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Science Bowl Questions Biology, Set 2 1.

. Multiple Choice: The adult human of average age and size has approximately how many quarts of blood !s it: a" # b" $ c" % d" 1& '. Multiple Choice: (nce the erythrocytes enter the blood in humans) it is estimated that they have an average lifetime of how many days. !s it: a" 1& days b" 1'& days c" '&& days d" *$& days *. Multiple Choice: (f the following) which mechanisms are important in the death of erythrocytes in human blood !s it a" phagocytosis +pron: fag,eh,seh,toe,sis" b" hemolysis c" mechanical damage d" all of the above #. Multiple Choice: -urplus red blood cells) needed to meet an emergency) are M.!/01 stored in what organ of the human body !s it the: a" pancreas b" spleen c" liver d" 2idneys 3. Multiple Choice: 4hen a human donor gives a pint of blood) it usually requires how many wee2s for the body 56-6576 of red corpuscles to be replaced !s it: a" 1 wee2 b" * wee2s c" 8 wee2s d" '1 wee2s $. -hort .nswer: There are three substances found in human blood which carry oxygen and which begin with the letter 9:9. /ame two of these substances. 8. Multiple Choice: The several types of white blood cells are sometime collectively referred to as: a" erythrocytes +pron: eh,rith,row,cites" b" leu2ocytes +pron: lew,2ah,cites" c" erythroblasts +pron: eh,rith,rah,blast" d" thrombocytes +pron: throm,bow,cites" %. Multiple Choice: The condition in which

there is a ;6C56.-6 in the number of white blood cells in humans is 2nown as: a" leu2ocytosis +pron: lew,2(,sigh,toe,sis" b" leu2openia +pron: lew,2(,pea,nee,ah" c" leu2emia +pron: lew,2ee,me,ah" d" leu2ohyperia +pron: lew,2(,high,per,e,ah" <. Multiple Choice: The smallest of the =(5M6; elements of the blood are the: a" white cells b" red cells c" platelets d" erythrocytes 1&. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following statements concerning platelets is !/C(556CT. >latelets: a" contain ;/. b" are roughly dis2,shaped c" have little ability to synthesize proteins d" are between 1?' and 1?* the diameter of the red cell 11. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the primary function of the platelets in huma blood 1'. Multiple Choice: 4hen a wound occurs in humans) the platelets in the blood activate a substance which starts the clotting process. The substance which starts the clotting is: a" adenosine +pron: ah,den,ah,seen" b" histamine c" lecithin +pron: less,ah,thin" d" thrombin 1*. Multiple Choice: 4hen loo2ing at the cross section of the human tibia) one finds the 56; marrow in the: a" medullary cavity b" cancellous bone c" periosteum d" epiphysis 1#. Multiple Choice: 0engthening of long bones in humans occurs in a particular area of the bone. This area is called the: a" medullary canal b" cancellous bone c" periosteum +pron: per,6,ahs,tee,em" d" epiphysis +pron: eh,pif,eh,sis" 13. Multiple Choice: The part of the human brain which is an important relay station for the sensory impulses and also is the origin of many of the involuntary acts of the eye such as the narrowing of

the pupil in bright light is the: a" hypothalamus b" midbrain c" corpus callosum d" cerebellum 1$. Multiple Choice: !n the human brain) body temperature) metabolism) heart rate) sexual development) sleep and the body@s use of fat and water are influenced by this region of the brain. This region of the brain is the: a" hypothalamus b" midbrain c" corpus callosum d" cerebellum 18. Multiple Choice: !n which cerebral lobes is the speech center located !s it the: a" frontal b" parietal c" temporal d" occipital 1%. Multiple Choice: !n most axons) the myelin sheath is interrupted at intervals of about 1 millimeter or more. These interruptions are called the: a" glial b" nodes of 5anvier +pron: ron,vee,ay" c" collaterals d" nodes of Aabinet 1<. -hort .nswer: Mosses and liverworts comprise this subdivision of plants. /ame this plant subdivision. '&. -hort .nswer: This disease) caused by infection with the gram,negative 1ersinia pestis) is transmittedby fleas from rats to humans 4hat is the more common name for this disease '1. -hort .nswer: !n the mammalian body) this element plays many important roles. Try to identify thiselement with the fewest number of clues. This element is required to insure the integrity andpermeability of cell membranes) to regulate nerve and muscle excitability) to help maintain normalmuscular contraction) and to assure cardiac rhythmicity. !t also plays a essential role in several of theenzymatic steps involved in blood coagulation and is the most important element of bone salt. /amethis element. ''. Multiple Choice: 4hat eight,letter name starting with the letter 9(9 is given to that branch of medical science concerned with the study of tumors

'*. -hort .nswer: !n the more highly developed animals) such as humans this gas is used to regulate the activity of the heart) the blood vessels) and the respiratory system. 4(5B!/C MD-C06>5(;DC6 . 0.5C6 .M(D/T (= T:! -DA-T./C6. /arcosis due to this gas is characterized by mental disturbances which can include confusion) headache) low blood pressure and hypothermia. /ame this gas. '#. the: a" b" c" d" Multiple Choice: Cariology is the study of human heart tooth decay 2idneys liver

'3. -hort .nswer: The larval form of butterflies and moths is more commonly 2nown as what '$. -hort .nswer: /ame the sac,li2e) blind pouch of the large intestine) situated below the level of the Eunction of the small intestine into the side of the large intestine. .t the lower portion of this pouch one finds the appendix. '8. Multiple Choice: ;uring the final stage of cell division) the mitotic apparatus disappears) the chromosomes become attenuated) the centrioles duplicate and split) the nuclear membrane becomes reconstituted and the nucleolus reappears. This phase of cell division is 2nown as: a" prophase +pron: pr(,phase" b" metaphase c" anaphase d" telophase '%. Multiple Choice: !n cell division) the phase following the metaphas is 2nown as: a" prophase b" anaphase c" telophase d" extophase '<. -hort .nswer: .ll cells of an organism find their lineage from a single fertilized cell. This single fertilized cell is called what *&. Multiple Choice: /ame the clear watery liquid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord and fills the four cavities or ventricles of the brain. *1. Multiple Choice: The order of insects which

includes beetles is 2nown as: a" Coleoptera +pron: 2(,lee,op,teh,rah" b" (rthoptera +pron: or,tho,op,teh,rah" c" :ymenoptera d" ;iptera +pron: dip,teh,rah" *'. Multiple Choice: This maEor protein component of connective tissue in mammals comprises most of the organic matter of s2in) tendons) bones) and teeth) and occurs as fibrous inclusions in most other body structures. !s this material: a" elastin b" collagen c" fatty acids d" 2eratin **. Multiple Choice: -ic2le cell anemia and :untington@s chorea are both: a" virus,related diseases b" bacteria,related diseases c" congenital disorders d" none of the above *#. Multiple Choice: !n most species of >aramecium there are how many contractile vacuoles !s it: a" one b" two c" three d" four *3. are: a" b" c" d" Multiple Choice: The maEor fibrous proteins peptone and edestin glutelin and leucine valine and lysine myosin and actin


maternal grandmother

*<. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following are /(T part of a neuron a" synapse b" axon c" /issl bodies d" dendrite #&. Multiple Choice: The resting potential of a neuron is dependent on what two ions a" lead and calcium ions b" calcium and phosphate ions c" sodium and potassium ions d" potassium and phosphate ions #1. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following is /(T a type of neuron a" sensory b" motor c" association d" stimulatory #'. Multiple Choice: Melatonin +pron: mel,eh, toe,nin" is produced by the: a" s2in b" pineal gland c" liver d" pituitary gland #*. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following statements is T5D6 of insulin !s it: a" secreted by the pancreas b" a protein c" involved in the metabolism of glucose d" all of the above ##. Multiple Choice: -elect the hormone !/C(556CT01 paired with its target. a" T-: , thyroid gland b" .CT: , anterior pituitary c" 0: , ovary or testis d" M-: , melanocytes +pron: meh,lan,o,cite" #3. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following tissues secrete hormones a" pancreas b" ovaries c" gastro,intestinal tract d" all of the above #$. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following structures is directly attached to the ovary a" oviduct

*$. -hort .nswer: /ame the outer portion of a stem or root) bounded externally by the epidermis) and internally by the cells of the pericycle. *8. Multiple Choice: Costal cartilage: a" attach the ribs to the sternum b" cover the ends of the femur c" is found in the pinna of the ear d" forms the intervertebral dis2s of the bac2bone *%. Multiple Choice: =rom which grandparent or grandparents did you inherit your mitochondria !s it your: a" mother@s parents b" paternal grandfather c" grand mothers

b" c" d"

uterus suspensory ligaments vagina

#8. Multiple Choice: =ertilization of the ovum by the sperm usually occurs in the: a" oviduct b" vagina c" uterus d" ovary #%. Multiple Choice: The corpeus luteum secretes: a" :CC b" 0: c" =-: d" progesterone #<. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following does sperm /(T travel through a" ureter b" urethra c" vas deferens d" epididymus 3&. Multiple Choice: The placenta in humans is derived from the: a" embryo only b" uterus only c" endometrium and embryo d" none of the above 31. Multiple Choice: The number of mature gametes resulting from meiosis in the female is: a" 1 b" ' c" * d" # 3'. Multiple Choice: -ynapsis and crossing over of chromosomes occurs in which phases of meiosis a" !nterphase b" >rophase c" Meterphase d" Teleophase 3*. Multiple Choice: . layer of dead s2in cells is found in the: a" subcutaneous tissue b" dermis c" epidermis d" no dead cells are in the s2in 3#. Multiple Choice: Clial +pron: glee,el" cells

are found in the: a" muscular system b" digestive system c" endocrine system +pron: en,de,2ren" d" nervous system 33. a" b" c" d" Multiple Choice: Myelin sheaths are found: surrounding tendons covering the brain covering muscles around axons of neurons

3$. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following is an !/C(556CT statement about the parasympathetic system a" !t increases digestive action. b" !t is the fight or flight system. c" slows breathing rate d" establishes resting state 38. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following is /(T a component of the human axial s2eleton a" sternum b" vertebral column c" tarsals d" s2ull 3%. a" b" c" d" Multiple Choice: >halanges are found in the: feet s2ull hip chest

3<. Multiple Choice: The phase of contraction of a muscle occurs when: a" tropomyosin binds and releases actin b" myosin binds and releases actin c" actin binds and releases myosin d" none of the above $&. Multiple Choice: -elect the !/C(556CT statement concerning the muscular system. a" Aones contact other bones at Eoints. b" =lexors decrease the angle of a Eoint. c" .dductors move a limb away from the midline. d" Tendons attach muscle to bone. $1. Multiple Choice: 4hich type of muscle is a syncytium +pron: sin,sish,6,um" a" s2eletal b" cardiac c" smooth d" all of the above

$'. Multiple Choice: 4hen the potential difference across a membrane of a neuron equals the threshold) what results a" movement of the membrane b" action potential c" relaxation d" contraction $*. Multiple Choice: 4hat ions determine the resting potential of a nerve a" sodium and calcium b" calcium and copper c" potassium and calcium d" sodium and potassium $#. Multiple Choice: 4hich structure does /(T play a part in the motion of cells a" microvilli b" cilia c" flagella d" pseudopodia $3. Multiple Choice: Aacteriophage +pron: bac2, teer,e,o,faE" are: a" bacteria b" bacteria precursors c" viruses d" agents which cause the production of bacteria $$. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following is /(T a mode of genetic exchange within a bacterial population a" conEugation b" transduction c" transformation d" translation $8. the: a" b" c" d" Multiple Choice: The blastula develops into gastrula morula endoderm zygote

c" d"

endoderm none of the above

8&. Multiple Choice: ;uring inspiration) the diaphragm moves: a" down by contraction b" down by relaxation c" up by contraction d" up by relaxation 81. Multiple Choice: The valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery is the: a" mitral valve b" semilunar valve c" bicuspid valve d" tricuspid valve 8'. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following is /(T a function of the 2idney a" excretion of urea b" regulation of fluids and electrolytes c" elimination of toxic substances d" defecation 8*. Multiple Choice: 4hen C(' +carbon dioxide" is dissolved in water) it yields a solution that: a" has acidic properties b" has basic properties c" is neutral 8#. Multiple Choice: ;igestion of carbohydrates begins where a" small intestines b" colon c" mouth d" stomach 83. Multiple Choice: ;igestion of >5(T6!/begins in which of the following human organs a" small intestines b" colon c" mouth d" stomach 8$. Multiple Choice: Aile has what function in digestion a" emulsify lipids b" digest proteins c" gluconeogenesis d" digest carbohydrates 88. Multiple Choice: (f the following) which is a basic need of all living things a" oxygen gas

$%. Multiple Choice: Tissue differentiation begins at which stage a" zygote b" morula c" blastula d" gastrula $<. Multiple Choice: The nervous system develops from which germ layer a" ectoderm b" mesoderm

b" c" d" 8%. study: a" b" c" d"

light hydrogen gas water Multiple Choice: . botanist is most li2ely to Monerans >rotistans +pron: pro,tis,tans" =ungi 7irions

b" c" d"

pangenesis parental trait genotype

%$. -hort .nswer: :ow many nucleotides ma2e up a codon +pron: 2(,don" %8. Multiple Choice: The complex of sugar polymers and proteins which are patchily distributed on the plasma membranes of animal cells is called a" cellulose b" chitin c" glyocalyx d" cytos2eleton %%. -hort .nswer: ;uring cellular respiration) glucose is oxidized completely to what two compounds %<. Multiple Choice: (rganisms with cells containing two sets of parental chromosomes are called: a" diploid b" bisomal c" haploid d" autosomal <&. Multiple Choice: The type of gene interaction in which the effects of one gene override or mas2 the effects of other entirely different genes is called: a" lin2age b" mutation c" pleitropy +pron: ply,ah,tropy" d" epistasis +pron: eh,pis,te,sis" <1. Multiple Choice: =or which of the following creatures is fat the greatest percentage of body weight a" termite b" blue whale c" zebra d" female lion <'. Multiple Choice: 4hich is false regarding freshwater fish a" their blood is hypertonic to their environment b" they often actively ta2e up salt c" they excrete urine hypotonic to the blood d" their gills actively excrete salts <*. Multiple Choice: /eutral fats) oils and waxes may be classified as: a" lipids

8<. Multiple Choice: . virus must do what to reproduce a" form a latent virus b" undergo transformation c" infect a cell d" conEugate %&. Multiple Choice: The chromosomes of a eu2aryotic cell are located i the: a" mitochondria +pron: my,toe,2on,dria" b" nucleus c" ribosome d" endoplasma %1. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following is an example of symbiosis a" lichen b" slime mold c" amoeba d" moss %'. Multiple Choice: (xygen enters the body of a grasshopper through: a" gills b" spinnerets c" spiracles d" boo2 lungs %*. Multiple Choice: . heart with a single atrium and single ventricle is a characteristic of adult: a" amphibians b" arthropods c" birds d" fish %#. -hort .nswer: /ame the four main excretory organs identified in man. %3. Multiple Choice: The physical appearance and properties of an organism which is the expression of the genetic ma2eup is called the: a" phenotype

b" c" d"

carbohydrates proteins none of the above

<#. -hort .nswer: /ame three basic morphologies of bacteria. <3. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the name of the $ carbon monosaccharide that is the universal cellular fuel of plants and animals <$. Multiple Choice: ;uring which phase of the cell cycle are normal components of the cell synthesized and assembled a" the M phase b" the C1 phase c" the - phase d" the C' phase <8. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following is /(T a characteristic shared by most of the members of the 2ingdom plantae a" they are multicellular b" they are nonmotile c" they possess bilateral symmetry d" there is an alternation of haploid and diploid generations <%. -hort .nswer: !f an individual has two dissimilar alleles for a trait) with regard to that trait he is said to be: <<. -hort .nswer: :ow many chromosomes per cell does a ;own@s -yndrome +trisomy '1" victim have 1&&. -hort .nswer: !f a male who is heterozygous for an autosomal trait mates with a female who is also heterozygous for that trait) what percent of their offspring are li2ely to be heterozygous for this trait as well
1. ANSWER: B -- 6 2. ANSWER: B -- 120 Days 3. ANSWER: D -- all of the above 4. ANSWER: B splee !. ANSWER: " -- # $ee%s 6. ANSWER: &e'o(lob) * &e'o+ya ) * &e'e,yth,) #. ANSWER: B -- le-%o+ytes .. ANSWER: B -- le-%ope )a /. ANSWER: " platelets 10. ANSWER: A -- +o ta) DNA 11. ANSWER: +lott) ( o, blo+%) ( lea%s f,o' bloo0 vessels 12. ANSWER: D -- 1h,o'b) 13. ANSWER: A -- 'e0-lla,y +av)ty

14. ANSWER: D Ep)phys)s 1!. ANSWER: B -- 2)0b,a) 16. ANSWER: A -- hypothala'-s 1#. ANSWER: A -- f,o tal 1.. ANSWER: B -- No0es of Ra v)e, 1/. ANSWER: B,yophytes 3p,o : b,y-eh-f)tes4 o, B,yophyta 20. ANSWER: B-bo )+ 5la(-e o, Bla+% Death 21. ANSWER: "al+)-' 22. ANSWER: 6 +olo(y 23. ANSWER: "a,bo D)o7)0e o, "62 24. ANSWER: B -- 1ooth De+ay 2!. ANSWER: +ate,p)lla, 26. ANSWER: "e+-' o, "ae+-' 2#. ANSWER: D -- 1elophase 2.. ANSWER: B -- A aphase 2/. ANSWER: 8y(ote 30. ANSWER: "e,eb,osp) al 9l-)0 31. ANSWER: A -- "oleopte,a 32. ANSWER: B -- +olla(e 33. ANSWER: " -- "o (e )tal D)so,0e,s 34. ANSWER: B 1$o 3!. ANSWER: D -- 2yos) a 0 A+t) 36. ANSWER: A -- Atta+h the ,)bs to the ste, -' 3.. ANSWER: D -- 'ate, al (,a 0'othe, 3/. ANSWER: A S:NA5SE 40. ANSWER: " -- so0)-' a 0 potass)-' )o s 41. ANSWER: D -- S1;2<=A16R: 42. ANSWER: B -- 5;NEA= >=AND 43. ANSWER: D -- A== 69 1&E AB6?E 44. ANSWER: D -- 2S& 2E=AN6":1ES 4!. ANSWER: D -- A== 69 1&E AB6?E 46. ANSWER: " -- S<S5ENS6R: =;>A2EN1S 4#. ANSWER: A -- 6?;D<"1 4.. ANSWER: D -- 5R6>ES1ER6NE 4/. ANSWER: A <RE1ER !0. ANSWER: " -- END62E1R;<2 AND E2BR:6 !1. ANSWER: A -- 1 !2. ANSWER: B -- 5R65&ASE !3. ANSWER: " -- E5;DER2;S !4. ANSWER: D -- NER?6<S S:S1E2 !!. ANSWER: D -- AR6<ND A@6NS 69 NE<R6NS !6. ANSWER: B -- ;1 ;S 1&E 9;>&1 6R 9=;>&1 S:S1E2. !#. ANSWER: " -- 1ARSA=S !.. ANSWER: A 9EE1 !/. ANSWER: B -- 2:6S;N B;NDS AND RE=EASES A"1;N 60. ANSWER: " -- ADD<"16RS 26?E A =;2B AWA: 96R2 1&E 2;D=;NE. 61. ANSWER: A -- SAE=E1A= 62. ANSWER: B -- A"1;6N 561EN1;A= 63. ANSWER: D -- S6D;<2 AND 561ASS;<2 64. ANSWER: A -- 2;"R6?;==; 6!. ANSWER: " -- ?;R<SES 66. ANSWER: D -- 1RANS=A1;6N 6#. ANSWER: A -- >AS1R<=A 6.. ANSWER: D >AS1R<=A 6/. ANSWER: A -- E"16DER2 #0. ANSWER: A -- D6WN B: "6N1RA"1;6N #1. ANSWER: A -- SE2;=<NAR ?A=?E #2. ANSWER: D -- DE9E"A1;6N

#3. ANSWER: A -- &AS A";D;" 5R65ER1;ES #4. ANSWER: " -- 26<1& #!. ANSWER: D -- S162A"& #6. ANSWER: A -- E2<=S;9: =;5;DS ##. ANSWER: D -- WA1ER #.. ANSWER: " -- 9<N>; #/. ANSWER: " -- ;N9E"1 A "E== .0. ANSWER: B -- N<"=E<S .1. ANSWER: A -- =;"&EN .2. ANSWER: " -- S5;RA"=ES .3. ANSWER: D -- 9;S& .4. ANSWER: A -- 5&EN61:5E .6. ANSWER: 3 .#. ANSWER: " -- >=:6"A=:@ ... ANSWER: A D;5=6;D /0. ANSWER: D E5;S1AS;S /1. ANSWER: B -- B=<E W&A=E /2. ANSWER: D -- 1&E;R >;==S A"1;?E=: E@"RE1E SA=1S /3. ANSWER: A -- =;5;DS /4. ANSWER: 314 "6""; 3"6""<S4* 324 BA";==; 3BA";==<S4 o, R6D* 334 S5;R6"&E1ES o, S5;R;==A o, S5;RA= /!. ANSWER: >=<"6SE 3DE@1R6SE4 /6. ANSWER: B -- 1&E >1 5&ASE /#. ANSWER: " -- 1&E: 56SSESS B;=A1ERA= S:22E1R: /.. ANSWER: &E1ER68:>6<S //. ANSWER: 4# 100. ANSWER: !0B

proteins are called: a" actin and myosin b" progesterone and testosterone c" progesterone and estrogen $. -hort .nswer: !s studies of the human body) what is used to describ a blood,filled sac formed by an outpouching in an arterial or venous wall 8. Multiple Choice: 4hat =rench scientist is considered the father of paleontology 4as it: a" Ceorge Cuvier b" Marquis de Condorcet c" Facque Tonnies d" .uguste Compte %. Multiple Choice: 4hat 5oman physician@s studies of human anatomy based on lower animals served as the only text on the subEect for nearly 1 centuries 4as it: a" Cartrum b" >olonius c" Calen d" Monterius <. Multiple Choice: 4hat percentage of the atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide !s it approximately: a" .&*G +read: three,hundredths of a percent" b" 1G c" 3G d" 8G 1&. -hort .nswer: 4hat process in all living things releases carbon dioxide as a waste product 11. -hort .nswer: =or convenience) living things are placed into variou groups. The taxonomic brea2down of living things consists of the following categories: =amily) Class) Cenus) >hylum) (rder) Bingdom and -pecies. Cive the order of these terms from least specific to most specific. 1'. -hort .nswer: !n biology) what is the word used to describe the appearance of an individual without regard to its hereditary constitution 1*. Multiple Choice: The chromosomes responsible for characteristics other than sex are 2nown by which of the following terms a" ribosomes b" lysosomes c" autosomes d" spermatocytes

Science Bowl Practice Questions

1. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following describes the maEor difference between bryophytes and tracheophytes +pron: tray,2ey,o,fites" a" tracheophytes can survive on land b" tracheophytes have seeds inside fruits c" tracheophytes can ma2e their own food d" tracheophytes have vessels to transport materials '. -hort .nswer: Complete the sentence. The alternative forms of gene at the same locus on homologous chromosomes are called what *. -hort .nswer: The human pelvic girdle is composed of * fused bones on each side for a total of $ bones. /ame the * fused bones. #. -hort .nswer: 4hat are rings of muscle which C0(-6 body openings such as the lips called 3. Multiple Choice: The myofilaments of muscles consist primarily of two proteins. These two

1#. -hort .nswer: 4hat genetic term describes the situation when a part of a chromosome is bro2en off and lost 13. Multiple Choice: 6ach of the following is a cell organelle except one. 4hich one of these is /(T a cell organelle !s it a" mitochondrion b" lysosome c" cytoplasm d" endoplasmic reticulum 1$. Multiple Choice: 4hen a color blind man marries a woman pure for normal color vision) it is probable that one of the following situations may result. !s it probable that a" all the children will be color blind b" all the grandchildren will be color blind c" only the sons will be colorblind d" half the grandsons will be color blind 18. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following are s2in receptors in humans that are sensitive to heat .re they: a" end organs of Brause b" Meissner@s corpuscles c" end organs of 5uffini d" >acinian corpuscles 1%. Multiple Choice: !nto which of the following acids is glucose bro2en down in the first stage of carbohydrate metabolism !s it: a" pyruvic acid +pie,rue,vic2 acid" b" lactic acid c" hydrochloric acid d" citric acid 1<. Multiple Choice: :ormones are composed from many classes of molecules. .s far as our present 2nowledge extends) hormones are /(T found in which of the following categories of substances: a" proteins b" peptides c" nucleic acids d" steroids '&. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the term given to a fatty acid that has more than one set of double bonds between carbons '1. Multiple Choice: The process by which an amino acid loses its amino group is called: a" hydration b" deamination c" oxidoamination



''. Multiple Choice: !n a plasma membrane) which of the following provides a general barrier to the movement of molecules a" lipids b" proteins c" carbohydrates d" all of these '*. Multiple Choice: The name of the process by which oil glands in mammalian s2ins secrete oils is: a" active transport b" apocrine secretion c" holocrine secretion d" osmosis '#. Multiple Choice: .n individual with three H chromosomes is li2ely t be: a" a clinically normal female b" an abnormal female c" a Turner@s individual d" a Bleinfelter@s individual '3. -hort .nswer: 4ho is considered the father of Taxonomy '$. Multiple Choice: !n the first stage of photosynthesis) light energy is used to: a" move water molecules b" denature chlorophyll c" split water d" produce carbohydrates '8. Multiple Choice: (ne,celled algae enclosed in minute two,part silic shells are called: a" dinoflagellates +pron: die,no,flaE,el,ates" b" coelenterates +pron: sell,en,ter,ates" c" annelids d" diatoms '%. Multiple Choice: (smoregulation is concerned with: a" excretion b" ionic regulation c" control of the body@s water content d" carbon dioxide regulation '<. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following is not an arachnid a" lobster b" scorpion c" blac2 widow spider d" tic2

*&. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following is not found in blood a" fibrinogen b" glucose c" urea d" glycogen *1. Multiple Choice: >roof that plants can grow and reproduce using onl inorganic nutrients comes from the study of: a" phototrophic nutrition b" mycorrhiza c" hydroponics d" humus *'. Multiple Choice: 4ater molecules enter plant epidermal cells by: a" osmosis b" active transport c" translocation d" transpiration

c" d"

humoral and cell,mediated primary and secondary

*%. -hort .nswer: >roteins that cause reactions to proceed more rapidly and lower the energy of activation are called. *<. Multiple Choice: 4hat percent of the total radiant energy received by a plant is converted to chemical energy a" less than ' b" 1& c" 3& d" 83 #&. Multiple Choice: Cenes are able to control a cell@s fate by determining the synthesis of: a" other genes b" enzymes c" carbohydrates d" fat #1. Multiple Choice: 5esolution by any microscope is D0T!M.T601 limited by the: a" curvature of the lenses b" wavelength of the light c" light intensity d" lens aberrations #'. Multiple Choice: :umans cannot digest cellulose because: a" it does not contain sugars b" it is made up of disaccharides c" it is made up of monosaccharides d" humans lac2 the proper enzymes #*. Multiple Choice: Cholesterol) testosterone) and estrogen are all examples of: a" proteins b" steroids c" nucleic acids d" alcohols ##. -hort .nswer: 4hat is sometimes called animal starch #3. -hort .nswer: :ow many >.!5- of nerves leave the vertebrate brain #$. -hort .nswerI The vertebrate eyeball is bounded anteriorly by what convex) transparent obEect #8. -hort .nswer: 4hat are the names given to

**. -hort .nswer: 4hat molecule is the energy source for virtually all of the wor2 done by the cell *#. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following diseases has been eradicate from the world a" b" c" d" cholera smallpox diphtheria poliomyelitis

*3. Multiple Choice: 4e believe the beginnings of life on earth too2 place in the: a" air b" land masses c" shallow oceans d" glaciers *$. Multiple Choice: 6ach antibody molecule is made up of how many >.!5 of polypeptide chains) Eoined together by disulfide bonds. a" 1 b" ' c" * d" # *8. Multiple Choice: The immune system normally discriminates between which types of antigens. a" A and T cells b" self and non,self

the basic subunits of a nucleic acid. #%. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the term given to enzymes whose action is modulated by binding of a molecule to a site other than the active site #<. Multiple Choice: The muscle attachment to the bone of lesser movement is called the muscle@s: a" insertion b" head c" origin d" tail 3&. -hort .nswer: ;/. present in a structural gene that does not seem to have a specific coding function is 2nown as what 31. Multiple Choice: The organic portion of bone consists of which one of the following proteins. a" fibrin b" collagen c" actin d" myosin 3'. Multiple Choice: (ctopus and squid belong to the class of molluscs 2nown as: a" cephalopoda +pron: sef,eh,lah,pod,ah" b" bivalvia c" gastropoda +pron: gas,tro,pod,ah" d" polyplacophora +pron: poly,pla,so,for,ah" 3*. -hort .nswer: The name given to a structure present in angiosperms but lac2ing in gymnosperms is 3#. Multiple Choice: !n mammals) the primary function of the loop of :enle is: a" reabsorption of water b" water secretion c" ammonia secretion d" bicarbonate reabsorption 33. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the name of the phenomenon that occurs when tissue culture is infected with one type of virus that causes the culture to resist infection by a second type of virus 3$. -hort .nswer: 4hat are gas bubbles which form within plant cells o in blood 2nown as 38. -hort .nswer: 4hat are the water conducting cells in non,flowering vascular plants 2now as 3%. -hort .nswer: (n a dry day) water diffuses out of the intercellula spaces of the leaf through what

part of the leaf 3<. -hort .nswer: . clogging of the bile duct interferes with the digestion of what category of food $&. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the name given to the Eellyli2e substance filling the chamber behind the lens of the human eye $1. -hort .nswer: The 6rythrocytes of mammals lac2 what $'. Multiple Choice: The name of the ductless glands which secrete thei product into the circulatory system are: a" exocrine +pron: e2,seh,2ren" b" apocrine +pron: ap,eh,2ren" c" holocrine +pron: hoe,leh,2ren" d" endocrine +pron: en,deh,2ren" $*. Multiple Choice: !n the first stage of photosynthesis) light energy splits water molecules leaving a by product which is released. This byproduct is: a" hydrogen b" carbon dioxide c" oxygen d" methane $#. Multiple Choice: The bacteria which cause dental cavities in humans brea2 down sugars) releasing what chemical) that causes tooth destruction a" acids b" bases c" enzymes d" monosaccharides $3. a" b" c" d" Multiple Choice: Alood platelets are: cytoplasmic fragments free nuclei a 2ind of red cell found only during clot formation

$$. Multiple Choice: (xidation of fats and carbohydrates within a cell would be an example of: a" anabolism b" catabolism c" biosynthesis d" none of the above $8. Multiple Choice: The muscle which is under

involuntary control is: a" striated b" smooth c" s2eletal $%. Multiple Choice: The secondary pacema2er of the heart is 2nown as the: a" .7 node b" -. node c" >ur2inEe Aundle d" /one of the above $<. Multiple Choice: . pyrogen is a substance released during inflammation that aids in causing: a" swelling b" redness c" fever d" pain 8&. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following living creatures is most li2ely to have evolved from the trilobite a" millipede b" sea star c" sea anemone d" whel2 81. Multiple Choice: . la2e which has high nutrient availability is: a" oligotrophic +pron: all,i,go,tro,fi2" b" eutrophic +pron: you,tro,fi2" c" mesotrophic +pron: mez,eh,tro,fi2" 8'. Multiple Choice: The hormone causing growth of the endometrium a" androgen +pron: ann,drah,Een" b" leutenizing hormone +pron: lew,ten,!,zing" c" estrogen d" prolactin 8*. Multiple Choice: /itrogen fixation is accomplished by: a" plants b" bacteria c" animals d" viruses 8#. Multiple Choice: The vesicles formed via the process 2nown as phagocytosis are called: a" lysosomes +pron: lye,sah,somes: somes rhymes with homes" b" Colgi apparatus c" food vacuoles d" mitochondria +pron: my,toe,chon,dria"

83. Multiple Choice: (f the following three substances) which provides the 06.-T source of energy for the body a" protein b" fats c" carbohydrates 8$. Multiple Choice: Type . blood contains isohemaglutinins against which red cells a" type . b" type A c" type ( d" type C 88. Multiple Choice: 4hich cell count tends to be elevated when an individual has an allergy or parasitic worms a" red blood cells b" erythrocyte c" eosinophil +pron: e,o,sin,o,fill" d" platelet 8%. Multiple Choice: 7eins tend to have the following except: a" valves for unidirectional flow b" very elastic walls c" thin walls d" increasing size toward the heart 8<. Multiple Choice: Callstones are most often the result of: a" gallbladder irritation b" eating cherries and swallowing the pits c" precipitation of cholesterol d" accumulated bile pigment %&. Multiple Choice: The loss of water by plants in the form of vapor i called: a" evaporation b" transpiration c" evapotranspiration d" vaporization %1. Multiple Choice: -ponges are included in which of the following phyla a" Cnidaria +pron: nid,air,e,ah" b" >orifera c" 5eptilia d" =oraminifera +pron: feh,ram,eh,nif,eh,rah" %'. -hort .nswer: /ame the tendon in humans which attaches the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles to the calcaneum or heel bone. %*. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the normal p: of

human blood %#. -hort .nswer: Myosin is one of two proteins that ma2e up the myofibrils of striated muscles. /ame the other protein. %3. -hort .nswer: >art of the endocrine system in humans) these two glands are small bodies located at the upper end of each 2idney. 4hile these glands perform a variety of functions) two of the most important are +1" control of the body@s adEustment to an upright posture) and +'" accommodation of the body to intermittent rather than constant inta2e of food. /ame these glands. %$. -hort .nswer: /ame the gelatin,li2e substance which is prepared for various species of red algae growing in .siatic waters. The prepared product appears in the form of ca2es) coarse granules) long shreds or in thin sheets. !t is used extensively alone or in combination with various nutritive substances)as a medium for culturing bacteria and various fungi %8. -hort .nswer: 4hat is a partial or total loss of memory of a temporary or permanent nature 2nown as %%. Multiple Choice: .ll of the following are characteristic of amphibians 6HC6>T: a" moist s2in b" the absence of scales c" metamorphosis d" live in salt water %<. -hort .nswer: 4hat term is used to describe the procedure whereby a catheter is inserted into an individual@s heart) a radio,opaque medium is inEected) and x,ray images are made. The procedure is used to locate where arteries are bloc2ed and the degree to which the bloc2age has developed. <&. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following Eoints is formed by the articulation of the tibia) the malleolus of the fibula) and the convex surface of the talus. !s it the: a" an2le b" 2nee c" elbow d" wrist <1. Multiple Choice: . plant which completes its life cycle) from seed to seed) in a single growing season is 2nown as:

a" b" c" d"

perennial cyclic annual circadian

<'. Multiple Choice: !n flowers the terminal part of a stamen) containing the pollen sacs is 2nown as the: a" anther b" style c" filament d" pistil <*. Multiple Choice: The process of nuclear reorganization in protozoa in which the nucleus divides) each half undergoes a maturation) and the tw persisting functional nuclei reunite is 2nown as: a" autogamy b" autolysis c" autoregression d" autotomy <#. Multiple Choice: (f the following) which is /(T a bacterial disease !s it: a" strep throat b" herpes c" Aubonic >lague d" ;iphtheria <3. Multiple Choice: (f the following) which is /(T a viral disease !s it: a" :epatitis b" Chic2en >ox c" Tuberculosis d" 5abies <$. Multiple Choice: Most of the fungi commonly observed are members of this group of fungi) which includes toadstools) mushrooms and puffballs. This group of fungi is 2nown as: a" >hycomycetes +pron: f!,2(,my,seats" b" .scomycetes +pron: as,2(,my,seats" c" Aasidomycetes d" >lyocetes +pron: ply,(,seats" <8. Multiple Choice: Truffles) morels and the many yeasts which are basic to fermentation processes belong to this group of fungi. These fung are 2nown as: a" >hycomycetes b" .scomycetes c" Aasidomycetes d" >lyocetes <%. Multiple Choice: Many living organisms exhibit the unique property of producing visible light.

4hat term is used to describe this phenomena <<. Multiple Choice: Many living organisms exhibit the unique property of producing visible light. The compound that is oxidized with subsequent light emission is usually referred to as luciferin. 4hat is the enzyme which catalyzes the reaction 2nown as 1&&. Multiple Choice: The muscle which 5.!-6a bird@s wing is 2nown as the: a" >ectoralis maEor b" pectoralis minor c" soleus d" gluteus maximus

'<. ANSWER: A -- =6BS1ER *&. ANSWER: D -- >=:"6>EN *1. *'. **. *#. *3. *$. *8. *%. *<. #&.
ANSWER: " &:DR656N;"S ANSWER: A 6S26S;S ANSWER: A15 3A0e os) e 1,)phosphate4 ANSWER: B -- S2A==56@ ANSWER: " -- S&A==6W 6"EANS ANSWER: B 2 ANSWER: B -- SE=9 AND N6N-SE=9 ANSWER: EN8:2ES ANSWER: A -- =ESS 1&AN 2 ANSWER: B -- EN8:2ES

1. '. *. #. 3. $. 8. %. <. 1&.

ANSWER: D -- 1RA"ANSWER: A==E=ES&E65&:1ES &A?E ?ESSE=S 16 1RANS56R1 2A1ER;A=S ANSWER: A==E=ES ANSWER: ;==;<2* ;S"&;<2* a 0 5<B;S ANSWER: S5&;N"1ERS ANSWER: A -- A"1;N AND 2:6S;N ANSWER: ANE<R:S2 ANSWER: A -- >E6R>E "<?;ER ANSWER: " -- >A=EN ANSWER: A -- .03B ANSWER: RES5;RA1;6N

#1. ANSWER: B -- WA?E=EN>1& 69 1&E =;>&1 #'. ANSWER: D -- &<2ANS =A"A 1&E 5R65ER #*. ##. #3. #$. #8. #%. #<. 3&. 31. 3'. 3*. 3#. 33. 3$. 38. 3%. 3<. $&.
EN8:2ES ANSWER: B -- S1ER6;DS ANSWER: >=:"6>EN ANSWER: 12 ANSWER: "6RNEA ANSWER: 26N6N<"=E61;DES o, N<"=E61;DES ANSWER: A==6S1ER;" EN8:2ES ANSWER: " -- 6R;>;N ANSWER: ;N1R6N ANSWER: B "6==A>EN ANSWER: A -- "E5&A=656DA ANSWER: 6?AR: o, 6?<=AR: ANSWER: A -- REABS6R51;6N 69 WA1ER ANSWER: ?;RA= ;N1ER9EREN"E o, ;N1ER9EREN"E ANSWER: E2B6=;S2 ANSWER: 1RA"&E;DS ANSWER: S162A1A ANSWER: 9A1S o, =;5;DS o, 9A1 S6=<B=E ?;1A2;NS ANSWER: v)t,eo-s bo0y v)t,eo-s h-'o,

11. ANSWER: A;N>D62* 5&:=<2* "=ASS* 6RDER* 1'. 1*. 1#. 13. 1$. 18. 1%. 1<. '&. '1. ''. '*. '#. '3. '$. '8. '%.
9A2;=:* >EN<S* S5E";ES ANSWER: 5&EN61:5E 3p,o : fee- o-type4 ANSWER: " -- A<16S62ES ANSWER: "&R626S62A= DE=E1;6N ANSWER: " -- ":165=AS2 ANSWER: D -- &A=9 1&E >RANDS6NS W;== BE "6=6R B=;ND ANSWER: " -- END 6R>ANS 69 R<99;N; ANSWER: A -- 5:R<?;" A";D ANSWER: " -- N<"=E;" A";DS ANSWER: 56=:<NSA1<RA1ED ANSWER: B DEA2;NA1;6N ANSWER: A =;5;DS ANSWER: " -- &6=6"R;NE SE"RE1;6N ANSWER: B -- AN ABN6R2A= 9E2A=E ANSWER: 3"AR6=<S4 =;NNAE<S ANSWER: " -- S5=;1 WA1ER ANSWER: D D;A162S ANSWER: " -- "6N1R6= 69 1&E B6D:CS WA1ER "6N1EN1

$1. ANSWER: -+le-s o, DNA o, +h,o'oso'es o, $'. $*. $#. $3. $$. $8. $%. $<. 8&.
')to+ho 0,)a ANSWER: D -- END6+,) e ANSWER: " -- o7y(e ANSWER: A -- a+)0s ANSWER: A -- "ytoplas')+ f,a('e ts ANSWER: B -- "atabol)s' ANSWER: B -- S2661& ANSWER: A -- A? o0e ANSWER: " -- feve, ANSWER: A ')ll)pe0e

81. 8'. 8*. 8#. 83. 8$. 88. 8%. 8<. %&. %1. %'. %*. %#. %3. %$. %8. %%. %<. <&.

ANSWER: B -- e-t,op&)+ ANSWER: " -- est,o(e ANSWER: B -- ba+te,)a ANSWER: " -- 966D ?A"<6=ES ANSWER: A p,ote) s ANSWER: A -- type A ANSWER: " -- eos) oph)l ANSWER: B -- ve,y elast)+ $alls ANSWER: " -- p,e+)p)tat)o of +holeste,ol ANSWER: " evapot,a sp),at)o ANSWER: B -- 56R;9ERA ANSWER: A+h)lles 1e 0o ANSWER: #.4 ANSWER: A+t) ANSWER: A0,e al >la 0s ANSWER: A(a,-a(a, o, D-st A(a, ANSWER: A' es)a ANSWER: D -- l)ve ) salt $ate, ANSWER: A ()o(,aphy o, A ()o(,a' ANSWER: A -- A %le

y" man z" Eaguar ./-465: 4 ,, C:66T.: #. -hort .nswer: 4hat wonder drug was used for three years by the .rmy and /avy before becoming available to the general public in 1<## ./-465: >6/!C!00!/ 3. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the name given to the process) discovered by Coodyear) of adding sulfur to heated rubber ./-465: 7D0C./!J.T!(/ $. -hort .nswer: 4hich sea is the saltiest natural la2e and is also at the lowest elevation on the face of the earth ./-465: T:6 ;6.; -6. 8. Multiple Choice: .s you go down into a well) your weight: w" increases slightly x" decreases slightly y" remains exactly the same ./-465: H ,, ;6C56.-6- -0!C:T01 %. -hort ./-465: . cloud at ground level is called what ./-465: =(C <. -hort .nswer: 4hat invention in about 1#3& ..;. revolutionized communication and the world ./-465: T:6 >5!/T!/C >56-1&. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the name for the new technology whereby a glass fiber carries as much information as hundreds of copper wires ./-465: =!A65 (>T!C11. -hort .nswer: 4hat mammal lays eggs ./-465: >0.T1>D1'. -hort .nswer: 0inseed oil comes from what plant ./-465: =0.H 1*. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the name of the largest terrestrial rodent) distinguished by its spiny covering ./-465: >(5CD>!/6 1#. Multiple Choice: The only species of cat that lives and hunts in groups is: w" lion x" leopard y" Eaguar z" cougar ./-465: 4 K 0!(/ 13. Multiple Choice: The science of weights and

<1. ANSWER: " A -al <'. ANSWER: A -- A the, <*. ANSWER: A -- A-to(a'y <#. ANSWER: B -- he,pes <3. ANSWER: " 1-be,+-los)s <$. ANSWER: " -- Bas)0o'y+etes <8. ANSWER: B -- As+o'y+etes <%. ANSWER: B)ol-') es+e +e o, photol-') es+e +e <<. ANSWER: =-+)fe,ase 1&&.ANSWER: B -- pe+to,al)s ') o,

Science Bowl Practice Questions General

1. Multiple Choice: >ollination by birds is called: w" autogamy x" ornithophily y" entomophily z" anemophily ./-465: H ,, (5/!T:(>:!01 '. -hort .nswer: :ow many men have wal2ed on the moon ./-465: T46076 *. Multiple Choice: terrestrial animal is: w" cheetah x" lion The fastest,running

measures is called: w" metrology x" meteorology y" mineralogy z" morphology ./-465: 4 ,, M6T5(0(C1 1$. -hort .nswer: 4hat compound is a common component of air pollution) but is essential in the upper atmosphere to protect life on earth ./-465: (J(/6 18. -hort .nswer: 4hat is osteoporosis ./-465: !T !- 0(-- (= C.0C!DM =5(M A(/61%. Multiple Choice: 1east) used in ma2ing bread is a: w" plant x" fungus y" bacteria z" seed ./-465: H ,, =D/CD1<. Multiple Choice: The -tatue of 0iberty is green because of: w" green stone x" oxidized brass y" steel painted green z" oxidized copper ./-465: J ,, (H!;!J6; C(>>65 '&. -hort ./-465: .t what point are the Celsius and =ahrenheit scales equal ./-465: ,#& ;6C566'1. Multiple Choice: The word atom is from a Cree2 word meaning: w" small x" indivisible y" unseen z" visible ./-465: H ,, !/;!7!-!A06 ''. -hort .nswer: /ame the famous mathematician?physicist who was born in the year Calileo died. ./-465: +!-..C" /64T(/ '*. -hort .nswer: 4hat are the only places that dogs have sweat glands ./-465: /(-6 ./; >.4'#. -hort .nswer: 0inen is made from what plant ./-465: =0.H '3. -hort .nswer: 4hat is arachnology ./-465: -TD;1 (= .5.C:/!;- +except: study of spiders or scorpions or relatives of spiders" '$. -hort .nswer: 4hat is another name for the >aleolithic .ge ./-465: T:6 -T(/6 .C6 '8. -hort .nswer: 4hat nocturnal animal group

ma2es up one,fourth of all mammals species ./-465: A.T- or C:!5(>T65. '%. -hort .nswer: :ow many time zones are there on 6arth ./-465: T46/T1,=(D5 '<. -hort .nswer: 4hat land mammal holds the record for the greatest age ./-465: M./ *&. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the better 2nown name for the deadly poison prussic acid ./-465: C1./!;6 or :1;5(C6/ C1./!;6 *1. Multiple Choice: Cystitis is the infection of which of the following w" liver x" urinary bladder y" pancreas z" lung ./-465: H ,, D5!/.51 A0.;;65 *'. -hort .nswer: 4hat is a shar2@s s2eleton made of ./-465: C.5T!0.C6 **. -hort .nswer: 4hat yellow metal is an alloy of copper and zinc ./-465: A5.-*#. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the subdivision in the >lant Bingdom comprising over '&)&&& species of Mosses and 0iverworts ./-465: A51(>:1T6*3. -hort .nswer: .utomobile catalytic converters cause the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons which result from incomplete combustion to be converted into what two substances ./-465: C.5A(/ ;!(H!;6 +C('" ./; 4.T65 +:'(" *$. -hort .nswer: Dsed primarily in fertilizers) which element is never found free in nature even though it ma2es up about '.3G of the earth@s crust ./-465: >(T.--!DM *8. Multiple Choice: .t room temperature) most elements are in which phase of matter w" solid x" liquid y" gas z" plasma ./-465: 4 ,, -(0!; *%. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the name for steel alloyed with chromium ./-465: -T.!/06-- -T660 *<. -hort .nswer: Table sugar) from sugar cane

or beet) is what type of sugar ./-465: -DC5(-6 or ;!-.CC:.5!;6 or -.CC:.5(-6 #&. Multiple Choice: The study of phenomena at very low temperatures is called: w" heat transfer x" morphology y" crystallography z" cryogenics ./-465: J ,, C51(C6/!C#1. Multiple Choice: The branch of medical science which is concerned with the study of disease as it affects a community of people is called: w" epidemiology x" oncology y" paleontogy z" pathology ./-465: 4 K 6>!;6M!(0(C1 #'. -hort .nswer: /ame the first woman to travel in space. ./-465: +7.06/T!/." T656-:B(7. #*. Multiple Choice: . type of plastic that is biodegradable has been in the news lately. The ingredient that ma2es it biodegradable is: w" vegetable oil x" petroleum y" cornstarch z" leather ./-465: 1 K C(5/-T.5C: ##. Multiple Choice: !f a metal can be drawn into wires relatively easily it is called: w" malleable x" ductile y" extractive z" tactile ./-465: H ,, ;DCT!06 #3. -hort .nswer: (ccasionally) a bad cold will cause a decrease in a personLs hearing ability. 4hat is the name of the tube that becomes bloc2ed to cause this problem ./-465: 6D-T.C:!./ TDA6 #$. -hort .nswer: /ame the general type of mammal that gives birth to undeveloped young that are 2ept in pouches. ./-465: M.5-D>!.0 #8. Multiple Choice: !n which country was a method for ma2ing rust,resistant iron discovered in the fifth century A.C. w" -umeria x" 6gypt y" !ndia z" Aabylon ./-465: 1 K !/;!. Science Bowl Practice Questions Earth Science

1. -hort .nswer: Aiosphere describes the earth realm where life occurs 4hat describes the entire solid earth realm and is composed of mineral matter ./-465: 0!T:(->:656 '. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following energy sources does /(T originally come from the -un w" wind x" (cean thermal energy conversion y" geothermal z" hydroelectric ./-465: 1 K C6(T:65M.0 *. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the name of the atmosphere layer of upwardly diminishing temperature situated above the stratosphere and topped by the mesopause ./-465: M6-(->:656 #. Multiple Choice: 4hat percentage of the earth@s atmosphere does (' comprise w" 83G x" 3&G y" '1G z" *'G ./-465: 1 ,, '1G 3. -hort .nswer: 4hat gas ma2es up the maEority of our atmosphere ./-465: /!T5(C6/ $. Multiple Choice: The tanning rays of the sun are called: w" infrared rays x" visible light y" ultraviolet rays z" gamma rays ./-465: 1 ,, D0T5.7!(06T 5.18. Multiple Choice: 4hile many different gases are found in the atmosphere) a number do /(T contribute significantly to solar heating of the atmosphere. 4hich T4( of the following gases do /(T absorb much heat w" carbon dioxide x" nitrogen y" water vapor z" oxygen ./-465: H and J ,, /!T5(C6/ and (H1C6/ %. Multiple Choice: Clobal climate change is being attributed to the atmospheric increase in what two gases produced by human activities w" oxygen and hydrogen x" ozone and methane y" nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide

z" methane and carbon dioxide e" ozone and carbon monoxide ./-465: J ,, M6T:./6 ./; C.5A(/ ;!(H!;6 <. -hort .nswer: The ozone layer is located in which region of the atmosphere ./-465: -T5.T(->:656 1&. Multiple Choice: Certain substances are classified as water pollutants) others as air pollutants and still others as land pollutants. 4hich of the following pollutes all three parts of our environment w" fluorocarbons x" smog y" acid rain z" ozone ./-465: 1 ,, .C!; 5.!/ 11. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the name of the phenomenon that causes an accumulation of heat in the lower atmosphere because of the absorption of long,wave radiation from the 6arth@s surface ./-465: C566/:(D-6 6==6CT 1'. Multiple Choice: The Creenhouse 6ffect is caused primarily by which of the following processes w" bloc2ing incoming short wave solar energy x" absorbing incoming short wave solar energy y" heating of the 6arth@s stratosphere z" absorbing outgoing long wave radiation from the 6arth ./-465: J ,, .A-(5A!/C (DTC(!/C 0(/C 4.76 5.;!.T!(/ =5(M T:6 6.5T: 1*. Multiple Choice: :ematite is a primary ore of which of the following metals w" zinc x" tungsten y" iron z" none of the above ./-465: 1 ,, !5(/ 1#. Multiple Choice: Calena is a primary ore of which of the following metals w" zinc x" tungsten y" lead z" silver ./-465: 1 ,, 06.; 13. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following minerals is a source of copper w" Aauxite +pron: box,ite"

x" :ematite y" Malachite z" Calena ./-465: 1 ,, M.0.C:!T6 1$. Multiple Choice: (f the following four geologic periods) which is the most recent w" ;evonian x" -ilurian y" >ermian z" Furassic ./-465: J ,, FD5.--!C Science Bowl Practice Questions Physics 1. Multiple Choice: =or the hydrogen atom) which series describes electron transitions to the /M1 orbit) the lowest energy electron orbit !s it the: w" 0yman series x" Aalmer series y" >aschen series z" >fund series ./-465: 4 ,, 01M./ -65!6'. Multiple Choice: 6lectric current may be expressed in which one of the following units w" coulombs?volt x" Eoules?coulomb y" coulombs?second z" ohms?second ./-465: 1 ,, C(D0(MA-?-6C(/; *. -hort .nswer: !n the -! system of measure) what is the unit of capacitance ./-465: =.5.; #. Multiple Choice: . /ewton is equal to which of the following w" 2ilogram,meter per second x" meter per second squared y" 2ilogram,meter per second squared z" 2ilogram per meter,second ./-465: 1 ,, B!0(C5.M,M6T65 >65 -6C(/; -ND.56; 3. Multiple Choice: 4or2 is equal to which of the following w" the cross product of force and displacement. x" the product of force times time y" force divided by time z" the dot product of force and displacement ./-465: J ,, T:6 ;(T >5(;DCT (= =(5C6 ./; ;!->0.C6M6/T

$. Multiple Choice: The wor2 done by a friction force is: w" always positive x" always negative y" always zero z" either positive or negative depending upon the situation. ./-465: H ,, .04.1- /6C.T!76 8. Multiple Choice: .s defined in physics) wor2 is: w" a scalar quantity x" always a positive quantity y" a vector quantity z" always zero ./-465: 4 ,, . -C.0.5 ND./T!T1 %. Multiple Choice: !n physics) a radian per second is a unit of: w" angular displacement x" angular velocity y" angular acceleration z" angular momentum. ./-465: H ,, ./CD0.5 760(C!T1 <. Multiple Choice: !f the resultant force acting on a body of constant mass is zero) the body@s momentum is: w" increasing x" decreasing y" always zero z" constant ./-465: J K C(/-T./T 1&. -hort .nswer: 4hat is the name of the first .merican physicist to win two /obel prizes ./-465: +F(:/" A.5;66/ 11. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following scientists is responsible for the exclusion principle which states that two obEects may /(T occupy the same space at the same time 4as it: w" :eisenberg x" Aohr y" Teller z" >auli ./-465: J ,, >.D0! 1'. -hort .nswer: 4ho shared the /obel >rize in >hysics in 1<&< with Cuglielmo Marconi for his contribution to the development of wireless telegraphy ./-465: +C.50 =65;!/./;" A5.D/ 1*. -hort .nswer: 4ho first theoretically predicted the existence of the positron) a positively charged

electron :e received the /obel >rize in >hysics in 1<**. ./-465: +>.D0 .;5!6/ M.D5!C6" ;!5.C 1#. -hort .nswer: /ame the female physicist who received the /obel >rize in 1<$* for her discovery concerning the shell structure of the nucleus. ./-465: +M.5!. C(6>>65T" M.165 13. Multiple Choice: The force acting between two point charges can be computed using which of the following laws w" (hm@s 0aw x" .mpere@s 0aw y" Coulomb@s 0aw z" /ewton@s -econd 0aw. ./-465: 1 ,, C(D0(MA@- 0.4 1$. Multiple Choice: !nduced electric currents can be explained using which of the following laws w" Causs@s 0aw x" =araday@s 0aw y" (hm@s 0aw z" .mpere@s 0aw ./-465: H ,, =.5.;.1@- 0.4 18. Multiple Choice: =or a negative point charge) the electric field vectors: w" circle the charge x" point radially in toward the charge y" point radially away from the charge z" cross at infinity ./-465: H ,, >(!/T 5.;!.001 !/ T(4.5; T:6 C:.5C6 1%. Multiple Choice: =or an infinite sheet of positive charge) the electric field lines: w" run parallel to the sheet of charge x" are perpendicular to the sheet of charge and point in toward the sheet y" are perpendicular to the sheet of charge and point away from the sheet z" fall off as one over r squared ./-465: 1 ,, .56 >65>6/;!CD0.5 T( T:6 -:66T (= C:.5C6 ./; >(!/T .4.1 1<. -hort .nswer: !n Aohr@s theory of the atom) what force was responsible for holding the electrons in their orbit ./-465: C(D0(MA =(5C6 or T:6 =(5C6 (= .TT5.CT!(/ A6T466/ T:6 >5(T(/ +/DC06D-" ./; T:6 606CT5(/ '&. Multiple Choice: 4hose principle or law states that each point on a wavefront may be considered a new wave source !s it:

w" -nell@s 0aw x" :uygen@s >rinciple y" 1oung@s 0aw z" :ertz@s 0aw. ./-465: H ,, :D1C6/@- >5!/C!>06 '1. Multiple Choice: The wave nature of light is demonstrated by which of the following w" the photoelectric effect x" color y" the speed of light z" diffraction ./-465: J ,, ;!==5.CT!(/ ''. Multiple Choice: The collision between a photon and a free electron was first explained by which of the following scientists w" 6instein x" :eisenberg y" Compton z" Aohr ./-465: 1 K C(M>T(/ '*. -hort .nswer: Aesides solid) liquid) and gas) what is the fourth form of matter ./-465: >0.-M. '#. -hort .nswer: 4hat is '3)&&& miles per hour on earth) and 3)*&& miles per hour on the Moon ./-465: 6-C.>6 760(C!T1 '3. -hort .nswer: !n 6instein@s universe) what is the fourth dimension ./-465: T!M6 '$. Multiple Choice: The Tesla and the Causs are units of measure of: w" conductance x" magnetic field strength y" magnetic flux z" electrical current ./-465: H ,, M.C/6T!C =!60; -T56/CT: '8. -hort .nswer: -hoc2ley) Arattain and Aardeen won a /obel prize for what small invention ./-465: T5./-!-T(5 '%. Multiple Choice: 4hich of the following colors of visible light has the longest wavelength !s it: w" violet x" green y" yellow z" red ./-465: J K 56;

'<. Multiple Choice: The value of C) the universal gravitational constant) was measured experimentally by: w" /ewton x" Cavendish y" Copernicus z" Bepler ./-465: H ,, C.76/;!-: *&. Multiple Choice: The -! unit of pressure is the: w" Torr x" dyne per centimeter squared y" atmosphere z" pascal ./-465: J K >.-C.0 *1. Multiple Choice: .n x,ray photon collides with a free electron) and the photon is scattered. ;uring this collision there is conservation of: w" momentum but not energy x" neither momentum nor energy y" energy but not momentum z" both momentum and energy ./-465: J ,, A(T: M(M6/TDM ./; 6/65C1 *'. Multiple Choice: !n the sun) helium is produced from hydrogen by: w" radioactive decay x" disintegration y" fission z" fusion ./-465: J K =D-!(/ **. Multiple Choice: The idea that electrons revolved in orbits around the nucleus of an atom without radiating energy away from the atom was postulated by: w" Thompson x" Aohr y" 5utherford z" 6instein ./-465: H K A(:5

General Science1
1. 4hich of the following is the lightest metal +." Mercury +A" -ilver +C" 0ithium +;" 0ead '. The most important ore of .luminium is O

+." Aauxite +A" Calamine +C" Calcite +;" Calena *. The element present in the largest amount in roc2s and minerals is O +." Carbon +A" -ilicon +C" :ydrogen +;" .luminium #. .n alloy used in ma2ing heating elements for electric heating devices is O +." -older +A" .lloysteel +C" /ichrome +;" Cerman -ilver 3. Cerman -ilver is an alloy of O +." Copper) -ilver P /ic2el +A" -ilver) Copper P .luminium +C" Jinc) Copper P /ic2el +;" -ilver) Jinc P /ic2el $. .ir is a?an O +." Compound +A" 6lement +C" Mixture +;" 6lectrolyte 8. 4hich of the following is the best conductor of 6lectricity +." (rdinary water +A" -ea water +C" Aoiled water +;" ;istilled water %. Aalloons are filled with O +." :elium +A" (xygen +C" /itrogen +;" .rgon <. The charcoal used to decolourise raw sugar is O +." .nimal charcoal +A" -ugar charcoal +C" Cocoanut charcoal +;" 4ood charcoal 1&. The most abundant metal in the earthLs crust is O +." Jinc +A" Copper +C" .luminium

+;" !ron 11. The gas used to extinguish fire is O +." /eon +A" /itrogen +C" Carbon dioxide +;" Carbon Monoxide 1'. !n which of the following activities -ilicon Carbide is used +." Ma2ing cement and glass +A" ;isinfecting water and ponds +C" Ma2ing castes for statues +;" Cutting very hard substances 1*. The element common to all acids is O +." (xygen +A" :ydrogen +C" /itrogen +;" -ulphur 1#. Cobar gas contains mainly O +." Methane +A" Carbon dioxide +C" Autane +;" Carbon Monoxide 13. The most malleable metal is O +." -ilver +A" Cold +C" .luminium +;" -odium 1$. Tetraethyl lead is used as O +." Mosquito repellent +A" >ain Biller +C" =ire extinguisher +;" >etrol additive

18. 4hich of the following is used in beauty parlours for hair setting +." >hosphorus +A" -ulphur +C" Chlorine +;" -ilicon 1%. 4hich of the following is a non,metal that remains liquid in room temperature +." Aromine +A" Chlorine +C" :elium +;" >hosphorus

1<. =rom which mineral is radium obtained O +." 0imestone +A" :aematitie +C" >itchblende +;" 5utile '&. 4hat is laughing gas +." Carbon dioxide +A" -ulphur dioxide +C" /itrogen ;ioxide +;" /itrous oxide '1. 4hich of the following is used as a material for ma2ing protective windows in space probes +." -teel +A" Craphite +C" Tungsten +;" ;iamond ''. 4hich form of phosphorus is used in safety metals +." 5ed >hosphorus +A" 4hite >hosphorus +C" 1ellow >hosphorus +;" Alac2 >hosphorous '*. -tainless steel is an alloy of O +." !ron) Carbon and /ic2el +A" !ron and Manganese +C" !ron) Chromium and Jinc +;" !ron) Chromium and /ic2el '#. 4hich of the following is not correctly matched +." Calena : 0ead -ulphide +A" Creen vitriol : Copper sulphate +C" >laster of >aris : Calcium sulphate +;" Calomel : Mercurous Chloride '3. 4hich of the following metals forms an amalgum with other metals +." 0ead +A" Tin +C" Jinc +;" Mercury .nswers: 1. +C" '. +." 8. +A" %. +."

General Science2
1. >armanent hardness of water may be removed by the addition of O +." .lum +A" -odium Carbonate +C" 0ime +;" >otassium >ermanganate '. >otassium nitrate is used in O +." -alt +A" Class +C" =ertiliser +;" Medicine *. !n which type of roc2s are metals li2e Cold and Copper mostly found +." (ld igneous +A" (ld sedimentary +C" (ld metamorphic +;" /ew metamorphic #. 4hich of the following gases is lighter than air +." Carbon dioxide +A" (xygen +C" .mmonia +;" Chlorine 3. 4hich of the following is used as lubricant +." Craphite +A" -ilica +C" ;iamond +;" !ron (xide $. The purest form of iron is O +." -teel +A" >ig iron +C" Cast iron +;" 4rought iron 8. The percentage of carbon is the least in O +." Crey cast iron +A" 4rought iron +C" 4hite cast iron +;" -teel %. The colour of 6merald is O +." 7iolet +A" 1ellow +C" ;eep Creen +;" >russian Alue <. >ermanent hardness of water) due to sulphates of the metal) can be destroyed by the use of O

*. +A" <. +;"

#. +C"

3. +C"

$. +C"

1&. +C" 11. +C" 1'. +;"

1*. +A" 1#. +." 13. +A" 1$. +;" 18.+A" 1%. +." 1<. +C" '&. +;" '1. +;" ''. +." '*. +;" '#. +A" '3. +;"

+." /itrates +A" Jeolites +C" -ulphonates +;" /one of these 1&. 5ust is O +." . mixture of =e'(* and =e+(:"' +A" . mixture of =e( and =e+(:"' +C" =e( only +;" . mixture of =e'(*) *:'( and =e( 11. 0iquefied >etroleum gas +0>C" consists of mainly O +." Methane) 6thane and :exane +A" 6thane) :exane and /onane +C" Methane) Autane and >ropane +;" Methane) :exane and /onane 1'. The metal that is present in >hoto =ilms is O +." Mercury +A" >latinum +C" Magnesium +;" -ilver 1*. 4hich of the following is in liquid form at room temperature +." Cerium +A" -odium +C" =rancium +;" 0ithium 1#. -oda water contains O +." /itrous acid +A" Carbonic acid +C" Carbon dioxide +;" -ulphuric acid 13. 4hich of the following is basis of the modern periodic table +." .tomic mass +A" .tomic number +C" .tomic size +;" .tomic volume 1$. (f the following metals) which one pollutes the air of a big city +." Copper +A" Cadmium +C" 0ead +;" Chromium 18. Arass is an alloy of O +." /ic2el and Copper +A" Copper and -ilver

+C" /ic2el and Jinc +;" Jinc and Copper 1%. The element required for -olar energy conversion O +." Aeryllium +A" -ilicon +C" Tantalum +;" Dltra pure carbon 1<. Monazite is an ore of O +." -odium +A" Titanium +C" Thorium +;" Jirconium '&. >otassium >ermanganate is used for purifying drin2ing water) because O +." !t dissolves the impurities of water +A" !t is a sterilizing agent +C" !t is an oxidising agent +;" !t is a reducing agent. '1. The presence of which of the following salts in water causes corrosion in steam boilers +." -odium Chloride +A" Magnesium Chloride +C" Calcium bicarbonate +;" >otassium bicarbonate ''. 4ater is a good solvent of ionic salts because O +." !t has no colour +A" !t has a boiling point +C" !t has a high dipole moment +;" !t has a high specific heat '*. The hardest substance available in earth is O +." >latinum +A" -ilicon +C" ;iamond +;" Cold '#. 4hich of the following is the best conductor of electricity +." Jinc +A" Copper +C" Cold +;" -ilver '3. The ratio of pure gold in 1% carat gold is O +." $&G +A" 83G +C" %&G +;" 1&&G

.nswers: 1. +A" '. +A" $. +;" 8. +;" 11. +C" 1'. +;" 1$. +C" 18. +;" '1. +A" ''. +C"

*. +." %. +C" 1*. +C" 1%. +A" '*. +C"

#. +C" <. +A" 1#. +C" 1<. +C" '#. +;"

3. +." 1&. +;" 13. +A" '&. +C" '3. +A"

%. The formula of >laster of >aris is O +." Ca-(# +A" Ca-(#) ':'( +C" 'Ca-(#) #:'( +;" 'Ca-(#) :'( <. 4hich of the following substance is a bad conductor of electricity but a good conductor of heat +." .sbestos +A" Celluloid +C" >urspec2s +;" Mica 1&. Carborandum is O +." -ilicon ;ioxide +A" -ilicon Carbide +C" -ilicon /itride +;" -ilicon >hosphide 11. 4hich of the following is the best conductor of electricity +." Copper +A" Mica +C" Jinc +;" -ilver 1'. 4ashing soda is the common name of O +." Calcium Carbonate +A" Calcium Ai,Carbonate +C" -odium Carbonate +;" -odium Ai,Carbonate 1*. The filament of electric bulb is made of O +." !ron +A" /ichrome +C" Tungsten +;" Craphite 1#. Aleaching powder is made from O +." -ulphur dioxide and gypsum +A" Chlorine and Charcoal +C" -oda ash and lime +;" 0ime and Chlorine 13. The two elements that are frequently used for ma2ing transistors are O +." Aoron and .luminium +A" -ilicon and Cermenium +C" !ridium and Tungsten +;" /iobium and Columbium 1$. 4hich of the following gas is not 2nown as green house gas

General Science3
1. 4hich of the following is not an ore of .luminium +." =elsper +A" Aauxite +C" Cryolite +;" .zurite '. Most soluble in water is O +." Camphor +A" -ugar +C" -ulphur +;" Common -alt *. Aromine is O +." colourless gas insoluble in water +A" . highly inflammable gas +C" . Alac2 solid. +;" . red liquid. #. The metal used in storage batteries O +." !ron +A" Copper +C" 0ead +;" Jinc 3. 4ater has maximum density at O +." K#QC +A" &QC +C" #QC +;" 1&&QC $. The chemical name of Drea is O +." .neurin +A" Chloroetane +C" Carbamide +;" /one of these 8. >ermanent hardness of water can be removed by adding O +." >otassium >ermanganate +A" Chlorine +C" Aleaching >owder +;" 4ashing -oda

+." Methane +A" Carbon dioxide +C" /itrous oxide +;" C=C 18. 4hich of the following is not a neutral oxide +." Carbon Monoxide +A" -ulphur ;ioxide +C" 4ater +;" /itric (xide 1%. 4hich of the following is used in ma2ing smo2e bombs +." -ulphur +A" >hosphorus +C" :ydrogen +;" Carbon 1<. Caustic -oda is O +." /acl +A" /a'C(* +C" /a(: +;" /a:C(* '&. Chemical formula of 4ater glass is O +." /a'-i(* +A" .l'(* +C" /a.l(' +;" Ca-i(* '1. 4hich of the following is not a bleaching agent +." -ulpher di,oxide +A" Carbon di,oxide +C" -odium hypochlorite +;" Chlorine ''. The gas usually filled in electric bulb is O +." :ydrogen +A" (xygen +C" /itrogen +;" Carbon di,oxide '*. :eavy water is O +." Tritium oxide +A" ;euterium oxide +C" 5ain water +;" 4ater at #QC '#. The gases used in different types of welding would include O +." (xygen P :ydrogen +A" (xygen) acetylene P argon +C" (xygen P acetylene +;" (xygen) hydrogen P nitrogen

'3. 4hich of the following alloys is used for ma2ing magnets +." ;uralumin +A" -tainless -teel +C" .lnico +;" Magnelium .nswers: 1. +;" '. +A" $. +C" 8. +;"

*. +;" %. +;"

#. +C" <. +;"

3. +." 1&. +A"

11. +;" 1'. +C" 1*. +C" 1#. +;" 13. +A" 1$. +C" 18. +A" 1%. +A" 1<. +C" '&. +." '1. +A" ''. +C" '*. +A" '#. +C" '3. +C"

General Science4
1. Cow mil2 is a rich source of O +." 7itamin . +A" 7itamin A1 +C" 7itamin C +;" 7itamin ; '. The element found in the surface of the Moon is O +." Tin +A" Tungsten +C" Tantalum +;" Titanium *. The average salinity of sea water is O +." 'G +A" *G +C" '.3G +;" *.3G #. 4hich of the following is the most stable element +." Dranium +A" :ydrogen +C" (xygen +;" 0ead 3. =ind the odd one +." Marble +A" Chal2 +C" 0ime -tone +;" -la2ed 0ime $. ;iamond is harder than graphite because of O +." ;ifference of layers of atoms

+A" Tetrahedral structure of diamonds +C" ;ifference of crystaline structures +;" /one of these 8. . super conductor is characterised by O +." Jero permeability +A" 0ow permeability +C" :igh permeability +;" !nfinite permeability %. (f the various forms of carbon) which one is used for absorption purpose +." ;iamond +A" Craphite +C" Co2e +;" 4ood Charcoal <. The main constituents of >earl are O +." Calcium Carbonate) Magnesium Carbonate +A" Calcium oxide) .mmonium Chloride +C" .rgonite ) Chonchiolin +;" .mmonium -ulphate) -odium Carbonate 1&. .n element that does not occur in nature but can be produced artificially is O +." Thorium +A" 5adium +C" >lutonium +;" Dranium 11. The inert gas which is substituted for nitrogen in the air) used by deep sea drivers for breathing is O +." :elium +A" .rgon +C" Brypton +;" Henon 1'. The group of metals =e) Co) /i may be best called as O +." .l2ali metals +A" 5are metals +C" Main group metals +;" Transition metals 1*. 4hich of the following characters is not shown by hydrogen O +." !t burns in air to form water +A" !t supports combustion +C" !t combines with almost all metals forming hydrides +;" !t readily combines with fluorine and chlorine 1#. 4hich of the following elements is obtained from sea weeds

+." .rgon +A" -ulphur +C" 7anadium +;" !odine 13. The metallic constituents of hard water are O +." Magnesium) Calcium and tin +A" !ron) tin and calcium +C" Calcium) magnesium and iron +;" Magnesium) tin and iron 1$. The property of a substance to absorb moisture from the air on exposure is called O +." (smosis +A" ;esiccation +C" 6fflorescence +;" ;eliquescene 18. Arass gets discoloured in air due to the presence of which gas in air O +." Carbon dioxide +A" (xygen +C" :ydrogen -ulphide +;" /itrogen 1%. Nuartz crystals normally used in quartz cloc2s etc. is chemically O +." -odium -ilicate +A" -ilicon dioxide +C" Cermenium dioxide +;" . mixture of +A" P +C" 1<. Aell Metal is an alloy of O +." Arass and /ic2el +A" Jinc and Copper +C" Tin and Copper +;" /ic2el and Copper '&. The high temperature superconductors are O +." Metal alloys +A" Ceramic oxides +C" !norganic polymers +;" >ure rare earth metals '1. The ingredients of Cun metal are O +." !ron) tin +A" Copper) tin +C" !ron) brass) tin +;" !ron) zinc) titanium ''. The gas usually causing explosions in coal mines is O +." :ydrogen +A" Carbon monoxide

+C" .ir +;" Methane '*. Cotton fibers are made of O +." cellulose +A" starch +C" proteins +;" fats '#. 4hich of the following ores does not contain iron +." :aematite +A" Magnetite +C" 0imonite +;" Cassiterite '3. /uclear fission is caused by the impact of O +." >roton +A" 6lectron +C" /eutron +;" +." P +b" .nswers: 1. +A" '. +;" $. +C" 8. +."

#. !n an atomic explosion enormous energy is released which is due to the O +." Conversions of neutrons into protons +A" Conversion of chemical energy into nuclear energy +C" Conversion of mechanical energy into nuclear energy +;" Conversion of mass into energy 3. 4hich of the following is used as a coolant in nuclear reactors +." :eavy water +A" Cadmium +C" 0iquid sodium +;" Craphite $. The isotope of Dranium capable of sustaining chain reaction is O +." D '*3 +A" D '*% +C" D '*< +;" /one of these 8. 5adioactive disintegration of Dranium ultimately results in formation of O +." 5adium +A" Thorium +C" >olonium +;" 0ead %. .tom bomb is made on the basis of O +." /uclear fusion +A" /uclear fission +C" Aoth +." P +A" +;" /one of these <. 4hich of the following has least penetrating power +." .lpha particles +A" Aeta particles +C" Camma particles +;" .ll have same power 1&. 4hat is increasing order of the wave lengths of the following colours O 1. (range '. !ndigo *. 1ellow #. 7iolet +." 1) ') *) # +A" *) #) 1) ' +C" #) *) ') 1 +;" #) ') *) 1

*. +;" %. +;"

#. +;" <. +."

3. +;" 1&. +C"

11. +." 1'. +;" 1*. +A" 1#. +;" 13. +C" 1$. +;" 18. +C" 1%. +A" 1<. +C" '&. +A" '1. +A" ''. +;" '*. +." '#. +;" '3. +C"

General Science5
1. 4hich is a good nuclear fuel +." Dranium O '*% +A" /eptunium O '*< +C" Thorium O '*$ +;" >lutonium , '*$ '. 0ong distance photography is facilitated by O +." 7isible light +A" H,rays +C" !nfra 5ed rays +;" Dltra violet rays *. 4hich radioactive pollutant has recently drawn the attention of the public due to its occurance in the building materials +." 5adium +A" 5adon +C" Thorium +;" >lutonium

11. .toms are composed of O +." 6lectrons only +A" >rotons only +C" 6lectrons P >rotons +;" 6lectrons P /uclei 1'. The age of most ancient geological formation is estimated by O +." >otassium,.rgon method +A" 5a,-i method +C" C1# method +;" Dranium,lead method 1*. 4hich of the following is used as a moderator in nuclear reactor +." (rdinary water +A" 5adium +C" Thorium +;" Craphite 1#. !sotopes are separated by O +." =iltration +A" -ublimation +C" ;istillation +;" Crystalization 13. 4ho suggested that the most of the mass of atom is located in nucleus +." Aohr +A" Thomson +C" 5utherford +;" .vogadro 1$. Meson particles are found in O +." 5,rays +A" H,rays +C" 0aser beam +;" Cosmic rays 18. .n atom of an element with mass number '* and atomic number 11 will have O +." 11 neutrons) 1' protons and 11 electrons +A" 11 protons) 1' neutrons and 11 electrons +C" 11 protons) 1' electrons and 11 neutrons +;" '* protons and 11 electrons 1%. The location and energy of an electron in an atom can be specified by O +." .tomic mass +A" .tomic number +C" Nuantum numbers +;" /one of these

1<. (ld,written material) which cannot be read easily can be read by O +." Cosmic 5ays +A" Dltraviolet rays +C" !nfra 5ed rays +;" /one of these '&. !n an atomic nucleus) neutrons and protons are held together by O +." Cravitational forces +A" Magnetic forces +C" 6xchange forces +;" Coulombic forces '1. 4hich of the following elements is non, radioactive +." Dranium +A" Thorium +C" >lutonium +;" Jirconium ''. .ccording to ;altonLs atomic theory the smallest particle which can exist independently is O +." .n atom +A" . molecule +C" . cation +;" .n anion '*. The recent atomic weight scale is based on O +." 1:1 +A" 1:' +C" $C1' +;" %(1$ '#. The neutral atomLs two isotopes differ in the number of O +." 6lectron shells +A" >rotons +C" 7alence electrons +;" /eutrons '3. (ptical fibres are mainly used in O +." Communication +A" 4eaving +C" Musical !nstruments +;" =ood !ndustry .nswers: 1. +C" '. +C" $. +." 8. +;"

*. +C" %. +A"

#. +;" <. +."

3. +C" 1&. +;"

11. +;" 1'. +C" 1*. +;" 1#. +C" 13. +C" 1$. +;" 18. +A" 1%. +C" 1<. +C" '&. +C" '1. +;" ''. +." '*. +C" '#. +;" '3. +."

General Science6
1. The first synthetic fibre made by man was O +." 5ayon +A" /ylon +C" >olyester +;" Terycott '. 4hich variety of glass is heat resistant +." :ard glass +A" =lint glass +C" >yrex glass +;" Aottle glass *. 4hich of the following is used for removing air bubbles from glass during its manufacture +." =ledspar +A" .rsenic oxide +C" >otassium Carbonate +;" -oda .sh #. 4hat are soaps +." -alts of silicates +A" 6ster of heavy fatty acids +C" -odium or potassium salts of heavier fatty acids +;" Mixture of glycerol and alcohol 3. 4hich of the following is used in ma2ing artificial sweetener saccharine +." Aenzene +A" Toluene +C" >henol +;" .niline $. 5ayon is chemically O +." Clucose +A" .mylase +C" Cellulose +;" >eptin 8. 4hich of following is used as a filter in rubber tyres +." Craphite +A" Coal +C" Co2e +;" Carbon Alac2 %. !n vulcanization) natural rubber is heated with O +." Carbon +A" -ulphur +C" -ilicon +;" >hosphorus

<. 4hich type of fire extinguisher is used for petroleum fire +." =oam type +A" -oda acid type +C" >owder type +;" /one of these 1&. 4hich is? are the important raw materials in cement industry +." 0imestone +A" Cypsum P Clay +C" Clay +;" 0imestone P Clay 11. 4hich of the following is the petroleum wax +." Aees wax +A" Carnauba wax +C" >araffin wax +;" FoEoba wax 1'. 4hich of the following fibres is generally preferred for ma2ing gauze and lint +." Cotton +A" 5ayon +C" /ylon +;" Terylene 1*. 5ubber is coagulated from latex by adding O +." :ydrochloric acid +A" .cetic acid +C" -ulphuric acid +;" Carbonic acid 1#. >aper is manufactured by O +." 4ood and resin +A" 4ood) -odium and Aleaching powder +C" 4ood and bleaching powder +;" 4ood) Calcium) hydrogen sulphate and resin 13. 4hich synthetic fibre is 2nown as artificial sil2 +." Cotton +A" 5ayon +C" Terylene +;" /ylon 1$. ;eep blue colour is imparted to glass by the presence of O +." !ron oxide +A" Cupric oxide +C" /ic2el oxide +;" Cobalt oxide 18. The combustible material at the tip of a safety

match stic2 is O +." -ulphur +A" Manganese dioxide +C" >hosphorus +;" .ntimony sulphide 1%. 4hich of the following roofs provide better protection against fire +." Cement slab +A" .sbestos sheet +C" 5einforced concrete +;" /one of these 1<. The material used for bleaching paper pulp is O +." Chlorine +A" Caustic soda +C" -odium :ypochlorite +;" 0ime '&. 4hich of the following is a protein +." 4ool +A" -tarch +C" /atural rubber +;" Cellulose '1. -oap is a mixture of sodium or potassium salts of O +." Monocarboxylic acid +A" Clycerols +C" ;icarboxylic acid +;" Tricarboxylic acid ''. 4hich of the following material is used to prepare blue,blac2 in2 +." Callic acid +A" Tannic acid +C" =errous sulphate +;" .ll of these '*. The type of glass used in ma2ing prisms and lenses is O +." -oft glass +A" >yrex glass +C" Fena glass +;" =lint glass '#. Carbon tetrachloride fire extinguisher should not be used in closed room because it produces poisonous glass called O +." Carbon Monoxide +A" >hosphine +C" >hosgene +;" /one of these

'3. 4hich of the following is commonly called a polyamide +." 5ayon +A" (rion +C" Terylene +;" /ylon .nswers: 1. +A" '. +C" $. +C" 8. +;" 11. +C" 1'. +A" 1$. +;" 18. +;" '1. +." ''. +;"

*. +A" %. +A" 1*. +A" 1%. +A" '*. +;"

#. +C" <. +C" 1#. +;" 1<. +C" '#. +;"

3. +A" 1&. +;" 13. +A" '&. +C" '3. +;"

General Science7
1. The maEor ingredient of leather is O +." Carbohydrate +A" Collagen +C" >olymer +;" /ucleic acid '. Class is made from the mixture of O +." Nuartz and mica +A" -and and salt +C" -and and silicates +;" /one of these *. 6poxy resins is used as O +." Moth repellents +A" !nsecticides +C" ;etergents +;" .dhesives #. >olythene is industrially polymerization of O +." Methane +A" -tyrene +C" .cetylene +;" 6thylene prepared by the

3. . mixture of water and alcohol can be separated by O +." =iltration +A" 6vaporation +C" ;istillation +;" ;ecantation $. . substance which changes readily into vapour without heating is called O +." 6fflorescent +A" -ynthetic +C" 7olatile

+;" 6ffervescent 8. !n which following processes light energy is converted into chemical energy +." 5espiration +A" =ermentation +C" >hotosynthesis +;" >hotorespiration %. Coo2ing oil can be converted into vegetables ghee by the process of O +." (xidation +A" :ydrogenation +C" ;istillation +;" Crystallisation <. >hotosynthesis is O +." .n exothermic process +A" .n endothermic process +C" . neutral process +;" . thermostatic process 1&. 4hich of the following substances exhibit the property of sublimation +." !ce +A" 4ax +C" Camphor +;" 6thyl .lcohol 11. Combustion is the process in which O +." :eat is produced +A" 0ight is produced +C" :eat and 0ight is produced +;" /one of these 1'. The chemical used as a fixer in photography is O +." Aorax +A" -odium thiosulphate +C" -odium -ulphate +;" .mmonium persulphate 1*. . mixture of iron filings and sand can be separated by O +." :eating +A" -ublimation +C" :and pic2ing +;" Magnetic -eparation 1#. !n which of the following process) 7anadium >entoxide is used as a catalyst +." Contact process +A" :aber process +C" -olvary process +;" /one of these 13. The rate of chemical reaction does not depend on O +." Concentration +A" Catalyst +C" Temperature +;" >ressure 1$. 4hich of the following metals can displace hydrogen from dilute acids +." Jinc +A" Cold +C" Copper +;" -ilver 18. 5eaction of alcohol) with carboxylic acid is 2nown as O +." -ubstitution reaction +A" .ddition reaction +C" 6sterification +;" :ydrogenation 1%. -aponification involves the hydrolysis of fats and oils by O +." 4ater +A" 4ashing soda +C" -tearic acid +;" Caustic acid 1<. 4hich of the following gases is obtained by the reaction of water with Calcium Carbide +." .cetylene +A" 6thylene +C" Methane +;" 4ater gas '&. The gas liberated during the reaction of copper with dilute nitric acid is O +." /(' +A" /'(3 +C" (' +;" /( '1. 4hich of following substances undergoes chemical change on heating +." -odium Chloride +A" -ilica +C" 0ead /itrate +;" >latinum wire ''. 4ater is neither acidic nor al2aline because O +." it cannot accept or donate protons +A" it boils at high temperature +C" it can dissociate into equal number of hydrogen

ions +;" it cannot donate or accept electrons '*. >7C is obtained by the polymerisation of O +." >ropene +A" 7inyl Chloride +C" -tyrene +;" .cetylene '#. 4hich of the following metals can displace zinc from a solution of zinc sulphate +." 0ead +A" Magnetism +C" !ron +;" Mercury '3. 4ater gas is prepared by passing O +." -team over white hot co2e +A" .ir over red hot co2e +C" Methane over red hot co2e +;" -team over heated sulphur .nswers: 1. +A" '. +C" $. +C" 8. +C"

#. 4hich thermometer is used to indicate the lowest temperature +." Clinical thermometer +A" Cas thermometer +C" .lcohol thermometer +;" 5esistance thermometer 3. . chronometer measures O +." -ound waves +A" Time +C" 4ater waves +;" Colour contrast $. (ne fathom is equal to O +." $ metres +A" $ feet +C" $& feet +;" $& cms 8. 4hat is the unit for measuring the pitch or frequency of sound +." Coulomb +A" :um +C" Cycles +;" ;ecible %. The fastest acting enzyme in the biological 2ingdom is O +." lipase +A" amylase +C" carboxypeptidase +;" carbonic anhydrase <. Cerman biochemist) 6mil =ischer O +." gave (peron model +A" compared the fit between enzyme substrate to loc2 and 2ey +C" proposed the theory of competitive inhibition +;" proposed the feed bac2 inhibition theory 1&. 6nzymes generally have O +." same p: and temperature optima +A" same p: but different temperature optima +C" different p: but same temperature optima +;" different p: and temperature optima 11. Coenzyme is O +." always protein +A" often metal +C" always inorganic compound +;" often a vitamin 1'. F. A. -umner isolated first enzyme from

*. +;" %. +A"

#. +;" <. +A"

3. +C" 1&. +C"

11. +C" 1'. +A" 1*. +;" 1#. +." 13. +;" 1$. +." 18. +C" 1%. +;" 1<. +." '&. +;" '1. +C" ''. +C" '*. +A" '#. +A" '3. +."

General Science
1. 4hich of the following metals react with nitrogen to form nitride +." -odium +A" >otassium +C" Magnesium +;" /one of these '. (ne micron is equal to O +." 1?1&th of mm +A" 1?1&&th of mm +C" 1?1&&&th of mm +;" 1?1&&&&th of mm *. :ydrometer is an instrument O +." =or measuring sound in water +A" To detect the presence of hydrogen in the atmosphere +C" =or measuring the specific gravity of liquids +;" To detect the changes in atmospheric humidity

Fac2beans as O +." amylase +A" trypsin +C" urease +;" renin 1*. 6nzymes are absent in O +." fungi +A" bacteria +C" viruses +;" algae 1#. The enzymes sucrase acts on O +." sucrose only +A" sucrose and starch +C" all disaccharides +;" any organic monomer 13. 7itamins are O +." inorganic substances which cannot be synthesized by animals +A" inorganic by animals +C" organic substances that cannot be generally synthesized by animals +;" organic substances which can be commonly synthesized by animals 1$. 5ichest source of vitamin A1 +thiamine" is O +." cod liver oil +A" curd +C" whole bread meal +;" eggs 18. (ne of these vitamins is called erythrocyte maturation factor O +." . +A" C +C" B +;" A1' 1%. The vitamin which can be synthesized in the gut by bacterial action is O +." vitamin A1 +A" vitmain A' +C" vitmain A1' +;" .ll above 1<. ;eficiency of vitamin ; causes O +." ric2ets +A" beri,beri +C" scurvy +;" night blindness '&. 4hich one of the following is the best source of

vitamin . +." .pple +A" Carrot +C" .mla +;" 5addish '1. .scorbic acid is O +." 7itamin B +A" 7itamin A +C" 7itamin . +;" 7itamin C ''. -terility in some animals is caused due to deficiency of O +." vitamin A +A" vitamin ; +C" vitamin A1' +;" vitamin 6 '*. .t the boiling temperature an enzyme becomes O +." 2illed +A" denatured +C" uneffected +;" inactivated '#. -tarch hydrolysing enzyme is O +." sucrose +A" invertase +C" amylase +;" cellulase '3. The enzyme used for the formation of 5/. on ;/. is O +." ;/. polymerase +A" endonuclease +C" topoisomerase +;" 5/. polymerase .nswers: 1. +C" '. +C" $. +A" 8. +;"

*. +C" %. +;"

#. +C" <. +A"

3. +A" 1&. +C"

11. +;" 1'. +C" 1*. +C" 1#. +." 13. +C" 1$. +C" 18. +;" 1%. +;" 1<. +." '&. +A" '1. +;" ''. +;" '*. +A" '#. +C" '3. +;"

General Science!
1. The term RenzymeL was coined by O +." de ;uve +A" Bunhe

+C" C. ;arwin +;" de Candolle '. 4hich set of conditions represents easiest way to liquify gas +." 0ow temperature) high pressure +A" :igh temperature) low pressure +C" 0ow temperature) low pressure +;" :igh temperautre) high pressure *. .rtificial rain is caused by spraying small pellets of which of the following over clouds +." !ce +A" ;ry !ce +C" /a(: +;" /:#Cl #. Calvanisation is deposition of O +." Jinc of iron +A" aluminium on !ron +C" tin on iron +;" copper on iron 3. 6qual volumes of different gases at any definite temperature and pressure have O +." 6qual weights +A" equal masses +C" equal density +;" equal no. of molecules $. Mil2 is an example of O +." suspension +A" true solution +C" emulsion +;" gel 8. 4hich of the following modes of expressing concentration is independent of temperature O +." Molarity +A" Molality +C" /ormality +;" =ormality %. !f temperature is 2ept constant during the reaction the process is called O +." .diabatic +A" !sobaric +C" !sochoric +;" !sothermal <. Cholera is caused by O +." vibrio cholerae +A" salmonella +C" bacterioceoccurs

+;" /one of these 1&. 4hy do colloidal substance do not deposited below +." -pecific gravity is less +A" !t is of very less amount in respect of solvent +C" They carry electrical charges +;" They are converted to sovent 11. 0ightening cause rainfall because O +." !t cause combination of oxygen and nitrogen +A" -ome of the gas molecules become bigger +C" !t activate :'( molecule +;" >hoto,electricity reaction starts 1'. /itrification means O +." 0iquifaction of nitrogen +A" Convert the atmospheric nitrogen to effective nitrogen compound. +C" >roduction of nitrogen from air +;" Conversion of nitrogen to nitric acid. 1*. Cell membrane is O +." permeable +A" selectively permeable +C" semipermeable +;" impermeable 1#. Cholesterol is one 2ind of O +." -aturated fatty acid +A" unsaturated fatty acid +C" -teroid +;" ;iglyceride 13. 6thyl,alcohol is mixed completely with water. :ow ethyl alcohol is separated from the mixture +." by separation flannel +A" by evaporation +C" partial,distillation +;" evaporation of water 1$. 4hite vitriol is O +." =e-(#) 8:'( +A" Jn-(#) 8:'( +C" Mg-(#) 8:'( +;" Cu-(#) 8:'( 18. C.T. -canning uses O +." Dltrasound waves +A" Camma rays +C" H,rays +;" /one of the above 1%. Chemically RsperopoleninL is a ? an O

+." co,polymer of carotinoid and fatty acid +A" Carbohydrate +C" >ropene +;" 0actic acid 1<. . mixture of salt and sand can be separated by O +." -ublimation +A" ;issolving water +C" Cravity separation +;" ;ry distillation '&. -aponification involves the hydrolysis of fats and oils by O +." water +A" washing soda +C" stearic acid +;" caustic soda '1. >hoto,synthesis is a? an O +." exothermic process +A" endothermic process +C" a neutral process +;" a thermostatic process ''. 4hich of the following is a physical change +." oxidation +A" reduction +C" sublimation +;" decomposition '*. 4hich of the following is not a chemical reaction +." Aurningof paper +A" ;igestion of food +C" Conversion of water into steam +;" Aurning of coal '#. 4hich of the following is a chemical change +." 5usting of iron +A" Tempering of iron +C" Melting of iron +;" Aending of iron '3. >hotoelectric effect was discovered by O +." 6instein +A" :ertz +C" Aohr +;" >lan2 .nswers: 1. +A" '. +." $. +C" 8. +A"

1$. +A" 18. +." 1%. +." 1<. +A" '&. +;" '1. +A" ''. +C" '*. +C" '#. +." '3. +."

General Science1"
1. The penetrating power is maximum in O +." a,rays +A" b,rays +C" g,rays +;" cathode rays '. 4hich of the following rays carry no charge +." Cathode rays +A" H,rays +C" a,rays +;" >ositive rays *. .n atom bomb is based on the principle of O +." Chemical reaction +A" Chain reaction in the form of fission +C" /uclear fusion +;" /one #. . plant cell differs from an animal cell in the absence of O +." mitochondria +A" centrioles +C" ribosomes +;" endoplasmic reticulum 3. . 7itamin) the absence of which leads to sterility in both males and females is O +." 7itamin B +A" 7itamin C or ascorbic acid +C" 7itamin ; or calciferol +;" 7itamin 6 or tocopherol $. .naemia is caused in man due to the deficiency of O +." folic acid +A" vitamin . +C" vitamin A1' +;" none 8. .ntibiotics are drugs used for the cure of O +." Aacterial diseases +A" Cancer +C" Malaria +;" /ervous disorders %. Alood does not coagulate inside the body due to the presence of O +." haemoglobin

*. +C" %. +;"

#. +." <. +."

3. +;" 1&. +."

11. +C" 1'. +A" 1*. +C" 1#. +." 13. +C"

+A" heparin +C" fibrin +;" plasma <. Alood pressure is dependent on O +." systolic force +A" cardiac output +C" peripheral resistance +;" all of these 1&. 4hich of the following substances undergoes chemical change on heating +." -odium chloride +A" -ilica +C" 0ead nitrate +;" >latinum wire 11. 7ulcanisation is a O +." -cience of studying volcanoes +A" method of degrade polymers +C" >rocess connected with the ma2ing of voltaic cells +;" >rocess of hardening of rubber by heating it with sulphur. 1'. 4ater gas is prepared by passing O +." steam over white,hot co2e +A" air over red,hot co2e +C" methane over red,hot co2e +;" steam over heated sulphur 1*. 4hich of the following gases is obtained by the reaction of water with calcium carbide O +." .cetylene +A" 6thylene +C" Methane +;" 4ater gas 1#. Coo2ing oil can be converted into vegetable ghee by the process of O +." oxidation +A" hydrogenation +C" distillation +;" crystalisation 13. The contact process is involved in the manufacture of O +." nitric acid +A" -ulphuric acid +C" .mmonia +;" Caustic soda 1$. >olythene is industrially prepared by the polymerisation of O

+." methane +A" styrene +C" acetylene +;" ethylene 18. Combustion is a process by which O +." heat is produced +A" light is produced +C" heat and light both are produced +;" /one of these 1%. >7C is obtained by the polymerisation of O +." propane +A" vinyl chloride +C" styrene +;" .cetylene 1<. The process by which an organic compound brea2s down into simpler compounds on heating to high temperature is 2nown as O +." .romatisation +A" >olymerisation +C" >yrolysis +;" 5eduction '&. The hydrogenation of the vegetables oils ta2es place in the presence of finely divided O +." aluminium +A" charcoal +C" silica +;" nic2el '1. !n which of the following processes light energy is converted into chemical energy +." 5espiration +A" =ermentation +C" >hotosynthesis +;" >hotorespiration ''. 5usting of iron involves O +." oxidation +A" reduction +C" decomposition +;" displacement '*. 0>C contains O +." Autane and isobutene +A" Autane and >ropane +C" !sobutane and >ropane +;" Autane) !sobutane and >ropane '#. The hormone which stimulates mil2 production in mammal is 2nown as O +." Clucagon

+A" prolactin +C" progesterone +;" oestrogen '3. .ntidiuretic hormone +.;:" O +." inhibits the secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary +A" inhibits the rate of heart beat +C" causes the muscular walls of the arterioles to contract that simulates the reabsorption of water from the 2idney tubules. +;" causes an increase in the blood pressure .nswers: 1. +." '. +A" $. +." 8. +."

$. =irst 1outh (lympic games will be held inO +." Fapan +A" China +C" /orth Borea +;" -ingapore 8. 4here was the capital of >andya dynasty situated +." Mysore +A" Banchipuram +C" Madurai +;" ;elhi %. Tripiti2 is the scripture ofO +." Fain religion +A" :indu religion +C" Auddhishtha religion +;" Muslim religion <. 4ho is the author of R.dhe,.dhureL +." Mohan 5a2esh +A" >rem Chand +C" /irala +;" >ant 1&. 4hich of the following Constitutional .mendments has included fundamental duties into the Constitution +." #'nd +A" #*rd +C" ##th +;" *<th 11. 4here is the Central =ood Technology 5esearch !nstitute situated +." ;elhi +A" .nand +C" .hmedabad +;" Mysore 1'. 4hich of the following is common in both) Auddhism and Fainism +." /onviolence +A" 7iolence +C" Triratna +;" Truth 1*. 0ight,year measures which of the following +." !ntensity of light +A" Mass +C" Time +;" ;istance 1#. 4hich of the following gases is used for ripening the fruits +." Methane +A" 6thane

*. +A" %. +A"

#. +A" <. +;"

3. +;" 1&. +C"

11. +;" 1'. +." 1*. +." 1#. +A" 13. +A" 1$. +;" 18. +C" 1%. +A" 1<. +C" '&. +;" '1. +C" ''. +." '*. +A" '#. +A" '3. +C"

1. 4here is the >unEab 0alit Bala .cademy located +." Mu2tasar +A" 0udhiana +C" >atiala +;" Chandigarh '. 4hat does happens when water is condensed into ice +." :eat is absorbed A" :eat is released +C" Nuantity of heat remains unchanged +;" /one of these *. 4hich of the following gases is not a noble gas +." Jenon +A" .rgon +C" :elium +;" Chlorine #. 4hich of the following diffuses most quic2ly +." -olid +A" Cas +C" 0iquid +;" /one of these 3. 4hich temperature in Celsius scale is equal to *&& B +." *&QC +A" '8QC +C" *&&QC +;" /one of these

+C" 6thylene +;" .cetylene 13. 4ho among the following was involved in .lipore bomb case +." .ravind Chosh +A" >. C. AanerEee +C" Aipin Chandra >aul +;" Chandrashe2har .zad 1$. -i2h Curu .rEundev was contemporary to which of the following rulers +." :umayun +A" .2bar +C" -hahEahan +;" Fahangir 18. Aesides hydrogen) which of the following elements is common in organic compounds +." >hosphorus +A" -ulphur +C" /itrogen +;" Carbon ;irectionsO+N. 1%K'1" =ind the correct meanings of the words given below : 1%. 646 +." Calf +A" =emale sheep +C" ;eer +;" /one of these 1<. Auffalo +." Calf +A" Aaby box +C" Aaby bison +;" Aaby cow '&. 7enerationO +." 6steem +A" :igh respect +C" ;evotion +;" 4orship '1. 7iciousO +." 5emorseless +A" =erocious +C" Bind +;" 4ic2ed ;irectionsO+N. ''K'3" Choose the word ? phrase which is nearest in meaning to the words in question : ''. Aizarre +." Colourful +A" (dd

+C" !nsipid +;" -mart '*. !nnuendo +." /arration +A" !nsinuation +C" !nsist +;" !nsutale '#. -alutary +." 4elcome +A" ;ischarge +C" >romoting +;" 5emove '3. =ictile +." =iction +A" Moulded +C" =ictitious +;" -mooth '$. -olid Carbon dioxide is termed asO +." -oft ice +A" ;ry ice +C" 4hite ice +;" /one of these '8. 1 2g of a liquid is converted into its vapour at its boiling point. The heat absorbed in the process is calledO +." 0atent heat of vaporisation +A" 0atent heat of fusion +C" 0atent heat of sublimation +;" /one of these '%. 4hether all the universities in the country should start online admission at all levels with immediate effect +i" /o) since all the students may not have access to the internet easily. +ii" 1es) it may liberate the students and their parents from the long,standing problems of 2noc2ing at the doors of different colleges and standing in queue. +." (nly argument +i" is correct +A" (nly argument +ii" is correct +C" /either argument +i" nor argument +ii" is correct +;" Aoth the arguments) +i" and +ii") are correct '<. The product R=air and 0ovelyL is related toO +." 4!>5( +A" !.T.C. +C" > P C +;" :.D.0. *&. -hould the Covernment ma2e it compulsory for the private medical colleges to Eoin the entrance test

conducted by the Covernment +i" /o) private institutions should be empowered) so that they may decide their own admission strategy and improve their wor2,management. +ii" 1es) all medical institutions) whether these are private or governmentLs) should adopt the same entrance standard. +." (nly argument +i" is correct +A" (nly argument +ii" is correct +C" 6ither argument +i" is correct or argument +ii" is correct +;" /either argument +i" is correct nor argument +ii" is correct *1. !n case the >resident of !ndia decides to resign) he will address his letter of resignation toO +." >rime Minister +A" Chief Fustice +C" -pea2er of 0o2 -abha +;" 7ice,>resident *'. The metal extracted from Aauxite isO +." -ilver +A" Copper +C" Manganese +;" .luminium **. The Cyclone represents a state of atmosphere in whichO +." 0ow pressure in the center and high pressure around +A" There is high pressure in the center and low pressure around +C" There is low pressure all around +;" /one of these *#. The R(cean of -tormsL is the name given toO +." .tlantic (cean +A" >acific (cean +C" . waterless area on moon surface +;" /one of these *3. The capital of >allavas wasO +." .rcot +A" Banchi +C" Mal2hed +;" Aanavasi *$. 4hich !ndian state was ran2ed as the /o. ' tourist destination in the world by 0(/601 >0./6T +." :imachal >radesh +A" Tamil /adu +C" Berala +;" Dttara2hand *8. :ow much water is contained in our body by

mass +." $3G +A" 8&G +C" $&G +;" /one of these *%. 4hat determines the sex of a child +." Chromosomes of the father +A" Chromosomes of the mother +C" 5: factor of the parents +;" Alood group of the father *<. The two civilizations which helped in the formation of Candhara -chool of .rt areO +." !ndian and 5oman +A" !ndian and 6gyptian +C" Cree2 and 5oman +;" !ndian and Cree2 #&. RThin2padL is a laptop associated with which among the following companies +." :> +A" TC+C" !nfosys +;" !AM #1. The first summit of -..5C was held atO +." Bathmandu +A" Colombo +C" /ew ;elhi +;" ;ha2a #'. The wire of flash bulb is made ofO +." Copper +A" Aarium +C" Magnesium +;" -ilver #*. The curves showing the volume pressure behaviour of gases plotted at different fixed temperatures are calledO +." !sochors +A" !sothermals +C" 7.T.>. Curves +;" !socurves ##. >roEect Tiger was launched inO +." 1<8* +A" 1<8$ +C" 1<8% +;" 1<%* ;irectionsO+N. #3 and #$" .ttempt the question to the best of your Eudgement. #3. :ow many letters in the word T51-T have as

many letters between them as in the alpha bet +." /one +A" ' +C" * +;" # #$. =rom the alternatives) select the set which is most li2e the given set. Civen set +'*) '<) *1"O +." +18) '1) '<" +A" +*1) *8) #<" +C" +1*) 13) '*" +;" +#1) #*) #8" ;irectionsO4hat should come in place of question mar2 + " in the following number series #8. 1* 1* $3 3%3 8$&3 1'<'%3 S S +." '#3$#13 +A" ''*3$83 +C" '<%&3$3 +;" '81#<%3 #%. !f R76:6M6/TL is written as R76:6T/6ML then in that code how will you code RM(D5/=D0L +." M(D50D=/ +A" M(D/D0=5 +C" (D5M/=D0 +;" D5/=D0M( #<. M(00!=1 is to .>>6.-6 as .>>D5T6/./C6 is to +." Cratify +A" .varice +C" .ccessory +;" .mend 3&. >raduman is older than Fana2iI -hreshtha is older than ChhamaI 5avindra is not as old as -hreshtha but is older than Fana2i. Chhama is not as old as Fana2i. 4ho is the youngest +." >raduman +A" Fana2i +C" -hreshtha +;" Chhama 31. !n a row of children facing /orth) Aharat is eleventh from the right end and is third to the right of -amir who is fifteenth from the left end. Total how many children are there in the row +." '< +A" '% +C" *& +;" '8 3'. 4hich number is missing

#3*%<) ) #3*) *# +." *#8%& +A" %*3# +C" #%<' +;" *#8% 3*. !f in the word C.0!A56) the previous letter in the 6nglish alphabet replaces each consonant and each vowel is replaced by the next letter and then the order of letters is reversed) which letter will be third from the right end +." . +A" C +C" A +;" B 3#. :ow many such digits are there in the number 38$%*#'1) each of which is as far away from the beginning of the number) as they will be when arranged in descending order within the number +." (ne +A" Two +C" Three +;" More than three ;irectionsO+N. 33 to 38" !n the following question there are two words to the left of the sign +::" which are connected in some way. The same relationship obtains between the third word and one of the four alter,natives under it. =ind the correct alternative in each case. 33. Medicine : -ic2ness : : Aoo2 : +." !gnorance +A" Bnowledge +C" .uthor +;" Teacher 3$. 5iver : ;am : : Traffic : +." -ignal +A" 7ehicle +C" Motion +;" 0ane 38. -ession : Concludes : : : 0apses +." 0eave +A" >ermit +C" .gency +;" >olicy 3%. !f 1$ M 11) '3 M 1') *$ M 13) then #< M +." 1# +A" '& +C" 1< +;" 18

3<. >ic2 out the odd in the followingO +." .sho2O.ssam +A" >oonamO>unEab +C" CyanendraOCuEarat +;" .nEanaO5aEasthan $&. B6.T- M '3) -:60061 M *3) A5(4/!/C M +." #3 +A" *8 +C" 3& +;" #& ;irectionsO+N. $1 and $'" 4hat approximate value should come in place of question,mar2 + " in the following questions +1ou are not expected to calculate the exact value" $1. +<*'1 T 3#&$ T 1&&1" U +#<% T <'< T $$&" M +." 1*V3 +A" #V3 +C" 1$V3 +;" 8V3 $'. 3$1'&# W3% M W33333 +." $&$ +A" $#$ +C" 3%$ +;" 81$ $*. The difference between the greatest number and the smallest number of 3 digits &) 1) ') *) # using all but once isO +." *'<8$ +A" *'$8< +C" *'8$< +;" /one of these $#. .rea of a parallelogram whose base is < cm and height # cm is SSS sq cm. +." < +A" # +C" *$ +;" 1* $3. The number which is neither prime nor composite isO +." & +A" 1 +C" * +;" ' $$. The length of a room is three times its breadth. !f the perimeter of the room is $# cm) then its breadth is SSS cm. +." $#

+A" *' +C" 1$ +;" % $8. .diti read #?3th of Tintin comic boo2 which has 1&& pages. :ow many pages of the boo2 is not yet read by .diti +." #& +A" $& +C" %& +;" '& $%. 4hat is the meaning of bec2oned +." -ummon by sign or gesture +A" ;id not signal +C" ;id not call +;" !nvite $<. . box contains coins +equal no. of every one" of rupee and half rupee) coins of '3 paise) 1& paise) 3 paise value) ' paise value and one paise value. The total value of coins in the box is 5s. 113%. =ind the number of coins of each value. +." 3&& +A" #&& +C" 8&& +;" $&& 8&. The area of a rhombus with diagonals 1' cm and '& cm is SSS sq cm. +." 1'& +A" 1' +C" '& +;" '#& 81. . piece of road is one 2ilometer in length. 4e have to supply lamp posts. (ne post at each end) distance between two consecutive lamp posts is '3 metres. The number of lamp posts required isO +." #1 +A" 31 +C" $1 +;" #' 8'. There are %&& students in a class. (n one particular day) if 1?1&th of the students were absent) how many students were present +." 8&& +A" $3& +C" 8'& +;" 83& 8*. The quotient in a division is #&*. The divisor is 1&& and the remainder is 3%) the dividend isO +." #&#3% +A" *#&3%

+C" #*&3% +;" #&*3% 8#. . labourer was engaged for '3 days on the condition that for every day) he wor2s) he will be paid 5s. ' and for every day) he is absent he will be fined 3&p. !f he receives only 5s. *8V3&) find the no. of days he was absentO +." 3 +A" $ +C" 8 +;" # ;irectionsO+N. 83 to 88" Choose the word?phrase which is most opposite in meaning to the word 83. Nuixotic +." 7isionary +A" 4himsical +C" 5ealistic +;" =oolish 8$. 5abid +." Mad +A" /ormal +C" =urious +;" =anatical 88. -currilous +." !noffensive +A" 7ulgar +C" !nsulting +;" Coarse 8%. ;igits of first place and third place are interchanged of the numbers *#<) #%*) 8$$) 3<%) $8# and then the new numbers are arranged in ascending order. 4hich would be the fourth number +." #%* +A" 8$$ +C" $8# +;" 3<% 8<. 4hat least number should be added to '$&& to ma2e it a complete square +." * +A" < +C" 1 +;" '3 %&. 4hen sun,light passes through a glass prism) which of the following colours refracts the most +." Alue +A" 5ed +C" (range +;" Creen

%1. !f +8%"' is subtracted from the square of a number) we get $#$&. 4hat is that number +." 1&< +A" 11' +C" 111 +;" 113 %'. The difference between '%G and #'G of a number is '1&. 4hat is 3<G of this number +." <&& +A" #'& +C" %%3 +;" /one of these %*. .KA means . is the father of A. . T A means . is the daughter of A. . U A means . is the son of A. . WA means . is the wife of A. Then) what is the relation of > with T in the expression > T - K T +." -on +A" ;aughter +C" -ister +;" 4ife %#. 6llora caves in Maharashtra were built during the rule of which of the following dynasties +." 5ashtra2oot +A" >allav +C" >ala +;" Chola %3. Aut for the -urgeonLs s2ill) the patient SSS died. +." may have +A" must have +C" should have +;" would have %$. ! want to see the >rincipal) SS ! have something to tell him urgently. +." so +A" for +C" since +;" and %8. ! wasnLt really listening and didnLt SSS what he said. +." catch +A" receive +C" accept +;" ta2e %%. The first division of Congress too2 place inO +." -urat +A" Bol2ata +C" .llahabad

+;" Chennai %<. 4hat is ginger +." =lower +A" 5oot +C" -tem +;" 0eaf <&. Aattle of Balinga was fought at which of the following places +." Ddaigiri +A" ;hauli +C" Aalasore +;" Aaraba2i <1. M!C aircraft manufacturing plant is located at which of the following places of (rissa +." Aeharampur +A" -unabeda +C" Boraput +;" -ambalpur 1. ; $. ; 11. ; '. . 8. C 1'. . *. ; %. C 1*. ; #. A <. . 1#. C 3. A 1&. . 13. .

1$. ; '1. ; '$. A *1. ; *$. C #1. ; #$. ; 31. A 3$. . $1. ; $$. ; 81. . 8$. A %1. A %$. C <1. C

18. ; ''. A '8. . *'. ; *8. A #'. C #8. ; 3'. A 38. ; $'. C $8. ; 8'. C 88. . %'. C %8. .

1%. A '*. A '%. ; **. . *%. . #*. A #%. . 3*. ; 3%. A $*. . $%. . 8*. ; 8%. ; %*. C %%. .

1<. C '#. C '<. ; *#. C *<. ; ##. . #<. C 3#. ; 3<. ; $#. C $<. ; 8#. . 8<. C %#. . %<. A

'&. A '3. A *&. A *3. A #&. ; #3. A 3&. ; 33. . $&. ; $3. A 8&. . 83. C %&. . %3. ; <&. A

#atest $n%entions & 'isco%eries in Science Su(stitute )or hu*an s+in ,e%elo-e,. !sraeli surgeons have now developed a successful) safe and effective substitute for the human s2in which in expected to find used mar2et soon. The artificial s2in called the R(midermL in thin plastic transparent sheet. /rti)icial corneas ,e%elo-e,. =or the first time in the history of medical science lab grown corneas) which could restore the sight of blind people have been developed by scientists in the Dnited -tates. -cientists ;iscover =ern that -uc2 up .rsenicO .s per reports dated =eb.) 1) '&&1) D.-. -cientists have found a fern that suc2s up arsenic holding out the prospect of a fast) cheap and safe way of cleaning up contaminated mines and industrial sites. 0orl,1s 2irst 3ain4*a+ing 5achine. >rofessor -tephan -alter at -cotlandLs 6dinburgh Dniversity has been awarded a government grant to develop the worldLs first rain,ma2ing machine. >rof. -alter will create '&&,foot high turbine to suc2 water out of sea and turn it into water vapours through noozles) spraying it up into the atmosphere. The rain ma2er) described as loo2ing li2e Rgiant eggheaterL) would be based on CatamaransL and placed off the coast of desert land. 6egeta(le Salt. 5esearchers at the Central -alt and Marine Chemicals 5esearch !nstitute at Ahavnagar +CuEarat" have succeded in producing salt from a vegetable plant. /amed R-aloniL) it contains several important nutrients not normally found in sea salt. The institute has applied for an international patent. 0orl,1s 2irst 3e*ote Surgery. .ustraliaLs top 2idney specialist ;r. ;avid /icol of ArisbaneLs >rincess .lexandera :ospital helped doctors in /ew Jealand to carry out a delicate operation) removal of a diseased 2idney from a woman) using advanced digital conferencing technology and remote control cameras to tal2 to his /ew Jealand counterparts throughout the operation. 7he 2irst /rti)icial Structure. . team of researchers led by ;avid Aa2er of :owerd :ughes Medical !nstitute at the Dniversity of 4ashington) D-. has recently developed a novel functional <*, amino acid protein structure called Top,8. !t is the first artificial protein structure designed and developed by scientists. .s experts believe) this feat will go a long way in enabling scientists to have answers to some mind,boggling questions regarding the evolution of proteins as well as the process of a certain protein folding over others. 5ice 8reate, in #a( without Genetic 2athers. .s per reports published in the .pril issue of /ature) a team of Fapanese scientists led by Tamohiro Bono of the To2yo Dniversity has succeeded in creating mice by using two genetic mothers and no father. !t has been referred to as an unprecedented land mar2 in the sphere of genetic research as far as mammals are concerned. Particle 8olli,er 7est Success)ully 8on,ucte,. The worldLs largest particle Collider passed its first maEor test by firing two beams of protons in opposite directions around a 18 mile +'8 2m" underground ring on -eptember 1&) '&&% at the control centre of the C65/ +6uropean (rganization for /uclear 5esearch" in what scientist believe could give a better understanding of origin and ma2e up of the Dniverse. .fter a series of trial runs two white dots flashed on a computer screen indicating that the protons had travelled cloc2wise along the full length of the # billion -wiss francs +X *Y% billion" 0arge :adron Collider) described as the biggest physics experiment in history. >hysicists around the world now have much greater power to smash the components of atoms together in attempts to learn about their structure. The 6uropean (rganization for /uclear 5esearch 2nown by its =rench acronym C65/ began firing protonsOa type of subatomic particles around the tunnel in stages with the first beam inEection. =ive hours later) a beam was fired counter,cloc2wise. The collider is designed to push the proton beam close to the speed of whizzing 11)&&& times a second around the tunnel.

First in India
Earliest school of medicine known to humans: Ayurveda
Z First Air Force in Asia to fly jets: Indian Air Force (1948

Z First !ook in any Indian "an#ua#e: It was $rinted in 1%&8 in 'amil( Z First )ensus in India: 19*1 Z First )inema +ouse in India: It was ,uilt ,y -(F(.adan in 19*& in )alcutta( Z First com$lete 'echnicolor film: -hansi /i 0ani (19%1 Z First )onstitutional Amendment: 19%* Z First country2wide a#ricultural census: 19&*2&1 Z First En#lish 3ews$a$er in India: !en#al 4a5ette $rinted in 1&9* ,y -ames Au#ustus in )alcutta( Z First Film )entre: 3andan( "ocated in )alcutta6 it was inau#urated in 7e$tem,er 198%( Z First Film with an all2female cast: .arathi Film !indhast6 directed ,y )handrakant /ulkarni( Z First Five28ear 9lan: 7tarted in 19%1 Z First 4eneral Elections: 'hey were held in 19%:( Z First hydroelectric $roject in India: 7hivasamudram6 across the 0iver /averi in 19*: Z First Indian state to set u$ a women;s court: Andhra 9radesh Z First international co2$roduction: 3ala <amayanti (19:1 made in colla,oration with Italy( Z First .arine 3ational 9ark: -amna#ar Z First .oonlit Animal +ouse in Asia: "ocated in the 3ehru =oolo#ical 9ark6 +ydera,ad( Z First 3avodaya 7chool: 3ave#aon2/hairi in 3a#$ur Z First 9osta#e 7tam$: It was issued in India in 18%: at /arachi( Z First 9rintin# 9ress: It was set u$ in 4oa in 1%%> ,y the 9ortu#uese( Z First 0ailway "ine: It was o$ened on A$ril 1>6 18%1 ,etween !om,ay and 'hane( Z First 0u$ee in India: It was minted durin# the rei#n of 7her 7hah 7uri in 1%4:( Z First shi$ ,uilt in India: -ala ?sha ,uilt ,y @ishaka$atnam 7hi$yard was commissioned in 1948( Z First silent feature film in India: 9undalik made in 191: ,y 3(4( )hitre and 0(4( 'orney( It was half !ritish in its make( Z First solar crematorium: It is $ro$osed to ,e set u$ in @alsad6 4ujarat( Z First 7olar Ener#y )entre: 4wal$ahar6 4ur#aon6 +aryana Z First son#2less film: -!+ AadiaBs 3aujawan (191& ( Z First south Indian film to ,e released in /orea: 'amil Film .uthu .aharaja (-une6 :*** Z First 'alkie Film: Alam Ara (1911 Z First 'elefilm: 7atyajit 0ayBs 7ad#ati (telecast on <oordarshan in A$ril 1981 Z First 'ele#ra$h "ine: It was laid ,etween )alcutta and A#ra in 18%4( 'his line was 1:8* km lon#( It was eCtended u$ to "ahore in 18%&( Z First 'ele$hone system: It was started in 1881 from )alcutta( Z First 'elevision 0ece$tion )entre: Arvi6 located in .aharashtra Z First veterinary colle#e: D$ened in 9arel in !om,ay in 188%( It is still in eCistence and is the oldest veterinary colle#e in Asia( Z First Aind farm: .andvi6 /utch in 4ujarat Z +i#hest Airfield in the world: 'hoise6 "adakh Z +i#hest road in India: /hardun# "a 9ass Z India;s first Antartica eC$edition: -anuary 116 198: Z India;s first 7atellite: Arya,hatta6 A$ril 196 19&% Z IndiaBs first colour film: 9ra,hatBs 7airandhri6 which was $rocessed and $rinted in 4ermany in 1911( Z IndiaBs first fully indi#enous silent feature film: 0aja +arishchandra $roduced ,y <ada 7ahe, 9halke on .ay 16 1911( Z IndiaBs first indi#enously ,uilt missile destroyer: I37 B<elhiB (commissioned on 3ovem,er 1%6 199& at .um,ai ( Z IndiaBs first indi#enously ,uilt su,marine: I37 B7haktiB (commissioned on Fe,ruary &6 199: Z IndiaBs first indi#enously made colour film: Ardashir Irani;s /isan /anya made in 191&( Z IndiaBs first manufacturer of li#ht ,ul,s and electrical eEui$ment: !en#al "am$s6 )alcutta (1911 Z IndiaBs First Dil well: <i#,oi (189*

Z IndiaBs first radio $ro#ramme: 'his was ,roadcast $rivately with a 4*w transmitter ,y the .adras 9residency )lu, 0adio in 19:4( Z IndiaBs lar#est inland lake: "ake )hilika6 Drissa Z "ar#est circulated multi2edition daily in India: 0oudramukhi 7war in +indi (1:69:6:&& co$ies in 199& ( Z "ar#est circulated $eriodical in India: .alayala .anorama (116:&6414 co$ies Z "ar#est circulated sin#le edition news$a$er in India: +industan 'imes from <elhi (%64*6919 co$ies in 199& ( Z "ar#est 3andi in India: 3andi of the "ee$akshi 'em$le at Andhra 9radesh Z "ar#est 7tu$a in India: .ahachaitya 7tu$a6 Amravati6 Andhra 9radesh Z Dldest era in the world: +indu Era Z Dldest $ara2military force in India: Assam 0ifles (181% in 7hillon# Z Dnly 9lace in the world where a !rahmat 'em$le is found: 9ushkar in 0ajasthan Z 7hortest era in the world: )hristian Era Z 7tate with the hi#hest F of 7cheduled )astes to total $o$ulation: 9unja, (:8(11F 2 1991 )ensus Z 7tate with the hi#hestF of 7cheduled tri,es to total $o$ulation: .i5oram (94(&%F Z 7tate with the lar#est num,er of 7cheduled )astes: ?ttar 9radesh (:9(:&> million 2 1991 )ensus Z 7tate with the lar#est num,er of 7cheduled 'ri,es: .adhya 9radesh (1%(199 million 2 1991 )ensus Z 7tate with the lar#est num,er of towns: ?ttar 9radesh (&*4 Z 7tate with the lar#est num,er of villa#es: ?ttar 9radesh (161:68*1 2 1991 )ensus Z 7tate with the least num,er of towns: 3a#aland (& Z 7tate with the lowest F of 7cheduled tri,es to total $o$ulation: ?ttar 9radesh (*(:1F Z 7tate with the lowest num,er of 7cheduled )astes: .i5oram (1*** 2 1991 )ensus Z 7tate with the lowest num,er of 7cheduled 'ri,es: 7ikkim (916*** Z 7tate with the lowest num,er of villa#es: 4oa (1>* 2 1991 )ensus Z AorldBs First ?niversity: 'aCila (&** !()( Z AorldBs hi#hest 7'<G9)D facilities: 7iachen #lacier (esta,lished in 3ovem,er 199& Z AorldBs lar#est school: 'he 4uinness !ook of Aorld 0ecords reco#ni5es )ity .ontessori 7chool in "ucknow6 ?ttar 9radesh6 as the worldBs lar#est school with :16*** students on its rolls( Z 8oun#est $ara2military force in India: )oast 4uard (19&8

List of First in India (Woman)

Z First Aoman 9resident of India : 9rati,ha 9atil <elhi;s First .ayor: Aruna Asaf Ali (19%8 Z <elhiBs First woman chief secretary: 7hailja )handra Z Fastest Asian to swim across the En#lish )hannel: Anita 7ood Z First all2women crew to fly an air Force )hetak +elico$ter: Fli#ht )adets )heryl <utta and 7imran 7odhi of IAF (<ecem,er6 199% ( Z First Asian woman ma#istrate a$$ointed in ?nited /in#dom: /antha 'alwar Z First Asian woman mayor in ?nited /in#dom: "ata 9atel Z First Indian woman 9resident of Indian 3ational )on#ress: 7arojini 3aidu (19:% Z First Indian woman $roducer and director: Fatima !e#um6 who $roduced and directed !ul,ul2e29arastan in 19:>( Z First Indian woman to ,ecome .iss ?niverse: 7ushmita 7en (1994 Z First Indian woman to ,ecome .iss Aorld: 0eita Faria (19>> Z First Indian woman to clim, .t( Everest: !achendri 9al Z First Indian Aoman to #o in s$ace: /al$ana )hawla Z First woman to head any Aakf ,oard in India : !ader 7ayeed ('3 Aakf !oard Z First Indian woman to reach the final of an Dlym$ic event: 9('(?sha Z First Indian woman to win a medal in an Dlym$ic event: /arnam .alleshwari (,ron5e

medal6 7ydney Dlym$ics Z First Indian woman ,oCer to win an international event : .()(.erykom Z First Indian woman to swim across the En#lish )hannel: Arati 7aha Z First .iss ?niverse of the new millennium: "ara <utta Z First woman Am,assador from India: @ijay "akshmi 9andit (to ?770 from 194&249 Z First woman )entral .inister: 0ajkumari Amrit /aur Z First woman chief justice of a +i#h )ourt: "eila 7eth ()- of +imachal 9radesh6 1991 Z First woman )hief .inister of an Indian state: 7ucheta /ri$lani (?ttar 9radesh from 19>12 19>& Z First woman film star to ,e a mem,er of 0ajya 7a,ha: 3ar#is <utt Z First woman 4overnor of an Indian state: 7arojini 3aidu (?ttar 9radesh from 194&21948 Z First woman 4overnor of 'amil 3adu: -ustice .( Fatima !eevi (199& Z First woman I97 Dfficer of India: /iran !edi Z First woman -ud#e of the 7u$reme )ourt: -ustice .( Fatima !eevi (1989 Z First woman judicial officer: Anna )handy6 who was a$$ointed munsif in the 'ravancore state in 191&( Z First woman .inister of an Indian state: @ijay "akshmi 9andit (?ttar 9radesh Z First woman officer of the Indian Air Force (IAF to ,e $romoted to the rank of air commodore: %%2year old 9adma !andho$adhyay who was commissioned to the IAF in 19>8( Z First woman 9resident of Indian 3ational )on#ress: Annie !esant (191& Z First woman 9resident of ?3 4eneral Assem,ly: @ijay "akshmi 9andit (19%12%4 Z First woman 9rime .inister of India: "ate Indira 4andhi (19>>219&& and 198*21984 ( Z First woman 7$eaker of an Indian state: 7hano <evi Z First woman 7$eaker of Andhra 9radesh "e#islative Assem,ly :/avali 9rathi,ha !harati Z First woman winner of the !harat 0atna: Indira 4andhi (19&1 Z 4randma .adonna from India: Asha !honsle Z IndiaBs first commercial $ilot: <ur,a !anerjee (19>>6 Indian Airlines Z IndiaBs first 'est2'u,e !a,y: /ruti 9arekh Z IndiaBs first woman railway driver: 7urekha 8adao Z IndiaBs first woman ta,la maestro : <r A,an .istry Z IndiaBs officially reco#ni5ed ,illionth citi5en: Astha (7he was ,orn on .ay 116:*** at 3ew <elhi ( Z AorldBs first woman Air,us $ilot: <ur,a !anerjee Z 8oun#est Indian to swim across the En#lish )hannel: Arati 9radhan

List of First in India (Man)

First American 9resident to visit India2 <wi#ht <avid Eisenhower
Z First Asian to ,e elected $resident of !ritainBs "i,eral <emocratic 9arty ("<9 : "ord 3avnit <holakia Z First Asian to head a !ritish university: "ord 7waraj 9aul (when he was elected )hancellor of the Aolverham$ton ?niversity on .ay 96 :*** Z First !ritish 9rime .inister to visit India: +arold .acmillan Z First )hairman of the ?niversity 4rants )ommission: 7(7(!hatna#ar Z First )hief Election )ommissioner of India: 7ukumar 7en (:1(1(19%* to 19(1:(19%8 Z First )hief -ustice of India: +arilal -(/ania (:>(1(19%*2>(11(19%1 Z First )hief .inister of the tri2lin#ual !om,ay 9residency: !(4(/her Z First )hief of Air 7taff: Air .arshall 7ir 'homas Elmherst (194&219%* Z First )hief of Army 7taff: 4en( .aharaj 0ajendra 7inhji (1(4(19%% to 14(%(19%% Z First )ommander2in2)hief: 4en(7ir 0oy !ucher (1(1(1948 2 14(1(1949 Z First <alit "ok 7a,ha 7$eaker: 4 . ) !alayo#i Z First <efence .inister of Inde$endent India: 7ardar !aldev 7in#h Z First <e$uty 9rime .inister of India: 7ardar @alla,hai 9atel Z First <irector 4eneral of I)A0: !(9(9al Z First Eunuch to ,e elected as a .ayor of an Indian city: /amla -aan6 who elected .ayor of

/atni city in .adhya 9radesh in -anuary :***( Z First Eunuch to #et elected to a state le#islature: 7ha,nam .ausi6 won the 7oha#$ur Assem,ly constituency in .adhya 9radesh in the Fe,ruary :*** elections( Z First Euro$ean to invade India: AleCander Z First Field .arshal: 4en( 7(+(F(-( .anekshaw Z First fi#hter $ilot to win the 9aram @ir )hakra: Flyin# Dfficer 3irmaljeet 7in#h 7ekhon ($osthumous for IAF in 19&1 Indo29ak conflict( Z First Forei#n 7ecretary of Free India: /(9(7(.enon Z First 4overnor24eneral of Inde$endent India: "ord .ount,atten Z First Indian ,owler to #et a hattrick in 'est cricket: +ar,hajan 7in#h Z First Indian )hief of Air 7taff: Air .arshal 7u,roto .ukherjee (A$ril 16 19%4 ( Z First Indian )hief of 3aval 7taff: @ice Admiral 0(<(/atari (19%8219>: ( Z First Indian 4overnor24eneral of India: )(0aja#o$alachari Z First Indian to ,e awarded with the B@ictoria )rossB: /huda <ad /han (for 4allantry in !el#ium durin# the first Aorld Aar Z First Indian to ,e elected a mem,er of !ritish 9arliament: <ada,hoi 3aoroji Z First Indian to ,e elected to the ?7 +ouse of 0e$resentatives: <ili$ 7in#h 7aund Z First Indian to #o in s$ace: 7Euadron "eader 0akesh 7harma( +e went in the 7oyu5 &2II 7$acecraft on A$ril 16 1984 and returned on A$ril 116 1984( Z First Indian to hoist the 3ational Fla# over the 3orth 9ole: 7Euadron "eader 7anjay 'ha$ar( Z First Indian to record a son# on a #ramo$hone disc: 7ashi .ukhi of )lassic 'heatres6 )alcutta (19*: Z First Indian to swim across the En#lish )hannel: .ihir 7en Z First Indian to win an Dlym$ic !ron5e: /hasha,a -adhav (wrestin#H 19%:6 +elsinki Dlym$ics Z First Indian to win the All En#land D$en !adminton 'ournament: 9ullela 4o$i )hand (.arch 116:**1 Z First Indian to win the Aorld !illiards )ham$ionshi$: Aison -ones Z First -nan$ith Award Ainner: 4(7ankara /uru$ (19>% 6 for his work IDttakku5hal; in .alyalam( Z First .inister without 9ortfolio: 3(4o$alswami Ayen#ar in -awaharlal 3ehruBs )a,inet( +e6 however6 went on to ,ecome the .inister of <efence( Z First 9hoto#ra$her in India: 0aja <eendayal Z First 9resident of India: <r 0ajendra 9rasad (19%*219>: Z First 9resident of the Indian ?nion of )ivil "i,erties: 0a,indranath 'a#ore (191*s ( Z First 9rime .inister of India: -awaharlal 3ehru (194&219>4 Z First 9rime .inister to win a $o$ular entertainment award: Atal !ehari @aj$ayee (when he won the 7creen2@ideocon J!est "yricistJ $ri5e in the non2film music cate#ory for his collection of $oems titled J3ayi <ishaJ in Fe,ruary :*** ( Z First 7ecretary24eneral of 7outh27outh )ommission: <r .anmohan 7in#h Z First 7urveyor 4eneral of India: 7ir 4eor#e Everest Z First @ice29resident of India: <r 7(0adhakrishnan (19%:219>: Z First Ainner of 9aram @ir )hakra: .aj(7omnath 7harma ($osthumously in 3ovem,er6 194& Z IndiaBs first 'est2tu,e ,a,y: +arsha (,orn on Au#ust >6 198> ( Z Indian -ohann 7e,astian !ach: ?stad Ali Ak,ar /han Z IndiaBs lon#est servin# )hief .inister : -yoti !asu Z Dnly Army )hief to ,e awarded with .aha @ir )hakra twice: "ate 4en( A(7(@aidya

First Woman in India

Z Z Z Z 9rime2.inisterKIndira 4andhi Aoman (India and Aorld who crossed En#lish )hannel throu#h 7wimmin#KArti 7hah 4overnorK7arojini 3aidu (?( 9( I( 9( 7(K/iran !edi

Z 9resident of 3ational )on#ressKAnne !esant Z )hairman of the ?nion 9u,lic 7ervice )ommissionK0ose2Ailliam !aithu Z Ainner of 3o,el 9ri5eK.other 'eresa (for $eace Z Awardee of .iss AorldK0eeta Farhia Z Awardee of .iss ?niverseK7ushmita 7en Z .ayerK'ara )harian (.adras219%& Z .inister in )entral )a,inetK0ajkumari Amrit /aur Z )hief .inisterK7ucheta /ri$lani Z 9arliamentrianK0adha,ai 7u,,arayan (1918 Z -ud#e of 7u$reme )ourtK-ustice .eera 7ahai, Fatima !i,i Z )hief -ustice of +i#h )ourtK-ustice "eela 7eth (+imachal 9radesh Z 7ession -ud#e of the )ountin#KAnna )handi (/erala Z .ountaineer who clim,ed ()onEuered the .t( EverestK!acchendri 9al Z Awardee of 3orman !arlo# 9ri5eK<r( Amrita 9atil Z "iterature who was awarded the 7ahitya Akademi awardKAmrita 9ritam (19%> Z +onoured with I!harat 0atna;KIndira 4andhi Z Awardee of "enin $eace awardKAruna Asaf Ali Z Awardee of -anan$ith 9urshkarKAsha 9urna <evi (19&> Z Aoman who reached IAntarctica;K.ahel .usa (19&& Z Aoman who reached the 3orth 9oleK9ritisu 4u$ta (1991 Z Aoman who travelled All round the worldK?jjawala 9atil (1988 ,y !oat Z )hief En#ineerK9( /( 'resia 3a#uli Z 9ilotKFlyin# Dfficer 7ushma .ukho$addhyaya Z Air "ines 9ilotK)a$t( <ur#a !anerjee Z )ommander of !oein# &1& 9laneK)a$t( 7audamini <eshmukh Z 9aratroo$er of Indian Air ForceK4eeta 4hosh Z I( A( 7(KAuna 4eor#e .alhotra Z First television news ,roadcasterK9ratima 9uri Z 9artici$ated in mustic $ro#ramme of ?(3(D(K.( 7( 7u,,uluCmi (19>> Z Aoman $artici$ated in Dlym$ic #amesK.eri "ila 0ow (19%: Z Aoman who won the medal in Dlym$ic #amesK.alleshwari (wei#ht liftin#K7ydney Z Aoman who won the 4old .edal in Asian #amesK/amaljeet 7idhu (19&*6 4** metre Z Aoman who won the medal in )ommonwealth #amesKAnil 4hiya and /awal 'hakur 7in#h (woman <ou,les !adminton6 19&8 Z .edal winner in International Athletic )ham$ionshi$KAnju !( 4eor#e (:**1 9aris Z 4randmaster winner in )hessK!ha#iya 7ri 'his$ey (1988 Z Dne hundred wicket taker in International )ricketKIndul#i (198> Z Awardee of Arjun 9urskarK3( "amsden (+ockey6 19>1 Z Aoman who made hat2trick in foot,allK8oulandade27u5a (19&8 Z Awardee of Ashok )hakraK3eerja !hanot (9osthumously Z Awardee of 7ena .edalK@imla <evi (1988 Z <e#ree of #raduationK/adam,ni 4an#uly (!ose and )handramukhi !ose (/olkata ?niversity6 1881 Z Awardee of !( E( de#reeKElla2.ajumdar (19%1 Z .(!(!(7( <e#ree awardeeK@idhumuti !ose and @ir#inia .itter (/olkata .edical )olle#e Z First 7ur#eonK<r( 9rema .ukherjee Z <e$uty 4overnor of 0eserve !ankK/( -( ?desi (:**1 Z )hairman of 3A!A0<K0anjana /umar Z <( I( 4( (9olice K/anchan )haudhry !hattacharya Z "ieutenant 4eneralK9unita Arora Z )hairman of Indian Air linesK7hushma )hawla Z !arristerK)ornonia 7ora,ji (Allaha,ad +i#h )ourt219:1 Z AdvocateK0e#ina 4uha Z Am,assadorK@ijayalaCmi 9andit (?(7(7(0(2194&

Z Aoman who crossed over 4i,ralter 7trait ,y 7wimmin#KArati 9radhan Z Aorld 0ecord in 9owerliftin#K7umita "aha (1989 Z 0e$resented the nation in all three #ames ()ricket6 +ockey and !asket,all K7hrin /hushro /iyasa Z First )ommercial test 9ilot of the worldK)a$t( 7urun <arsi and )a$t( 0ose "o$ar Z 9ilot of Indian Air ForceK+arita <aoel Z 'wice scaled the .t( EverestK7antosh 8adav Z 0amon .a#saysay 9ri5e awardeeK/iran !edi Z +eroin awarded <ada 7ahai, 9halke 9ri5eK<evika 0ani 0orik Z 8oun#est woman who scaled the .t( Everest twiceK<ecky <olma Z 7cientist who was awarded 7hanti 7waru$ !hatna#ar awardKAshima )hatterjee Z Forei#n 7ecretaryK)hokila Ayyar Z First )hief 7ecretary of the )ountryK3irmala !uch Z First 7$ace travellerK/al$ana )hawla Z -oint <irector of )(!(I(KArchana 7under "in#am Z Ainner of .urti <evi 9ri5eK9rati,ha 0ai Z Aoman )ontested the 9residential electionK)a$t( "aCmi 7ah#al Z Air @ice2.arshal and Air2.arshal in Indian Air ForceK9( !ondyo$addhyay Z 3on2military 9olice Advisor in ?(3(D(K/iran !edi Z 0evenue 7ecretaryK@inita 0ai Z 0eferee in !oCin#K0ajia 7a,nam Z First woman of Indian ori#in who stayed for the lon#est time in s$aceK7unita Ailliam Z )ensusK18&: Z 0e#ular <ecadal )ensusK7ince 1881 Z Aarshi$ Aircraft )arrierKI( 3( 7( @ikrant Z 3ational 3uclear 9ower 7u,marinesKI( 3( 7( )hakra Z Foot,all )lu,K.ohan !a#anL1889 Z +ydro2electric 9rojectK7hiv 7amudram (19*: Z 3ews$a$erK!en#al 4a5ette (-ames +ikki Z @ernacular <ailyK7amachar <ar$an Z +indi 3ews$a$erK?dant2.artand Z 'ele#ra$h "ineK<iamond +ar,our to /olkata (18%1 Z International 'ele$hone,ai to "ondon (18%1 Z 'elevision )entreK3ew <elhi (19%9 Z )olour 9ro#ramme from '(@(K1%th Au#ust6 198: Z 7ilent FilmK0aja +arish )handra Z 'alky FilmKAlam2ara Z 7atelliteKArya,hatta219th A$ril6 19&% Z Atomic under#round testK9okhran (18th .ay6 19&4 Z 'est tu,e ,a,yK198> ,orn ,a,y +arsha Z )ountry made missileK9rithvi (1988 Z Antarctica missionK198: under the leadershi$ <r( 7( =( Muasim First Person in India Z First 4overnor24eneral of Inde$endent IndiaK"ord "ewis .ount,atten Z Indian 4overnor24eneral of Inde$endent IndiaK)hakravarti 0aj#o$alachari Z )hief of the Indian Armed ForcesK4eneral /( .( )arria$$a Z Field .arshallK4eneral 7( +( F( -( .anekshaw Z 9residentK<r( 0ajendra 9rasad Z @ice29residentK<r( 7arva$alli 0adhakrishnan Z 9rime2.inisterK9t( -awahar "al 3ehru Z 3on2)on#ress 9rime2.inisterKAtal !ehari !aj$ai Z !ritish 4overnor24eneral of !en#alKAarren2+astin#s Z 7$ace travellerK7( "eader20akesh 7harma

Z I( )( 7(K7atendra 3ath 'a#ore Z 7wimmer who crossed over the En#lish channel ,y swimmin#K.ihir 7en Z 0aman2.a#saysay awardeeKAcharya @ino,a !have Z 3ovel $ri5e winnerK0a,indra 3ath 'a#ore Z 9resident of 3ational )on#ressK@yomesh )hand !anerjee Z )hairman of "ok 7a,haK4( !( .avlankar Z )hief Election )ommissionerK7ukumar 7en Z Indian )hairman in International )ourtK-ustice <r( 3a#endra 7in#h Z Forei#ner awardee of !harat 0atnaK/han A,dul 4affar /han Z "eader of the Indian Antarctica .issionK<r( 7yed =ahuv Muasim Z )hief -ustice of 7u$reme )ourtK-ustice +iralal -( /aniya Z Awarded with I!harat 0atnas;K<r( 7arva$alli 0adhakrishnan6 )hakravarti 0aj#o$alachari6 7ir )( !( 0aman Z 9osthumally !harat 0atna AwardeeK"al !ahadur 7hastri Z 9erson awarded !hartiya24yan29eeth 9urskarK4( 7hankar /uru$ (.alayalamL19>% Z 7uccessful 7ur#eon who trans$lanted heartK<r( 9( @enu#o$al Z 7uccessful heart trans$lanted $ersonK<evi 0am (1994 Z 9resident of 3ational +uman 0i#hts )ommissionK-ustice 0an#nath .ishra Z +indi "iterature $erson2awarded !hartiya 4yan 9eeth 9urskarK7umitra 3andan 9ant (19>8 Z Indian who won the Aorld !illiard awardKAilson -ans Z Indian who won the 4rammy awardK9t( 0avi 7hankar Z 9erson delivered the "ecture in +indi in ?(3(D(K Atal !ehari !aj$ai (19&& Z Indian mem,er in !ritish +ouse of )ommonsK <ada !hai 3aoroji (189: Z First 9resident of Indian 7cience )on#ressK7ir Asutosh .ukherjee Z .ountaineer who scaled .ount Everest 8 timesK7her$a2Au#arita Z Ariter who was awarded I@yas 7amman;K0amvilas 7harma Z Indian .ana#in# <irector of Aorld !ankK4autam /a5i Z 9layer awarded I9adam !husan;K)( /( 3aidu Z Indian $layers $layed <avis )u$K.( 7alim and 7( .( -aco, (7in#les 6 A( A( Faiya5 and "( 7( <are (<ou,les (19:1 Z Indian $layer who $layed the test cricketK/( 7( 0anjeet 7in#le (from En#land Z 7cientist elected for "ok 7a,haK<r( .e#hnad 7aha Z 7cientist awarded 4hanshyam <as !irla awardK9rof( Ashish <atta (1991 Z "iterature who was awarded .urti <evi 9urskarK)( /( 3a#raj 0ao (1991 Z 9erson6 who ,ecame +i#h )ommission in 4reat !ritainK@( /( /rishna2.enon Z Indian who was awarded the "enin 9eace 9ri5eK<r( 7afuddin /ichlu (19%: Z First Indian who contested the election for !ritish 9arliamentK"al .ohan 4hose Z An Indian6 a$$ointed the jud#e of +i#h )ourt6 durin# the !ritish $eriodK0am 9rasad 0am Z Indian mem,er of @iceroy ECecutive )ouncilK7ir( 7( 9( 7inha Z )hairman of Finance )ommissionK/( )( 3io#i Z Indian mem,er of American )on#ressK<elee$ 7in#h Z !owler who made hat2trick in 'est )ricketK+ar,hajan 7in#h Z !atsman who made 1** runs in test )ricketK@irendra 7ehwa# Z First .arshal of Indian Air ForceKArjan 7in#h Z First Indian who individually won the Gold medel in Olympic games !"hinav #indra Z First Indian who won the !ron5e medel in !oCin# in Dlym$ic #amesK@ijendra /umar 7ome #eneral science Euestions alon# with the answers are mentioned ,elow( 3o Muestion Answer ( 1 $he theory of relativity was propounded "y !l"ert %instein $he principal metal used in manufacturing : Iron steel is

1 4 % > & 8 9 1* 11 1: 11 14 1% 1> 1& 18 19 :* :1 :: :1 :4 :% :> :& :8 :9 1* 11 1: 11 14 1% 1> 1& 18 19 4* 41 4: 41 44 4% 4> 4& 48 49

An altimeter is used for measurin# Oology is the study of &adioactivity was discovered "y 'he metal used in stora#e ,atteries is $he instrument used to measure the relative humidity of air is !arometer was invented ,y $he unit of power is 0adium was discovered ,y 'he eCistence of isoto$es was discovered ,y <ynamo was invented ,y 'he nuclear reactor was invented ,y 'he law of #ravitation was $ro$ounded ,y )resco#ra$h was invented ,y )resco#ra$h is used to measure the Galileo)s first scientific discovery was .icrosco$e was invented ,y $he scientist who is *nown as father of modern "iology is $he first person to see a cell under microscope was 'he smallest flowerin# $lant is $he four "lood groups were discovered "y 7odium was discovered ,y 'he atomic num,er of oCy#en is $he "asic "uilding "loc*s of proteins are 'he ,otanical name of the cotton $lant is An Electrosco$e is used to 'he unit of loudness is !n ammeter is used to measure 9lant that eat insects are called Fruits that are formed without fertili5ation are called 9lants that flower only once in their lifetime are called $he "otanical name for rice is Penicillin is o"tained from 'he lar#est tree in the world is +er$etolo#y is the study of Entomolo#y is the study of Ornithology is the study of Ichtyolo#y is the study of Dsteolo#y is the study of 'he ,otanical name for ,rinjal is 'he ,otanical name for onion is 'he study of sound is called 'he study of heavenly ,odies is called 'he study of tissues is called Electric "am$ was invented ,y $he fear of crowd is called $he fear of "oo*s is called 'he fear of #oin# to ,ed is called

Altitude #irds eggs 'enry #ac(uerel "ead 'ygrometer 'orricelli Watt .arie and 9ierrie )urie Frederick 7oddy .ichael Faraday Enrico Ferni 7ir Isaac 3ewton -()(!ose 0ate of #rowth of a $lant Pendulum Aaton @an "eewen +ock !ristotle &o"ert 'oo*e Aorffia +arl Landsteiner 7ir +um$hry <avy Ei#ht !mino acids 4ossi$ium +irsutum <etect char#es on a ,ody 9hon %lectric current Insectivorous $lants 9arthenocar$ic .ono car$ic Ory,a -ativa Mould 7e#uoia 4i#antica 0e$tiles Insects #irds Fishes !ones 7olanum melon#enal Allium )e$a Acoustics Astronomy +istolo#y 'homas alva Edison Ochlopho"ia #i"liopho"ia )lino$ho,ia

%* %1 %: %1 %4 %% %> %& %8 %9 >* >1 >: >1 >4 >% >> >& >8 >9 &* &1 &: &1 &4 &% &> && &8 &9 8* 81 8: 81 84 8% 8> 8& 88 89 9* 91 9: 91

'he sym,ol of #old is 'he sym,ol of sodium is 'he sym,ol of 7r stands for 'he sym,ol 0, stands for 'he sym,ol .d stands for .alcium sulphate is commonly called -odium car"onate is commonly called -odium chloride is commonly *nown as $he chemical name of .hloroform is $he chemical name of "a*ing powder is $he chemical name of "leaching powder is 'he formula +)" stands for 'he formula +:7D4 stands for 'he formula )+)I1 stands for $he formula '/O/ stands for A fun#us which can only survive on other livin# or#anisms is called A $lant which lives in the dark is called A $lant ada$ted to live in dry $laces is called a A $lant ada$ted for #rowth in water is called a #ifocal lens was invented "y )ement was invented ,y "aser was invented ,y Electroma#net was invented ,y 0ayon was invented ,y 'hermostat is an instrument used for re#ulatin# 'he science of or#anic forms and structures is known as 9hycolo#y is the study of 'ata Institute of Fundamental 0esearch was esta,lished in .-I& stands for I-&O stands for $he first human "eing to land on moon was $he first Indian in space was I7A) stands for @77) stands for 'he headEuarters of I70D is located at @77) is located at I7A) is located at 3ational 7cience )entre is located at )entral 'o,acco 0esearch Institute is located at Indian Institute of +orticultural 0esearch is located at 'he Atomic Ener#y )ommission was set u$ in $he first Indian -atellite was 'he first Indian 7atellite was launched in the year A7"@ stands for

Au 3a 7trontium 0u,idium .endelevium Plaster of Paris Washing -oda .ommon -alt $richloromethane -odium "icar"onate .alcium hypochlorite +ydrochloric Acid 7ul$huric Acid 'richloromethane 'ydrogen pero0ide D,li#ate 9arasite 7coto$hyte Nero$hyte +ydro$hyte #en1amin Fran*lin -ose$h As$din <r()harles +('ownes Ailliam 7tur#eon 7ir -ose$h 7wann )onstant tem$erature .or$holo#y Al#ae 194% .ouncil of -cientific and Industrial &esearch Indian -pace &esearch Organisation 2eil !rmstrong &a*esh -harma I70D 7atellite )entre @ikram 7ara,hai s$ace )entre !an#alore 'hiruvanantha$uram !an#alore 3ew <elhi 0ajahmundry !an#alore Au#248 !rya"hatta 19&% Au#mented 7atellite "aunch @ehicle

94 9% 9> 9& 98 99 1* * 1* 1 1* : 1* 1 1* 4 1* % 1* > 1* & 1* 8 1* 9 11 * 11 1 11 : 11 1 11 4 11 % 11 > 11 & 11 8 11 9 1: * 1: 1 1: : 1: 1 1: 4 1:

I37A' stands for $he fear of women is *nown as $he fear of men is *nown as 'he scientist who develo$ed the Muantum theory was 'he steam en#ine was invented ,y 'he ,otanical name of tea is "o#arithms were devised ,y $he acid used in a car "attery is 'he system for writin# ,y ,lind $eo$le was invented ,y 'he $arachute was used for the first time ,y $he German physicit who first demonstrated the e0istence of &adio waves was $he instrument that records the intensity of earth(ua*es is $he laws of floating "odies was discovered "y $he density of mil* is measured "y a Fountain pen was invented "y $he instrument used to measure the pressure of gases is the !haskara I was a famous $he first atomic power station esta"lished in India was the 'he role of heredity was demonstrated ,y $he instrument used to measure the concentration of salt water is the 7$ectrosco$y is the study of 4actylography is the study of ! tangent galvanometer is used to study the 'he fruit of Dak is called =E'A stands for 'he formula )>+%D+ stands for .ichael Faraday worked as an assistant under another scientist whose name was 5ulcanised ru""er was invented "y 'he sym,ol =n stands for 'he sym,ol +e stands for )elluloid was invented ,y 4lider was invented ,y

Indian 3ational 7atellite Gynopho"ia !ndropho"ia .aC 9lonck -ames Aatt )amellia 7inensis -ohn 3a$ier -ulphuric acid "ouis !raille -(9(!lanchard 'enrich 'ert, -eismograph !rchimedes Lactometer L3%3Waterman Monometer Astronomer $arapore !tomic Power -tation .endel -alinometer Anders -ohn An#strom Finger Prints -trength of direct current Acron =ero Ener#y 'hermonuclear Assem,ly 9henol 7ir +um$hry <avy .harles Goodyear =inc +elium A(9arker 7ir 4eor#e )aley

% 1: > 1: & 1: 8 1: 9 11 * 11 1 11 : 11 1 11 4 11 % 11 > 11 & 11 8 11 9 14 * 14 1 14 : 14 1 14 4 14 % 14 > 14 & 14 8 14 9 1% * 1% 1 1% : 1% 1 1% 4

7afety matches was invented ,y 0adio valve was invented ,y 7$ace A$$lications )entre is located at Atomic Ener#y )ommission is located at <ynamics is the study of 7tatics is the study of .echanics is the study of =oolo#y is the study of !otany is the study of 9sycholo#y is the study of 'he first American to or,it earth was 'he electro2cardio#ra$h was invented ,y $he molecular formula of cane sugar is A com$ound which contains only hydro#en and )ar,on is called a $he li(uid used to preserve specimens of plans and animals is $he law of segregaton was propounded "y Aurisco$e is used to detect 'he three states of matter are 'he scientific name for ,lood $latelets is 'he res$onse of a $lant to heat is called 'he res$onse of a $lant to touch is called 'he sym,ol =r stands for 3ickel was discovered ,y .an#anese was discovered ,y $he common name for pottasium car"onate is !ismuth was discovered ,y 'he ,i##est $lant seed is $o0icology is the study of 5irology is the study of

-(E("undstrom 7ir -(A(Flemin# Ahmeda,ad .um,ai .ovements of ,odies Forces actin# on ,odies at rest Forces actin# on ,odies Animal life 9lant life +uman mind -ohn +(4len Ailliam Einthoven .6/'//O66 +ydrocar,on Formalin Mendel Ear disorders 7olid6liEuid and #as 'hrom,ocytes 'hermotro$ism 'ri#motro$ism =irconium )ronstledt 4ahn Potash @alentine )ocodemer Poisons 5iruses

1% % 1% > 1% & 1% 8 1% 9 1> * 1> 1 1> : 1> 1 1> 4 1> % 1> > 1> & 1> 8 1> 9 1& * 1& 1 1& : 1& 1 1& 4 1& % 1& > 1& & 1& 8 1& 9 18 * 18 1 18 : 18 1 18

Paleontology is the study of .alorimeter is used to measure )hronometer was invented ,y -tethoscope was invented "y 7$innin# frame was invented ,y Al stands for 4d stands for Ir stands for !i stands for $he .hemical formula of sodium "icar"onate is $he chemical formula of common salt is $he chemical formula of washing soda is $he chemical formula of lime soda is $he chemical formula of chloroform is 'he study of #rasses is known as 'he study of antiEuities is known as 'he study of the duration of life is known as 'he study of ,acteria is known as 3ylon was invented ,y Electric ra5or was invented ,y 'he sym,ol of silver is 'he sym,ol of silicon is 'he sym,ol of titanium is .alcium o0ide is commonly *nown as A deviation of li#ht $assin# from one medium to another is known as An a$$aratus for #eneration of atomic ener#y is called a A machine used for convertin# mechanical ener#y into electrical ener#y is called a 'he first Indian woman in s$ace was $he revolver was invented "y 'he refri#erator was invented ,y

Fossils 7uantity of heat -ohn +arrison William -toc*es 7ir 0ichard Arkwri#ht Aluminium 4adolinium Iridium !ismuth 2a'.O8 2acl 2a/.O89IO'/O .a.O8 .'cl8 A#rostolo#y Archaeolo#y )hrono,iolo#y !acteriolo#y <r(Aallace +()arothers -aco, 7chick A# 7i 'i 7uic* lime 0efraction 0eactor 4enerator /al$ana )hawla -amuel .olt -(9erkins

4 .crophobia: fear of heights .maxophobia: fear of driving a car .nthrophobia: fear of flowers .chluophobia: fear of dar2ness .ndrophobia: fear of men .rithmophobia: fear of numbers .tychiphobia: fear of loneliness Aibliophobia: fear of boo2s Cacophobia: fear of ugliness Chionophobia: fear of snow Chromophobia: fear of colors Cynophobia: fear of dogs ;endrophobia: fear of trees 6lurophobia: fear of cats 6quinophobia: fear of horses 6phebiphobia: fear of young people Cynophobia: fear of women Camophobia: fear of marriage Clossophobia: fear of spea2ing) especially in public :emophobia: fear of blood :ydrophobia: fear of water !atrophobia: fear of doctors 0eu2ophobia: fear of white color 0oc2iophobia: fear of childbirth Mysophobia: fear of germs and dirt /octiphobia: fear of the night (besophobia: fear of gaining extra weight >apyrophobia: fear of paper >edophobia: fear of children >teromerhanophobia: fear of flying >yrophobia: fear of fire >hilophobia: fear of love -colionophobia: fear of school -omniphobia: fear of sleep Technophobia: fear of technology Trypanophobia: fear of inEection Drophobia: fear of urinating 7erminophobia: fear of germs Henophobia: fear of strangers Jeusophobia: fear of gods .goraphobia: fear of society or situation .rachnophobia: fear of spiders .crophobia: fear of heights Henophobia: fear of foreigners or strangers Carcinophobia: fear of cancer /ecrophobia: fear of the death

Important !lloys and their composition

Alnico <uralumin (aluminum6 nickel6 co,alt (co$$er6 aluminium

0ose metal !rass !ron5e 3ickel silver 7teel 7tainless steel )ast iron 9i# iron Arou#ht iron 4erman silver 3ichrome 7terlin# silver 7older

(lead6 tin6 ,ismuth (5inc6 co$$er (tin6 aluminium6 )o$$er (nickel6 co$$er (car,on6 Iron (chromium6 nickel6 Iron (car,on6 Iron (car,on6 Iron (car,on6 Iron (co$$er6 5inc6 3ickel (chromium6 3ickel (co$$er6 7ilver (lead6 antimony6 tin

/((re%iations an, )ull )or*s

1. AAA 2O Asian Athletics Association '. A<! 2O Asian <evelo$ment !ank *. AI)'E 2O All India )ouncil For 'echnical Education #. !I4- :; !c(uired Immune 4eficiency -yndrome 3. AII.7 2O All India Institute Df .edical 7cience $. AI'?) 2O All India 'rade ?nion )on#ress 8. A"4D" 2O Al#e,raic Driented "an#ua#e %. A33 2O Artificial 3eural 3etwork <. A7)II 2O America 7tandard )ode for Information Interchan#e 1&. A7EA3 2O Association Df 7outh East Asian 3ations 11. !-L5 :; !ugmented -atellite Launch 5ehicle 1'. A' P ' 2O American 'ele#ra$hic P 'ele$hone )o(6"td 1*. A'. 2O Automated 'eller .achine

1. #!&. :; #ha"ha !tomic &esearch .entre '. !!) 2O !ritish !roadcastin# )or$oration *. !+E" 2O !harath +eavy Electricals "td(6 #. !IF0 2O !oard Df Industrial 0econstruction 3. !9 2O !lood 9ressure $. !9" 2O !elow 9overty "ine 8. !9D 2O !usiness 9rocess Dutsourcin# %. !7E 2O !om,ay 7tock ECchan#e <. !7F 2O !order 7ecurity Force 1&. !73" 2O !harath 7anchar 3i#am "td(6 11. !0I) 2O !ra5il6 0ussia6 India6 )hina

1. '. *. #. 3. $. 8. %.

)2in2) 2O )ommender in )hief c(v 2O )urriculum @itae )A' 2O )areer A$titude 'est )!I 2O )entral !ureau Df Investi#ation .4M! :; .ode 4ivision Multiple !ccess )ED 2O )hief ECecutive Dfficer .I- :; .ommonWealth Of Independent -tates ).9 2O )ommon .inimum 9ro#ramme

<. )33 2O )a,le 3ews 3etwork 1&. )D7.A' 2O )ommunication 7atellite )or$oration 11. .OP&! :; .onsumer Protection !ct 1'. .&& :; .ash &eserve &atio 1*. .-I& :; .ouncil Of -cientific < Industrial &esearch 1#. )7D 2O )entral 7tatistical Dr#anisation 13. )@) 2O )hief @i#ilence )ommision

1. '. *. #.

<<' 2O 4ichloro:diphenyl $richloro:ethane 42! :; 4eo0yri"o:nucleic !cid 4P$ :; 4iphtheria 9 Pertussis < tetanus (5accine) 4O$-:;4irectly O"served $reatment9 -hort:course E2.AI" 2O Electronic .ailin# E)4 2O Electro )ardio 4ram E"I7A 2O En5yme "inked Immuno27or,ent Assay E0. 2O Euro$ean ECchan#e 0ate .echanism E7)A9 2O Economic P 7ocial )ommision for Asia P the 9acific( E@E 2O Economic @aluation of the Environment FAD 2O Food P A#riculture Dr#anistion FAM 2O FreEuently Asked Muestion (: Fair Avera#e Muality F)I 2O Food )or$oration of India FII :; Foriegn Institutional Investors FI0 2O First Information 0e$ort F"A4 2O Fi,re o$tic "ink Around the 4lo,e F. 2O Fre(uency Modulation

1. '. *. #. 3. $.

1. '. *. #. 3. $. 8.

1. G= :; Group of -even (>-9 >+9 Germany9 France9 Italy9 ?apan <

.anada) '. 4AI3 2O 4lo,al Alliance For Im$roved 3utrition *. 4A'E 2O 4raduate A$titude 'est in En#ineerin# #. 4A@I 2O 4lo,al Alliance for @accines P Immunisation 3. 4!9 2O 4eos$here2!ios$here 9ro#ramme $. 4<9 2O 4ross <omestic 9roduct 8. 4.A' 2O 4raduate .ana#ement A$titude 'est %. 4.0' 2O 4aint .etrewave 0adio 'elesco$e <. 4.' 2O 4reenwhich .ean 'ime 1&. G2P :; Gross 2et Product 11. 40E 2O 4raduate 0ecord ECamination 1'. G-L5 :; Geo:-ynchronous -atellite Launch 5ehicle 1*. G-M :; Glo"al -ystem for Mo"ile .ommunication 1#. 4?I 2O 4ra$hical ?ser Interface +

1. '. *. #. 3.

+A" 2O +industan Aeronautics "imited +! 2O +ard !lack ($encil +<." 2O +y$er <evices .arku$ "an#ua#e 'I5 :; 'uman Immunodeficiency 5irus '$ML :; 'yper $e0t Mar*up Language

$. htt$ 2O +y$erteCt 'ransfer 9rotocal 8. +?<)D 2O +ousin# P ?r,an <evelo$ment )or$oration


1. IAPA7 2O Indian Audit P Accounts 7ervice '. IAAI 2O International Air$ort Authority of India *. IAEA 2O International Automic Ener#y A#ency #. IA.0 2O Institute of A$$lied .an9ower 0esearch 3. IA7 2O Indian Administrative 7ervice $. I!. 2O International !usiness .achines 8. I!0< 2O International !ank for 0econstruction <evelo$ment %. I.> :; Intensive .are >nit <. I)AA 2O Indian )ouncil of Aorld Affairs 1&. I)AAI 2O Institute of )ost P Aorks Accountants of India 11. I<A 2O International <evelo$ment A#ency 1'. I<!I 2O Industrial <evelo$ment !ank of India 1*. IF) 2O Industrial Finance )or$oration 1#. IF7 2O Indian Forie#n 7ervice 13. I43D? 2O Indira 4andhi 3ational D$en ?niversity 1$. II7)D 2O Indian Iron P 7teel )om$any 18. ILO :; International La"our Organisation 1%. I.F 2O International .onetary Fund 1<. IM2.I :; Integrated Management of 2eonatal and .hildhood
Illnesses '&. I3A 2O Indian 3ational Army '1. I37A' 2O Indian 3ational 7atellite ''. ID) 2O Indain Dil )or$oration '*. I9 2O Internet 9rotocal '#. I9) 2O Indian 9enal )ode '3. I97 2O Indian 9olice 7ervice '$. IM 2O Intelli#ence MuotientQ '8. I0<9 2O Inter#rated 0ural <evelo$ment 9ro#ramme '%. I07 2O Indian 0evenue 7ervice '<. I7I 2O Indian 7tatistical Institute *&. I7/)D3 2O International 7ociety for /rishna )onsciousness *1. I-&O :; Indian -pace &esearch Organisation *'. I7' 2O Indiannal 7tandard 'ime **. I'I 2O Indian 'ele$hone Industry /

1. /I7)D 2O /udremukh Iron P 7teel )om$any


1. L!-%& :; Light !mplification "y -timulated %mission of &adiation '. L.4 :; Li(uid .rystal 4isplay *. "94 2O "iEuified 9etroleum 4as

1. .I)0 2O .a#netic Ink )haracter 0eco#nition '. .0'9 2O .ono$olies 0estrictive 'rade 9ractices Act

1. 3A!A0< 2O 3ational !ank for A#riculture P 0ural <evelo$ment '. 3A) 2O 3ational Advisory )ouncil

*. 3AF'A 2O 3orth American Free 'rade A#reement #. 2!-! :; 2ational !eronautics < -pace !dministration 3. 2!-4!7 :; 2ational !ssociation of -ecurity 4ealers !utomated
7uotation $. 3A77)D. 2O 3ational Association of 7oftware P 7ervice )om$anies 8. 2!$O :; 2orth !tlantic $reaty Organisation %. 3)) 2O 3ational )adet )or$s <. 3)E0' 2O 3ational )ouncil for Education 0esearch P 'rainin# 1&. 3<A 2O 3ational <evelo$ment )ouncil 11. 3I.+A37 2O 3ational Institute of .ental +ealth P 3euro 7ciences 1'. 3'9) 2O 3ational 'hermal 9ower )or$oration D

1. D34) 2O Dil P 3atural 4as )or$oration '. D9E) 2O Dr#anisation of 9etroleum EC$ortin# )ountries *. D7)A0 2O Dr,itin# 7atellite )arryin# Amature 0adio

1. '. *. #.

9A3 2O 9ermanent Account 3um,er 9I" 2O 9u,lic Interest "iti#ation 9I3 2O 9ostal IndeC 3um,er P-L5 :; Polar -atellite Launch 5ehicle 0P< 2O 0esearch P <evelo$ment 0A. 2O 0andom Access .emory 0!I 2O 0eserve !ank of India 0D. 2O 0ead Dnly .emory 077 2O 0ashtriya 7wayam 7ewak 7an#ha 7AI" 2O 7teel Authority of India 7A. 2O7urface to Air missile 7A9'A 2O 7outh Africa 9referential 'rade for A#reement -!&- :; -evere !cute &espiration -yndrome 7E!I 2O 7ecurities P ECchan#e !oard of India -IM :; -u"scri"er Information Module -L5 :; -atellite Launch 5ehicle 7'< 2O 7u,scri,er 'runk <ialin# 'A<A 2O 'errorist P <isru$ted Activities 'E")D 2O 'ata En#ineerin# P "ocomotive )om$any '0I.7 2O'rade 0elated Investment .easures '0I97 2O 'rade 0elated Intellectual 9ro$erty 0i#hts '087E. 2O 'rainin# of 0ural 8outh for 7elf2Em$loyment

1. '. *. #. 3.

1. '. *. #. 3. $. 8. %.

1. '. *. #. 3.

1. >2%-.O :; >nited 2ations %ducational -cientific < .ultural '. *. #. 3. $.

@ Organisations ?3I 2O?nited 3ews of India ?9A 2O ?nited 9ro#ressive Alliance ?97 2O ?ninterru$ted 9ower 7u$$ly ?97) 2O ?nion 9u,lic 7ervice )ommission ?0" 2O ?niform 0esource "ocator

1. @A' 2O @alue Added 'aC '. @I0?7 2O @ital Im$ortant 0esources ?nder 7ie#e *. @77) 2O @ikram 7ara,hai 7$ace )entre

1. '. *. #. 3.

AA3 2O Aide Area 3etwork (: Aorld Association of 3ews$a$er A+D 2O Aorld +ealth Dr#anisation A'D 2OAorld 'rade Dr#anisation AAA 2O Aorld Aide Ae, N9< 2O N20ay 9hotoelectron <iffraction

1. =I9 2O =one Im$rovement 9lan

8o**on 9a*e
Alum Alumina

8he*ical 9a*e
9otassium aluminum sulfate Aluminum oCide

aEua fortis
AEua re#ia


nitric acid nitrohydrochloric acid ma#nesium silicate

Acetyl salicylic acid

!akin# $owder !akin# soda !attery acid

mineral form of ,asic co$$er car,onate

7odium ,icar,onate 7odium hydro#en car,onate 7ulfuric acid

,lack lead
!leachin# $owder

caustic lime caustic $otash

)austic soda )halk )hloroform <<' <olomite Freon (refri#erant 4alena 4lycerine 4y$sum +eavy water "au#hin# #as "ime

#ra$hite (car,on chlorinated limeH calcium hy$ochlorite calcium hydroCide $otassium hydroCide
7odium hydroCide )alcium car,onate 'richloromethane <ichloro di$henyl trichloroethane )alcium ma#nesium car,onate <ichloro difluoro methane "ead II sulfide 4lycerol )alcium sulfate dihydrate <euterium oCide

3itrous DCide
)alcium oCide

lime6 slaked

calcium hydroCide
)alcium car,onate

"unar caustic .ar,le .arsh #as .ilk of lime .oth ,alls Dleum 9laster of 9aris 9otash

aEueous solution of calcium hydroCide

7ilver nitrate )alcium car,onate .ethane )alcium hydroCide 3a$hthalene Fumin# sulfuric acid )alcium sulfate 9otassium car,onate

Muart5 Muicklime 7alt6 ta,le 7and 7ilica 7u#ar of lead 7u#ar6 ta,le @ine#ar @itamin )

7ilicon dioCide )alcium oCide 7odium chloride 7ilicon dioCide 7ilicon dioCide +ydrated lead acetate 7ucrose Acetic acid6 ethanoic acid Ascor,ic acid

Aashin# soda

sulfuric acid
7odium car,onate decahydrate

white caustic

sodium hydroCide

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