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Cell Function 1. Nutrition- process by which cells obtain food molecule to support their other activities. 2.

Digestion- process by which food particles are broken down into smaller soluble units suitable for a cell use with the help of en ymes. !. "bsorption- process by which cells absorbs by their environment like water# minerals and other materials essential to life. $. %iosynthesis- process by which all cells organi e comple& chemicals from simple building units or substances. '&. all living cell synthesi e amino acids to produce protein. (. '&cretion- by products at all cells activities are needed for further cell functioning are eliminated. ). *ngestion- insoluble# non-digested particles are eliminated by the cell and have not been a part of any cellular metabolism +. ,ecretion- substance that is synthesi ed by the cells is e&pelled from the membrane. '&. -ormones are secreted substances .. /ovement- the locomotion of cells by means of special structures like child or flagella

0. *rritability- cells respond or react to e&ternal factors or conditions around them. '&. Nerve cells are the most irritable cells in the body 11. 2espiration- breaking down of food molecules into chemical energy needed by all cells in order to function 11. 2eproduction- a cell copies or replicates it3s DN" and increased its number by cell division. - Cells gives new cells as a result# organism grow

-omeostasis -omeostasis is a state of balance that is maintained of controls within a cell or organism. 4rganisms respond to environment for e&ample# your body makes ad5ustment to maintain a constant temperature respiration has a cooling effect on your body. 6hese processes are e&amples of homeostasis. ,ystems that maintain homeostasis includes feedback. *n body system information about what is happening in the environment is sensed. 6his information is the input. 6he information is processed and an ad5ustment to restore balance is the output. "s a result of the ad5ustment#

the sensor gets new information called feedback. 6he new input varies depending in the feedback received. 6he system of input# processing# output and feedback called a feedback loop. *n a cell maintaining homeostasis involve many factors in balance when changes occurs outside a cell sensors# within a cell send feedback to a processor. *nformation is sent from the processor to cell parts that make the ad5ustments needed to maintain homeostasis. "fter action is taken# sensor detect whether the ad5ustments were 5ust right# too much# or little# then further ad5ustment may be made.

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