ap,oonfule of tbl'a rater

tbe Scurvsy Dreeently.


25. balf

Ieke of freab Ceetoreul

tro ouacee, florere

of lrvcndcr


ra ouDce, 8e6c; Sorcrary,

of cach tro drerel


tbree drera, three

Hrce, Clorea ol crch e dteu, thc bcet rectlflcd plata. Lct then be dl'gcated 1n a Glaea (tro

8p1r{,t ol flae,

perte of three be1n6 erpty) eaheei thcu dtetl'l If you rould

atopt cloee rl.tb r blrddcr

ead Cork tro deya 1n ren

eld kecp tt tbe e1Er1t 1l BALIIEOT rahe lt rtronger, trke e plnt lnto

ln e glaas cloac etopt.

of thta eplrlt,

ead en oulcc of tbc porder ta e cold plece for

put thcl of CASEOREUil;

e 6leae aad d16cat thcl

tbe epaco of ten deyer lad tbea atrel,n out tLe aplrlt.

llb. ). rtie tbc btrt .Dlr't t 1r rcry tood rtdD.t rD1ah ertlc flor f,lta ol tbo Hothcr, De!!to!r yrDoura, ctco . of


26. loota


ol tbc lceves of tbc arceter tDree budfule Dlttaay ald e Drlf,

Selledl'ae togetber Ruc, tro beldfule,

rlth, tbe Scordtul,


four heldfulal

of Crcte,

Carduue, of eacb a haadfirl and helf,

root of Zcdoery, rr6e11ca1 of cach three drans, tbe outterd r{.nd, of cltroasl Leuone, of cach etr drana, tbe florer of uarr-t1lry-31orer, of cech tro draae, three

and ouace aad belf, Claleloul oulccar

Rcd Roaee, tbe laeaer Ccltory,

Clovea, of eacb tbrec drene, Aldrorachue b!.e Treecle, l'lltL&l,drter ln outcc and a,

Caaphlre, tro ecrupLca, TrocbAurun Potablc, one ounce, e dran ead balf, the eeeds

laccs of Vlperer tlo Ltgaun does, balf

ouacce, llace, tro drala, Saldera,

e.B ou!.cel tellor

of Cerduue, ln ou!c, Cltroar Cut tboee thlngs tbrt

!1r dtela. eld let tbel be laccrated tbrce

are to be cut, of llac,

daya 1l tbc beat Sptrlt balfr a pt'lt, vlnegar of lall let

ead trtuecedJ'le, of eacb three plate aad ead the tulce of Leuone, of each


thca bc dlatlllcd hrlf

l.a I glazed yesacl !'a BlLltpO. off, clotb, let that rhl'cb renalas la to tbe


tl.c Llquor t'e dl'stllled tbrough e l1nael

the vceeel bc strahed tDlcbesa ttla

ead rapoured arry ?

of loaey, rhl'cb ray be celled ratcr 1e e greet Cordl'el,

ald good ega5'lat el5r fnfectlon.

|lel Id'b. 5.

PttELta solrs.
27brlf ud rrkc of 01a6cr r Dourd, roa6 pcppcr, tbrec drala,

ead bhck

pcpperr of cecb

lD ouDcer of cerdurue grt tbcr tlto a Shec

of oretna rD otrDco, porder tbcl

bdf rr oulcG of tbc beat cuphlrcr dle'lth ttllcd vlDcger tro poulda, dlgcet tlcl e roath, thea eelnrete tbe vlnctar by crprlaaloa, rhlch nrat putr{.ttc e roatb, rad tbea be clrculatcd lor the slrrce of e rcck, then flltcr lt, ead tbou haat a8 por!firt a Sudotl,ttck ee ra! gt eel bc lade. rbe doee ls tron a dral to barf err ounce, ead to be draak ta a dro-

ugbt of lnaaet-dttnk.


Trkc of the Julce of the 6reen eDerle of frlaute four pounde, tlc tulce of pnc, thrce plnte, carduue, r{ary6o1d, garu, of oach tro platat tlc root of httcr-bume frceb e pouad eld Lalf, Bu*e, la6e11ca, llreter-rort, frcah, of eech helf e pound, the lcavee of scordlru, four Lradfula, old bdrolechue trcrclc, ttlthrldrtc, of rech c16ht ouDcea, lEru! Poteble r drea, the beet craery, trerve p1nts, tbe abrr2eet vlnetrrr d'r g.ata; tbe Jnlce of Leunoas, tro plnte. Dl.geet tben tro days 1r borcc iulgr tbc vcesel bclng close atopped; then dletll tbel ln eaad.


Id,b. J.

lQuA Lutra, s@nPro.

29. Roaeraterr add lurul hskr bfuaed


of suger crDdld,

oDc DouDd, celerle


ltl tt

ouaccs, rcll, to rLlcD

four oulcear Potrblle

llake of tbeee e syrup,

aad boll ptrts, gralaa,

e dran, of Aqur celcetls, Saffroa,


bber8ryae, ycllol Sendere

of cech ctghteea 6ratae, t'a lqua Gclcatls,


tro dtan8.


5o. l{ugrortr f,lppel

Takc of the root of Brloay,

four lnuade, tbe leavee of Rue, }lother-rort, Crecenelaa DLtfresh,

of eacL tro 1nu.ude, Savln dryed, threc bendfirle, Pena5r-royal, of eacb tro ha.udfule, Garden Beatl, tbe rl.nd of yerror

taayr of each a haadful end balf, four ouacest ltylltl, oEtlcGr the best Critry daye l'n a f|'t voesel,


tro ouncee, Aurua Potable, ltae, trelve ptuta. tbel

eD ounce, Caetoreun, e!

Lct tben bc dlgeeted fogr

then dtetll

la BAr{rD.

Iahe of tbe bcet Tobecco 1a leavee, cut anall, sllced hall ea outcc; rlae


four o,r'GBr three

Sqd.le tro ouncee, futaege plata of epr1a6 later, or llelbl'ck.

put tbese lnto dl'sttl

e ptat

of thlte


thcn la r

hot Sttll ff

thou rouldat

Lave 1t atronger, 1t lgat D.

thou nayet put thla


ol freal


aad dlstll

Llb. ). I lt'ttlc eli qu|rtlty frol of tLle trtar ts r roet ..f. ud otfocturl tt rorlt,

ley bc trkcl

tbo cldcat to tbc yountcrt, atrelgth tt rlth of the petlcat.

.o bc tou DroDorg.on

tbc qurattty

to tlc

rou rey dul.cltle

fu6ar or syrup 1t you prelec.



Take greeD lalaute

6atbered ebout t{ldeuuer, tlne

Rrctsb roote, dlgeet


cecb brulaed tro parte, tbcr

of dletlllcd thcl

vtaegar four partal

fLve deyer thca d5.etil

la BALIIDO. of tro elnolfula or threc, ceuactf,

l[Dle betag takca to thc quertlty eaelc

AquA JlIPrtER.


Take of Scalnoly ra ouncc, Ecnodectyla Spurgel of Darf of rlld Eldcrl


ouacce, tle l!

eccds outcc,

of Eroone of tbc leeacr

of cacb belf

the tuice of Duarf Elder, tlc frceh florcr ol Eldcrr

Araee cucruberr of black Bellcbore, ou^Eceered Dalfr poly?odlru rg

of cecb l!

oElcc8r ol Sene thrce oulcea, Rcd au6ar clght letcr a1r plata. Lct ell thel tLeae be brutred, 1l BALtrD0. ray be 6lvea tlol ead lnfuecd

ouDce6, corroD dtatlllcd

ln th,e ratcr


fonr hours,

be dl.ctlllcd Iblc retcr

tro drare to tDrce oulcca, ud

ead lt


getb ell

lanaer of buloure,

opeDa et'I obatructtone

1s pleaaalt

Ll'b. J. bc teroar thlr rltlout lftcr 1n lt, lt rad tLcy rbosc .touch! eay otfelGco la dlstllled thcre rey be huged e llttlc au6rr, beg ot splccs lorth rlr otbcr phyrrckr rrv tehc

ea elso 1t rey be erccteaed rlth

or e$/ opeulng eJrrup.

sol,, llans, lnrEs.

Take ot o11 of Glovea rel.l rectlfLed



atr ouDcc, 1a lt


solvc b&tf a dra.u of Celptslre, four tlles hff rectlflcd, ta rhlch

edd to then of the Sptrlt hrtf I drara of Oplut hth

of Turpentlac bcea lafuscd,

arr ouDGG. A drop or tro of tlle J..lquor put lnto e hollor tootb r1tb oo1c l11t,

eeeeth tbc tooth-aGbc preaently.

Thc splrllt

ol aDJr vegctable

na5r euddenlrr



of tbe ycar

bc lede tlug.


|!ehe of rhrt

Ecrb, rlorcr, thererltb,

secde, or Boote you plcaee, thea covcr tbe louth hevtng flret tbcreof put lato

ftrl a cack,

tbe hcad of tLc gtltl

rttb lt

courae CuYaar aad eet lt or lor ff llaos. ray ttre

oa tbe Stlll,

Then g"lvc t.t t[re. tbou roulist bevc the rplrlt be of tbe colour of 1te ln the


thea put of the florcre

tDercof drycd I 6ood q.'rptlty

loae of tDc Sttll.


j. !o ulc rDJr r.toteblc ylcld 1te SptrLt qulckly.


,6. florcr,

rekc of rbat vcacteblcs lrou preeac, rbcthcr lt root, tnrltr or rcrvee thcreof, cut or latcr, put ycaet or brh to thcl,

bc tbc eccd, tben euau, theu

put thcl luto ralr rlnr ead ret tlcr flsld

ead eovcr then theu, ald

ttcy rtll

rork tbrce drys es dotb Eecr, then dlstll tbclr eplrlt eea(ly.

LlD. J. Clrpttr rlf.


of tLc Eaacncc of e Eonb.


of tlc


of tbc tdce of a crpcr{,caced by

Borb 1a e G1aea. ).

Of r toDderful Of tta

feroue t{edlclac j. 1t,

tLc R0SIE CnUCfAIfS. f. hto retcr r:ltlout rldng


Eor to turn Qglck-nllver rad to ralcc thercof e good

e4y thdn6 rttb lfcdl'cllc. E. fts uge. ll. 6. 9.

purgetlrc cutyo lo. 7.

erd dlephorctlcl It rl'rtuca.

Of tbc Fagraat To rake a Splrlt

O1'I of t{crof Eoaey. lz. Fortuaa l?. ot

of tLc QglnteeseDcc of Eoncy. lt.

of the o11 of goley. 14. U!c. lI,.

tDc Eeecnce of foacy. Ycnerfu,

Of 1ta vlrtuee. eld use. 16.

ald of tbc vlrtuee,

aqua lhsnadiltatla. lE.

rbe laroua Rcatoratlve EOt'lUllCULUS.lO. NLe. flcah; 22.

of Pl"alo ead PItEaooRAs. 20.

of paRAcELsIIS Zl. Ibe Thlrd

Tbe Proceee,

ltla Second rule. Zj.

0l tbe v1rtuca ald use of !.t.

Eor to neke artlflcal

eld of 1ta drtuce.

lo rcdtrcc tbe rbole Ecrb l'ato e llguor, Easclce tbcrcof.

rhl'cb rey rcll

be called



feke tbc rbole Berb rlth 1l e etoae llorter, of three .rt h putrcfactlon

florers put tt

eld roote,

rake 1t vcry cleaa, Bo

thcn bralee lt tbrt lct tm lnrt!

t.ato a ler6e glaes veeeel,

bt crpty:

tLen co?er 1t crcccdt'ag cloeel heat the cpacc ol hllf

1t stald rl.ll

!'n e roderetc

r yeet,

eld lt

bc e]'l turrcd

l'ato I later.

nlc u Dreclcc tlre, of rly Ecrb, ill.ctr forl end f put lato e gleaa, eld hcld tDpcaD

' e Sutlc bc 0lera.

tbc ltvcly

a of tbc Eorb rtll

2.r rhe t b e f o r c &h t l a t e r,u d d 1 @tI1 t1 ra 8 o u rd6lees( tLe tc bchg rl OlIr , rcll cloacd) la tehca, ead re rtll esel rlll cooe fortb a fater

eld 1! tbe uppcr pert

of thc

bal8 e volatllc cclf ; rltb tbc

d keep by lt rp ur 1 t let be v o 1 a t 1 1 e a a 1 tb yd 1 sso 1 u i @a g,ft1ter { ' ng,aadcoa6u1at!be8 e 1 t b c 1 a 5 t h u e pu r1 f1 cd 1 a b 1 b e E th theea1do1l' r r at111t

hblbe Do rorei d1geet thel rell ler for

l[bc oil.l eelnrate

frou tbe raterl

e loath

1a e veescl

lt 1ca 1 l y a c a1cd .Aa d b yth1e!eaD6@ usha1lbav e a ro s t s u b t u tccr rhicb belag beld over a geatlc t rlll fly up lato thc 6lase,

npreeent tle


fdea of tbet

table rhereof tt

l.e tbe Esaeace.


faloue lfedlclne




rekc Geh ol sATlIRlt, or clec rey cover lt tour fhgere four hours, oft:

, pour rDon tt edtb; ditcat

ro rucb sp1rLt thca ln a tat!

^logar rf

t the tprcc of treaty rr acttle lot to thlck dlgeat lt

attrrhg tlel ttrle ell decalt

tben, thet the the ltEXSTRUlil.t, rutll el'l tbc

1a thc bottor; ee beforc, ead cl,ar{.tt belf rtaJr,

our oD rorc;

do oftcn tle

crs bc crtracted; hcr,


}lEf,gTRt UM beh6 put

eet tbe othcr Dart 1a e cold t11l 1t c ry a t a l L l l c . t ! h e e e C rya @d 1 a e o Ivcl6' { D1nfr eahsp1r at

thea cvaporatc lt

t20 r1b. ).
of Yl.rcaerl tlLr do o f,lltm oftclr lld utll cortuhtc tloy thr Llqnor rtdD lrto Gryrtrhr rttb ttd tbr re1t

be rufflclutly thclr


lrnrleck e tcrpcretc lhcn dl'rtll

ol tbc Vlrcger BtIfEDr thlr thrt

ec d,tb tlcy

Dropcr lorrclt.

Dl.3crt tbor tl O1l. r!D-

rey be rceolvcd lato rltb

e Llquor llhc e lugc


t'n rrad 1l e Bctortl tht rc rptrl,ta

Becctvcr togothcr

cxcd to 1tr tlo

ead rcll


cvrporrtel tlcl tbcrc

rltb fortb


of tbo dc8reca of thc tlrc; oellr tbet

1111 dlgtll of e.ll florcrs, After

e tplrtt

ol arcb e fragrelt pertulesl thb6a

tbe fra6raact

rad coqnuldcd t'oa rhca rll

lrG not to be corgared to lt. tekc out, ead cect rrry o1l rhlch


ero cold,

thc bleck fcccg arha o! tLG

rbl,ch le ol !o !Bo. top of tLe rplrlt,

Ihsn aeperate tbo ycllor

ead thc blood red o1l rbl'cb rlaks tbe eplrlt tbet

to tLc botton ol lt: by tb1e lcaDa

Separate tbc pb1c6n frol hrve r roat fra6raat

ln BAIJIDO. lbou .balt


yr rrvlehetl

tbe acDao!; rnd so balrad outrerd, Lt. ettbcr ead so

aarl.eel.r thet lt cordlal, 4. tht

curca ell

old ead ler

lorca llrerd

thc dytrg rre rlth


revl'vcd rlth

Thcy tDlt

Deye tbl'e llcdlclnc 6r1cfs.

necd acllce

uac rDlr otLcr

for brard

or outrard

Eor to turn Qulck-etlver ead to ldrc thereof

t'nto a retcr



eny tblng rltb ledtctnc.


e 6ood Purgetlvc

eld Dtephoret1ck


faks lD oulse of Qgtck-gllvcr rLtcb yon rurt


lrur-Liledr put 1t lnto tlre

e bolt tn aead

Lead of gleas,

nlp upr aet 1t oytr r rtrolg ead tbc Qulck-eil.Iver rlll

tor thc lDrcc of tro ronther

bc tulncd lrto

Llb. 5. Prcclpltrte. lor frl'c tLle Dotdcr, ud ud ley lt tt rtII tll'a oD I

r rcd lDuXlttrt l{erblc tnto

ln e Ccller rblcb

thc q}rcc

of tro toltb!, tekca tnrerdlyi by llelt. gleaeca rltb tbc greatcr

br turacd

r rator

ray bc eefcly but chlcfly ret dlvcra

1t 1111 rork e Ltttlc

uprerd ead dorarard, fotc lue tlrt tou rry tbrt

thc eerc uttrr quaatlty

1a tbe


!o you re5r ukc

et r thc. ead rrkca tbe

I euppoae tt lt eo b1ackl that

t's tbe Sulpbur rtl'cL bctng rtlrred

l'e ln the

uD by thc heat of tbe tlre



A fregralt

Oll of l{ercury.


Take of Hercurlr aeven tluca

eubllned, dleaolve

ead as often rcrl.vcd rlth lt la eplr"l't of tfltre r^ld cdulcorate tbc aplrl.t dry lt, eptr1.t

uaaleked Llne,

ac nucb ra lrou pleeeel tLcn ebetract

1n a aoderetc hcat, lt vcry reII

tbe aplrlt

of Salt,

by bolllDg rad raab lt 1t tro roltbe

1t la eplrtt e6a1a rltb 1a e }[kc thcl

of Vlncgar; dlatlll,ed, quratlty raln

then ebatrect ratcr; ticn

ol Vlacgur ead dltest of Ulle

of tbe bcot rectlflcd rrkJ'at your flrc

you cra gct.


Dy Rctort, 1t;


et the be61n^ulag, rfterrarde I|'ae 1l BfLXm, of llrrcury. ?. eIl Tbt.a o1l co purtflee thrt erl,ee frol ead tberc vlU

lDcrcaatng renaln

tbcn cvalnratc e roet

tbe epl'r{.t of fregraat o11

1a tbc Dottol

tbc blood by ereat ead urtacr thc lnpur{.ty tbcreofr

tbat lt



la thc venereel

Dl'scaacr tco

I50 llb. J. E. lbr trotb 1r, tbcy tbrt tlc brvc tLlr lfcdl.clnc rrll redfr lord but

lcr otbcr llcilcllca;

dolc ts tour ol flvc drope.

!o relc

e rP1r1t of Eolcy.


frha good atroDt d1stlltlU lt





Hethcghl rl'tb

la lrGh

ea tbou pheecl cretory, erd lt

1n e Coppcr Stlll r rp1r1t llle

or Lllbcckr

1te refr16-



fbe Qulntoeeence of Eoaey le lrdc


lO. boll


of tbe purest Xoney tro lnuade, of Fountaln rater t1ll the rater be botled etayr tafdag off lato a glaaa,

one lnuad; ell the

thcae togetber rleetb;

3cot tbat

tben tafte tbe Eoley aDd put lt close lt reIl,

four a rbolc

perta of ftve bc1l6 clptye tcar, lorr e.ld tlou of e! oll lDatt bclrt

aad ret tn dlgestlon

have tbe Esscnce of f,oaey lrln-lnt of ee fragraat erell

oa tbe top 1a the ot

ee eaythlng 1B tbe rorld; retter 1n tbe bottonl

flegn rlll

De !a tLe rlddlc, rad etllkl'ag

ead the fcculelt luell.

a Cerk colour,

Eore rake tbe Qplntcaleace

thle lllltto

of Eoney efter


leke ra ruch Boacy rs thou plcraetb

ot tbc beetr put 1t lnto

e o o u r d,o fg l a ssl fl ra td tstl ro fftbeDlcGElnBllJr D' tLcner tr act

L1b. J. tbe ttactun tbo nreblDt n1i lttcrr

out ttor rbrt rclrlaf, t.colr rDd .rttrct

r1tb thc l!,d

rrtor, rltb

tbcn calchr tbc forc-

tror thcacc tlc relt

bc1lg ilat1llcd
ln e Cruclblcr 1t rtayr

olf lror tbc thcture,

tbcn lct lt

celclue tbe aalt

tbcl egall lct 1r

eld, lclt rveporatc

Cleeolve 1a e Ccller;

eld tbou rDrlt es lt

hevs e roet rhltc rfll; dtgoat tbcr

ee1t, rLlcb

btbc ea rucb of tbe tlacture ead tlou rLdt

for -thrce lonthe,

brvc ea Daecacc of Eoaey.


Eeeencc of Eoney lay

bc lade



Teke of Eoley rell

deapulated as luch rB Jrou please, pour upoD aplrlt ol llle es rtlI coyar 1t flve closed (tbe

1t ae luch of tbe beet rectlfled or alr lourtb d6btr eli flngere brcadtb,

dlgeet tben 1n a glass veeael rell 1a a tenperate ElLItD tlagcd,

part oBIt belag fuII) or tlll the eplrlt all

tbe apace of e fortthe aplrlt, tbese

be very rell th,e tlacture

tLea dccaat off tbea put all

put oD rore tlll togcther,

be extracted, tl.ll


end cvaporate th,e aplrlt

rhat rcualna bcgla

to be tDJ'ckleh at tbe bottou, 7r.

end of a goldea colour. leeeace of Eoncy, ead l's of ro pleae-

lthl.r 1e a vory crcellcnt

eat er odour; that 14. tlree It

acarce aay lE l1ke to 1t. tlat lt even rerLvca tbe {yl'a6r t.f tro or rater.

1a ao cordlal,

drope tbereof

bc taken la aone cordlal

t l,b. J. lortulr Ycacrta.

ll. ufIl,

frLc rrc

of Plld.Doa

or lnta

(tbc bl8gcrtr eptrlt


Lrvc r totrl.ah dlgcet tbcr

tbc bcat)

tro Daadfula,

of llDc

e galloa,

1l a glaes vcascl clo8e ehut tbc apacc of e ronthr 1111 bc dJ'eaolvcd i.nto a Llqnor, bc dry. tll tbel Ibca gnt tbe larc la thc lrld rl'tb thca dletlI of lata

1n rhl'cb tlre

tbey eII

tbcn la BAIJIDOtlll ea bcforcr dltcst ud



Llquor ee before: aoEe Claannoa. rtll float

do tbl.s three tlnesr

theu atoEa-

t!.re tbc qflrtt

Xotc that upoD tbc eplr1t TDte gplrlt ruch thrt la of srcelleat

an o11, rhtcb luct up thc ln{ral

be ecparatcd. eplrlt;ln eo

uee to etlr

JOEI CASIIiIRE Pale6rave of the REEITE,ald SEIFRIE of OOLLEf,t of 1t rben tbey reat to 1t dldr cYGEto ad-

Oeaeral e6aJ'aet the lhrr{ce, dl.d alraye drldc flgbt, dratlon. flle aD!'r{.t doth elao ronderfully

to eacreaee tagaea1'n5-ty, ead coura6e, rLlch


tbcu tbat are alotbful

to Ycncry. ft ft elao provokctb UrLae cYeD to eddratloa. dotb elao roldertully ray cold ilatcnper. rele effecte, and lndeed rorc lnrerfir1ly. belp deafbeee lt la l'rrl.tate the ap!'rllta tbat ere dulledr aad

deadsd rltb

Thle O11 doth tlc TLla O11 ioth, crceedh6lyl rcll It lor eyrl.ltcdl

bealdes rbet !'a apohen of tbc eptrltr

tro or tLree drops belng dropped lato olGe |.n a dry, for a reek togcther.

tbe car attcr

betpctb eleo tlc

Eyee that bave eay fllu


oa tbclr


rnd tban droppcd |.ato thcl.

L|'b. ).



le Hdc



lekc of lata

ot Pl.illDtt

l Leadful,

of thclr

Eg6a tro Luadred,

of lNlllcpcdcel dl6cat leted rootb, ell rltb

loco lood-l1cc

olc brudred, ol Bces one buadred aad ftftt, of tptrlt ol ttle, bctlg vcrlr rell lnpre6-

tLeec 1n tro plnts the brlgDteat Soot.

Dl8cet thel cplrl.t,


tbe tpace of a

tDcl poul off ratcr

tbc clcu

eld tcep 1t aafc. ae tbe foner.


or aplrtt

ts of tbe sate rlrtue

Tbe faroue Restoratlve

of PLATOaad PITEAGORAS ueed by



ELrst re luet

uaderstald that tberc arc threc acceptloas of the are theee.

rord BOl,tUltCULUS la PARACELSUS, rhich l.

le al 1aa6e nade la tbe place ot Date of aay one, EOHUI|CULUS aa Astral and lavletble laD; rberefore lt raa aade

tbat 1t lay coatalu by l$ulbere. 2.

ls takea for an artltlcal BOI{UIfCULUS


rade of SPER]4A EU]fAf,ltH lourtahed rad

I.IASCULIMIU, dl.8catcd lato

the abape of a raD, rad tbel eld thls

aDcreaaed rl.tb tLe eeasacc of rrna blood; tbe poael.blltty of Ood, rblch ol lfaturc ud Art,

le aot repugnaat to roadere Dot here

but 1a oue of tbc greeteat rortel ren to klor. ulflt f chall

hc ever dl.d ruffcr

set dora the full to bc dlvulged;


proccaa, beceuae f thlDk lt bea1dee, lelthcr thle

to be doncl at leaet 1e for ny preeent

nor the foner

ltll Ll,D. J.

5. ortnctod lltc b

DIOICULUS 1r tehen lor by thc Sprgyd.cel laar eld rccordlnt lrtl

e rolt fror


fnClXUl{, or l,lcdlclrclt, rtrll ol thc Drtutd

tbc chl'otcgt

to thle


f eLaII Lcrc epcah of lt: lrou el tccount rhy thlc

But bcfore f tbel llcdlcelcnt lE. tlereofr

you tbe DDoccaar I ebell


la oallcd, DHIffgULltS, ead 1t le thls. tro rlec ead tlet raa r11l dcny tbrt tbc ateff of ll'fe 1e the nutr{.relt bclng ordaltbereof.

tLe cLlclcst ebove aII


la Bread end tlas,

cd by God and llature

otber thlnge autrl.aent

for the cuatcltetlon lor

prcfered Bceldee PARACELSUS blood eld rplrltsr tror by a autteble erd especlally


thc geaeratlon of tbe FOl,lUItgULUS. ol laa, tb,e ltfc

end tbe tllusloa

tbence tbe Spcru of thlr

tbe lutrl.nelt la trueluted

la tekca for tbc llle !'nto llfe: ead agah,

bccauec lt

1a takcn for tLc re!; tLc carcaea ody pcrfectly

for ualeaa r laa be allve ead tbe baeest part

hc 1e not e ran, but thcrcof, rhl'cb caanot fn ee tbe

of a rrar

bc takea for tbe rboLe .a!, ra the autr:heat, tDl'e lutrlrclt l'lto tle

eB tbe nobleet part nay. of llfe,

ruch tberefore LLfe of raa; ilgcatloa

or allnent

ray be callcd


oot of Bnced & Ilae of I nutrltlvc

& belng by aubataacce rad ray llct-


hl6heet purlty

coDlsqucatly rgborlcally 19.

bccorl,lg bc callcd

tbe ltfe

of ranr bclag ao potcatl'ally,

EOl.lUlfCttLUS. abell be ret dora ellegorl.celly le

'l[be proceass rh1cb 1a put bcat lbeat,

tbue: lehe tlc

rad thc bcat llne,

of oach e ll'h,c quantlty, cloae: rlcrt tben lct tbcr

pnt tLcr l'ato e glaes, putrd.fle

rDJ'cb you ruat benetlcelly tlc

l'n borac-duag tLree de5rs, or uatll rblcb

bcgla to tcmlnate,

or to eprout fortb,

thea ruet bc tal,en forth

eld brrdsed 1n e

Ll,b. 2. llorterr torth ead bc Dlcltcd r rblto trtlcc lato Illc tbrou6b e llaaca rllk; tou rust cloett,, cert rtry end tLcro tlc Drlf r11l cotc thla

lccrt: fulI;


Julcc bc ntt

e 6haer

rhlcb ruft

Dot bc tbyc

etop lt da3re.

cloaer rnd cct lt ff

1l Lorac-dun6 18 bcforc, eld lot

for tbe rptce of tlfty

tbc bcet be tclpcrete, rtII lblg bc turacd

crceedl'at tbc lrturel blood, rettcr,

Lcet of e taa, LlI'c ra

the rettcr bbryo.

t'nto e rlngyrlcel ud lcrt

rad flcgb,

1a the prl,rclpel, epern, vtz. rhlch

out ol rh!.cb le gcngcaeratlat lbether tbe

erated a trolold

of the latbcr

end rcthcr,

EOlttttCUUISr rltbout hulane, aO. or tdErl. Fon

tbcre caa be radc Eo 6cDctatloael

th.e blood ead flceh

of thl,s Eubryo let

tbc reter

be selr

eratcd ta BlLtrDOr aDd tbe e,lr 1n aehea, rad botb bc kcpt by tbeneelyes. Ibea to tbc fecee of tbe latter dlatlllatlon putrlfl'e dletlllatlon (tle let tbe ratcr of tbe forner

be eddedr both rh!'cL ruet

glass bcl'a6 cloee etopt) thle dl'ettl tbe ratcr togetber

la BALIIDO the epace of tea daye, after (rLtcb le tben tbe veblculur off

tLe accond tire, r!'tb the flre,

of tbc tlrat)

ln tahee, thcn dlet1l

tbJ.e ratcr

1n e 6cntl.c BALM, l.n tahes. eeparated

a.ud |'n thc botton rcnal'ae tbe f1re, Kocp botb tbcge epart. lrou

rbJ.cb ruet bc dl'etlllcd

Ald tbue you beve the tour Eleleatg

thc Claoe ol tbe Ebryo. 21. fhe fcculcat carth 1e to bc reverbereted dl'etll off la e cloge veeeel for the fourth Dart of thc

tle flret dlatll lt

aptce of lour daye: In tLe hterln ilatlllatloa

1l BtLIfDOr ead ceet 1t eraJr; the otbcr tbree Darts upon tbe revcrbcrated four thcs, cartb, rad dlatll bavc a

1a eebeer end lrour lt

1l' a etroag f[rc;

cobobate lt

eld eo you rhall

Llb. j. rbl.cb you rutt ud dlrttl lt Lccp by 1t tclf: tl,ro; tbcn Dout tbc el'r oa rad tbrrc rlll corG

Ycry clGer lrtcrr tlc rem certhr

la e rtrolg rrtcr,

oter I cIcerl lftcr tl tLla



rDlch rurt

br kcpt tpert; tben togctber ead of tbc off keep kcep aad

pour the fLre uDoD tbe tlret


ead putr.l,ttc

BITJJD tbe apecc of thrsc

deyer tbea put thel tnto

e Bctortr tratla6

ttrtll flre: by lt

tbcn la aeadr ead thcre r1I1 colo oycD e retcr lrt eelfr thla retcr be dl.etlllcd

1l BALf,DT rDd rbet dlettts 1a tbe bottou, rater

ee elao rhat rerelae lLle last dlatlllcd

lDl'ch 1e tbc flre, cartb,

Dy 1t le1f. let

pour agah upon lts

tbcu bc reccrated, togctber all tbe rater

ln BALND for thc slrace of three dayel l'n eaadl eld let rhat 1111 rlae

end tbcn lct

bc dlatlllcd

be ecparated la BAIJJD, ead tbe regldeacs 16nrlr{a6 reserved dth tbe certbr the foner reeldence. Lct tbe ratsr

tn the bottou be be egal.a poured upoa u.atll notblng renaln

be tbatractcdr

ead aeparatcd ae betore,

ta tbe bottou, the ratcr

rhJ'ch 1e not aeparatcd 1a BALXF. aelnrated be dred rlth

|[hla belag done, let tbe resd.due of 1te flre, be dletllIed 1a

rDlch raa laat

ead be reccrated BALID, tlrt

l'a BALIDO three or lour daye, eld all tbat hcat, shall rad let

ca! lacend rltb t[re,

rhat reral'le

be dlatlllcd aDd rhat aacrlbed to

1n eabce fron tle rclalle

ead rhat

be elevatsd le eerl,al;

1n tbe botton te flcry. flrat prfulclplca,

lfhetc tro leat Llquors lre to tlcrcury, ud

to tbc tro 9nlpburr vltal

tbe forncr

the latter

ead ere eccouated Dy R. CRUCIAf,S,lot belag ae lt lor teDe tbe aeturel rplrlts

es clcueate, eld loul,

but tbelr rhl.cb are


1l tbca by leture. thclr ccatcr rlth

botb ere to De rectltled, rotlon,

ead rcf1.ccted lnto

a clrcular

tbat tbl.e Hercury ray be prepared

llb. rltb j. lte retctr bc1lt kcpt crcu, Ior lt ud odor.l,foroua, la tbc uppct Dhca, ttrrt lc look t'ato thc tLlrt 1l-

but tbc Sttlpbur by 1t tclf. gr{,aclplc; lct


thc revcrbcreted rhlcb


Detng grornd nDoD I rarDlc, aftcr tbc leat eclnratlon ptrt

blDc l'te ora tatcrr

d1d rbove reraln

of tbe Llquore radc la EAI,f,DO,to tbet tD1a bc the fourtb re16bt of lta oartbr ead lct rertbr

of tbe 1ta

eld bc coageelcd Dy tD,e hcat of aehee lnto thc proportlon

tbl.c be doas eo oftcn,

bel.lg obeervcd, let tLls eartb

sDt1l the certh batb &aDk up el1 1ts ratcr. be eubllaed tato atayo a rhlte porder as rblte

Ald laetly,

ls BDorr the fccee belag cast ls the eeelag re-

'llhJ.s carth bcbg

gubllncd aad frccd fron 1te obecurlty, for 1t thoae tDlngs occult, 1a rhlch tbey lye hl.d, belug, as lt Tble l'e the thlrd prlaclple

true Cbaoe ol tbe Elelcate; lt lc tbe ealt of nature, ln thelr ceDtcr.


flected ud

of PARACELSITS, foner speDro, ylz. of Mercury l'a a glaaea

thc aalt,

rh1ch l'e tbe ratr.l,r1 1n rbl'cb the tro

ol the laa and roEalr erd Sulplnrl rolbr lr

the pareate of tbe EOl.tlIIfgIILUS, vlr.

to bc Dutr aad to be cloeed up togctbcr SEAL, for tbc true gcaeratlon EERHES hbryo: thc autrltlvc

acaled dth

of tbe E0MUllCltLUS,

Droduced frol Angllfltl{, 2'

tbc 4ngtrl.cel cellcd

ud. thJ'e ts the EOI.|UI|CIILUS or great tled!'cerelt llcdlclnent, of PARACELSUS. le of eucb vlrtue, 1a tuned l'lto blood


or nutrltlvc Ibl'e EOUUiCULUS eltcr ff lt

tbat prceertly eld ep|'rlte. rplrC,te,

ta tahen lnto tbe body, lt

tDcl Dlacaeee pFove rortal D{eeaec cea rlthstaad fortlfl.c frlch

because they deetroJr the auch a l{edlcl'aer tbat doth

rhat torte1

.o rooD repalrl be 1a6 ee tlc

eld co etrolgly

tbe ap1r1ta, lt

ea thJ'a mMUilCULUSt turnedt

o11 to tbe fla.ner hto

1a lueClatcly

t l,b. 7.
tlr'cby ttc rolrtr1l6 tLc eerc? Bt tLlr ro rllo llcilcerclt tLcrcforc, t! Dtcorsoe brlrs


end cr1nllcd,

youth 1e ieactci,

eld 6nt


la ertlf;lcal

rey to ret,c Elegh.

25. forth


of tbc crula

of the beat rbcetcn Brcad la looD ea 1t cotes 1lto

out of tDe Ovcnr betnt vcry hotr ee auch rB Jrou pleaael put lt beruetlcally clo8e.

e 6lesa Yceeelr rDlcb you ruat preseutly 1t 1l dl6eet1on 1a e tcrperate tfll

lben eet ead lt

BALf,DO,tbe apece of tro rontDs,

be turaed l.ato e f;lbroug fleab. ff eny lrtl'et pleaec to crelt 1t to a ll't[cr perfectloa, eccordlag

to tbc Rules of lrtr atlve fhcet

Le ray flad out, hor 6reat a nour{.abcr aad restorl,tedl.clne 1t ray lahG. put l'ato tbe glasc bealdee

l'e, eld rhat el ercelleat

f,otc tLat

there ruet be ao othcr rolature eclf.

rbat ta t'a the bread lt

Ltb. ).
Cbeptcr fV. l. lhc ny to rellc I dced Blrd to Lt fe. 1. To purltlG rld 2. Of 6cacret1ng uly l. ScrL

pcnte of oDe, ctc.

DGtlBe Sugar.

Io lalcc I epectee. ,.

vc6etablo 610r ead bccoEe rore 8lorlous To rahe a Sallct uy ?. plaat tnot ln tro or thrcc ta tf

tbea eat of tte 6. To utc tt eclf


t!.c ldca of thcrc.

eppcar la e gleee,

tbe vcry pleat 8.

!!o lekc Ebutreca 9.

rppoer 1a Turpeatlne.

So reLe Eerts-bora

appear ta a G1aee. lO. rPpcu

To lahc Ooldca Houatalas to appeet ta e glaee. appear 1a r Glaes. To lakc a pcrpetual tbat aharl 61ve llgbt 1f you cnter rlth ahall ll. 1lo rakc four Elenente llotlon tn a Glaas. lr1. 15. 15. of a To lake

!!o lake the rorld lD a O1aee. 12.

To reke e Ludaoue ratcr looD that ehall

by dgLt. a Candle. 16.

aeeD ol flre,

e porder that by spltttn8 Loadetone dran a trall

upon lt

be laflened.

To lake a

out of a poet.

Tbe ray pclta

to relae

a dead blrd

to l1fe,



tbe generatlng

Eaay Ser-

of oae,

botb rLlcb

ere perforacd

by putrcfactloa.

A Bi'rd 1e reatored

to I1fe


r1a. leke e Btrd,

put lt



a 6ourd grasar ald aeal lt tErd de8ree of tlrer

up henetlcallvr

Durn 1t to eebea ln the e aucllagtabe brougbt

thca putr{.fte

!'t 1a horae dun6 into flegn luet

oEa f,lcgDr aad, ao bc a coatlnucd to a fiEtber raturLty (behg

dl6eat1oa thet

takea out, by aa cract

ead put lato dl6cat1on,

r^n oval vesecl of ao becore roadcre

e tuat Dl6neae to Dold lt) a releted Dlrd: rbich stltb

ead r1l1

PARACELSUS le oae of tbc grcatcet

llto Ll'b. ). 1l returc, 2. rLlch eld abrra tbr lnto grcet arll vlrtuc of tlutrcfectlon. illcl put 1trto e 6purd 6lera tbca 1a horae duntr gleee, 1n tle be la e rrtu/ buadrcd bc ee

cut r Srrpcat


you ruat Ecrtctlcally dll

acel up, tben putrtflc becore lldlg of tlalesi rtrlD ior lf

eld tbe rhole scrpcat forn clther fLtt1lt ullcr of rona broutbt

1a tle

or sprtle

tbcec lona

out of putrcfactlone

ead aourlrbed; rbcrcof

Scrpcnte t1ll

be brcd out of oae Scrpent, Aad as lt

cvcr? onc rlll

b16 ee tbe tlrst. Ilrtag

le 8e1d of tbe Serpenta so eleo teDy otber aad restorcd agala.

creaturee taJr be ralaed,

to purJ'tLe ead reftne



lhke e etroag L1r1vlua of Celx vtye,



ee luch of Eg6a tben

coura su6ae ee the Llrlvlua (or 2 to cvery patt rell thlch Llquor togctber,

1111 bear, then put ln tbe rhltc

of tbe L'l.quor) be1n6 beatea lnto tbeu boll a ltttlel

en o11; gtlr

ead let

ead tbcre rltl lrLee, a acu! the

ruet be tdrea off tlrough

re loag ta aly drl clotb

tbeu pour ell

e 6reat follea

ba6, eld ao tbe focea 1111 reaaln tgela eo lont t!'ll soue drops be coagealed rade

bcDlad tl of lt

tLe 6ebr tbea boll

the Llquor rJ.ll,

belng put upoa a cold plater

rbea tbey bc cold,

ee berd, ae ealt.

lDea Pour out tbe Llquor lnto

Dotar or loulde

tor tbat Dutl,oaer hadas bc etoppcd for one dgbt thcre dIl rrcakle; a rolst tben rlth

e bole 1n the DtrrFoter ead thercof, rfterr eld after thet dtht rhlch

rht.cb auat

bc ogeaed, ead

euDetaace drop forth pottera

le ce,llcd ttoloaaes, or eld es tbat

cley coyer thc cnde of the 1nt,

l*l Llb. chy rltl loDco J. ei.lkctb lorc dora by rceeoa of thc rd.rkrrt rcpcrtlag tbe dohg tLcrcof ud ol thc guger, tttl tlo g,ll tbca np ao


Suger alrlalt

rbca teke 1t out tlll

1t bc hud,


tbcn blnd 1t up

1l lnpereo

!o rake r ve6cteble

gror ead becole lorc

glor{.ous tbea eay of 1te rpccles.


To roduce aEJr vegeteble lato togetber


tLree ftrst



then Jola thea tleu lnto e rl'ch earth,

e6a1n belag reIl Lrve lt


& put the aaae far Eor

ead you aball epeclea.

produce r vegetable

glorloue lote

tLcn a4y of lta

hor to lake such aE eeaeace; look !'ato tbe flrat eee tbe procese thereof.

boo[, and.

there you ehall

to rake a Plaat

gror la tto

or threc


,. du4lf

Tekc tbe eshee of llose, uolctea behg flret presecd forth,



thc tulce tbel

of ea old

and atrallcd, four or tlvc

dry tbcn a ltttle, put thl.e lirture

ead loletca bctDt nelther

Shel aa belorer verlr dryr lor

do thle


yerJr rolat,

1nto EoDe Gatthen, or letalllne Purflaln ttrst or Parely (becauee hpregneted rltb

veesel; ald tD tt tbcy 1111 grot

aet tbe aeed,of Lett!.ce,

aooDr thea otbcr Plalte)


tbe csecacc of I vegetable of 1te orD epeclce, (tUe pDoceBBrhcreof you rball tlnd Book l. Date 92t 55.) trrr rltb tbcy be61a to aprout fortb, tbat end uprarde rblch tbea

I ea5rr 1mt then 1l tbe eald carth


Llb. 9. torth: llca Eut thc yc'scr llto rt rrth r t.Dtrc hert, .od rbc! lt lulcc of dun6. luppcr ts r,.krnt

bc61as to

dryr rolrtra tlou relat reed;r.

rorc of tbc .dd

by thla lcetts heve e Sallct gror rhllest

lo rakc tbc rdca of ray plaat tt scll tcre thcrc.

rppeer la e 61aae1 ra 1f the very preat


Tle proceee of tble

tbou nallt

ece, pa6e !2.

and tberefore

lced aot bere egeln rcpeat lt;

oaly reucrber that !'f you put the flene the csaeacc te, by rhlcb 1!-

of e caa4le to tbe botton of the greee rterc 1t lay be ladc hot; lnlpable lfest

you r11r eee thet thtn eubsta^Dcc rDlcb le llke aeld fortb

aebcs or aalt

forn of a vc6etlble,

froa the botton of tbe 6laee tbc lanvegetatlag aad 6rodng by ltttle aad llttle, leaves aad florers 1a auch

ead D|rttlD6 ott ao firlly pcrfect verlly rad latural rlae

tDe foru of atelree,

la eppereat aherl that ra5r oDo rourd bellcve coqpo*r, rbeu ea la tnrth lt le tbe

thc carc to be aaturerly 1ica, cnducd dth

apfu{'tual otler

I rplrltual rltb lts

ceaelcos rhl'ch eerveth for no flttlag earth, that ao 1t ta5r aa rooD ra

PrEPOaer Dut to be trtcbed aclf a lore

trke uato lt

gorld body.


ahadored tlgure to tta

tbe vecscl ls teken fron tbe f1re, lehcth rr6Jr


aabes etal.D aad vaa-

becorln8 r cheoe, eld coafuaed rattcr.


rlD. 5.
Io rrlo lLl-trco. rDlrarr 1a fcr?cltlac.

?. tlrtll

tekc et rucl



5rou flceee, off,

put lt

!-ato a Rctort,

1t by de6rcce; rLea r11 la elat|'llcd boatr thrt rhet burl'dl.ty

Leep tDc Retort at1ll rcnal'alat tbc tlrc Eay be cvel> eld bold tbet 1e aad

la I rcaaoaablr oretcde rld toul leld lt

1a etlll frol

bccolc dry; Ibca telc

tDl'a off

to tLc Dottoa of tDc Botort, Colophonla) rlII

ead tbc Surpcatlae

(rDlcb le callcd

creck aauader 1a aeveral placee, see tbc perfect efftgles

1l tboee cracke or cblpe you eball rhl'cb r1ll there conthue rety

or Elrrtreea


l[o rake Earta-born


to gror 1n a g1ase,


!!ake Earte-hora

broken l.ato eralI


aad put then lato

Slaee Betort ilgly lle firll ealt

to be d5'stllled

r aad you etall

eee the glaee to be eeenthc volat-

of Lomer rDl.cb rllt core oYGlo

coatlaue there ao loag tlll

To rakc golden roultal'aa

la lt

rere tppat

1a e gIaee.

9. tletll Dottol

lfaho of Addcre e6gs herl e 1nuad, put tlea tbct turgld bJr dctreeg; rbca all 1a dryr tou ahell


e 61aea Retort,

aee tbe fecee at tbe louatalae,

eld puffed upr end acen to bc eg 1t rer 6oldel

bc{o6 vcrJr 61or{.oua to Debold.

lJ,D.5. !o ul,c tlc rpr.lcDtrtloD ol thc rbolc lorld 1n I Oleet.

lo. tdf

rahc ol tbc purcat aalt tbcr to6etber, to rhlcL

rltre lld euer

rs rucb e! tou plcerel calctne t!,cn trcnetlcrlly,

of tla thcn ttrcl

ro nrcb, i.r

pnt ttrer lato rcll tlcr togetllcr; put tl.rc

e Rctort, lct to tlc tlcre

r gleae recelverr

ead luto

bc lcavea ol gold put lllto ultll vrpouru ertee ttrt

tbc bottor rtll


Bctort, tlrl

cleeve to thc

6old,: enguent tLc flre Bccelverr ud ald crose lt

!o rore fuuea eeceld,

tben takc aray tbe uader lt,

Esruetlcally, ln lt

rad lake e lenp tlre

you rfll

te Ptaeltcd frulter ud

thc Sual llooa, Stara, thl.nge, rLlch

Fouatalaa, EIorle e 6lor{.ous

cr8r tteesr lttlt

lndecd cvea all

to bcho1d,.

llo ra],e tour Elelente

rppeer 1a I 6laae.


TeLe of tbe aubtlle

porder of tlet l!

oulce ead e helf,

of the

oLL of Iartu ratcr

rade PER DELfQUIUII (1e rh!.cb tbere tbe Tarter e llght rltb lt eclf contracted)

ls aot onc drop of tro ouacce, rLlcb of tbe pureet tro ouacca of tbe rcd, rlth

beeddes rlat

y.ou ruat colour rltb Sr4rlt ot llne tlagcd

tFGsD rtth

yerder8rece, lldl5o,

e 116bt blue

beat rectLf;lcd llelder tlo

splr.r.t ol rurpclthe Put ell

corourcd rltb a glaae,

e tlght


tbeae 1lto

eld shlke thcu together, to tLc botton, repreeeat-

rad, you rhrlt ud rcprcecnt

eee thc rfet rDlcb le heavy eed blacE trll tlc larth; of ntcr, aert, tarle: thc OlI of lartar npo! tlle grlrs

lado grcet,

rrg thc clcrclt

tbs blue gp,'r{.t of

lLb. l1lr j. thl'cL r1ll of rlr: rot rJ.r rltl rDDolrost thc tlclclt rtll

tbc otl trll ol

of lertu; thc rubttle

lttd tcDrclcDte



rod o1I ol Turpntlnc

rLtcb tcprcactrte ft la atrelgc

to rce bol eftcr

cLekla6 all tbc othcr.

theac togctber fl 1t bc tell

tbey rtll iole,

bc 4tettactly ea lt


the oac tlon

la eaey olou6b to dor lt

te e roet 610r10ue rd.gbt.

To lahc a perpetuaL lotloa

l'n r glaes.


|Eeke scye! OuDceEof Qpl'ck-ellver, rtth

ee rucb 11la, g1{.ad thcu tcll a ccllar upoB

togctbcr a ltarblc rhtcl

Sourtcea ouncca ol SqbtLnatc 1111 becole llkc

thc epace of four dayer ald lt

o1l. ollvc,


ln eaad, tbere 1111 eublhe dlatlla off

a dry eubstaace; tbeu put 1n tbc bottou of the lt agaln, ead

tEe rater stul


back upoD tbc cert!, fl.lter lt,

end dlaeolve rhet lrou ca!; tluea, a vlal,

ead dlstll cartb rtll

tD'te do four or tlvc ttat lorn bc1!g put lato lor evcr. tbe vtal

end theu tbat tbe suDtll

be ao anbtlle, rtll royc up rad

etoue tlcrcof

f,ote tht glace.

or 6raes ruet

be croae etopt,

aad kept 1n e drJr

!o rahe e Lurtnone reter



glve tt6ht

by dght.



tbe tatre

of Glo-ronsr

put tbel


a greee etlll,


Llb. tl'ttll 5. tlrt 1l BfLiDOr Donr tho rel.d rrtcr do tbl.r lour or Clvc tbcrr uDon rorc tel'lr bvr r rcet of Lnr

Glo-ronrr laoue letcr,

ead tbou .!rlt

by rbJ.cb thou reJ.rt seo to rcad ln tbc drrk d6bt. fatcr ray be rede of the aklas ol Ecrrln6e; eaou6b: for I Levc bcerd tbet bavc glvca e 3rcat ead lor e ghole ltght to

Sorc ray tLla

ought I Lnor l't ray be probrble ol 8err1.l6e conl'trS rll tbe ehlp. ft Eerrlate rere rcrtb the rh1le

by e ahlp 1a the dtht

to kaor tbe tnre rersoa rhy Glo-tor!8,


end, eoae otber

euch l1lre th1a6e ghould be Inr{ toue ln tbe d6!t.

!o rake e yapour l'n e sh-cn!6i, ebrll ttrlDk thc rool


be tbat


1tlto lt


a ceadle

to be on llrc.

14. ln e

Dlaeolve ganphlre ln rcctl'tled

IQUA VITAE, ead cvaporate thea

close cLalbcr rbere ao e5-r caa 6et la, eld he thrt flret eutera "crJr tbc cbarber rltb r llghted cal&Ie, r11l be tucb estoalgbcd; for the leet to De tull of t[rc, vcry eubtle, but lt rllt be of

charber dtl llttle

coatlanreace. Iou rugt lote tbat lt thet 1a tDe conbustlDle takee flerc yapout, rlth rDlcb tbe

cbanber 1e fllled, D:Lvcre ancl llkc e colbuatiblc l!

fron tbe cende. ray De donc, by puttlag rhlch aucb rtll

erperlnente 1lto

ea tll'g


e borr or cubboard or cucl Llke, opea then hartlg

looD rs rDJr oae aball lad bun.

e cea'dlc 1a H.s btDd, take


llb. j.

!o rekc r pordor


by rpltth8

uDoD lbrll

bc 1lf,Lued.

15. ht pot,


r Lold-rtonc, eII

Dordcs lt,

elil Dut lt


r 3tnoat crlcl'r

coyoD lt

oyor rltb

e Dord,er rede of Gelr yi'yc, end Colop prt deo role ol tlla the clorurcs tlca lnrdcr rltb uadcr tt; lnttcre certll out


ol cech e ILkc quaatltyr le 3ull,

rbca tLr pt put tD,er lato

covcr 1tr rad lute ud tbcre lct

I firroecc,

tber Dollr

tekc tbcl

ead put thcu lato thla do ttll

eaotbcr 1nt,

ead aet tlen la tle aad dry Gek.

fiuaacc ega5'ar ead Take of thle Calr

tbey bccoue a vory rhl'te trl.tre bclag vetJr reIl tLc otl

one partr

of lrlt

purd'flcd four pertel of lhrpcntlael

eld ae 6t{D6

luch Caraphlrcl Sulpbur vlvru, e,ll thaee to a eubtle llne rell rectlfled lnrder

ead Sartar;

eld eearee thca, rad 1mt aB ruch Splr{.t of coyr tbeu tro flagera brcadth, tben cloae

aa r1ll

tber up aad aet tbc vesscl 1a borec-dtrag three rontbel thcy becone el udforo paate: evaporate ell

end t.a tbat tlre urtll

tbc bruldl'ty,

thc rbole ra6a becones a very dr5r etone: thca trke l't out aad porder 1t, eld hccp l't vsry dry. If rater you tekc a ll.ttle trpo! 1tr l-t rtll. of thla take tlrc lwder eld gplt rpoD lt, ro tbet or pour !o!e 116ht a


tbou ulet


en5t auch thl'ag Dy l't.

!o fortlf;lc

a lpad-ctone


1t cbaU be eDle to drar a nal'1 out of a

plcce ol lood.


Trkc e load-etoae,

ead beat lt

very Lot 1l coe1e, but eo that

li,b. ). tlDtir tlcl DrclrDtlt tDrt lcr!! lt qucDch 1t 1n tLc 011 of CnOCUg UAmIS ny hDlbc re ncD ra lt cel. eld

1t br rot ndc of tlr

bcat ttccll by tble

l'bou ilrlt porerfirlr 1tr tllt

rrkc pull

thc loed-etonc

!o vct? ttroag

tbou telat

out ne1le out of e plece of rood rttb 1t tbat tbe couoa lcad-atone

ud' do auch rcadcrtAl

thl.age rltb

GID rcYor do. Ior tlc tGtaoa of tLla (ea PIRfCEI,$IS eel.tb) 1e Dccauac tbc Splrlt eld thls lay be crtracted fron,

of Iroa le tbc Ltfe or lacreaecd

of the lord-gtonc,

la tbc Loed-atone.

l,!b. 5.

Ghrptcr Y.

l. llto

fo rale

Qutck-ellvcr prl,lclplcsr


1D aevel houra. ).


fo rcducc tlase or catre"G 7. ?. llake To

1tg tlrat

rt'a. Saad ead SaIt. rlth rer. 4.

fo rrlte

EDoD ar c66r or psbble, ARAEIAtrperfnre. rdrc Stccl trot 6.

To reke Pcarlc. O1le eld Llquors. ely lltal lO.

8o rrhe rtrute E.

l:lkc I 'l[rce. 9.

To relt

1n tbc bald rlthout a rhlte

burallc! of lt. l{J'lhle eubatalce

Secret obeervatloas.

To extract

froE the raye of tbe I'looD.

To take Qul'ck-etlver


l'n aeveD hour6.


|fake of the best lead, and uelt lt, le aluoet

aad pour lt


a bole, f111

ald rhen lt

con6ealed rake e LoIe 11 1't, atrd presently aad lt r1I1 preeeltly porder,

up tDe bole rlth a frleble


be congealed !'ato agata lato a tben

aubsta.nce; then beat 1t lnto

rDd put lt

bole of fresb reltcd boll lt beh6 rll

lead ae before; do thle,

tbree or four tlues,

1l a ploce ln Ll.neecd oll t.t rl11 tllcr becole talleable.

tbe epace of elr houre; thca

tdce 1t out ud lotc uccd bto

tLat efter qulck-allver

1t tay by belng lelted

oyer the flre

be red-

a6aln. Ulcer takee lore crt-

A thltr plate rlay tbe relLgdty

of tbe sald llcrcury lal.d upo! en lnvenerate of 1t ln a tfeat reaBute, ead rendere tt

eblc tl,cn bcfore. I plate of the sald l{crcury laid upotr tuloura rould be a 6reat deal

Llb. ). tbra pletee naG lD luch



of loed,





of tbc trlebls


of lfcrcury bcforc 1t be botlcd upon old ulcere, for lt dotb nuch

l'n tLc o11 1a vrJr tood to bc etrcred corrcct thc vLrulclcy ol tbcr.

to reducc alaaa 1trto lta




Seld ead galt.

2. tLe ealt

Take blts rLlcb

or porder of Glass es nuch aa you plcase, ae nuch of of Glaaa: relt reea 1l ren theee togctbcr latcr, tbca

Glaae leD ulo 1n tDe uLlag lben dlaaolvc all

1a a etrorg pour off bottou,


thc reltcd

the ratcr rhlch

eld you sbaU rGo ro Oleee, but oaly aead ln tbc raa l.n the glaes before. that the fugdol of Glaae 1a

aaad raa tbat rLtch

lDJ'e cenaurss the nrlger tbc lagt

opln5'oal vlz. reductloa.

firsl.on ead bcyoad eII

llo rrlte

or le6rayc ulroa ea c66r or pcbblc,


uar or grolao

,. EpoD r!

llahc rhet lettcra

or tl6ures

lrou plcaee rltb tbe ctrongeat

rar, Splrlt

or 6rcrae, of Yl.aegar, roe cvcDy place tbe aald Spl.rl't,

ott or pebblel put thcr lato tbcl

ead tbcre lct rbout Dut tlc

Iye tro or threc da3re, aad you aball or llgurea eetel or coDaured aray rftb

tLe lettrs plecc rlcrc

thc rar or trease raa, aot et eIl

tonchcd: thc rea-

aoa rtereof oleaghoua

le becauee tbat the Splrlt tetter.

rould aot opcratc upol ths lald


l,l,b. 5. !o rekc ertlflcel Poerb, r! tlorloua rE uy orl.cntel.

4. lt rlth

Dil.aaolre rotlor

of Prerl

1n 8p1r1,t of rtlcger, rot rltb

thca prcclpltatc for rbea

O1I of Sulpbur Pm CAltPAfAil (rul

O11 of Tartar, to 1t:

thet lt

takce rralr tbc aDleadour of 1t) rhlcl dry lt, aad dr lt

rdds e lugtre rttb rhltea

ts thra prcclpltetcd,

of cgga, rad

of tEr bcfore

laaa you rry reke Pcarle of rhat bl6aeee or fasb1o! yoE pleaec: thcy bc dryed Jtou lty et all lake bolea through or very bardly theur aad rhea tbcy bc end

drycd tbey d.11 lot laturel Pcarla.

be dlecerned fron true,

!o rakc a lll'ncral



Dlaaolve Althonyr

or Sulpbur lE tbe Llquor

or O11 of fltnte lato a red

or pebbleB, or Gbryatale, laosr

of aaud, coa6ulr,te tbe aolutloa of nrlne aad dlgeat aad pour lore theu tlII

pour thcreon tbe eplrlt

tbe eplrlt

be t1a6ed, tbca pour 1t off, bc ertractcd, ol urtre bottolr theturer 1t rtll gut ell

oD, t111 al'l the tlacture end evalnrate lilquorl ertract thc Splrlt tt the

the tlncturee dll


1n BAIJIFT eld thsre uPoD rhlch oell lrour Splrtt

reral.a e Dlood-rcd eld you ahall

of rIne,

a purcr end

alella bab;

l:lhe 6arllck; dlteet lt

dl6est lolgere

1t tbree or four leeke, ml t't rlll euell


}[ke l{uak

or Arbergttae. Bsatdes the auell that t't brth, lt 1a ra crccllcnt Sudorltlck, ead

curoa e].l etseaasB that requlre



ea tbe plague, putr{.d feayere,

Luee YDrca, end euch Llke.

llb. ). O11 or l.lquor of 8t!d, DrcDerrtlol, flllte, or Chrtttelr, lor tlr ltot.-

tL. .dd


1l tbur tedc.


Iehc ol tlc ud

bcat HIt

of lerter pur1.f[cd,


vtrlr rcllr

by tro or thrcc

dlesolutlona oae pgtr rcll


rnd lnrdercd

1l I hot rortcr, oD lrr11 ernd

of tllnta,

pcDblcr or cryltela 1nrt, flll rllglc

bcl'lg lnrdcrcd,r togctber; e Cruclblc

reaLcd, tbc toortb te rtll

tbcr rcll t'lto

Put rB luch of rct ln ths

thJ.e colpoattloa carthcn hrerce, there rl11 elough, tlrt

ta c66ehcll 1n6c 8t.


(ead lede red Lotr ead preeeatly apl.rLtt tt tble do tlll you beve botr rad tbc elr.

cote ofer e thlck,

rad rhl'tc

tbea take out of the Cructblc ls 1a lt llke treaapucnt


1g lrorlng


3leee, rhlcD L,cep tror

fhc Sp1rlt |tLe Splrlt deed 11 e]I etolecl, ft vert

tay bc rectlfled le of ercellent

by eead 1l e glaee Bctort. uec 1l tbe goutr atone,, ud rreat, eld ur1ncl ud clcaascth 1r tbe



end by coDscqueace offccturl bc1n6 epplyed ortcrlally

la roet dl'gealca. thc rk1ll erd rekcs 1t look


te5'r. tehc tbrt ill.cD rerrlae et tbc bottou 1a tbe cruc1blcr placer rad eo 1t dlerolvetb ead beat lt lnto a

to porder, tllck lllatel tble 1ol of rll thla

eld ley lt

1l e lotrt tbrt

fet O11: rad thl's b ud

rbl'ch 1s crllcd

tbc O1l of Saedr of

pcbblca or cbrYatllc. use h rodl.clncr t8 eleo la tbe preperat-

o1l ls of ronicrlul rorte of l|lrsrele.

o1l bc1n6 teh.ea larerdly

1n aorc tpproprl.tted



L1b. j. trlteroul It Gor8rrhtloD! lrcclpttetca doth. tt crtracte coloure froa ell ead Borar, tetala, le lr;lerh thc bo4fr rDd so opon! rl1 rud relre tbc ceh tbcroof

obettuctloDs. tor. rcl6bty tbcl


o11 of Tmter It llrcd lcct

1a of e 8otdea nrturc: I'a lll flrca, rakctb

tlae Cryrta1e,

ead retgree

rctlla If

1ato gold. rater, tbcle r1l1 preclpttate e roet tlne rhltc Chlan-dlahea. bave 1a

you put 1t lato of rhlcl that all Jrou lly


lekc es clear veseele la lte


eaad, f,rrnts,

ead pcbblce, cye! tbe rhlteet,

theu a golden eulpbur, dlSested tl gold tbrt dll thla o11r tt

or tlacturc;

and 1f e prepared, lead be for a tlre becauae of tbe Gold thts

r11I oeer ea 1t rGro gtlded,

brDg upoa lt,

rLlcb ray be raehed rray la reter. ctc. ard lf you put gold tato

elao le fouad 1D saDd aDd fllate, o11, 1t dll

becole lore ponderoue tbcreby.

8o lekc Stccl

610r 1l a gleee llke

I tre.

7. r glct! abetract dlettl

Dleeolve Steel la e rectltLed rad areet aolutloa, all tbc roleturc rLlcb

SplrLt llko

of Salt,

ao eball you have tlltcr lt, end



la eeld rltb

a goatle hcat, for Stccl

aad tbcrc r[11 by rcaeon of lte rhlch reaalaeth

oYer a Llquor

ae arcct ta nlu-ratcr;

drSrneee d'etala.e tbe corrostveaeeE of tbc 8p1r1t of grlt, tn the bottor tlre; sLall iteaolve llke

a blood rcd reae, rhtch le re bot oa thc tolgue lB or of aaad, aad you e tree rlth a eteu ald

tbla red rees, ta o1r of fllats, up tu tro ot thrce bours llke

scc 1t trot

Ltb. ).

brelcbcr; t!,le hrth tlrc

Dtoy. tLlg lrth dnra

trrc fror


tbc tcet,

eld lt


tpod gordr rblc! or filhta, thlcb

tbc eforcaeld

o11 of teld,

e 6oliea

eulphur 1a lt.

To rclt

tay rctrl

tn olea bald rltbout

bur.dn6 of tbe beDd.


rekc e llttlc


Dot 1a your haad, rake ra 1t a reae or tbea upor 1t ley e laae of Sulphur, rlred to6etberr lato put e

coutE ol tbe porder of aay rctal, sart-petcr and ser-dust, to 1tr

of cach r rl-ke quaatlty, tbe rctal

r eoal of tlre

eld forthrlth

r11I be relted

an obeervatlon

uDoB tbc beals of tbe sua ald Leat of tlre, and }lctalllne bodlee.

bor they

edd re16bt to l{laerala


Takc eay ltlaeral rad lt

Llquor ead aet lt

ln an opea veaeel ln tbe ead relght. to tbe rblch I frou

rua for r lpacet But eole rl1l rDaler

1111 be eu6reuted 1a quaatlty, thle procecdeth froa tbc el'r: tbc elr

aay thet

rad dcnaldcth,


hed not tDl.e fprcgnatlon eelf

tbe aun, ead rbat gul end etarg. 2. ehall

the a1r batb ln lt

tbat proccedetb not frou tbe

Put tbl-e rlguor ttnd thrt lt

la e cold celru, lot

or tl

e lolet


ald you

hcreaeetb latb

1r rclght,

ee lt

dotb 1a the aua, ot vltb the arra) I rLtch '.s gool

ta thc ttrc


1a thle reepect aote e.alo6le rl6ht ettrect sore llttle

do aot eey but Deply lt


4'J Llb. 5.
.rbl.d l. tllkr by ely ull Dlmolvc elt hoet. tulpburouc ead lrperfect ttrl l! fron, Coplnr, or tbc Sptr{,t

1r fQUf FORtfSr or eay othcr ecld 3Dlr.l.t, thcn ebatrect rehc tt thrl glorlai hot, yct lot rclgb thle rctalllle lt lot, onl.y lct oft, too bot, Celr,

fron 1t,

tbat thc Sptr.Lt ney ollt 1r e cruclble Ict 1t atead

YrPour ltayr oycr tbc f[rc, ro thrcc ehall 4.

r.nd eet lt 6lot;

but relt

1t drrkly ud

or lour rccka,

thca teke lt

relgh lt

a6ala, end you

ftad 1t Leevcr tbcn before. Sct aly allphuroua uetall le froa, or Copper, rltb al.rteen or

oightcea parte of Lead oD e teat lade rltb a probatory put tlen llto firrnace: tlrat re16lb thc test, let the lron

aebes of tood or boaea ln copper ead lcad before you auay rtth tbe

tbc furnace;

or copper fly

leadr yct not rl'tb ltr eld you ehall

too etront a heat, tben take the teet out, and lelgb flnd lt (though tbe rctals rae put llto r,rc 6oae) rben lt tbe fiulece rlth ls cold the aetrle.. ]therala

to be hcever then lt

rre rben tt

l[be qucetlon la nor rbclce eld rctrle proceedr lt tht

tble bcerlaese of all

the eforesald

thc hcat of tbe eua end ttre be aot flred lato

tbrough tbe ttlacral,

Lclp of tbc llbcrala ud llctrlll'le ,. DodJ.

eld tetala

e plpeble

Sct e teet rltb

leedl or copper 1a tLe aul, ead rltb tbel fall

e coDcaye

gleaa ualte tle rctal,

the bca.le of tbc auar ead let

oa thc ccnter of yoru test ncver But

hold tLc coaceve glaea ln your bald, eld thte rlll be ea rcll

aad lct

be coldr thla

doae 1n the ana, ee t'n the

coDcrve lnet

be tro

foot 1l Di.enctcr, eld aot too bollor or treltlctb part of the clrclc,

or deep, ray

but ebout thc elghteeatb


that lt

Ll,b. ). thc brttc! 5. .rokcr irevl,cr crat tte boear fortbr rltb eld tt rust th!a, bc vcry rcll

1nl1rbcd. !.c |'t

Crlct'ac Altlroay eld f\uer tbcl rld

r burdtt

eld you rDrll yct rct3h lt

be rade drycr tbca bcforc,

ead bc

bcfore. tehr 1ar for tbc contLnrtloa of ell thla, e rcletloa of I

f ehall

S1r f,EfELt{E DIOBI coaccralng rcnelbcr (lrl'tb

tbe preclpltetlag

of thc aua beana.

bc) e rero crpcrheat

that e f,oblcten of rucb a[ncerlty, reel tbat by plaaad

and, e alngular reala

fr{,end of, told re be had acen, rhlcb lanDer,

of 6laaaee rade 1a a tery partlcuhr

eld artlllca1ly

ccd oae by elothcrl prectpltatcd don

he bad aeen tbe aua beala gathcred togcther, lnto e brornlah 1n thla or purpllah rcd 1nrder. For rothlng

Therc (ea1tb

he) could be lo lallacy



ras 1l thc glasar rben tbcy tGre placed, ead dlepoaed lor tLle lntent; lad lt follor. ruet be 1n thc bot ttne of the yoar; clac the cffect lld of thls laglatery rould aot

he could 6ather aoEe drya Dccr tro ouaces vtrtuc, eld rould ltpreas rad rost flred l'te

la e dayr ald lt'rae rplr{.tual quelttt rltbrl)

of e atrong volatlle gold 1t aclf


(thc hcayleet


re colversc

ta r vcrJr abort the. the bcene of tbe rua,

I leave tt

nor to tbe reeder to tud6e rhetbcr rdd re16ht to l{laerale,

eld bcat of tbe flrc

rad l{ctals.

To crtract

e rbl.te lllltd.e

eubetelce frol

the raye of tha l{ooa.

Tahe a concare 6lase end bold lt firl,I 1n e clear



the !!oon rhca she te at tbe feII

cveal.a6, end lct

the raye tb,ereof bclng nr{ts{

Llb. 7. r,trd tbc rlnnge Dr.!! ttlt oEt rltb thle 1111 Do ftll tour brtdr ud of e cold t{11}1c lubrtrlcc, 6rthcr loror DD-I,I-BROSSE

rDo! r q)oDt.r tilch tou rry

1a of oDtlloB I cellot tctc rell rssclt

.ubstrDce lE of tbc rubltucc ta tbet,

of thc llooa: but crporl,tcnt

to llr

oalJr thl's I eeyr !'f tll's bc tLc hcy to ao !u11


1t dgbt


Llb. ). CDeptcr Yf.

l. ,. ,.

lo coadcDlc r1r 1a rurlcr. Of e Roat'c Gruclen l{edlcllc, Ot e Cordlel ![hcturer end, lte ud of ltr ure. ?.


Eor to ltr

tro voletl]'c v1rtrc8. laotber ltrpcatlae

ealtr. 4. &other.

ead lts

uac ud 6.

rDd ltr


of crcrllent hto 1ts body o11 out 9. upoa To

rlrtuce, rtehr

|lo rcducc dlstlllcd E.

uacr eld rl,rtroe.

'l[o rrltc tbc dlrtlllod rltlout A prctty I|. a furlacc. obaervetlon

of rny bcrb or florer, haor rbet Hctel tLc l{clttlg

or rced ln ra lastut lO.

there 1e 1a ely Ore.

of Copper aad Tln to6cthcr. relt

lddreblc togetbcr.

obaervatlone 12. A chcep cup, tad

upon tbe rcltlng

lrnoal'eck,, rnd CILX yM 15.

pordcr r{kc Elto aurur fuhlaras. to caet dlvcrs fl6uree of lntlrony.

!o rrkc ea &tllodal

To condenac tLe dr lnto rater.

1n tbe beat of cunner ead la thc hcet of the day,

l. lt rltb


ea cutbcD


ul6lucd, bc kept ell

lede potltcd tbc yclr)


and fLll


(rb.lcb luat

1n rhlcb ls dl'e-

aolvcd ee ruch f,ltrc closc etopt.

es thc retsr

rould dlaeolvs;

Lct tbe vcescl De be ao

Eold thls

vcgeel rtrl'Det

tbc eun, ead tbe el'r rlll

coadcaecd by tbe coldaese ol tbc vcescl thet 1t rtU rlCee tbercof.

drop lora by tbe

Llb. 7. Eor tro rortt of vo1etllc Selta r1II bc by loldlg tbcr togctbrr.


feX,c r atrort you rould tbc aelt

Llrlrtur crl,cct

udG of uaglekod Llrc,

erd rvelnntc tbcrc 1a


eld rbcrcra BoDc; for ell tbc Llguor cortrery

to flad e eelt et thc Dottor, te vepourcd trey,

1n tbe L,l,rlrtur thc rcdrcr

ead tbc lorc rhlch 1g ead

1e rvalnratcdr

tbc L,l.r1.vtur bccolce,

to otber Lld.v1une:

Aho 1f you teke qllrtt

of Y1lo6u, f,or lf

cvaporate ltr tbe clcer tltyr aball partly

tou eha1l flnd ao eelt at tbe bottol. tad splr1t of Vlnegar,

tou takc quaDtou

Ll.rC.vlun ol Lluer togctherr

of cacb e llke tbereof,

end r1r tbcl ahall hotl arlt

ead cvap,orate the burl'dl'ty of ealt rt the bottol,

flad e good queatlty eld partly actd. teetee

lhle lnto ftcer

bclag aet ta r cold cellar

oD r rrrble

stoaer ald dleeolvcd ead luootb tbe rgelaet tbc Itcb,

aa ollr ud

la re 6ood as aly LIC YIROIXIS, to clcar bot pustlea h tbe skll, ea dlo

dry BIt uy

end old Ulcers to dry tber up.

To take ea Ulguentr 1111 crulc vonlt1l6


e for 6reha


be!'ag tppllcd


or looecncse, r8 lrou plceac.


Trke LAPIS I|EERtrALIS, rlr te r11l

tlcrerlth f,ccp tt

of dl.rtl'lIed

o11 of Tob-

rcco es rucl ff ftvc rucb,

rehc el Olatrelt: ent't

ta e dry phce.

you rould provokc vorlt1l6r gra$s tell'ag thcrcof,

tbe pl.t of tbe atolach rlth prcacntly vodt, ead as

or slr ra rltb

rad the Darty dU

of e Yorlt.

I,''b. ). fl you loul'd Droyohr to looeclCra rDott tbout thr lrvcl rlll prcecltlt frll l.ato e loorcrcrl. rorc rrn n1ry1a6e ell tbc thc tbcrcrltb,

eld tbc lntlcat lotc thrt

you ruet ttvc thc ptlcat l'a lor}la6.

thle rcCtchc

totc elaor eld tbet eepcclelly,

that you lct lot tbc olntrclt


ro lo16 ea to ceutcr1lc tb. pert to rDleb 1t 1a epplycd.

|[o rehe a rcdlclac dU

that hrlf

e gnta


bclag tdrcn cverlr lorallg

kccp tbc bo{y aoluble.

4. rrlt


of tbc dletlllsd

o11 of [obecco, of rhl'ch lct Ibcn rlth flttlng tl1s

tbe caaeatlal colpoeltloa

of ?obecco lrblbe

la ruch re 1t cla.

rdcc lore loaelgee ol rcdlclac: ra half lote

by addlag auch thlnge ea tre thrt

for auch a fon salt

tou Dut but euch e queat!.ty of thle olly

e 6re1a only rey be 1n one lorerge. or very other totept to be

Oac of tLcse Lorelgca bG{p6 tekcn cverJr roruhg, dnt,

kecpeth tbc boiy eolnDle, eld 1e tood for tbcr la lre 1l tlclr bodlcs. hgrcdleat tf llto

vcrll' coetlve Xotc tDrt

you rat put eorc

t[e lpzclgea

tLat rey qualltlc

tbe offelcd,vc odour of thc o1l,

tbere aball be e.lgr.

To ra.k,c a Cordlall


eld purgatlvc



llekc e tJ.ncturc of EIERI PICRA rlth rlth Gluuon of C.lovce.

8p1r1t of rlee rcll


l'cd, eld eroutlred

Ll,b. to llo or tlroc fDoolful. rondcrfllly obetructlorr, eD lavetcrete tl of tllr tlrctur bcllg


1l e DrllD8 ud lonl tto-

trd'cc la e rooh, lecbr; ud lt opclctt

Lclpa tboac thrt ud

hrvc rcet

prrrgctb vtacoattloa

of tbe ttolecb ud tadecd cxceed-

Dorcrer curctr ro l|purltlca lclpe h tlcl tlla

reedacbee, tl.lrod


lcavctl lo3ly

tbe bo(yr ead 1a very cordlel;

for tt


ere troublcd

olfclelvc crtreordhut

rcdlctac drl

felntlota. Ihcrc la lothlng 'tth but tbc blttcracea tbcrcof, rhlcb thc otber


.ore tboa be[racc.



Dt'eeorvc scruony


of rlae,

evap,orete the oae rolty, rad lt rlrr becone


!.t by puttrat

Roee-ratcr letter

to lt: rltl

roet rLlte; prcclpltetcd tere tht tou

for tLc brack ead fettd lettcr rLrte rLlcb you rust vry rerl

lye or the top of tbe Boae-later. lf Tben

rasb eraJr rltb

6ur bclnt ud

raehcd, ead dry lt;

you prcaee eaerl aor

lnrdcr ltr 'ay teatcl erd plrgctb

ao uec lt;

for tadeed l.t Dath lc''ther


eay offcace, 1l tbclr

eld tay be 6tvca to chlldrea rllt or broath, rrthout eaSr

or to ary trat dlcceralng l!ge' rllcl



of 1t;

ead lrdeed 1t doth pur6e vttbout up lato gltlc rlt! oll

rny uDDcr of trlp_ of lrlrrroa or clovcs

r raa roat to rekc lt 6rve 1t e 8arlelt ncll,

erd of rhlcL uy

r geve e acrupre rhlch Eiothcr dresorve 1t

[3Dt rodcntcry egaln 1l splr{.t rad thte Lccp.

rrd rrthout of rlle

rrDDcr of 8rrplage; eroretlzcd rlth


rbat rplcce you prease,

Ilb. j. Itsr tlrctun 1r ro plcrautr tlc llhr elt .o gcltlr, .o roblo r Durtrtlrc rttDout trDlGr elt tbrt off-

thoro Lr rcercr ftccr le tekrr

1l tbc lorld; !ru!cet1r6,

for 1t Durtcth eld pur6ctl ell

rlthout ud

of buloure,

orpcelelly It rry



ead la vcry Cor4hl. rbLor ely red1ctacl ra to cbl'ldrcn,

bc 6lvca to tboce tlrt erc of I Elulcoua Lrlf

or thoec ttrt

rtorecb. to tro or tbroc. for !'f lt eld fall be put hto to tbe botton. by crtracthg thc 6ru tborceay other

|!Lc doee le flor Xotc lt Llquor, lfter tore, ud Ey tlle ncurlly thst lt rurt

r 4noatul aelf;

bc telrca of lt

tbc Scauony r11l tll.g tbcl trDlcr


you reJr prperG Jollep lt 1r Splrlt

dl'reolrlrg ilollep

of tt!c. to tbc etonach, ee ead tbe eartblleet

rella ls;

rould rot

be ao otfcaelve

for 1t le tbc gur tbet le purgatlve,

le ao Dtr3eorr6o rlolhp betng tLue prepared la e rort elacesee; for 1t purgeth rater ercelleat re{lc1ae rgalnet ell


rray rlthout

eDlr !.uacouaDeas

or gr{ et ell.

!!o rcduce dletllIed




body r6e1a.

?. lt tbat

llekc thc o1l ol Turpcntlaet gubatuce rhlch


thc Colophonlc tbcreof tfter dlstilIatlon) tbcr,

(rhlcb rhlcL ead you ln thc bottor lttr tbcae togctbcr

yon rust rlelr

beet to lnrder.

rad dl6cet

hevc e srpcnttle lature.

of tbc aalc coastetcDcy rE Dctore,

but of e

Ycry rubtl'lc

lib. 9.


leac of thle

TurpcatlDGr lrc

of crcrlloat

urG la obetructlolr

of tho brtert,

Ll'dlcya eld thc llkc.

!o rekc tbc 41et11led O1t out of eny hcrb, rcod or f,lorer ta en lnateat rttbout rnSr funeco.


rou ruat have e loag plpc rrdc of t!'l, rtth e hole la lt

rhl.cb ruet levc e borl

la tbe dddle lt;

as b1g aa you cel put yorrr fi.agcr lnto tbat you rould bave tbe Oll of. tbea put oae cnd

by rLlch you ruet put your ratter ratter on tlre dth

Set thle

e cea&Le or coal of tlre, rater,

of tbc plpe lato tbe grosh' r11l leter, rhlch

a baeoa of felr

eld blor et the othcr end,, ead en o11 trln upoa thc

cole lnto

tbe rater;

rad there r1It

Jrou taJr aeparate r1th a fira.nel.

To prove rbat tlad r vcry fer grelne ordlaary ray rltl

of letal thereof, lead.

there la ta u5r Ore, elthougb you bave but ao tDat aB lrou ceaaot teke Droof tbereof tbc


.|!akc tro or tour 6ralle


you havc ao grcatcr



el5r Ore thrt

you haver Put to 1t balf

lD orrpce of Vonlcc6laee,

eld rclt

tLen to6etber 1n e cruclbler to thc tlacture rret tlnd tht

(tbc cructble

Dclng. covcrcd) tad accold{n8 ltol tle ore, so ray you Judge

t!.e gleae recelvetb there le la the ore; rlth

of retal

tor 1f l't bc e coppr ore, thea If coppcr ead tron, yelror; lt slrvcr,

the 6laee r11l be tlagcd e 6laee-6reo!,

r aoa-gteen colour. lf

1f 1ron, a dark tellor;

t1n, e lnle

Ll,D. 7. r th!.tllb totbctr rl y.Ilor; lf goldr r tlle colour; rklc colour; lf 6old rld lto! to-

e Srere6dhe colour.

1f Cpldp allvcr,

copDr, rld



A prctty


upon thc relthg

of Copper eld Tl.n togctber.



reke tro


of rcd coppcr of tbc eerc regal'tude, re thc otbers tbcn

rdre also tro bullcts totc rclt rade: retgb eII

of tbc pureet tlu 1n tbc rarc rould, four bullcts, ftretr

aad observe the re16bt rell: rcltcd

the coppcr bullcte ead lclt

rDoD thel betlt

put the trc tla tbe tl-n firac not ae beforel ead

bulletat Italr

thcn togethcr,

but Devc a crte tbat

|flea caet tbl'e loltcn


la the alrG roulda

1t 1111 acarce lake tbree bullete, d5'd bcforc they rere reltcd

but yet thcy relgh ea heavy ae tbey

together. rhlch ras vett tberc-

f auplnae the copDer coadcasetb tbe body of tbe tla, Porouar rblcb of. coadeaeatlon retbcr

rdds tben dl.nllrJ.ehetb the rclght

I renarkeble vtve together.


upo! tbc of Saft Aruonleck,

ead Cek

ll. dr,

Tahe Salt enoal'eckr theu togethcr.

and Celr vtvcl

of cacb e llke dl'l

quaatlty, aot relt

ead relt

f,otc thet Cr1r of t t aclf tbc atron8est ln belf u ftre that

l.a lcea tbsn elgDt boure rlth beh6 d,red dtb thlg calt

cea be teds; but l1kc e letal,


hour, ead lcee,

tl-th ea ladtffcreat


L1b. ). Illr tou rry reter, d.rturr rtrll. you ebrll bc1l6 thus rcltod ilrc bcoorce r hrrd rLleb tl .toac, out of illcb e6eta 1a rl bcforc,

rr out of e tl:lltr enoaleck

you iltrolvr

Lrvc thc Srlt

la tbc eerc queatlty

bnt flrcd. lote thrt terd thlage hrvc tbclr coagealetlon tlred fron Srtt selt enodeck,

le Lotaor bolea rnd rucb ItIc; fror l! tlcll ody

for llttle

cea be cxtractcd

eld enonleck. Salta, (ea of boroe, bonee, elber condeleeth,

oulcc of ray of thcee vohtlle

ead cuch llke) aad laduratetD

reduced lato ea ecld Ltquor by dlatlllattoal e lnuld of Olly retter.

la ceay ald cteap polder

lt'hc ulto


12. e thlrd thls

Teke of relt Psrtr

Tartar oae pertl to8ctbcrr




S;nlptur of

3r1ad tbeee reLl

eld dry tbeu,

I fer grahs

porder belag flred

r11I tlve

ee great a clap aa a rusket rhen lt

1e dlacbarged.

lo rakc an latlloalal

cup, ead to caat dlvera


of Antluoay.


|lake tbc bcst crude eatl'noay verlr rell tlaely




racb e 1nuad, of crude Tarter togetherr tler, letalr rlth eld 1nrt tbel lnto

pordered tro porude, nlr coycr tD,e cruclble, rad be llkc be1n6 ilrat

theu rell

e cruclblc, fell

ead lelt e teltcd eueared ovct

eld tbc re8ulue rill thcn Pout lt O1l. fortL

to the bottol, I braae lorter,


Llb. j. ort lekr tlo lnrta rclt ol Dotdercd lntlrolyr tLcae la etorcul'd. rgah rad lour puta of lwdcr ol

crude Telter; Ihls

re6ulua you rey (rhen you heve rade caough of 1t) relt lato rtrat roulda you plealei you tay clther

rad qaet lt rlat plcturea fons

takc cupe, or Iou relr cagt 1f you put

5nu plceeer eld of rlet of ehlll!-nta


you plcaae. of rtlcb

1t lato 1t llto

or hrlf-cFota!,


tro or tDrec ouDcca of rl'ac 1l aa cartbcn 61azed yeeeel, or bsat eII a16ht, lrou raJr have a l^lquor

glaaar ald J'nfuae 1a a roderatc l'a tbe roralag 1111 cauae voElt:

of rhl'cL tbe doec le fron tlo

drane to tro oulcsa a.nd a belf. trote tbat l'n tle glve a tore grateful ft llne relleb you ray put a llttle to 1t. cup rltb ftae, eld to put Cluaanoa to conect end

1s tbe cuetou to t111 tbe Antlnonial rouad rbout betrl.xt

ee ruch llne lt

that aad tbe llttle

earthen cup rhere thet Ulae:

atander ald ao laf\rae 1t alL dgbt, that

eld tbea drlats up all

but I feerl

eo rucb Ulae 1111 be too lucb ea bclng thrce or four srcecd tbe qualtlty of tro outcee of the ta-

ouDcce rhcn rE lo aeldol fuelon of lltt'uny.

tbesc cupa or plcturee a thouaald t1ree lnfualon (ae casJ,ly tbey teyr l'lto rbat Iote lone



for ever, aad be as cffectual aad lf


ee et tlret:

they be brokea at aa5r tlre, tbcy tay be cast agaln

belag as brlttle

ae glaec)

you plceee. 1u uk14 Dt'e aparde, for

tbat he that ceete ther rugt bc alrlllfirl

ae also 1l sconr1ag of tLca, end ralr{n6 tbeu bdSDt eftorrards:

Llb. ). Lead1cd. tbcy rltl

1t tbcy br cercf!,lly

look cycD r! brltbt

ec d.lvcr.

B0srE cRltcrAlts 61vc thle R.rc for tbc Gout: To bc tekca tn thla order.


Tbe Pulttstc.

Take of t{aacbet about tbree oulcea, the crur oalyr thla cut, ret lt bc Dolled 1' rflrk t1D rt 6ror to a hrrp. Add la tbe end a dracbn ead ea balf of thc porder of rcd Roeee, of saffrol tea gralne, of otr of Roece el or"rcc; let 1t be apread out upon e rlurea eloth, aad apply_ 9{ lrrlrg-to'r ald coltrnued for three houra gpace.


Tbe Bath or Feneatatlon.


lahs of sa6e-leavee balf

e Laadful,

of the root of Eunlock s11-

of Brloay rootc Delf aD ou1ce, of the leevee of red Roaes tro puglle; lct tb'cr bc bollcd 1l e bottle of rater, rbereh steel batD beea queachcd, tlll tle Llquor core to e quert; eftcr tbe etratn_ lng put 1D balf Gloth or scrllct tlree, all aa Deldful loor of Bey-611t: Let tt be ueed rltb ecarlet

ced aLr drachre,

dlpped 1a trc

r.lquor hotl

rad eo reaered oveD roro

ln tba elncc of a quarter

of ea hour, or lrttre

The Plaatter.


Sekc EIIPL/lrsrRuH DrAc[frrDos

es rucb as l's eufftclent

for the

tl,D. V. tntt tou rou to eovcl el illl ht rtlck, 1t bc dlrrolvcd dtb Otl of Borcl 1l tuah rli

r colril,ttmco rypllrl.

rad rDtord u1m r Dtrco of lolleadr

I'lb. 50

Cleptcr Yff.

f. lelr

Ol I letcr tehcl off

to ceusc belr lcver


to gror rtah. ,. Bor to rrkc atrhst


I retcr

to crurc 4. Eor To

to gror r6a1n. g.

eaotbcr. Ecaba. 6.

to tekc rray


1l the frcc. ?. lor I l.

I rater 8.

DrelcryG tbe ei.ght. ot ra old ru. 9.

Lnotbcr rlter. to cuDG tbc Gout.

Eor to reatorc lO.

tbe d.gbt

to eurc thc tcb eld Cedrera, ctc, t[6 alt{a. lt.

alnta 1a tbe cye. l?.

Bor to cure Tcttcra,


Eor to curG the redasee of the face, end beeutlfl.e 14. laotLer of tbe aaDe rj.rtue.


|' rater

to ceuse Ealr


to gror e6a1a.


Take ldouataln-Bteopr hrn{f\rle,


leavee of SoutbtD-toodr of cacb tro poulacerete

of cacb t;e

Gaaary tlaer

Ur{.ael Eoacy, }lllk,

ndar llueterd aeed half tber tlrcc

a pouad, brulee rhat le to be bruleed, ther 1a BAIJIEO.

deyer thcn itstll

l' rater

to ceute halr

taken off

never to 6tot agaln.

|Deke accda of Ecabaae bnr1aed tro poulds, rolst pleccr

lay lt

e rblLe la roae 1t eccord-

then add 6reat Stoaecrop Dalf e pouad, dlatll

1lg to Art.

IJ,b. 5.

lekc blood of Frogar IERRIE SfOfLrlIAE, rbrt tll le nrffl.ctcat; tlu ln BALI|D. racerrte tLcl to6cthcr

Sulrch, trcaty

Bolca, Eouac-lcekr fonr Doura, thca dlr

|' latcr

to takc lray

spots la tbc frce.

l. of tlo

Talre Aases rilk nel loaYeer trclve

four lnnada, fb1'te rlne Egge rith the cbclle, thca.

one pouad, the taelde Suger-crndy three dre-

cDne; r1r theu lell.


eld dlatll

A rater




Take Sonel


tro pouaCe, Julce of Planteltrl

Roae-rater, ou.occs,


eech four ouaces, Juice of Leuone tro oulcea, Lytbarge d.l Cenree Sublhetcr brulac!'l thcr thcl tblt of cacb half ue

r! ollDcel Sulpbure vl've thrce drachle; thca hfuse then 24 hourer rld aftcr

to be brulecd; to Art.


A ratcr

to prcacrve

the a16bt.


Teke fcaaclr



Eadlvcr Ectodc,

Rcd Roees, rrcerate thcr

Ycnus Ealr,

of crcL tLree brndfulr.

Bnu1ee the herbe ud ttea

?4 bourg l'n rhl.te dnel e Urbeck l'a BA.LI|DO.

(es rucb ee le suffl.clcat)


ther 1l

Lf,b. ).



TeLc lclacl,


Setc, Boacluy,

ycrveJ'a, Euc, of crcb

cqu1l pr,Dtso Prcpere es 1t bcforc.

I ratcr

to rcgtorc

tLe .d3ht dccaycd.

8. lccacrr

fehe Fcuclr


YcrvalDr Ruc, Lcavce of Enlal CarpLlre lalf


t{11fo11, ol cach olc hnadful; tLer 1n ra llerblck.

a draha, BruJ'ee

theu end dlctll

l' ratcr


the Gout.


Tekc Llcorlcc


e p,orudr /Urlaeede l. EuIa

1nund, Clnaelonr ) ouDcea, Sccde of Fclacl, Ctra-

Oell.geler reyr .|louue

Gin6cr, Roote of Iroeel lnl, Ploayr Baellr


Savory, llerJorerr e headfirl,

of cech oDe oulce, Ioe6 Popper, CalaRoots of Al6el-

Jual.per Borrlce rlsr SDlkcurdl rl

2 onaeca; Orourd fW helf llaccr of crcl 5 drehel

Veler{,e.n I dnb, llora balf

lca hlf

ouDccl Gyprus t oulccrr or atroag


rD ou!c, Sugar tl,ct

S ouaceer lle116a lller eccordlng to ltt. Ttl'g reter trken

Llc 72 pouldb,

Prepare ead dl'atl.l



colil rad rcak atorache,


Drcrhs tbo Stolc. Ontrardly rhnrnkr clolly epplycd lt errctb tbc Oout, cder6cth atrere thrt are

& 1r tood egal.let ' ead cold.

r11 rcbea eld lnead.oas procccdlat

tron rclal-

I.l,b. ). I retcr tor tbr lrb eld rpots 1l tbt grce.



Bucr Pleltelrc, of crcl I oulcc, llota



Rcd PoDplcr, Vcrvell, I puld eld e brlf,


l'rc lrevce, ProPu.d Pordcr tbe $or

Rcd roec retcr

I dracbl DrlDue roralag

Ecpettck el ouDcc ead e hlfr thel rccord1a6 to Art.

Clovce I ounce, lnto

eld dletll ud

Ilrop tbc retcr


.l ratcr

for lctterer




ll. hluae tbcreto

TaLc atrolg



Ulnc6ar E poundss Tood Aabes I pouad, ead etlr lt tbcl trlcc e da3r, thcl put

tbcn tLrce deye aatural, uaalakcd lhe

I pouad, let

eteld Elltre

other thrce daysr ead etlr olf tba clear Lce, and Selt ol ol cacb

l't ee betore; put tbereto lutar,

rben 1t le rell Srlt

rettlcd, Alkrll.r

Srl Ocue,

SALIS VITAE, SaIt lrlodecr eld CeIr vlye,

of cech one drel. grtlg

CeIr of lggebellsr

I draehr;

el,l tbcse to6ctberl r 6laea lcrblcl

end tenper ther rltb tbcr 1tr

tbe ael.d Lce;

put tbcn lnto tlrat ttrt

rnd dletll

la BALTD; 61yc 1t thc erd bcep 1t rarn: eftcr

2lr loure !o lorc dl'et1l lt off

beet tbca 1111 uhc

eccordlag to lrt.

A ratcr


rcdaese ol tbe Fecer ra0 to beautlflc

tLc sklD.


teke llld

Pureleher Daldful'e.






rccde, of cacb tlree

!fL. lDl'tee of 12 E6ter Lctons aurber t2;

Ll,b. ). Eocb lllurr $ oulccr; Dr.DEc rrd dld1l tbor rscordl'lg to lrt.


lr. lalt

Iahc Celr of D6geb11sr fLltc rad Borer, Lllllcer

Corel pulver{,zcd,

of cach 2 oulccs,


of cech 6 ouacce, Oru Tregageat I ounccs, loDO E pounda, Styrax, thcr by llelb1ch. Celad,te,

Boota of rlltc

DulbGr 6, lLlte lllr

Bclnol'tr, of cecb 4 ou.acce.

ead dl'etll


of tLe Bane vlrtue.

14. a balf, Borar, drachrl

llrkc llne

V1ne8ar halt

e lnuadr LytDarge of gold onG ource eld a! ouDcet e

Ceruee orre oulce, Sulpher vJ'ye, $It prepuo eld dl.etll

Sal Geu alr drachns, Roch Alun, balf Xl,tre, of cecb three draclna, to Art.

Cenpb1re balf

tben eccordhg

l+?f 1,1b. J. Gtrptcr VIIf.


Eot to cutc lrrordLaatc 4.

EIur of lcere.


Or tlne. ulcer.

t. 9.

Eor to Eot to 7. !o

curc red 3tc8. rake rll.te Clcrtrttc Ulcere ud rotrl.ds. Golltck, later. 19. 4. ud tccth. Ulccls. tbclr 11.

Eor to cloDle ead dry r shtp 6. E.

lo tehe rrtJr tbc rarke of thc anell &otbcr ll. rlter. 16. rater tlua. 9. To curc Elccre, tatcr. 12. lj. l?.

pox. lO.

0f bollor


Of r Clcetrlltng 14.

0f curlag Of tbe Of Sage


To leke tceth rhltc.

hor to cure it. lE. Of lavcnder reter.

To cure a cold gtouacb. conporudcd, ead lte el. 2t.

vl.rtuee rDd uee.

A gcctoral

2O. laotber. rlrtuee.


fQUA EEBRIFUGA, aad tte 1ts tj.rtucs. 26. 24.

AQUAEISTDRICAI eld lts vtrtues


AQUA^npEnTIYA,aad thelr

Lor to uge theo.

A rater


the lnordlaate

ELur of lleare.


Teke rlpe

Strarbcrrlee flftccn

ae ury

rB lrou plcaee,

eet tbcn to Clg-

set 1a Eorae duatr

de5ra, tbea dl-atll

tbcr 1n BAtrXD.

Or tbua.


|!ake llorere

of tbe rbltc aufflcetb,

l[lorn, dlstf

lcavee or topa of tbe l111or, tbel ee beforc.


ol Gach rhat

Ir1b. J, l' retcr



of thc E3ree.



Julcc ol Ccleadlne;

Brcl Vcrvahcl

Fcnaclr of oech three autu ceady

oulccar topa eld lcavee of Boece, of cacb rbat auffiLcctb, thlec ollcear of tLe bcet Tutlet

Saagul'e Daconle, ol cacb four ouaccs. thca eccordlag to Art.

Eruiac thcn tbet erc to bc bru5.acd, ead dletlll

l, ratcr

to clealae


dry a aberp lllcer.


lahe Crudc lllnn

tro ouacea, rhlte f,lghtehade,

of Et6er nuaber tlfteen, trl,cotlaa, Eouaelceh, fater Labour thcn

Julcc of Ruglallcr of Headereetr fl'alty relI together


6ra6a, Roees, of each four oulceeo tbe rater

end drar off

by ea A1eublck of glaes la BALtfD.

A rater

to ldrc

Teetb rLite.

,. t1ck,

Teke Allul


ouncce, Couoa lalt

threc ouDcos, l{5rrrtbe, l{aatben accord-

Clovee, of cach tDree dtacble.

ll1r brulgc ald dl.etlll

l'ng to Art.

I rater

to take aray the larke

of tbe Snall


6. Oll'braua, Etot'-r

Take llaattck, Olnpeler,

llyrrbe, Bdcllun,

Aloee Eepatlck, Carpobalsalu!,

iard, Saffron,

Saa6ute Draconla, Guu lrablck, Ltquld

of cacb tro dreDle ead a baldful,

beat rhat l'e to be beatea ,

L1b. g.

tlca 1lt

edd thcrcto to lrt.

of cloer



rc16bt1 dlrtll

tbcr tccord-

A rater

to Clcetrlze


?. later

rel,c rcd, rlae

tro ponade, prrateJ'ac-rrtcr Vervela,


r 1nuad, Boee-

four ouDcclr .lulcc of Plrlltela, tte leaa,

Shcphcerda pursc, f,notof each tro

8raaar ccntaury olllco8r florera

Confry the 6reater

eld leleer,

Crude Allua one pould, hllf u outcor Pol8raletc

Cyprees Xuts threc ou.Dcea, polaranatc ptlls tDree orrlcoa, Gale balf hrpcattlc, tD oulce,

B|lk of tho Oakr Sulecb, of cech tllvc drachls, Crude EoueJr half e 1nuad, lieetlck, Ollbalrur

tLree ou!cc8,

of each tca dracbne, Sar-

cocol tro ouacee, Burnt Vltrtol, lrnoalack tlrcc

Burat leed, of each oac drecbn; Bole helf a! ouDce, Rorud Btrtrort tbea rlr ead dtetll tbel.

threc oulceor Caesh ltglea,


Porder rbat le to be pordered,


E. dfaa8. racb tro ttes,

fekc l{ertlckr heaklaccDae drars.



Sereocol, Clnelon.


of cacb three

oae ouDcer futre6e,

Clovca, Cubebe, of Berke of pougral-

CyPrua f,ute h.If

el oulco.


of cech oac drar.

Bolc Arnodech

oae ouDcc; Seasula Dracoala oDr Dorud, Vltr11ol lLltc )

LaIf t!

ouDccr Bcd Roaee tDree drecDla, Roch Allur ClerlfLcd

? draclaer llae

Eoaey orre onrrcc, AQUAVfTAE a lnuad eld lalf, f,lghtebade, Colfra

oae tnuldr

Jutcc of Plantalae,

of thc greater

\77 Llb. J.
eld lcucrr of crcb lour oulcclr letcr rbctelD Irou hrtL bcca qtrclcbc4 tDcr dI a16bt

four poutrds; Pordcr rbtt

1a to bc pordcrcd; drar forth

ead 1lfinc

la AQllt VIIAX, 1n tbe ronlng

tbe ratcr

by llotbtck.

I retcr

for Ulccra.

9. halt

Tdsc lhltc lhltc


four lnuader


tro lnuada, lllru

e lnuadr

copperae tlye

ouncee, crude Boacy one pouad, Llcourrcos, Calphlre a! ouace rbat 1g to be brulaed;

ortce Raeped oae PouDdr BoIe Aruonlack tlve aad a halfr erd dl.atll llercury tbel arbllred tro drachrs,


by Alerblck.

A ratcr

for hollor



Sake Fouata1n raterr

Red llrrer

of cacb tlo

lnuada ald e half, of cach tro ouncca end

Red Roeeer four guDceer Florersr ead a halfr lcsser

Rtade of Pongraletca,

SuracL tro onaces; Se6e a baadfull r bead,ful, Sercocoll tbrcc

Confey tbe 6rcater

of sach balf

ouDces, t{aatlck tro ouaof frrpeatlne a pouad ead

cce, Ollbanun ole oruce, Eoacy ole pouDd, rater e half, of 6hse brrrlge rbat le to De brutsed, rl.tb e 6catlc f1re. end dletll

thea tbrougD a leablck

I Clcatrlq{r8


I l.

fakc rater


Iroa heth bcen quencbed lour 1nuds.


Llb. ). YERr lour Dould!. tcl oulccl, ltrpltlDc rLttc l Dould end r brlf, Coplnrer ltvc brlf e drachr, Tcestl, oulscr, Cnrdc Eoacy BoIc lraonlecl


ont DouDdr lllur .cYD oulcca, colfrcy Iort, fhlte



lceyca ol pleateln, Klotgra63, st. Johns

thc gtcatcr,

ddd,ro eld lcaaer, ead e brlf,

of cech I hrndfirl


tro ouncca, Ollbllu!,

Seadcrer of cecD brlf

ra ouacc, Icd Roaea, I haad.ful eld a helf, dlatlllatDure Rozea

Geaah Llgacar Clnarronr ton; tbel teke Surpeltlne

of cech thrce drechra for the flret oae 1nuad, Haetlck tDree drachla,

e1r ouacee, Ct'aaaloa, Clovee; of ercb tro drachle, lD oulcol Allul a lelfr tarde, Idrc Elorera of St. Johle tort, G5rprusInta oDe ouDcc ead a half,

pon6ranate rtads half

lD!'tc Copperae tro ouacee,

three ourcear Ollbaaur

tour ou.Dces, SAXGUIS DRACOmS rt! ot,.co ald for thc aecoad dlattllatlon: lfter-

IQUA BALSA|'! VERf oae pould,

Sa6e, Boeeaary, CAnDUIIS BENEDICTUS, Rcrl Seadere, of each tbree dracbls, AQUAyfTAE helf a p,ogad, aa

Centaury, ol eech oae outcer l|aetlck, tood of Aloes, tro Burnt AIItUr rhtte seruplce, Tartar, 1l lnrder

Gubebe oae drach!,

of cech lD o'ncG ead a betf,

l(yrrbe half

ouDcer Eartbroraa

oae drachn, tbc d.dd,le Bark of tbe Oak a1r fLttc Coppcraa onc ouace, Rlade of

ou.rcoEr CASSIALIGIIEA three drechls, Pougraaatee oae dracbl, I drell ll5rrtlcar llulnle,

GueJecua four ouaces, Carpobalealgu, of eacb of cecl tro drecDle, Eorar half Ocatlea, Rouad Bil.rt-rort, dl'stfllatlon, ra outcer Gloves dracbls

tro dracbne, lloncatll, eld a halfr Allur flac half pordcrl

of cach tro

t-Lle 1e for t!.c laet ea onDccl lhltc


edd Burds

Coppcras tro drechle,

l{eatlck one ouDce 1l

ald tbca tcep for uac.

L,Lb. 5. l' retcr for bollot foutds.


Iake fountaln rater,

Rcd flaer

of cacb tro oulcea ead a half, Pongrarate rlader of eacb

Rcd Roeeer foBr oulccer Polgrraate tro ouaces lld Colfrteer l{eetlck pentlle e half,


Sunacb tro ouacee, gege one haadfirl, Allua half oDe oulce,

botb the

of cach e baadfull tro oulceer Ollbelu!

e 1nund, Sarcoco1 three ouDce6, Eouey oae p,ouad, ratcr of I\g-

a lnuad aad a half. tbea all

Prepere the lagredlelte

accordtag to Art, a geatle flre.

aad tbea dlstll

togetber 1n a 6lass lenblck rlth

A rater

for rouade eld Ulcere.

lr. rater

Take Galr vlve ertlnct

ta foultatn


elght lnulds,

plaatrtn after-

four ouDcesr Boserater tro pouade. thsu etaad a.ud clearr Dour fortb

Eeat at1 tbeee togetber; all tbe clear

rard,s let

to tbe llnblck, of eacb

rad put to 1t Eoacy tro p,ouads, Altun lD olllcc, tlrcc tlrce to Art. outcear Ol:l.baaul four ouBces, the rlddle

Eorax, l{aetlck,

Bark of tbc Oah dryed, tbcn accor{tng

ou|rcear porder rhat le to be pordered, atld dletll

A ratcr

to lake Teetb lDl-ts.


laks tbe flrst



ol Eoney rhJ.cb le rhltel rhlte Salt,


poundr Allun Dalt a lnuadr 8a1t Xltre, later of Leatlek

of cach one ource, Vlnegar,

lcavea ole pouDdr ldaetlck tro ouaces, fhite

Ll,b. 5.



ol mcb tlo tlc latcrr



eld iletll

tbcr rccorilDg

to lnt,

rDd lclctyo

A rater


thc Cboltck.

Tar,c Huscadcrr or r{ehacy four p,ouade, Ifutae6s, Garla, of cacb oac drecblr Gtuuloa, clovce, oralne, of cecb tro drachne. porder tle la6rcdlelte 8roeeely, ead tnfuac theu la the rlae 24 boure, thea rttb e eoft tlre drar off tbe rater accord,lug to lrt.


l, rater

for a cold Stolach.


rake crtroa

aad, oraage peers dryed, of aach tro ounceal Rose_

Hlatar of each' one baadful. Q{nnrnga, crovee, cubebal, 'aryt f,utae6s, Gtnger, of eacb a dracbu and a harf, gate, penayroyar, Thyue, of each oae hordfirrr cararay aeede, .0rlr,seeder of cacb four drachre. Bnrlee rbat rs to be bruleed, 1a Calarr rlne four plate, ald lafuee theu arl the space ot 24 Lo're to art.

tben dletll

tLeu tn BALf,E0 accorctl6

Uater of Sage Coulnuaded.


Take sa6er lrrarJor'u, clalarcn hlf

lfh5rue, rrvend,er, Epltbyr'r,

Betonyr of

cecb oDe oulcer lrrolatlcusr a halft ttetll

r.E ouDce, rreoe Roote of cyprue, calalua BeaJerrar of cech a dracb of rlne; aad tbea

of cach otle oulcer storar,

l'fuae tLeu t!

theu four daye la four pouads of splrlt BALITDO.

Llb. J. Ilvcadcr rrtcD Corlnurdcd.

18. fular


f,Iorera of ravender, Florcrs


of the yally,

of oacb 24 beada bandfirl, llace,

Ploayr Tllllar

of Roeerary sage, of each half

Glnaanonl Olager, Clovee, Cubebal Oallu6ale, ltlatlctoe ud tro a haltr

Calanue Arouatlcus,

of the Oahl of cacb a drechn ead a halfl ol thc Deet Ylnc rbat sufflceth, tben tl BALI{EO.

Ptoay roota one o'pce

lnfuae then ta the flue

dayel then dlatll |!hle retcr

ls good agalnst the Faltlag of tbe braln.

alckness, Coanrleloa 1i[te,

aad tbe laflrul.tles

A Pectorlal


19. Ltyerrortr rbula;

[ake the Llver of a Calf, Loagrort,

tbe Lua6s of a For, of each anrnber l.

sa6e, Rue, Bycaop, of cach oae haadfirr, Roote of Feaaer,


of each barf aa ouncel seeds of aulee; cararay,

ol eacb Lalf lnfuae

'E outcer Florers

of Borege aad Bugloss, of cacb tro drachts, old [1ae rbet auff;tcetbl rater

thea tbe alnce of 24 hours, ln rlcb

of Scablusr Carduus Beaedlctus of gacb four ouDcco, (yeop tro ouacee; thcr ttetll 1t ln BAIJfm HARfAE.


20. Ealrr

Take leaves of Scabluer Veroalcar

of cach tro baadfirla,


Sater EyaoPr Eorehound, Llverrort,


of cach one haadtrrll

f,ob. j. Elorcra of Dnh .bleoodel Saffroar 1l retcr of Eoregre Bugloaeel Vlolctcr Carlnar, Llcorlccl Florers of crch Lrlf of lrcoa, e ludful, l! Boota oulce, orleatal

of oech belf

FonaeJ.eceder of cach oae drachn, cbolce Clalaloal of cacb balf a drur lct

tbel be bruleed tad cut, be d,lgeetcd of Eyeop balf a

ol Scebluer Vcronlca, of each one 1nnnd, later threc lnuada, Iet tben dlgcet tro

pourdr rhJ'tc ll'ne

deya, tbea dletilled

ln BALI{DO IIARIAE; edd 8u6ar c.Ddy rbet auftlclcth. lbJ'e rater etrengtheneth openetb tbe obetructlong thel. of the Llvcr and Lunge, and

Aqua Sp1euetl-ce.


Tdse roota

of Fcra tro roots later, Aabrof



of Parsley, Iovagel

PoLypodyr of Ga1a.uue Aro-

cacb, rD oulce natLcue,

rnd a brlfr

of Round Blrtlortl of each oDe ource, cacb half dlacbne,

Acorus of thla Copperaal lnJ'ae, Dodder, Rlcb llae thca

choaea Rubarb; barks Secds of Cara-

9f fmar{.sf,r rayr Curdal

aD ouncee lovagel Scolopeadrle, Ceterecb, of

of cecb tro lcayee

topa of Uornrood, cach a baadfirl tro dryer aad

hrnltemlc, e balf: dlatll

of Atrfoay, let



then bc dl.tcctcd

and tben

l'n BALISDO|tARfll. etreagtheaeth tbe rpleea, opeaeth ead provoketh Urlne.





Tet,e roota

of Ylpcra





llE Ltb. ). of cecL elr drechlet Eccda of Cltrol of crcb brlf crcortlcetrdl rtr ourcrr Cerduue Bcacdlctue, thc Sradcra, of Goate

CARDUUS lOnfAEr Sorrclr .rch

of ell

oae drtcb.E, of tbe Cordlal Erteborn


of eech one hudfirl,

Bue one haldfulr ratcr of Torleatll,

raeped bdf

el outrcer po[r upoa thco brulecd


CARDIIUS BEIEDfCTUS,CARDWSIURIAE, flld let tber be recerated three daya la a tTulce of

Poppyr of cecb rbat rufftcctb; glaea, Ed1ve, dlun, clorc abutr efterrard

add Cltroaa brulaed auaber atr,

CARDUUS BEI|EDfCIUS, Plaataiar of eacb half rater a pouad; Iet

of each one pound, Borage, Scorta BAIJIEOI{ARIAE. .al1lineat Fevere:

tbeu be d1et1lled


te coaventent 1n Fcvcre, eepeclally rray tbe, aad reeisteth

becauae 1t drtvetb



Danaeceaa Odorlfera.


'l[ake lreos


Clovee, Gubeba, Clnnanoal Gral'ne of Para-

dlae; Calarus Aroraticue, Roeeuary Elorers, drachls, dlstllled,: gralas. tb1s ratcr gthcleth hcatetbl

of eacb oue oulce, l{artoranr lD3ne, Eay leeveet Lavcnder florers three

Bed Boeea, of each e bandfirl. tbree lceaurea; [quor lct

of the beet llne to tbe dl.etilled

theu be rsccrated ead e ecnrple, Clvet elr

rdd l{uak belf



dlacuaaet!,, ald chlefly


tbc Bcert rad bcad.

Llb. j.

lque Eyetcr{ce.

24. clalaloar

Tehe loots

of DLctrnun,

locda of Deacue, of cach ole oulce; gcnrplee, orlcntel saffron

cassrA LIGI|E|,, Bah, fsr

of cach tro

oue acruplcr rake a lnrdcrr lelf: lct

Caatorcu! ono scruple end a lalf; bc lnrdcred ratcr

of rll

tbcac ul'rt

to tD,lcb lct

of Euc tro ponade aad e thca ilatll thea la BAI'


rtaad ln tnfirg(on

four deya ud


Aqua lfephrttlca.


Tdre roots

of hula

Gaalnaa, Ceuock,


Radlab of eacb

oDe outcer Parslcy, Pareleyt

Iova6e, of eacb aeyen dracbne; leaves of lova6e, Saxlfrage Ctt}l TOTOtto a haadfirl; ouacee, Elotera

ol cacb oae haadfulr

of Broonl Balnr Roaenaryr of tach Lalf of Jualper, cut tben rad hfusc tbe bcet frJ'te lbla rater flnc, ftyrtre, thcr lrcekclt1c,

Etder ole bandful, ouaces,

adeeedsr of aach tlo deya ln trelvc

the apece of cl8tt thel

lnuads of

thea let

be dletlllcd.

openeth eld provoketb Url,ae: tbc doee 1e oae apoouful.

lqua Apertlva.


fakc Doota of Erlngor Vlpera graaa, Fcra, the greeter


of cacb half

tD ouDce; roote of Fcnael, Berks of Coppards, Tanarlah, tro drachue el'd a half; Seeds

.l,sbr of three drachns, Barks of Cttrole

Ll'b. j. of CIRDIIUS EDilDfCTIIST Clcborlcr Crlaacar Ccterech, e lalf. Broole, Claaelol Gltroacr Scerlol, of creh lrlf ra oulcc, lccda of Dadlvc, ldleatlun,

of recb tro dracbre, Polytr{.coa, Bctony, hdlvc,

Doddcrr Scolopcadrte, Tops of Tlylcl

of cach e baadful aad


Eops, frlorere of St. Johae Uort, atall Baleons, oDe oulce:

Bora6c, Behl one dnchl

of cacb oae baadful, ud a LaIf.

STEC. DfALAC. b81f r drachn, CARDWS Peule Ectony, of cacb oDe pould, tbeu staad tro days 1a a rarn dlet!'l tbeu J-a BALIYEO.


of Eopel ScolopeadlLr, Iet

Rbeuleh Ulle tro lnuads ead a balf;

place 1a e Yeesel cloee stopped: afterrarda Ihls lally retcr openeth the obstructloae apleel,

of tbc rbole bodyr but cepec-

of the }lvcr,

aad l{eaeltcry.

Il.b. J.
Ghrptcr fI.


Eor to reh,c thc OoldcD trco of Phlloaopbcra. Sua. 9. ). to ukc Cold tror of tt. 8. 1n tbc Eattb. 6.

2. 4.

8o rrkc

ttrc trcc

of tlc

Of thc Oolden

lfarceaC,tc. 0o1d. ?.

Ol Drcperllg

Of tLe vl.rtuce of prcpercd 9. BEATATS

Ol prepercd Sil.lvcr. lO.

Ot EEITAIS llcdlchc. I l. tt

6rcc! O11 of dlyer. of allver, that lo la! le$th Sllvcr tbrt

To rahc o11 of gtlycr. rekc the glaas rtcrell

To rekc r llquor

1t tDrll

le ro crcccdlag cold,

le ablc lor 12. 14.




to hold I't 1l b1s baad enlr 1r. Ot 15.

ol t1re. TDeos.

Eor to rehe gllver Of prcparlrt

ee rbl'te l8 !Dor.

Pbl'loeoplcre EaIy CclL. 15.

6old e.ld atlvcr.

Tbe proccaa ol tlc tarya. 77.


l['be Focess of tbe Palaad of thelr

llhc Procces of the Rosle Cnrclaa lfcdlctnee, 6o1d. lE. Tbe Ploceae of thc Pelaree,


ald Berrcs l{edlctttGe.

To rake told


a 6laee llke

e Tree rhl'cb le callcd

thc golden

Trcc of tbc PDlloaopbers.

l. quelt!'ty

TaIc of O1I of Saad ee ruch rB you plcree, of O11 ol Tertar

Dour rpoD 1t tbe aale togetbcr tbat

PER DELIQIIII{, ehekc tbcn rell

tbcy bc bcorlnrated thcn 1a Jrour l{crstruur nEgfA, ead, evalnratc rakc lt aot too bot,

eld bccore la onc Llquor of a tll.a or Llquor prcparci. ud [bcr dlaaolvc

coaedatencet BolA 1n AQUA but tbea

tLe Heaatruul lor lt

dry thc CeIr la the tlrcr qualltlr;

1111 thcreby losc 1ts 6rorlat llttle blter aot lato lnrderl

teke 1t out ud

break 1t lato

put those

,87 Llb. 5.
Dlte lnto ono lrol elrr tls efomgrld t! Llquor (tbrt r vtry clcar tbcy rry 61esa. lyc I fll6csr brcrtb tlc

thc otber)

f,ccp thc lJ.quor fron tbe prcacltly be6la

aad you alrll tlrat

eec tbrt

thoec blta

of thc ce,lr rfU put forth es thrt

to gror; etelar

thcy uttl


tben tbey rl'lr

oac or tro you ceaaot

tDcn dlrcrt

brelchce rad trl6a loldcr. rll'a

!o cxrctly, grorlng atlll,

cbooes but crccedln6ly oDIi. f,ote thet

1a rcrl, end lot

eld not hagtaery be roycd.

tbc glaae ruet rtrad

Tbe Trec of the Sua.

2. put lrlto tbe later


flne 6o1d 1n IQUA nEGfS, tht


becole a celr,


e gonrd gIaee, aad lnur uDoD tt of gradatloar abgtract

6ood ead freeh aQUAREGTA,aad four flngere untll breadtb;

ao tbat tbey coycr the calr ln the thlrd rater degree of ttrc

TLle ltcnetruu! lscend.

Bo lore r1ll lt es bcforc,

TLls dlstllled

pour on tt

r6a1n and abstract

end tDle do so often

t111 you aes the 6old rlse

tn the 6laee, aad 6ror

la the foru of a lree hevalg tray

Doree lad lcayee.

To raI,e Gold tror

and be hcreaecd

1n tbe cartb.

7. torards

Take leeves of gold, ead bury tben ln the cartb rblch looks tbe Eeatr ead lct 1t De often sollcd rttb tena urhc, end doves

duatr a.ld you alall

aec that 1n e sbort thc grorctb

they rtII

bc hcrcreed.

Ihe rcaeoa of tLls thet u.olyersal

f coacelvo ray be tbc golda ettractlag cotea trol tbc centcr ttrrougb tbe

vepour aad apen tbet

Llb. .utb j. (te DetL bcca .DokcD 1l thc uotort ol tbc dru6 purlttag of 6o1d) eld by thc bcrt of lt to tt rclf.


eld ecsldrttllg

l, rcrarhable


upon e goldcn t{ercaelte.

4. 6olica


le fouad I ccrtel.a lore e sol'arle

atoae 1a BOXOf,IA,rhlch llagaeer that recclyea 1n tbe derk.

role eell


116ht fron the About tbl.e thcre llght be really thls

srrrr tn tbc dey tlner

ead gl.vee 1t forth

bath bcen luch reaeonlng arortet


es rhether olly,

e Dod]r or rDy klnd of eubetapG' or elJr accldent atone trad aqy 6old 11 1t or Bo, eld rhat lt flrst lute dlscovcrcd letale lnto 1tr

aad rbetber of. Ec that

dld conclst

tbougbt that hc bad fonad I tblag (by rhlcb 1t rppears tht

tbat routd traar


tbere seened to be

eonethlug of gold 1l 1t or aoaethln6 noro glorLous tD,en goIO) but !J's hopea tero coscclvc fruetrated by e truJ'tlees bc eoue luature lebour, lotrlthetandrag rblcb I

there rlght

or crude SoId l'n lt;

tor crude to

6old 1g a aubJcct (belng there le aore ltfc rccclve of all tbe lnfluencce Philoeopberc, tlc

1n 1t) that te roet ftt

ol the lrra accordlDg to the ruaa1lous conaent ead thcrefore 1e Dy thcl lot only callcd Solary,

but Sol (1.e.) 5. ft

eun 1t self. thue, l't 1s calclned pordcr rltb a vtJr a porder,

la prcpared for the of ll5bt flrst 1t le brougbt luto a roet eubtlc bellt

tro raysl etrong flre

1n e cruclble;


thue brougbt llto

1e radc up lato

cahee ea blg lE a doller, aloner or ri'tb tle

or r plece of c16ht, eltber

t1th a coDnon rater

rh1te of ea cgt; put tbose ceLe

llE9 Ll,b. 5. bclng drtcd by tbcraclvea cdc1lo tLet la e toot


r tlld lor





rld thcn crlllghtr) rbtcb

3troDg tl,rc tdte tber out,

thc ftncc

of tour lourso tutflclcatly Dut llttle re bcforc,

thc firrnece 1g coldr claed tle tlrst the,

eld lf

thcy bc lot glvtnt trller


1g kaora by tbelr efter fbt thc slre ls tle

tDca rettcletc 1s eotet1lee the choleeet beet Ilght. rr{uale

ths calctaatloa to be doac tbr{,cc.

beat rhlch

la rede rlth ead 6tvee t1c

stonee that are clcrnl lltb thla

pute; eld dlepblnous,

betag pordered you ray rake tbe forna of dlvers

of rhat ahepcs you please, rhlcb you ruet keep tn boree, ald llght lron the ena la tbc dey the, rtrlcb l1tDt rl.ll tlve l16bt ln tbe

they rI11 recelve lt6ht, or b

e derk place,

vealeb by degrcee.

Tbe vlrtuss ttd uee.

of tbe aforeaald


of gold, aad tbelr




the aforeeal'd prcparetlole ead strengtb of thslr

the .llcleate

dld aot only pte-

aetve tbe health llvee

bodlca, but eleo proloagcd tbelr but cured througDly tbc Hadneea, the

to a vcry old tge,

eld aot tbet oalyr



Lcproey, llcleacholy, III lanrer

Quartaa, the Goutr Dropeler Plur1ey, LUES VEIYEREA, tbc IoIf,

of Fcvers, tbe Jauadlee, Goaaulptlon,

Caacerr trOLf llE TAI|GERE,Aethral

tbe Stoaer atopplng of Urlacr |'arard hlnatures, rbl.cb toet tr6 rcD account lacurable. rhlcb

eld guch l{ke dlaeascs, fLre lybut

For tbere 1a euch a lntcnt

1D prepared toldr

Ootb not oaly reaautre dcadly hulours,

d;ro re!,ete tbc very llrDot of ran Dclag LeIf dead.

of tbe boaee, ead re1actb up tbc rhole body

f90 llb. 5. !!boy tbrt dlacltcsr ueo rly of tbcae Drcltantlolc tbclcelrcg ereatlag to thclr to cltuc; for ray of tbc lorc6o1a6 bcd tor tlc qncc of tro or aead lorth

rnet bctrkc

tbrsc Loura, ead erpcct arcat plcantlfullyr tl tbc rholc bdY.

for ladced 1t ufU

rad rlth Iote thet


aad lcave ao !'npurlty

or auperflqlty

thsy ruet tekc 1t tor tca deye togcther

1l epproprteted

Llquora. thet crpect lont llfe, tekc ely of thc etorceald but they luat abetaln prcfron

Lct youlS rel paratlone

oDcc a lontb, ttll

ald 1n tbe lornlag;

neat ead drlnkr rattsr

tbe cvealag of the sale day; for la tbat thc radlcal

ttae that

1111 be dlgeeted lato

bunour; rhereby tbe atrength roet roader-

of thc body 1a ronderfully fully, a.nd contlnuce t1ll

lncteaeed, ertreen

beauty dotb flourlab

old r6e. !ean6 rlll old

Lct old rea take lt


la a aoath, for by thle of dcatb. once 1n a roath

egc be freah t111 tbe appolnted tlue Lct yorr'6 tolerr ead lelds atruar for by thls teke lt




reana they ?tlr

look freah ead beautlful. take lt, ead 1t ;1I1 help ald etreaDa11y dlff-

Lct roren that ere la travel 6thca tbeu to brtn6 l'culltee. Lct lt be glven to lolea 1a e loatb, fortb rltbout

luch pahr


tLat have paet the yeare of tbelr rlll preserre theu vory freeh, rDd rake thel

ncaetrua and

oDco or trlce lelt tllee

ead lt

ceuae tbelr


to returar

capable, agala

ol bcar{.lg chlldrca. ft curce tbe plague, eld crpelle the ratter of a carbuncle by ereat

rost lnteatly.

l]91 Llb. ). Ihca I Ht of the forcnucd gold. thl'a; rtll do tbue or tbua, f rcaa rlt


or tt

oDe of


r1z. AItRIl,t RXIABLE, 011e, or *lacture

Ihc prcperatloae

of ellver

1n 6encral.


111 tbe several preparatlona to sllver,

of gold lay,


thet of IIIRUI{

FULI{II{AtrS, be epplled tuce arc lnferlour of aay otbcr retter llote tbat ellvcr

of rbicb

belng thue prepared the vlr-

to tboee of gold, yet cores Dearer to then tben tbose rhateoever, or horeoeyer prepared. preparatloas rh!-cb aetther gold

beth Eole pecul.lar are eapabl.e of.

Dor e4r otber tetal

BEATA'S Ol.ft.

8. Splrlt

Take flae Sllver, ol f,ltre,

aad dlaeolve lt

1n trlce

ao rucb rectlfted 1lr'eand; let rtll lt

tbea ebetract helf of the ea1d aptrlt ta a cold placel

statd a day or tlo llto Cryetala,

ead luch of tbe Sllver


and 1u oft

dol'ag roet of lt. yet ray be rade lato to trelvc; they putte plIle, end

Thcae Gryetale takel

ate very bltter,

froa three gralns tbc llper

verJr eccurely ff balt ln tLle eo ruch Vou ebaIl

eld geatlyr dlalolutlon

eld colour of Sllverr

tonguel aad toutb black.

bcfore 1t be brougbt to Cryatala, ald botl shoot together lato

l{crcury bc dleeolvcdl


bave a atone aot luch unllkc

to .C,llur.

'lfhls purgetb rooDcr, ald better,

19a rlD. J.
eri tl lot D bltter; lt rrtb colourctb e lovcly tllc le1le, bronl le!.r, &lne lf 1t bc dlr ra


1! rel!-ntcrl

D.d, or blecL,


you put rorc or lcss

thclcof. dr rlth theu e llke drture lnto qu6the

Iehc of thc eforceald, Cryetela of ellver, tlty of purc 5.1i-pctcr Ytaacll of tro rt rell lnrdered,

tbea put thla lust

dlrt1ll1!6 thlckacsa

the botton of rhlch brcedth, tlen

be lnudcrcd

coala to tbc that tbc


lekc e etroag tlrcl

vcseel ead coale be red bot; Dut 1a e drachl of the aforeeatd end' 1t tlU bcl[g presently eubllae 1a a ellver trd fiune lato

alrture, rblcb

the recLpleat,


put 1n lorer ud dlgcst

so do t111 you havc eaough. eplrlt

|!el,e out of llac,

tbe tlorera, thrt thcrcby

thcr 1n the bect elchollzatcd nay bc ertracted, rLtch rltt

thc tllcture

be green.

BEITAfS trecn O1I of Sllver.


feke of tbc lboveeald Cryetale of ellver tro or threc parte, ctopt, ttelve dt6cst

oae partr

of aplrlt la a glase tbe eplr1.t polr

of Salt elrodeck rltb

tben to6ctbcr

a long aeck, rcll

or fourtcea

daye, ao rill

of Salt enoalach lt offr eld. fllter

be colourcd rlth lt, thea put lt

r vely epccloua blue colour; lato a elall Retort,

ead drar off


of tbc aplrlt

of Anonlack,

eld there 11.11 reaaln 1a the bottou alr the q1trlt, ead there rllt dtb off cplrl.t a tubtlc of 1rlne, gP[rdt,

r 6re8a-tre.D rcu'ltl h


Tbca drar off

thc bottou a Salt,

rhlcb ley be purttlcd tDere r11l dtetll

or be put l'ato e Rctortr ead. e .h.rp O11.

rhd tlca

Llb. ). rDla trroB preacltly. If tle you tahe coDloa rala-ratcr Cryatale of ellvcr flld ilatllledl eld dl'aaolve ud dtgcat the Llqnor ta of tlcrt uac for tbe 61ld1Dt of erl tLln6a


for a fer dayer lrou ebrll ea caacDce et tle bottor,


rPDealrlcc tcr

of dlvcre


not ao bttla e

ae tbe forrcrl helt

but elcct,

ead la thle be returetsdl

Llquor rey ell ud ladc flt ealte,



by loag dlgeatloa they luet tlrst

for tedlclae;

but note that

be rcduced lato preparatlon

for tbcn tb,ey are llfe,

Do Dor dead bodlce, eld ere tbe nctals

but by tLle

have obtalned a lot

of phlloeophers.

To nake O1l of Sllver

per dellqulur.


Teke of tbe eforesald


or Crlratale of stlvcr, tlto e corlar

and reveroD a a Ltquor.

berate tLen ln a yery 6eat1e flre, l{arble etoae, aad tbey ltll

tbea put tbel tlle

ln tro loatba

be turned lato

To rahe a L'l'quor of Sllver, crceeitn6 lt tl cold,


ehall lahe tbe gleee rhcretn

1t le eo to bold

that tlo ra! 1e able for the coldaeas tbereof

Lls bald elJr 1oa6 t1ne.

ll. aalt

:rekc tbe eforeeald ald dlgeolve belng tull

selt lt

of Sllvcr, tborou8hlh

Irout EpoD tt ald tt rltl

the eplrlt


.lnoalack, tltl

do ee aboveaald.

e glaea,

of thla Llquor, ee rlao

you raJr coadcnee the alr frcczc ,rtcr.



la the heat of the .u!Eer,

rLb. j.
!o nhr Si,lvcr rf rll'tc lr rDor.


fehe of tbc ceh 1tr

of Sllver ead boll lt

rede by the dlrsolutton 1a a Lld,vlul

of 1t 1a

AQUI trDRTISr dulcltlc ead lt rlll be ra rll'te

lede ot Eoap-aebes,

rE .!y


Io rakc tbc Sl1vor-trcc

of thc Pllloeopbere.


lake four ouDGeEof AQUAIORTIS, ta rhlch

dleeolve aD ounce

of tLnc allver Ldf

tbcu take tro ouaccs of AQUAlORTfS, 1a rhlcb le {teeolved

e! oltDce of ARGElf[ VIVE; r1r theec tro Llquora togetber tn a clear a ptat of pure leterl etop tbe glaae vcrJr cloee, aad you ald llttle, rhich

Sraee rlth eball

eeer day efter plcasaat

day, a tree to gror by llttIc to bchold.

1a road,erfirl

llo prescrvc Pblloeophere Gotd md Sllycr.


f Xave get don elf tEnga

eeveral nrl6ar clee, f ahell


of Gold aad Sllver,

lad of elroet

Dor craye leave to g1've an accouDt Cold aad Sllver. !.n cop aad

of sone Phlloeopblcal For ladecd the lrt perlaoa of lhlel ell


of tbe Pllloeophers

of prelnr{.lg tbc Clyrlcrl yt3.

of theu l'e the true Alchyate, dlacovcrtco

are but Abortlves, eftcr thls.

touad out by tccldcatl have the rorld Dellever

by eadcavourln8

I rould not

tbet I pretead to thc uadcrstaDdla6 of theu, tLat I e.u aot lacredulous ea touchlnt tbe

yct I rould bave tlsl


\9' tlD. ). of tlrt trcrt pLllorolbtcd rorkr lhlcb rr! to rc tlcrc Drvc .o ruch 1a tbc


leDoupd rft.r, rorld

1ad r1gy levq fould.

1s lothLlg

aGo!8 to3:c lnantblcr

rld rhosoevor rhell


prctudlcc lced

oyct !y Et$|gttl OF IEE IORLD, eball rhoet, lcaa be resolvcB tot to bclleve ely tb14 coan1uccd of tbc 1nealbll1ty of lt. lhrt

rD,ctber hs 1111 or lo (natbou6h DcvGr eo crcdlblc) be

urrorthlaeas Ood aar tn Goltl

tore ln otLcr tDitagal tbat be tbould dcay tbe eeed of lultlpllcatton (rhlcb te tbe pcrfcctlol
tblaga bcaldesl tbcn

of tbe crcaturee) to lt,

ead 61ves lt

to dl

Beena to re to be a queetloa the f, out dlfflcullty tbe Eltd,r le, tcre 1t

aE hard to be reeolvedr eelf, lu the dlecoverln6

ead barder of rblcb te6a lt

tbe grcateet ff

not to be couvLlced dlff;l.cult, tbey cast ln laly

of the easlrould flad

tbercof. tbca

tbg prelnratlone



do (ealtb

SEilDfVOGII'S) for


uPoD nost rhlch

dlfflcult tbc lf

operatlonel are verlr aubtle


dlscoverteer Authort

Phl.loaophere EERMESh1aeelf profouad

Deyot drearned of. rere lor lly1ag'

XaVr Bal.tb tbe aforceald together tbey for ronld lceraere. clrculrtloaee adaye uaedl rltb

tbe eubtlc-rltted


ead loet uot for

RAfiIUIID LI!I,LI, but retber

be eccouatcd fbey lcre

by our Chydata lgnoraat of



8ol ta$r

dl.stllletlonsl operatlons

ao rrDlr lor

and ao reqY other rLtcb Iet lndeed tbere uen of ls oae

la.nunerable thls thlns

of Artlete, t'nvented they dld,

t6e d1d ftld raatlng atonc,

out eld

out of thelr rtl. to kaor


to ue rhtch or phyalcaL lre

bor to rake the Phlloof rhlchr accordlng


tlacturep thcee.

tbe proceaaea

to aouc Phllorophcrer

496 rl,b. ). lbc of tbc trrrcetr"t rl ErIl Crlt.


Iehe thc daeral' lte

bclng lalature ELDCTRUI,!,

eld radc very aubtlc, lat STIBIIII|, preJud-

put 1t llto

ora ephere, tbet tbe llpurltlee tlea Dur6e tt

rad auperflultles you cel rtth thou euffer

bc raabed rrayr eftcr lce; forth

ee rucb rs posalbly by lte tapurtty

the Alchynletlcrl tbcl rcgolve lt

reVr leat la tlc


of el Estr{.dge, rblcb

le brougbt

I'a the carthl

and tbrougb the abarpnese of tbe Eagle le confort-

eted 1a 1tg ltrtue. f,or rben tbe ELECTRIIIT 1e coneuled, aad bath efter recslved tbe colour of tbe l{ar16o1d, do aot for6et eaaence, rhlch l'te reaolutloa lnto

to rcduce lt

a spfu{.tual Lalf


ls }Lke to true Laber; theu add preparatlon of the

ao luch as tbe ELECTRUM dl'd re16b before tte abetrect frou lt

crtended Ea6lcr aad oftentlnes trtdger

the etonach of the Eaeplrltual. 1t rI11 be rhea tt h.tb

ald by tbe reans the ELECTRUII rtll

be aade lore rltb lt.

for rhea tbe storach of tbe Estrldee leceaaary lgaln that lt to rcfrceb lt; r^od alraya

ts rearled to abatract

labour, Laetlyl

loet lte


edd tbe tarterlzated

qulateeseDce, yet eo,

b apllcd

of 1te rednees the helght of four tLngere, aad tbat TLle do ao often ttII !'t be of lt eelf rhtte, ao rllL ald tbe

DaBE oYel 1t.

rhea 1t 1e caouglr ald tbou aeeat that atgn, eubllne l't; ELECTRUI.! be coaverted lnto e ltttle the rhJ.teDeas of al eraltcd

Eagle, aad rlth ls llt

tote labour be traaea$ted, lato

deep redaesa, eld tben it

for redlche.

ld.b. ). Itc


of tle


eld ProJcctlon


to tDc Roalc Cnr

16. oold,

Tehc of our Earth through elevea degrees elcvcn gralus; oac 6reln;

of oqr

aad not of tbc nrr6er, but bc tlou

of our Luae, aot of the nrl6ar,

tro Sralaa;

edaonlabed tbat thon tahc aot the OoId ead Si.l-

ver of thc nrIgar, tbca put then lnto Elret

for they arc dcad, but tete our6 rh!.cb are llvLag; our t[re, ald tbere xlll later, tt tbence be lade a dty Llquor: rhlch le called rtll rceolye the !ler-

the Eerth 1111 be reeolved lato end 1l tbat rater

cuty ol Philoaopbcrs,

tbe Dodtes of

the Sul ead lloon, ald coDaute tbcu, Dert rtth oae part, aad thle


tLere reaal'n but tbe tcatb

1111 be the EIHIDIn'! RADICALE l,IEgaLLrcuM. of our Eartb, 1n thlch tbere 1e a tbe

Tben take tbe rater rLvtag streal rater lf

of the ealt tfltre

tbou dlggest tbe pit clear,

kaee deep, tal<e tberefore

of 1tr but tdte lt over tbe flre 1a tbe tlret ult1l

and aet ovsr 1t tbat EIfiIDU1tRADICAIE, e.ld geaeratlon, thlngs but aot euch a 6reat of a theee

and put lt aa lla tht

of putrefactlon operatlon.

Govcrn elI


deal of ilecrettoa,

there appear coloure llke of lt,

to tbe teil tllr

Peacock; torerD 1t by dlgesttou

ead be aot reary,

coloura coa8er and there appoer througbout the rbole aad co of the reet; tlery tbcrr colour, ead slerr rhlch atd rDen thou ehelt aee b

a 6reeD colour,

tbe botton aebes of a ln a fea-

ald tbe rater

alnost rcd, opeD tbe veasel, itp lf tt tla6e,

over Bole lron xttb lt; ls thc l{enatruul ultll

have 1a rea{1ne66

tbet rater

of the forld, lt

(out of the ephere of

tbe ldooa ro often rectlftcd,

can calclne GoId) put ln eo auch

f98 Llb. 5.
of tht rrtor tlrc r! tra ultll tbc cold elr 1t tlagc rLlcb rcat 1rr, bo11 lt egela rlth

tbs fonsr


ILe Roale Cnrctea Unlvoreel



a rey hor to iteaolve


17. dill6ently of flre tlner

Tahc tLe letterr

ead grlad 1t rltb

e pbyad.crl coatrttloa, en'd let


ee ray bc, thca rct 1t ulna tbe flrc, be kaovap rlz. that lt only etlr

thc prolnrtloa and 1a e sbort

up tbe ratter, on of haaie, corrupt,



rl.thout becauge lt

eay other laylng rllt putrl,fle,


ecconpllab end pe!rhlte, eld lf

the rbole rork, fectr

6eacrete, black,

and lake to eppear the tbree prlnclpal

coloure, rtll

red: Ald by tbc leaas of our f1re, 1t be tolaed rltb vlrtue. nlnerall UlthEIl equll, tbe crude uatterl tbey dght coutlaual,

tbe uedlclas

be nultlpllcd,

aot only la quaattty, eearch out tbl.e flre except lt

but aleo la (thlcb ls


vepours aot rray,

bc too lucb etlru tDen fron the uat-

rcd upr partakea of Sulpbur, tcr; pulletb dora al1 thla6e, to flad tt

1e takea fron eleerhere diaeolveth,

congealetb, aad calclactb,

ead la artiflcal rlthout aay coatr

outr ead that Dy a conpeadloue ead Ecar ralr, vcry eualll ls aot traasnuted rttb tbe uatter, because tbct


becauee lt lt

le aot of tbc lattcr) lork,

eld tbou shalt

etta5.a thy rlsh, rhlch

dotb tbe rbole rcYealed.

ead ls tbc key of the Pblloaopbera,


Tbe procese of tbe Panerea and EERI{ES liledlclnee, 1on of tbe Ell'd,r.

aad thc Art of proJcct-

L,l,b. ,.



rltbout 1! ra tlat


felaltyr rLlcb


ead rcBt truc; ead tbrt



1r talortour la re thet

la ruDerlour, la anpcr1our


l.s llfcrtour; ol tbe draclee

rced ay EARIOffi Of IEE I0RLD, for thc of one thl'ag. so ell |ld ts dl tbl.nts tere


lroa oDcr by tbe ledletlon tbl.e ole tblag tLc llothor

of olor

tbtage bavc procceded froa 1e the Sru, ald tbe f,ursc

by edaptetton.

'lllbe Fetbcr tbersforc


the l{ooa, tLc lbd

cerr{.cd 1t 1n 1tr belly,

thereof 1a the Earth. lhe Fatber of all vLrtue tbercof ate tbe earth the perfectlon l'f lt of tbe rbole forld !.a tbls: the

1e entlre,

be turned lnto


sbalt BeIErrltb a

fron tbe tlrer

tbe eubtle lron tbe thlch,


6reat deal of JudgeDeDt. It

aecende frou the eartb up to beavea, end aad recelves tbe porers of eupertoure lorld; therefore of tbe le eubtle, Ecace shall I ea

a6a1a deeceade dora to tbe eartb, ead lafer1our6. lat all obecurlty fortltuder

So thou haet tbe 61ory of the rhole fly frou ttee; ehall Ihls

le the etroag fortltude sverv tblag tlat


becauee lt


eld, pcnetrate ronderfirl called rhole

oyerlr eolLd thlng, be, rbereof

ea the rorld

l.e creatcd:


tLte le the rarrler, threc lnrts


EDRIGSIRISMECISTUS,hrvtry forld. ft t.e corpleatl

of the phllosopby ol tLc of tbe operatloa of

rbat f bave elnkel

the Sua. Tbcee lledlclleB Xor lf of trature, are 6ood agal'ast all l{atterr D[set8Eo

you kaor tbe flret

Vou have dlacovered the Saactuery tou aad these treaaurea, tbe llorut-

there 1s nothlng betreel tbc fouth

ala of Dlalondsr

and hle ]ledJ'claee, rad ell

tbe porera of

llb. J. CDllftrCI rtc rt your conrad; but you rust Coaaldcr rell opln thc door; vltb tour

ASItsOlUfCI ud lf rclf tour ecalrc rhat urlor latter

lced tou oD to thc Drrct!.lo. of ren you me, rad rbat lt

1g tou rould do; for 1t le the SPIRfT

no erall

you have reaolved,

to be a @-OPERAIOR

of the LMNG OODrad to dnlster f,ave l carc tbcreforc

to Lla 1a trLa FRK 0f CEIERATIOI{: for 1l your heat

thet tou do aot hl.nder hle !or*; atlrred

you hvc cxcceds tbc XATIIRALPROFOR:IfO[|,

tbe TRAIE of tbe IOIST

IATURES, aad tbey 1111 etaad up the CEI|TRALEIRE, and tbe CEltTRAI, EIRE agalnet TEEl.l, end tberc 1111 be a terrlble of Peace, the true ctcraal Iearlng DIVISIOI{ la the QplatcaeeDce,

CEAOS:but tbe areet Splrlt 1111 Oepart frol aelther rlolent rltb rorld, corrupt

the Elelents,

both then end you to confuelon; ae loag re 1t le 1a your leaet you tura partner frou the be8lnnlng of the tbat be nay totally furtber !J's dee16ns,

1111 he apply hlueelf deetroylnt halds:

to the natter,

td<e heed therefore, ls the Devt1e derlgn ber aelf,

tbe SERPEtrT,for lt

to eet f,aturc et varlaace rlth

ald destroy ber; IIE TU IIIGEAS FAlltl.{, do lot but oD Dy rord,

latry rea 1111 leu6b et thle; I bavs klora part, prlat lt

f speek aotblag but rhat belleve re, for ay ola

by vcry tood erperleace,


ree eyer ry dealre to bury theae eecrete 1n e6.1ence, or to a.nd openly

tben out la ebadore, but f have epokea thue clearly

out of tbe affecttoa Lelde: rorld,

I bcar to aore, rbo Lave deeerved nuch Eore at !y eoletluee to expoae a treater rork to the

lfnre 1t 1e, f bteaded rblcb I prolacd tle rorld,

1a ry TEHPLE OF ffSDODl; but I have been elnce ead I fouad lt baee rad ulrorthy. I fear aot


Dlaa aad hls rolec cld tbe flftb

le aothlng to re; f seek uot hle epplauee, ead ao I


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