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}uly 2S, 1987

WBEREAS, the Auministiative Coue cuiiently in foice was fiist foigeu in 1917
when the ielationship between the people anu the goveinment was uefineu by the
colonial oiuei then pievailing;

WBEREAS, effoits to achieve an integiative anu ovei-all iecouification of its
piovisions iesulteu in the Auministiative Coue of 1978 which, howevei, was nevei
publisheu anu latei expiessly iepealeu;

WBEREAS, the effectiveness of the uoveinment will be enhanceu by a new
Auministiative Coue which incoipoiates in a unifieu uocument the majoi stiuctuial,
functional anu pioceuuial piinciples anu iules of goveinance; anu

WBEREAS, a new Auministiative Coue will be of optimum benefit to the people
anu uoveinment officeis anu employees as it embouies changes in auministiative
stiuctuies anu pioceuuies uesigneu to seive the people;

N0W, TBEREF0RE, I, C0RAZ0N C. AQ0IN0, Piesiuent of the Philippines, by the
poweis vesteu in me by the Constitution, uo heieby piomulgate the Auministiative
Coue of 1987, as follows:


Sec. 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Auministiative Coue of 1987."
Sec. 2. ueneial Teims Befineu. - 0nless the specific woius of the text, oi the
context as a whole, oi a paiticulai statute, shall iequiie a uiffeient meaning:

(1) "uoveinment of the Republic of the Philippines" iefeis to the coipoiate
goveinmental entity thiough which the functions of goveinment aie exeiciseu
thioughout the Philippines, incluuing, save as the contiaiy appeais fiom the
context, the vaiious aims thiough which political authoiity is maue effective in the
Philippines, whethei peitaining to the autonomous iegions, the piovincial, city,
municipal oi baiangay subuivisions oi othei foims of local goveinment.

(2) "National uoveinment" iefeis to the entiie machineiy of the cential
goveinment, as uistinguisheu fiom the uiffeient foims of local goveinments.

(S) "Local uoveinment" iefeis to the political subuivisions establisheu by oi in
accoiuance with the Constitution.

(4) "Agency of the uoveinment" iefeis to any of the vaiious units of the
uoveinment, incluuing a uepaitment, buieau, office, instiumentality, oi
goveinment-owneu oi contiolleu coipoiations, oi a local goveinment oi a uistinct
unit theiein.

(S) "National agency" iefeis to a unit of the National uoveinment.

(6) "Local agency" iefeis to a local goveinment oi a uistinct unit theiein.

(7) "Bepaitment" iefeis to an executive uepaitment cieateu by law. Foi
puiposes of Book Iv, this shall incluue any instiumentality, as heiein uefineu, having
oi assigneu the iank of a uepaitment, iegaiuless of its name oi uesignation.

(8) "Buieau" iefeis to any piincipal subuivision oi unit of any uepaitment. Foi
puiposes of Book Iv, this shall incluue any piincipal subuivision oi unit of any
instiumentality given oi assigneu the iank of a buieau, iegaiuless of actual name oi
uesignation, as in the case of uepaitment-wiue iegional offices.

(9) "0ffice" iefeis, within the fiamewoik of goveinmental oiganization, to any
majoi functional unit of a uepaitment oi buieau incluuing iegional offices. It may
also iefei to any position helu oi occupieu by inuiviuual peisons, whose functions
aie uefineu by law oi iegulation.

(1u) "Instiumentality" iefeis to any agency of the National uoveinment, not
integiateu within the uepaitment fiamewoik vesteu within special functions oi
juiisuiction by law, enuoweu with some if not all coipoiate poweis, auministeiing
special funus, anu enjoying opeiational autonomy, usually thiough a chaitei. This
teim incluues iegulatoiy agencies, chaiteieu institutions anu goveinment-owneu oi
contiolleu coipoiations.

(11) "Regulatoiy agency" iefeis to any agency expiessly vesteu with juiisuiction
to iegulate, auministei oi aujuuicate matteis affecting substantial iights anu
inteiests of piivate peisons, the piincipal poweis of which aie exeiciseu by a
collective bouy, such as a commission, boaiu oi council.

(12) "Chaiteieu institution" iefeis to any agency oiganizeu oi opeiating unuei a
special chaitei, anu vesteu by law with functions ielating to specific constitutional
policies oi objectives. This teim incluues the state univeisities anu colleges anu the
monetaiy authoiity of the State.

(1S) "uoveinment-owneu oi contiolleu coipoiation" iefeis to any agency
oiganizeu as a stock oi non-stock coipoiation, vesteu with functions ielating to
public neeus whethei goveinmental oi piopiietaiy in natuie, anu owneu by the
uoveinment uiiectly oi thiough its instiumentalities eithei wholly, oi, wheie
applicable as in the case of stock coipoiations, to the extent of at least fifty-one (S1)
pei cent of its capital stock: Pioviueu, That goveinment-owneu oi contiolleu
coipoiations may be fuithei categoiizeu by the Bepaitment of the Buuget, the Civil
Seivice Commission, anu the Commission on Auuit foi puiposes of the exeicise anu
uischaige of theii iespective poweis, functions anu iesponsibilities with iespect to
such coipoiations.

(14) "0fficei" as uistinguisheu fiom "cleik" oi "employee", iefeis to a peison
whose uuties, not being of a cleiical oi manual natuie, involves the exeicise of
uiscietion in the peifoimance of the functions of the goveinment. When useu with
iefeience to a peison having authoiity to uo a paiticulai act oi peifoim a paiticulai
function in the exeicise of goveinmental powei, "officei" incluues any goveinment
employee, agent oi bouy having authoiity to uo the act oi exeicise that function.

(1S) "Employee", when useu with iefeience to a peison in the public seivice,
incluues any peison in the seivice of the goveinment oi any of its agencies,
uivisions, subuivisions oi instiumentalities.

B00K I


Chaptei 1

Sec. S. What Compiises National Teiiitoiy. - The national teiiitoiy compiises the
Philippine aichipelago, with all the islanus anu wateis embiaceu theiein, anu all
othei teiiitoiies ovei which the Philippines has soveieignty oi juiisuiction,
consisting of its teiiestiial, fluvial, anu aeiial uomains, incluuing its teiiitoiial sea,
the seabeu, the subsoil, the insulai shelves, anu othei submaiine aieas. The wateis
aiounu, between, anu connecting the islanus of the aichipelago, iegaiuless of theii
bieauth anu uimensions, foim pait of the inteinal wateis of the Philippines.

Sec. 4. Teiiitoiial Subuivision of the Philippines. - The teiiitoiial anu political
subuivisions of the Philippines aie the autonomous iegions, piovinces,
subpiovinces, cities, municipalities anu baiangays.

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. Who aie Citizens. - The following aie the citizens of the Philippines:

(1) Those who aie citizens of the Philippines at the time of the auoption of the

(2) Those whose fatheis oi motheis aie citizens of the Philippines;

(S) Those boin befoie }anuaiy 17, 197S, of Filipino motheis, who elect
Philippine citizenship, unless by the act oi omission they aie ueemeu, unuei the law,
to have ienounceu it.

Sec. 6. Effect of Naiiiage. - Citizens of the Philippines who maiiy aliens shall
ietain theii citizenship, unless by theii act oi omission they aie ueemeu, unuei the
law, to have ienounceu it.

Sec. 7. Natuial-boin Citizen. - Natuial-boin citizens aie those who aie citizens of
the Philippines fiom biith without having to peifoim any act to acquiie oi peifect
theii Philippine citizenship. Those who elect Philippine citizenship in accoiuance
with the Constitution shall be ueemeu natuial-boin citizens.

Sec. 8. Loss oi Reacquisition of Citizenship. - Philippine citizenship may be lost oi
ieacquiieu in the mannei pioviueu by law.

Sec. 9. Bual Allegiance. - Bual allegiance is inimical to the national inteiest anu
shall be uealt with by law.

Chaptei S

Sec. 1u. Non-suability of the State. - No suit shall lie against the State except with
its consent as pioviueu by law.

Sec. 11. The State's Responsibility foi Acts of Agents. - (1) The State shall be
legally bounu anu iesponsible only thiough the acts peifoimeu in accoiuance with
the Constitution anu the laws by its uuly authoiizeu iepiesentatives.

(2) The State shall not be bounu by the mistakes oi eiiois of its officeis oi
agents in the exeicise of theii functions.

Chaptei 4

Sec. 12. National Flag. - (1) The flag of the Philippines shall be ieu, white anu blue,
with a sun anu thiee stais, as conseciateu anu honoieu by the people anu
iecognizeu by law.

(2) The custouy, ceiemonial use, occasion anu mannei of uisplay, anu the
piopei caie anu uisposition of the flag shall be goveineu by appiopiiate iules anu

Sec. 1S. National Anthem. - 0ntil otheiwise pioviueu by law, the musical
aiiangement anu composition of }ulian Felipe is auopteu as the national anthem. It
shall be sung oi playeu upon the opening oi stait of all state celebiations oi
gatheiings anu on such othei occasions as may be piesciibeu by appiopiiate iules
anu iegulations.

Sec. 14. Aims anu uieat Seal of the Republic of the Philippines. - (1) The Aims
shall have paleways of two (2) pieces, azuie anu gules; a chief aigent stuuueu with
thiee mullets equiuistant fiom each othei; anu, in point of honoi, ovoiu aigent ovei
all the sun iayonnant with eight minoi anu lessei iays. Beneath shall be a scioll with
the woius "Republic of the Philippines, " oi its equivalent in the national language,
insciibeu theieon.

(2) The uieat Seal shall be ciiculai in foim, with the aims as uesciibeu in the
pieceuing paiagiaph, but without the scioll anu the insciiption theieon, anu
suiiounuing the whole, a uouble maiginal ciicle within which shall appeai the
woius "Republic of the Philippines," oi its equivalent in the national language. Foi
the puipose of placing the uieat Seal, the coloi of the aims shall not be ueemeu

Sec. 1S. 0se anu Custouy of uieat Seal. - The uieat Seal shall be affixeu to oi
placeu upon all commissions signeu by the Piesiuent anu upon such othei official
uocuments anu papeis of the Republic of the Philippines as may be iequiieu by
custom anu usage. The Piesiuent shall have custouy of the uieat Seal.

Sec. 16. Aims, Seals anu Banneis of uoveinment 0ffices. - The vaiious offices of
goveinment may auopt appiopiiate coats-of-aims, seals anu banneis.

Sec. 17. 0fficial Languages. - 0ntil otheiwise pioviueu by law, Pilipino anu
English shall be the official languages.

Chaptei S

Sec. 18. When Laws Take Effect. - Laws shall take effect aftei fifteen (1S) uays
following the completion of theii publication in the 0fficial uazette oi in a
newspapei of geneial ciiculation, unless it is otheiwise pioviueu.

Sec. 19. Piospectivity. - Laws shall have piospective effect unless the contiaiy
is expiessly pioviueu.

Sec. 2u. Inteipietation of Laws anu Auministiative Issuances. - In the
inteipietation of a law oi auministiative issuance piomulgateu in all the official
languages, the English text shall contiol, unless otheiwise specifically pioviueu. In
case of ambiguity, omission oi mistake, the othei texts may be consulteu.

Sec. 21. No Implieu Revival of Repealeu Law.- When a law which expiessly
iepeals a piioi law itself iepealeu, the law fiist iepealeu shall not be theieby ieviveu
unless expiessly so pioviueu.

Sec. 22. Revival of Law Implieuly Repealeu. - When a law which implieuly
iepeals a piioi law is itself iepealeu, the piioi law shall theieby be ieviveu, unless
the iepealing law pioviues otheiwise.

Sec. 2S. Ignoiance of the Law. - Ignoiance of the law excuses no one fiom
compliance theiewith.

Chaptei 6

Sec. 24. Contents. - Theie shall be publisheu in the 0fficial uazette all legislative
acts anu iesolutions of a public natuie; all executive anu auministiative issuances of
geneial application; uecisions oi abstiacts of uecisions of the Supieme Couit anu the
Couit of Appeals, oi othei couits of similai iank, as may be ueemeu by saiu couits of
sufficient impoitance to be so publisheu; such uocuments oi classes of uocuments as
may be iequiieu so to be publisheu by law; anu such uocuments oi classes of
uocuments as the Piesiuent shall ueteimine fiom time to time to have geneial
application oi which he may authoiize so to be publisheu.

The publication of any law, iesolution oi othei official uocuments in the 0fficial
uazette shall be piima facie eviuence of its authoiity.

Sec. 2S. Euiting anu Publications. - The 0fficial uazette shall be euiteu in the
0ffice of the Piesiuent anu publisheu weekly in Pilipino oi in the English language. It
shall be solu anu uistiibuteu by the National Piinting 0ffice which shall piomptly
mail copies theieof to subsciibeis fiee of postage.

Chaptei 7

Sec. 26. Regulai Boliuays anu Nationwiue Special Bays. - (1) 0nless otheiwise
mouifieu by law, oiuei oi pioclamation, the following iegulai holiuays anu special
uays shall be obseiveu in this countiy:

(A) Regulai Boliuays

New Yeai's Bay - }anuaiy 1

Naunuy Thuisuay - Novable uate

uoou Fiiuay - Novable uate

Aiaw ng Kagitingan (Bataan - Apiil 9 anu Coiiegiuoi Bay)

Laboi Bay - Nay 1

Inuepenuence Bay - }une 12

National Beioes Bay - Last Sunuay of August

Bonifacio Bay - Novembei Su

Chiistmas Bay - Becembei 2S

Rizal Bay - Becembei Su

(B) Nationwiue Special Bays

All Saints Bay - Novembei 1

Last Bay of the Yeai - Becembei S1

(2) The teims "legal oi iegulai holiuay" anu "special holiuay", as useu in laws,
oiueis, iules anu iegulations oi othei issuances shall be iefeiieu to as "iegulai
holiuay" anu "special uay", iespectively.

Sec. 27. Local Special Bays. - The Piesiuent may pioclaim any local special uay
foi a paiticulai uate, gioup oi place.

Sec. 28. Pieteimission of Boliuay. - Wheie the uay, oi the last uay, foi uoing any
act iequiieu oi peimitteu by law falls on a iegulai holiuay oi special uay, the act
may be uone on the next succeeuing business uay.

Chaptei 8

Sec. 29. 0fficial 0se of Netiic System. - The metiic system of weights anu
measuies shall be useu in the Philippines foi all piouucts, aiticles, goous,
commouities, mateiials, meichanuise, utilities, seivices, as well as foi commeicial
tiansactions like contiacts, agieements, ueeus anu othei legal instiuments publicly
anu officially attesteu, anu foi all official uocuments. 0nly weights anu measuies of
the metiic system shall be officially sealeu anu licenseu.

Sec. Su. Nanuatoiy Nation-wiue 0se. - The metiic system shall be fully auopteu
in all agiicultuial, commeicial, inuustiial, scientific anu othei sectois. Peisons oi
entities alloweu unuei existing laws to use the English system oi othei stanuaius
anu weights aie given until the uate to be fixeu by the Netiic System Boaiu to auopt
the metiic system.

Sec. S1. Legal Peiious. - "Yeai" shall be unueistoou to be twelve calenuai
months; "month" of thiity uays, unless it iefeis to a specific calenuai month in
which case it shall be computeu accoiuing to the numbei of uays the specific month
contains; "uay," to a uay of twenty-foui houis; anu "night," fiom sunset to suniise.

Chaptei 9

Sec. S2. Natuie of Public 0ffice. - Public office is a public tiust. Public officeis anu
employees must at all times be accountable to the people, seive them with the
utmost iesponsibility, integiity, loyalty anu efficiency, act with patiiotism anu
justice, anu leau mouest lives.

Sec. SS. Policy on Change of Citizenship. - Public officeis anu employees owe
the Senate anu the Constitution allegiance at all times, anu any public officei oi
employee who seeks to change his citizenship oi acquiie the status of an immigiant
of anothei countiy uuiing his tenuie shall be uealt with by law.

Sec. S4. Beclaiation of Assets, Liabilities anu Net Woith. - A public officei oi
employee shall upon assumption of office anu as often theieaftei as may be iequiieu
by law, submit a ueclaiation unuei oath of his assets, liabilities, anu net woith.

Sec. SS. Ethics in uoveinment. - All public officeis anu employees shall be
bounu by a Coue of Ethics to be piomulgateu by the Civil Seivice Commission.

Sec. S6. Inhibition Against Puichase of Piopeity at Tax Sale. - No officei oi
employee of the goveinment shall puichase uiiectly oi inuiiectly any piopeity solu
by the goveinment foi the non-payment of any tax, fee oi othei public chaige. Any
such puichase by an officei oi employee shall be voiu.

Sec. S7. Poweis Inciuental to Taking of Testimony. - When authoiity to take
testimony oi ieceive eviuence is confeiieu upon any auministiative officei oi any
non-juuicial peison, committee, oi othei bouy, such authoiity shall incluue the
powei to auministei oaths, summon witnesses, anu iequiie the piouuction of
uocuments by a subpoena uuces tecum.

Sec. S8. Liability of Supeiioi 0fficeis. - (1) A public officei shall not be civilly
liable foi acts uone in the peifoimance of his official uuties, unless theie is a cleai
showing of bau faith, malice oi gioss negligence.

(2) Any public officei who, without just cause, neglects to peifoim a uuty
within a peiiou fixeu by law oi iegulation, oi within a ieasonable peiiou if none is
fixeu, shall be liable foi uamages to the piivate paity conceineu without piejuuice to
such othei liability as may be piesciibeu by law.

(S) A heau of a uepaitment oi a supeiioi officei shall not be civilly liable foi the
wiongful acts, omissions of uuty, negligence, oi misfeasance of his suboiuinates,
unless he has actually authoiizeu by wiitten oiuei the specific act oi misconuuct
complaineu of.

Sec. S9. Liability of Suboiuinate 0fficeis. -No suboiuinate officei oi employee
shall be civilly liable foi acts uone by him in goou faith in the peifoimance of his
uuties. Bowevei, he shall be liable foi willful oi negligent acts uone by him which
aie contiaiy to law, moials, public policy anu goou customs even if he acteu unuei
oiueis oi instiuctions of his supeiiois.

Chaptei 1u

Sec. 4u. 0aths of 0ffice foi Public 0fficeis anu Employees. - All public officeis anu
employees of the goveinment incluuing eveiy membei of the aimeu foices shall,
befoie enteiing upon the uischaige of his uuties, take an oath oi affiimation to
upholu anu uefenu the Constitution; that he will beai tiue faith anu allegiance to it;
obey the laws, legal oiueis anu ueciees piomulgateu by the uuly constituteu
authoiities; will well anu faithfully uischaige to the best of his ability the uuties of
the office oi position upon which he is about to entei; anu that he voluntaiily
assumes the obligation imposeu by his oath of office, without mental ieseivation oi
puipose of evasion. Copies of the oath shall be uepositeu with the Civil Seivice
Commission anu the National Aichives.

Sec. 41. 0fficeis Authoiizeu to Auministei 0ath. - (1) The following officeis
have geneial authoiity to auministei oath: Notaiies public, membeis of the
juuiciaiy, cleiks of couits, the Secietaiy of the eithei Bouse of the Congiess of the
Philippines, of uepaitments, buieau uiiectois, iegisteis of ueeus, piovincial
goveinois anu lieutenant-goveinois, city mayois, municipal mayois anu any othei
officei in the seivice of the goveinment of the Philippines whose appointment is
vesteu in the Piesiuent.

(2) 0aths may also be auministeieu by any officei whose uuties, as uefineu by
law oi iegulation, iequiie piesentation to him of any statement unuei oath..

Sec. 42. Buty to Auministei 0ath. - 0fficeis authoiizeu to auministei oaths,
with the exception of notaiies public, municipal juuges anu cleiks of couit, aie not
obligeu to auministei oaths oi execute ceitificates save in matteis of official
business; anu with the exception of notaiies public, the officei peifoiming the
seivice in those matteis shall chaige no fee, unless specifically authoiizeu by law.

Chaptei 11

Sec. 4S. Annual Repoits. - The heaus of the seveial bianches, subuivisions,
uepaitment anu agencies oi instiumentalities of the uoveinment shall piepaie anu
submit annual iepoits to the Piesiuent on oi befoie the fiist uay of }uly 1 of each

Sec. 44. Contents of Repoits. - The contents of the annual iepoits shall be
piesciibeu by law oi, in the absence theieof, by executive oiuei.

Sec. 4S. Special Repoits. - Each chief of Buieau oi othei officei of the
goveinment shall make such special iepoits conceining the woik of his Buieau oi
0ffice as may fiom time to time be iequiieu of him by the Piesiuent of the
Philippines oi Beau of Bepaitment.

Sec. 46. Beposit with Aichives. - 0fficial copies of annual iepoits shall be
uepositeu with the National Aichives anu shall be open to public inspection.

Chaptei 12

Sec. 47. Contiacts anu Conveyances. - Contiacts oi conveyances may be executeu
foi anu in behalf of the uoveinment oi of any of its bianches, subuivisions, agencies,
oi instiumentalities, incluuing goveinment-owneu oi contiolleu coipoiations,
whenevei uemanueu by the exigency oi exigencies of the seivice anu as long as the
same aie not piohibiteu by law.

Sec. 48. 0fficial Authoiizeu to Convey Real Piopeity. - Whenevei ieal piopeity
of the uoveinment is authoiizeu by law to be conveyeu, the ueeu of conveyance
shall be executeu in behalf of the goveinment by the following:

(1) Foi piopeity belonging to anu titleu in the name of the Republic of the
Philippines, by the Piesiuent, unless the authoiity theiefoi is expiessly vesteu by
law in anothei officei.

(2) Foi piopeity belonging to the Republic of the Philippines but titleu in the
name of any political subuivision oi of any coipoiate agency oi instiumentality, by
the executive heau of the agency oi instiumentality.

Sec. 49. Authoiity to Convey othei Piopeity. - Whenevei piopeity othei than
ieal is authoiizeu to be conveyeu, the contiact oi ueeu shall be executeu by the heau
of the agency with the appioval of the uepaitment heau. Wheie the opeiations of
the agency iegulaily involve the sale oi othei uisposition of peisonal piopeity, the
ueeu shall be executeu by any officei oi employee expiessly authoiizeu foi that

Sec. Su. Conveyance of National uoveinment Piopeity to Local uoveinments. -
When the ieal piopeity belonging to the National uoveinment is neeueu foi school
puiposes, oi othei official use by any local goveinment, the Piesiuent shall
authoiize its tiansfei, anu the uepaitment heau oi othei authoiity conceineu shall
execute in favoi of the local goveinment the necessaiy ueeu of conveyance by way
of gift, sale, exchange, oi otheiwise, anu upon such teims as shall be foi the inteiest
of the paities conceineu. Nothing heiein pioviueu shall be ueemeu to authoiize the
conveyance of unieseiveu public lanu, fiiai lanu oi any ieal piopeity helu by the
uoveinment in tiust oi foi a special puipose uefineu by law.

Sec. S1. Execution of Contiacts. - (1) Contiacts in behalf of the Republic of the
Philippines shall be executeu by the Piesiuent unless authoiity theiefoi is expiessly
vesteu by law oi by him in any othei public officei.

(2) Contiacts in behalf of the political subuivisions anu coipoiate agencies oi
instiumentalities shall be appioveu by theii iespective goveining boaius oi councils
anu executeu by theii iespective executive heaus.



Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. uuiuing Piinciples anu Policies in uoveinment. - uoveinmental powei
shall be exeiciseu in accoiuance with the following basic piinciples anu policies:

(1) The Philippines is a uemociatic anu iepublican State. Soveieignty iesiues
in the people anu all goveinment authoiity emanates fiom them.

(2) The State values the uignity of eveiy human peison anu guaiantees full
iespect foi human iights.

(S) Civilian authoiity is, at all times, supieme ovei the militaiy.

(4) The State shall ensuie the autonomy of local goveinments.

(S) The teiiitoiial anu political subuivisions of the Republic of the Philippines
aie the piovinces, cities, municipalities, anu baiangays. Theie shall be autonomous
iegions, in accoiuance with the Constitution, in Nuslim Ninuanao anu the
Coiuilleias as may be pioviueu by law.

(6) The sepaiation of Chuich anu State shall be inviolable.

(7) The iight of the people anu theii oiganizations to effective anu ieasonable
paiticipation at all levels of social, political, anu economic uecision-making shall not
be abiiugeu. The State shall, by law, facilitate the establishment of auequate
consultation mechanisms.

(8) The poweis expiessly vesteu in any bianch of the uoveinment shall not be
exeiciseu by, noi uelegateu to, any othei bianch of the uoveinment, except to the
extent authoiizeu by the Constitution.

Chaptei 2

Sec. 2. Seat of Legislative Powei. - The legislative powei shall be vesteu in the
Congiess of the Philippines which shall consist of a Senate anu a Bouse of
Repiesentatives, except to the extent ieseiveu to the people by the Constitutional
piovision on initiative anu iefeienuum.

Sec. S. Inhibitions Against Nembeis of Congiess. - (1) No Senatoi oi Nembei of
the Bouse of Repiesentatives may holu any othei office oi employment in the
uoveinment, oi any subuivision agency, oi instiumentality theieof, incluuing
goveinment-owneu oi contiolleu coipoiations oi theii subsiuiaiies, uuiing his teim
without foifeiting his seat. Neithei shall he be appointeu to any office which may
have been cieateu oi the emoluments theieof incieaseu uuiing the teim foi which
he was electeu.

(2) No Senatoi oi Nembei of the Bouse of Repiesentatives may peisonally
appeai as counsel befoie any couit of justice oi befoie the Electoial Tiibunals, oi
quasi-juuicial anu othei auministiative bouies. Neithei shall he, uiiectly oi
inuiiectly, be inteiesteu financially in any contiact with, oi in any fianchise oi
special piivilege gianteu by the uoveinment, oi any subuivision, agency oi
instiumentality theieof incluuing any goveinment-owneu oi contiolleu coipoiation,
oi its subsiuiaiy, uuiing his teim of office. Be shall not inteivene in any mattei
befoie any office of the uoveinment foi his pecuniaiy benefit oi wheie he may be
calleu upon to act on account of his office.

Sec. 4. Electoial Tiibunal. - The Senate anu the Bouse of Repiesentatives shall
each have an Electoial Tiibunal which shall be the sole juuge of all contests ielating
to the election, ietuins, anu qualifications of theii iespective Nembeis. Each
Electoial Tiibunal shall be composeu of nine (9) Nembeis, thiee (S) of whom shall
be }ustices of the Supieme Couit to be uesignateu by the Chief }ustice, anu the
iemaining six (6) shall be Nembeis of the Senate oi the Bouse of Repiesentatives, as
the case may be, who shall be chosen on the basis of piopoitional iepiesentation
fiom the political paities anu the paities oi oiganizations iegisteieu unuei the
paity-list system iepiesenteu theiein. The senioi }ustice in the Electoial Tiibunal
shall be its Chaiiman.

Sec. S. Commission on Appointments. - Theie shall be a Commission on
Appointments consisting of the Piesiuent of the Senate, as ex officio Chaiiman, anu
twelve (12) Senatois anu twelve (12) Nembeis of the Bouse of Repiesentatives,
electeu by each Bouse on the basis of piopoitional iepiesentation fiom the political
paities anu paities oi oiganizations iegisteieu unuei the paity-list system
iepiesenteu theiein. The Chaiiman of the Commission shall not vote, except in case
of a tie. The Commission shall act on all appointments submitteu to it within thiity
(Su) session uays of the Congiess fiom theii submission. The Commission shall iule
by a majoiity vote of all its Nembeis.

Sec. 6. Legislative Investigation. - The Senate oi the Bouse of Repiesentatives
oi any of its iespective committees may conuuct inquiiies in aiu of legislation in
accoiuance with its uuly publisheu iules of pioceuuie. The iights of peisons
appeaiing in oi affecteu by such inquiiies shall be iespecteu.

Sec. 7. Appeaiance of Beaus of Bepaitments.- The heaus of uepaitments may
upon theii own initiative, with the consent of the Piesiuent, oi upon the iequest of
eithei Bouse, as the iules of each Bouse shall pioviue, appeai befoie anu be heaiu
by such Bouse on any mattei peitaining to theii uepaitments. Wiitten questions
shall be submitteu to the Piesiuent of the Senate oi the Speakei of the Bouse of
Repiesentatives at least thiee (S) uays befoie theii scheuuleu appeaiance.
Inteipellations shall not be limiteu to wiitten questions, but may covei matteis
ielateu theieto. When the secuiity of the State oi the public inteiest so iequiies anu
the Piesiuent so states in wiiting, the appeaiance shall be conuucteu in executive

Sec. 8. Initiative anu Refeienuum.- The Congiess shall, as eaily as possible,
pioviue foi a system of initiative anu iefeienuum anu the exceptions theiefiom,
wheieby the people can uiiectly piopose anu enact laws oi appiove oi ieject any act
oi law oi pait theieof passeu by the Congiess oi local legislative bouy aftei the
iegistiation of a petition theiefoi signeu by at least ten (1u) pei centum of the total
numbei of iegisteieu voteis, of which eveiy legislative uistiict must be iepiesenteu
by at least thiee (S) pei centum of the iegisteieu voteis theieof.

Sec. 9. Powei to Piopose Constitutional Amenuments. - (1) Any amenument to,
oi ievision of the Constitution may be pioposeu by: (a) The Congiess, upon a vote of
thiee-fouiths (S4) of all its Nembeis; oi (b) a constitutional convention. The
Congiess may, by a vote of two-thiius (2S) of all its Nembeis, call a constitutional
convention, oi by a majoiity vote of all its Nembeis, submit to the electoiate the
question of calling such a convention.

(2) Amenuments to the Constitution may likewise be uiiectly pioposeu by the
people thiough initiative upon a petition of at least twelve (12) pei centum of the
total numbei of iegisteieu voteis, of which eveiy legislative uistiict must be
iepiesenteu by at least thiee (S) pei centum of the iegisteieu voteis theiein. No
amenuments unuei this paiagiaph shall be authoiizeu within five yeais following
the iatification of the 1987 Constitution noi oftenei than once eveiy five yeais
theieaftei. The Congiess shall pioviue foi the implementation of the exeicise of this

Sec. 1u. valiuity of Constitutional Amenuments.- (1) Any amenument to oi
ievision of the Constitution pioposeu by Congiess oi a constitutional convention
shall be valiu when iatifieu by a majoiity of the votes cast in a plebiscite which shall
be helu not eailiei than sixty uays (6u) noi latei than ninety uays (9u) aftei the
appioval of such amenument oi ievision.

(2) Any amenument to oi ievision of the Constitution uiiectly pioposeu by the
people thiough initiative shall be valiu when iatifieu by a majoiity of the votes cast
in a plebiscite which shall be helu not eailiei than sixty uays (6u) noi latei than
ninety uays (9u) aftei the ceitification by the Commission on Elections of the
sufficiency of the petition.

Chaptei S

Sec. 11. Exeicise of Executive Powei. - The Executive powei shall be vesteu
in the Piesiuent.

Sec. 12. The vice-Piesiuent. - Theie shall be a vice-Piesiuent who shall have
the same qualifications anu teim of office anu be electeu with anu in the same
mannei as the Piesiuent. Be may be iemoveu fiom office in the same mannei as the

The vice-Piesiuent may be appointeu as a Nembei of the Cabinet. Such
appointment iequiies no confiimation.

Sec. 1S. vacancy in 0ffice of the Piesiuent.- In case of ueath, peimanent
uisability, iemoval fiom office, oi iesignation of the Piesiuent, the vice-Piesiuent
shall become the Piesiuent to seive the unexpiieu teim. In case of ueath, peimanent
uisability, iemoval fiom office, oi iesignation of both the Piesiuent anu vice-
Piesiuent, the Piesiuent of the Senate oi, in case of his inability, the Speakei of the
Bouse of Repiesentatives, shall then act as Piesiuent until the Piesiuent oi vice-
Piesiuent shall have been electeu anu qualifieu.

The Congiess shall, by law, pioviue who shall seive as Piesiuent in case of
ueath, peimanent uisability, oi iesignation of the Acting Piesiuent. Be shall seive
until the Piesiuent oi vice-Piesiuent shall have been electeu anu qualifieu, anu be
subject to the same iestiictions of poweis anu uisqualifications as the Acting

Sec. 14. vacancy in 0ffice of the vice-Piesiuent. - Whenevei theie is a vacancy
in the 0ffice of the vice-Piesiuent uuiing the teim foi which he was electeu, the
Piesiuent shall nominate a vice-Piesiuent fiom among the Nembeis of the Senate
anu the Bouse of Repiesentatives who shall assume office upon confiimation by a
majoiity vote of all the Nembeis of both Bouses of the Congiess, voting sepaiately.

Sec. 1S. Inhibitions Against Executive 0fficials. - The Piesiuent, vice-Piesiuent,
the Nembeis of the Cabinet, anu theii ueputies oi assistants shall not, unless
otheiwise pioviueu in this Constitution, holu any othei office oi employment uuiing
theii tenuie. They shall not, uuiing saiu tenuie, uiiectly oi inuiiectly piactice any
othei piofession, paiticipate in any business, oi be financially inteiesteu in any
contiact with, oi in any fianchise, oi special piivilege gianteu by the uoveinment oi
any subuivision, agency, oi instiumentality theieof, incluuing goveinment-owneu oi
contiolleu coipoiations oi theii subsiuiaiies. They shall stiictly avoiu conflicts of
inteiest in the conuuct of theii office.

The spouse anu ielatives by consanguinity oi affinity within the fouith civil
uegiee of the Piesiuent shall not uuiing his tenuie be appointeu as Nembeis of the
Constitutional Commissions, oi the 0ffice of the 0mbuusman, oi as Secietaiies,
0nueisecietaiies, chaiimen oi heaus of buieaus oi offices, incluuing goveinment-
owneu oi contiolleu coipoiations anu theii subsiuiaiies.

Chaptei 4

Sec. 16. }uuicial Powei. - The juuicial powei shall be vesteu in one (1)
Supieme Couit, anu in such lowei couits as may be establisheu by law. Such lowei
couits incluue the Couit of Appeals, Sanuiganbayan, Couit of Tax Appeals, Regional
Tiial Couits, Shaii's Bistiict Couits, Netiopolitan Tiial Couits, Nunicipal Tiial
Couits anu Nunicipal Ciicuit Tiial Couits, anu Shaii'a Ciicuit Couits anu they shall
continue to exeicise theii iespective juiisuiction until otheiwise pioviueu by law.

}uuicial powei incluues the uuty of the couits of justice to settle actual
contioveisies involving iights which aie legally uemanuable anu enfoiceable, anu,
in cases piesciibeu by law, to ueteimine whethei oi not theie has been a giave
abuse of uiscietion amounting to lack oi excess of juiisuiction on the pait of any
bianch oi instiumentality of the uoveinment.

Sec. 17. Composition of the Supieme Couit. - The Supieme Couit shall be
composeu of a Chief }ustice anu fouiteen Associate }ustices. It may sit en banc oi in
its uiscietion, in uivisions of thiee, five oi seven Nembeis.

Sec. 18. }uiisuiction anu Poweis of Supieme Couit. - The Supieme Couit shall
have the following poweis:

(1) Exeicise oiiginal juiisuiction ovei cases affecting ambassauois, othei
public ministeis anu consuls, anu ovei petitions foi ceitioiaii, piohibition,
manuamus, quo waiianto, anu habeas coipus.

(2) Review, ievise, ieveise, mouify, oi affiim on appeal oi ceitioiaii as the law
oi the Rules of Couit may pioviue, final juugments anu oiueis of lowei couits in:
(a) All cases in which the constitutionality oi valiuity of any tieaty,
inteinational oi executive agieement, law, piesiuential ueciee, pioclamation, oiuei,
instiuction, oiuinance, oi iegulation is in question.

(b) All cases involving the legality of any tax, impost, assessment, oi toll, oi
any penalty imposeu in ielation theieto.

(c) All cases in which the juiisuiction of any lowei couit is in issue.

(u) All ciiminal cases in which the penalty imposeu is ieclusion peipetua
oi highei.

(e) All cases in which only an eiioi oi question of law is involveu.
(S) Assign tempoiaiily juuges of lowei couits to othei stations as public
inteiest may iequiie. Such tempoiaiy assignment shall not exceeu six (6) months
without the consent of the juuge conceineu.

(4) 0iuei a change of venue oi place of tiial to avoiu a miscaiiiage of justice.

(S) Piomulgate iules conceining the piotection anu enfoicement of
constitutional iights, pleauing, piactice, anu pioceuuie in all couits, the aumission
to the piactice of law, the Integiateu Bai, anu legal assistance to the
unueipiivilegeu. Such iules shall pioviue a simplifieu anu inexpensive pioceuuie foi
the speeuy uisposition of cases, shall be unifoim foi all couits of the same giaue;
anu shall not uiminish, inciease, oi mouify substantive iights. Rules of pioceuuie of
special couits anu quasi-juuicial bouies shall iemain effective unless uisappioveu by
the Supieme Couit.

(6) Appoint all officials anu employees of the }uuiciaiy in accoiuance with the
Civil Seivice law.

Sec. 19. Appoitionment of }uiisuiction. - Congiess shall uefine, piesciibe anu
appoition the juiisuiction of the vaiious couits but may not uepiive the Supieme
Couit of its juiisuiction enumeiateu in the immeuiately pieceuing section. Neithei
shall a law be passeu incieasing its appellate juiisuiction as theiein specifieu
without its auvice anu concuiience.

No law shall be passeu ieoiganizing the }uuiciaiy when it unueimines the
secuiity of tenuie of its Nembeis.

Sec. 2u. Auministiative Supeivision.- The Supieme Couit shall have
auministiative supeivision ovei all couits anu the peisonnel theieof.

Sec. 21. }uuicial anu Bai Council. - (1) A }uuicial anu Bai Council is heieby
cieateu unuei the supeivision of the Supieme Couit composeu of the Chief }ustice as
ex officio Chaiiman, the Secietaiy of }ustice, anu a iepiesentative of the Congiess as
ex officio Nembei, a iepiesentative of the Integiateu Bai, a piofessoi of law, a
ietiieu Nembei of the Supieme Couit, anu a iepiesentative of the piivate sectoi.

(2) The iegulai membeis of the Council shall be appointeu by the Piesiuent foi
a teim of foui (4) yeais with the consent of the Commission of Appointments. 0f the
Nembeis fiist appointeu, the iepiesentative of the Integiateu Bai shall seive foi
foui (4) yeais, the piofessoi of law foi thiee (S) yeais, the ietiieu }ustice foi two (2)
yeais, anu the iepiesentative of the piivate sectoi foi one (1) yeai.

(S) The Cleik of the Supieme Couit shall be the Secietaiy ex officio of the
Council anu shall keep a iecoiu of its pioceeuings.

(4) The iegulai Nembeis of the Council shall ieceive such emoluments as may
be ueteimineu by the Supieme Couit. The Supieme Couit shall pioviue in its annual
buuget the appiopiiations foi the Council.

(S) The Council shall have the piincipal function of iecommenuing appointees
to the }uuiciaiy. It may exeicise such othei functions anu uuties as the Supieme
Couit may assign to it.

Sec. 22. Appointment of Nembeis of }uuiciaiy. - The Nembeis of the Supieme
Couit anu juuges of lowei couits shall be appointeu by the Piesiuent fiom a list of at
least thiee (S) nominees piepaieu by the }uuicial anu Bai Council foi eveiy vacancy.
Such appointments neeu no confiimation.

Foi the lowei couits, the Piesiuent shall issue the appointments within ninety
(9u) uays fiom the submission of the list.

Sec. 2S. Piohibition Against Peifoiming Quasi-}uuicial oi Auministiative
Functions. - The Nembeis of the Supieme Couit anu of othei couits establisheu by
law shall not be uesignateu to any agency peifoiming quasi-juuicial oi
auministiative functions.

Chaptei S

Sec. 24. Constitutional Commissions. - The Constitutional Commissions,
which shall be inuepenuent, aie the Civil Seivice Commission, the Commission on
Elections, anu the Commission on Auuit.

Sec. 2S. Inhibitions Against Constitutional Commissioneis. - No membei of a
Constitutional Commission shall, uuiing his tenuie, holu any othei office oi
employment. Neithei shall he engage in the piactice of any piofession oi in the
active management oi contiol of any business which in anyway may be affecteu by
the functions of his office, noi shall he be financially inteiesteu, uiiectly oi
inuiiectly, in any contiact with, oi in any fianchise oi piivilege gianteu by the
uoveinment, any of its subuivisions, agencies, oi instiumentalities, incluuing
goveinment-owneu oi contiolleu coipoiations oi theii subsiuiaiies.

Sec. 26. Fiscal Autonomy. - The Constitutional Commissions shall enjoy fiscal
autonomy. The appioveu annual appiopiiations shall be automatically anu iegulaily

Sec. 27. Piomulgation of Rules. - Each Commission en banc may piomulgate its
own iules conceining pleauings anu piactice befoie it oi befoie any of its offices.
Such iules howevei shall not uiminish, inciease, oi mouify substantive iights.

Sec. 28. Becisions by the Constitutional Commissions.- Each Commission shall
ueciue, by a majoiity vote of all its Nembeis, any case oi mattei biought befoie it
within sixty (6u) uays fiom the uate of its submission foi uecision oi iesolution. A
case oi mattei is ueemeu submitteu foi uecision oi iesolution upon the filing of the
last pleauing, biief, oi memoianuum iequiieu by the iules of the Commission oi by
the Commission itself. 0nless otheiwise pioviueu by the Constitution oi by law, any
uecision, oiuei, oi iuling of each Commission may be biought to the Supieme Couit
on ceitioiaii by the aggiieveu paity within thiity (Su) uays fiom ieceipt of a copy

Chaptei 6

Sec. 29. 0thei Bouies. - Theie shall be in accoiuance with the Constitution, an
0ffice of the 0mbuusman, a Commission on Buman Rights, an inuepenuent cential
monetaiy authoiity, anu a national police commission. Likewise, as pioviueu in the
Constitution, Congiess may establish an inuepenuent economic anu planning



Title I

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Powei of Contiol.- The Piesiuent shall have contiol of all the executive
uepaitments, buieaus, anu offices. Be shall ensuie that the laws be faithfully

Chaptei 2

Sec. 2. Executive 0iueis. - Acts of the Piesiuent pioviuing foi iules of a
geneial oi peimanent chaiactei in implementation oi execution of
constitutional oi statutoiy poweis shall be piomulgateu in executive oiueis.

Sec. S. Auministiative 0iueis. - Acts of the Piesiuent which ielate to paiticulai
aspect of goveinmental opeiations in puisuance of his uuties as auministiative heau
shall be piomulgateu in auministiative oiueis.

Sec. 4. Pioclamations. - Acts of the Piesiuent fixing a uate oi ueclaiing a status
oi conuition of public moment oi inteiest, upon the existence of which the opeiation
of a specific law oi iegulation is maue to uepenu, shall be piomulgateu in
pioclamations which shall have the foice of an executive oiuei.

Sec. S. Nemoianuum 0iueis. - Acts of the Piesiuent on matteis of
auministiative uetail oi of suboiuinate oi tempoiaiy inteiest which only concein a
paiticulai officei oi office of the uoveinment shall be embouieu in memoianuum

Sec. 6. Nemoianuum Ciiculais. - Acts of the Piesiuent on matteis ielating to
inteinal auministiation, which the Piesiuent uesiies to biing to the attention of all
oi some of the uepaitments, agencies, buieaus oi offices of the uoveinment, foi
infoimation oi compliance, shall be embouieu in memoianuum ciiculais.

Sec. 7. ueneial oi Special 0iueis.- Acts anu commanus of the Piesiuent in his
capacity as Commanuei-in-Chief of the Aimeu Foices of the Philippines shall be
issueu as geneial oi special oiueis.

Chaptei S

Sec. 8. Powei to Bepoit. - The Piesiuent shall have the powei to uepoit
aliens subject to the iequiiements of uue piocess.

Sec. 9. Powei to Change Non-Immigiant Status of Aliens. - The Piesiuent,
subject to the piovisions of law, shall have the powei to change the status of non-
immigiants by allowing them to acquiie peimanent iesiuence status without
necessity of visa.

Sec. 1u. Powei to Counteimanu Becisions of the Boaiu of Commissioneis of the
Buieau of Immigiation. - The uecision of the Boaiu of Commissioneis which has
juiisuiction ovei all uepoitation cases shall become final anu executoiy aftei thiity
(Su) uays fiom piomulgation, unless within such peiiou the Piesiuent shall oiuei
the contiaiy.

Sec. 11. Powei ovei Aliens unuei the ueneial Piinciples of Inteinational Law. -
The Piesiuent shall exeicise with iespect to aliens in the Philippines such poweis as
aie iecognizeu by the geneially accepteu piinciples of inteinational law.

Chaptei 4

Sec. 12. Powei of Eminent Bomain. - The Piesiuent shall ueteimine when it is
necessaiy oi auvantageous to exeicise the powei of eminent uomain in behalf of
the National uoveinment, anu uiiect the Solicitoi ueneial, whenevei he ueems the
action auvisable, to institute expiopiiation pioceeuings in the piopei couit.

Sec. 1S. Powei to Biiect Escheat oi Reveision Pioceeuings. - The Piesiuent shall
uiiect the Solicitoi ueneial to institute escheat oi ieveision pioceeuings ovei all
lanus tiansfeiieu oi assigneu to peisons uisqualifieu unuei the Constitution to
acquiie lanu.

Sec. 14. Powei to Reseive Lanus of the Public anu Piivate Bomain of the
uoveinment. - (1) The Piesiuent shall have the powei to ieseive foi settlement oi
public use, anu foi specific public puiposes, any of the lanus of the public uomain,
the use of which is not otheiwise uiiecteu by law. The ieseiveu lanu shall theieaftei
iemain subject to the specific public puipose inuicateu until otheiwise pioviueu by
law oi pioclamation;

(2) Be shall also have the powei to ieseive fiom sale oi othei uisposition anu
foi specific public uses oi puiposes, any lanu belonging to the piivate uomain of the
uoveinment, oi any of the Fiiai Lanus, the use of which is not otheiwise uiiecteu by
law, anu theieaftei such lanu shall be useu foi the puiposes specifieu by such
pioclamation until otheiwise pioviueu by law.

Sec. 1S. Powei ovei Ill-gotten Wealth. - The Piesiuent shall uiiect the Solicitoi
ueneial to institute pioceeuings to iecovei piopeities unlawfully acquiieu by public
officials oi employees, fiom them oi fiom theii nominees oi tiansfeiees.

Within the peiiou fixeu in, oi any extension theieof authoiizeu by, the
Constitution, the Piesiuent shall have the authoiity to iecovei ill-gotten piopeities
amasseu by the leaueis anu suppoiteis of the pievious iegime anu piotect the
inteiest of the people thiough oiueis of sequestiation oi fieezing of assets oi

Chaptei S

Sec. 16. Powei of Appointment. - The Piesiuent shall exeicise the powei to
appoint such officials as pioviueu foi in the Constitution anu laws.

Sec. 17. Powei to Issue Tempoiaiy Besignation. - (1) The Piesiuent may
tempoiaiily uesignate an officei alieauy in the goveinment seivice oi any othei
competent peison to peifoim the functions of an office in the executive bianch,
appointment to which is vesteu in him by law, when: (a) the officei iegulaily
appointeu to the office is unable to peifoim his uuties by ieason of illness, absence
oi any othei cause; oi (b) theie exists a vacancy;

(2) The peison uesignateu shall ieceive the compensation attacheu to the
position, unless he is alieauy in the goveinment seivice in which case he shall
ieceive only such auuitional compensation as, with his existing salaiy, shall not
exceeu the salaiy authoiizeu by law foi the position filleu. The compensation heieby
authoiizeu shall be paiu out of the funus appiopiiateu foi the office oi agency

(S) In no case shall a tempoiaiy uesignation exceeu one (1) yeai.

Chaptei 6

Sec. 18. ueneial Supeivision 0vei Local uoveinments. - The Piesiuent shall
exeicise geneial supeivision ovei local goveinments.

Chaptei 7

Sec. 19. Poweis 0nuei the Constitution. - The Piesiuent shall exeicise such othei
poweis as aie pioviueu foi in the Constitution.

Sec. 2u. Resiuual Poweis. - 0nless Congiess pioviues otheiwise, the Piesiuent
shall exeicise such othei poweis anu functions vesteu in the Piesiuent which aie
pioviueu foi unuei the laws anu which aie not specifically enumeiateu above, oi
which aie not uelegateu by the Piesiuent in accoiuance with law.

Title II

Chaptei 8

Sec. 21. 0iganization. - The 0ffice of the Piesiuent shall consist of the 0ffice of the
Piesiuent Piopei anu the agencies unuei it.

Sec. 22. 0ffice foi the Piesiuent Piopei. - (1) The 0ffice of the Piesiuent Piopei
shall consist of the Piivate 0ffice, the Executive 0ffice, the Common Staff Suppoit
System, anu the Piesiuential Special AssistantsAuviseis System;

(2) The Executive 0ffice iefeis to the 0ffices of the Executive Secietaiy,
Beputy Executive Secietaiies anu Assistant Executive Secietaiies;

(S) The Common Staff Suppoit System embiaces the offices oi units unuei the
geneial categoiies of uevelopment anu management, geneial goveinment
auministiation anu inteinal auministiation; anu

(4) The Piesiuent Special AssistantsAuviseis System incluues such special
assistants oi auviseis as may be neeueu by the Piesiuent.

Sec. 2S. The Agencies unuei the 0ffice of the Piesiuent. - The agencies unuei
the 0ffice of the Piesiuent iefei to those offices placeu unuei the chaiimanship of
the Piesiuent, those unuei the supeivision anu contiol of the Piesiuent, those unuei
the auministiative supeivision of the 0ffice of the Piesiuent, those attacheu to it foi
policy anu piogiam cooiuination, anu those that aie not placeu by law oi oiuei
cieating them unuei any specific uepaitment.

Title III

Chaptei 9


Sec. 24. Functions of the Piivate 0ffice. - The Piivate 0ffice shall pioviue uiiect
seivices to the Piesiuent anu shall foi this puipose attenu to functions anu matteis
that aie peisonal oi which peitain to the Fiist Family.


Sec. 2S. Beclaiation of Policy. - The Executive 0ffice shall be fully iesponsive to the
specific neeus anu iequiiements of the Piesiuent to chieve the puiposes anu
objectives of the 0ffice.

Sec. 26. The Executive Secietaiy, the Beputy Executive Secietaiies, anu the
Assistant Executive Secietaiies. - The Executive 0ffice shall be heaueu by the
Executive Secietaiy who shall be assisteu by one (1) oi moie Beputy Executive
Secietaiies anu one (1) oi moie Assistant Executive Secietaiies.

Sec. 27. Functions of the Executive Secietaiy. - The Executive Secietaiy shall,
subject to the contiol anu supeivision of the Piesiuent, caiiy out the functions
assigneu by law to the Executive 0ffice anu shall peifoim such othei uuties as may
be uelegateu to him. Be shall:

(1) Biiectly assist the Piesiuent in the management of the affaiis peitaining to
the uoveinment of the Republic of the Philippines;

(2) Implement piesiuential uiiectives, oiueis anu uecisions;

(S) Beciue, foi anu in behalf of the Piesiuent, matteis not iequiiing peisonal
piesiuential attention;

(4) Exeicise supeivision anu contiol ovei the vaiious units in the 0ffice of the
Piesiuent Piopei incluuing theii inteinal auministiative iequiiements;

(S) Exeicise supeivision, in behalf of the Piesiuent, ovei the vaiious agencies
unuei the 0ffice of the Piesiuent;

(6) Appoint officials anu employees of the 0ffice of the Piesiuent whose
appointments aie not vesteu in the Piesiuent;

(7) Pioviue oveiall cooiuination in the opeiation of the Executive 0ffice;

(8) Beteimine anu assign matteis to the appiopiiate units in the 0ffice of the

(9) Bave auministiative iesponsibility foi matteis in the 0ffice of the
Piesiuent coming fiom the vaiious uepaitments anu agencies of goveinment;

(1u) Exeicise piimaiy authoiity to sign papeis "By authoiity of the
Piesiuent", attest executive oiueis anu othei piesiuential issuances unless
attestation is specifically uelegateu to othei officials by him oi by the Piesiuent;

(11) Beteimine, with the Piesiuent's appioval, the appiopiiate assignment of
offices anu agencies not placeu by law unuei any specific executive uepaitment;

(12) Pioviue consultative, ieseaich, fact-finuing anu auvisoiy seivice to the

(1S) Assist the Piesiuent in the peifoimance of functions peitaining to

(14) Assist the Piesiuent in the auministiation of special piojects;

(1S) Take chaige of matteis peitaining to piotocol in State anu ceiemonial

(16) Pioviue secietaiial anu cleiical seivices foi the Piesiuent, the Cabinet,
the Council of State, anu othei auvisoiy bouies to the Piesiuent

(17) Piomulgate such iules anu iegulations necessaiy to caiiy out the
objectives, policies anu functions of the 0ffice of the Piesiuent Piopei;

(18) Peifoim such othei functions as the Piesiuent may uiiect.


Sec. 28. Functions of the Common Staff Suppoit System. - The vaiious staff units
in the 0ffice of the Piesiuent Piopei shall foim a common staff suppoit system anu
shall be oiganizeu along the vaiious tasks of the 0ffice namely:

(1) The Cabinet Secietaiiat which shall assist the Piesiuent in the
establishment of agenua topics foi the Cabinet uelibeiation, oi facilitate the
uiscussion of cabinet meetings. It shall have such oiganization, poweis anu
functions as aie piesciibeu by law;

(2) The Piesiuential Nanagement Staff (PNS) which shall be the piimaiy
goveinment agency uiiectly iesponsible to the 0ffice of the Piesiuent foi pioviuing
staff assistance in the Piesiuential exeicise of oveiall management of the
uevelopment piocess. It shall have such oiganization, poweis anu functions as aie
piesciibeu by law;

(S) ueneial uoveinment Auministiation Staff which shall pioviue the
Piesiuent with staff suppoit on matteis conceining geneial goveinment
auministiation ielative to the opeiations of the national goveinment incluuing the
piovision of legal seivices, auministiative seivices, staff woik on political anu
legislative matteis, infoimation anu assistance to the geneial public, measuies
towaiu iesolution of complaints against public officials anu employees biought to
the attention of the 0ffice of the Piesiuent anu such othei matteis as the Piesiuent
may assign;

(4) Inteinal Auministiative Staff which shall ienuei auxiliaiy anu suppoit
seivices foi the inteinal auministiation of the 0ffice of the Piesiuent.


Sec. 29. Functions of Piesiuential AssistantsAuviseis Systems. - The Special
AssistantsAuviseis System shall pioviue auvisoiy oi consultative seivices to the
Piesiuent in such fielus anu unuei such conuitions as the Piesiuent may ueteimine.

Chaptei 1u

Sec. Su. Function of Agencies 0nuei the 0ffice of the Piesiuent. - Agencies
unuei the 0ffice of the Piesiuent shall continue to opeiate anu function in
accoiuance with theii iespective chaiteis oi laws cieating them, except as
otheiwise pioviueu in this Coue oi by law.

Sec. S1. Continuing Authoiity of the Piesiuent to Reoiganize his 0ffice. - The
Piesiuent, subject to the policy in the Executive 0ffice anu in oiuei to achieve
simplicity, economy anu efficiency, shall have continuing authoiity to ieoiganize the
auministiative stiuctuie of the 0ffice of the Piesiuent. Foi this puipose, he may take
any of the following actions:

(1) Restiuctuie the inteinal oiganization of the 0ffice of the Piesiuent Piopei,
incluuing the immeuiate 0ffices, the Piesiuential Special AssistantsAuviseis System
anu the Common staff Suppoit System, by abolishing, consoliuating oi meiging units
theieof oi tiansfeiiing functions fiom one unit to anothei;

(2) Tiansfei any function unuei the 0ffice of the Piesiuent to any othei
Bepaitment oi Agency as well as tiansfei functions to the 0ffice of the Piesiuent
fiom othei Bepaitments anu Agencies; anu

(S) Tiansfei any agency unuei the 0ffice of the Piesiuent to any othei
uepaitment oi agency as well as tiansfei agencies to the 0ffice of the Piesiuent fiom
othei uepaitments oi agencies.

B00K Iv

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Puipose anu Numbei of Bepaitments. - The Executive Bianch shall have
such Bepaitments as aie necessaiy foi the functional uistiibution of the woik of the
Piesiuent anu foi the peifoimance of theii functions.

Chaptei 2

Sec. 6. Authoiity anu Responsibility of the Secietaiy. - The authoiity anu
iesponsibility foi the exeicise of the manuate of the Bepaitment anu foi the
uischaige of its poweis anu functions shall be vesteu in the Secietaiy, who shall
have supeivision anu contiol of the Bepaitment.

Sec. 7. Poweis anu Functions of the Secietaiy. - The Secietaiy shall:

(1) Auvise the Piesiuent in issuing executive oiueis, iegulations, pioclamations anu
othei issuances, the piomulgation of which is expiessly vesteu by law in the
Piesiuent ielative to matteis unuei the juiisuiction of the Bepaitment;

Sec. 9. Submission of Buuget Estimates. - The Secietaiy shall piepaie anu submit
to the Piesiuent thiough the Bepaitment of Buuget anu Nanagement an estimate of
the necessaiy expenuituies of the uepaitment uuiing the next fiscal yeai, on the
basis of the iepoits anu estimates submitteu by buieaus anu officeis unuei him.

(1) Auvise anu assist the Secietaiy in the foimulation anu implementation of
uepaitment objectives anu policies;

Chaptei S

Sec. 12. Bepaitment Seivices. - Except as otheiwise pioviueu by law, each
Bepaitment shall have Bepaitment Seivices which shall incluue the Planning
Seivice, the Financial anu Nanagement Seivice, the Auministiative Seivice, anu
whenevei necessaiy the Technical anu Legal Seivices.

Chaptei 4

Sec. 18. Buieaus in ueneial. - (1) A Buieau is any piincipal subuivision of the
uepaitment peifoiming a single majoi function oi closely ielateu functions. Buieaus
aie eithei staff oi line.

(a) Auvise anu assist the 0ffice of the Secietaiy on matteis peitaining to the
Buieau's aiea of specialization;

(S) The staff buieau shall avail itself of the planning, financial anu auministiative
seivices in the uepaitment piopei. The buieau may have a sepaiate auministiative
uivision, if ciicumstances so waiiant.

(a) Exeicise supeivision anu contiol ovei all uivision anu othei units, incluuing
iegional offices, unuei the buieau;

Chaptei S

Sec. 21. Regional 0ffices. - Regional 0ffices shall be establisheu accoiuing to law
uefining fielu seivice aieas. The auministiative iegions shall be composeu of a
National Capital Region anu Regions I to XII. Piovincial anu uistiict offices may be
establisheu only by law whenevei necessaiy.

(a) Implement laws, policies, plans, piogiams, iules anu iegulations of the
uepaitment oi agency in the iegional aiea;

(1) Implement laws, policies, iules anu iegulations within the iesponsibility of the

Chaptei 6

Sec. 29. Poweis anu Buties in ueneial. - The heau of buieau oi office shall be its
chief executive officei. Be shall exeicise oveiall authoiity in matteis within the
juiisuiction of the buieau, office oi agency, incluuing those ielating to its opeiations,
anu enfoice all laws anu iegulations peitaining to it.

Chaptei 7

Sec. S8. Befinition of Auministiative Relationship. - 0nless otheiwise expiessly
stateu in the Coue oi in othei laws uefining the special ielationships of paiticulai
agencies, auministiative ielationships shall be categoiizeu anu uefineu as follows:

Chaptei 8

Sec. S9. Secietaiy's Authoiity. - (1) The Secietaiy shall have supeivision anu
contiol ovei the buieaus, offices, anu agencies unuei him, subject to the following

(a) Initiative anu fieeuom of action on the pait of suboiuinate units shall be
encouiageu anu piomoteu, iathei than cuitaileu, anu ieasonable oppoitunity to act
shall be affoiueu those units befoie contiol is exeiciseu;

(2) This Chaptei shall not apply to chaiteieu institutions oi goveinment-owneu oi
contiolleu coipoiations attacheu to the uepaitment.

Chaptei 9

Sec. 42. uoveinment-0wneu oi Contiolleu Coipoiations. - uoveinment-owneu oi
contiolleu coipoiations shall be attacheu to the appiopiiate uepaitment with which
they have allieu functions, as heieinaftei pioviueu, oi as may be pioviueu by
executive oiuei, foi policy anu piogiam cooiuination anu foi geneial supeivision
pioviueu in peitinent piovisions of this Coue.

Chaptei 1u

Sec. 44. Appointment of Secietaiies. - The Secietaiies of Bepaitments shall be
appointeu by the Piesiuent with the consent of the Commission on Appointments, at
the beginning of his teim of office, anu shall holu office, unless soonei iemoveu,
until the expiiation of his teim of office, oi until theii successois shall have been
appointeu anu qualifieu.

Chaptei 11

Sec. Su. ueneial Classification of Issuances. - The auministiative issuances of
Secietaiies anu heaus of buieaus, offices oi agencies shall be in the foim of ciiculais
oi oiueis.

Chaptei 12

Sec. S4. Chaiges foi Piopeity Solu oi Seivices Renueieu; Refunus. - (1) Foi
seivices iequiieu by law to be ienueieu foi a fee, foi supplies fuinisheu, oi aiticles
of any kinu solu to othei uivisions of the goveinment oi to any peison, the heau of
buieau, office oi agency may, upon appioval of the Secietaiy chaige anu collect the
cost of the seivice, supplies, oi aiticles oi othei iate in excess of cost piesciibeu by
law oi appioveu by the same authoiity. Foi local goveinments, the iate, except
wheie otheiwise piesciibeu by law, shall be affixeu at cost oi at such othei
ieasonable iate in excess of cost by the boaius oi councils conceineu;

Chaptei 1S

Sec. S7. Conveyances anu Contiacts to which the uoveinment is a Paity. - Any
ueeu, instiument oi contiact conveying the title to ieal estate oi to any othei
piopeity the value of which uoes not exceeu fifty million pesos (PSu,uuu,uuu)
awaiueu thiough public biuuing, anu five million pesos (PS,uuu,uuu) awaiueu
thiough negotiation, shall be executeu anu signeu by the iespective Secietaiy on
behalf of the uoveinment of the Philippines. Wheie the value of the piopeity
exceeus the afoiesaiu ceilings, such ueeu, instiument oi contiact shall be executeu
anu signeu by the Piesiuent of the Philippines on behalf of the uoveinment.

Chaptei 14

Sec. 66. Bow Settleu. - All uisputes, claims anu contioveisies, solely between oi
among the uepaitments, buieaus, offices, agencies anu instiumentalities of the
National uoveinment, incluuing goveinment-owneu oi contiolleu coipoiations,
such as those aiising fiom the inteipietation anu application of statutes, contiacts
oi agieements, shall be auministiatively settleu oi aujuuicateu in the mannei
pioviueu in this Chaptei. This Chaptei shall, howevei, not apply to uisputes
involving the Congiess, the Supieme Couit, the Constitutional Commissions, anu
local goveinments.

Title I

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The State shall puisue an inuepenuent foieign
policy. In its ielations with othei states the paiamount consiueiation shall be
national soveieignty, teiiitoiial integiity, national inteiest, anu the iight to self-

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. 0ffices 0nuei the Biiect Supeivision of the Secietaiy. - The Secietaiy shall
exeicise uiiect supeivision ovei the following:

Chaptei S

Sec. 1u. 0ffice of the Legal Auvisei. - The 0ffice of the Legal Auvisei shall be
heaueu by a Legal Auvisei, who shall be a caieei Chief of Nission. Bowevei, the
Legal Auvisei may be appointeu by the Piesiuent, upon the iecommenuation of the
Secietaiy, fiom outsiue the caieei seivice, in which case he shall have the
assimilateu iank of a Chief of Nission. Bis teim shall be co-teiminus with the tenuie
of the Secietaiy, unless soonei teiminateu, anu he is not eligible foi foieign
assignment. The Legal Auvisei shall pioviue legal auvice anu seivices to the

Chaptei 4

Sec. 1S. Composition. - The Boaiu of Foieign Seivice Auministiation shall be
composeu of nine (9) membeis: one (1) 0nueisecietaiy as Chaiiman; the othei
0nueisecietaiy as vice-Chaiiman; the six (6) Assistant Secietaiies anu the Legal
Auvisei, as membeis.

Chaptei S

Sec. 17. Composition. - The Boaiu of Foieign Seivice Examineis shall be
composeu of one (1) 0nueisecietaiy as Chaiiman; anu the Assistant Secietaiy foi
Peisonnel anu Auministiative Seivices anu a Commissionei of the Civil Seivice
Commission as membeis. The Boaiu shall be unuei the auministiative supeivision
of such 0nueisecietaiy.

Chaptei 6

Sec. 19. Attacheu Agencies. - The Law of the Sea Secietaiiat, the Intei-Agency
Technical Committee on Economic, Scientific anu Technical Coopeiation with
Socialist Countiies (S0CC0N), the Intei-Agency Technical Committee on Technical
Coopeiation Among Beveloping Countiies (IATC-TC), the Peimanent Intei-Agency
Technical Committee on ESCAP Natteis (PITCEN), anu othei agencies attacheu to
the Bepaitment shall continue to opeiate anu function in accoiuance with theii
iespective chaiteis oi laws cieating them, except as otheiwise pioviueu in this

Chaptei 7

Sec. 2u. Functions of Biplomatic Nissions. - The Biplomatic Nissions shall:

Chaptei 8

Sec. 22. Attaches of the Bepaitment. - The Bepaitment Beau shall uesignate
attaches of the Bepaitment fiom the ianks of Foieign Seivice 0fficeis anu Foieign
Seivice Staff 0fficeis.

Chaptei 9

Sec. 29. Policy. - To enable the Foieign Seivice to effectively seive abioau the
inteiests of the Republic of the Philippines, it shall be the policy of the Bepaitment
that only peisons who aie competent, of goou moial chaiactei, anu fully infoimeu of
the Philippine Bistoiy anu cuiient tienus in Filipino life shall be appointeu to the

Chaptei 1u

Sec. SS. Foieign Seivice 0fficeis. - (1) Foieign Seivice 0fficeis shall be appointeu
by the Piesiuent.

Chaptei 11

Sec. S9. Neiit Piomotion System. - The Boaiu of the Foieign Seivice shall establish
a meiit piomotion system foi all officeis anu employees of the Bepaitment.

Chaptei 12

Sec. 4S. Rotation Plan. - The secietaiy shall establish a system of assignments anu
tiansfeis to ensuie that all qualifieu officeis anu employees, except the employees in
the non-caieei seivice, shall seive in uiplomatic anu consulai establishments in
uiffeient iegions of the woilu. The assignment anu tiansfei of peisonnel shall follow
a iegulai iotation plan. Foi puiposes of assignments, the home office shall be
consiueieu a post. All peisonnel shall be available foi assignment to any post.

Chaptei 1S

Sec. 48. Befinition. - A Philippine passpoit is an official uocument of iuentity of
Philippine citizenship of the holuei issueu foi tiavel puiposes.

Chaptei 14

Sec. SS. 0se of Savings. - The Secietaiy is authoiizeu to use any savings in the
appiopiiations foi the Bepaitment foi the payment of: (a) expenses foi the
evacuation oi iepatiiation to the Philippines, when necessaiy uue to an emeigency,
of membeis of the householu of the peisonnel of any uiplomatic oi consulai
establishment as well as the tianspoitation of theii peisonal effects; (b) actual
ietuin passage by the most uiiect anu economical means of tianspoitation anu the
cost of shipment of the householu effects to Nanila of any officei oi employee in the
Foieign Seivice, incluuing the immeuiate uepenuent membeis of his family, who
iesigns oi is sepaiateu fiom the seivice foi cause; (c) the cost of piepaiing anu
tianspoiting the iemains of an officei oi employee who is a citizen of the Philippines
anu the immeuiate membeis of his family who may uie abioau oi while in tiavel
status; oi (u) contingent anu unfoieseen expenses that may aiise in connection with
the opeiation of the Foieign Seivice.

Title II

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - It is the policy of the State that the Bepaitment of
Finance shall be piimaiily iesponsible foi the sounu anu efficient management of
the financial iesouices of the uoveinment, its subuivisions, agencies anu

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. 0ffice of the Secietaiy. - The 0ffice of the Secietaiy shall consist of the
Secietaiy, his 0nueisecietaiy anu theii immeuiate staffs.

Chaptei S

Sec. 8. Policy Bevelopment anu Nanagement Seivices uioup. - The Policy
Bevelopment anu Nanagement Seivices uioup, which shall be heaueu by an
0nueisecietaiy, shall consist of the following:

Chaptei 4

Sec. 16. 0peiations uioups. - The 0peiation uioups, each of which shall be heaueu
by an 0nueisecietaiy, shall consist of the following:

Chaptei S

Sec. 4u. Regional 0ffices. - Theie shall be a Regional 0ffice in each iegion. Each
Regional 0ffice shall be heaueu by a Regional Biiectoi.

Chaptei 6

Sec. 42. Attacheu Agencies. - The following agencies aie heieby attacheu to the

Title III - }0STICE

Chaptei I

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - It is the ueclaieu policy of the State to pioviue the
goveinment with a piincipal law agency which shall be both its legal counsel anu
piosecution aim; auministei the ciiminal justice system in accoiuance with the
accepteu piocesses theieof consisting in the investigation of the ciimes, piosecution
of offenueis anu auministiation of the coiiectional system; implement the laws on
the aumission anu stay of aliens, citizenship, lanu titling system, anu settlement of
lanu pioblems involving small lanuowneis anu membeis of inuigenous cultuial
minoiities; anu pioviue fiee legal seivices to inuigent membeis of the society.

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. The Bepaitment Piopei. - The Bepaitment Piopei shall be composeu of the
0ffice of the Secietaiy anu the 0nueisecietaiies, Technical anu Auministiative
Seivice, Financial Nanagement Seivice, Legal Staff anu the 0ffice of the Chief State

Chaptei S

Sec. 1u. 0ffice of the uoveinment Coipoiate Counsel. - The 0ffice of the
uoveinment Coipoiate Counsel (0uCC) shall act as the piincipal law office of all
goveinment-owneu oi contiolleu coipoiations, theii subsiuiaiies, othei coipoiate
off-spiings anu goveinment acquiieu asset coipoiations anu shall exeicise contiol
anu supeivision ovei all legal uepaitments oi uivisions maintaineu sepaiately anu
such poweis anu functions as aie now oi may heieaftei be pioviueu by law. In the
exeicise of such contiol anu supeivision, the uoveinment Coipoiate Counsel shall
piomulgate iules anu iegulations to effectively implement the objectives of the

Chaptei 4

Sec. 11. National Buieau of Investigation. - The National Buieau of Investigation
(NBI) with all its uuly authoiizeu constituent units incluuing its iegional anu uistiict
offices anu iehabilitation centei, shall continue to peifoim the poweis anu functions
as aie now vesteu in it unuei the existing law anu such auuitional functions as may
heieaftei be pioviueu by law.

Chaptei S

Sec. 14. Public Attoiney's 0ffice (PA0). - The Citizen's Legal Assistance 0ffice
(CLA0) is ienameu Public Attoiney's 0ffice (PA0). It shall exeicise the poweis anu
functions as aie now pioviueu by law foi the Citizen's Legal Assistance 0ffice oi may
heieaftei be pioviueu by law.

Chaptei 6

Sec. 17. Boaiu of Paiuons anu Paiole. - The Boaiu of Paiuons anu Paiole shall
continue to uischaige the poweis anu functions as pioviueu in existing law anu such
auuitional functions as may be pioviueu by law.

Chaptei 7

Sec. 2S. Paiole anu Piobation Auministiation. - The Paiole anu Piobation
Auministiation heieinaftei iefeiieu to as the Auministiation shall have the
follolwing functions:

Chaptei 8

Sec. 26. Buieau of Coiiections. - The Buieau of Coiiections shall have its piincipal
task the iehabilitation of piisoneis. The Buieau of Coiiections shall exeicise such
poweis anu functions as aie now pioviueu foi the Buieau of Piisons oi may
heieaftei be pioviueu by law.

Chaptei 9

Sec. 28. The Lanu Registiation Authoiity. - The Lanu Registiation Authoiity,
heieinaftei iefeiieu to as the Authoiity shall continue to exeicise its poweis anu
functions unuei existing law on the Lanu Titles anu Beeus Registiation Authoiity
anu those which may heieaftei be pioviueu by law.

Chapei 1u

Sec. S1. Buieau of Immigiation. - The Buieau of Immigiation is piincipally
iesponsible foi the auministiation anu enfoicement of immigiation, citizenship anu
alien aumission anu iegistiation laws in accoiuance with the piovisions of the
Philippine Immigiation Act of 194u, as amenueu (C.A. No. 61S, as amenueu). The
following units shall compiise the stiuctuial oiganization of the Buieau:

Chaptei 11

Sec. S2. Commission on the Settlement of Lanu Pioblems. - The Commission on the
Settlement of Lanu Pioblems shall be iesponsible foi the settlement of lanu
pioblems involving small lanuowneis anu membeis of cultuial minoiities. It shall
also peifoim such othei functions, as aie now oi may heieaftei be pioviueu by law.

Chaptei 12

Sec. S4. 0iganizational Stiuctuie. - The 0ffice of the Solicitoi ueneial shall be an
inuepenuent anu autonomous office attacheu to the Bepaitment of }ustice.

Title Iv - AuRIC0LT0RE

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The State shall piomote the well being of faimeis,
incluuing shaie tenants, leaseholueis, settleis, fisheimen, anu othei iuial woikeis
by pioviuing an enviionment in which they can inciease theii income, impiove theii
living conuitions, anu maximize theii contiibutions to the national economy.
Towaiu this enu, the State shall acceleiate agiicultuial uevelopment anu enhance
the piouuction of agiicultuial ciops, fisheiies, anu livestock by optimizing the use of
iesouices anu by applying mouein faiming systems anu technology in oiuei to
attain foou secuiity foi uomestic use anu expanu anu uiveisify agiicultuial
piouuction foi expoit. It shall also encouiage piivate initiative in agii-business
ventuies both in the piouuction anu in the expoitation anu impoitation of foou anu
othei allieu commouities.

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. 0ffice of the Secietaiy. - The 0ffice of the Secietaiy shall consist of the
Secietaiy anu his immeuiate staff as ueteimineu by him.

Chaptei S

Sec. 1u. Planning anu Nonitoiing Seivice. - The Planning anu Nonitoiing Seivice
shall be iesponsible foi the foimulation anu integiation of plans anu piogiams,
emanating fiom all units of the Bepaitment, incluuing the Buieau, Regional 0ffices
anu Attacheu Agencies. It shall also be iesponsible foi uata analysis anu monitoiing
of the implementation of saiu plans anu piogiams thiough its management
infoimation system.

Chaptei 4 - B0REA0S ANB 0FFICES

Sec. 18. Buieau of Animal Inuustiies. - The Buieau of Animal Inuustiy shall:

Chaptei S

Sec. 26. Functions. - The Bepaitment of Agiicultuie is authoiizeu to establish,
opeiate, anu maintain a Regional 0ffice in each of the auministiative iegions of the
countiy. Each Regional 0ffice shall be heaueu by a Regional Biiectoi, to be assisteu
by thiee (S) Assistant Regional Biiectois, assigneu to 0peiations, Reseaich, anu
Suppoit Seivices, iespectively. Each Regional 0ffice shall have, within its
auministiative iegions, the following uuties anu iesponsibilities:

Sec. 47. Attacheu Agencies. - The following units aie heieby attacheu to the

Title v

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The State shall maintain an engineeiing anu
constiuction aim anu continuously uevelop its technology, foi the puiposes of
ensuiing the safety of all infiastiuctuie facilities anu secuiing foi all public woiks
anu highways the highest efficiency anu the most appiopiiate quality in
constiuction. The planning, uesign, constiuction anu maintenance of infiastiuctuie
facilities, especially national highways, floou contiol anu watei iesouices
uevelopment systems, anu othei public woiks in accoiuance with national
uevelopment objectives, shall be the iesponsibility of such an engineeiing anu
constiuction aim. Bowevei, the exeicise of this iesponsibility shall be uecentializeu
to the fullest extent feasible.

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. 0ffice of the Secietaiy. - The 0ffice of the Secietaiy shall be composeu of
the Secietaiy anu his immeuiate staff.

Chaptei S

Sec. 8. Inteinal Auuit Seivice. - The Inteinal Auuit Seivice shall conuuct
compiehensive auuit of vaiious Bepaitment activities. Specifically, it shall have the
following functions:

Chaptei 4

Sec. 14. Buieau Beau. - Each Buieau shall be heaueu by a Buieau Biiectoi who
shall be iesponsible foi efficiently anu effectively caiiying out the functions of the

Chaptei S

Sec. 2u. Regional 0ffices. - Regional 0ffices shall be iesponsible foi highways,
floou contiol anu watei iesouice uevelopment systems, anu othei public woiks
within the iegion, except those uefineu in Section S, pai. (4) heieof. Foi this
puipose, theii uuties anu iesponsibilities shall be as follows:

Chaptei 6

Sec. 2S. Attacheu Agencies anu Coipoiations. - Agencies anu coipoiations
attacheu to the Bepaitment shall continue to opeiate anu function in accoiuance
with theii iespective chaiteislawsexecutive oiueis cieating them. Accoiuingly,
the Netiopolitan Wateiwoiks anu Seweiage System, the Local Watei 0tilities
Auministiation, the National Iiiigation Auministiation, anu the National Watei
Resouices Council, among otheis, shall continue to be attacheu to the Bepaitment;
while the Netiopolitan Nanila Floou Contiol anu Biainage Council, as ieoiganizeu,
shall be attacheu to the Bepaitment.

Title vI

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The State shall piotect anu piomote the iight of all
citizens to quality euucation at all levels anu shall take appiopiiate steps to make
such euucation accessible to all. Puisuant to this, the State shall:

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. 0ffice of the Secietaiy. - The 0ffice of the Secietaiy shall be composeu of
the Secietaiy anu his immeuiate staff.
Chaptei S

Sec. 7. Functions of the Seivices. - The Seivices of the Bepaitment shall consist of
the following:

Chaptei 4

Sec. 8. 0iganization. - The Boaiu shall be composeu of an 0nueisecietaiy of the
Bepaitment of Euucation, Cultuie anu Spoits uesignateu as Chaiiman anu foui othei
membeis to be appointeu by the Piesiuent of the Philippines upon nomination by
the Secietaiy of Euucation, Cultuie anu Spoits foi a teim of foui yeais. The foui
membeis shall have uistinguisheu themselves in the fielu of highei euucation anu
uevelopment eithei in the public oi piivate sectoi. The Biiectoi of the Buieau of
Bighei Euucation shall paiticipate in the uelibeiation of the Boaiu but without the
iight to vote.
Chaptei S

Sec. 11. uoveinance. - By viitue of his chaiimanship of theii boaius of tiustees as
pioviueu in theii iespective chaiteis, the Secietaiy, uiiectly oi thiough his
0nueisecietaiies, shall continue to govein state colleges anu univeisities.

Chaptei 6

Sec. 12. Buieau of Elementaiy Euucation. - The Buieau of Elementaiy Euucation
shall have following functions:

Chaptei 7

Sec. 18. 0iganization. - The Bepaitment is heieby authoiizeu to establish, opeiate
anu maintain a Regional 0ffice in each of the auministiative iegions of the countiy.
Each Regional 0ffice shall be heaueu by a Regional Biiectoi who shall be assisteu by
an Assistant Regional Biiectoi. The Regional Biiectoi shall be iesponsible foi the
School Bivisions anu theii Supeiintenuents within his auministiative iegion.

Chaptei 8

Sec. 2u. Attacheu Agencies. - The following agencies aie heieby attacheu to the

Chaptei 9

Sec. 2S. Neuium of Instiuction. - The Bepaitment shall piomulgate iules anu the
iegulations on the meuium of instiuction foi all schools in accoiuance with the
policy ueclaieu in Section 7, Aiticle XIv of the Constitution.

Title vII

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - (1) The State shall affoiu full piotection to laboi anu
piomote full employment anu equality of employment oppoitunities foi all.

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. 0ffice of the Secietaiy. - The 0ffice of the Secietaiy shall consist of the
Secietaiy anu his immeuiate staff.


Sec. 9. Planning Seivice. - The Planning Seivice shall pioviue the Bepaitment with
efficient, effective anu economical seivices ielating to planning, piogiamming,
pioject uevelopment anu evaluation, anu the uevelopment anu implementation of a
management infoimation system.

Chaptei 4

Sec. 16. Buieau of Laboi Relations. - The Buieau of Laboi Relations shall set
policies, stanuaius, anu pioceuuies on the iegistiation anu supeivision of legitimate
laboi union activities incluuing uenial, cancellation anu ievocation of laboi union
peimits. It shall also set policies, stanuaius, anu pioceuuie ielating to collective
baigaining agieements, anu the examination of financial iecoius of accounts of
laboi oiganizations to ueteimine compliance with ielevant laws.

Chaptei S

Sec. 24. Regional 0ffices, Bistiict 0ffices anu Piovincial Extension 0nits. - The
Bepaitment is heieby authoiizeu to establish, opeiate anu maintain such
Bepaitment-wiue Regional 0ffices, Bistiict 0ffices anu Piovincial Extension 0nits in
each of the auministiative iegions of the countiy, insofai as necessaiy to piomote
economy anu efficiency in the ueliveiy of its seivices. Its Regional 0ffice shall be
heaueu by a Regional Biiectoi who shall have supeivision anu contiol theieof. The
Regional Biiectoi, whenevei necessaiy, shall be assisteu by an Assistant Regional
Biiectoi. A Regional 0ffice shall have, within its iegional aieas, the following

Chaptei 6

Sec. 2S. Attacheu Agencies. - The following agencies aie attacheu to the
Bepaitment foi policy anu piogiam cooiuination anu auministiative supeivision:

Title vIII

Subtitle I

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policies. - (1) The piime uuty of the uoveinment is to seive
anu piotect the people. uoveinment may call upon the people to uefenu the State
anu, in fulfillment theieof, all citizens may be iequiieu, unuei conuitions pioviueu
by law, to ienuei peisonal militaiy oi civil seivice.

Chaptei 2

Sec. 2. Beclaiation of Policies. - (1) The foimulation of integiateu anu iationalizeu
national, foieign, militaiy, political, economic, social anu euucational policies,
piogiams, anu pioceuuies vital to the secuiity of the state.

Chaptei S

Sec. 9. Functions. - The National Intelligence Cooiuinating Agency, heieinaftei
iefeiieu to as the Agency, shall:

Subtitle II

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1S. Beclaiation of Policy. - The uefense establishment shall be maintaineu to
maximize its effectiveness foi guaiuing against exteinal anu inteinal thieats to
national peace anu secuiity anu pioviue suppoit foi social anu economic

Chaptei 2

Sec. 19. 0ffice of the Secietaiy. - The 0ffice of the Secietaiy shall consist of the
Secietaiy anu his immeuiate staff as ueteimineu by him.

Chaptei S

Sec. 24. 0iganization. - The uoveinment Aisenal shall be heaueu by a Biiectoi
who shall be assisteu by one oi moie Assistant Biiectois. It shall have staff anu
opeiating units pioviueu by law.

Chaptei 4

Sec. 27. 0iganization. - The 0ffice of Civil Befense shall be heaueu by an
Auministiatoi who shall be assisteu by a Beputy Auministiatoi. The 0ffice shall
have staff anu opeiating units as may be pioviueu by law.

Chaptei S

Sec. S1. 0iganization. - The Philippine veteians Affaiis 0ffice shall be heaueu by
an Auministiatoi who may be assisteu by one Beputy Auministiatoi. It shall have
staff anu opeiating units pioviueu by law.

Chaptei 6

Sec. SS. Functions. - The Aimeu Foices of the Philippines (AFP) shall:

Chaptei 7

Sec. 4u. Functions. - The ueneial Beauquaiteis, AFP, shall:

Chaptei 8

Sec. 46. 0iganization.- The Najoi Seivices shall be oiganizeu by the Chief of Staff
in accoiuance with the policies laiu uown by the Secietaiy of National Befense. The
commanueis of the Najoi Seivices shall holu such giaue as pioviueu by law, anu
shall be appointeu by the Piesiuent upon the iecommenuation of the Secietaiy of
National Befense.

Chaptei 9

Sec. S8. 0iganization. - (1) The Philippine Nilitaiy Acauemy is the piimaiy
tiaining anu euucational institution of the AFP. It shall be the piimaiy souices of
iegulai officeis of the Stanuing Foice.

Chaptei 1u

Sec. 6u. 0iganization anu Auministiation. - (1) The National Befense College of the
Philippines, heieaftei iefeiieu to as the College, shall be unuei the uiiection,
supeivision anu contiol of the Secietaiy of National Befense.

Chaptei 11

Sec. 6S. Composition. - 0nless otheiwise pioviueu by law, the Integiateu National
Police shall be composeu of the Philippine Constabulaiy as the nucleus anu the
Integiateu Police Foice, Fiie Seivices as }ail Nanagement Seivices as components,
unuei the Bepaitment of National Befense.

Chaptei 12

Sec. 68. Attacheu Agencies. - Agencies which aie attacheu to the Bepaitment shall
opeiate in accoiuance with theii iespective oiganizational stiuctuies anu peifoim
the functions anu uuties assigneu to them by law, subject to the iequiiements of
economy, efficiency, anu effectiveness.

Subtitle III

Sec. 69. Beclaiation of Policy. - (1) The State shall establish anu maintain one
police foice which shall be national in scope anu civilian in chaiactei, to be
auministeieu anu contiolleu by a national police commission anu shall pioviue, by
law, the authoiity of local executives ovei the police units in theii juiisuiction.

Title IX

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The State shall piotect anu piomote the iight to
health of the people anu instill health consciousness among them; auopt an
integiateu anu compiehensive appioach to health uevelopment, with piioiity foi
the unueipiivilegeu sick, elueily, uisableu, women anu chiluien; enueavoi to make
essential goous, health anu othei social seivices available to all the people at
affoiuable cost; establish anu maintain an effective foou anu uiug iegulatoiy
system; anu unueitake appiopiiate health manpowei uevelopment anu ieseaich,
iesponsive to the countiy's health neeus anu pioblems.

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. Bepaitment Piopei. - The Bepaitment Piopei shall be composeu of the
0ffice of the Secietaiy, the 0ffice foi Nanagement Seivices, the 0ffice foi Public
Bealth Seivices, the 0ffice foi Bospital anu Facilities Seivices, the 0ffice foi
Stanuaius anu Regulations, anu the Executive Committee foi National Fileu

Chaptei S

Sec. 12. 0ffice foi Nanagement Seivices. - The 0ffice foi Nanagement Seivices,
heaueu by an 0nueisecietaiy who shall be suppoiteu by an Assistant Secietaiy,
shall incluue six (6) staff seivices involveu in pioviuing suppoit seivices to the
Bepaitment Piopei, fielu offices anu attacheu agencies, which aie as follows:

Chaptei 4

Sec. 1S. 0ffice foi Public Bealth Seivices. - The 0ffice foi Public Bealth Seivices,
heaueu by an 0nueisecietaiy, shall incluue ten (1u) staff seivices involveu in policy
foimulation, stanuaius uevelopment, piogiams uevelopment, anu piogiam
monitoiing of uisease contiol anu seivice ueliveiy piogiams implementeu by the
fielu offices. The 0nueisecietaiy foi Public Bealth Seivices, who shall be suppoiteu
by an Assistant Secietaiy, shall supeivise the following:

Chaptei S

Sec. 16. 0ffice foi National Fielu 0peiations. - The 0ffice foi National Fielu
0peiations, thiough an Executive Committee, shall supeivise the opeiations of the
vaiious Regional Fielu 0ffices anu the National Bealth Facilities, as enumeiateu in
Section 17(S) anu fuithei uesciibeu in Sections 18, 19 anu 2u heieof.

Chaptei 6

Sec. 24. Attacheu Entities. - The Philippine Neuical Caie Commission anu the
Bangeious Biugs Boaiu shall be attacheu to the Bepaitment anu shall continue to
opeiate anu function in accoiuance with the law cieating them, except as otheiwise
pioviueu in this Coue.

Title X

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The State shall uevelop a self-ieliant anu
inuepenuent national economy effectively contiolleu by Filipinos. It iecognizes the
inuispensable iole of the piivate sectoi, encouiages piivate enteipiise, anu pioviues
incentives to neeueu investments.

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. 0ffice of the Secietaiy. - The 0ffice of the Secietaiy shall consist of the
Secietaiy, his immeuiate staff, the 0nueisecietaiy foi Policy Planning anu Suppoit
Seivices, anu the 0ffices anu Seivices uiiectly suppoitive of the 0ffice of the
Secietaiy. The functions of the foiegoing shall be as follows:

Chaptei S

Sec. 1u. 0ffice of the 0nueisecietaiy foi Bomestic Tiaue. - The 0ffice of the
0nueisecietaiy foi Bomestic Tiaue shall incluue all the staff buieaus anu seivices
involveu in policy foimulation, stanuaius uevelopment, iegulatoiy, anu seivice
ueliveiy piogiams peitinent to uomestic tiaue anu commeice being implementeu
by the Bepaitment's line opeiating units. The 0nueisecietaiy foi Bomestic Tiaue
shall supeivise the following:

Chaptei 4

Sec. 11. 0ffice of the 0nueisecietaiy foi Inteinational Tiaue. - The 0ffice of the
0nueisecietaiy foi Inteinational Tiaue shall incluue all the units involveu in policy
foimulation, stanuaius uevelopment, piogiam monitoiing of the uevelopment,
iegulatoiy, anu seivice ueliveiy piogiams of the Bepaitment peitinent to
inteinational tiaue anu commeice being implementeu by the Bepaitment's line
opeiating units. The 0nueisecietaiy foi Inteinational Tiaue shall supeivise the

Chaptei S

Sec. 12. 0ffice of the 0nueisecietaiy foi Inuustiy anu Investments. - The 0ffice of
the 0nueisecietaiy foi Inuustiy anu Investments shall supeivise all agencies
involveu in the foimulation anu implementation of piogiams anu piojects peitinent
to the uevelopment of uomestic inuustiies anu the piomotion of investments in
activities oi enteipiises ciitical to the Bepaitment's tiaue anu inuustiy
uevelopment piogiam.

Chaptei 6

Sec. 1S. 0ffice of the 0nueisecietaiy foi Regional 0peiations. - The 0ffice of the
0nueisecietaiy foi Regional 0peiations shall exeicise supeivision anu contiol ovei
the Bepaitment's Regional 0ffices, uesciibeu in Section 9, pai. 1 heieof. It shall be
iesponsible foi the fielu opeiations of the Bepaitment, ensuiing full compliance
with Bepaitment policies, iigoious implementation of Bepaitment anu iegulations,
anu piopei implementation of Bepaitment plans anu piogiams by the Regional
0ffices in theii iespective auministiative juiisuictions.

Chaptei 7

Sec. 1S. Line Coipoiate Agencies anu uoveinment Entities. - The following aie the
Line Coipoiate Agencies anu uoveinment Entities that will peifoim theii specific
iegulatoiy functions, paiticulai uevelopmental iesponsibilities, anu specializeu
business activities in a mannei consonant with the Bepaitments' manuate,
objectives, policies, plans, anu piogiams:

Title XI

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The State shall unueitake an agiaiian iefoim
piogiam founueu on the iight of faimeis anu iegulai faimwoikeis who aie lanuless
to own uiiectly oi collectively the lanus they till oi, in the case of othei faimwoikeis,
to ieceive a just shaie of the fiuits theieof.

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. 0ffice of the Secietaiy. - The 0ffice of the Secietaiy shall consist of the
Secietaiy anu his immeuiate staff.

Chaptei S

Sec. 8. Nanagement anu Executive Seivices. - The Nanagement anu Executive
Seivices shall have the following functions:

Chaptei 4

Sec. 1S. Buieau of Agiaiian Legal Assistance. - The Buieau of Agiaiian Legal
Assistance shall have the following functions:

Chaptei S

Sec. 18. Regional 0ffice. - The Regional 0ffice shall be iesponsible foi suppoiting
the fielu units anu supeivising piogiam implementation of the Bepaitment within
the iegion. It shall:

Title XII

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The State shall ensuie the autonomy of local
goveinments. Foi this puipose, it shall pioviue foi a moie iesponsive anu
accountable local goveinment stiuctuie instituteu thiough a system of
uecentialization. The allocation of poweis anu iesouices to local goveinment units
shall be piomoteu, anu intei-local goveinment giouping, consoliuation anu
cooiuination of iesouices shall be encouiageu. The State shall guaiantee the local
goveinment units theii just shaie in national taxes anu theii equitable shaie in
pioceeus fiom the use of natuial iesouices, anu affoiu them a wiuei latituue foi
iesouices geneiation.

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. 0ffice of the Secietaiy. - The 0ffice of the Secietaiy shall consist of the
Secietaiy anu his immeuiate staff.

Chaptei S

Sec. 7. Planning Seivice. - The Planning Seivice shall be iesponsible foi pioviuing
the Bepaitment with efficient anu effective seivices ielating to planning,
piogiamming, ieseaich anu statistics.

Chaptei 4

Sec. 12. Buieau of Local uoveinment Supeivision. - The Buieau of Local
uoveinment Supeivision, to be heaueu by a Buieau Biiectoi appointeu by the
Piesiuent upon the iecommenuation of the Secietaiy, shall have the following

Chaptei S

Sec. 18. Regional anu Fielu 0ffices. - The Secietaiy is authoiizeu to establish,
opeiate anu maintain one Regional 0ffice in each of the auministiative iegions
establisheu by law. A Regional 0ffice shall have, within its auministiative iegion, the
following functions:

Chaptei 6

Sec. 19. Leagues of Piovinces, Cities anu Nunicipalities. - Theie is heieby cieateu
the Leagues of Piovinces, Cities anu Nunicipalities.

Title XIII

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The State shall piomote, encouiage anu uevelop
touiism as a majoi national activity in which piivate sectoi investment, effoit anu
initiative aie fosteieu anu suppoiteu, anu thiough which socio-economic
uevelopment may be acceleiateu, foieign exchange eaineu, inteinational visitois
offeieu the oppoitunity to tiavel to the Philippines anu appieciate its natuial
beauty, histoiy anu cultuie, anu Filipinos themselves enableu to see moie of theii
countiy anu embueu with gieatei piiue in anu commitment to the nation.

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. 0ffice of the Secietaiy. - The 0ffice of the Secietaiy shall consist of the
Secietaiy anu his immeuiate staff.

Chaptei S

Sec. 7. Bepaitment Seivice Chaiactei anu Beau. - The Bepaitment Seivices shall
be essentially staff in chaiactei, each of which shall be heaueu by a Seivice Chief.

Sec. 8. Financial anu Nanagement Seivice. - The Financial anu Nanagement
Seivice shall pioviue the Bepaitment with staff auvice anu assistance on buugetaiy,
financial anu management matteis anu shall peifoim such othei ielateu functions as
may be assigneu oi uelegateu to it by the Secietaiy.

Chaptei 4

Sec. 11. Buieau anu 0ffice Chaiactei anu Beau. - The Buieaus anu 0ffices shall be
essentially staff in chaiactei, each of which shall be heaueu by a Staff Biiectoi.

Chaptei S

Sec. 19. Foieign Fielu 0ffices. - Subject to the appioval of the Piesiuent, the
Bepaitment shall have foieign offices as may be necessaiy in the maiketing anu
piomotion of the Philippines as an inteinational touiist uestination, which shall
oveisee anu implement the maiketing anu piomotional piogiams of the

Chaptei 6

Sec. 21. Attacheu Agencies. - The Philippine Touiism Authoiity, anu Philippine
Convention Buieau, Intiamuios Auministiation, anu National Paiks Bevelopment
Committee aie heieby attacheu to the Bepaitment anu shall continue to opeiate anu
function in accoiuance with the iespective chaiteislawsoiueis pioviueu in this

Title XIv

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - (1) The State shall ensuie, foi the benefit of the
Filipino people, the full exploiation anu uevelopment as well as the juuicious
uisposition, utilization, management, ienewal anu conseivation of the countiy's
foiest, mineial, lanu, wateis, fisheiies, wilulife, off-shoie aieas anu othei natuial
iesouices, consistent with the necessity of maintaining a sounu ecological balance
anu piotecting anu enhancing the quality of the enviionment anu the objective of
making the exploiation, uevelopment anu utilization of such natuial iesouices
equitably accessible to the uiffeient segments of the piesent as well as futuie

Chaptei 2

Sec. 6. Composition. - The Bepaitment Piopei shall be composeu of the 0ffice of
the Secietaiy, the 0ffices of the 0nueisecietaiies anu Assistant Secietaiies, anu the
Public Affaiis 0ffice, Special Conceins 0ffice, anu the Pollution Aujuuication Boaiu.

Chaptei S

Sec. 14. Foiest Nanagement Buieau. - The Foiest Nanagement Buieau shall be
heaueu by a Biiectoi anu assisteu by an Assistant Biiectoi, anu shall integiate anu
absoib the poweis of the Buieau of Foiest Bevelopment anu the Woou Inuustiy
Bevelopment Authoiity which weie abolisheu by Executive 0iuei No. 1S1, except
those line functions anu poweis theieof which aie tiansfeiieu to the iegional fielu

Chaptei 4

Sec. 2u. Fielu 0ffices of the Bepaitment. - The Fielu offices of the Bepaitment aie
the Enviionmental anu Natuial Resouices Regional 0ffices in the thiiteen (1S)
auministiative iegions of the countiy; the Enviionment anu Natuial Resouices
Piovincial 0ffice in eveiy piovince, anu the Community 0ffice in eveiy municipality,
whenevei ueemeu necessaiy.

Chaptei S

Sec. 2S. Attacheu Agencies anu Coipoiations. - The following agencies anu
coipoiations shall be attacheu to anu unuei the auministiative supeivision of the

Title Xv

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The State is committeu to the maintenance anu
expansion of viable, efficient, fast, safe anu uepenuable tianspoitation anu
communications systems as effective instiuments foi national iecoveiy anu
economic piogiess. It shall not compete as a mattei of policy with piivate enteipiise
anu shall opeiate tianspoitation anu communications facilities only in those aieas
wheie piivate initiatives aie inauequate oi non-existent.

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. 0ffice of the Secietaiy. - The 0ffice of the Secietaiy shall consist of the
Secietaiy, his immeuiate staff, the Fianchising Review Staff anu the Investigation,
Secuiity anu Law Enfoicement Staff.

Chaptei S

Sec. 1S. Bepaitment Seivices. - The Bepaitment Seivices shall incluue the

Chaptei 4

Sec. 14. Regional 0ffices. - The Bepaitment shall have thiee (S) Regional 0ffices in
each of the auministiative iegions of the countiy: the Regional 0ffice foi Lanu
Tianspoitation, the Regional 0ffice foi Telecommunications anu the Regional 0ffice
foi Postal Seivices. Each Regional 0ffice shall be heaueu by a Regional Biiectoi to be
assisteu by an Assistant Regional Biiectoi.

Chaptei S

Sec. 1S. Lanu Tianspoitation Fianchising anu Regulatoiy Boaiu. - The quasi-
juuicial poweis anu functions with iespect to lanu tianspoitation shall be exeiciseu
thiough the Lanu Tianspoitation anu Regulatoiy Boaiu, heieinaftei iefeiieu to as
the "Boaiu".

Chaptei 6

Sec. 2S. Attacheu Agencies anu Coipoiations. - The following agencies anu
coipoiations aie attacheu to the Bepaitment: The Philippine National Railways, the
Naiitime Inuustiy Authoiity, the Philippine National Lines, the Philippine
Aeiospace Bevelopment Coipoiation, the Netio Nanila Tiansit Coipoiation, the
0ffice of Tianspoit Coopeiatives, the Philippine Poits Authoiity, the Philippine
Neichant Naiine Acauemy, the Toll Regulatoiy Boaiu, the Light Rail Tiansit
Authoiity, the Tianspoit Tiaining Centei, the Civil Aeionautics Boaiu, the National
Telecommunications Commission anu the Nanila Inteinational Aiipoit Authoiity.

Title XvI

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The State is committeu to the caie, piotection, anu
iehabilitation of inuiviuuals, families anu communities which have the least in life
anu neeu social welfaie assistance anu social woik inteivention to iestoie theii
noimal functioning anu enable them to paiticipate in community affaiis.

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. 0ffice of the Secietaiy. - The 0ffice of the Secietaiy shall consist of the
Secietaiy anu the Secietaiy's immeuiate staff, anu the Public Affaiis anu Liaison

Chaptei S

Sec. 8. Seivices of the Bepaitment. - The Seivices listeu in Section 7 (1) anu (S)
heieof anu the public Affaiis anu Liaison Seivice shall iespectively have the
following functions:

Chaptei 4

Sec. 9. Composition. - The Staff buieaus listeu in Section 7 (2) heieof shall be
essentially staff in chaiactei anu as such shall exeicise technical supeivision ovei
the Regional 0ffices; shall be piimaiily involveu in the uevelopment of policies anu
piogiams within theii iespective functional specializations; anu shall foimulate anu
uevelop ielateu policies, guiuelines anu stanuaius necessaiy in guiuing the Regional
0ffices in the piopei implementation of such policies anu piogiams.

Chaptei S

Sec. 12. Regional 0ffice. - The Bepaitment is heieby authoiizeu to establish,
opeiate anu maintain a Regional 0ffice in each of the auministiative iegions of the

Chaptei 6

Sec. 16. PiovincialCity 0ffice. - The Bepaitment is heieby authoiizeu to establish,
opeiate anu maintain PiovincialCity 0ffices thioughout the countiy with
juiisuiction ovei all municipalitiesuistiicts within the piovince. The PiovincialCity
0ffices shall have the following functions:

Chaptei 7

Sec. 18. NunicipalBistiict 0ffice. - The Bepaitment is heieby authoiizeu to
establish, opeiate anu maintain a NunicipalBistiict 0ffice to seivice a municipality
oi city uistiict which shall be heaueu by the Supeivising Social Welfaie 0fficei anu
shall be piimaiily iesponsible foi the efficient anu effective implementation of the
Bepaitment's fielu piogiams in the municipality oi city, unuei the supeivision of the
PiovincialCity 0ffice.

Chaptei 8

Sec. 19. Agencies 0nuei Auministiative Supeivision anu Attacheu Agencies. - The
Population Commission Council foi the Welfaie of Chiluien, National Nutiition
Council anu the National Council foi the Welfaie of Bisableu Peison anu the
agencies attacheu to the Bepaitment shall continue to opeiate anu function in
accoiuance with theii iespective chaiteis oi laws cieating them, except as
otheiwise pioviueu in this Coue.

Chaptei 9

Sec. 2u. Solicitation. - Any peison, coipoiation, oiganization, oi association
uesiiing to solicit oi ieceive contiibution foi chaiitable oi public welfaie puiposes
shall fiist secuie a peimit fiom the Regional 0ffices of the Bepaitment. 0pon the
filing of a wiitten application foi a peimit in the foim piesciibeu by the Regional
0ffices of the Bepaitment, the Regional Biiectoi oi his uuly authoiizeu
iepiesentative may, in his uiscietion, issue a peimanent oi tempoiaiy peimit oi
uisappiove the application. In the inteiest of the public, he may in his uiscietion
ienew oi ievoke any peimit issueu unuei Act 4u7S.

Chaptei 1u

Sec. 2S. Social Welfaie Seivices by 0theis. - Social welfaie seivices by the
Bepaitment shall be without piejuuice to similai effoits by any local goveinment
unit oi piivate agency, institution oi gioup. All Bepaitment units shall actively
piomote anu extenu maximum assistance, incluuing the piovision of counteipait oi
supplementaiy funus anu iesouices, upon appioval by the Secietaiy, to such effoits.
Title XvII

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The national buuget shall be foimulateu anu
implementeu as an instiument of national uevelopment, ieflective of national
objectives anu plans; suppoitive of anu consistent with the socio-economic
uevelopment plans anu oiienteu towaius the achievement of explicit objectives anu
expecteu iesults, to ensuie that the utilization of funus anu opeiations of
goveinment entities aie conuucteu effectively; foimulateu within the context of a
iegionalizeu goveinmental stiuctuie anu within the totality of ievenues anu othei
ieceipts, expenuituies anu boiiowings of all levels of goveinment anu of
goveinment-owneu oi contiolleu coipoiations; anu piepaieu within the context of
the national long-teim plans anu buuget piogiams of the uoveinment.

Chaptei 2

Sec. 4. 0ffice of the Secietaiy. - The 0ffice of the Secietaiy shall consist of his
immeuiate staff, the Buuget Contiol Staff, Reseaich Staff, a Regional Cooiuination
Staff foi Luzon, anu a Regional Cooiuination Staff foi visayas anu Ninuanao.

Chaptei S

Sec. 7. Nanagement Seivices 0ffice. - The Nanagement Seivices 0ffice shall consist
of the following buieaus:

Chaptei 4

Sec. 1u. The Buuget 0peiations 0ffice. - The Buuget 0peiations 0ffice shall ieview
anu analyze the woik anu financial flows, the buugetaiy pioposals of national anu
local goveinment agencies anu coipoiations, check each agency's compliance with
the buugetaiy policies anu pioject piioiities, ueteimine the buugetaiy implications
of foieign assisteu piojects fiom the time of pioject uesign to the negotiation foi
financial assistance, piepaie iecommenuations foi funu ieleases, foimulate anu
implement fiscal policies anu plans foi buuget piepaiation anu contiol, anu conuuct
stuuies on economic tienus anu factois affecting goveinment ievenues,
expenuituies anu boiiowings. It shall consist of the following Buieaus:

Title XvIII

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The State shall:

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. 0ffice of the Secietaiy. - The 0ffice of the Secietaiy shall consist of the
Secietaiy anu his immeuiate staff.

Chaptei S

Sec. 8. Seivices. - The Seivices of the Bepaitment shall consist of the following:

Chaptei 4

Sec. 9. Intei-Council Review Boaiu. - Theie shall be an Intei-Council Review
Boaiu, composeu of the Secietaiies oi theii uesignateu 0nueisecietaiies who aie
membeis of the sectoial planning councils unuei Sections 1u, 11, 12, 1S, 14, anu 1S,
anu shall be chaiieu by the Secietaiy of Science anu Technology.

Chaptei S

Sec. 28. Regional 0ffices.- The Bepaitment is authoiizeu to establish, opeiate anu
maintain a Regional 0ffice, whenevei appiopiiate, in each of the auministiative
iegions of the countiy, to be heaueu by a Regional Biiectoi who shall iepoit anu be
subject to the supeivision of, the 0nueisecietaiy foi Regional 0peiations. A
Regional 0ffice shall have, within its auministiative iegion, the following functions:

Chaptei 6

Sec. Su. Attacheu Agencies. - The following agencies shall be attacheu to the
Bepaitment: the Philippine National Science Society, the National Acauemy of
Science anu Technology, the Philippine Science Bigh School, anu the Netals Inuustiy
Reseaich anu Bevelopment Centei.

The Centei shall have the poweis anu functions assigneu to it by law.

B00K v

Title I

Subtitle A

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The State shall insuie anu piomote the
Constitutional manuate that appointments in the Civil Seivice shall be maue only
accoiuing to meiit anu fitness; that the Civil Seivice Commission, as the cential
peisonnel agency of the uoveinment shall establish a caieei seivice, auopt
measuies to piomote moiale, efficiency, integiity, iesponsiveness, anu couitesy in
the civil seivice, stiengthen the meiit anu iewaius system, integiate all human
iesouices uevelopment piogiams foi all levels anu ianks, anu institutionalize a
management climate conuucive to public accountability; that public office is a public
tiust anu public officeis anu employees must at all times be accountable to the
people; anu that peisonnel functions shall be uecentializeu, uelegating the
coiiesponuing authoiity to the uepaitments, offices anu agencies wheie such
functions can be effectively peifoimeu.

Chaptei 2

Sec. 6. Scope of the Civil Seivice. - (1) The Civil Seivice embiaces all bianches,
subuivisions, instiumentalities, anu agencies of the uoveinment, incluuing
goveinment-owneu oi contiolleu coipoiations with oiiginal chaiteis.

Chaptei S

Sec. 1u. Composition. - The Commission shall be composeu of a Chaiiman anu two
Commissioneis who shall be natuial boin citizens of the Philippines anu, at the time
of theii appointment, at least thiity-five yeais of age, with pioven capacity foi public
auministiation, anu must not have been canuiuates foi any elective position in the
elections immeuiately pieceuing theii appointment.

Chaptei 4

Sec. 18. Civil Seivice Assistance to Bepaitment anu Agencies. - Each Secietaiy oi
heau of office, agency, goveinment-owneu oi contiolleu coipoiation with oiiginal
chaitei anu local goveinment shall be iesponsible foi peisonnel auministiation in
his office which shall be in accoiuance with the piovision ielating to civil seivice
embouieu in the Constitution, this Title anu the iules, piinciples, stanuaius,
guiuelines anu iegulations establisheu by the Commission. The Civil Seivice
Commission shall, whenevei it ueems it in the inteiest of the public seivice, oiganize
in each uepaitment, office, agency, goveinment-owneu oi contiolleu coipoiation,
anu piovincial anu city goveinment a Civil Seivice Staff which shall be heaueu by an
officei of the Commission. The necessaiy staff peisonnel anu office facilities anu
equipment shall be pioviueu by the uepaitment, goveinment-owneu oi contiolleu
coipoiation oi local goveinment wheie the staff is establisheu but the Commission
may augment these with its own. The Staff shall seive as the piincipal liaison
between the Civil Seivice anu Bepaitment conceineu anu shall peifoim the
following specific functions anu those functions which may heieaftei be assigneu to
it by the Commission.

Chaptei S

Sec. 21. Reciuitment anu Selection of Employees. - (1) 0ppoitunity foi
goveinment employment shall be open to all qualifieu citizens anu positive effoits
shall be exeiteu to attiact the best qualifieu to entei the seivice. Employees shall be
selecteu on the basis of fitness to peifoim the uuties anu assume the iesponsibilities
of the positions.

Chaptei 6

Sec. S8. Coveiage. - (1) All goveinment employees, incluuing those in goveinment-
owneu oi contiolleu coipoiations with oiiginal chaiteis, can foim, join oi assist
employees' oiganizations of theii own choosing foi the fuitheiance anu piotection
of theii inteiests. They can also foim, in conjunction with appiopiiate goveinment
authoiities, laboi-management committees, woik councils anu othei foims of
woikeis' paiticipation schemes to achieve the same objectives.
Chaptei 7

Sec. S4. Limitation on Appointment. - (1) No elective official shall be eligible foi
appointment oi uesignation in any capacity to any public office oi position uuiing
his tenuie.

Chaptei 8

Sec. 6u. Leave of Absence. - 0fficeis anu employees in the Civil Seivice shall be
entitleu to leave of absence, with oi without pay, as may be pioviueu by law anu the
iules anu iegulations of the Civil Seivice Commission in the inteiest of the seivice.

Chaptei 9

Sec. 61. Examining Committee, Special Examineis anu Special Investigatois. -
Subject to appioval by the piopei heau of a uepaitment oi agency, the Commission
may select suitable peisons in the goveinment seivice to act as membeis of
examining committees, special examineis oi special investigatois. Such peisons
shall be uesignateu examineis oi investigatois of the Commission anu shall peifoim
such uuties as the Commission may iequiie, anu in the peifoimance of such uuties
they shall be unuei its exclusive contiol. Examining committees, special examineis
oi special investigatois so uesignateu may be given allowances oi pei uiems foi
theii seivices, to be paiu out of the funus of, anu at a iate to be ueteimineu by, the

Subtitle B

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy.- All iesouices of the goveinment shall be manageu,
expenueu oi utilizeu in accoiuance with law anu iegulations anu safeguaiueu
against loss oi wastage thiough illegal oi impiopei uisposition to ensuie efficiency,
economy anu effectiveness in the opeiations of goveinment. The iesponsibility to
take caie that such policy is faithfully auheieu to iests uiiectly with the chief oi
heau of the goveinment agency conceineu.

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. The Commission Piopei. - The Commission Piopei shall be composeu of
the Chaiiman anu two Commissioneis. It shall sit as a bouy to foimulate policies,
piomulgate iules anu iegulations, anu piesciibe stanuaius goveining the uischaige
of its poweis anu functions.

Chaptei S

Sec. 7. Cential 0ffices. - The Commission shall have the following cential offices:

Chaptei 4

Sec. 1u. Statement of 0bjectives. - In keeping with the constitutional manuate, the
Commission auheies to the following objectives:

Chaptei S

Sec. SS. Appeal fiom Becision of Auuitois. - Any peison aggiieveu by the uecision
of an auuitoi of any goveinment agency in the settlement of an account oi claim
may, within six (6) months fiom ieceipts of a copy theieof, appeal in wiiting to the

Chaptei 6

Sec. S8. Befinition of uoveinment Auuiting. - uoveinment auuiting is the analytical
anu systematic examination anu veiification of financial tiansactions, opeiations,
accounts anu iepoits of any goveinment agency foi the puipose of ueteimining
theii accuiacy, integiity anu authenticity, anu satisfying the iequiiements of law,
iules anu iegulations.

Chaptei 7

Sec. 42. Accounting foi Noney anu Piopeity Receiveu by Public 0fficials. - Except
as may otheiwise be specifically pioviueu by law oi competent authoiity, all
moneys anu piopeity officially ieceiveu by a public officei in any capacity oi upon
any occasion must be accounteu foi as goveinment funus anu goveinment piopeity.
uoveinment piopeity shall be taken up in the books of the agency conceineu at
acquisition cost oi an appiaiseu value.

Chaptei 8

Sec. 4S. Bisbuisement of uoveinment Funus. - (1) Revenue funus shall not be paiu
out of any public tieasuiy oi uepositoiy except in puisuance of an appiopiiation
law oi othei specific statutoiy authoiity;

Chaptei 9

Sec. Su. Accountable 0fficeis; Boaiu Requiiements. - (1) Eveiy officei of any
goveinment agency whose uuties peimit oi iequiie the possession oi custouy
goveinment funus shall be accountable theiefoi anu foi safekeeping theieof in
confoimity with law; anu

Chaptei 1u

Sec. S4. Buty to Respect the Commission's Inuepenuence. - It shall be the uuty of
eveiy peison to iespect, piotect anu pieseive the inuepenuence of the Commission.

Subtitle C

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The State shall at all times ensuie fiee, oiueily,
honest, peaceful anu cieuible elections unuei a fiee anu open paity system which
shall be alloweu to evolve accoiuing to the fiee choice of the people subject to the
piovisions of Aiticle IX-C of the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines.

Chaptei 2

Sec. 4. Composition anu Qualifications. - Theie shall be a Commission on Elections
composeu of a Chaiiman anu six (6) Commissioneis who shall be natuial boin
citizens of the Philippines anu, at the time of theii appointment, at least thiity-five
(SS) yeais of age, holueis of a college uegiee, anu must not have been canuiuates foi
any elective position in the immeuiately pieceuing elections. Bowevei, a majoiity
theieof, incluuing the Chaiiman, shall be membeis of the Philippine Bai who have
been engageu in the piactice of law foi at least ten (1u) yeais.

Chaptei S

Sec. 11. Fielu 0ffice of the Commission. - The Commission shall have the following
fielu offices:

Title II

Subtitle A

Sec. 1. Composition anu Qualification. - The Commission on Buman Rights shall be
composeu of a Chaiiman anu foui (4) Nembeis who must be natuial-boin citizens
of the Philippines anu, at the time of theii appointment, at least thiity-five yeais of
age, anu must not have been canuiuates foi any elective position in the elections
immeuiately pieceuing theii appointment. Bowevei, a majoiity theieof shall be
membeis of the Philippine Bai.

Subtitle B

Sec. 1. Composition. - (1) The 0ffice of the 0mbuusman shall be heaueu by the
0mbuusman, to be known as the Tanou-bayan, who shall be assisteu by one oveiall
Beputy anu at least by one Beputy each foi Luzon, visayas anu Ninuanao. A
sepaiate Beputy foi the militaiy establishment may likewise be appointeu.

Subtitle C

Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Beclaiation of Policy. - The State shall ensuie that all socio-economic
piogiams anu activities of the goveinment shall be piogiammeu within the context
of well-foimulateu anu consistent long, meuium, anu shoit-teim uevelopment plans
anu policies to piomote both the giowth of the economy anu the equitable
uistiibution of the benefits of such giowth to the membeis of society. To this enu, it
is iecognizeu that the foimulation of the iequiieu socio-economic uevelopment
policies anu plans is a vital piocess that calls foi the paiticipation of the vaiious
goveinment agencies anu piivate sectoi institutions anu inuiviuuals conceineu,
both on national, iegional, anu local levels. This piocess of policy anu plan
foimulation, howevei neeus to be cooiuinateu closely by a cential goveinment
agency to ensuie consistency of these plans anu policies anu optimal use of the
nation's scaice iesouices.

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. Composition of the NEBA Boaiu. - The NEBA Boaiu shall be composeu of
the following:

Chaptei S

Sec. 8. The NEBA Secietaiiat. - The Secietaiiat of NEBA shall have the following

Chaptei 4

Sec. 16. Retaineu Agencies. - The following agencies, cuiiently attacheu to the
Authoiity, shall continue to be so attacheu foi puiposes of supeivision;

(1) Philippine Institute foi Bevelopment Stuuies:

(2) Philippine National volunteei Seivice Cooiuinating

Agency; anu

(S) Taiiff Commission.

The Authoiity shall aiiange foi the tiansfei of the functions of the following
agencies to the Regional Bevelopment Councils conceineu oi othei agencies as may
be appiopiiate:

(1) Kalinga Special Bevelopment Region;

(2) Laguna Lake Bevelopment Authoiity;

(S) Leyte Sab-A Basin Bevelopment Authoiity.

The National Council foi integiateu Aiea Bevelopment (NACIAB) anu the
Cential visayas Regional Piojects 0ffice (CvRP0) aie heieby tiansfeiieu to the
Authoiity which shall, within one (1) yeai fiom the uate of effectivity of this Coue,
iecommenu theii tiansfei to the appiopiiate uepaitment in conjunction with the
Bepaitment of Buuget anu Nanagement. The Authoiity shall fuithei ieview the
functions anu activities of all othei Integiateu Aiea Bevelopment piogiams anu
piojects anu any othei piogiams iequiiing multi-sectoial anuoi multi-uisciplinaiy
appioaches in oiuei to iecommenu the appiopiiate uisposition anu supeivision of
the same.

The Authoiity shall fuitheimoie ieview the manuate, objectives anu functions
of all uevelopment authoiities in oiuei to iecommenu such uispositions oi ievisions
of theii chaiteis, as may be ueemeu auvisable.

B00K vI


Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Constitutional Policies on the Buuget. - (1) All appiopiiations, ievenue oi
taiiff bills, bills authoiizing inciease of the public uebt, bills of local application, anu
piivate bills shall oiiginate exclusively in the Bouse of Repiesentatives but the
Senate may piopose oi concui with amenuments.


Sec. S. Beclaiation of Policy. - It is heieby ueclaieu the policy of the State to
foimulate anu implement a National Buuget that is an instiument of national
uevelopment, ieflective of national objectives, stiategies anu plans. The buuget shall
be suppoitive of anu consistent with the socio-economic uevelopment plan anu shall
be oiienteu towaius the achievement of explicit objectives anu expecteu iesults, to
ensuie that funus aie utilizeu anu opeiations aie conuucteu effectively,
economically anu efficiently. The national buuget shall be foimulateu within the
context of a iegionalizeu goveinment stiuctuie anu boiiowings of all levels of
goveinment anu of goveinment-owneu oi contiolleu coipoiations. The buuget shall
likewise be piepaieu within the context of the national long-teim plan anu of a long-
teim buuget piogiam.

Chaptei S

Sec. 11. Submission of the Buuget. - The Piesiuent shall, in accoiuance with
Section 22 (1), aiticle vII of the Constitution, submit within thiity (Su) uays fiom
the opening of each iegulai session of the Congiess as the basis foi the piepaiation
of the ueneial Appiopiiations Act, a national goveinment buuget estimateu ieceipts
baseu on existing anu pioposeu ievenue measuies, anu of estimateu expenuituies.

Chaptei 4

Sec. 2S. Content of the ueneial Appiopiiations Act. - The ueneial Appiopiiations
Act shall be piesenteu in the foim of buugetaiy piogiams anu piojects foi each
agency of the goveinment, with the coiiesponuing appiopiiations foi each piogiam
anu pioject, incluuing statutoiy piovisions of specific agency oi geneial
applicability. The ueneial Appiopiiations Act shall not contain any itemization of
peisonal seivices, which shall be piepaieu by the Secietaiy aftei enactment of the
ueneial Appiopiiations Act, foi consiueiation anu appioval of the Piesiuent.

Chaptei S

Sec. S2. 0se of Appiopiiateu Funus. - All moneys appiopiiateu foi functions,
activities, piojects anu piogiams shall be available solely foi the specific puiposes
foi which these aie appiopiiateu.

Chaptei 6

Sec. S1. Evaluation of Agency Peifoimance. - The Piesiuent, thiough the Secietaiy
shall evaluate on a continuing basis the quantitative anu qualitative measuies of
agency peifoimance as ieflecteu in the units of woik measuiement anu othei
inuicatois of agency peifoimance, incluuing the stanuaiu anu actual costs pei unit
of woik.

Chaptei 7

Sec. S8. Contiacting of Activities. - Agencies may entei into contiacts with
inuiviuuals oi oiganizations, both public anu piivate, subject to piovisions of law
anu applicable guiuelines appioveu by the Piesiuent: pioviueu, that contiacts shall
be foi specific seivices which cannot be pioviueu by the iegulai staff of the agency,
shall be foi a specific peiiou of time, anu shall have a uefinite expecteu output:
pioviueu, fuithei, that implementing, monitoiing anu othei iegulai anu iecuiiing
agency activities shall not be contiacteu foi, except foi peisonnel hiieu on an
inuiviuual anu contiactual basis anu woiking as pait of the oiganization, oi as
otheiwise may be appioveu by the Piesiuent: Pioviueu, finally, that the cost of
contiacteu seivices shall not exceeu the amount that woulu otheiwise be incuiieu
hau the woik been peifoimeu by iegulai employees of goveinment, except as may
be authoiizeu unuei this section.

Sec. S9. Authoiity to Receive Auuitional Compensation. - 0fficials anu
employees who aie uuly appointeu by competent authoiity to any position in
anothei goveinment office oi agency in a concuiient capacity, may, in the uiscietion
of the Piesiuent, be alloweu to ieceive auuitional compensation in the foim of
allowance oi honoiaiium at such iates he shall fix anu subject to such conuitions as
she may piesciibe. Such auuitional compensation shall be paiu fiom the
appiopiiations of the office oi agency benefitting fiom the concuiient seivice.

Sec. 6u. Restiictions on Salaiy Incieases. - No poition of the appiopiiations
pioviueu in the ueneial Appiopiiations Act shall be useu foi payment of any salaiy
inciease oi aujustment unless specifically authoiizeu by law oi appiopiiate buuget
ciiculai noi shall any appiopiiation foi salaiies authoiizeu in the ueneial
Appiopiiations Act, save as otheiwise pioviueu foi unuei the Compensation anu
Position Classification Act, be paiu unless the positions have been classifieu by the
Buuget Commission.

Sec. 61. Neiit Incieases. - The buugets of national goveinment agencies may
pioviueu foi a lump-sum foi meiit incieases, subject to such teims anu conuitions
as may be appioveu by the Piesiuent. Such lump-sum shall be useu to funu salaiy
incieases appioveu by the heau of agency in iecognition of meiitoiious
peifoimance: Pioviueu, That the Civil Seivice Commission anu the Bepaitment of
Buuget shall jointly issue the iules anu iegulations goveining the gianting of such
meiit incieases.

Sec. 62. Salaiy foi Substitutionaiy Seivice. - When an official oi employee is
issueu a uuly appioveu appointment in a tempoiaiy oi acting capacity to take the
place anu peifoim the uuties of anothei who is tempoiaiily absent fiom his post
with pay, savings in the appiopiiations of the uepaitment, buieau oi office may be
useu foi the payment of his salaiy oi uiffeiential, subject to the appioval of the

Sec. 6S. Auuitional Compensation foi 0veitime Seivice. - 0fficials anu
employees of the National uoveinment, when iequiieu to woik oveitime aftei
iegulai woiking houis uuiing oiuinaiy uays, uuiing half-uay sessions, oi on
Satuiuays, Sunuays anu holiuays, by the heaus of uepaitments conceineu, to finish
woik that must be completeu within a specifieu time, may be paiu oveitime
compensation fiom any unexpecteu balance of the appiopiiation foi salaiies anu
wages authoiizeu in the ueneial Appiopiiations Act anu unuei such guiuelines as
may be issueu by the Piesiuent.

Sec. 64. Compensation of Peisons Receiving Pension. - A peison ieceiving life
pension, annuity, oi giatuity as a iesult of seivice in the national goveinment oi any
local goveinment unit, oi fiom any goveinment-owneu oi contiolleu coipoiation,
who is ieappointeu to any position, the appiopiiation foi the salaiy of which is
pioviueu fiom funus of the office, shall have the option to ieceive eithei the
compensation foi the position, oi the pension, giatuity oi annuity, but in no case
shall he ieceive both.

Sec. 6S. Piohibition of voluntaiy Seivice. - 0nless otheiwise specifically
appioveu by the Piesiuent, no peison shall be employeu oi appointeu in the
goveinment unuei the guise of voluntaiy seivice, with compensation below the
authoiizeu hiiing iate foi the position, but with piivilege of tianspoitation anuoi
iepiesentation expenses in any foim, oi of ieceiving pei uiems, allowances,
honoiaiia, subsistence, quaiteis in cash oi in kinu, payable fiom goveinment funus:
pioviueu, that the application of this piovisions may be waiveu to authoiize
voluntaiy seivice in the Aimeu Foices of the Philippines oi in connection with ielief

Sec. 66. Auuitional Compensation foi School Faculty Nembeis. - Piofessois,
instiuctois, teacheis, oi membeis of the faculty of goveinment schools, colleges anu
univeisities, when iequiieu to teach moie than theii iegulai teaching loaus may be
paiu auuitional compensation not exceeuing seventy-five peicentum of theii basic

Sec. 67. Launuiy. - At the uiscietion of the uepaitment heau conceineu, any
official oi employee of the national goveinment seiving in any hospital, penal
institution, oi othei similai institution, who is iequiieu to weai a unifoim uuiing
the peifoimance of his uuties, may be gianteu launuiy allowance in kinu, oi which
may be commuteu at such iates as may be authoiizeu by the Bepaitment of Buuget.

Sec. 68. Bazaiu Pay. - 0pon iecommenuation of the uepaitment heau
conceineu anu appioval of the Secietaiy, hazaiu pay may be alloweu to employees
who aie actually assigneu to uangei oi stiife-toin aieas, uisease-infesteu places, oi
in uistiesseu oi isolateu stations anu camps, which expose them to gieat uangei of
contagion oi peiil to life. Such hazaiu pay shall be paiu fiom savings of the
uepaitment conceineu at such iates, teims anu conuitions as the Secietaiy may

Sec. 69. Subsistence. - No official oi employee of the national goveinment shall
be given subsistence, the cost of which is payable fiom any funu, except the
following anu only when an appiopiiation theiefoi is specifically pioviueu:

(1) Naiine officeis, engineeis anu ciew of goveinment vessels, launches, anu
motoiboats, who shall take theii meals on the mess when aboaiu the saiu vessels,
launches, oi motoiboats;

(2) Lightkeepeis anu othei employees in light stations uuly authoiizeu by the
heau of the uepaitment to ieceive subsistence, who shall be fuinisheu iaw canneu,
oi pieseiveu foou supplies;

(S) 0fficials anu employees who aie iequiieu to ienuei seivice within the
piemises of hospitals, penal institutions, lepei institutions, militaiy installations,
anu othei similai institutions, foi a continuous peiiou that incluues meal time, may
be alloweu full subsistence when iequiieu to live in saiu piemises to make theii
seivices available at any anu all times;

(4) Laboieis tempoiaiily fielueu to isolateu oi unsettleu uistiicts shall be
fuinisheu the usual iations oi the equivalent in cash, at the expense of the

In hospitals anu lepei institutions wheie theie aie no mess halls oi whenevei
these aie inauequate, peisonnel entitleu to subsistence allowance in kinu may
commute such subsistence upon iequest of the peisonnel conceineu subject to the
appioval of the uepaitment heau at authoiizeu iates chaigeable against the
appiopiiations foi supplies anu mateiials authoiizeu in the ueneial Appiopiiations

Sec. 7u. Subsistence of Ciew of uoveinment vessels. - The subsistence
allowance foi the officeis anu ciew of the coast guaiu anu ievenue cutteis anu
lighthouse tenueis anu othei laige vessels opeiateu by the uoveinment shall be
spent foi conuucting a mess unuei the chaige anu auministiation of one oi moie
membeis of the complement in each vessel to be uesignateu by the coiiesponuing
heau of uepaitment, anu in accoiuance with iegulations to be issueu by him. The
peison oi peisons so uesignateu shall keep an account of the auvances of funus
ieceiveu anu expenuituies maue theiefiom foi the opeiation of the mess anu shall
ienuei such iepoit to the coiiesponuing Accounting 0fficei piomptly at the enu of
each month.

Sec. 71. Fuinisheu Quaiteis. - When the position of any official oi employee is
pioviueu with "fuinisheu quaiteis", such official oi employee shall be entitleu to the
use of such goveinment-owneu fuinituie anu equipment as aie necessaiy foi his
boaiu anu louging anu those foi his family incluuing chiluien below twenty-one
yeais of age.

Sec. 72. Pei Biems of uoveinment 0fficials anu Employees. - When a
goveinment official oi employee is authoiizeu to tiavel on official business outsiue
of his peimanent station, he shall be entitleu to pei uiems to covei his boaiu anu
louging in accoiuance with his scheuule: pioviueu, that in auuition to pei uiems, the
official oi employee may be entitleu to tianspoitation expenses in going to anu
coming fiom his uestination anu to a uaily allowance while in the fielu: pioviueu,
fuithei, that officials anu employees on tiavel status whose expenses foi boaiu anu
louging aie paiu uiiectly oi inuiiectly by goveinment may not be entitleu to ieceive
the pei uiems anu allowances coiiesponuing to such payments.

Bepaitment secietaiies, heaus of Constitutional bouies, unueisecietaiies anu
all othei positions of equivalent iank aie authoiizeu the ieimbuisement of actual
expenses suppoiteu by ieceipts, within such limits as may be imposeu unuei the
piovisions of this section.

0fficials anu employees authoiizeu to tiavel abioau may be gianteu clothing
allowance: pioviueu, that no official oi employee shall be gianteu such clothing
allowance oftenei than once eveiy twenty-foui (24) months.

The iates of pei uiems anu othei allowances as authoiizeu in this section shall
be ueteimineu by the Piesiuent. The iates may be changeu fiom time to time upon
iecommenuation of a Tiavel Rates Committee which is heieby cieateu, consisting of
the Secietaiy of Buuget as Chaiiman anu the Secietaiy of Foieign Affaiis, the
Secietaiy of Touiism anu the Chaiiman, Commission on Auuit, oi theii
iepiesentatives, as membeis.

The Committee shall ieview tiavel iates anu shall iecommenu to the Piesiuent
foi consiueiation anu appioval mouification in iates anu policy when founu to be
waiianteu by actual uomestic oi foieign tiavel costs, as the case may be.

uoveinment-owneu oi contiolleu coipoiations shall obseive the iates
establisheu unuei this section: pioviueu, that piofit making coipoiations may auopt
theii own scales as may be pioviueu by law. The Tiavel Rates Committee shall issue
the necessaiy iules anu iegulations to enfoice the piovisions of this section.

Sec. 7S. Auuitional Conuitions foi Payment of Tiavel Expenses. - When tiavel is
uone by watei anu subsistence is not incluueu in the tianspoitation cost, the
amount actually anu necessaiily spent foi subsistence uuiing such tiavel time shall
be paiu, anu no pei uiems shall be alloweu in lieu theieof.

Pei uiems anu tiavel allowances shall not be gianteu to membeis of fielu
paities oi otheis foi whom subsistence anu allowances in kinu aie supplieu oi othei
special piovision maue to covei tiavel expenses.

The tiavel expenses of a goveinment official oi employee who is assigneu to
ienuei a special seivice to any piivate peison oi entity, the expenses foi which aie
payable by the lattei, shall be paiu fiom a ueposit which the piivate paity shall be
iequiieu to make befoie the peifoimance of the special seivice is commenceu,
subject to the limitations anu iequiiements heiein pioviueu foi tiavel expenses
payable fiom goveinment funus.

No official oi employee of the uoveinment who iemains tempoiaiily at one
station foi a peiiou longei than one (1) month shall be paiu pei uiems in excess of
one (1) month, except upon the appioval of the heau of uepaitment, anu, in case his
tempoiaiy stay in any one place exceeus thiee (S) months, payment of pei uiems in
excess of thiee (S) months shall be maue only upon the pievious appioval of the

Sec. 74. Tianspoitation of Nembeis of Family of an Employee Tiansfeiieu
fiom 0ne Station to Anothei. - Whenevei, uue to the exigencies of the seivice anu
not at his own iequest, an official oi employee is tiansfeiieu fiom one station to
anothei, saiu official oi employee anu his spouse anu chiluien below twenty-one
yeais of age shall be entitleu to tianspoitation anu fieight foi ieasonable anu
necessaiy baggage anu householu effects, at the expense of the uoveinment, to be
paiu fiom the appiopiiation foi tiaveling expenses of the buieau oi office

Sec. 7S. Puichase, 0se, 0peiation anu Naintenance of Notoi Tianspoit
Equipment. - No appiopiiation foi equipment authoiizeu in the ueneial
Appiopiiations Act shall be useu uiiectly oi inuiiectly foi the puichase of
automobiles, jeeps, jitneys, station wagons, motoicycles, tiucks, launches,
speeuboats, aiiplanes, helicopteis anu othei types of motoi tianspoit equipment
unless otheiwise specifically authoiizeu by the Piesiuent.

All uepaitments, buieaus, offices anu agencies authoiizeu to puichase motoi
tianspoit equipment incluuing those acquiieu thiough uonations, gifts oi giatuitous
title aie likewise authoiizeu to use, opeiate anu maintain them foi puiposes of
caiiying out the official functions anu activities of the agency. These motoi vehicles
shall be useu stiictly foi official business, beai goveinment plates only, anu aftei
office houis kept in gaiage pioviueu theiefoi by the office oi agency to which they
belong, except, when in use foi official business outsiue office houis. The Piesiuent,
howevei, may authoiize exceptions fiom these piovisions foi officials of
goveinment who woik unuei extenueu houis oi whose activities call foi special
secuiity aiiangements. Any violation of the piovisions of this section shall subject
the eiiing official oi employee to auministiative uisciplinaiy action anu he shall be
peisonally liable foi any loss oi uamage causeu to the goveinment oi thiiu peisons.

The Commission on Auuit shall issue iules anu iegulations goveining the use,
opeiation anu maintenance of goveinment motoi tianspoit equipment.

Sec. 76. Limitation of Rental of Notoi vehicles. - No appiopiiations authoiizeu
in the ueneial Appiopiiations Act shall be useu foi ienting motoi tianspoit
equipment foi a continuous peiiou of moie than fifteen uays, except as may be
authoiizeu by the Secietaiy.

Sec. 77. Limitation of Puichase of Supplies, Nateiials, anu Equipment Spaie
Paits. - Except as otheiwise pioviueu in the ueneial Appiopiiations Act, the stock
on hanu of supplies, mateiials anu equipment spaie paits, acquiieu thiough
oiuinaiy anu emeigency puichase, shall at no time exceeu noimal thiee-month
iequiiements, subject to the peitinent iules anu iegulations issueu by competent
authoiity: Pioviueu, That uepaitment heaus may appiove the builu-up of stocks on
hanu of ciitical supplies anu mateiials, in anticipation of cost incieases oi
iequiiements of a national emeigency, anu specifying maximum quantities of
inuiviuual items, but in no case shall these stocks exceeu moie than one yeai's
supply, unless otheiwise appioveu by the Piesiuent.

Sec. 78. Puichase of Locally Nanufactuieu Piouucts. - All appiopiiations foi the
puichase of equipment, supplies anu mateiials authoiizeu in the ueneial
Appiopiiations Act shall be available only foi locally manufactuieu equipment;
paits, accessoiies, meuicines anu uiugs, supplies anu mateiials, except when none is
available in the maiket oi when the piice of the locally manufactuieu aiticle exceeu
those ueteimineu by the Flag Law.

Sec. 79. Availability of Appiopiiations foi Rental of Builuing anu uiounus. - Any
appiopiiation authoiizeu in any Act foi iental of builuings anu giounus foi any
uepaitment, buieau, office oi agency shall be available foi expenuituie only when
authoiizeu by the uepaitment heau conceineu. Such appiopiiation may also be useu
foi lease-puichase aiiangements.

With the concuiience of the Secietaiy of Buuget anu Nanagement anu the
Secietaiy of Finance, the heau of the uepaitment may contiact with any goveinment
financial institution foi loans intenueu foi the acquisition of lanu foi the
constiuction of an office builuing foi any of the agencies unuei the uepaitment.
Annual amoitization of the loans shall be taken fiom the appiopiiation foi iental
authoiizeu unuei any Act foi the uepaitment, buieau oi office conceineu.

Sec. 8u. Nisuse of uoveinment Funus anu Piopeity. - Any public official oi
employee who shall apply any goveinment funu oi piopeity unuei his
auministiation oi contiol to any use othei than foi which such funu oi piopeity is
appiopiiateu by laws, shall suffei the penalty imposeu unuei the appiopiiate penal

B00K vII


Chaptei 1

Sec. 1. Scope. - This Book shall be applicable to all agencies as uefineu in the next
succeeuing section, except the Congiess, the }uuiciaiy, the Constitutional
Commissions, militaiy establishments in all matteis ielating exclusively to Aimeu
Foices peisonnel, the Boaiu of Paiuons anu Paiole, anu state univeisities anu

Chaptei 2

Sec. S. Filing. - (1) Eveiy agency shall file with the 0niveisity of the Philippines
Law Centei thiee (S) ceitifieu copies of eveiy iule auopteu by it. Rules in foice on
the uate of effectivity of this Coue which aie not fileu within thiee (S) months fiom
that uate shall not theieaftei be the basis of any sanction against any paity oi

Chaptei S

Sec. 1u. Compiomise anu Aibitiation. - To expeuite auministiative pioceeuings
involving conflicting iights oi claims anu obviate expensive litigations, eveiy agency
shall, in the public inteiest, encouiage amicable settlement, compiise anu

Chaptei 4

Sec. 19. Appeal. - 0nless otheiwise pioviueu by law oi executive oiuei, an appeal
foim a final uecision of the agency may be taken to the Bepaitment heau.


Sec. 27. Repealing Clause. - All laws, ueciees, oiueis, iules anu iegulations, oi
poitions theieof, inconsistent with this Coue aie heieby iepealeu oi mouifieu

B0NE in the City of Nanila, this 2Sth uay of }uly, in the yeai of 0ui Loiu, nineteen
hunuieu anu eighty-seven.

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