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The Brooklyn Bridge is a bridge in New York City and is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United

States. Completed in 1883 it !onne!ts the boroughs of "anhattan and #rooklyn by spanning the $ast %i&er. 'ith a main span of 1 ()(.( feet *+8,.3 m- it was the longest suspension bridge in the world from its opening until 1).3 and the first steel/wire suspension bridge. $mily 'arren %oebling was the first to !ross the bridge. The bridge0s main span o&er the $ast %i&er is 1 ()( feet , in!hes *+8,.3 m-. The bridge !ost 11(.( million to build and an estimated number of 23 people died during its !onstru!tion.4235 6n "ay 3. 1883 si7 days after the opening a rumor that the #ridge was going to !ollapse !aused a stampede whi!h was responsible for at least twel&e people being !rushed and killed.42+5 6n "ay 13 188+ 8. T. #arnum helped to s9uel!h doubts about the bridge0s stability:while publi!i;ing his famous !ir!us:when one of his most famous attra!tions <umbo led a parade of 21 elephants o&er the #rooklyn #ridge.42(542,5

=n "anhattan the pedestrian walkway is a!!essible from the end of Centre Street or through the unpaid south stair!ase of #rooklyn #ridge/City >all =%T subway station.

?iew from the pedestrian walkway. The bridge0s !able arrangement forms a distin!t weblike pattern. The #rooklyn #ridge has a wide pedestrian walkway open to walkers and !y!lists in the !enter of the bridge and higher than the automobile lanes. "ore than + ... pedestrians and 3 1.. !y!lists !ross the #rooklyn #ridge ea!h day.4 it has si7 lanes for motor &ehi!les with a separate walkway along the !enterline for pedestrians and bi!y!les. @ue to the roadway0s height *11 ft *3.+ m- posted- and weight *, ... lb *2 3.. kg- posted- restri!tions !ommer!ial &ehi!les and buses are prohibited from using this bridge. The two inside traffi! lanes on!e !arried ele&ated trains of the #"T from #rooklyn points to a terminal at 8ark %ow &ia Sands Street. Street!ars ran on what are now the two !enter lanes *shared with other traffi!- until the ele&ated lines stopped using the bridge in 1)++ when they mo&ed to the prote!ted !enter tra!ks. =n 1)(. the street!ars also stopped running and the bridge was rebuilt to !arry si7 lanes of automobile traffi!.

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