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If the cost of her acceptance is your integrity, Ayn Rand would have called it "sanction of the victim" !eneral "ove# There$s a new "sheriff in town# %e is tired of seeing his &oys getting their hearts shot up 'nlce (ethro "ove# No# ) Rule* Never try to +eep someone who does not want to +eep you ,oc "ove# It$s simply ama-ing what a man will put up with, or go through, to gain a woman$s acceptance# In their search for the answer, men are constantly as+ing themselves, "Can I do this, or can I do that without turning her off . Can I say this, or can I say that, so she will accept me ." Even Attila the %un, the first left wing e/tremist, wanted to &e accepted &y a woman0 If a man +new what a woman wanted, he would &e over1oyed to give "it" to her# 2hat man wouldn$t . 3ut how is he to +now, or find out or does "it" even e/ist. 4Tom, the protagonist in this &oo+, is an e/cave man who only thin+s of se/ and sports, and eating off paper plates# Caprice, whose legs go from the floor to her nec+, will play the tormentor in all of the ,ating ,ictionary$s "war stories#" 5he is selfish and only helps the relationship if she ma+es out unless, of course, she has high Interest "evel 4see Truth Triangle6 in Tom, then it is his turn#6 Tom +nows 4instinctively, for once6that he can say or do anything, around his &est &uddy and his ever loyal pooch, 7ido8 he even +nows they will love it# %e +nows that when he ma+es a fool of himself they will never hold it against him# In fact, no matter what he does, it will never come &ac+ to haunt him# 9es, your &est friend and 7ido really do practice "unconditional love#" And they are the only ones who do# Tom also +nows he can$t say nor do anything around either Caprice nor her feline, Pussycat0 2hy. 5imple*It$s due to the pain and the scratches he has endured# 9es, 2omen and cats really do have different needs than men and 7ido &ut what are they. Is there a method to this madness. Is there a way to get a woman to see you on :ount Rushmore smiling ne/t to "incoln. Are there undiscovered facts of reality that no one can else e/plain. Is there a "tried and true" set of rules that will ma+e her accept you. And even more* ma+e her want to ma+e you the love of her life forever. :y 1o& is to coach you and show you how she plays the love game, and what she really romantically responds to# ,o what I say, and she will want to +eep you around for a very long time# I am even going to tell you how to spot a good one from a &ad one# 3ut if you li+e repeating your mista+es from woman to woman, or you would rather listen to your over&lown ego, or you are a ;uitter and will settle for second &est, read no more#4I get &ac+ one in )<< you really don$t want to &e one of those, do you.6 1

I will &e your drill instructor &ecause The "5ystem" is hard to do# I will &e your coach in the &o/ing ring of love so you can get off the ropes0 2hy. 3ecause for one reason or another, you have never &een told the facts of the love game or even worse, you have &een &rainwashed to treat women a way that has only compounded your pro&lem# The Reality 7actor says that women in love neither confuse nor re1ect men# Everyone forgot to tell you that until a woman stops playing head games, and throws in the towel, you have to convince her that you are the greatest thing since popcorn# 4Even &etter* %ow a&out her 1umping through hoops for once.6 ,oc "ove is on a mission from !od to save the American male$s heart from further destruction# I want to ma+e sure :iss Right accepts him, loves him, and +eeps him# 2hy. 3ecause divorce lawyers should &e made homeless# It$s time for men to come out of the dar+ ages, and ta+e control of their lives# 3efore we start, I need something of outmost importance8 I need your commitment# 2ithout that, I don$t want you on this love campaign# 'ntil she decides you are :r Right, this is a war of the hearts, and I don$t want anyone a&oard who isn$t =<<> dedicated to this mission# 9ou have some &ad ha&its I $ve to &rea+, &ut you can do it# It would &e nice to give you a magic potion and tell you everything will &e ?@, &ut sna+e oil doesn$t cut it8 ?nly hard wor+ does# There are no free&ies in life, 1ust death, ta+es, and up until now, head games and confusion# It$s not going to &e easy, so I don$t want anyone along who is dragging his feet, or thin+ing this can &e done overnight# I +now you have the a&ility, &ut do you have the guts and determination to do what is necessary . Remem&er, we will &e going against the most formida&le creature* the American female# 9ou +now the one with the chip on her shoulder# !entlemen, welcome to ,oc love$s version of &oot camp0 If you have any dou&ts a&out this cause &eing 1ust or necessary, remem&er what your &rea+ups and temporary losses of sanity have cost you# "oo+ at your past dates from hell and the A< > divorce rate# 2hat a&out the "good one" who got away. Thin+ of the legal and financial noose that you put around your throat when you, her, and 'ncle 5am get hitched and unhitched# :ost of all, thin+ of the +ids# ,o you want to continue going down loser road, repeating your mista+es playing the stooge, and tal+ing some more falls as you impersonate :r# Nice !uy. It doesn$t fell good, does it, :r Nice !uy. Add it all up, and it$s not a pretty sight# 5o, let$s ma+e it real simple, guys8 do you really want to go through that pain again. 5earch your soul, &rother it$s time for a reality chec+# "isten to me, guys I am the only one who can get you out of this mess0 The "5ystem" is a &ody of principles and concepts regarding romantic relationships# The "5ystem" wor+s &ecause it is &uilt upon the realities of dating# 9our way does not wor+, &ecause it is &ased upon emotions, &rainwashing, false hope, and wishful thin+ing# At &est it has &een hit or miss, or worse ### 2

9ou must realice that I$m the only one on your side, &ecause all the other love doctors come from a female perspective# I am the only one you can trust &ecause I$m the only one who has ever tal+ed to you this way# I am also the only one who has soemthing fantastic to offer, &ut let me warn you, it is not going to &e easy# 5o what are you going to do. 5crew around li+e you have &een, or "1ust do it" . you have the com&ination to the safe in your hands8 don$t &low this fine opportunity# The +ey is, to leave your ego and past out of this# If you will do this, I$ll show you how to win the " &attle of the hearts#" Remem&er, do all that I say and you will &e accepted, loved, and +ept &y :iss Right# %ave fun guys#

After the first date it$s all downhill 7ast Eddie "ove# Things are always at their &est in the &eginning Pascal# Everything new appears &eautiful Anonymus# 5he weighs ==B l&# And you weigh =CA l&#, plus you have more muscles4hopefully06# ?n the outside, it would appear the advantage is yours, &ut in reality she is the stronger of the species when it comes to love# 2hy. 3ecause she cheats0 5he utili-es psychological tactics and strategies that are un&e+nowst to rational, logically thin+ing men# Acting, which is the fine art of camouflaging through confusion, is her favorite ploy# 5he could teach the chameleon a tric+ or two# This small li-ard changes its colors to &lend in with its surroundings, so it can$t &e eaten, and conversely, so it can eat# :en were not &orn with the a&ility to camouflage their "honest and open feelings"# 2omen can, however, change their feelings or minds a&out something from one moment to the ne/t# To you Psych ma1ors, this means she can &e (oan of Arc one minute, or 5haron 5tone the ne/t, without even &atting her long eyelashes # A woman can turn on and off the tears ;uic+er than a %ef$s Playmate can disro&e for a camera shoot# To a man, this &ehavior seems irrational and inconsistent, &ut what does he +now. If he as+s her, D%oney, why do you say one thing and then say the e/act opposite five minutes later.E 5he will retort,EI donFt +now ehat you are tal+ing a&out#E ThatFs why you should save your &reath, and never as+# The +ey is, to read her actions toward you and under no circumstance ta+e Dchanging colorsE personally# Remem&er, there is a &right side8 you will never get &ored0

A,A:4and Eve6
!ive me a wonded heart, and I will give you &ac+ a &eliever in The D5ystemE Reverend "ove# 3

9ou and I have to go &ehind the &arn, so I can set you straight a&out this women thing, 3oy (ethro "ove# They, they so called victims, &een having a field day on your heart !eneral "ove# Adam, the first wimp, had his shot, missed it, and its &een downhill ever since# (ust &ecause a @im 3asinger loo+ a li+e named Eve wal+ed &y in her latest &irthday suit, he didnFt have to slo&&er all over himself, and &eg to ta+e a &ite of the apple that is0 Adam +new they had it made in the garden8 no pollution, and the &est, no par+ing enforcement0 2hat Adam should have said was, DEve, forget that sna+e, or forget me#E %e might have even tried &luffing# 3ut Adam wasEwhipped,E and the rest is &ad history# 9ou guys must never underestimate the power of a woman, even without a serpent# The +ey is, get the DNE 4no6word in your voca&ulary, and &e prepared to use it, tough guy0 9ou +now she is going to disagree to test you eventually so letFs get prepared for it# remem&er, +issing up could cost you a piece of prime property, and put you on the outs with the Done up a&ove0E

If Interest "evel too high, ?@ for s;uaw, &ut great warrior &ecome &oy prover&# "ove her with everything e/cept words, !rasshopper Chinese prover&# They donFt respect &ootlic+ers Cow&oy 5aying# Adoring love has no effect on a womanFs personality compared to a manFs# 2hen her Interest "evel shoots the roof, she 1ust delights in it# %owever, the male goes through a metamorphosis that would even &oggle the mind of the first love doctor, 5igmund 7reud# To you Psych ma1ors, this means Tom 1ust isnFt the same olF guy# ItFs as if magic or sorcery transformed him 4&y a witch.6# This phenomenon happens to men whose Interest "evel goes into the danger -one a&ove G<># ItFs as if Tom is wal+ing around in a da-e# 2hen he sees Caprice, he loses all self control, and acts li+e putty in her hands# 2hat is worse, this goes on even when sheFs not trying to dominate him0 %e 1ust ga-es at her, and waits for his orders as if he was a new recruit in the :arines# Plus poor Tom acts li+e 5amson after the infamous haircut no oomph# ,onFt get me wrong, IFm happy for Tom &eing in love, &ut when his love goes over&oard, he 1ust falls apart# %e had &etter get a grip on himself and pull out of this nose dive, or he is going to crash and &urn his loveplane# Caprice will thin+ his &ehavior is cute for a while, depending on how high her Interest "evel is, &ut Apache

eventually it will fall# Then itFs, DAdios, Tomas#E 2hy. Tom the dopey is not Tom the man, whom she fell for# The +ey is, tal+ to yourself4not in pu&lic6a&out what a clown you are, and practice self control0 Pretend she has short hair and eats li+e a defensive lineman 4what ever it ta+es6# Remem&er, itFs a lot safer 4and saner6 when she does the adoring#

2hen they are away from home 5ha+espeare# At wor+, where thereFs smo+e, you might get fired# &e careful, your 3oss might have the hots for her 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# ?ne manFs wife is another manFs folly Anonymous# A sane woman 4my out clause06 with high Interest "evel cannot commit adultery, e/cept for revenge# 5o donFt give her the ammo# Treat her properly, and she wonFt mess around# !ive her affection, respect, and romance# Practice confidence, control 4not on her on yourself6, and &e a Challenge 4she does the chasing6# To you Psych ma1ors, this means &e a man# The D5ystemE is easy to read, and tough to do, &ut what isnFt in life thatFs worthwhile. There is no magic pill, 1ust more practice# 2hat I find most fascinating a&out adultery, is how men cannot hide their infidelity 4not that I thin+ itFs ever right6, while on the other hand, for women, itFs a snap# The male ego could not entertain the idea that his wife could commit adultery# 2hen a woman fools around, and is as+ed those very private ;uestions, her memory &ecomes short# The results of the Cosmopolitan poll said,ENice girls donFt do that#E ,onFt ever thin+ you are getting away with something# 5he and Pussycat are territorial, and they have a si/th sense in this area 4&uilt in radar6 that men have, &ut donFt utili-e# If she decides to go into revenge mode, 1ust thin+ of how many &ars are in your town with horny guys who are real lonely# !et the drift. The +ey is, donFt get wedded until youFre ready to love only one woman from here to eternity0 Remem&er, you will never +iss another woman for as long as you live0

It it wor+s with Pussycat, it will wor+ with her 7ast Eddie "ove# ?nly 7eministas hate affection ,oc "ove# The great ;uestion which I have not &een a&le to answer, despite my thirty years in research into the feminine soul, is, "2hat does a woman want." 7reud# 5igmund 7reud, the father of the analyst$s couch was no stranger in his &efuddlement# !enerations of men without his credentials have as+ed the same ;uestion, "2hat does a woman want." It$s ironic that we have all these love doctors charging for advice, 5

when they openly admit they don$t understand women# 9ou might as well &uy lottery tic+ets0 In the love game, affection is the female$s num&er one re;uirement, after respect# If you are affectionate, she will ro& &an+s for you# %old on to your seat8 she will even give up shopping and stay thin0 9es, it$s true0 Plus, if she ever finds another man attractive, his image will perish immediately from her consciousness0 It$s great adultery insurance0 Now for the &ad part, men don$t have in+ling what affection is# That$s &ecause no one, including women, have ever told them# ?nly after she has G<H> Interest "evel, that rare moment in time when you can do no wrong, do you show her affection# 2hen you first see each other, and when you leave each other, 1ust hold her in your arms for ten seconds, with no tal+ing or +issing# (ust loo+ into her eyes, and try to give the impression that you li+e it too0 It ta+es practice, &ut the reward are incomprehensi&le# It has even &een +nown to cure nagging and o&esity0 %owever, to show true affection, more conditions must &e met# "et her initiate contact, and you &ac+ off 1ust &efore she does8 that way she will thin+ she is in control 4%a0%a06# It doesn$t wor+ for clean up duty, though# 7or some strange reason, when she wants to cut your throat, she doesn$t want you to touch her0 4It doesn$t ma+e any sense to me either06 The +ey is, that affection, respect, and romance are your maintenace program# They are going to +eep her in love with you# Affection is not a prelude to se/# Remem&er, she loves affection as much her Pussycat loves to purr0 A!E A man is as old as he feels, and a woman is as old as she loo+s Anonymous# 9outh is wholly e/perimental 5tevenson# To a mercenary 4gold digger6, all rich men 1ust need to &e &reathing "ove# 7ast Eddie

The discussion of age is one of a womanFs &ig no nos# !uys could care less a&out how many &irthdays they have cele&rated, &ut she is real touchy in this area# To her, she is always too young or too old# And if she is thirty and single, without at least one divorce under her &elt, she feels incomplete, in spite of what her 7eminista sisters tell her 4D9ou are &etter off with a mustacheE they should +now06# To the unmarried female of I<, itFs as if destiny has cheated her# plus, she has to really hurry if she wants &rats# Ne/t comes crows feet, and I am not tal+ing a&out Indians0 They are those teeny long crac+s around her eyes that she sees as deep and as the mighty :ississip0 7at4which she could control6 is another sign of age that she +nows is diminishing her loo+s, yet she would rather gra-e# :en can claim character and wisdom with age 4loo+ at Paul

Newman6, &ut all she gets isE:ay I help you, :aFam.E &y the college hun+s wor+ing at the ice cream or coo+ie section of the mar+et# The +ey is, replace the word DyoungE for Dold, E in your voca&ulary and never as+ her for her age 42hy turn off the &uyer.6# Remem&er to &uy for her &irthday a pretty 4low cal6 ca+e, card, and4ine/pensive6 gift 1ust &e sure and forget the candles0 A!EN,A If you give too much, you can never ta+e it &ac+ ,oc "ove# Everyone +eeps trac+, especially women 7ast Eddie "ove# !ive her what she needs, not what she says she wants Ra&&i "ove# Caprice told her girlfriend she is going out with Tom for the first time, D(ust to see what happens,E %ogwash0 Tom, on the other hand, +nows that the only reasons he is going out is to raise CapriceFs Interest "evel# Ta+en at face value, what Caprice says sounds fair to an outsider 4women always ver&ali-e fairness6, &ut the reasons Caprice is really going out with Tom is &ecause she has BA> Interest "evel, and she has to# If Tom manifests confidence, 4self6 control, and Challenge, all of which Dpush her &uttons,E there will &e a second rende-vous# :ost guys do not get a second date# 2hatFs your record. %owever, in CapriceFs su& conscious, mush more is going on# "ur+ing in that sweet, super fine &ody and gorgeous mug is a private agenda8 a tightly written script of how things are going to &e with Tom# Caprice is actually li+e a Dmole,E a dou&le agent8 a (ames 3ond wor+ing for the former left wing e/tremist in Russia0 5he will apparently wor+ for the &etterment of the partnership, &ut in reality Caprice is &eing driven &y her agenda# 5he has &ig plans for this relationship 4as+ any unhappily married man6, assuming she doesnFt want to unload Tom# 3ut Tom is going to &e around a long time# 2hy. 3ecause he will follow TheE5ystem#E 5adly, and in her defense, she isnFt even consciously aware of her agenda# The poor girl is programmed, li+e the salmon swimming upstream, or a homing pigeon flying &ac+ to his cage# This ne/t statement should &ring down the house0 Caprice will say one thing that she honestly &elieves when she says it, &ut on an emotional level, that olF agenda 1ust +eeps rearing its ugly head, ma+ing her do the opposite of what she says# :y cousin 5al DThe 7ishE "ove says, DConfusion is her game, and pain is the penalty#E 5o whatFs Tom to do. %ow does he derail her su&versive plans. Is it possi&le for Tom to destroy her secret list of Dhow things are going to &e.E Can Tom save himself from her treacherous heart. Is there any hope left for America. The +eys are, ma+e sure the womanFs Interest "evel is higher than your is, 4or at least ma+e her thin+ it is6via Challenge, and to only go out with fle/i&le givers# 3ut 7

remem&er this will only slow her down# 2hen it comes to their agendas, women are relentless0 E/cept you have @ryptonite for superwoman Challenge# 9ou really have a huge advantage# 9ou see women undeerstand men and men do not understand women# 3ut 5uper 2omen does not +now that her Achilles heel is Challenge# Remem&er, no one has ever used it on her and that is why you are up to &at#


2hatever &egins, also ends 5eneca# ItFs &etter to &e alone, than it is to &e a slave 7ather "ove# 9ou come in alone, and you go out alone 'ncle (ethro "ove# 9ou see these DheavyweightE guys in entertainment go trough a &rutal and costly divorce# %alf an hour later, they are ready to throw in the towle, march down the aisle of everlasting &liss4again.6 with another mercenary even &efore the in+ is dry on their first alimony chec+# All that power, and they 1ust canFt stand to date all those groupies and fans that wouldnFt give us DregularE guys the time of day# 9 can see wanting female company, &ut these guys cannot wait to get another ring through their noses# I have to call it as I see it8some guys 1ust cannot stand to &e alone4single6# These lonely guys donFt reali-e that normal women respond to Challenge# %ere, on one hand, is a guy who should &e playing his cards ne/t to his chest4Challenge6, &ut wears his heart on his sleeve4poor &a&y6# %e cannot wait to go to TiffanyFs and &uy some even &igger rings# 5houldnFt three divorces tell him something. ?f course not, women are illogical and inconsistent at least thatFs what his e/perience tells him# %is new :iss Right is 1ust as dum&, &ecause she and everyone else +nows he is on the re&ound# To you Psych ma1ors, this means his emotions are li+e a drun+ driver, all over the landscape# 2here are his friends and managers. %e should &e in a convalescent home thin+ing a&out his female selection process 42hatFs that.6, and trying to figure out what happened, &efore he 1umps into another fiasco# ?h, IFm sorry ### 9 forgot that he couldnFt &e alone# The +ey is, there is no +ey# There are those who will read this material and will not &e phased &y it# Remem&er, some guys donFt want to &e fi/ed#
AN52ERIN! 4:achines6 2hen it come to the 3attle of the 5e/es, women have 7=BFs and men have 33 guns !eneral "ove# Chec+ yourself, &efore you wrec+ yourselff ?rti-# !ive us a few good men '5 :arine Corp# To a woman, an answering machine is a great weapon# Part of that is due to the fact that men thin+ it is 1ust for leaving messages how naive0 If she can control a part of the communication in a relationship, she can then further her scheming agenda# In ?peration ,esert 5torm, Apache helicopters +noc+ed out 5addamFs radar and communication installation, so his troops in the field couldnFt tal+ to 3aghdad#45urprise06 2hen you leave a message, you give up self control4one third of control see Truth Triangle6# 9ou donFt +now when or if she got the message# 9ou donFt +now when, or if she is going to call &ac+# And

you saw none of her &ody lenguage as she spo+e, assuming she returned the call# 2aiting isnFt fun# Plus, it leads to misunderstandings# %ow are you going to 1udge her Interest "evel, when communication is such a gray area. 9ou canFt# everything she does and says has to &e &lac+ or white in your mind, no loose ands, and a&solutely nothing ta+en for granted# 5o letFs run a tight ship and do the opposite# No messages for the first si/ty days# 9ou get the home phone num&er and her answering machine is always on# 9ou call at B,J,C,G p#m#, and no answer# you do it :onday, Tusday, 2ednesday, and get that same silly message# you have a control frea+ or screener on your hands# 2hy does she hand out her num&er to so many guys that she doesnFt want to tal+ to or date. 5heFs a female variation of lonely &oy0 "eave your name, num&er, and Dgive me a callE the following :onday, and a&ove all, donFt tell her itFs the ))nd time you have called remem&er, Challenge# 4If she has a caller I,, use a pu&lic phone#6 If she calls &ac+4= in =<<6 and accepts and +eeps the date on the night that you as+ her out for, IFll polish your PT Cruiser0 If you are supposed to go someplace with her, or you are going to meet somewhere, donFt &uy into the old D1ust leave a message with time andKor placeE tric+# Tal+ to her, prefera&ly face to face, and get the facts perfectly clear# 9ou have to match her words and actions, and with a third party li+e an answering machine, she could +eep you in the dar+# %ave you ever heard, DI thought you meant the other :allE. D5omething must &e wrong with my machine#E DIt was so late I didnFt want to wa+e you,E or, DI didnFt call &ecause I had to &e at wor+ real early#E D I thought you meant ne/t 2ednesday#E D2hat message.E And there are a thousand more# The way to &eat a &ad ha&it is not to start it# The +ey is, to reali-e that men tal+ to women, not their answering machines# ?ne of the greatest things a&out The D5ystemE is that it forces the woman to show her true Interest "evel, &ut only if you follow its principles# Remem&er, the answering machine and telephone are li+e playing with firecrac+ers, so handle with care#

E/pect respect rather than &eg for approval !eneral "ove# Never let them wear you down 7ast Eddie "ove# 2omen are attracted to strong men4the character trait, not arm si-e6, and every&ody ma+es mista+es in relationships# 3etween &uddies, apologi-ing is no &ig deal# 3ut in male female romantic relationships, it$s 1ust isn$t the same# Two lovers who have had a spat4polaina8trifulca6will not phone each other, playing the old "I can hold out longer than you can" game# ?ne of the two parties might pout, until the other half gives in# %opefully, she is the pouter &ecause it doesn$t loo+ right when a man does it# Can you 1ust picture a ,allas Cow&oy pouting0 If men were perfect, they wouldnFt get into these positions, &ut it happens# 2omen read social situations much &etter and ;uic+er than men do 4always have and always will6# 5o odds are, she really +nows who the guilty party is# The +ey is, if you are guilty, fess up as soon as possi&le# 5ay it once, no groveling, and she will not interpret this as wea+ness# If you are not guilty, hold your ground she might &e testing you 49es, they do that06# 5tart as+ing for those new home phone num&ers from other women, 1ust for &ac+up# Remem&er, you are not loo+ing for a wea+ woman* you are loo+ing for adapti&ility and integrity the needle in the haystac+#
Always loo+ good 5al DThe 7ishE"ove# A55ERTILE

The more you +now a&out women4product +nowledge6,the more confident you are with women ,oc "ove# Clinically sane women li+e secure men, so fa+e it !eneral "ove# 9ou tal+ to caprice at the wedding reception for ten minutes and then as+ for the home phone num&er, almost a&ruptly# ?n your first date, as you shut off the car engine, she goes for the door# If she saysEno,E you got a 7eminista or a structured woman or one with low Interest "evel on your hands# If she says, DThis doesnFt happen very often,E she 1ust told you in 2omanese she li+es what you did4her other dates arenFt gentlemen6, and it verified The D5ystemE as it upped her Interest "evel# Ta+e her hand, help her out of the car, and offer your arm# If she fights this, she has low Interest "evel or she is structured# 2hen you wal+ into the restaurant, you hold the door open so she can go in first# 9ou pic+ the ta&le and pull out her chair# Classy women li+e this# 7eministas hate it DI can pull out my own chair, than+ you very much0E 5ince she +nows youFre a ta+e charge guy, she doesnFt have to worry a&out what is going to ta+e place &ecause itFs all in your hands# %er comfort level is rising and she +nows you have class# Nothing &eats a self assured man# "oo+ at all the mileage you got, mostly without saying a word, or spending a dime# 9ou also tested her Interest "evel and her attitude, &y her reactions# Tons of info# for you# The +ey is, &eing &old and gallant# 5he is loo+ing for the +night on the &ig white charger that she reads a&out in her stupid romance novels# Remem&er, after she decides to +eep you, she will &e throwing those &oo+s in the fireplace, where they &elong, while trying to +eep you warm ! A55ET As+ yourself,EIs she part of the crew, or part of the cargoE M 'ncle (ethro "ove. Ta+e two o/en to pull wagon, !rasshopper M Chinese prover&# Everything is cute in the &eginning M ,oc "ove# 2hen I tal+ to you a&out success with &eautiful a woman 4if you li+e her, she has to &e &eautiful on the inside as well as the outside06, I e/plain to you what components ma+e up a good female attitude, what the manFs attitude should &e made of , why her Interest "evel is the most important factor in the relationship, and how to +eep her hapy over the long haul# I donFt ever mention your Interest "evel, &ecause if you are tal+ing a&out her to me, i +now you li+e her# 3ut there is a more important reason why I donFt put the manFs Interest "evel on the Truth Triangle*itFs a non issue# 'nless she has Interest "evel in you 4first6, whatFs there to tal+ a&out. I get tons of email ;uestions and all I read is how much the guy li+es her &ut she is not responding# 7orget her# 5he has to li+e you from the &eginning# 4Remem&er, guys, only Professional ,aters go out when their I" is N< NG>#6 9ou men have &een &rainwashed to &elieve that you can impress :iss Right &y how much you +eep ver&ally e/pressing your love for her# In fact, it has 1ust the opposite effect# 5he is happiest when she says, DI love you,Etwice as much you &la&&er it to her# :en fail to realice that she only cares a&out her4selfish6 Interest "evel toward you# In fact, if her Interest "evel were in the Twilight Oone 4G<> plus6, she would &e pro1ecting her Interest "evel onto you, even if you were not interested# 9ou guys 1ust had it &ac+wards# "et me state m first two "awsKRules of "ove for you# =# Interest "evel cuts everything 4hers, not yours6# )# Never try to +eep someone who does not want to +eep you# !et these truths em&edded in your head# Ignorance of these two facts is the main pro&lem that 1ealous, possessive men 4after they get dropped6 and stal+ers have# They donFt understand that it ta+es two, not 1ust one, Interest level4s6 for love to e/ist# This is very complicated0 Now I will tell you my DassetE war story# ?ne day I went for a ride with my &eautiful woman in her Chero+ee# Twenty minutes later, we got a flat tire, which was not her fault# ?f course, she had no spare, which was her fault# The ne/t day, while I was in her home, she played her answering machine# %er dentist had called &ecause she had s+ipped her appointment# Another time, her electricity was shut off, though she had plenty of money# These are only three e/amples of how un together she was# After many months, I &egan to see more and more fla+y traits# Can you imagine her running a household. Raising your +ids. I &egan weighing her pluses and minuses# ?n une side, she smelled li+e 1ungle gardenia , loo+ed li+e Cindy Crawford M &ut thinner, and of course she never, ever nagged# 5he loved me, was more fun than a roller coaster ride at :agic :ountain, and she made me feel li+e a million dollars# ?n the other side, she was a mess# :y moment of truth hit me one morning while shaving and staring in the mirror* I


came to the sad conclusion that she wasnFt good marriage material# 2hy. 3ecause she was a non functioning woman# The Reality 7actor says that &eing in love and having a successful marriage are way different things# Though it almost +illed me, I dropped :iss 7la+y# I +new that if I continued to see her, I would &e hoo+ed forever, 5he later called me, and I listened to her please on my answering machine 4which you would never do06, &ut I never pic+ed up the phone# It got to the point where I would have to leave my apartment &ecause I +new I didnFt have the strength to turn the volume down and feared caving in and calling her M remem&er now, this is the girl whose legs went on forever0 I forced myself to hustle new home phone num&ers, though I really was not interested in doing so# Eventually, I got over her 4only time heals6# 3ut here is the good part* the ne/t time another :iss 7la+y came along, it was easier to spot her and for me to ta+e a wal+ sooner# Plus, I learned to control my feelings a little more# 9ou will too# Remem&er guys, we only have to find you one good one# 9ou +now what you have to do, and only you can do it# 5o study and practice TheE5ystem#E And try to have fun with it# The +ey is, to never go out with someone who has more pro&lems than you do0 :arriage is supposed to &e longer than a sentence at Attica, so itFs &etter for you if she pulls her own weight and is a functioning woman# The more positives that descri&e this lady 4self sufficient, self supporting, relia&le, and responsi&le6, the less you will suffer, if she decides to incarcerate you for life# Remem&er, the opposite of an asset is a lia&ility#

There is always a down side to every deal 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# 2hen you are in pain, !od is telling you, D9ou are on the wrong trac+E Ra&&i "ove# Always sleep with one eye open Arapaho prover&# There are two parts in a relationship# 7irst, you have to get her catch you, and then you have to get her 4somehow6 to +eep you# Part of the second half is always paying attention# To you Psych ma1ors, it means staying aware# Tom was a Psychologist, and his wife Caprice came home alone 4than+ !od6 at )am, for a couple of wee+ends in a row# %er hair loo+ed as if it had &een ;uaffed in a 3oeing wind tunnel, and her clothes loo+ed as if they had &een dried on her &ody after a swim in the ocean# 2hen Tom as+ed Caprice where she had &een all night, she replied, DI 1ust went out dancing with the girls#E 5he left out the fact that she didnFt dance with them# Tom later as+ed me, D,oc, do I have a pro&lem.E 4D?f course not, she loves you# 9ou 1ust need counseling,E is the cry of the other love doctors#6 After Tom got married, he shut down his consciousness a&out his wifeFs Interest "evel# %e felt that since they were happily married, there was no more for him to do to preserve her feelings 4And he is the one giving advice06# A married man should pay attention to what he sees, hears, and 4negatively and positively6 feels, &ecause his wife may not e/press herself directly or e/plicitly when her I" &egins to drop# In our war story, Tom trusted Caprice, &ut she &etrayed him# Trust is one third of integrity and a prere;uisite for the man to &e comforta&le, and stay in love with his wife over the long haul# 5ome women are trustworthy and some women are snea+s# Ta+e your pic+# The +ey is, not to impersonate a "AP, Internal Affairs officer, nor to stop giving her the &enefit of the dou&t, &ut to always remain o&1ective# Pay attention to her actions, especially if she is giving you flags 4&ad vi&es, half truths, or apparent inconsistencies6# Remem&er, the Reality 7actor says that those who refuse to pay attention 4loo+6 are destined for trou&le# ATTIT',E47emale6 Adversity &rings out her true worth, !rasshoper Chinese prover&#


A sweet, supportive woman ma+es you feel you can do anything ,oc "ove# 9ou date her Ineterest "evel8 you marry her attitude Ra&ii "ove# 2hen a man falls in love, all he thin+s a&out is his new ladylove# ?n, what a feelinF0 ItFs true8 nothing &eats falling in love# Then, one of two things happens in the relationship* one dumps the other, or worse, they see the preacher, and ma+e their +issing legal0 Now they are supposed to live happily ever after# 7at chance0 "etFs say, for the hec+ of ti, that Tom does everything right with Caprice# No woman could ever complain a&out anything that he does not even a 7eminista0 %e has manners, class, and treats Caprice with respect# Plus, Caprice has GA> Interest "evel# It loo+s good on paper, &ut his great attitude and their love for each other arenFt enough# 9ou +now whatFs missing* her attitude# %igh I" on the manFs part is assumed# TomFs massive mista+e is that he loo+s at his Interest "evel4feeling6 and never loo+s at her Attitude# %e +nows she loves him, &ut he is unaware of the importance of female attitude# 7emale attitude is made up of integrity, giving, and fle/i&ility# Not seen on the Truth Triangle &ut part of the D5ystemEin fourth and fifth place* ,oes she have her have her Dact togetherE 4Is she an asset.6, and does she have a minimal amount of emotional &aggage4Is she a lia&ility.6# And donFt forget her rug rats, de&ts, uptight e/Fes, and medical and dental pro&lems### ,oes this scare you. It is supposed to# "isten guy, you would never &uy a &ad stoc+ or swampland in !eorgia, so why would you invest everything you are, and have, in a woman with a &ad attitude. Tattoo this law of relationships into your memory &an+* it only ta+es one &ad attitude for a ,ivorce to happen, or, li+e what happens to most married men, you can &e in a misera&le marriage for the rest of your life 4 This is why we have topless &ars06# If a woman is trou&le, you have to do ehat is right, &efore she ta+es you to %ell in a hand &as+et, so learn to ma+e mista+es ;uic+ly# The +ey is, not to let your high Interest "evel &lind you, unless you are a glutton for punishment# As+ yourself,E2hat is she &ringing to the ta&le.E If you are aware of her shortcomings, as+ yourself if you can overloo+ them# ,onFt even try the DchangeE game, &ecause no&ody &asically changes# The emotional devastation and financial loss men have e/perienced due to their &ad choices and lac+ of understanding of women is &eyond worldly calculation# Remem&er, I toned this down0

Read s;uawFs footprints not her lips 5iou/ prover&# If she were such a good deal, he would commit 7ast Eddie "ove# "ac+ of want, fills the hole of necessity Anonymous# It too+ time, money, and salesmanship to get :iss Right to go steady with you# Now it seems as if women are constantly staring at you# 2hatFs up. ?r, you are in the mar+et shopping a wee+ after your wedding, and you swear women are giving you the eye# 2here were they when I needed them. They were there, &ut you were hungry or may &e too hungry# There are two DradarE principles involved# The first is, she senses your Dnon hungryE state, and she interprets it as confidence# The second is what I call D+itty cats +ompete#E5he wonders what your Dsignificant otherE is getting from you# These are only fleeting feelings, &ut it shows how powerful her radar is# To you Psych ma1ors, this is called, the Dfeast or famine factor,Eor,Ethe &ase of one factor#E It means that when you have none, it is tough to get one, &ecause you have nothing to fall &ac+ on, and the other women can sense this# 3ut when you have one, you can get them all# This is why you cannot have too many home phone num&ers#


If you wor+ in a large office, +id the girls that li+e you, whom you donFt care a&out, so the one that you are interested in will wonder DwhatFs all the noise a&out#E 3e the first one to wal+ away from the conversation at the water cooler, and donFt ever touch4Challenge6# 9ou are there forty hours a wee+, so ta+e your time# :iss Right will let you +now, if or when, she is availa&le# If she doesnFt, the e/perience with the other girls ma+es for great practice and you need it# Tom has two pretty sisters# 2hen he li+es a certain waitress, he ta+es them into the restaurant one at a time, all dolled up# 3y the third time, when he comes in alone, he already has posture, and he hasnFt even open his mouth# The waitress is thin+ing,E2hat has this guy got.E 5he now loo+s at him differently than a regular customer 4a guy who is predicta&ly there and is never seen with a loo+er6# This waitress 4in her mind6 cannot intimidate Tom, and she gives him credit &ecause she +nows he pac+s the gear# 5ome wimps would say that this tactic is immoral I say, D2hatever it ta+es0E The +ey is, not to act desperate when you havenFt had a date in three months8 &e loose and vi&rant in spite of your de1ected position# 9ou +now that feeling you have the day after the &est date in your life the night &efore# Remem&er, fa+e it Ptil you ma+e it, and donFt try to &eat her radar, 1ust use it to your advantage li+e Ai+ido, !rasshopper#
3AC@49ou canFt go6 5econd time around, shame on me M 5alEThe 7ishE "ove# ,onFt repeat yourself, or your mista+es M Reverend love# The less she +nows the longer you last M 7ast Eddie "ove# Tom &ro+e up with Caprice and they missed each other# After two wee+s, they &umped into each other at the li&rary# They ended up tal+ing for a couple of hours a&out all the good times 4never he &ad times that caused the &rea+up6# And Caprice convinced Tom to Dgive it another shot# No one loves America more than I do# I love mom and apple pie, and anyone who wal+s on the flag should get a one way tic+et to Ira;# 3ut our cultureholds certain people and ideas as sacred that I donFt# 3ecause of their status, these people are untoucha&le, and the ideas are never analytically ;uestioned# ,uring interviews, the Danointed onesE never get as+ed the hard ;uestions# 7or instance, if I were to do the following two interviews on TL, I would &e fired and &anned from entertainment forever, unless I could find a program director with some ca1ones* D!ee, :iss Taylor, you have had eight marriages, and I was 1ust wondering, if may&e, you are a little tough on your hus&ands.E DPrincess ,i, what was your Interest "evel, when you :arried Prince Charles.E People on pedestals get away with murder M remem&er ?#(#. Please &ear with me on this one, &ecause itFs too important to your future well &eing# IFm not pi+ing on "i- or ,i 1ust &ecause they are famous people, &ut what I am saying is that &ecause they are in the limelight you accpet and &uy into certain ideas# 9ou donFt pro&e and ;uestion li+e i do in my interviews# 9ou unconsciously accept the fact that itFs ?@ to marry someone with a ton 4eight6of divorces, or marry someone when she has -ero Interest "evel4she married the crown for fame and prestige, not Charles6#2hen you read (ulia Ro&erts who is &eautiful and earns )A million a movie has &een engaged B times a &ell should go off# It is these su&lte and constant notions that you see and hear 4&rainwashing6 that further your demise# I am not yelling conspiracy 4though I would a&out the 7eministas6, &ut these ideas came out of story&oo+ land0 The purpose of this &oo+ is to help my fellow man approach and handle romantic relationships so that &oth partners are happy 8not 1ust the guy# ItFs a win win situation# 3ut some of his pre conceived ideas &elong in the outhouse, &ecause they only hurt him over and over again#


9ou will watch a soap opera, or read an article a&out a couple remarrying or another couple reuniting after she almost +illed the guy 4all is forgotten06# It might wor+ on TL or the &ig screen, &ut it doesnFt wor+ on the Dstreet#E This is one of your accepted notions* you can go &ac+42hy did you leave.6 and everything will &e groovy# %ow sweet0 4Cindy Crawford married her e/ &oyfriend after she divorced Richard !ere#6 Tom canFt go &ac+ to Caprice &ecause there is resentment, and 1ust too much &lood letting 4figuratively spea+ing, I hope06# They had their time together, and to go &ac+ is to go to all the reasons that turned them off to &egin which still e/ist0 Add to that all the emotional pain they caused each other M it is 1ust a waste of energy and time to &eat the prover&ial Ddead horse#E 9ou always hear a&out the %ollywood couple that is so happy the second time around# 9ou never hear a&out the million other real life couples who also tried to Drema+e itE &ut only ended up where they started M hating each other# (ust thin+ of the girls those guys might have met if they had clean slates# The Reality 7actor says that when you go &ac+, you go &ac+ to a dirty slate# If Tom had done everything right &efore the initial split up, she must have &een no good# If she were a good woman, then he must not have followed The D5ystem#E ?r the worst possi&ility, they were &oth loser, and deserved each other0 In all three cases, the causes of the &rea+ up still remain# The +ey is, you canFt go &ac+ &ecause there is only now and the future M what is done is done# :en who thin+ a womanFs trac+ record and attitude arenFt important or &elieve that with enoug1 time, she will Dsee the lightE and fall for him, still &elieve in tooth fairies and also, that you can go &ac+0 Remem&er, you canFt go &ac+ &ecause =#5he will get rid of you 4again6 )# 5he hasnFt changed# I# 5he is going to hurt you some more# !et it, hardhead0 3AC@3?NE If you ta+e her &ac+ after she does a Dno no,E you are telling her itFs ?@ to stic+ it to you again plus you trained her to &e disrespectful 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# The difference &etween a terrorist and a 7eminista is you can negotiate with a terrorist !eneral "ove# Adam started the species, 2impus Americanis ,oc "ove# 2hen I as+ a woman if her man has a &ac+&one, she will usually free-e, and as+, D2hat do you mean 4stalling techni;ue Q=J6.E 5he +nows very well what I mean, and I donFt care if she is =), or doesnFt spea+ English# !uys, I 1ust love it when they are coy, and act naive4actress60 The wimp thin+s a &ac+&one is li+e a chic+en wing0 3ut he is dead wrong# If he could 1ust reali-e how much his woman is dying for him to show her he was &orn with a &ac+&one# 2hen dealing with :iss Right the wimp has no courage# I +now guys who could handle themselves in a &i+er &eer &ar, 4they are tough with other men6, &ut around a GC l&# girlfriend, they play the &ull elephant while she plays the mouse# %e 1umps# 2omen have to +now, every once in a while, that the o&1ect of their affection is worthy of their Interest "evel# To you Psych ma1ors, this means* no &ac+&one e;uals no respect, which e;uals no love# This doesnFt mean a man should notEgive and ta+eE it means that, every so often, hte man must get his opinion out and hold his ground# 2hy. 3ecause romantic love, with most women, is a constant power play# 42hat do they say in court irrevoca&le differences.6 "etFs find out sooner rather than later# The +ey is, to +now that no two people agree on everything, so if you &elieve in your heart that ) and ) ma+e N, you say so0 Remem&er what happened to the guy in the !arden of Eden# 3E!!IN! The only time to &eg is when she has a gun at your head 5al EThe 7ishE "ove# 3egging her to stay only wor+s if you are rich Ra&&i "ove0 ?nly confess to me 7ather "ove# ?ne day while channel surfing, I clic+ed to a soap opera# :acho 3oy the hero who was too good loo+ing4in spite of his funny facial hair6was pleading to his drop dead girlfriend on one +nee4and pulling on her fingers no less06#5he was an A 4I#JA out of N#<6who was R legs and all teeth with &loated lips, which underscored her high chee+&ones# In a high pitched voice he pleaded to his ladylove, DPlease donFt get rid of me# I love you too much#E That was the understatement of the year# The moral is that 2imps are not the only guys who &eg# :acho 3oys 1ust never admit it# Rather than throw an ashtray or lamp at the TL upon seeing this gut wrenching display of imploring, I clic+ed the clic+er 4manFs greatest invention6again# I landed on a gossip show where 9 spied a pro foot&all player &eing interviewed a&out his &itter divorce# %e showed the camera his e/Fs name tattoed on his =C inch muscled arm# D5he only wants whatFs fair,Ehe said in this case, S)C million of his


future earnings not &ad for an asipiring actress who formally waited on ta&les0 This was &ad enough, &ut then he added, D5he will &e always &e a part of my life 4&ut never vice versa6#E If I were on an airplane, I would have gra&&ed the vomit &ag# The 3ottom "ine 7actor has a different perspective# It says, D5he will &e a part of his e/penses, &ut never an asset#E It is li+e owning a yacht &ut someone else is driving it# 5ince this &oo+ is DP!E rated, I wonFt even discuss guys who say to women,E?% &a&y, I needs it# I loves you so much# 9ou +now I wonFt ever leavesF you li+e my &rother and cousin did0E A man must understand a womanFs point of view a&out &egging8 otherwise he will suffer the dire conse;uences i#e# more pain &ecause of further mista+es# 9ou may thin+ that your groveling is only Dsharing your feeling,E which she supposedly li+e, &ut on an emotional level, she sees &egging as wimpy# 9ou must reali-e that I am not trying to ma+e you a cold fish I 1ust want you to +eep serious su&1ects to a minimum &ecause over the long haul, men who are positive las a lot longer# If you ma+e her your shrin+, or your :ama, she will respect for you then her love for you will surely perish# And you donFt want that, right. 2hen you &eg for her heart, she loves you for all of =< seconds &efore her Interest "evel crashes# "i+e Rosie ?F,onnel wolfing down two pints of 3en and (erryFs Cherry !arcia in two minutes flat, she will feel good at first, &ut then the stomachache will follow# As her Interest "evel drops faster than "arry @ing changes wives, she thin+s of the other love doctors and their misleading half truths that she had swallowed over the years, &ut never Challenged# 5he +nows she should feel good a&out her 4e/6 man pleading his guts out4hopefully, no tears6, &ut in her stomach, she only feels revulsion# 7rom the ==th second on, her mind caves in as she reali-es that the De/pertsE half truths must &e half truths for a reason# As reality rears its unforgiving head, her Interest "evel goes downhill faster than an ?lympic s+ier winning a gold medal 4Are you handling this &ig fella.6# 5he now +nows the truth* &egging really doesnFt wor+# If you &eg long enough it will ma+e her fall out of love with you, and you can never get it &ac+ so donFt start# To reiterate, as her respect level ta+es a fall, it tells I" to follow suit which it does, dropping faster than NewtonFs apple ever could# Now let me add some more insult to your in1ury* If you &eg, one, she will never change her mind a&out her feelings8 two, she will never want to give in to you again8 and three, she will never &elieve anything you say even in your +neeling position from until Armageddon# ?ther than those monir issues, &ug guy, give &egging a shot and see if I am right or not, &ut donFt forget to &uy the +neepads at %ome ,epot0 The +ey is, confident men donFt &eg, men who control themselves wonFt &eg, and Challenging men cannot &eg# If you do a good 1o& of upping her I" and +eeping it there, you wonFt have to grovel on your +nees li+e :acho 3oydoes on national TL# Remem&er, suc+ing up eggs faster than an anteater suc+s up &ugs on an overpopulated anthill is not attractive to anyone# 3I:3? If you put all their heads together, you could start a roc+ pile M 7ast Eddie "ove0 The good part is she doesnFt nag# The &ad part is when she wal+s, her ears whistle M 5al DThe 7ishE "ove0 3im&os thin+ that the great depression was cured &y Pro-ac M 'ncle (ethro "ove0 Tom 1ust got married to Caprice, a &im&o# 5he is as dum& as she is &eautiful# Tom is a tough &usinessman, and he is attracted to her child li+e ;ualities# Plus, he gets off when couples his age stare at them# %e is fortyTfour, and she is twenty two, &ut loo+s eighteen# %e is a genius, and has two masterFs degrees# 5he couldnFt find China on a glo&e and thin+s that tipping is its capitol0 2hen he goes to wor+, she goes to aero&ics, and visits her ding dong girlfriends# Tom loves it that way, and Caprice loves Tom &ecause he is caring and considerate# 2hy are they together, do you as+. Tom sees it this way# %e has had two intelligent and educated wives, one was a lawyer, and the other was a 7eminista right activist# %is two divorces com&ined cost him half a million and many visits to the e/pertFs couch# %e swore after the second marriage, no more &rains, and no more arguing or nagging4his conclusion, not mine6# Tom said at that time, DNo one ever again is going to mess with my comfort level again#E The +ey is, if you a&hor nagging, could care less a&out stimulating conversation, li+e to ma+e all the decisions, get &y cheap physical attraction, donFt mind &eing with someone who thin+s Roe vs# 2ade was a &o/ing match, you should hold out for :iss Airhead U Remem&er, &im&os need love too0 3?TT?: 4"ine 7actor6 Action tal+s, rhetoric wal+s 7ast Eddie "ove#


Remem&er her main talent* attitude Ra&&i "ove# The easiest thing in the world for a woman todo is &am&oo-le a man 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# 2hatFs the &ottom line. Everyone +nows that statement, even children trading &ase&all cards# A &usiness that doesnFt goes under# :en in relationships, who donFt suffer# %e who has a woman with a good attitude profits8 and he who has the opposite, loses# 5ounds li+e a companyFs annual report, doesnF it. :en will as+ themselves how come they are so luc+y to have found themselves such a great wife# %alf of the luc+y are actually luc+y# The other half factored in her actions &efore they tied the +not# They made sure she had a good attitude# The unluc+y guy only loo+s at his Interest "evel, and gets mesmeri-ed &y D:iss RightFs speech s+ills4Actress6# %e doesnFt understand that a women with low Interest "evel could win an Emmy on momentFs notice, without even seeing a script0 All women +now intuitively the degree of menFs feeling toward them# :ore importantly, the &ad ones will use the manFs Interest "evel4and ego6 against him for their underhanded agendas# D?h honey, you loo+ so cute today# Please &uy me this little ten carat tennis &racelet# If you do, I will ma+e you your favorite cup of coffee tonight 1ust to show you how much I love you0E "etFs ta+e my first &ro+en date to illustrate the point# after the woman &ro+e the date, I sat down and figured out ==N reasons why she did it# If I had the help of some De/pertsE &ac+ then, I +now that wor+ing together with them, we could have upped it to A)J reasons# "etFs say it was reason Q=<C* she didnFt get a 5chwinn &i+e for Christmas in second grade li+e all the other +ids on the &loc+ so what0 5he still &ro+e the date0 Rather than spending ten days of wasted time trying to figure out why she &ro+e our agreement, I should have 1ust &ottom lined her actions and said, D5he &ro+e the date &ecause she had low Interest "evel# 2omen with high Interest "evel +eep dates#E 3ut of course, the De/pertsE 4other love doctors6 would say that nothing can &e that simple# The male ego doesnFt li+e the 3ottom "ine 7actor &ecause he cannot face reality the light of truth# 2hat your ego is really saying is E%ow dare a woman not li+e me0E I donFt mean to hammer you guys, &ut some of you never seem to get these two simple principles* =# ItFs all Interest "evel# )# 3ottom line her actions it saves time0 The +ey is, to get past your ego and your Interest "evel &ottom line all her actions all the time# %onestly as+ yourself how important you are to her, and how good she treats you when you donFt &uy her over priced trin+ets, donFt always give into what she wants, nor say DI love youD li+e a parrot who only +nows one line# Remem&er, a guy in prison and a guy in a &ad marriage have so much in common* all they do is thin+ a&out freedom, and wonder how they got themselves into this predicament and if you want a real eye opener, as+ your &est &uddies after a couple of &eers, if they would stay with their wives if they had no +ids0 3RA!!IN! !reat warrior always mysterious and never &rags of his many ponies 3lac+foot prover&# %er &uilt in reconnaissance reads you in five minutes# It ta+es you three dates to find your shoelaces !eneral "ove# %e, who &oasts of his descent, praises the deeds of another 5eneca :y 1o& is to ma+e sure that your +ids grow up in a good and loving family# To do that, I have to get you meet :iss Right, and get you to do all the right things &efore and after you get married, so she doesn$t commit adultery nor loo+ up divorce lawyers in the phone &oo+0 It$s a selling 1o&# I have to train and mar+et you as it were# This doesn$t mean changing your &asic personality it means getting rid of your rough edges and coaching you on how to ma+e more right choices than wrong ones when dealing with your lady faire# In spite of what you see on :TL manners and class do count# 7or e/ample, from now on you will open the car door for her# 5he will ma+e a positive comment a&out it# 9ou will li+e her positive comment# Then you will say to yourself, "!ee, I will do that again, &ecause it raises her Interest "evel0" To you Psych ma1ors this is positive reinforcement at its finest# Am I changing your personality. ?nly men &asher or 7eminista would say so# To &uild her Interest "evel even more, she has to thin+ you are sincere# I don$t +now where she got this, &ut she thin+s that you are not sincere if you are a &ad listener# 5o, if you as+ her the same ;uestion twice, call her &y the wrong name4I told you you had too many &eers06or do-e off while she is tal+ing, she might thin+ you are with her for the wrong reasons# 9ep, insincere# "ousy listening is not ;uite as &ad as the ne/t fau/ pau/* telling whoppers and e/aggerating# The reason why I don$t li+e lying is &ecause I always change the story the ne/t time I tell it, or a friend comes along, tells the true version of it, and I get &usted# The truth always comes out the same, so tell it


li+e it is# Plus you do not have to try to remem&er the truth, &ecause it really happened04(ust do not &e open#6 Caprice says, ":y former &oyfriend was always &ragging and I had to divide &y two when he tal+ed num&ers0 I loved him, &ut after a while his tall tales got old#" !uess what guys. 5he doesn$t li+e liars0 I don$t thin+ the lie &others her as much as you thin+ing that she &uys into it, andKor that you are getting away with it# In addition, she feels insulted &ecause she thin+s you are tal+ing down to her# %ad enough. As my cousin 3rother "ove would say, "Tell it li+e it is, 3ro, &ut don$t tell too much0" If you are going to have a tough time not &ragging, I suggest that you +eep your mouth shut49ou only lower I" when you tal+#6Now she can$t &ust you# Confident men +now fertili-er only goes on the lawn0 If you +new how intutitive women are, you wouldn$t even considerate 3 5$ing# Plus you tal+ down to her and underrate her# 5o much for an e;uita&le match0 The +ey is, confident men don$t e/aggerate, or lie they fa+e sincerity# The worst case of &ragging is in a guy who tells a story and does not e/aggerate &ut the whole story was a fa&rication# Remem&er, it is &etter to save the "war stories" for your &uddies, and have the whoppers at the ham&urger stand0 P5 5he sees right through you# 3RAIN2A5%ER5 Change your ways &rother, and IFll save your heart, wallet, and sanity# Amen 3rother love# 2hen you stop hitting your head against the &arn door, the pain goes away# To you slow guys, if you +eep doing with women what you &een doing, you are going to get the same results 'ncle (ethro "ove# The 7eministas and &rainwashers donFt ever tal+ a&out the women who love their fathers, &rothers, and hus&ands 7ather "ove# I remem&er as a +id listening to (# Edgar %oover tal+ a&out the Communist conspiracy# ?ne of its most devious methods of changing a country, and ma+ing the ta+eover easier for the left wing e/tremists was to &rainwash the countryFs citi-ens# The commies too+ control of colleges, &oo+s, TL, radio and the newspapers# If you were for the Dreds,E you helped &rainwash the citi-ens# In these countries, there were partiotic groups of men and women who spo+e out, &ut due to the power of the &rainwashers, and the other good people sitting on their hands, they didnFt get very far# 2ith only I> of a population in the right spots the commies could ta+e over# In America today, there are groups of people who always seem to have their point or view heard# They have their opinions, so itFs not necessary for you to have yours they will ta+e care of Dthe thin+ingE for you# 2hen it comes to other opinions, the other side is minimi-ed, transformed, or never even heard# If you have constructive criticism you are la&eled a hate monger or whistle &lower that is ostraci-ed for telling it li+e it is# The 3rainwashers preach diversity, &ut down deep they a&hor it, unless it agrees with what they have in store for you# TodayFs &rainwashers have the power and an agenda8 they are the new &rownshirts4&louses6# "et me give you some of my e/periences# 2hen I go on Radio or TL I sell my program and the host of the show gets flustered or if I am home on the phone via hang up on me# TL stations do not have me &ac+# The top =< menFs maga-ines will not interview me# The &iggest re1ection comes from :enFs Rights groups# I am not telling you this to cry on your shoulder, &ut there are reasons why you have sech screwed up ideas on love and women# As a group women do not respect men# 9our grandmother going out on a first date would say, DI wonder how many good character traits he has.E TodayFs single woman says, DI wonder how this guy will turn me off#E "oo+ at the &ashing ads on TL# The guy in the movie saying DI love you, every time the heroine does#E The good news is, you only need one good one# And the &etter news is you have The D5ystemE I feel in my heart that the American male has &een given a &ad rap# %e is not only portrayed, as inherently evil, &ut if there is any social pro&lem, there has to &e a man at the &ottom of it# Can you imagine what would happen if the men &ashing were transferred to another minority. In America, itFs open season on men# 2here is the male role model showing guys how to &e gentlemen with class and manners. 2here is the male role model telling Caprice DNoE calmly, when she deserves it. 2here is the male role model telling young men to &e respectful of women. 2here are the guys helping the guys. The +ey is, when you hear, read, or see information a&out relationships, as+ yourself, DIs this =<<> true, a half truth, or 1ust an outright lie.E Remem&er, !od gave you a mind to thin+ with, not to &e &rainwashed with#

3REA@IN! 4'p6 17

Even the male movie stars get their hearts slapped around 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# %ave you got the guts to wal+, and loo+ &ac+ 7ast Eddie love. ?ne way or another, the woman always leaves first The Reality 7actor The first reason Caprice doesnFt feel &ad after she dumps Tom is &ecause she couldnFt care less a&out his hurt feelings# 2hy. 3ecause she stays with him when she has low Interest "evel, allowing her resentment to &uild, her love to go down even lower, and +illing any possi&ility of it ever returning# Caprice stays &ecause of her &onding nature 4nester6 and the time needed to find a new stooge0 Alone. Never0 3eing the stronger of the species 47eministas have to &e right a&out something06, she has the a&ility to &ear incredi&le discomfort &y staying with Tom in spite of the fact she despises him# ?nce she leaves him, she doesnFt go &ac+ &ecause she now has plenty of resentment, no dou&ts a&out her feelings 4-ero I"6, and a new wimp in the wings0 The first reason Tom feels so &ad after he dumps Caprice is &ecause he still cares a&out her feelings# 2hy. 3ecause if he has moderate Interest "evel 4A=>6 and he &ails out, not allowing sufficient hate to &uild and his feelings of love to languish fist, he will li+ely return to her# 3eing the wea+er of the species when it comes to love, Tom canFt stand it when Caprice ma+es him feel uncomforta&le# Tom leaves too soon &ecause he is impulsive, and under the delusion it will &e easy to find a new ladylove# !ood luc+0 The second reason Caprice doesnFt feel &ad after she dumps Tom is &ecause she hasnFt the foggiest idea what re1ection feels li+e D9ou mean it hurts.E The second reason Tom feels &ad after he dumps Caprice is &ecause he +nows e/actly what it feels li+e he is a man# The third reason Caprice doesnFt feel &ad after she dumps Tom is* DThe dirty little creep deserved it0E The third reason Tom feels &ad after he dumps Caprice is &ecause Tom is spiritual, sensitive, sympathetic, and has feelings0 The +ey is, to get mad, and then get tough on yourself# !et used to wal+ing first and not coming &ac+ itFs good for you# Remem&er, there is only one parachute on the Dairplane of loveE that is a&out to go down#
3R?@EN4,ate6 A &ro+en date is a mortal sin 7ather "ove# ?nly women &rea+ dates 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# ,ating is a &attlefield !eneral "ove#


The Thirty 7actor says4generally spea+ing get the feel of what I say6 that if you as+ thirty women for their home phone num&ers, you will get ten 4or on in three6# Three out of the ten will use the answering machine against you &y never pic+ing up the phone nor ever returning your calls# Two out of the remaining seven will &rea+ their dates without a counteroffer# Plus assorted call &ac+ to verify dates# Two out of the remaining five women will &e Professional ,aters, who will go out with you, &ut you, will never raise their feelings4&ecause their I" is N< NG>6# 7inally, the last three will have I" a&ove A<>, &ut you +now nothing of their attitude yet# Please do not get depressed# The point is, men should reali-e that the word DNoE is not in the womanFs voca&ulary# 5ince the man does not hear the word DNoE his ego says she said yes# 5he says to herself, D2hy doesnFt he 1ust get the hint.E It would never enter her mind that may&e she is misleading the poor slo&# 2hy would she care. she has -ero Interest "evel0 %ow can she care when she doesnFt care# ItFs a contradiction in terms0 5o much for unconditional love0 To review, two out of the seven dates were &ro+en# In spite of this, most men call them &ac+ for another date 4&eating6, providing to these women that they are li+e all the other &ro+en dates in her past* wea+ and needy 4and one of these guys &ench presses )G< l&#06# The odds of her e/cuse having anything to do with reality are the same as you* 06 winning the lottery )6 &eing hit &y lighting I6 &eing 1umped &y a cougar N6 &eing eaten &y a shar+, A6 seeing on TL (esse (ac+son running from the camera, or J6 &eing shot &y a terrorist0 9our ego, which is now wor+ing overtime to rationali-e her &ehavior, compels you to pic+ up the phone, and &eg for another uc+er punch0 2hen you hear one of these date &rea+ers on the phone or on your answering machine, you will notice that her tone is flat# 5he will also tell you Dhow &ad she feelsE 4&ut not ;uite &ad enough to +eep the date or counteroffer with a specific date06# 5he will end the conversation with, D@eep in touch,E which means in 2omanese, DPlease throw my num&er away#E 9ou will never hear on your answering machine* DPlease call me so I can ma+e it up to you &y coo+ing you a great meal at my apartment#E2hy. 3ecause a woman with lows I" cannot +eep a date e/cept Professional ,aters4N<> NG> I"6# ItFs a/iomatic# 2hen a woman &rea+s a date, she is telling you she has -ero Interest "evel and disrespects men in general# 7or one reason or another she could not say DnoE to your face# In a sense it is good &ut it misleads the man# do not ta+e it personally, at least now you +now where you stand# 3efore TheE5ystemE you were in a fog# The +ey is, never &uy into her whoppers &ut I must &e wrong &ecause ?prah and 5ally say women never lie# The 3ottom "ine 7actor says that women with high Interest "evel cannot &rea+ dates 43ottom "ine 7actor6# 2hen you get =< num&ers, only three dates actually li+e you# 7lush &ro+en date home num&ers A5AP 4&oth copies6 &efore you are tempted to memori-e them# Remem&er, dating li+e sales, is a num&ers game and if you follow The D5ystemE you are getting closer to the real :iss Right and &ecoming more aware as you go along# Remem&er, guys, you must have fun doing this, or it is no fun for her either# 3'5INE554Card6 The sooner she as+s you personal ;uestions, the &etter M The Reality 7actor They donFt call you on the phone, !rasshopper, &ut when they do ### @a ching M Chinese prover&# ,o whatFs right from the &eginning and do not cherry pic+ The D5ystemE M ,oc "ove# I sell common sense to you men, partly, so you can spend ledd time and money on women who have low Interest "evel and &ad attitudes# %ow. 3y teaching you that you actually have the right to leave :iss 2rong first, and &e the DdumperE for once# 3ut more importantly I want to protect your hearts from unnecessary humiliation# "isten to this war story# Tom met Caprice at a party and he li+ed her, &ut he felt she didnFt li+e him romantically# %ow come. 2hen he as+ed for her home phone num&er 4Tom +nows to always as+ for the home phone num&er6 she gave it to him without any enthusiasm# It was as if, she were Dgoing through the motions#E Tom found out later that his radarwas correct in giving him a negative feeling M flag# Tom thought he should have thrown her num&er away, &ut he told himself that may&e it was 1ust his Dinsecurities tal+ing#E 5o, he too+ her out twice and he felt she was with him physically, &ut her heart was someplace else# Tom then reali-ed that Caprice, from the &eginning, only had N<> NG> I" M which cannot &e raised# The Reality 7actor says 1ust &ecause she is with you, doesnFt mean she is still in love with you# I am not saying that women are users# I am saying that they have their own ways and if you are aware of them, you will hurt less M fair enough0 "et me stress, if a womanFs I" is NG> or lower, it can never get higher 4you cannot ma+e good wine out of &ad grapes6# Initially, Interest "evel needs to &e at least A=> or higher to grow# 4If you could stac+ a foot&all field on its side, you would want to &e playing on the other side of the field#6 There is


no A< yard line# 9ou are either in or out# 3ut you have to +now where you stand# @eep practicing and as+ing for those home phone num&ers# There are women who go out &ecause they are free that night, or there is nothing on TL that night, or their &oyfriend is &usy, or may&e nothing alse is going on in their lives# Their motto* D2hom can we use tonight without getting involved. 5ome women go out 1ust to go out# 2hy not. 9ou are paying for it# ,ating implies there is some positive Interest level4A=>, hopefully a lot more6on &oth partiesF part# This is true for all men, &ut only some women4Remem&er*only I out of =< women who give you their phone num&ers actually li+e you6# :a+e sure you are sitting down, ta+e a deep &reath and plug these ne/t two factors of love into your cere&ellum* 7actor one* :enFs egos never allow them to thin+ that a woman would go out if she felt indifferent toward him M i#e# had NG> I" or lower# The sin here, guys is that you would never consider this scenario, even as a possi&ility# DIf she dates me, she ahs to love 4at least A=> I"6 me, Dis your motto M your motto should read* DTwo out of five first dates are a waste o time and moneyE M &ut if you got this far in the &oo+, you are seeing the light# 7actor two* If you go out with a woman, and do everything right 4follow TheE5ystemE on porpose or &y accident, and her Interest "evel doesnFt go higher, then she never li+ed you from the &eginning 4N<> NG> I"6# Notice how M in the other love doctors &oo+s M the DEe/pertsEE never tell their female readers that it is immoral to date when you are not interested# 3ut ,oc that is not fair# If you want fair, go to the 5tate 7air# As+ a lady friend if she has ever gone out with someone she had no feelings for# At first, she will say she never has, &ut if you +eep digging, you will get M finally M a straight answer# DCaprice, are you telling me that every guy you went out with had the potential for a long term relationship with you, if he did everything right.E DCaprice, are you telling me that every guy you went out with, one, you were physically atracted to8two, you were availa&le8 and three, you had at least A=> Interest "evel in him.E 9ou will have fun watching Caprice wiggle and stammer as she uses 2omanese to try to distract you in your ;uest for almighty truth# Plus you are the only guy who +eeps her on the defensive tal+ing a&out love# 9ou can have a lot of fun with this info# (oin Toastmasters and give a speech on Challenge and I &et the women in the audience will ta+e a second loo+ at you# Ne/t, she will never admit she was giving the guy false hope &y saying no# Than+ you# I am married to :i+e Tyson# 5he will rationali-e and say, D%e as+ed me, I didnFt as+ him#E ?r, DI didnFt want to hurt his feelings#E If she really had feelings she would set up with her &eauty Challenged girl friend that has never had a date# As you are misled there goes loving and caring relationships, &uilding intimacy, e/pressing your true feelings, not ta+ing advantage of anyone, &eing honest and sensitive to his vulnera&ility, and not playing games0 And a&ove all* fairness and openness0 2hen I was in sales, I +new of people who called our company to send out a salesperson to their homes, only to spend three or four hours wasting his time# %ere is a guy on commission with a wife and three +ids to feed, and the (onesF family, who have no interest in his service or product, need some free entertainment that night# Ta+e a guess what the salespeople called the (ones family# The D5ystemE will ma+e you more efficient, &ecause you will read situations ;uic+er as you try to recruit a good candidate# Every girl is practice for the ne/t one# 2hen you can do what I say naturally you will &e ready for :iss right# 'ntil then, this one is really practice for the ne/t one# %ereFs an e/ample# Tom has &een dating Caprice for two months, and she always choose the event, restaurant, or movie# They never argue M she 1ust gets her way li+e that left wing e/tremist stalin used to do in :other Russia# Tom has a choice# %e can drop caprice &ecause she is not fle/i&le, which is one third of her attitude 4and one third of happiness6, or he can &e run &y his emotions, marry her, have three +ids every time he pic+s them up until they are grown# Even &etter, she can remarry, and TomFs +ids will have a new dad who tells them what to do# And they say women are the wea+er se/ M what a 1o+e0 Tom must realice A5AP that living with Anita the %un is not good for his comfort level# 3ut li+e most men he will only ma+e the right choice when he is tired of &eing tortured# :isery and pain will wear Tom down until, finally, he stands up to her &y leaving# If he had gotten rid of her sooner, he could have &een with a good4fle/i&le6 girl# TomFs C years with his hardheaded women can never &e replaced# Now he only wal+s around with sad eyes#


The D5ystemE gives you the choice to stay, or to get out early# 3ut you have to &e &rutally honest with your ego driven self this is the time for humility# 9ou must &e disciplined for things to change in your love life# Tom, li+e a lot of guys, who finally leave, should have made that 1udgement call during dating time rather than in divorce court# 2hen you allow yourself to &e coached &y The D5ystemE there are no e/cuses or confusion, 1ust success stories# There are doFs and donFts that I have spent years researching so you guys donFt have to repeat my Dlegwor+E into the dynamics of the feminine soul# Assuming I started with the right ;uestions, my conlusions are correct# I did, and they are# 3ac+ to the war story# 9ou hand her your &usiness card, and you as+ me,E2hatFs the &ig deal.E IFll tell you what the &ig deal is0 9ou watch the 5uper 3owl, and a half&ac+, who is running with the &all and a SG#A million a year paychec+, drops it, or is stripped of the &all# This guy started playing catch with his dad in his &ac+yard when he was four years old# DAlways hold the &all tightly with &oth arms, and never let go#E 3asics, &asics, &asics0 9ou meet Caprice, give her your pitch, and then as+ for the home phone num&er# 5he will give you the num&er, or a whopper0 :y favorite is, DI donFt have a phone M give me your num&erE4you 1ust met the only American without a phone06 If you do what she says and give her your card, you 1ust gave up self control 4one third of control M see Triangle6# 9ou must thin+ of other options &y thin+ing on your feet# 9ou will not give her your card li+e every schmuc+ has done M that she will never call0 If she had called you she would have given you her home phone num&er to &egin with# 3elieve it or not women actually help you when they li+e you# ,uh0 2hen she as+s for your &usiness card, this is 2omanese for she doesnFt care for you# 9ou should say, DCaprice, do guys still &uy that line.E And if you want to play hard&all, as+ her two other ;uestions# D%ow many &usiness cards have you collected.E And, D,id you call any of them.E 2hen you do this you will &ecome the first guy in America to &ust her0 5mile and say, D 9ou got a sister.E I have already gone to the trou&le of handing out A<< &usiness cards for you# !uess what. Two called and NGC &usiness cards went in the trash &uc+et as the women muttered to themselves*EAnother loser0E 2hen a woman as+s you for your &usiness card, as+ for her home phone num&er again as if you did not hear her# If she doesnFt give it to you on the second re;uest, smile and say li+e ,eNiro would, DIt has &een a pleasure tal+ing to you,Eand ta+e a wal+4DNe/t0E6# 5he must give you the home phone num&er M &usiness num&ers AN, cell phones num&ers AN, e mail addresses donFt count# 2hy. 3ecause we want high I" to &egin with and the a&ove do not have that# Am I going to fast for you, Tommy. A variation of this female communication scam is she will give you her &usiness card#This is anotheer form of no, 1ust softened# 4Put on your thin+ing caps, D2ho has higher Interest "evel* a girl who give you her &usiness num&er, or a girl who gives you her home phone num&er.E6Turn her card over, get out your pen, and as+ again, D2hatFs your home phone num&er.E 4This is the only other time you as+ twice#6 Ten to one, itFs whopper time0 I wish women wore their I" on their fore heads so you could loo+ up and see NG> and wal+ away# 5o I figured it out for you# If she doesnFt struggle 4&ody language6, or hesitate4ver&ally6 in giving you the home phone num&er, call her in five to nine days# If she does hesitate, find the nearest trash receptacle as soon as you are out of her sight# Even &etter hand her the card &ac+, and grin at her li+e Al Pacino# The +ey is, to as+ for the home phone num&er and +eep your mouth closed M donFt help her when she stammers# A girl with high Interest "evel will actually give you her home phone num&er0 Astonishing0 Remem&er, if she doesnFt give you the num&er, at least she respects you for not &itting into her whopper0 CAT @issing up, never wor+, !rasshopper Chinese prover&# Pussycat will ru& up against your leg when she is so disposed, so chill out, rela/, &ecause itFs in the &ag 7ast Eddie love# pussycat isnFt moody8 she is 1ust on a different schedule than 7idoFs 'ncle (ethro "ove# 9 have never met a woman who doesnFt li+e cats# 3ut most men arenFt li+e women especially when it comes to felines# %alf of the guys could care less, and the other half 1ust doesnFt li+e them# And a very small percentage of men &elieve cats have too many as I said as a +id DcootiesE 4To you psych ma1ors*germs6# 3ut me, personally, I love Pussycat# 7ido will love any&ody unconditionally, &ut Pussycat has her own ways# 5he has to &e wor+ed cultivated as it were# 3ut if you can somehow plant


the idea in that catFs mind that an idea of yours was really the catFs idea, you can get your way more often than than she can 4love is a power struggle6# I pretend to that cat that I could ta+e her or leave her# Then she 1umps in my lap# I pet once or twice and stop# 2ait a minute then another stro+e# Purrsville# The Reality 7actor says that you pic+ the cat, &ut the cat chooses you# let me go through this love tactic slowly from a different angle* 2hy. 3ecause Pussycat at CapriceFs apartment is a potential &loc+er# 7irst, pay no attention to her 4Challenge6# Then, give her a few meows, and wait4patience6# If itFs meant to &e, that Pussycat will &e right over0 3ut +itty, li+e Caprice, has to thin+ she is it control at all times# 9ou do not push you 1ust gently lead# %opefully Caprice says,E:y Pussycat li+es you and she doesnFt li+e anyone#E That means in 2omanese* E9ou 1ust 1umped the first hurdle, you sweet tal+er0E And you hate cats0 The +ey is, +now that miss Right and pussycat respond to Challenge# Remem&er, women with high Interest "evel and good attitudes purr, and women with low Interest "evel and &ad attitudes scratch and sometimes even growl at you li+e 7ido never does0 C%A""EN!E I should get honorary degrees for Challenge ,oc "ove# In every union there is a mystery, a certain invisi&le &ond that must not &e distur&ed Amiel# Challenge &etter than catnip or rhino horn, !rasshopper Chinese prover&# It too+ twenty years to invent The D5ystem#E The &asic principles remain the same, &ut their applications continue to grow# Principles get reinforced with time e/pand# It is li+e putting more ornaments on the same &ranches of the Christmas tree, or in this case, adding to and reinforcing tenets of the Truth Triangle# The last principle to complete The D5ystemE was the male strentgh ;uality, Challenge# The reason Challenge too+ so long and was so hard for me to discover was &ecause no woman actually used the word, and only a few even slightly alluded to it# 4ItFs no wonder 7reud coudnFt discover what a woman wants0 Challenge, guys, is what the woman wants# Plus it is the only drug that will +eep her# 5he will not +now which end is up0 3ut it ta+e guts and hard wor+ to master#6 %ere is the most ironic part* ?nce I started using the word Challenge in my interviewing and ;uestioning, women +new e/actly what I was tal+ing a&out, &ut unless I did say the word Challenge, she would never &ring it up# I would as+ a woman, D2hat do you li+e in man.E 2omen would never answer, DI love a Challenge# I li+e a guy more, if I have to chase him or wor+ to get him#E The DEe/pertsEE and 7eministas could not have that now could they. I only stum&led across Challenge &y accident &y pro&ing with improved interviewing techni;ues 4love cop06# The first incident was when Caprice +ept saying that Tom was e/citing &y his Dinaction#E D%e was mysterious and I always wondered where I stood# %e didnFt chase me li+e I was used to#E Intellectually, she said she didnFt li+e it, &ut when I as+ed, D5o, why didnFt you dump him.E 5he replied, DI +indaF li+ed it# %e was different45o much for language and logic06#E D%e +ept me on my toes, so I married him#E IFm muttering under my &reath, D2hat is she tal+ing a&out.E After what she said san+ in, two other &ig ;uestions hit me, D2hat if the man, who is the aggressor and faces the possi&ility of re1ection, could somehow reverse the process. 2hat if women really didnFt +now that they responded to Challenge in a relationship unless it was pointed out to them or &etter yet, done to them.E The second incident that happened to uncover the concept of Challenge had to do with handling of the phone properly in relationships# In sales, the phone is used to set up a meeting not to give out information# 3ut in dating, the phone &ecomes her favorite weapon 4control device6 of choice# :en should reali-e that the phone is to only set a date, not to give interviews# Now she wonFt get rid of you &ecause of the e/tended phone conversation# 2hy. 3ecause you are not going to give her the chance# !et on the phone8 as+ for the date, say, D5ee you then,E and get off the phone# I as+ed Caprice, D%ow long after a guy ta+es your home phone num&er do you want him to call.E DEvery guy calls 4predicta&ly6 within two days,E she answered# DAnother ;uestion,E I persisted, DIf I got your home phone num&er, how long after would you want me to call.E DAs soon as possi&le# Then I would decide, whether or not I wanted to go out#E DCaprice, what if I got your home phone num&er, and I didnFt call you for five to nine days.E DIf I li+ed you, I would &e a little mad, and thin+ you were playing games#E D2hat games, Caprice.E I as+ed# A &lan+ stare coveredher face# Then she added, DI wouldnFt li+e it, &ut if I had interest, I would accept the date#E %ere is the &est part, guys* DCaprice, would you &e thin+ing a&out me during those five to nine days.E D9es, if I li+ed you#E she said# DCaprice, what would &e happening to your Interest "evel.E DI never


thought a&out it that way, &ecause no one has ever done it# 3ut if a guy waited, and I was thin+ing a&out him, it would have a positive effect on my feelings#E There you go, right from Pussycat$s mouth0 Challenge is li+e money on the &an+ that wor+s for you while you are asleep it grows# If she cannot see you, you cannot lower her feelings# Challenge is the test 4our turn06 that shows a man whether she really cares 4has Interest "evel6 in him# It has such an impact on her, due to her rising emotions, that she won$t &e a&le to understand 4great06 what is going on this dance of love# Now, for the first time in her life, she &ecomes the aggressor 4The ta&les are turned06, and she has to do the chasing, and fear the possi&ility of re1ection# I guess you +now what all this does to her Interest "evel. If she is going after you, she can$t &e getting rid of you any more than she can sit down and stand up at the same tiem# 9ou go in slowly, stop, and &ac+ up slowly and she goes &ananas0 :ost men don$t get that if you play hard to get, wich is teasing on purpose in the woman$s eyes 4not yours6, the woman cannot lose Interst "evel, &ecause she will see you as fun and different to &e with 4remem&er, they are not li+e us06# (ust the thought of it scares most 4timid6 men# If she has A=> Interest "evel or higher, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain# ?nly structured women who do not li+e to play or women with low Interest "evel won$t respond, so The 5ystem protect you &y weeding out the dictators, users and losers# 5o man feel that the women will get the impression that may&e you don$t li+e her 4good06# 3ut the Reality 7actor says when she$s not sure of herself li+e she has always &een in the past, she will go crea-y and will li+e you more# Thin+ of it, here is someone who understands man and she is confused isn$t this great0 If you discuss Challenge with your friends, they will not have a clue as what you$re tal+ing a&out so do not waste your time# This concept is what separate me from the other "love doctors"# ,on$t loo+ for any validation on this fact of life, e/cept from your honest sister# Challenge is the &iggest part of relationships that is missing today# It is the lost +ey of the mating dance# In America, you will never woman say, "I dumpet him &ecause he was a Challenge and thus never &oring#" The +ey is, Challenge is one third of what turns a woman on and +eeps her on# Challenge only wor+s on Interest "evel that is A=> or 4prefera&ly way6 higher# Remem&er, she can$t dump you while is chasing you have you got the guts to &e all that you can &e hanging &ac+.

,o what I tell you and it will &ecome you ,oc "ove# ,rill, drill, and drill !eneral "ove# :en ac;uire a particular ;uality &y constantly acting in a certain way Aristotle# :en will change a little &it, if there is a payoff# Psych ma1ors call this change &ehavioral modification# 3ut when 9 show men that a change in ha&its will &enefit them, some people accuse me of ma+ing actors out of men, or worse, manipulators# Nothing could &e further from the truth# 'ntil men &ecome aware of how raltionships wor+, the male gender cleansing will continue# 9ou will feel uncomforta&le at times, following The D5ystem#E This is &ecause these concepts are new to you, and you are changing old 4&ad6 ha&its# 9ou will &e inspired when you start getting positive responses from women, &ut this ta+es a while# The D5ystemE will &ecome part of you &ecause confidence, control, and Challenge are male strength ;ualities that are natural to you you 1ust donFt +now it yet# The +ey is, not give up when the goinF gets rough 1ust get tougher# If it is worthwhile, it cannot &e easy# 4The truth will ma+e you powerful#6 Remem&er, winners donFt ;uit#
C%':P ItFs &etter if she thin+s she li+es you more than you li+e her ,oc "ove# ?nly you can give away your power !eneral "ove# 9ou donFt get what you want nor what you deserve, only what you negotiate Ra&&i "ove#


The great thing a&out &eing a wimp is, at least you get a girlfriend# 5he may use you as her social punching &ag, and lead you around as if she were a seeing eye dog wal+ing his &lind master, &ut at least she gives you a Dto+enE hug once in a while in &etween headache and nagging# 3ut the poor chump is even on a lower scale when it comes to &eing disrespected &y women# %e is the +ing of minions# %eFs the ever ready stooge for any female who has a chore to &e done# Paint your house or move your furniture, he is waiting to &e used# 4Tal+ a&out -ero self esteem what did this guyFs mama do to him as a +id.6 I really feel sorry for this guy &ecause he will never have a lady to love him8 1ust a list of things to do for some user with a temporary smile4if heFs luc+y6# The +ey is, never ever imitate this guy &ecause you have high Interest "evel in a woman# Remem&er, some guys are unfi/a&le# C"A55 5taring is rude and it shows her that you are a creep# 5mile and wal+ up to her 7ast Eddie "ove# If you eat li+e a wolverine, read :iss :anners 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# The D5ystemE is, in part, a gentlemanFs eti;uette guide The Reality 7actor# Class is the a&ility to do the right thing at the right time# ItFs smooth so no show&oating# A classy guy or woman can wear 1eans and still have class# "oo+ around and listen to men and women at get togethers, and how they respond to various situations they are always calm# They engage in positive small tal+, and e/emplify self control# They loo+ you in the eye when they tal+ to you and seem sincerely interested in what you say# The +ey is, study Cary !rant movies and learn the principles involved in him while he is maintaining his composure when a woman tries to put him down, &ust his chops, change him, or the worst ta+e him to %ell in a hand &as+et &y nagging him to death# :iss Right +nows you are confidentwhen you are classy, so watch your ta&le manners# :ost guys lose points at the ta&le, so do no eat ri&s until she is gone over you DThat &oy is a P I !#E Remem&er, sheFs is always right a&out how she feels a&out you0 C"?5E 2oman$s first impression is very important, !rasshopper Chinese prover& The ""e/perts"" 4other love doctors6never tal+ a&out the effect that Challenge has on the woman$s Interest "evel The Reality 7actor# 5uccess with women &egins with the understanding that dating is all posture and negotiation 7ast Eddie "ove# 2hile interviewing thousands of women and studying their romantic choices over the past thirty years, I also wor+ed as a salesman for many companies in order to sustain myself# I too+ training sessions from the &est sales managers, I heard motivating speeches from the most inspirational spea+ers and they all had one thing in common# At the end of each one$s tal+, I would always hear, "9ou can have the greatest sales presentation in the world, &ut $9ou !otta Close0$" "et me give you a "war story"# Imagine that Tom the peddler goes into :r# And :rs#"ove$s home at J P#:# to sell them aluminum siding for SGCCI#B)# In their minds they are "1ust loo+ing" and there is no chance of them to parting that night with the most precious of all their &elongings +ids included their money# 7our hours later, wearing a (ulia Ro&ert$s smile, tom gets into his car with a deposit chec+ and signed contract how sweet it is0 Tom gave only a fair presentation, &ut he didn$t flinch when as+ing for the order# %e was confident as he handed :r# "ove the pen and said, almost too calmly,"Please ?@ this, :r# "ove#" They stared at the contract for two minutes and =A seconds you could have cut the air with a +nife# Tom didn$t &udge, even though it felt li+e his heart would e/plode through his chest# %e and :r# "ove &oth felt the pressure of the standoff li+e the final scenes in a spaghetti western# 3ut finally :r# "ove caved in and signed the contract# As+ any sales manager what their &est salespeople have in common, and they will tell you it is their a&ility to as+ for the order to close the deal# 5ome guys come to my coaching seminars over and over again &ecause they always learn more# At one seminar during a &rea+, one untypical student told me a&out a girl he had met at a party# I as+ed him if he got her home phone num&er, to which he answered he didn$t as+# In my seminars I say no less than )< times, "As+ for the home phone num&er#" ?ne day he will get past his fragile ego and as+ for the order some guys 1ust ta+e longer# 5uppose that Tom meets Caprice for the first time at a &ig wedding reception# %e tal+s to her and he thin+s she has positive Interest "evel# 2hy. 3ecause she gives Tom &uying signals# %e as+s Caprice her name, and he waits for her to as+ him his name which she does A<> don$t# %er eyes seemed to &eam and get &igger the more they tal+# Caprice taps Tom$s arm twice during their =< minute


conversation, and she even as+s him semi personal ;uestions# 2hy, &ecause she has high Interest "evel JA> to C< >. Tom +nows how to leave Caprice wanting more 4Challenge6 &y cutting the conversation first42omen always leave first in everything#6# %e accomplishes this &y as+ing, "Caprice, what is your home phone num&er." and after getting it leaves unli+e all of the others who she is not seeing anymore# Caprice$s response, made up of her enthusiasm , &ody language and the tone of her voice, will tell Tom whether or not she has 4initial6 high Interest "evel in him, or if she should 1ust get an Academy Award for flirting when she is not interested# Tom will either hear J digits from Caprice$s &ee stung lips, or one of thousands of e/cuses of why she can$t give out her num&er &ut never the "N" word, no# This is the first time that tom will grade her Interest "evel# Tom will pic+ up ) points for waiting A to G days to call her# 2hy. 3ecause Tom +nows Challenge ups the woman$s Interest "evel# It does not matter if Tom gets Caprice$s num&er or not8 yhe point is that Tom as+ed for the home phone num&er# As they say in &ase&all, you have to swing to hit# ,uring the wee+, Tom is a "%ome 3eautifying 5pecialist,"as+ing homeowners to ?@ agreements# Tom +nows that closing is everything in sales# %e also +nows this applies to getting :iss Right$s home phone num&er as well# "et$s ta+e the worst case scenario# Caprice$s gives Tom no touching nor as+s him ;uestions, and has only A=> Interest "evel in him, &efore he as+s for her home phone num&er# %e is li+e a guy hanging on &y his fingertips on the side of the mountain &ut he isn$t dead yet# Tom isn$t ;uite physically what Caprice loo+s for in a man, &ut his conversation is uplifting, he is super clean loo+ing, and he is positive while he does the most important thing* ma+es Caprice laugh which ma+es her feel comforta&le# 2hen Tom as+s Caprice for her home phone num&er, her Interest "evel goes up N points to AA>#2hy. 3ecause Tom shows Caprice he is willing to put his ego on the line with a direct ;uestion confidence raises the woman$s Interest "evel# "ater, she thin+s a&out the other guys who, wea+ly or mee+ly, as+ed her, "2ould you li+e yo go out."42hy is this stranger as+ing me a&out my feelings.6 "Are you &usy this wee+end."4"onely !uy#6 ",o you thin+ that may&e we could get together, if you are not &usy."4%e wants to ma+e me his :ama#6#They all got Caprice$s home phone num&er and they all ended up tal+ing to Caprice$s answering machine a lot &ut never to Caprice again# Apparently they had Caprice mi/ed up with someone who had feelings for them# 5he did until they started tal+ing# After Tom gets Caprice$s num&er, he says, "Nice meeting you, Caprice," and he re1oins the reception# %e doesn$t say,"I will call you,"li+e all the others had done predicta&ly 4&oring and anti mysterious6# %e pic+s up ) points for wal+ing away first and ) points for not giving away his game plan if or when he will call# Now Caprice will wonde, and raise her AG> Interest "evel to loftier heights# 2hy. 3ecause Tom is a Challenge, and Challenge raises the woman$s Interest "evel , especially if she is &eautiful li+e Caprice# The +ey is, if you are a guy who can say no more than "%i" to :iss Right &ecause your mind is &lan+ and your Interest "evel is going through the roof, 1ust as+ her for the home phone num&er, and shut up# Remem&er, it$s a piece of ca+e plus cannot shoot you# C"?T%E5 9ou have to pass the Physical Attraction Test The Reality 7actor# It is ama-ing what a shaver, some soap, water, and iron can do for oneFs image 3rother "ove# 9ou can always ta+e something off if you overdress, &ut you canFt add something if you go underdressed 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# I wor+ed for a delivery company with forty drivers# 2e made small deliveries such as chec+s, movie scripts, envelopes nothing &ig or heavy# Everyone was allowed to dress the way they wanted# %alf of the guys wore the same pair of 1eans all wee+, along with five wrin+led tee shirts# The other half wore pressed casual pants and nice sports shirts# If you were a woman who li+ed clean cut guys, which half would you find more attractive. Vne summer, I did road cleaning for the city# It was hot and dirty wor+# 3ut when I got home,I too+ a shower, shaved, and put on clean fresh clothes# 5ince you are going to meet her when you do not e/pect it, wouldnFt it &e nice to loo+ good. The +ey is, unless you wor+ for a hard roc+ &and, leave the grunge loo+ to music videos0 2hat did your :om tell you a&out a girlFs first impression. "oo+ clean, and ma+e her smile# Remem&er, you donFt get a second shot at a first impression# C"'E 2omen get turned off to you or they ta+e advantage of you when you are too good to them8 they cannot help it 7ast Eddie "ove# 2hen the man has low Interest "evel, he does everything right The Reality 7actor#


The De/pertsE deal with dating in terms of how they want it to &e or how it ought to &e, &ut not in terms of what a man actually goes through ,oc "ove# I have seen &oo+s &y the other love doctors that e/plain to women how to deal with the man they have selected# I have seen &oo+s that descri&e all the &ad men that women choose# I have seen &oo+s that descri&e differences &etween males and females# The DEe/pertsEE donFt have a clue0 2hy. 3ecause they have no idea what effect Challenge has on the womanFs Interest "evel which they do not tal+ a&out either# The +ey is, The D5ystem#E There are reasons why so few people are happily married, and the other half are splitting# 'ntil men discover and understand these reasons, the plundering of their hearts will continue# Remem&er, itFs up to you, &ig guy0 C?:7?RT4"evel6 ItFs good to love each other 4Interest "evel6, &ut itFs e;ually important to li+e each other4attitude6 Ra&&ie "ove# If she is laughing, she is comforta&le The Reality 7actor# "istening to her doesnFt mean 1udging or giving advice8 it 1ust means listening, sympathi-ing, and empathi-ing Reverend "ove# A woman can tal+ a&out the smallest, inconse;uential event, which you couldnFt care less a&out, &ut if you are a good listener, sheFll li+e you more# 2hy. 3ecause she thin+s you actually care a&out what she is saying0 2ild, huh. 2hen you first meet, there are three hurdles you have to 1ump for her to go for you# ?ne, she must &e availa&le4no &oyfriend or hus&and lur+ing in the &ac+ground6# Two, you must pass the Physical Attraction Test 4in her eyes pleasant loo+ing or &etter6# If you are in a &and the worse you loo+ the &etter0 Three, after you start tal+ing to her, she should have at least A=> Interest "evel prefera&ly a lot higher, so there is less selling for you to do during your B< day campaign# If you do everything right she will &e in love with you in G dates# There are two re;uirements for her to up her Interest "evel8 one, she must respect you 4she hears you say the word ENoE once in a while68 and two, her comfort level must rise4she wonFt loo+ at her watch every five minutes6# If you tell her you are a &an+ ro&&er, or you pic+ fights when some guy loo+s at her, she will lose respect for you, and she will lower her comfort level# If her discomfort continues, her love for you4Interest "evel6 will drop# 5o, guy, to +eep her comfort level high, you will always +eep the conversation positive, light, uplifting, and off heavy su&1ects# If you are a comedian, thatFs even &etter &ecause you will ma+e her laugh# All women, e/cept 7eministas, love to laugh0 The De/pertsEcommit the sin of omission &y leaving out this important fact# Instead, they want you to &elieve that only negatives &uild true intimacy# 9ou DniceE guys stop trying to imitate a &utler you are always trying to do too much for women way too soon# The +ey is, stay away from negatives D%ow a&out those two airplanes hitting each other last night and wiping out B<< people.E 5tay way from put downs D"oo+ how fat that woman is 4A" 3undyFs favorite060E 5tay away from your hang ups 4D9 love to &e mothered0E6 5tay away from controversial and personal su&1ects race, religion, politics, and especially se/# If :iss Right is left wing e/tremist, tell her :ar/ and "enin are your idols0 ?nly after her Interest "evel hits =<<> do you tell her you love Thomas (efferson, &ecause &y then it will &e too late0 Thin+ a&out it, Challenge is so strong that it will turn a commie into a Capitalist# Remem&er, even e/ commies have comfort levels0 C?::IT:ENT A married giver with high Interest level en1oys doing things for her hus&and and he tells her he appreciates it# 7ather "ove# 7eministas will not do what !randma did to ta+e marriage wor+# 'nlce (ethro "ove# A woman who changes the rules after she marries is commiting fraud and has no integrity ,oc "ove# 2omen complain that men are afraid of commitment# They are simply &affled a&out, why there is such a higher percentage of single men than ever in the history of America# The reason women donFt +now this is that men donFt gripe, cry, write letters, see therapists, andKor file harassment suits# They 1ust withdraw ;uietly# 2hat women donFt see that men are* the fathers who canFt see their +ids even though they pay child support, the male &ashing in the media, the rich divorce lawyers, the divorce rate of A<> that the De/pertsE have not lowered in the last thirty years, the mercenaries who plunder in the name of love, the head games many women play, the 7eministas on the warpath, and &eing on the receiving end re1ection G<> of the time# D2hatFs wrong with you guys,Ewomen as+, D9ou should learn to chill out, and not ta+e things so personally0E


The +ey is, you only need one good woman# Remem&er, to let The D5ystemE coach your actions and choices , and when :iss Right comes along, ma+e the commitment to do what is right and continue to treat her right# C?:PARE 2omen donFt li+e to tal+ a&out certain things The Reality 7actor# :en who tal+ too much get into trou&le 5al "The 7ish " "ove# Never trash the e/ yours or hers 7ast Eddie "ove# In the game of love, things mean different things depending on your gender# If Tom tal+s a&out another woman to Caprice, she +nows she is &eing compared to her, when in fact, this is the furthest thing from TomFs mind# 2hen they are at the &each and he points out the pretty colors on the throng &i+ini on the nu&ile nymph two &lan+ets over, poor Tom canFt understand why Caprice should get so irritated# 9es, women are different0 The +ey is, never tal+ a&out or loo+ at another women when you are with :iss Right# 2hy, &ecause it is disrespectful and she thin+s you are comparing them to her, which attac+s her confort level# @eep all comparisons of other females to yourself# if you commit the sin of comparison, then the ne/t time you argue, you will definitely hear a&out it# Remem&er, you can only compare women when you are with your &est &uddy, providing he can +eep a secret#

C?::'NICATI?N :aiden not in love, spea+ with for+ed tongue Iro;uois prover&# 2hat we have here, is failure to communicate :artin# Rody donFt lie, &rother, no it donFt 3rother "ove# If Tom leaves a message on CapriceFs answering machine 4which he shouldnFt6, writes a messages, or tal+s face to face with her, the meaning of the words in all three types of communication are =<<> the same# 3ut when Caprice communicates with Tom, itFs completely different# I shall e/plain# 2e have all heard of &ody language# 5tudies say that people tal+ more with their &odies than with their mouths &oy, does this theory dominate relationships when it comes to love and understanding :iss Right# 7or instance, when Caprice tal+s to Tom, her spo+en words communicate only =<> of what she is really saying# N<> of her message comes from how she tal+s to Tom her voice inflection, tone, and enthusiasm# %er &ody language is A<> of her communication vastly different from men in romantic relationships# The +ey is, G<> of her communication is not the spo+en word# A memo from Caprice is only =<> of her communication# A ver&al message is A<># To get the whole picture, you have to see the whole picture face to face# Remem&er# stay off the phone and answering machine, so you will never &e fooled &y dou&lespea+#
C?N7I,ENCE Act it, fa+e it, or grow it8thatFs an order !eneral "ove0 5he feels that confidence +eeps the race a goinF 3rother "ove# 5how me the hero in her romance novel, and I will show you a guy with a ton of confidence ,oc "ove# 9 have always hated report cards# ?f course, you +now why* The only DAE I got in college was choir and that was 1ust for showing up so much for &ragging0 3ut as I studied the female mind to evaluate her love choices, I came to reali-e that the woman +eeps a report card of her feelings toward her man# To you Psych ma1ors, women are genetically programmed to emotionally respond positively to certain male strength ;ualities4manly traits6, so she naturally +eeps score#


The only women who donFt +eep score are*mercenaries, man haters, Professional ,aters, women with super low self esteem, users, ta+ers, left wing e/tremists, overly am&itious women, dominators, space cadets, fla+es, and of course, the 7a&ulous 7eminstas4I am as+ing you, D,id I leave anyone out.E 9ou are as+ing me,E,id you leave any&ody in.E6# Confidence, control, and Challenge are the three items listed on your 4her6 romantic Interest "evel report card# Confidence is made of self esteem and self confidence# 5elf esteem is you saying the DNE word 4no6 once in a while, or letting her +now non ver&ally where the line in the sand is drawn that she will not cross# To you Psych ma1ors, she +nows you will wal+ if pushed hard enough# 4ThatFs why she &eats upthe wimp or hen pec+ed hus&and she +nows he will ta+e it and not leave#6 5elf confidence comes from practicing The D5ystem#E In the long run, the truth will ma+e you feel good, &ut only if you would only give it a chance# In the past, you have &een +eeping your head in the sand, &ut if you practice on this woman, you will get tougher for the ne/t woman# 9our Interest "evel toward :iss Right has no &vearing on your report card in spite of the De/pertsE tell you otherwise# They tell you to tell the girl how you feel a&out her after the first date, thus implying this raises her I"# 3ut what if she li+ed you and you +ept your mouth shut for once and gave her the opportunity to call you, and tell you how she feels a&out you after the first date0 If you want to last with a woman, you guys have got to learn to slow it down# 9ou have got to&e careful, &ecause this girl might end up as the mother to your +ids# 5cary, isnFt it. 2hen Tom and Caprice are together, especially the first si/ty days of the relationship, she is consciously grading what he does, says, and how he acts# 5he gives each category in your report card a possi&le II =KI points# If he performs confidently, he gets a perfect score of II =KI# Caprice mentally writes an DAE on TomFs report card after confidence# ?n the Truth Triangle, thatFs one down 4confidence6, and two to go 4control and Challenge6042hat happened to unconditional love.,uh06 Now I am going to let you off the hoo+ a little &it# No one consistently gets a perfect score &ecause no one is =<<> confident all the time# Even Caprice +nows this# 3ut you had &etter get at least a D3E average with the three DCFsEon the Truth Triangle to avoid nagging and slavery, if she marries you# The +ey is, that sage advice from the 2right 3rothers*attitude is altitude# 3efore you open your mouth8 as+ yourself* is this a confident statement, or is it the sound of a wea+ guy suc+ing up*EPlease, please, please love me0E Remem&er, +eep her Interest "evel s+y high &y &eing confident at least most of the time# C?N5I5TENT Actions scream The Reality 7actor# 2hen it comes to getting hurt &y a woman, guysF egos will never allow themselves to see the &anana peels right in front of them 7ast Eddie "ove# If you have to as+ her why, you have a pro&lem ,oc "ove# 2hen man used to hunt 5a&ertooth Tigers, he was forced to count on his fellow &unters, otherwise he could end up &eing dinner for PussycatFs ancient relatives# If he found an unrelia&le or undependa&le male mem&er of the clan who was smaller than he was, he got rid of him# If the guy were &igger, then he himself moved to the ne/t valley# 2e all watch N7" foot&all 4cheerleaders06, and +now that an inferior team can &eat another team that has &etter individual players, if the first teamFs players have &etter coaching, thin+ ali+e, are in synch with each other, and +now how their teammates are going to react in any situation# A police officer +nows his or her partner Dli+e a &oo+#E Policemen are drilled on this fact of life in the police academies# The copsF motto is* DIf you canFt depend on your partner, youFre dead# D 5o what are you doing with this female version of the yo yo. ,onFt you see, :iss Airhead is driving you nuts.2hat does Psycho !irl have to do, &efore you grow up and leave her &ehind.,o you need a road map to show you she &elongs in a loony &in. Thin+ with that &eautiful &rain that !od gave you, &ut you are &eing run &y your emotions# The +ey is, your nervous system loves to &e comforta&le, so her &ehavior must &e positively consistent # 2omen who give mi/ed signals or confuse are trou&le &ecause they have low Interest "evel or are wac+o# 2omen with high I" are consistent# Remem&er, you have to get rid of :iss Trou&le or call 3e+inFs Lan and 5torage and move to the ne/t valley0

C?'NTER?77ER 2omen they respond to humor, and donFt +now they respond to Challenge Reality 7actor# The


%ow come the other Dlove doctorsE donFt have engaged people visit divorce court &efore they say DI doE 7ather "ove0 ItFs never the womanFs fault 7eministasF Rule3oo+# The reason we men are sopposed to constantly chec+ her Interest "evel is &ecause we donFt want to &e with someone who does not love us I hope0 If itFs low, good&ye# If we are dropping the &all and lowering it, we have to figure out what we are doing incorrectly# 2here are we slipping. Is it confidence, control, or Challenge 4and their divisions6, or some of each. In the first si/ty days of the relationship 4itFs her trial period6, counter offering is a &ig deal# After that, if things are rolling along fine 4of course they are other wise she wouldnFt still &e there066, you can rela/ a little &it on this one# Tom calls Caprice and as+s her out for 2ednesday night# 5he says she is &usy, &ut &efore he can cut his wrists, he hears, D3ut, I can ma+e it Thursday#E 2hew0 Close one0 Tom accepts and everything is all right# Tom will date Caprice only on wee+days, until she as+s him one of the following *E2hy donFt you as+ me out for wee+end nights,E or,EAre you living with someone.Eor,,EAre you married.E 3ingo0 %ow come. 3ecause only women with high Interest "evel will as+# No as+8 no wee+end 4 Is this guy tough. 6# If you go out with someone A or B times and she never as+s why you donFt ta+e her out on 7riday or 5aturday### Professional ,aters never as+,E2hy donFt you as+ them out on wee+ends.E 3ecause they donFt care her I" is &elow A<># 4:ost men have not idea how much they are &eing used#6 They might as+ for a wee+end night as a counteroffer, &ut never the a&ove ;uestions# ItFs this :A55ILE su&tle difference that shows you who really cares a&out you# This is 1ust an e/ample of the power of TheE5ystem#E If you are a guy who ma+es serious money, you tell me how much time and money this nugget of truth will save you# 2hy does Caprice li+e Tom. Tom was a Challenge, and practiced patience# %e disciplined himself li+e a :arine and he did not follow his emotions li+e he would have in the past# If Caprice had countered with 7riday or 5aturday, Tom would have to have said, EIFm &usy 4organi-ing my soc+ drawer06#E 2hy. 3ecause of posture, which is her perceived image of Tom# %e must, in her mind, separate himself from the pac+ if she is going to +eep him# 5he thought a&out him &ecause he was the only one that hung &ac+ sounds li+e a romance novel# This Caprice is a loo+er and Tom plans to &e around as long as he wants to# 3y his telephone answer, he 1ust told her indirectly, he might have up to three dates this wee+end# In reality, he hasnFt had a date in two months 4famine6# :ay&e Caprice hasnFt had a date in two moths, either is it her duty to tell him. ?r vice versa# 29

If she says,E3ut how a&out 5unday.E Ta+e it &ut no 7ridays or 5aturdays# Name the time of pic+up, get the address with no Dcall&ac+s to verifyE or any other phony reasons# It is ?@ to accept a 5unday as a counter offer, &ut donFt as+ for one# If itFs warm, do something outside where you can ta+e lots of pictures of her try to get her to flirt using the camera as an ice&ra+er# the Ooo is the &est# If she li+es you, the camera will allow her to &e playful which raises Interest "evel# Thin+ a&out this guys, no one does this# 5imple and ine/pensive# If you are &ro+e, forget the film# Now I +now you rich guys out there do not worry a&out spending a lot of money# Plus, you want to show this girl you have class# That is not the point you can spend more later# 2hich girl is &etter for you over the long haul* a prospective mate who wants &ig 1ewelry or another who wants you to &udget your money for the down payment on your new home after you get married# 5ince you will own her heart after G dates4si/ty days6, then you can go &ac+ to your hundred dollar dating ha&its with her only# Ta+e her to free concerts where there are lots of cops# 5ome would say Tom is lying to Caprice when he says he is unavaila&le# 3ut more important fact is, though Tom does not +now her, he +nows no one ever says DNoE to her# %e +nows she will go cra-y if he is a Challenge, so he figures he is only doing what ma+es her happy playing hard to get# 4The 3ottom "ine 7actor says that women love mystery in the &eginning stages, and you are seeding her poems while she is pouring Coors over her &i+er &oyfriendFs chest, then lic+inF it off#6 In fact this wee+end Tom is cleaning out all old clothes and paperwor+# DIf I have not used it in I years throw it out#E 7or NC hours he will get rid of stuff, so in fact he will &e &usy# If he is not with her, he is &usy somewhere, right. ItFs not TomFs fault that Caprice thin+s more of Tom &ecause he is the first guy in her life not to snap at a wee+end counteroffer the way a lion chows down on a -e&ra in 3otswana0 ItFs not TomFs fault Caprice will wonder intermittently over the wee+end a&out Tom, thus raising her Interest "evel &ecause of him &eing a Challenge# 4IsnFt this romantic.6 And this is the &est part* Tom is not even with her0 And if they were together he could &e losing points or gaining points, &ut he can never lose points when they are not together, only gain if her I" is a&ove fifty# ItFs not TomFs fault Caprice respects him and thin+s he has a &ac+&one, &ecause he politely said the ENE word 4no6 to her# ItFs not TomFs fault, Caprice prefers guys who are not Dhungry,E even though he is ddefinetly DhungryE for Caprice# ItFs not TomFs fault she is thin+ing a&out how she will catch him, 1ust as the cheetah plots against the wildest&eest on the 5erengeti0 45he is dying to hunt you down &ut you rush in and ta+e away her fun# you ma+e it too easy she also loo+s desperately for any man she cannot control or get her way with# 5he is dying to chase &ut no guy gives her the opportunity# 5he doesnFt li+e her power &ut on the other hand DI only what I want# I guess there are no guys out there who will stand up to me#E And I am not tal+inE :acho 3oy he &egs li+e the wimp


too &ut 1ust wonFt tell any&ody# 5he is loo+ing for the man who loves her if you saw Caprice you would love her &ut +eeps his mouth shut and waits for her to come on#6 2hen a woman +nows that you li+e her and you practice self control 4&y not rushing in6, she is more attracted to you# 2hen she sees that she li+es you and you stop moving forward and she feels it# Now she loses self sontrol and comes &ac+ at you# Therefore, &eing a Challenge ma+es you a magnet# 9ou have to learn to wait for her to come forward# when you use a &ow and arrow, donFt you pull and push at the same time. The D5ystemE is a &ow# Now do you +now why &egging and see+ing approval from them ma+es them gag. They want to come on strong and you guys never let them &ecause you are in too much of a hurry# Patience and Challenge delay immediate gratification, &ut pays &ac+ generous dividends later# 9ou have to got to learn to wait# Plus you should have at least I home phone num&ers so you can rotate your lovely ladies as you learn, &ecome aware, and practice The D5ystem#E This ne/t one is tric+y, so please pay close attention# Now letFs say Caprice had replied to TomFs offer, DI am &usy 2ednesday night, &ut letFs ma+e it another night#E 5ilence# 9ou notice she did not give Tom a specific day# ItFs a 4see6 flag 4&ad omen6# :ost guys would start naming every day from Thursday right up to Armageddon0 2hat happens to his image 4posture6 while Caprice is thin+ing, D!et a life0E or D2hat a loser0E or the worst*E"onely !uyE. If she had mentioned a specific wee+day 4or 5unday6, Tom would have ta+en it, &ut in this case he says to Caprice, D2ednesday is my only free night, letFs tal+ later# have a nice night, good&ye#E In this way, Tom shows self control, plus he never said he would call her# Tom will call her ne/t wee+, and if he goes through the same song and dance num&er, he will play taps and flush that num&er# As the water in the &owl is circling Tom will say, D:y dearest Caprice, I feel so &ad that you missed out on me Ne/t0E I +now you are crying,E,oc, why do I have to do all this.E 3ecause The D5ystemE weeds out the users and the phonies you wouldnFt want one of those, would you. These maneuvers I am teaching you forces her to show you all her cards A5AP in this po+er game of love# ItFs aw+ward at first, &ut loo+ at the money IFm saving you0 4Rent the movie,ERounders,E and watch how the star DreadsE&ody language#6 The +ey is, not to loo+ at this as wor+ itFs supposed to &e fun safari# ,onFt get mad 1ust &ecause you have finally reali-ed they have &een pulling the wool over your eyes all these years0 Thin+ of the poor guys who donFt have this &oo+ or worse, the ones who have it and donFt change0 Remem&er, to &e careful out there, itFs a 1ungle0
CRE,IT Time is the test 7ast Eddie "ove# "oyalty is Numero 'no 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# 2ho warms himself with insu&stantial hopes 5ophocles. I had a seminar student call me for a private meeting &ecause he wanted information on a one to one &asis4some students donFt want to as+ ;uestions in a pu&lic forum6#4In California, you can &e an DadviserEor coach without a license


or degree I got a , in psychology =<=#6 %e started descri&ing his newest girlfriend in the most glowing terms# 5he was loyal, honest, intelligent, she li+ed him more than he li+ed her, and was always in a good mood# The &ad part was, he only had three dates# "isten to this war story# I used to wor+ for a credit company and other companies would call up for a pay pattern on our clients# ?ne of our clients had made I< monthly payments on time on a five year 4si/ty month6 car loan# I told the other company this client was Dgreat pay#E Another call came in, &ut the client had only made three payments8 they were on time, &ut she had AJ to go# DToo new to rate,E I said over the phone# 49ou will see how sweet she is when you have your firts fight# ?r worse when she pic+s a fight after the ) +ids are &orn and you canFt leave# As+ your misera&le married &uddies at wor+ how it is# Dwhat does your wife weigh now compared to the day you married her. If the answer were a &oo+, D7rom a 3i+ini Contest 2inner to a 3eached 2hale#E D%ow often does your wife ma+e you have se/.E ?ften# %is wife in reality screams# DItFs not the first of the month yet, so hold your horses# Ad stop loo+ing at those dirty maga-ines#E D2hen was the last time your wife complimented your &ody.E All the time# %is wife in reality says sarcastically, D%ey chu&&y, whenFs the last time you saw your &elt &uc+le.E 5ome men have the ha&it of giving tons of credit to their new girlfriends, when they really donFt +now them that well# These men are tal+ing through their high Interest "evel 4This is another one of the reasons that the manFs Interest "evel is not on the Truth Triangle6# ItFs great to &e in love, &ut &ecause you donFt +now anything a&out a womanFs attitude after 1ust three dates, itFs &est not to give her too much credit in the attitude department# It ta+es e/periences and lots of time together to find out if she is loyal, honest, trustworthy, fle/i&le, and a giver# 5o restrain yourself and do not give her credit for things that she has not earned, 1ust &ecause you have high Interest "evel# ?nce a wee+ in the newspaper, you read a&out someone stopping on the train trac+s, or trying to outrun the choo choo# 3ecause the train weighs a lot more, you +now whom always wins# Entering a relationship is the same as approaching the train trac+s*you must stop, loo+, and listen then proceed with caution# ,ating is the same, get it. The +ey is, donFt 1ump in with &oth feet# 2hy. 3ecause Patience says to proceed with caution until she thin+s every girl in town is after you# 5ay to yourself,E5low it down, &oys8 slow it down#E Remem&e, getting hit &y a ten thousand ton train doesnFt hurt as much as your true love saying to you,EI need my space#E C'RI?5IT9

Curiosity did not +ill the dog, 1ust the Pussycat 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# Challenge +eeps the mystery alive even after you marry !eneral "ove# 2omen love what they canFt have 7ast Eddie "ove# 9ou cannot force a rose to &lossom faster than it was supposed to8 itFs against nature# It has to grow at itFs own pace# ItFs the same with relationships# There are factors at play, which nourish a growing love8 certain dynamics as it were# The sun is to the rose, as curiosity is to a relationship 4especially the first B< days6# 5ome men feel that the sooner they Dget outE all their past psychological pains, history, goals, values, aspirations, past traumas, childhood nightmares, and donFt forget negative feelings4Any left.6 she will &e dying to &ecome his +eeper# This is another piece of love propaganda the De/pertsE have put over on the American 7emale* ma+e :iss Right your Psychiatrist 4%ave you seen her girlfriends, The 5uper 3im&os.6# ?f course a lot of men &uy into this# I am trying to +eep your relationship fresh at least until it is too late, 4DI doE6# D2hatFs the rush, &uc+et lips.E Try to figure out why these war stories are opposite of each other in principal am I going to fast. 2ar 5tory I# Tom goes out for the first time with Caprice and &rags a&out his car# !ood girls couldnFt care less# Two mista+es* 3ragging and she should have done JA> of the tal+ing# "etFs say Tom has &een waiting == months for his &right silver PT Cruiser# %is e/u&erance for his new DhorseE should have not dominated the conversation# Tom should have &een helping CapriceFs e/u&erance, &y ma+ing her laugh and getting her to pour her guts out# Tom 1ust had it &ac+wards# 32

2ar 5tory II# Tom meets Caprice at a church function 4D5ay what8 yes, they still have theseE06, and she says she li+es car races, even though she is not sporting a tattoo as far as Tom can see only chec+ out peripherally when she is not loo+ing# 5he as+s, D2hat do you drive.E %e says, DA two door#E D2hat +ind.E DItFs foreign#E D2hat +ind of foreign car.E D5ports car#E DNo, I mean what company.E D!erman#E D2hatFs the name of the car.E DPorsche4) sylla&les6#E No &ragging here# 5he had to drag it out of him and women love to do that# :y ,ad said to me as a +id, DIf there is no wine left in the &ottle, the party is over, my son#E I see guys on the we& loo+ing for datesKlove and they have their whole life history on their we& sites one even had a picture of him at N on a pony# If this girl li+es :ic+ (agger has he a chance. In 2e&3oyFs mind he has a &it into the propaganda that says women want honest 4open is different word6, sensitive men# I agree, &ut they are =<th and ==th on the Truth Triangle there wasnFt room0 2omen get off when they are doing their detective wor+ especially in the first B< days# This guy is ta+ing it all away and he pro&a&ly is a good guy, &ut The Reality 7actor says that since he is not approaching women properly there&y he cuts his odds of success# Plus if he cannot approach them in the right manner, what could he +now a&out maintaining a romantic relationship# 2e&3oy will &e real lonely for a long time# 3ut on the other hand there are women who marry lifers in the Penn# 2e& 3oy should get one page we& site with a picture of him standing ne/t to his PhorseE &ragging a&out how much fun he is to &e with on a date# D5end me those emails girls so I can &ring happiness into your life0E As 7ast Eddie "ove would say, D9ou guys got no style# Challenge will give you the edge she will throw roc+s at your competition, you +now, the ones with &etter loo+s and more money than you#E To women, an open &oo+ is &oring# 5he gets off finding out all a&out you4slowly6, and this 2e& 3oy ta+es that all away# This we& wimp is honest, sincere, and would ma+e a great father and hus&and, &ut he doesnFt +now how to hunt he must set it up so she thin+s she is choosing him# %e means well and has honora&le intentions, &ut he is still wrong in his approach# %e doesnFt appreciate the importance of mystery in the &eginning stages of the relationship# 5orry, &ut 2e&3oy missed the love &oat# 2hat if she reads something that she did not agree with, that he could have cleaned up if they if they were face to face. %e is out &efore he starts plus all women want to laugh and en1oy your company# 5he cannot &e uncomforta&le and laugh# 'se it# :ay&e she would have had different opinions of him if they had a short date# 9ou have to learn to ta+e one step at a time, guys# %ow can you &e special to her if every one in the world +nows your private life on the we& "onely !uy. 2hy should she go out with you if she already +nows everything a&out you from the we&. !uys, you have to thin+ li+e women do# 3eing open wor+s with shrin+s, &ut it doesnFt wor+ with :iss Right, if you do it too soon# 9ou donFt +now when# 3ut you that the time will &e right after she spill her guts to you# 5o, allow her to &e open with you first# This is the )nd DCE Control# To practice Challenge you will need patience, self control and patience# 5ounds easy, doesnFt it. The +ey is, spoon feed the information# 2here is it written, you have to open your diary to the world.43oring06 Reali-e that Caprice and her Pussycat are &orn with curiosity, so play with it you guys get way too serious way too fast# ,onFt &e serious with her laugh and play with her# If she doesnFt want to play or she growls, 1ust say to yourself, DAnother one with &ad taste in guys0E 2hen you give :iss Right what she 33

responds to, I call it having empathy and sympathy for my :iss or :rs# Right# %ere is the &est part, when Caprice gets it into her head that Tom understands her, she loses weight, lets her hair grow, ta+es a coo+ing class, and &uys a pair of &ac+ massagers to relieve his stress# If you want a woman to su&mit li+e it says in the 3i&le, get her I" in the nineties this stuff can even tame a 7eminista0 5he literally &ecomes a sweet serene love slave, after you married of course# Remem&er, if what you say to her is not light and funny, do not tal+#
,ATIN! ,ating is the tiresome search for mate involving courtship, compromise, and com&at !eneral "ove# Professional ,aters give mi/ed signals 7ast Eddie "ove# The good part is G<> of your dates donFt last B< days# The &ad part is G<> of the time she gets rid of you or ma+es you cra-y so you leave ,oc "ove# The Thirty 7actor* I< The amount of women that you as+ for their num&er )< The amount of women who say no =< The amount that say yes =< three &ro+en datesKcall &ac+ to verify J two no contact A ) Professional ,aters I I dates out of I< pitches with high I" = ) had &ad attitudes leaving one with a good atitude and high I" and you didnFt li+e her so we start over# Ten home phone num&ers e;uals* two &ro+en dates, five dates +ept, and three com&inations of why she cannot go out with you, or, call &ac+ for verify, or you tal+ing to her :om, or other family friends and assorted roommates, her answering machine &ut never her# %ew0 Tom as+s Caprice for a date and she introduce him to the 2onderful 2orld of 2omanese# Instead of English, Tom hears* =# DI have to get my head together 42hat does it loo+ li+e now. EI donFt have time for men right now 4:el !i&son could change her mind06#E I#EIFm &usy for the ne/t si/ wee+s 45he li+es you so much, she canFt find one hour for lunch06#E N#4After getting turned down for a date6E@eep in touch 4!et lost06#E A#ETo tell you the truth 45ince when.6, IFm not really interested in a relationship right now4Not with you, anyway06#E B# !ive me your num&er so I can call you &ac+4she doesnFt even have a pen in her hand6#E 5he could &eat a lie detector with these answers, &ut if you want to hear someone stutter, as+ her*E2hy did you give me your home phone num&er.E D,oc,E youFre screaming, D2hy all this dou&lespea+.ERead on, students, it gets even &etter0E 2omen with low Interest "evel will only go out on dates when they have low self esteem# Any attention, even though it isnFt reciprocal, is &etter than no attention# :ay I introduce to you* :iss Professional ,ater# %er motto* D:en are to use, not fall in love with#E %er rationale* E:ay&e with time, I could get to li+e him 4not even if he owned for all the tea in :e/ico06#E 2omen with low Interest "evel &rea+ dates &ecause they have average self esteem# they can not say the DNE word 4no6 to your face when you as+ for their home phone num&er, 1ust to your voice on the phone lines when they &rea+ the date# Remem&er how she appeared to li+e you when she gave you her home phone num&er what a difference# %er rationale* EI was only &eing polite#E 2omen with low Interest "evel who doesnFt give you the home phone num&er have high self esteem# they do this &ecause they donFt want to mislead men, they care a&out menFs feelings, they donFt want to use men, they donFt want to waste menFs time and money, they are sweet and supportive and they love puppies# In short, they thin+ it is immoral and classless to go on a date unless they have some4over A<>6 Interest "evel# 5ee theyFre not all &ad0 JA> of the women who as+ for your home phone num&er after accepting a date, will call and &rea+ it, &ecause they have low Interest "evel# These women have a little less than average self esteem and they cannot say no unless itFs to your answering machine or to the receptionist where you wor+ never to you# Cowards0 The odds of her &rea+ing the date go to GG#GG> if she adds*EI need your num&er in case something comes up#E It will# %er para+eet will have a heart attac+, or a JNJ will land in her apartment house pool, or she will forget that she has to study to ta+e the state &ar, or that she has to com& her hair0 Now refer to the home phone num&ers discussed in the first paragraph# GC> of the women, who donFt as+ for your home phone num&er after accepting the date, +eep the date &ecause I out of A of them


have high Interest "evel and are normal0 The other two out of five, who are Professional ,aters, will feign high Interest "evel so you can spend all your money on them plus, they can give out their home phone num&ers to other guys while your &ac+ is turned# 5he then repeats the process with the ne/t stooge# To you Psych ma1ors, is this girl sic+. The +ey is, +eep your chin up# 2hy. 3ecause you only need one good one# Please pity the woman who has to constantly come up with new reasons why she cannot go out with a guy who has called her for the eighty eight time# %e +nows persistence pays off idiot0 Remem&er, you cannot &e too thin, too rich, or have too many home phone num&ers0 ,I77ERENT It$s always &etter if she thin+s she li+es you more than you li+e her## 7ast Eddie "ove# Availa&ility is anti Challenge ,oc "ove# 5ay no calmly and she either wal+s, or respects you !eneral "ove# Thin+ a&out this logically# There are I &illion men on this lovely planet named Earth, and Caprice +nows she is a luc+y girl &ecause in her heart , she +nows that Tom is the "&est of the &unch"# 5ay, what. Caprice owns her own company, has a Ph#,# in 5tatistics, no less0 And she has an IW of =AB# 5he is so much in love with Tom that when she gets home, off goes the &usiness armor, and she transforms herself into a playful girl# Anita the %un at wor+ has 1ust &ecome Cinderella0 Caprice is also taller than Tom so what. The only factor that counts is that Caprice$s I" in Tom is higher than Tom$s I" in her 4G)> to CC>6# Caprice is also smarter than Tom, and ma+es more money he does so what. Caprice thin+s Tom is different# %e is8 I trained him# The +ey is, to love the truth in The "5ystem" for truth sa+e, not for what you can get# The more pure your motive, the ;uic+er you will learn, &ecome aware, and get wise# Remem&er, do what$s right with :iss Right, and she will find you different &ecause you are# ,I5CIP"INE Trust The "5ystem" and the pressure of worrying a&out what to do is gone# Rela/, you are on auotpilot# !eneral "ove# 9our moment of trith will come the first time you have to stand up to her Reverend "ove# %er wild card are testing and long legs while your wild card is Challenge ,oc "ove# Everyone is for discipline# If you have a goal, it ta+es discipline to get there# If you ta+e a class, without disciplined study, you wonFt pass# If you want to learn to lay carpet or even coo+ a gourmet meal, it ta+es discipline to learnto do it right8 1ust as+ the rug man or chef# 3ut when it comes to relationships, no one tal+s a&out discipline# No need, &ecause Tom says to himself, DCaprice, ta+e me as is# %ere I am#E TomFs view of love may&e wor+ed =<< years ago, &ut there is a new woman in town# she e/pects more, and if he doesnFt really +now what DitE is8she will figure that out later# If men understood women and Ddid right &y them,Ethere would &e no re1ection, no nagging, and no divorce lawyers# Romance novels would evaporate# 5ales of self help &oo+s written &y man hating, men &ashing, &rainwashers would plummet# !roups li+e 7#A#N#!#47emales Against Neanderthal !uys6, and P#:#5#4Punish :enFs 5ociety6would fold overnight0 All Ara&s would love Israel and the people of 9ugoslavia would rise up and hang the 3utcher of 3elgrade# peace and harmony would reign# 5ince 9 was appointed from a&ove to this massive responsi&ility of coaching you guys, you have to have the discipline to do what 9 tell you to do or you will have to stay out of lovve which for a lot of you guys might &e a safer place to &e# Now, letFs tal+ a&out giving up on The D5ystemEand ;uitting, y am not telling you this to put you down, or plant a negative seed# 9 am telling you this &ecause your head will &e going on various trips, and &y alerting you, 9 hope to cut the chances of you ;uitting# If you prefer playmates leaving champagne and flowers on your trailer doorstep over &eing misera&ly hitched to a Richard 5immons re1ect who loves &on&ons and ?prah more than she loves you then you need me to coach you# I am only here to cut your chances of suffering# 2hat you do is strictly up to you# 9ou might say to me one of the following statements* D,oc, it is 1ust too hard to do#E DI tried it and nothing &etter happened#E Dsome of it is ?@, &ut I as+ed my friends what they thought, and they said ,oc "ove is a nut0E D:y love life isnFt that &ad#E DI am doing worse now since I read this stuff#E D:y therapist told me ,oc "ove hates women#E


DThis material is 1ust too e/treme#E DThe D5ystemE doesnFt get ;uic+ results#E D%ow can he &e a doctor, he didnFt finish +indergarten#E D:y girlfriend idoli-es me why do I need this#E D,oc "ove is too negative#E If these statements donFt stop you, you are on your way to heaven on Earth, and you will never have to give a divorce lawyer a damn dime ever# The +ey is, discipline is one third of control on the Truth Triangle# As you grow, practicing discipline will get easier and easier, &ecause you will understand how to play the game# ?ne day, you will loo+ in the mirror and say, D9 +new this stuff, &ut ,oc love had to coach me, and now 9 +now it is ?@ to &elive it#E Remem&er, +eep the faith and never lose hope# E!? 2omen don$t say the word "No" to men &ecause they +now or have &een told that the male ego is so fragile that he will &low his &rains out if he hears it 7ather "ove# The male ego will ta+e instruction on any su&1ect, e/cept love or directions in a car ,oc "ove# The ego is man$s Achilles heel !eneral "ove# 2hen it comes to survival, the man$s ego is his &est ally# 2hy. 3ecause it ma+es you try harder, push harder, and ma+es sure you never thin+ of giving up# 2hether it$s getting a &etter 1o&, thin+ing on your feet, gaining two yards, getting in shape, or inventing a "5ystem" to help man+ind, your ego is your driving force# 3ut when it comes to love, the ego is a curse, your vulnera&le spot, and the ,evil$s Playpen# 2e all remem&er Achilles, the mythical warrior leader who was +illed when an arrow struc+ his heel# 3ecause he played down the importance of the only vulnera&le part of his &ody, he was retired permanently# 2hen it comes to love, the man$s ego* =# ?verloo+s :iss 2rong$s &ad attitude )# ?verloo+s ominous signs in the relationship flags I# Always overrates her Interest "evel N# Rationali-es her putdowns and -ingers A# 3linds him to reality And if you are :acho 3oy, triple everything I 1ust said# 3esides your ego playing 3lind :anFs 3luff with your heart, the only other time you get &linded is when your Interest "evel in the female hits G<>H, which I call the Twilight Oone# The guy starts to act dopey, as opposed to act coc+y which happens when his ego is in control# This is why I am coaching you to reali-e that your entire ego and half of your Interest "evel is wor+ing against you4the other half of your I" ma+es you feel good# ItFs a two edged sword6# "adies ta+e heed8 ego wor+s overtime in 1ealous and possessive 4uptight6men, and especially stal+ers and a&users# If you women suspect your date fits this profile, right from the start, tell him that all your friends are men &ecause women compete too much with each other and play head games# 2atch how he reacts# ?r, hug your male friends around him# !ra& him4IFm +idding062atch how he reacts# Always watch your dateFs reactios to see if you have a :acho 3oy on your hands# 2hat you decide to do with your 1unior %itler at this point is your choice &ut remem&er*there are no victims 1ust volunteers# 'ptight men try to control their women, which in the &eginning of the relationship will appear to you as chivalry# Eventually, though, you will notice that it is Dhis wayE or he has a tantrum, which can only get worse with time# If you decide to stay with him now, &ut re1ect him later he wonFt go easily, and things could get very nasty# 3ad girls are De/pertsE at using a manFs ego# Even 5uper&im&os +now from &irth*E5tro+e his ego, and he will do what any plugged in ro&ot would do for you#E The saddest part is, sic+ men have +illed &ecause a &ad girl DplayedD with their egos# 2hy. 3ecause :acho 3oyFs ego was &orn in the &elly of pride, and his motto is*EI own her#E 5ic+os ta+e this motto to the nth degree# The +ey is, guy, loo+ for :iss RightFs payoff# 2hen she is stro+ing your ego, what is she getting out of it. If she wants nothing more than to ma+e you ma+e feel good thatFs ?@# 2hy. 3ecause, in this case, her ego stro+ing is a playful love ritual so, ta+e her loving machinations all in stride# The 3i&le says that pride cometh &efore the fall for a reason# 5o if your ego goes too far up, it has to come crashing down eventually# Remem&er, if man were meant to fly and stay up in the heavens, pride would not &e one of the 5even ,eadlines in the !ood 3oo+0 EN!"I5%


:en spea+ American while women have their own lingo Cow&oy 5aying# 2omen and men see, smell, and hear differently# Especially, when two of them are together, and only one of them is in love ,oc "ove# 2omen are li+e refugees, they vote with their feet# If she is with you, she voted for you 7ast Eddie "ove# 2hen I was young and dum&, ,y girlfriend told me she had to stop seeing me &ecause she li+ed me tto much# I guess all that happiness was 1ust too much for her to handle0 2ith no stal+ing &lood in my veins, and not wanting to have her suicide on my soul, I left her not +nowing that I 1ust &ought a whopper the si-e of :ount 7u1i# "ater, when I got with my &oys4my &est &uddies6, and told them*E5he sold me0Ethey nearly fell off their chairs with laughter while fighting their tears# 3oy, did I ever pay for that war story0 At that time, I did not +now the rules of love# The first rule says that if a woman li+es you, then she would want to &e with you should I slow this down for you guys. It is so darn simple, yet most men do not understand this aspect if Interest "evel# Tp you Psych ma1ors, it means Interest "evel Cuts Everything even e/cuses in the foreign language called 2omanese# Another girlfriend I dated used to tell me how much she loved me, &ut every time I tried to +iss her4thatFs an understatement06, she turned her head# 2hat a dummy I was0 I thought she wanted me to +iss her ears 1ust for starters0 Another woman who said she couldnFt live without me &ro+e dates, and in the ne/t &reath proclaimed to me, DI canFt wait to see you again#E4Again.6 As you see, some girls 1ust cannot say DNoE to a guyFs face# they &elieve itFs &etter to mislead guys than to go through the trou&le of telling them they are out and the real reasons for it# 3esides interviewing women most of my life, IFve had my DpoorE heart &eaten, &ro+en, sta&&ed, and shot up &y the &est of the 3eautiful 2omen0 I did this4sometimes gleefully06 not +nowing that one day I would &e coaching you guys# %opefully, you will listen and not get your hearts &ludgeoned li+e I have had mine &lown apart in the past# The +ey is, the Reality 7actor says that when a womanFs Interest "evel goes up, she wants to see you more# The 3ottom "ine 7actor says that you have to read her actions to read her I"# 9our I" is not relevant to her li+ing you, in spiteof societyFs insistence that the opposite is true# IsnFt it e/traordinary that with these two factors clear in your mind, it doesnFt matter what language the woman spea+s0 ,uring the Cold 2ar, some East !ermans would vote with their feet &y clim&ing over the 3erlin 2all# 2hy. 3ecause they had Interest "evel in freedom and low Interest "evel in staying with the left wing e/tremistsF version of %ell on Earth# Remem&er, Interest "evel cuts everything, including her fear of getting shot &y some Pin+o &order guard as she tries to get freedom and happiness in your arms0 EXC'5E5 5he must cushion your ego so you wonFt do a &elly flop off a &uilding !eneral "ove# ItFs simply ama-ing how married women with high Interest "evel never ma+e e/cuses, nor have headaches ,oc "ove0 All women are &orn pu&lic relations specialist 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# There is a game I want you students to start playing# It is called, the DAs+ her for the home phone num&er, even though you +now she doesnFt have any interest in you, nor you in herE !ame# There are three reasons why playing this game is so valua&le* =# It gets you in the ha&it of as+ing for those seven magical digits that pave the way to Paradise )# It teaches you to shrug off re1ection li+e a welfare cheat shrugs off loo+ing for a 1o& I# It will prove to you that some women could have taught ,avey Croc+ett and Paul 3unyan a thing or two a&out telling tall tales0 All the tal+ shows with a DTrou&le in Romance "andE topic of the day always portray the man as a rat, while the woman is always the Angel of %onesty and !oodness# An old cow&oy would have said,EAll the cards are stac+ed against you, dude#E (udge (udy, who is great, hangs !igolos# They should &e hung, &ut where on her show is the mercenary who mil+ed a good manFs wallet 1ust &efore she unloaded him# The mil+ed man is not there &ecause he is em&arrased &ut the woman doesnFt mind the TL camera under such circumstances# There are a higher percentage of women than men that want to loo+ at the otherFs 2 ) statement other than the IR5# If you need proof, as+ yourself who ma+es these statements more often, men or women* D2hat do you do.E D2hat do you drive.E DI li+e another restaurant more#E


D"etFs do that ne/t time#E DIf you do this one teeny little thing for me now, I promise to ma+e it up to you later#E DI thought we were going to do something else#E DIs this going to help my career.E D%ow much can I &leed out of this date.E The +ey is, not to &uy the olF D"ow Interest "evel Confusion Tric+#E 2hy. 3ecause e/cuses are li+e noses, everyone has one so ta+e your pic+0 5ales managers love DClosersE8so close the deal and as+ for the order* D2hatFs your home phone num&er.E Remem&er, you are not a loser for not getting the num&er, &ut a winner for as+ing#

E9E5 The girls looooove attention 3rother "ove# If youFre going to lie, loo+ her in the eye Al 3undy# 2hen her eyes light up or twin+le, you gottaF go in and get her home phone num&er 7ast Eddie "ove# As+ any woman what she hates most in men, and insincerity will always &e her Top Ten "ist of Turnoffs# (ust how does she figure out if you are honest as Tele vangelist or 1ust your run of the mill pathological, sociopathic scum&ag. "et me tell you how# A womanFs first line of defense is her radar, which is wor+ing around the cloc+# :en do not use their radar &ecause the shouts off their ego drown out the wise and ;uiet voice of their intuition# 3y practicing The D5ystemE over time, you will &ecome analytical and intuitive# %er second line of defense is, she is a natural detective, without ever going through the policve academy or wal+ing a &eat# If you tell her a story a second time, she will pic+ up on any changes in the story# To you Psych ma1ors, she is &etter than a lie detector# %er third line of defense is her memory &an+# she unintentionally memori-es everything you do and say# 5he never +nows when she might feel li+e pic+ing a fight8 so here is her ammo, &ig mouth0 %er fourth line of defense is her a&ility to loo+ into your eyes and sees Deverything#E Pretty incredi&le, isnFt she. 5o donFt even thin+ of trying to sell her a whopper# The &enefit of telling the truth is that she thin+s you are confident which is one third of your Attitude on the Truth Triangle# If only the truth comes out of your mouth, how could she ever get rid of you. ?n the other hand, if you even lie a&out what time it is, get rid of your watch and +eep your mouth shut# The +ey is, you +now where to loo+ if you want her to thin+ you are sincere# If you lac+ ver&al self control, put tape across your mouth# Remem&er that she remem&ers the color of the ta&lecloth in the first restaurant you too+ her to while you are as+ing yourself, D2hat restaurant0E


5he will never say it, &ut a good womanFs &iggest fear is that she will dominate you and &ecome E:amaE The Reality 7actor# The aim of TheE5ystemE is to provide happiness for the man and the woman8 it is win win for &oth ,oc "ove# ,isloyalty is manFs &iggest fear 7ather "ove# :arriage is a &ig deal# (ust thin+ of it# 9ou are promising to love and ta+e care of someone, no matter what# The hard part is Eforever#E I not trying to sound negative, &ut if you added up the divorces, the unhappily married, and the ones whoEplay around,E you could come to the conclusion that may&e marriage is an unnatural state# ?r, it is only a natural state for serious grownups that are secure within them# ?r, to you Psych he ma1ors, D!od 3less 'n1ustifia&le "ove0E The +ey is, you are on the right trac+# Remem&er that the only thing to fear is &eing derailed &y dou&ting The D5ystem,E when your &uddies &admouth it# 7EE"IN!5 %e tells his mistress everything ,oc "ove# 9ou canFt change your feelings, &ut you can change your choices and actions Reverend love# If you have any wee+ness, she will not forget to remind you of it during a ver&al am&ush or s+irmish !eneral "ove# There is an idea going around today a&out love that implies you should +now everything that the other half has ever done, said, felt, and thought if you two love&irds are to &e true Dsoulmates#E If you stole a A cent pencil once in your life when you were twelve, she should +now it# If you once put a DfunnyE cigarette to your lips, &ut didnFt inhale, she should +now it# If you hate insects, along with your 'ncle Tyrone, she should hear a&out it# 2omen have &een &rainwashed to thin+ that when a man &ears his soul, itFs romantic# This fantasy su&tly implies that negatives, under the guise of openness, will raise Interest "evel# 3ut the Reality 7actor says that good girls only li+e positives# (ust as+ yourselves, guys, D%ave you ever heard a women complain that her man was too up and positive.E ?f course not0 ItFs a contradiction# The +ey is, D5o, what0E 5he is not your Ra&&i or therapist# :y dad taught me, DIf you donFt have anything positive to say, +eep your mouth shut#E To you Psych ma1ors* a guy wal+s into a &ar grum&ling out loud how unfair life is, while ten guys are siting there drin+ing# 7ive guys thin+, D2ho cares.E 2hile the other five guys thin+, D%e deserves it0E Remem&er, if it doesnFt raise :iss RightFs Interest "evel, save it for 7ido and your &oys#

The Psychologist, anthropologist, and social &iologist may &e a whi- at constructing theories, and amassing mountains of facts to support them, &ut ta+ing those professorial theses into the &attle of the se/es can &e li+e charging into free fire -one &ehind a %arvard &ased military strategist 4!ood luc+6 !eneral "ove# 5elf help &oo+s throw common sense out of the window ,oc "ove# Thin+ing that they could pursue the truth directly &y interviewing women and studying what they said has fooled the De/pertsE# The +ey to the truth is to study the romantic choices and actions of women, not what they saty The Reality 7actor# 9ou are driving down the road, and you pass a sign that says, Dproceed with caution#E In another hundred yards you see a guy standing in the street wearing a &right orange &i& around his nec+, waving a red flag at you to stop# Ahead, you see five men 4supervisors.6 loo+ing into a hole in the street, while dirt is flying out of it due to one man with a shovel wor+ing# 9ou stop for a minute, and the flagman waves you on# 7lags for men in relationships should &e so easy to spot0 3ut 2hen guys are gone over women, their eyes are shut to these warning signs# Tom overloo+s flags in his relationship with Caprice &ecause he is not aware# 2hy should he &e. %e has her love, so in his mind, thatFs the end of it# 3ut when they are out, she stares at other men# 5he is


always correcting him, even in pu&lic# And she fre;uently has pages return when they are out the old &eeper tric+# 7re;uently, she seems to daydream while sheFs with 4not a&out6 Tom, and when they run into CapriceFs friends, she doesnFt even introduce them to Tom# And to top it off, lately Caprice has cut her dates short with Tom &ecause she always has something else to do# (ust last wee+, Tweedy, her para+eet had a heart attac+, so she had to go home early to ma+e sure that her feathered friend had plenty of aspirin# A flag is a negative feeling you have to a situation when you are not =<< > sure that you are reading the situation correctly# "i+e a photo finish in a horse race the situation is too close to call# 7or e/ample, Professional ,aters will not usually as+ you personal ;uestions 4flag06# This is unli+e the woman with high I", who as+s you ;uestions to get to +now you &etter a positive flag 4 a &uying signal 6# The vast difference is, one wants to go out to &e seen &y other guys, while the other wants to see you# To see flags, you have to stay aware &y +eeping your eyes and ears open at all times especially during the first si/ty days of the relationship# you got it. ?r as the intellectuals say on the daytime tal+ shows* D9ou +now what IFm saying, man.E The +ey is, if you see a flag, +eep ;uiet a&out it, &ecause you might accuse and &e wrong# 9ou should proceed with caution, and if there are no more flags, forget it# If you get four or five flags, you got pro&lems 4if you are a macho &oy, you need a hundred &efore you get five real ones6# :iss RightFs Interest "evel drops slowly, so always pay attention to the little negative things that she does# In love, there are no flagmen to worn you prior to the &ig crash 1ust gut feelings# Remem&er, stay awa+e and stay aware unless you want your heart to end up in a ditch0 7"EXI3I"IT9 A hardheaded women, a softhearted man &een the cause of trou&le ever since the world &egan M Presley# The optimal female attitude is that of a lady who has integrity, is a giver, and is fle/i&le M ,oc "ove# 9ou cannot ma+e someone fall in love with you nor change her attitude,you can only raise her Interest "evel, and only if she li+es you to &egin with M The Reality 7actor# The ;uestion of life is* can a guy stay happily incarcerated with the same woman8day after day, wee+ after wee+, month after month, year after year, and decade after decade. "etFs hope :om is right a&out inner &eauty0 :en thin+ they want se/ over the long haul, &ut they what they really need is to &e comforta&le# As+ your &uddy at wor+ with the sad eyes a&out his wife who &ecame a nag after they were married0 As+ yourself,EEIf I had to share a prison cell with a woman for the rest of my life, wouldnFt it &e &etter if we could get along &y agreeing more often than not.E ?f course you would# 5o who is easier to negotiate with, a fle/i&le giver or an infle/i&le ta+er. In an argument, who is the dirtier fighter. After you sell your &irthright and freedom of choice, which of the two will let you go out more often with the &oys. 2hich of the two will try to change you more. And the worst*who nags more. The shrew, thatFs who# To you Psych ma1ors,EI donFt li+e dogs that growl and I donFt li+e women that growl, especially when they say they love me#E The pro&lem with +issing in marriage is that you can only do it for two hours M so what happens if you +iss for less than two hours. ?uch0 That leaves twenty Mtwo hours for arguing, put downs, and other cultural delights if you have an infle/i&le ta+er for a partner8 or sweet harmony if you have fle/i&le giver as a partner# The 3ottom "ine 7actor says that it is &etter for your sanity to &e with :iss 5weet and 5upportive rather than :iss @now it all# %ere is a ;ui- for you guys who thin+ you are in love, or are 1ust loo+ing for trou&le and donFt +now it# 5ee how many of your e/es are included# 9our e/isting or future :iss Right must match up to some of the statements &elow# 2hy. 3ecause the less that they do, the more you are going to suffer* ,oes she love you unconditionally and prove it &y not trying to ma+e you a D&etter personE. ,oes she go through life without a chip on her shoulder. ,oes she try to wor+ things out rather than going into Dargue modeE. %as she successfully avoided &eing &rainwashed &y the De/pertsE and the 7eministas. Is she hassle free, and does she simle at you when you +id and tease her. ,oes she +now that serenity actually turns a man on. Is she considerate enough to not tal+ to you when you are on the phone or watching sports. ,oes she li+e and trust you so much that she is happy 1ust to &e with you. If you answered DyesE to five or more of these ;uestions, you pro&a&ly lied0


?ne third of TomFs happiness depends on how fle/i&le :iss Right is after they are married# 2hen you are dating a woman and have a difference of opinion, listen for her 2omanese and compare her comments to those &elow# 7le/i&ility isnFt * %ardheaded D:e, wrong. Never#E 5tructured DIt has to &e my idea#E 5tu&&orn D2ho, me.E Intransigent D:y way, or the highway#E ,emanding DI only want what is &est for &oth of us, you4e/pletive6idiotE0 If fle/i&ility were su&1ect of my ne/t &oo+, I would call the &oo+* DAmericaFs ,irty "ittle 5ecret* Nagging,E su&titled D2omen to Run 7rom in ?rder to Avoid 5u&1ugation#E Pay special attention to this war story, &ecause it sums up everything that is &ad in marriYge itFs the people who are the pro&lem, not the institution# Caprice coo+s, while TomFs cleans up and washes the dishes &y hand# Caprice has as+ed him twice to clean the for+s &etter &ecause, after she serves rice, she sometimes finds grains &etween the teeth of the for+s as they dry on the dish rac+# This has happened agian, in spite of her re;uests# Caprice now has two ways to go# And her answer to the pro&lem depends on her I" and attitude# In war story one, Caprice is a fle/i&le giving person# 5he thin+s a&out what a good hus&and and father Tom is, &ut sees he is a lousy dishwasher# 5o, she now puts the dishes away when she serves rice and sets aside the two for+s with the washed rice, cleans them, dries them, and puts them away# 5he would rather give the relationship two small minutes than ver&ally &at up her hus&and over two stupid for+s with dried rice# 5he +nows that if this is good for the relationship, then she is doing the right thing# %er goal is not to do &attle or to prove something, or to TomFs mista+e in his face for two days# Caprice, the fle/i&le giver, wor+s to sustain her love of Tom# 5he +nows not to get stuc+ on stuff that doesnFt matter or really count in the whole &ig scheme of things# Patience is loving. In war story num&er two8 Caprice is a structured ta+er# 5he thin+s of what an idiot she was for marrying a guy who cannot clean a stupid for+* D2hat did I see in this guy. 2as I stoned.E 5he gra&s the two for+s with the soggy rice and shoves them in TomFs face*E 5ee this, ,um&o. There is food in this for+ that you didnFt clean# This is the NNth time 4actually, the NAth 6 9 have as+ed you to &e more careful# 3ut no, you donFt listen0 ?r is it &ecause your ears are so filthy they could grow corn. An C year old +id can wash dishes &etter than you can# The ne/t time I see food in these for+s, I am going to stic+ tham where the sun donFt shine# !et the drift.E "ater that night, she will wonder why the Liagra doesnFt wor+ on her poor Tommy0 %er attitude is that of a :id Evil In;uisitor who +nows that she has !odFs and the @ingFs approval on all of her 1udgements 3eing right is the most important thing not +eeping her yap shut once in a while# To you Psych ma1ors*ETom didnFt &urn the house down#E As+ yourself, guys, D2hy would a &eautiful woman or a 7eminista &e fle/i&le.E :en who act li+e +ids in a video arcade when she is around have always given into the 32, even when she doesnFt as+ for it# :en trained the 32 to &e infle/i&le 4CC#N> of the them6# The 7eminista &elieves menFs opinions do not count 4=<<> of them6, plus they never smile, nor 1ust want to have some fun once in a while# They would rather pic+et and close some &ig corporation that is employing women to feed their &a&ies, &ecause some guys hung up a LictoriaFs 5ecret Angel over the time cloc+# The +ey is, nagging is inversely proportional to how fle/i&le and giving she is, which ar intertwined with her I"# If she as+s anything three or more times while you are going steady, she is a nag# :ost women +now to wait to get married first, &ut if she is showing her hand soon, imagine what massive pain is laying in wait for you around the &end# It scares me 1ust to type it0 9ou +now that I never tell you guys to unload someone , &ecause that is your choice and your right# :y 1o& is to tell you the odds of her staying and of you &eing happy in spite of it# :y cousin, 7ast Eddie would tell you, D9ou donFt want to put your money on this nag0E Plus, what would it loo+ li+e to your +ids when she ver&ally whips you over tha years. !reat role models# Remem&er, rigid is neither feminine nor fun, especially when you get life at Ri+ers Island, and all your roommate does is nag, chastise, criti-e, and never give in &ecause her only wea+ point is fle/i&ility#

7"IRT ?nly women flirt 7ast Eddie "ove# 5e/ is her hoo+8 Challenge is yours 'ncle (ethro "ove#


It pays to advertise 3usiness Adage# Tom gave up chasing women a long time ago# 2hy. 3ecause, he says, if they donFt flirt, he doesnFt even tal+ to them, much less as+ for their home phone num&ers# %e says he used to tal+ to every girl he could, &ut he eventually reali-ed that the ones that he had the &est times with had let him +now in the &eginning that they were availa&le, and li+ed him# Tom has a half truth# Percentage wise he is right, &ut num&ers wise he is wrong# If he as+ed for the home phone num&er of every girl he could tal+ to, he would have a lower closing ratio, &ut more home phone num&ers# 2hy. 3ecause C<> of =< is C8 which is less than I<> of A<, which is =A# 3ut Tom thin+s a&out all the e/tra re1ection he has to endure when he as+s every girl he sees for the home phone num&er# Tal+ing to a stranger is easier when the meeting is on safe ground for the woman# 7or e/ample, a man can tal+ to anyone at a wedding &ecause love is in the air# %e can tal+ to almost everyone at a party, unless the womanFs uptight date is near&y# At a clu& or restaurant, Tom can meet as many stranger as he wants in proportion to how many guts he has, and how much he can laugh at re1ection# As the enviroment gets more pu&lic, the tougher it is to get home phone num&ers# In spite of their high Interest "evel, there are some women who donFt flirt# These e/amples are not true =<<> of the time, so you are going to have to get the feel of what I say# These women are &eautiful women who have never had to flirt8 shy or &ashful girls8 women in pu&lic places who feel that, under the circumstances, it is improper8 or women who actually Dfree-eE &ecause their Interest "evel is ne/t to the moon# :ost women flirt with their eyes# They will loo+ your way a couple of times or their eyes will actually get &righter, or it will seem as if they are loo+ing through you# Another way she gets your attention is, when tal+ing to her girlfriend, she raises her voice as you wal+ &y, or she tal+s loudly at a near&y ta&le in a restaurant# 5he might also stand very close to you as you tal+ to her, and as+ you Dtoo manyE personal ;uestions# If she appears fidgety, or nervous, or +eeps changing her &ody position, as+ yourself a simple ;uestion, D2hy is she doing that.E Now you +now why and now you +now what you have to do as+ for the home phone num&er# The +ey is, flirting is the femalesFs attention see+ing device# In sales, this would &e called a &uying signal# 2ith corporations, you get the purchase order num&er# In love, you get the home phone num&er# Remem&er, society says she canFt 1ust wal+ up to you 4unless you are in a &and06, so she has to flirt, &ecause she wants you to as+ her for her home phone num&er#
7REE,?: I li+e &eing married :onday through 7riday Trump# 2hen a man gets married he has no idea what he is getting into, or giving up 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# A &ad marriage is li+e &eing under house arrest 7ast Eddie "ove# I admit it8 I am a TL addict# I can watch NA shows at one time# No wonder advertisers and my friends hate my remote control# "ately, I have &een getting into history programs# I li+e the military ones the


&est# 7rom the Romans to the Crusades to 22II, I am 1ust fascinated &y the fact that all these guys are +illing each other when they could &attling at home with their love ones, and saving the gas0 I find that the warriors throughout history have had different reasons for ta+ing up arms*some for revenge, some for land, some for religion, or, someone 1ust doesnFt li+e the way the other guy loo+s# &ut in my opinion, these are all e/pressions of one thing* some guy doesnFt want another guy to tell him what to do# ThatFs how America was &orn# To put military history in its simplest terms*itFs always a&out freedom# ?ne guy is always trying to ta+e it away and another guy is shooting arrows or &ullets &ac+ to +eep it# :illions of people dying to &e free itFs got to ma+e you thin+ 4%opefully06# The +ey is, if you plan to tie the +not, as my 'ncle (ethro would say*E5he had &etter &e worth it, &oy#E 7orever is a long, long time even longer, if you are uncomforta&le0 There are millions of misera&ly married men who stay married for one reason or another and it ainFt out of love# Remem&er, if :iss Right doesnFt have a good attitude and high Interest "evel, the forthcoming &attle will ma+e the 3oston Tea Party loo+ li+e the Civil 2ar0 !ENT"E:AN The gentleman is a cross &etween the good parts of Cro :agnon :an and :r# 5ensitive 7ather "ove# They want a wild man so they can tame him, train him and put him in a cage ,oc "ove# 5he must +now where the line is drawn in the sand without you ver&ally telling her !eneral "ove# 5he +nows her wimp &oyfriend is wea+ &ecause he always apologies first, puts up with her put downs, and never says Eno#E 5he openly flirts with other men, and gets away with it# 5he +nows he is happy 1ust to &e there# %e is# 5he +nows her macho &oyfriend is wea+ &ecause he never apologies, he puts her down, and never says Dyes#E 2hen another guy loo+s ate her, itFs fistfight time# %e +nows she is happy 1ust to &e there# 5he isnFt# 5he +nows her &oyfriend is a gentleman &ecause he apologies when he is wrong, doesnFt ta+e nor dish out put downs, says DNoE when itFs appropriate, and is self assured# 2hen he sees other men loo+ at her, he ta+es it as a compliment# %e +nows she is happy 1ust to &e there# 5he is# 2imps are not allowed to ma+e any decisions, and they do all the giving &ecause they are wea+# :acho &oy ma+e all the decisions, and do all the ta+ing &ecause they are wea+# !entlemen date fle/i&le givers, and treat them accordingly# !iven the two choices, a woman will ta+e macho &oy over 2impus Americanis &ecause she initially misconstrues as a strength ;uality a half truth4In fact, dominance is a sign of wea+ness6# This is why women with low self esteem, and high Interest "evel stay in a&usive relationship 4Nagging always &rings out the &est in a 1ealous, possesive macho &oy06# 5he emotionally reacts positively to him Dcalling all the shots,E &ut physically reacts negatively to the frying pan over her head0 The wimp, who is &oring and predicta&le to her, hasnFt a clue why she chose macho &oy over him after he was so good to her, i#e#wea+ with her 42hen a woman saysE9ou are niceE6# The &eautiful woman is also e/tremely vulnera&le to dominance &ecause no one in the history of man+ind has ever stood up to her &y using the PNF word# It is not her fault8 she is 1ust too good loo+ing0 43eautiful women are master intimidators#6 The +ey is, a wimp is too fle/i&le and wears his heart on his sleeve &ecause he never got enough stro+es as a +id# :acho &oy is too structured and controls everything &ecause it is his divine right to dominate &ut never give in 4which e;uates to su&mission to him6# 2ith his ina&ility to compromise and his desire to control his romantic partners, :acho &oy is the male version of the 7eminista# Remem&er, the gentleman is strong &ecause he +nows that &alance give and ta+e is a manly strength ;uality# !ILIN! 2hen you have money pro&lems, the ta+er leaves while the giver gets a second 1o& or wor+s overtime Ra&&i "ove# A mercenary &ases her Interest "evel on your 2 ), and a user on what you can do for her 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# A giver massages your nec+, unloc+s the driver door, and pops for the chec+ once in a while 7ast Eddie "ove# After three months of dating, Caprice and Tom are going to the &each# %e called her Tuesday night and said he would pic+ her up at =< am, 5aturday# 5he as+ed if she could &ring anything# Tom replied, D?f course not# 2ith you, what else would I need.E Tom 1ust told her he loved her# %e was intimate, and shared his 4positive6 feelings without getting on the DmushE wagon#


Caprice heard it that way &ecause she is a smart woman who +nows that men and women donFt e/press themselves the same way# 5he also +nows there is more than one way to say,EI love you#E 5o does Tom# 2hen Tom pic+ed her up, Caprice had a cooler with her, which she opened at the &each# It contained fruit, chic+en, soft drin+s, a small &ottle of champagne, and glasses# Tom said, DThan+ you#E %e hit the top of one of the glasses with his fingernail, and heard the DpingE sound# Caprice loo+ed over and said, ENo plastic for my &a&y0E Caprice 1ust told Tom that she loves him while &uilding intimacy and sharing her4positive6 feelings# Tom +nows this is true &ecause he +nows and practices Ther D5ystem#E 2hen two &eautiful college girls wal+ed &y in their s+impy &i+inis, Caprice said,E"oo+ Tom, at the pretty girls#E Even though they were only si/ feet away from TomFs &lan+et, he replied, D2hat girls.E Is this guy cool. :en thin+ 1ust &ecause a woman has high Interest "evel, she will start giving# 2rong0 A womanFs attitude is separate and distinct from her positive love feelings4Interest "evel6for you# 5he can love you and never do anything for you and she it is not &eing insonsistent# 2hen she finds you, she is either a giver or ta+er8giving is not developed &ecause of her Interest "evel# !et this fact clear* her Interest "evel and attitude are two separate parts of her ma+eup# If a guy has a love hate relationship, he loves the woman, &ut hates her attitude4ta+er6# As+ yourself, guys would a &eautiful woman, or a mercenary, or 7eminista &e a giver. The +ey is, giving is one third of her attitude which you need to ma+e you feel comforta&le over the long haul# 5ome women give, some women ta+e, the choice is yours# Remem&er, s+in less chic+en is healthier for you than a greasy &urger0 %EAL9 4Coming ?n6 5pilling your guts out is not romantic M 7ather "ove# It is &etter fot the relationship if she thin+s she loves you more than you need her M 7ast Eddie "ove# The less you say,EI love youE, and the more you show her through your actions that you love her, the more she loves you M ,oc "ove# 2hen i am a guest on radio and Tv tal+ shows, I tell the audience, DA man should throw the word PloveF out of his voca&ulary0E The audience then wants to lynch me# DItFs un American0 ,oc love is a wac+o0 %e says he is an e/pert on love, hogwash0E There are a &unch of reasons why I say it# 7irst, to get everyoneFs attention# 5econd, I love attention0 Third, if there is someone else on the show, I end up dominating the program0 "etFs get serious# The word love has &een &astardi-ed# :y DintervieweesE 4women6have told me that it doesnFt mean anything to them to hear DI love you,E &ecause it has &een thrown around too many times# :en only say it after she says it first 4 PavlovFs 7ido +nows his cue068 or to ma+e up, ma+e out, +iss up, or some other ulterior reason, motive, or agenda# The woman sees right through it &ecause her radar 4B th sense6 reads manFs motive faster than an 'P5 driver reads his map &oo+# 5o donFt insulther# "ittle girls +now instinctively little &oys 4and &ig &oys6 will say, DI love you D, to get their way# If a guy rarely said,EI love youE, it would have a far greater impact 4less is more6 on the woman, plus there is remote chance she might even &elieve it0 I donFt +now whom the De/pertsE are tal+ing to, &ut they say e/actly the opposite is true# They must only &e interviewing their clients, who are all close to divorce 4I interview women randomly6# If a woman has a lousy relationship, it doesnFt matter how many times the man says, DI love you#E If your wife &row&eat you, hissed li+e her Pussycat at you, never pumped up your ego, and nagged at you4the real cause of impotence6, why would you fell "ovey dovey. The pro&lem is not three little words# Thin+ a&out this guys, if a man were respectful, romantic, and affectionate in his actions toward his wife, he would not have to say anything 4Challenge6, &ecause she would &e happier than shopping for free at Neiman :arcus#


If you are going to help a coupleFs pro&lem, you had &etter identify the pro&lem# The De/pertsE implied answer is that all the guy has to do is say, D%oney, I love you for your &rains8 now can we have se/.E and everything will &e ?@# In actuality, if they had a good relationship, she would thin+ what he said was cute, laugh, and say, Dwhatever you say, you sweet tal+er0E 3ut the De/pertsE do not +now a&out playfulness# 2omen, &ecause they understand men in spite of what the De/pertsE would have you &elieve, +now a manFs Interest "evel# 7rom their first date with him to re1ecting him si/ dates later, she always +nows the degree of his love# 5o why does she have to hear it4If a guy +new why, would it change anything.6. If I had a crystal &all, I would tell you# As+ the De/pertsE, and they will give you ==J reasons why to further confuse you# 3ut I do +now this* when she +nows you are cra-y a&out her, and you donFt get mushy every five minutes, she interpret this as Challenge 4=KI pf your troops in the Dwar of loveE06# 5he ups her Interest level even higher, &ecause you are e/citing 4opposite of predicta&ly &oring60 3ottom "ine 7actoring is a lot faster and more efficient than figuring out why she does what she does# To you Psych ma1ors, this means Interest "evel plus attitude e;uals &ehavior# If she shows you through her actions that she has high Interest "evel and treats you well, thatFs what counts8 not &elieving some guy wor+ing on his Ph#,#, theori-ing# 2hen she says, D i love you,E say, Dyou have good taste0E ?r, DThan+ you#E This always &uilds intimacy0 2hen she as+s you, D2hy do you treat me so well.E 5ay, D3ecause you earned it, &a&y,E li+e your favorite actor# They love it when you are open, honest, donFt play games, and e/press your true feelings honestly0 The +ey is, if you want her heart to s+ip a &eat when you call her8 if you her want her heart to pound so hard that she thin+s it will e/plode when you touch her8 if you want her legs to &uc+le when she +isses you 49ouFre dreaminF06, and if you have high Interest "evel, &ut only tell her a&out it sparingly, you will last forever# That means tell her you love her only if she is a good girl, doesnFt nag, or gain weight0 Remem&er, everyone e/cept for the left wing e/tremist +nows that nothing &eats incentive0

%?:E 4Phone Num&er6 As+ her for her home phone num&er, and stop her in her trac+s !eneral "ove# Always as+ for the home phone num&er ,oc "ove# Confident men as+ for the home phone num&er 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# "etFs tal+ odds# if you are at a wedding and your &rother is getting married, and his fiancZeFs girl friends are there, the odds of you getting some4yes, more than one06 home phone num&ers are a lot &etter than &eing at a party# If you are at a party, the odds are a lot &etter than &eing at a clu& 4classy word for D&arE6# To you Psych ma1ors, this means the odds of you approaching a woman, and her giving you her home phone num&er decrease, as the enviroment &ecomes less intimate, less social, and more pu&lic# If you are tal+ing to a girl, even if she shows no signs of interest, as+ for her home phone num&er# If you are on the freeway, and the woman ne/t to you signals for you to let her in, ma+e a motion for her to lower her window and as+ for the home phone num&er# 5o what if she is happily married, even though she never has dated men0 Practice, practice, practice0


If you see a woman you love, ma+e eye contact, smile, go up to her and as+, DIs there a &eauty contest today. Another never used opening line is, DI would really appreciate you helping me meet someone#E D?@#E DPlease introduce yourself to me#E If you are shy, 1oin Toastmasters, and tal+ a&out what you li+e# 9ou have to learn to &anter# If you cannot, as+ for the home phone num&er anyway# The first reason you as+ her for her home phone num&er is to find out her initial Interest "evel# Reread this# The second reason to as+ for her home phone num&er is so you can call her, as+ her out, and get to her front porch# Tom sees Caprice at a wedding, and +nows he wants to spend the rest of his life with her# %e wal+s up and says, D%i# Nice wedding#E D9es, it is#E D2hat is your name.E D:y name is Caprice#E 5ilence# Tom says, Dnice to meet you Caprice#E 5ilence# Caprice has -ero Interest "evel, or no class# Tom +nows to move on# If she had any &reeding, or Interest "evel, she would have as+ed Tom, D2hatFs your name.E Notice, Tom did not offer his name li+e all the other guys who donFt +now how to evaluate her Interest "evel, or attitude# 2hy. No D5ystemE to coach them# If Caprice as+ed Tom his name she may have Interest "evel, or 1ust &een polite, or &oth4TheE5ystemE ma+es you a love cop06# Tom +ids Caprice, and sees if she taps his arm, stands Dtoo close,E as+s some personal ;uestions, ga-es into his eyes, and seems enthusiastic 4all &uying signals6# Receiving two or more compliments is the &est &uying signal# In the ne/t ten to fifteen minutes, Tom will as+ Caprice to dance, get her champagne, gauge her responses, and as+ for her home phone num&er# %e will not spend more time with her &ecause he has to get some more num&ers, and he wants to leave Caprice &efore she leaves him8 1ust li+e every other guy in her life has never done 4Challenge6# Tom doesnFt as+ Caprice, D2ould you li+e to go out.E 2hy. 3ecause she interprets this as Tom as+ing her, D,o you li+e me enough to go out with me.E %ow wea+ 4no confidence60 %e doesnFt as+, D,o you have a &oyfriend.E 4:ay&e, Caprice is ready to do him in8 so why &ust her on her infidelity and ru& her conscience 4fat chance06 the wrong way thus lessening his odds of him &eing his replacement# Tom as+s, DCaprice, whatFs your home phone num&er,E and shuts up# 'nder no circumstances will he tal+# %e will hear a phone num&er with N? hesitation# ?r, he will hear one of a million whoppers why she cannot8 including, D!ive me your &usiness card,E &ut never the word, DNo#E The woman +nows since she arrived on earth that the male ego canFt ta+e re1ection, and she doesnFt want a suicide on her soul see, sheFs not all &ad0 5ometimes, you will 46

see her wiggling, or s;uirming as the DnE word fights to come up through her &ody0 2hat a trip0 If Tom gets the home phone num&er, he will put a grade on CapriceFs Interest "evel# It will &e made up of how ;uic+ly she got the num&er out of her thic+, pouty, &eestung,upturned lips, and of her &ody 4with e/tra long legs6 language# If she gives him her &an+ing deposit slip, she has CA> Interest "evel 4too much info#6 If Caprice gives Tom her home phone num&er and &usiness num&er, she has C<> Interest "evel# They help you when they li+e you yes, really0 I hope this isnFt too heavy for you# Assuming she is not a Professional ,ater 4N< to NG> I"6, her Interest "evel will pro&a&ly &e in the BA to J<> range# Now TomFs only 1o& is to raise it 4"ove starts at G<> Interest "evel6# If Caprice as+s for TomFs phone num&er, he will give it to her, only after he gets her home phone num&er# If he doesnFt get her num&er, at least she respects him for not &uying into the old DItFs &etter if I call youE 4they donFt6 trap# Tom always carries a pen and writes down CapriceFs num&er twice on separate pieces of paper 4men lose num&ers 6 one for his wallet and one for his poc+et# If other women are around that he wants to meet, Tom will memori-e the num&er and write it down A5AP, &ut out of sight# After he gets the num&er he says, DNice tal+ing to you Caprice,E and wal+s# Tom will &e seen with other women, &ut never writing their num&ers down you donFt want her to get the wrong impression 4Right06# %e doesnFt say, DI will call you,E li+e all the other guys# Caprice should wonder if or when Tom is going to call# Challenge puts the fear of re1ection on the other foot 4levels the playing field6, and ups the womanFs Interest "evel when you are not around 4in her face trying to lower it06# The +ey is, whatever graee you put on her Interest "evel when you first meet, it has to &e higher when you call and as+ her for your first date# 2hy. 3ecause you waited five to nine days &efore you called 4Challenge6# Two out of five women who give you their num&ers will &e Professional ,aters 4with low Interest "evel6# ?ne of the remaining three might wor+ out to your satisfaction 4meet your re;uirements in the Interest "evel and attitude departments6# Remem&er, to always as+ for the home phone num&er#
%':?R If you can ma+e them laugh, dude8it$s party time 7ast Eddie "ove# If you donFt have a personality go to improv or comedy school 5alEthe 7ishE"ove# "aughing is !od$s drug ,oc "ove# E/cept for 7eministas, everyone li+es a man with a sense of humor0 No wonder Ro&in 2illiams and (im Carrey ma+e S)< million a movie# 2hereFs the ?scar. 2hat 9 have noticed in relationships is that women thin+ you have confidence 4one third of attitude6,if you can ma+e them laugh#9our self esteem could &e lower than shar+ fertili-er &ecause your mother only paid attention to your sister4&oys are tough6, &ut if you can ma+e her laugh, she thin+s you have your Dact all together#E Another interesting thing a&out a woman is that if she has high Interest "evel and is fle/i&le, she even li+es your corny 1o+es# I went to an Ai+ido tournament and saw =IA pound guys throw )IA pound men through the air# %ow. 3y using the &ig manFs momentum and weight against him#


The &ig man threw a punch, and the little man would gra& his arm, pull a little &it at the proper angle, and the &ig guy was air&orne# 5ince I am a &eliever in universal truth and laws, I am thin+ing, how can a guy use this leverage principle with a woman. I call this law of relationships, the D?ld go with the flow, and diffuse with humorE principle# To you Psych ma1ors, this law says when she is &ac+ing you into a corner you will tell her what she doesnt want to hear, &y carrying it to the ridiculous# 2hy. 3ecause you donFt want to tell her, and she loves Challenge she 1ust doesnFt +now it0 No matter what she as+s, or how many times she nags you, she gets a funny answer# 2hy. 3ecause we donFt get heavy, or argue, and she is going to find out that nagging isnFt allowed# 5o we are going to outlast her4&ac+&one6# 2hy. 3ecause she will either ;uit, or wal+0 5cary, isnFt it0 !uys, as with Ai+ido, get the feel of what I am saying# Caprice as+s her &oyfriend, Tom,ETell me the worst thing you have ever done in your whole life.E Tom says ,EI ro&&ed 7ort @no/ and got the monmey in Ourich#E DTom, how much do you love me. %e says, DIf you ever loo+ at a gay man, IFll +ill myself.E DTom, how much do you thin+ of me. %e says li+e ,eNiro would,EAre you tal+ing to me.E DTom, am I the first girl you felt this strongly a&out.E %e says,Ethe CAth0EECome on, Tom#EE?@4say slowly6, the CNth0E DTom, please donFt play games, tell me how you feel.E Tom says, DA&out what, oFlove of my life.E DTom, if you donFt answer my ;uestion, I am leaving you0E Tom says, D7or how long.E DThatFs it# I canFt &e in love with someone who wonFt &e honest4mushy6 with me0E DCaprice0EE9es, Tom.E D,oes that mean 9 wonFt see your mom again.E DTom, I want a divorce#E Tom says,E:ay I help you pac+.E The +ey is, treat her li+e a princess, and donFt ver&ali-e your vulnera&ilities4negatives and self criticisms6# 7reud was searching for the concept of Challenge, and li+e the present day Ee/pertsE, he couldnFt see it either# And how can you get a woman to tell you she responds to Challenge if she doesnFt even +now it. Challenge is the key to her heart, and +eeps the &all on her side of the court# ?nly a structured woman or a woman with low Interest "evel can leave# 3ig deal0 Remem&er, unless she is &igger than you are, donFt &e intimidated &y her threats# 5heFs either &luffing or testing, or &oth# INTERLIE2 Always listen to the tone of her voice 5al EThe 7ishE "ove# The first date is one &ig interview 5einfeld# Pretend this interview is practice for the ne/t one ,oc "ove# Tom is on his first date with Caprice# %e is as+ing her where she was raised, what she li+ed to do as a +id, what she li+ed to do as a +id, what what she li+ed a&out school the most, what are her ho&&ies, what she li+es to do for fun4if she wants to tal+ a&out her 1o& let her &ring it up6#, etc# In essence, he is getting to +now her# %e will also tal+ too much as he tries to ma+e points, and will lower her Interest "evel# 2hy. 3ecause the &ad part is, Tom is on a 1o& interview, the worse part is he doesnFt even +now it# Caprice has a different approach# 5he is as+ing Tom a&out his love life# 5he wants to +now how young he was when he dated his first girl, how often he dates, and whether or not he had married 4This idiot is going to tell her a&out all the women who have dumped him#6 In essence she is getting to +now him 4actually she is si-ing him up trying to figure out whether or not he is an empty suit6# Caprice will try to get Tom to tal+ too much, so he will lose points, and lower her Interest "evel45o much for &een open and honest06# The good part is she really doesnFt want him to tal+ too much 4Right06# The &ad part is he does not +now that he should only answer her ;uestions with humor via comedic witticisms# 9es, Tom is on a 1o& interview &ut only Caprice +nows it# This is an e/ample of why you need a coach0 The old Tom would have told Caprice everything she wanted to +now &ut not the DnewE Tom# 3efore he answers any ;uestion, he as+s himself, DIs this answer going to help my cause. Is there any reason for her to +now this a&out me. Is there any possi&ility this information could &e used against me in the future.E And most importantly, D,oes my answer raise her Interest "evel.E I have two piles of e/periences# ?ne is a positive pile and the other is negative pile# 2hen Caprice as+s Tom for some e/periences out of the one of his piles, Tom can tal+ a&out an e/perience from his negative one, or from his positive one, or &oth piles itFs up to Tom# If you were a girl, would you say Tom has a good attitude if he only pic+ed e/periences from the positive pile. ?f course0 The less you tal+ a&out other women, the &etter off you are# 2hy. 3ecause she figures that if you tal+ a&out them, you might tal+ a&out her4no class6# 5ome women thin+ most guys only date so they can tell their &uddies what happened4Can you imagine .6# ,uring the interview, if she presses you for an answer or says you are playing games, 1ust smile and as+ her, D,o you thin+ it is proper for a


gentleman to tal+ a&out other women on such a personal &asis.E then follow in a high pitched feminine &itchy tone, DAfter all, it is a small world.E If she is structured, andKor has low Interest "evel, she will &low a cor+0 If she is fle/i&le and has high Interest "evel, she will respect your wishes, laugh4&ecause your &antering is wor+ing6, and say to yourself, DIFll get it out of him later0E This is her test# IsnFt this fun. The +ey is, to control the interview &y letting her do the ma1ority of the tal+ing# Always answer her in the gray4No 5pecifics6, and turn the ;uestioning &ac+ to her# @eep it light8 +eep it funny no heavy su&1ects, no negatives, and no put downs# If you donFt have a personality, 1ust smile a lot0 ,o not react when she tal+s a&out her N< million e/ &oyfriends# 9ou are up to &at now, &ecause they struc+ out# Remem&er, find out why they were &enched so you can reinforce the precepts of The D5ystem,E and hit a home run#

INTI:AC9 The electronic and print media is programmed to accept the same spoon fed propaganda from the &rainwashers and the 7eministas ,oc "ove# The &rainwashers change the meanings of words to suit their secretive agenda !eneral "ove# A smart woman +nows that true meaning of love is defined &y how she is treated 7ather "ove# I want you guys to reali-e something# I read at least a &oo+ a wee+ written &y my competition* the other love doctors# 5ome of their material is good the &iggest pro&lem I have is that it misleads women 4who &uy GA> of the &oo+s6# I say this is &ecause the ma1ority of the information, directly or indirectly, wants women to change men, or it e/pects men to do things that are not interesting to them li+e shopping or listening0 ,o any of these &oo+s ever tell her that she should never nag him &ecause it is unloving. ?r a&out letting him win an argument or get his way once in a while even though we all +now that she is smarter than he is. %ow a&out a compliment when he does something right, li+e when he plays with the +ids when she is tired. %ow a&out loving his faults for one wee+. 2omen want to feel close to the men they love# And to get that connection, they have &een &rainwashed to &elieve that true intimacy only comes from a man saying, DI love youE fifty times a day or that he should &ring up everything &ad that has ever happened in his life 4as well as ta+ing out the trash6# ,oes the a&ove sound logical to you guys. 2hat I am saying is* Negative do not raise Interest "evel# Tom and his girlfriend, Caprice, &y coincidence, were fired on the same day from their separate companies# To ma+e things worse, they were &oth &ro+e# 5he called Tom and as+ed, D%ow much money do you have.E


DI have eighty seven cents#E DI have a&out the same# :eet me at the ice cream shop in fifteen minutes#E 2hen they met at the mall, they added up their money S=#GJ# Caprice said,E2e are three cents short of two scoops#E Tom started laughing, and then Caprice started laughing# They held each other as the tears 4from laughter6 poured from their eyes and their ri&s started to hurt# The people who wal+ed &y them thought* DThese two people are cra-y#E In spite of their common pain, Tom and Caprice laughed and played li+e children# It is now four +ids and ten years later# Anytime Tom and Caprice have money pro&lems, they &oth laugh, recalling that positive intimate moment in front of the ice cream parlor# ?n the other hand, there are women who donFt understand that the man cannot get intimate when he is constantly critici-ed &y her -ingers# %er impatience chews on the relationship# 7or once, itFs the manFs Interest "evel that is going down# The woman needs trust to get intimate, &ut she doesnFt +now that the man needs loyalty# In the manFs psyche, constant criticism e;uals disloyalty# It may seem illogical, &ut that is the way it is# To you Psych ma1ors* as+ yourself if an important married man would need Liagra if :iss ?cto&er wal+ed in instead of his nagging, &row&eating wife. The +ey is, intimacy is a positive e/perience that the man and the woman feel on a deep level# It doesnFt come from tal+ing a&out how many times you contemplated suicide as a +id, or from throwing around DI love youE li+e throwing a 7ris&ee at 7ido in the par+# Remem&er, intimacy is an uplifting, postive, connecting e/perience &etween two people with good attitudes and high Interest "evel in each other who happen to +now how to play#
(EA"?'59 5hows this lady you do not have this trait, and she will thin+ you are one in a &illion 7ather "ove# (ealousy is one of the seven "deadlies" in the 3i&le for a reason 3rother "ove# (ealousy helps your competition rip off your girlfriend 7ast Eddie "ove# :acho &oy &elieves that 1ealousy and its twin sister, possessiveness, are manly traits#The theory goes that women are li+e land grants of yesteryear property to &e protected and guarded at all times# %is motto is right out of the old west* DTrespassers will &e shot on sight#E %e is not going to lose his ranch or girl to any&ody# Anyone even loo+ing at his girl will &e in &ig trou&le# The sad part is thereFs only going to &e trou&le down the road for him in the form of re1ection# 2hy. 3ecause women donFt loo+ at 1ealousy as a manly triat 4rightly so6, nor does The D5ystem#E The greatest thing a&out a womanFs Interest "evel is, as it gets higher, the less interested she &ecomes in other men 4Can you &elieve that.6# :acho &oy had &etter &e rich if he is going to hire someone with a camcorder to trail her everywhere she goes# Plus, if she finds out what heFs doing, she will then get it in her head to do what he fears most*leave him for another man# Thus, he plants the seed in her head that will eventually destroy him pretty heavy, huh. %is 1ealousy lowers her high Interest "evel &ecause she sees him as not trusting her despite the fact that there was never anything to worry a&out# %is posture and self assurance suffer every time he gets 1ealous around her# A woman with a healthy self esteem will not put up with this# Rightly so# Tom ta+es Caprice to the &each, and Tom gasps as Caprice drops her T shirt and shorts to the sand# %e has never seen a &i+ini on a girl that he loved# %e loo+s around the &each and notices a few guys chec+ing her out# Tom feels a strange feeling in his &ody a feeling that ma+es him clench his fist and


want to +ic+ sand in their faces# %aving 1ust graduated from ,oc "oveFs 5chool of "ove, he +nows he has to practice self control, so he smiles at the guys committing the sin of lust with his girlfriend, Caprice# The old Tom would cause a scene, &ut due to his transformation, he now says to himself, DEat it up, &oys8 sheFs all mine0E The +ey is, that one third of your attitude is control, and one third of control is self control# Repeat this to yourself* D(ealousy plants the seed of my own destruction#E "earn to live with other menFs attention directed toward your girl, or 1oin the monastery# Remem&er, she could &e testing you0 I coach men provide a lady with a lasting, happy relationship ,oc "ove# The &est thing a&out Challenge is that it ups her Interest "evel for you when you are not in her face trying to lower it with your silly antics 7ast Eddie "ove# 2hen you are luc+y enough to have a good woman, you should say PThan+ you 4without slo&&ering06 for never naggingF, dear 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# Presently, on a tal+ radio you have psychologist who supposedly +now their stuff, &ut are not interesting or funny# There are comedians who are funny, &ut they donFt have the depth of +nowledge one needs to &e a love doctor# 'nli+e the others, I have The D5ystemE and a sense of humor# I also +now that radio is supposed to &e entertainment, not therapy# The pro&lem is that Program ,irectors hate money, honest0 N< million guys over =J in America who love women and the do not see the mar+et# Idiots0 ThatFs why they are not on TL0 42here are the guys helping the guys. 2ho is tal+ing from a manFs prospective opposite the 7eministas on TL and radio. 2here is the article on menFs rights in the newspaper. [2ho cares. They are 1ust men0\6 :ay&e &ecause I help men, programmers thin+ I am against women, who do the ma1ority of &uying from radio ads# Perhaps, programmers get this notion a&out me &ecause the women who help women today are su&tle men &ashers so if I help the enemy men then I must hate women# in fact, I love all women especially the ones who have good attitudes# 2hen I go on the radio as a guest, and give out my telephone num&er at the end of the show, three out of four calls are always from women# This occurs even though they +&ow my e/pertise is in coaching men and in spite of the fact that they already understand men# I tell them that so why so they call. To &uy my tapes and &oo+ for the men they love# :others give my program to their sons, girlfriends to their &oyfriends, wives to their hus&ands, sisters to their &rothers, and daughters to their fathers 4who are divorced or widowed6# ?thers invest in this information 1ust &ecause they are interested in the su&1ect matter# Perhaps programmers, li+e most men, donFt reali-e that women donFt ta+e it personally when I &ust them on their games# 2omen +now love is a game and unli+e men they are thic+ s+inned when it comes to love# The good women +now that I am helping them &y coaching men to treat them properly# There is not one show in America =<<> dedicated to love relationships 4who cares a&out your arguments with your mother in law or your pro&lems with your neigh&orFs dog &ar+ing.6 # "etFs tal+ a&out love in a humorous and controversial manner this is the +ey to ratings# Can you imagine a love doctor who says he is the first man in B<<< years to understand women who has a good sense of humor. %e would give Rush and %oward a run for their money# It is ironic that I donFt get hired &ecause program directors all say they want something new, fresh, and controversial oh yeah, I almost forgot they all hate money# The +ey is, ,oc "ove +nows women want to fall in love8 and not nag, gain weight, &utcher their hair, scream, play games, confuse or re1ect you# 3ut what are the poor guys8 it is time to start doing the right things &y following The D5ystem,E and ta+e &ac+ your power#

"?LE 4,octor6


:A:A ItFs &etter if she loo+s up to you and calls you D,addyE rather than you calling her D:ommyE 7ast Eddie "ove# 9ou are only supposed to get one mother in your life, not ywo The Reality 7actor# ?ne hand washes the other Ra&&i "ove# Relationships are great &esides &eing loving they are efficient* one partner does one thing while the other partner is &usy doing something else# 2omen are natural nurturers to their children, and if they are givers to their hus&ands as well it is even &etter# 3ut a serious pro&lem can occur in the relationship if the man allows the woman to &ecome his mama# 5he gets turned off# 5o you sensitive guys stop trying to do so much so soon for these new women you met# 2hen they see that you want to wait on them hand and foot, they cannot seem fathom loo+ing up to you# Tom and Caprice have a good and &alanced marriage, with each partner doing their fare share# They &oth wor+ and split the housewor+, shopping, and cleaning# They &oth try to give =<<> and neither ta+es advantage of the other# 4%ow often does this happen.6 If Caprice is down, Tom will hold her in his arms and listen until Caprice feels &etter# If Tom is down and out he li+es to &e left alone and wor+ it out his negative feeling for himself# Caprice is a smart woman and respects his wishes# 5he hasnFt &een &rainwashed into &elieving that Tom is hiding something, or that their relationship is diminished &ecause of it# In fact, she thin+s more of him &ecause he does not want to &urden her# It is ama-ing what a womanFs good attitude can do for a relationship# Caprice will DmotherE Tom only when he is sic+, and she will &e his wife again when he is well# 5he +nows she didnFt marry Tom so he could &e her son# If Tom is sic+, he doesnFt say to himself,E I li+e &eing served hand and foot8 I thin+ I will stay her little &oy#E The +ey is, +eep &alance in your relationship and donFt ma+e your wife your mama# 5haer in the duties and stay self reliant# 5he +nows a mother canFt feel romantic toward her son which you &ecome if she does too much mothering and giving# 2hy. 3ecause with time, she will lose respect for you, which will lower her Interest "evel# Remem&er, she is not your maid, coo+, nurse, or therapist8 she is your playful mate#

2hen the man says, D I do,E it is the happiest day of her life Al 3undy# :arriage civili-es men 2ilson# If the odds of her divorcing you are A< >, and she could ta+e )<< acres8 how many acres does your ranch have to have on your wedding day 'ncle (ethro "ove . Tom and Caprice have &een happily married for five years, DCaprice,E I as+, D2hat is your secret.E Caprice answers that she has three sisters who are married and they are all misera&le# D2hy.E I as+# DThey donFt ever do anyting with their hus&ands# 2hen Tom and I got married we promised each other we would go out at least once every two wee+s, and we have# Now that the twins are here we go out once a month# This is written in stone# 2e are not going to end up li+e my sisters8 and we havenFt# The +ey is, date your wife, or when the +ids are gone you will &e living with a stranger# 3esides her &eing your +idsF mom, she is your wife# Remem&er, if you donFt date her, someone else might#

:ERCENAR94!old digger6 A mercenary &elieves she should &e paid for her Interest "evel 7actor# The 3ottom "ine

A mercenary is a house+eeper who +eeps the home after she fires her employer # Ra&&i "ove# 2omen marry up and mercenaries marry way, way up 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# 5;uaw who marry for many ponies ma+imF &ad wife 5hoeshine prover&# Never marry, &ut for love Penn#


The &est thing a&out &eing &ro+e is, mercenaries will never pic+ on you "ove#


:ercenaries thin+ money is evil, only when you donFt have any Reverend love# A mercenary wants her man to &e frugal, e/cept with her 7ast Eddie "ove# The gigolo goes to 1ail# The mercenary has a &a&y, which guarantees her a property settlement and monthly allowance !eneral "ove# A golddigger &elieves the only reason man was &orn is to dig for her gold (ethro "ove# To a mercenary, having a 1o& and an apartment doesnFt cut it 7actor# 'ncle

The 3ottom "ine

:ercenaries are underpaid# 2hy. Can you imagine sleeping with someone you loathe The Reality 7actor. If you want me to &e your honey, you &etter have lots of money song# :ercenary theme

S=),<<< worth of diamonds on a tennis &racelet will force you to &e happy :ercenary :otto# :en &elieve in sharing8 mercenaries &elieve in you sharing The Reality 7actor# A prostitute rents her rights8 a mistress leases her rights8 a mercenary sells them Ra&&i "ove# Rich men who remarry have pre nups, not &ecause they have more &read, &ut &ecause they have &een &urned and do not +now why, li+e Trump for e/ample ,oc "ove# The +ey is, mercenaries are the antithesis of giving# If you thin+ you have one on your hands, tell her you are going &an+rupt# If she stays and offers to help re&uild your mini empire, marry her# Remem&er, itFs &etter that she li+es you more than she li+es what you are worth#

:EN 43ashing6
3eware of women who hate men 3rother "ove# :en &ashing is an American institution ,oc "ove# :en are the last oppressed minority The 3ottom "ine 7actor#


In the 1une =GGB issue of Readers Digest there is an article &y (oyce &rothers entitled* D"ies :en Tell 2omenE no, IFm not +idding# I was shoc+ed to see an article li+e this in such a prestigious and respected pu&lication# I would have e/pected it in some 7eminista pu&lication, &ut Readers Digest. 2hat if the title was D"ies 2omen Tell :enE. There would &e a riot in front of their corporate offices and the media would &e having a field day interviewing the man haters thatFs what0 3ut when it happens to a man, who cares. I later wrote a letter to the maga-ine, as+ing if i could write an article in response called*E!ames 2omen PlayE no reply# To ma+e a long story short, men &ashing 3rothers says, DThere are crucial differences in the lies women and men tell#E 5he goes on to ;uote another female authority that says4!et this06* D2omen lie to ma+e others feel &etter#E Now what I hear is, DItFs ?@ to lie as long as your motive is pure#E 7or instance if your wife is committing adultery and telling you she loves you, itFs ?@# ,id you get that, guys. ItFs a dou&le standard for lying0 3ut of course, we all +now that only men commit adultery and lie &adly a&out it# 2hile he lies to avoid getting caught, she only lies to avoid hurting him# %ow decent of her0 Thin+ a second, guys if women always told you the truth, were up front ith you, and never confused you, would you &e reading this &oo+. The article goes on to say* DA woman who is hearing too many lies needs to have a serious discussion with her hus&and#E I agree (oyce, and how a&out the other way around. 5he doesnFt mention this 4sin of omission6, so it must never happen0 %ere is the &est sentence of the article* DTelling the truth to a spouse is the first step toward showing that love is more important than lies#E 2ow, I didnFt +now that0 The +ey is, donFt support the men &ashers financially# Remem&er, they hate letters#
:ercenary4!old digger6 NICE4!uy6 ?n paper she wants a nice guy, &ut down deep she wants an ape The 3ottom "ine 7actor# The sad part is,Ethe nice guyE really is a nice guy 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# The real reason she doesnFt +eep a nice guy is &ecause he is the antithesis of Challenge ,oc "ove# Tom wor+s at a &ig company and +nows everyone# If you were a new employee# he would show you around, tell you the companyFs dos and donFts, and ma+e you feel right at home# If there ever is a pro&lem at your des+, he is there to help# ?n your &irthday Tom would have a card for you &ecause he is the one who arranges all the going away parties# Everyone at wor+, including management, loves Tom &ecause he is a nice gu8&ut no one is4or will &e6Ein loveE with Tom, &ecause he is a nice guy# Tom is the same way during his dates# %is &iggest pro&lem is, he is dying to accommodate# %is girlfriends stay with him, until &oredom sets in or worse* they stay to use him# 2hy does this happen. 3ecause he avoids confrontation at all costs# Tom could never understand the concepts of respect, testing, and Challenge# If he did and got mad enough at himself he might change# The gentleman has a slightly rougher edge than the nice guy and is not so compliant# If he doesnFt hear DpleaseE and Dthan+ you,E %e letFs her +now it# If she tries to ta+e advantage, he calls her on it and smiles# %eFs no oneFs fool#


The gentleman loo+s forwardto the firstEclashE in the relationship# 2hy. 3ecause he +nows he has to get it out of the way# %e canFt wait to show :iss Right that he can stand up for himself, and ta+e the ris+ of her leaving him# %e +nows her ne/t move &ecause he +nows The D5ystem#E 2hen a woman says a guy is Dnice,E she is really saying he is wea+, i#e#, he will do anything for her# Rather than get appreciation he gets , as Rodney ,angerfield says DNo respect#E ItFs sad &ecause he has a &ig heart and means well# 5o much for his feelings0 The ma1ority of women donFt care a&out the manFs good intentions# They only care a&out their Interest "evel# The +ey is, saying DNoEto :iss Right at the proper time is the foundation of your relationship# 7or her to &e in love with you, you cannot &e a nice 4wea+6 guy, &ecause Interest "evel is &uilt on respect, not wea+ness# Remem&er, though, not to overuse the word as macho &oy always does# PAIN A &ad marriage is li+e a nightmare with no morning to come ,oc "ove# A stupid person is an intelligent person who repeats his mista+es Reverend "ove# Challenge lessens the odds of her dumping you &ecause she is always chasing you The Reality 7actor# It would &e nice if 9 could sell you a pill for SA<< that would ma+e every &eautiful woman you meet, fall in love with you and +eep you# ?f course, the &est part of this would &e that the woman would never hurt you# 2ith that pill, 9 would &e sharing the cover of Fortune maga-ine with 3ill !ates# Now &ac+ to Earth### Anything that is worth having has to &e earned# This also applies to :iss Right# If you donFt do what is right, she will give you a lot of pain &y playing with your head or &y re1ecting you### and we +now how much we hate that0 The +ey is, follow The D5ystem,E if you want to avoid pain# If you do her right, she will do you right# ?f course this comes only after she is deeply in love with you# 'ntil then it is tric+ery and games# Remem&er, pain is !odFs way of telling youFre not doing something right# PATIENCE 5he is going to do what she wants to do, when she wants to do it, and with whom she chooses8so rela/, 3ig !uy M ,oc "ove# The Promised "and always lies on the other side of a wilderness M Ellis# If she has high Interest "evel, time is on your side M 7ast Eddie "ove# ,addy &ull and &a&y &ull are on top of the hill loo+ing down at all the young heifers in the valley# 3a&y &ull says enthusiastically, D"etFs run down and get ourselves one0E ,addy &ull says calmly,E"etFs wal+ down8and get them all0E Tom is an e/pert trout fisherman# 2hen he gets a ni&&le on his fishing line, he doesnFt pull hard on the pole# 2hen the fish pulls hard, he +nows the hoo+ is &uried and the fish will never get away# The +ey is, patience is one third of control# 9ou have to learn to delay gratification# 9ou cannot go in too slowly into a relationship M only too ;uic+ly# A very old prover& says,EPatience is &itter, &ut its fruit is sweet#E Remem&er, patience and Challenge are twin &rothers# REA"IT947actor6 Reality is not pre1udicial8it hurts every one The Reality 7actor# The D5ystemE is not only a&out rules and concepts8itFs a&out teaching you to thin+ on your feet ,oc "ove# 9ou can see everyone elseFs pro&lems, &ut your ego will not allow you to see your own Ra&&i "ove# Tom has &een going with Caprice for two years, and wants to get engaged# %e is at a po+er party with his &est five friends and they are trying to tell him that she is no good, &ut he wonFt hear it# They tell him*E5he is a liar, a cheat, and the town tramp0E The good part is8 they are not &loc+ers# The &ad part is8 Tom 1ust wonFt listen# Eventually, he will pay for his faulty selection process and for his deafness to the truth# The +ey is, TomFs Interest "evel is too high# ?nly a womanFs Interest "evel should go a&ove G<># Tom should reali-e that reality doesnFt care a&out what he wants, or how he sees things# Remem&er, if you go against reality li+e Tom, you will suffer li+e Tom# RE(ECTI?N ?ne of two things happen in a relationship* you &rea+ up, or worse, you get married ?rti-# 9ou cannot comprehend the pain of re1ection and that emptiness engulfing your stomach until you have &een dumped your true love The Reality 7actor# 2ives file for divorce BB> of the time# )N> of the time, the wives ma+e their hus&ands so misera&le, that the hus&ands file# The other =<> of marriages end when men file once they finally figure out that they married the wrong woman, or 1ust &ecause they hate &eing on a )N hour curfew ,oc "ove# Re1ection is worse than par+ing tic+ets 7ast Eddie "ove#


9ou come in alone, and you go out alone Anonymous# :a+e mista+es ;uic+ly 3#%anes# Re1ection feels li+e a &ase&all &at at full swing hitting you in the stomach The 3ottom "ine 7actor# The higher her Interest "evel, the more she will want you to stay, and the less she will want to re1ect you 3rother "ove# Re1ection dou&les the re1ecteeFs Interest level, temporarily 7ather "ove# 9ou have no idea how much more pleasant it is, when she thin+s she dropped you 7ast Eddie "ove# ,ivorce is good for real estate salespeople and divorce lawyers ,oc "ove# 3ear the pain, and promise yourself ne/t time you will follow The D5ystemE Reverend "ove# Re1ection is the ultimate Challenge 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# If love is supposed to feel so good, how come I am in all this pain Cow&oy 5aying. 3rea+ing up is never mutual# The re1ectee is the dumpee, who always hurts more 7o//# :arriage is ine/pensive8 divorce is very e/pensive Chinese prover&# The man re1ects his mistress when she acts li+e his wife 7ast Eddie "ove# 9ou re1ect her to cure her &ad attitude, and to help out the ne/t guy 5al DThe7ishE "ove# If you go out with someone who ma+es more than you do and she ru&s it in your face, sheFs out ,oc "ove# ,ivorce is only temporary solution if you continue pic+ing losers, or if you pic+ winners without acting li+e one yourself The Reality 7actor# 2hen she &rea+s up*she did everything for the uncouth, unappreciative Neanderthal# 2hen he &rea+s up*the insensitive slo& &ro+e her heart 7eministasF Rule3oo+# Re1ection shows no mercy,itFs worst than shooting the wounded !eneral "ove# The +ey is, to suffer less, get out first# 9ou have to start dropping women who have low Interest "evel andKor &ad attitudes, even if you li+e them 4Now weFll see how tough you are, &ig guy06# ?nly re1ect her if you +now you can &eat the temptation to go &ac+# 5he will only ta+e you &ac+ so she can &e the happy re1ecter# Remem&er, when the life&oat of love is going down, htere is only one set of water wings0 RE5PECT No respect e;uals no love, !rasshopper Chinese prover&# If she has to earn you 4Challenge6, she respects you more ,oc "ove# 2omen &luff to test !eneral "ove# Intellectually, most men reali-e that :acho 3oy, who is trying to +eep a womanFs love via dominance, is on the wrong trac+, ends up getting the oppostie intended effect8the loss of her love# ?n the other hand, the :r#5ensitive figures that if he does the opposite of :acho 3oy via &eing dominated, he can +eep a womanFs love# %e doesnFt either# In the D&ad olF daysE, of your great grandparents, the woman 1umped# Now the man is supposed to 1ump so imply the 7eministas and other love doctors# 5o what is a guy to do. 9es, guys, itFs supposed to &e A< A<# No one dominates# 3ut at &est it is going to A= NG#2hy. 3ecause the Reality 7actor says that Interest "evel is never the same# And one person is always more of a giver4hint06than the other is# And one person is always more fle/i&le4hint06than the other# The necessity of common interests, values, and goals, handling and spending of money, and the wants and needs of each partner cannot &e over estimated over the long haul# 5o the rule is8 there is a time to &e tough, and thereFs time to suc+ eggs04The wimp always gives in and :acho &oy never does8so they are &oth wrong#6 The +ey is, do not forget to say DNoEat least once a month# Remem&er not to worry8she will give you lots of chances# 5E"74Confidence6 2hen you see or hear the word feelings, A"2A95 put the word DnegativeE &efore it ,oc "ove# A woman cannot wal+ away from a Challenge The Reality 7actor# "ong term wise, a woman loves your positive strength ;ualities4CCC6, then your Interest "evel Ra&&i "ove# :y definition of self confidence 4=K) of confidence6 is how much you practice The D5ystem#E 2hy. 3ecause that is how she loo+s at it# 9ou can earn half a million a year, &ut if you donFt do what is right8it is 1ust a matter of time &efore she### The man who uses CA> of The D5ystemE gets CA> Interest "evel from his wife# %e might not even read my material, played my tapes, or have &een my student# Every guy does some part of The


D5ystem#E I want more guys to use all of The D5ystem,E to up :iss RightFs Interest "evel8 to +eep them out of divorce court8and continue raising their +ids with their wives under one roof# The +ey is, leaving your ego out of this# Remem&er, she wants to love you more, so do whatFs right, and she will#

The D5ystemE is a ;ualifying selection process ,oc "ove# The saddest thing in the world is a man with high Interest "evel and low self esteem Ra&&i "ove# If you donFt &elieve in yourself, why should she The Reality 7actor. There is a video I want you to rent# It is called D:y 3lue %eaven#E It stars 5teve :artin and Ric+ :oranis# As it &egins, his wife is dumping :oranis, and at the end of the movie his new girlfriend idoli-es him# %e is a 73I agent who is in charge of :artin in the witness protection program# ,ue to the amount of time they spent together, Ric+ changes a lot of his views a&out life and especially women# :artin shows him what DrealE self esteem is all a&out# The +ey is, she has to +now where Dthe line is drawn in the sand,E without you telling her# The De/pertsE call it self esteem, or D%ow much do you love yourself.E ,oc "ove calls it, D%ow much 4crap6 are you going to let her get away with.E Remem&er, without her respect, you have nothing#

The wimp is too sensitive8macho &oy is too insensitive The Reality 7actor# If you are a good listener, and tell her you are afraid of mice, she will thin+ you are sensitive ,oc "ove# There are no male role models !eneral "ove# 5ensitive is another word that the &rainwashers have polluted the American femalesF minds with# They say men are not in touch with your feminine side# They never thin+ that may&e men donFt want to# :ay&e it is ?@ for him, not to want, to &e# :ay&e he is not supposed to &e# :ay&e it is not good for him to &e that way# :ay&e he isnFt, for a reason# 5o much for o&1ectivity0 The +ey is, itFs ?@ to &e masculine# A man should &e sensitive &ut not to the point where he comes off as a cowering idiot or a &utler# Remem&er, opposites are supposed to attract, unless she plays pro foot&all0

I have a contract with ,octor Ruth8 this is her division ,oc "ove# 57

:ost men get married for the wrong reasons and haven$t a clue ,oc "ove# ,oes a wife, who is a fle/i&le giver with =<<> Interest "evel in her hus&and, ever not want to +iss him ,oc "ove.
"595TE:"4The6 :en, who possess confidence, smile# 'ptight guys give hard loo+s# 3rother "ove# The D5ystemE cuts across social, geographical, cultural, religious, and economic &oundaries ,oc "ove# 2hen dating, if you are used to feeling li+e a lam& &eing led to the slaughter, The D5ystemE is the tool that will empower you 7ast Eddie "ove# =#TheE5ystemE is pac+aged common sense# All meat, no potatoes# It does not give you power# It is potential power that &ecomes power through its use# )#Initially, allow The D5ystemE to coach and guide you# I#,ifferent parts of The D5ystemE converge, and reinforce each other4patience and Challenge are only one e/ample6# N#If you feel you are doing worse, it is &ecause you are &ecoming aware# This will pass, so you must &e patient and never get down on yourself# A#9ou will see in time that these principles Dspill overE into other part of your life especially &usiness# B#3e gentle on yourself as you ma+e mista+es# This is a marathon, not a =<< yard dash# The tortoise always wins with women, not the ra&&it# J#:arvel at the truth as you get small doses of insight# C#9our head and heart are liars8only listen to your gut# G#To paraphrase %ollywoodFs oldest adage,EAlways leave her, wanting more#E =<#,onFt ta+e advantage of innocence, or stupidity# ==#Remem&er, lovers come and go family and DreallyE close friends last forever# =)#Nothing is more important than the children# =I#A&ove all, never lose hope or ;uit# =N#If you thin+ a&out gicing up, you got to get real mad at yourself while you are loo+ing in the mirror &ecause it will never let you lie# 9ou got to &e strong0 The +ey is, reali-e how luc+y you are, spread the word, and tell a friend to &uy this &oo+, so I can get my super model and condo at the &each0 Remem&er, someone up there loves you0 TE"EP%?NE If you donFt give her all the answers over the phone, she will &e forced to go out with you 5al DThe 7ishE "ove# The phone is only to set appointments Camp&ell# The manFs reason for the phone is to get a date# The womanFs reason for the phone is to weed him out ,oc "ove# The story that I am a&out to tell will run shivers up your spine# 3ut if you will do what I say todo on this one you deserve the Congressional :edal of %onor# Tom meets Caprice at a 5unday wedding reception and gets her phone num&er without any dou&lespea+ 42omanese6# %e does not reali-e it, &ut Caprice handed out her num&er to nine other guys 43oy, does she hate her e/06# And letFs assume she has B<> Interest "evel in all of them, included Tom4!o with me on this one#6# Remem&er, in the first B< days the foundation is set and the rules are laid out# 5even guys will call Caprice on :onday# Two will call Tuesday# They will as+ her out for what nights. 7riday or 5aturday predicta&le no Challenge# Caprice will say, DTell me a&out yourself#E 49ou are supposed to sell, face to face as+ your &uddy in sales#6 They will tal+ until she gets &ored# Then she ends with the infamous, D IFm &usy this wee+end, &ut +eep in touch0E Caprice was 1ust dying to raise her B<> Interest "evel, &ut no one gave her a reason# Not yet# "isten closely# Caprice goes to wor+ 2ednesday, and as+s her girlfriend,EI wonder why the tenth guy named Tom didnFt call.E %er girlfriend replies, D9ou have nine guys chasing you, what are you worried a&out .E Caprice says, DIt 1ust isnFt right he hasnFt called# All the others did# I wonder if he is married, or if he 1ust lost my num&er#E 2hen Caprice is wondering why you do not act li+e the other guys, what do you thin+, it is doing to her Interest "evel. 4Challenge ups Interest "evel when you are out of sight#6 Now what I am going to tell you will really frighten you#


Tom will call Caprice a wee+ from :onday 4D?h no, not nine days0E6# The rule is, wait five to nine days, and as+ her out for a wee+day# IFll give you a clue Challenge, and her wee+ends are &oo+ed anyway# If Caprice had negative Interest "evel 4NG>, or less6,or is structured, she will not ma+e a date &ecause you roughed up her ego, &y not calling her li+e every other stooge 4who followed her agenda6, who she is only going to use for dinner and re1ect later anyway# The D5ystemE protects your heart, your time, and your wallet, if you have faith and the guts to use it 4=<<>6# 3ut you must study, practice, and always as+ for the home phone num&er# Tom calls Caprice on the following :onday and doesnFt say his last name, or where they met# 2hy. 2e are testing her Interest "evel# If she says,ETom, who.E ?r, Dwhere did we meet.E 9ou get the opportunity to say, DE/cuse me, I must have the wrong num&er4you do06E, and hang up0E Thin+ of all the mutual funds you can now afford0 The male ego cannot face the fact that women with high Interest "evel cannot forget you in five to nine days# :en with high Interest "evel cannot face the fact that if she has positive Interest "evel there is nothing to worry a&out# D%i, Caprice, this is Tom#E Caprice says, D2hy havenFt you called. I did# 2hen. 7ive seconds ago# 2ell, I 1ust thought you would have called sooner#E Caprice has high Interest "evel# 2hy. 3ecause, she as+ed why he did not call sooner# !reat test# D"etFs go out 2ednesday for :e/ican food and dancing# I will pic+ you up at eight# 2hatFs your address.E Tom shows confidence &y assuming she will say yes# If this ma+es you nervous, you are telling me you are not sure of her 4high6 Interest "evel, right. Caprice says, DTom, I donFt go out with game players# Ne/t time you get a girlFs num&er, call her right away# !ood&ye#E 2hat I am a&out to say is your litmus test# If you want to &e a loser you will &elieve her and throw this &oo+ in the trash# I also suggest that you marry the homely girl down the &loc+ and live unhappily ever after0 If you are a winner you will +now she is structured, or has low Interest "evel# 2hen a woman has positive Interest "evel4a&oveA<>6&y definition, she has to go out# ThatFs what Interest "evel is all a&out# 5he does what she does, &ecause she is interested# If she &uys red shoes over &lac+ shoes, itFs all Interest "evel# If she is closer to one girlfriend over another, itFs all Interest "evel# If she has interest in you and is fle/i&le, she has to go out with you# you as+ a girl out, and she says she has a class that night, &ut adds,E###&ut IFll &e in school all year, letFs go#E At midnight you tell your date,EItFs late, may&e we should &e going#E 5he says, DIFll have some e/tra coffee tomorrow morning, letFs stay a little longer#E In real estate it is "ocation, location, location# In romantic love, it is Interest "evel, Interest "evel, Interest "evel# 45ometimes I thin+ my ideas are so simple and o&vious that they are actually confusing# ?r is it reality 1ust too much too handle.6 2here is it written when you have to call 4e/cluding me6. 2hat if you were &usy that wee+. 2hat if you had three dates that wee+. 2hat if you were going out of town or ta+ing a vacation. 2hat if you wanted to &e a Challenge for the first time in your life and go for DitE. 42ould you forget someone you li+ed in nine days. %ave you got what it ta+es to &e different06. Caprice gives Tom her address and they go out# At the end of the date, he does not as+ her out foranother date# :ost guys call the ne/t day and coo li+e doves# %e will wait4Challenge6again for five to nine days# If she has positive Interest "evel, it will go higher and higher# And we all +now what that means D?h,&oy0E 2hen Tom wal+s her to her door he doesnFt as+ to use her &athroom4how slimy06# In fact, he stops ten feet short of the door# Now she +nows you are not trying to get in# !o for the +iss only if you are unsure of her Interest "evel, no touching, and put a grade4I"6 on it# %opefully, she will tear your tongue out of your head0 If you are sure she has high I", do not +iss her# I want her dying to +iss you# The +ey is, do not ma+e telephone &lunders# 5hort conversations and staying away from her answering machine# The hardest time you will have with The D5ystemE does not &elieve =<<> in the concept of Challenge# Remem&er, always hang up first# TE5TIN! 7emale testing li+e Drunning the gauntletE M :ohaw+ prover&# "ove is often a game of high sta+es Dchic+enE M !eneral love# 5he has to +now your D&rea+ing pointE M ,oc "ove#


:y TL show is called, D,oc "ove at Lenice &each#E I wear a D,oc "oveE sweatshirt and wor+ with a microphone# :y director carries the porta&le camera and she DshootsE the &eautiful women I interview# The &odyguard carries the &attery pac+ and watches our &ac+s# TodayFs su&1ect is testing# Not, D,o you test.E ?r, D2hy do you test.E 3ut, D%ow do you test. 45elf help &oo+s from a female perspective never mention Dtesting#E6 The first girl I see on roller &lades and loo+s li+e Elle :cPherson 4DItFs great &eing a love doctor06# I wonFt tell you what she wasnFt wearing0 D%ow do you test men.E DI as+ them to wash and wa/ my car after the first date# I have the &rightest Camaro in 5anta :onica#E The ne/t DAngel from a&oveE is wal+ing her dog# 5hort shorts ta+e on a new meaning with this lovely specimen# D%ow do you test a guy.E DI flirt with men at a party and see if the one I li+e gets uptight, or stays cool#E A dou&le for Claudia 5chiffer is riding her &i+e# This girl should sell toothpaste on TL# D%ow do you test a date.E DI donFt thin+ I actually test# 2hat I do is find out his opinion on soemthing, tell him I feel the opposite, and then watch him rationali-e or change his opinion to match mine#E The ne/t girl is so good loo+ing she fogs the camera lens0 5he loo+s li+e Lanessa 2illiamFs, with lips li+e @ellly "e3roc+# D%ow do you test your dates.E DI try to change the plans of the evening# 2hatever he wants to do, I tell him I would rather do something else#E D,oes anyone ever say, DNo#E D2hat do you thin+ ,oc, you got eyes.E D3ut donFt you want someone you cannot puch around.E D9ou ma+e him, ,oc, and IFll date him#E %ad enough guys. The +ey is, do not ta+e testing personally8 it does not contradict high Interest "evel 4even nice girls tests6# Remem&er, she was &orn to +now your limits, and +eep you on your toes# T?'C%IN! The D5ystemE deals with reality of women ma+ing choices ,oc "ove# Authors with Ph#,# in Psychology that actually do write a&out dating have not approached this field with a scientific attitude The Reality 7actor# 2hy is it, a&solutely no one e/cept me, tal+s a&out Challenge or testing when discussing love and dating ,oc "ove. 3esides 4ver&ally6 interviewing all types of women and men a&out romantic relationships, I also interviewed many couples without them even +nowing it# I am in a restaurant, shopping, driving, or wal+ing down the street# Reali-ing I could not go up and as+ them, D3y the way, who is the real &oss.E 3ecause I would get Dpopped,E or end up in the slammer, I &ecame a student of &ody language# :y goal was to figure out as much as I could a&out this couple without hearing them# DInterviews from afar,E I call them# I want you guys to start doing this# 2atch couples and try to figure out, who li+es whom more# 3e sure to watch them through your peripheral vision, or only stare when they are not loo+ing# The first thing I noticed was a guy 4with a woman6 in restaurants who DplayedEwith his face# I +now this sounds strange, &ut please &ear with me# ?ne guy is scratching his head8 another is massaging his nec+, another stro+ing his hairy chin, another leaning on his chin 4&ored, or 1ust tired.6# Another guy is com&ing his hair with his fingers, and the worse has to do with noses4his ring disappeared06, and acne# If you were a classy women4who loves hygiene6on a first date, what would you thin+.4DThat &oy is a P I !0E6 ItFs strange8 the De/pertsEstudy rats, &ut donFt study the significance of touching in relationships# TheEnewE Tom is on his first date with Caprice, in a seaside restaurant# Tom is sure not to touch CapriceFs arm &ecause he +nows he wants Caprice to touch first# %e +now to always sit opposite of Caprice at the ta&le so he sees her eyes and the distance forces her to reach4stretching is challenging06 Across the ta&le# %e will count how often and many times Caprice touches him# 2hy. To grade her Interest "evel, of course# In fact, if she touches, or even puts her hand on his, he wonFt even reciprocate# %e plays Ddum&#E %e is going to Dwor+E Challenge to see how far she will go# The DnewE Tom +nows8 women let men +now when itFs ?@ to touch# And more importatly, only she +nows when she is comforta&le enough for touching to &egin# The higher the Interest "evel, the more she touches 42hom do thin+ is really in control.6 This is very complicated stuff0 The +ey is, let her initiate all touching, e/cept to help her out of the car, or giving your arm to wal+ down the street# 2hen her Interest "evel is high reciprocate slowly# If she as+s you why you +eep your hands to yourself, tell her you are shy8 they love feelings and vulnera&ility0 %olding hands in pu&lic is


out, &ecause it is part of affection, and ahould &e private# Remem&er, women on the first date must give you a tap, or itFs DAsta la vista, 3a&y#E

Triangle 4The Truth6

The "5ystem" allows a man and woman to &ecome soul mates 3rother "ove# The time has come for men to stand up @im&ell# 2hat you do to get her, is what you do to +eep her 5al "The 7ish" "ove# If you are as+ing, ",oc, &ut doesn$t a guy want a confident woman, and you don$t have that on your triangle." ?f course, &ut it is fourth on her list# I want the man to have integrity, &ut it is 4implied6 included in confidence# Put on your thin+ing cap, isn$t a truly confident guy loyal, honest, and trustful# Are egotistical guys really confident. ?f course not# They are ma+ing up for a lac+ of something 4you Psych ma1ors can fill that in6# If you don$t &elive me, watch the TL tal+ shows0 Part of my mission is to ta+e the gar&age out of your head regarding relationships4de program you6# And the nature ot truth is8 it is so powerful, I am giving you 1ust the &asics4foundation6, so I don$t confuse 4overwhelm6 you# 2hen you &ecome "a love missionary" and preach this information to your friends, the rest will come to you# "?ne step at a time, 3ro#" The +ey is, this is the +ey# Remem&er, a normal woman cannot wal+ away from The "5ystem#"
TR'5T 2hat the woman says, when you are not around8 matches what she does, when you are not around, e;uals trust ,oc "ove# The old fashioned way, itFs earned 3arney# "ong term wise, trust raises &oth Interest "evels ,oc "ove# 2hen the man comes home to her castle, he is loo+ing for a refuge# A place to refuel, regenerate, and a&ove all, to &e comforta&le# A &ig part of that is his wife &eing 4positively6consistent, so trust4oneKthird of integrity6 is a firm &elief in her relia&ility# Tom goes hunting once a year with his &uddies for a wee+# %e hunts &ear, not other women# %e trust her and Caprice trusts him# 2hen two people trust each other, they love each more#Adultery, li+e possessiveness and 1ealousy, never, ever &rings anything positive to a relationship# This is a =<<>er# If it happens, the one &etrayed cannot ever trust the other party completely# I +now that you have heard that you can go visit the e/pertFs couch, or tal+ to the preacher to Dget over it#E 3ut when the trust &ond is severed8 it is forever# 2atch the girlfriends and wives8 pu&licly forgive4the ne/t day06their &oyfriends and hus&ands to the media# In their hearts they would li+e to do to them, what the Apaches did to a captured trooper, a hundred and twenty years ago0 DAll is forgiven,E e;uals more &rainwashing# The +ey is, guys, you will always find another women attractive and some of you will even as+ yourselves, D2hy did 9 get married.E Throw some cold water on your face, and move on# Remem&er, if you are a Dhound dog,E and love &eautiful women please do not get married#


LICI?'5 They donFt call them Dsweet & FsE for nothing 7ast Eddie "ove# 2hat does Pussycat do with the mouse &efore he +ills it 5al DThe 7ishE "ove. 9ou wanaF play, you gonna pay Anonymous# Ta+e your pic+, &oys* &lac+ window, treacherous, Shar+, malicious, Psychic vampire, user, shrew, &ushwhac+er, cheap shot artist, ruthless, vindictive, merciless, spiteful, suc+er puncher, lethal &eauty, loser, and viper# ,id I miss anyone. 9ou +new this girl was trou&le from day one# 3ut no, you saidthis one was going to &e different# Right0 Now its pain time# The +ey is, tal+ to your &uddy who has gone through a &itter &rea+up# Remem&er when you are crying in your &eer that was the one who was sooooooooooooooooo concerned a&out all your feelings0 L'"NERA3"E Negatives play to the heart, &ut donFt +eep it 'ncle (ethro "ove# DLulnera&leE is 2omanese for D&ro+enE ,oc "ove# The wea+ &rother is the worst of man+ind 5ha+espeare# I am going to write this war story descri&ing vulnera&le, the way the De/pertsE would# Tom is on his first date Caprice# caprice pro&es his past, and Tom +nows to &e open as possi&le especially a&out his negative traits, self criticisms, and his hang ups# Tom tal+s a&out his financial pro&lems, and how his last three girlfriends dropped him# And then the &est, all his negative feelings# Tom +nows women love that# 2hy. The men &ashing self help &oo+s written &y women, who only help women 4the De/pertsE should +now6 say so# They went to college, didnFt they. After the interview is over, Tom as+s her to go steady# Tom does not +now that it is her I" in him that counts not his I" in her# The +ey is, thin+ guys# Remem&er, !od gave you common sense8 donFt &e afraid to use it, and ;uestion authority and accepted &eliefs#

The man who is too, too sensitive, is &oring 7ast Eddie "ove# 62

D2hatever 9ou 2antE theme song of 2impus Americanis# Respect is a two way street ,oc "ove# I thin+ a lot of guys are perceived as wae+ &y women who really arenFt# They 1ust donFt see any &ig deal with letting her ma+e all the decisions# 3ut The Reality 7actor says, D5he cannot love you, unless she respects you#E Respect is &uilt on you not letting her win all the &attles# Caprice wa+es Tom at ) am and as+s for pastrami on rye# %e will &e &ac+ from the all night deli in half an hour# Caprice thin+s to herself, DCanFt he 1ust once, &e strong with me.E 5ha+espeare said,EThey ta+e suggestions as a cat laps mil+#E If Caprice is a fle/i&le giver, pregnant, says please, appreciates Tom going out for him, and itFs the first time8 he goes to the deli# The +ey is, one hand washes the other# Remem&er no&ody li+es or respects a pushover, so do not &e too happy to &e there and never stand up to her, you coward0


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