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References Biodiversity Information. (n.d.). Impacts of Urban Development on Biodiversity. Retrieved November 12, 2013, from http: !!!.biodiversity.

s" biodiversity# information vie!#s$idesho! sin"apore#an#interestin"#case#st%dy impacts#of# %rban#deve$opment#on#biodiversity & '%$t%re, (an"%a"e and )eop$e. (n.d.). Singapore. Retrieved November 12, 2013, from http: !!!.yo%rsin" content trave$$er en bro!se abo%tsin"apore peop$ e#$an"#c%$t%re.htm$ Nationa$ )ar*s Board. (n.d.). Singapore Fourth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Retrieved November 13, 2012, from http: !!! doc !or$d s" s"#nr#0+#en.pdf ,in"apore # (an"%a"e, '%$t%re, '%stoms and -ti.%ette. (n.d.). K intessential . Retrieved November 13, 2013, from http: !!!.*!intessentia$.co.%* reso%rces "$oba$# eti.%ette sin"apore.htm$

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