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(Department of ______________)
No. Jaipur, ate

G.S.R.No._________. In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 233 and 234 read with
proiso to Article 3!" of the #onstit$tion of India and all other powers enablin% hi& in this
behalf' the Goernor of Ra(asthan in cons$ltation with the Ra(asthan )$blic Serice
#o&&ission and the *i%h #o$rt of +$dicat$re for Ra(asthan hereby &a,es the followin%
r$les re%$latin% recr$it&ent to the posts in' and the conditions and other &atters related to
the serice of persons appointed to the Ra(asthan +$dicial Serice' na&ely-.
!ART " I

/. S$ort tit%e, &ommen&ement an app%i&ation." 0/) 1hese r$les &ay be called the
Ra(asthan +$dicial Serice R$les' 2!/!.
02) 1hey shall co&e into force on the date of their p$blication in the 2fficial Ga3ette.
03) 1hey shall apply to the &e&bers of the serice.
2. Statu' of t$e Ser(i&e." 1he Ra(asthan +$dicial Serice is a State Serice co&prisin% of
the cadres of 4istrict +$d%e, Senior #iil +$d%e and #iil +$d%e.
3. Definition'." In these R$les' $nless the context otherwise re5$ires'.
0a) 6Appointin% A$thority6 &eans the Goernor of Ra(asthan7
0b) 6#adre8 &eans the cadre of 4istrict +$d%e' Senior #iil +$d%e and #iil +$d%e as
proided $nder r$le 9 of part.II of these r$les7
0c) 6#adre )ost6 &eans any post specified in Sched$le.I7
0d) 6#o&&ission8 &eans the Ra(asthan )$blic Serice #o&&ission7
0e) 6#o$rt6 &eans the *i%h #o$rt of +$dicat$re for Ra(asthan7
0f) 6Goernor8 and 6Goern&ent8 shall &ean respectiely the Goernor and the Goern&ent
of Ra(asthan7
0%) 6:e&ber of the Serice6 &eans a person appointed s$bstantiely to a post in the serice
$nder the proisions of these R$les or orders &ade $nder the R$les repealed by these R$les
and incl$des a person placed on probation7
0h) 62fficial Ga3ette6 &eans 2fficial Ga3ette of the Goern&ent of Ra(asthan7
0i) Recr$itin% A$thority &eans the co$rt and $ntil creation of exa&ination cell in the co$rt'
the #o&&ission.
0() 6Sched$le6 &eans a Sched$le to these R$les7
0,) 6Serice6 &eans the Ra(asthan +$dicial Serice7
0l) 6S$bstantie appoint&ent6 &eans an appoint&ent &ade $nder the proisions of these
r$les to a s$bstantie acancy after d$e selection by any of the &ethods of recr$it&ent
prescribed $nder these R$les and incl$des an appoint&ent on probation followed by
confir&ation on co&pletion of the probation period7 and
0&) 6State6 &eans the State of Ra(asthan.
(n) *ritten E+amination, mean' Competiti(e E+amination.
4. Interpretation.. ;nless the context otherwise re5$ires the General #la$ses Act' /"99
0Ra(asthan Act No.<III of /"99) shall apply for the interpretation of these R$les as it applies
for the interpretation of any of the Ra(asthan Act.

9. Compo'ition of 'er(i&e.. 0/) 2n and fro& the date of co&&ence&ent of these R$les' the
Ra(asthan +$dicial Serice shall stand re.constit$ted and into the followin%
three cadres' na&ely-.
0A) 4istrict +$d%e'
0=) Senior #iil +$d%e' and
0#) #iil +$d%e.
02) 2n and fro& the date of co&&ence&ent of these R$les' the existin% posts incl$ded in
cadres specified below in col$&n No. 0/) shall stand as the cadres specified below
in correspondin% entries %ien in col$&n No. 02) and the sa&e shall constit$te the Serice-.
>xistin% post0s) #adre of the Serice.
0/) 02)
0i) 4istrict +$d%e 0S$per ti&e Scale)' 0A) 4istrict +$d%e
0ii) 4istrict +$d%e 0Selection Scale)'
0iii) Additional 4istrict +$d%e and
post e5$ialent thereto.
0i) #iil +$d%e 0Senior 4iision 0=) Senior #iil +$d%e
S$per ti&e Scale.
0ii) #iil +$d%e 0Senior 4iision)
Selection Scale.
0iii) #iil +$d%e 0Senior 4iision)
Senior Scale
0i) #iil +$d%e 0+$nior 4iision) 0#) #iil +$d%e
Senior Scale.
0ii) #iil +$d%e 0+$nior 4iision)
2rdinary Scale
E+p%anation-" Senior Ci(i% Ju.e to in&%ue C$ief Metropo%itan Ma.i'trate, C$ief
Jui&ia% Ma.i'trate, Aitiona% C$ief Metropo%itan Ma.i'trate an A%.C$ief
Jui&ia% Ma.i'trate/ Ci(i% Ju.e to in&%ue Metropo%itan Ma.i'trate an Jui&ia%
?. Stren.t$ of t$e Ser(i&e.. 0/) 1he stren%th of the Serice in each cadre and n$&ber of
other posts shall be deter&ined by the Goern&ent fro& ti&e to ti&e' in cons$ltation with
the #o$rt and the existin% posts in each cadre in the serice shall be as specified in
02) 1he stren%th of other posts &anned by the &e&bers of the serice shall be as
specified in Sched$le.II $nless any order aryin% the sa&e is iss$ed $nder s$b.r$le 0/)-
)roided that the State Goern&ent &ay' in cons$ltation with the #o$rt' create any per&anent
or te&porary post fro& ti&e to ti&e as &ay be considered necessary and &ay abolish any s$ch
post or posts in the li,e &anner witho$t thereby conferrin% any ri%ht on any person for any type of

@. Determination of (a&an&ie'.. 0/) S$b(ect to the proisions of these r$les' the #o$rt
shall deter&ine and notify the act$al n$&ber of existin% and expected acancies in each
cadre as per the ti&e sched$le specified in Sched$le.III.
02) Ahere the acancies in the cadre are to be filled in by a sin%le &ethod' the acancies
so deter&ined shall be filled in by that &ethod.
03) Ahere the acancies in the cadre are to be filled in by &ore than one &ethods' the
apportion&ent of acancies deter&ined $nder s$b.r$le 0/)' to each s$ch &ethod shall be done
&aintainin% the prescribed percenta%e for the partic$lar &ethod ta,in% into consideration the
oer all n$&ber of posts already filled in-
)roided that the apportion&ent for fillin% $p acancies in the cadre of 4istrict +$d%e' shall
be &ade in a cyclic order of respectie 5$ota of each cate%ory' i.e. )ro&otee on the basis of
&erit.c$&.seniority' )ro&otee on the basis of Bi&ited #o&petitie >xa&ination and the 4irect
0.E+amination-" For fi%%in. up of (a&an&ie' in t$e &are of Di'tri&t Ju.e t$e
e+amination '$a%% 1e &onu&te 12 t$e Hi.$ Court an for Ci(i% Ju.e, e+amination
'$a%% 1e &onu&te 12 t$e Re&ruitin. Aut$orit2 on or 1efore t$e ate' 'pe&ifie in t$e
3. 4one of &on'ieration.. 1he 3one of consideration of persons eli%ible for appoint&ent
by pro&otion shall be confined to three ti&es the n$&ber of acancies to be filled in by
56. Re'er(ation of (a&an&ie' for S&$eu%e Ca'te', S&$eu%e Tri1e', Ot$er 7a&89ar
C%a''e', !er'on' 9it$ Di'a1i%itie' an *omen &aniate'." 0/) Reseration of posts for
Sched$led #astes and Sched$led 1ribes shall be only at the ti&e of initial recr$it&ent in the
proportion of /?C and /2C respectiely of the acancies adertised and sa&e shall be
followed in respect of s$bse5$ent recr$it&ent also till the $lti&ate percenta%e of
reseration is reached as aboe-
)roided in the eent of non.aailability of eli%ible and s$itable candidates a&on%st
Sched$led #astes and Sched$led 1ribes' as the case &ay be' in a partic$lar year of recr$it&ent
the acancies so resered for the& shall be filled in accordance with the nor&al proced$re. S$ch
acancies for the c$rrent recr$it&ent which re&ain $nfilled shall be carried forward to s$bse5$ent
three recr$it&ent years in total' and thereafter s$ch reseration wo$ld lapse.
02) Reseration of posts for 2ther =ac,ward #lasses shall be only at the ti&e of initial
recr$it&ent in the proportion of 2/C of the acancies adertised. In the eent of non.aailability
of eli%ible and s$itable candidates a&on%st 2ther =ac,ward #lasses in a partic$lar year of
recr$it&ent' the acancies so resered for the& shall be filled in accordance with the nor&al
E+p%anation - Dor the p$rpose of this s$b r$le 2ther =ac,ward #lasses shall &ean the
classes as &entioned in Notification No. D.//0/29)RE)FswdF"2."3F923!@ 4ated
A$%$st ?' /""4 as a&ended fro& ti&e to ti&e.

03) Reseration of posts for wo&en candidates shall be 3!C cate%ory.wise which shall be
hori3ontal and shall be aailable only at the ti&e of initial recr$it&ent. In the eent of non
aailability of eli%ible and s$itable Ao&en #andidates in a partic$lar year' the acancy so resered
for the& shall be filled in accordance with the nor&al proced$re and s$ch acancies shall not be
carried forward to the s$bse5$ent year.

04) Reseration of posts for )ersons with 4isabilities as defined in the Ra(asthan
>&ploy&ent of 4isabled )ersons R$les' 2!!!' shall be 3C cate%ory.wise which shall be hori3ontal
and shall be aailable only at the ti&e of initial recr$it&ent. In the eent of non aailability of
eli%ible and s$itable persons with disabilities in a partic$lar year' the acancy so resered for the&
shall be filled in accordance with the nor&al proced$re and s$ch acancies shall not be carried
forward to the s$bse5$ent year-
)roided that the total n$&ber of posts resered for all s$ch cate%ories in a direct recr$it&ent
shall not exceed 9!C of the total acancies.

//. Nationa%it2.. A candidate for appoint&ent to the Serice &$st be a citi3en of India.
/2. Di':ua%ifi&ation' for appointment.. No person shall be 5$alified for appoint&ent
to the Serice or bein% in Serice..
0a) if he has &ore than one spo$se liin%7
0b) if he has been dis&issed or re&oed fro& serice by any *i%h #o$rt' Goern&ent or
Stat$tory =ody or Bocal A$thority7
0c) if he was or is conicted for any offence inolin% &oral t$rpit$de or has been
per&anently debarred or dis5$alified by any *i%h #o$rt or ;nion )$blic Serice
#o&&ission or any State )$blic Serice #o&&ission fro& appearin% in any exa&ination
or interiew7
0d) if he bein% an Adocate was fo$nd %$ilty of professional &iscond$ct $nder the
proisions of Adocates Act' /"?/ 0#entral Act 29 of /"?/) or other law for the ti&e bein%
in force.
0e) if he has &ore than two children onFor after the date of co&&ence&ent of these r$les-

)roided that the candidate hain% &ore than two children shall not be dee&ed to be
dis5$alified for appoint&ent so lon% as n$&ber of children heFshe has on the date of
co&&ence&ent does not increase-

)roided f$rther that where a candidate has only one child fro& earlier deliery b$t &ore
than one child is born o$t of a sin%le s$bse5$ent deliery' the children so born shall be dee&ed to
be one entity while co$ntin% the total n$&ber of children.
E+p%anation - Dor the p$rpose of this cla$se' child born within 2G! days fro& the date
of co&&ence&ent of these r$les shall not constit$te dis5$alification.

0f) if he has accepted or accepts dowry at the ti&e of his &arria%e.

E+p%anation- In this cla$se' the word 6dowry6 shall hae the sa&e &eanin% as
assi%ned it in 4owry )rohibition Act' /"?/ 0#entral Act 2? of /"?/)
/3. Can(a''in... No reco&&endation for recr$it&ent either written or oral other than
that re5$ired $nder these R$les' shall be ta,en into consideration. Any atte&pt on the
part of a candidate to enlist s$pport directly or indirectly for his candidat$re by other
&eans shall dis5$alify hi& for recr$it&ent.
/4. Emp%o2ment 12 irre.u%ar or improper mean'.. A candidate who is or has been
declared by the Recr$itin% A$thority or the Appointin% A$thority' as the case &ay be' %$ilty
of i&personation or of s$b&ittin% fabricated or ta&pered with doc$&ents or of &a,in%
state&ents which are incorrect or false or of s$ppressin% &aterial infor&ation or $sin% or
atte&ptin% to $se $nfair &eans in the exa&ination or interiew or otherwise resortin% to any
other irre%$lar or i&proper &eans for obtainin% ad&ission to the exa&ination or appearance at
any interiew shall' in addition to renderin% hi&self liable to cri&inal prosec$tion' be
debarred either per&anently or for a specified period'.
0a) by the Recr$itin% A$thority or the Appointin% A$thority' as the case &ay be'
fro& ad&ission to any exa&ination or appearin% at any interiew held by the
Recr$itin% A$thority for selection of candidates' or
0b) by the Goern&ent fro& e&ploy&ent $nder the Goern&ent.
/9. Temporar2 or offi&iatin. appointment'." 2n occ$rrence of te&porary or per&anent
acancy' in the cadre of 4istrict +$d%e or the Senior #iil +$d%e' as the case &ay be'
not ta,en into consideration at the ti&e of deter&inin% the acancies $nder R$le @ and if in
the opinion of the #o$rt s$ch acancy is to be filled in i&&ediately' the #o$rt shall
reco&&end to the Appointin% A$thority the na&es of the persons eli%ible for appoint&ent
&axi&$& for a period of one year and s$ch appoint&ent shall not confer any ri%hts $pon
the person so appointed.


/?. Sour&e of re&ruitment.. Recr$it&ent to the posts in Serice to the cadre of #iil
+$d%e shall be &ade only by direct recr$it&ent on the basis of the res$lt of a co&petitie
exa&ination cond$cted by the Recr$itin% A$thority.
/@. A.e.. A candidate for direct recr$it&ent to the cadre of #iil +$d%e &$st hae attained
the a%e of 23 years and &$st not hae attained the a%e of 39 years on the first day of +an$ary
fo%%o9in. the last date fixed for receipt of applications-
)roided that H
0i) the $pper a%e li&it &entioned aboe shall be relaxed by 9 years in case of candidates
belon%in% to the Sched$led #astesFSched$led 1ribes' 2ther =ac,ward #lasses and Ao&en
0ii) the $pper a%e li&it for the persons serin% in connection with the affairs of the State'
)anchayat Sa&ities, Iila )arishads or )$blic Sector ;nderta,in%s F #orporations in
s$bstantie capacity shall be 4! years.
(iii) t$e upper a.e %imit in t$e &a'e of 9io9<i(or&e 9omen '$a%% 1e upto =>
E+p%anation- In the case of widow she will hae to f$rnish a certificate of death of her
h$sband fro& the co&petent a$thority and in case of diorcee' she will hae to f$rnish
the proof of diorce.
(i() If a &aniate 9ou% $a(e 1een entit%e in re'pe&t of $i'<$er a.e to appear at t$e
e+amination in an2 2ear in 9$i&$ no 'u&$ e+amination 9a' $e%, $e<'$e '$a%% 1e eeme
to 1e entit%e in re'pe&t of $i'<$er a.e to appear at t$e ne+t fo%%o9in. e+amination.
(() If for an2 rea'on, t$e 9ritten e+amination<inter(ie9 i' &an&e%%e in an2 parti&u%ar
2ear, it '$a%% 1e open to t$e Re&ruitin. Aut$orit2 to .rant a.e re%a+ation to t$e
&aniate to appear in t$e ne+t e+amination.
/G. A&aemi& :ua%ifi&ation'... 0/) No candidate shall be eli%ible for recr$it&ent to the
Serice $nless he holds a de%ree of =achelor of Baws 0)rofessional) of any ;niersity
established by Baw in India and reco%nised as s$ch $nder the Adocates Act'/"?/.
02) >ery candidate &$st possess a thoro$%h ,nowled%e of *indi Aritten in 4ena%ari
script and Ra(asthani dialects and social c$sto&s of Ra(asthan.
/". C$ara&ter.. 1he character of a candidate for direct recr$it&ent to the serice &$st be
s$ch as will 5$alify hi& for e&ploy&ent in the serice. *e &$st prod$ce a certificate of
%ood character fro& the )rincipal Acade&ic 2fficer of the ;niersity or #olle%e or
School in which he was last ed$cated and two s$ch certificates written not &ore than six
&onths prior to the date of application' fro& two responsible persons not connected with his
;niersity or #olle%e or School and not related to hi&.
2!. S&$eme of E+amination an S2%%a1u' . 0/) 1he co&petitie exa&ination for the
recr$it&ent to the post of #iil +$d%e shall be cond$cted by the Recr$itin% A$thority in
two sta%es i.e. preli&inary exa&ination and :ain exa&ination as per the Sche&e specified
in Sched$le.I<. 1he &ar,s obtained in the preli&inary >xa&ination by the candidate who
are declared 5$alified for ad&ission to the &ain exa&ination will not be co$nted for
deter&inin% their final &erit.

(?) T$e num1er of &aniate to 1e amitte to t$e main e+amination 9i%% 1e fifteen
time' t$e tota% num1er of (a&an&ie' (Cate.or2 9i'e) to 1e fi%%e in t$e 2ear 1ut in t$e 'ai
ran.e a%% t$o'e &aniate' 9$o 'e&ure t$e 'ame per&enta.e of mar8' a' ma2 1e fi+e 12 t$e
Re&ruitin. Aut$orit2 for an2 %o9er ran.e 9i%% 1e amitte to t$e Main E+amination.

03) 2n the basis of &ar,s sec$red in :ain >xa&ination' candidates to the extent of
three ti&es of total n$&ber of acancies 0#ate%ory wise) shall be declared 5$alified to be called for

04) 1he Recr$itin% A$thority shall not reco&&ended a candidate who has failed to appear' in
any of the written paper or before the =oard for <ia <oce.
(>) S2%%a1u' '$a%% 1e 'u&$ a' ma2 1e pre'&ri1e 12 t$e Re&ruitin. Aut$orit2 from time to
)roided that sa&e &ay be a&ended by the Goernor fro& ti&e to ti&e in cons$ltation with
the #o$rt.
2/. App%i&ation.. 2n receipt of a re5$isition for recr$it&ent to the serice the Recr$itin%
A$thority shall inite applications fro& eli%ible candidates in the prescribed for&
obtainable fro& the office of the Recr$itin% A$thority on pay&ent of s$ch fee and in s$ch
&anner as the Recr$itin% A$thority &ay specify fro& ti&e to ti&e.
22. E+amination fee.. A candidate for direct recr$it&ent to a post in the serice shall pay to
the Recr$itin% A$thority s$ch fee as &ay be specified or fixed fro& ti&e to ti&e.
23. Ami''ion.. No candidate shall be ad&itted to the exa&ination $nless he holds a
certificate of ad&ission %ranted by and $nder the a$thority of the Recr$itin% A$thority.
24. #i't of &aniate' re&ommene 12 t$e Re&ruitin. Aut$orit2.. 1he Recr$itin%
A$thority shall prepare a list of the candidates in the order of their perfor&ance on the basis
of their a%%re%ate &ar,s. If two or &ore of s$ch candidates obtain e5$al &ar,s in the
a%%re%ate' the Recr$itin% A$thority shall arran%e the& in the order of &erit on the basis of
their %eneral s$itability for serice and reco&&end their na&es to the Appointin% A$thority
for appoint&ent to the #adre of #iil +$d%e-
)roided that the Recr$itin% A$thority shall not reco&&end a candidate of Sched$led #astes
or Sched$led 1ribes cate%ory $nless he obtains &ini&$& 39C &ar,s in the a%%re%ate of written
exa&ination and the interiew, and' in the case of other candidates' $nless he obtains &ini&$&
4!C &ar,s in the a%%re%ate of written exa&ination and the interiew.
!ro(ie furt$er t$at no &aniate '$a%% 1e re&ommene 9$o fai%' to o1tain minimum
?>@mar8' in t$e inter(ie9.
29. !$2'i&a% fitne''.. 0/) No person shall be appointed as a &e&ber of the Serice $nless he
is in %ood &ental and bodily health and free fro& any defect li,ely to interfere with the
efficient perfor&ance of his d$ties as a &e&ber of the serice.
02) No candidate reco&&ended by the Recr$itin% A$thority $nder R$le 24 shall be %ien
appoint&ent in serice $nder R$le 2? $nless he is fo$nd fit by the :edical =oard as per the
nor&s prescribed in Sched$le.<.
2?. Appointment.. Appointin% A$thority in cons$ltation with the #o$rt and on bein%
satisfied after s$ch en5$iry as it &ay dee& proper that s$ch candidate is s$itable in all
respects for appoint&ent to the post of #iil +$d%e' shall appoint in order of &erit fro& the
list so prepared $nder r$le 24.


2@. Sour&e of appointment.. Appoint&ent to the posts in Serice to the cadre of Senior
#iil +$d%e shall be &ade on the basis of &erit c$& seniority fro& a&on%st the #iil
+$d%es only by pro&otion by the Appointin% A$thority on the reco&&endation of the
2G. !reparation of %i't of e%i.i1%e Ci(i% Ju.e'.. Aheneer the acancies are deter&ined
$nder R$le @ in the #adre of Senior #iil +$d%e and it is decided to fill $p the sa&e' a list
of eli%ible candidates fallin% within the 3one of consideration shall be prepared for
2". Con'titution of 'e%e&tion &ommittee.. Dor appoint&ent to the Serice by pro&otion' a
selection co&&ittee shall be constit$ted by the #hief +$stice' which shall reco&&end to the
#o$rt' the na&es of the officers fo$nd s$itable for pro&otion.
3!. Appointment.. 1he Appointin% A$thority shall &a,e appoint&ent in the cadre of
Senior #iil +$d%e on the reco&&endation of the #o$rt.

B5. Sour&e of re&ruitment- (5) Si+t2 Fi(e per&ent po't' in t$e &are of Di'tri&t Ju.e
'$a%% 1e fi%%e in 12 promotion from amon.'t Senior Ci(i% Ju.e' on t$e 1a'i' of merit"
&um"'eniorit2 'u1Ce&t to pa''in. of 'uita1i%it2 te't a' pro(ie uner S&$eu%e"VI.
(?) Ten per&ent po't' in t$e &are of Di'tri&t Ju.e '$a%% 1e fi%%e in 12 promotion from
Senior Ci(i% Ju.e' 'tri&t%2 on t$e 1a'i' of merit t$rou.$ %imite &ompetiti(e e+amination
&onu&te 12 t$e Court.
03) 1wenty Die percent posts in the cadre of 4istrict +$d%e shall be filled in by direct
recr$it&ent fro& a&on%st the eli%ible Adocates on the basis of written exa&ination and interiew
cond$cted by the #o$rt.
04) Dor the p$rpose of proper &aintenance and deter&ination of seniority of persons
appointed thro$%h the aforesaid so$rces' a roster for fillin% of acancies based on 5$ota of
acancies resered' as %ien in Sched$le.<II shall be &aintained. 1his roster
shall operate prospectiely.
I A !romotion
32. Re&ruitment 12 promotion.. (5) Si+t2 Fi(e per&ent po't' in t$e Care of Di'tri&t
Ju.e '$a%% 1e fi%%e in 12 promotion from amon.'t Senior Ci(i% Ju.e'
re&ommene 12 t$e Court, on t$e 1a'i' of merit"&um"'eniorit2, 'u1Ce&t to pa''in. of
'uita1i%it2 te't a' pro(ie in S&$eu%e"VI.
E+p%anation-" Dua%if2in. t$e e%i.i1i%it2 te't '$a%% not affe&t t$e inter"'e"'eniorit2
of t$e offi&er' in t$e Care of Senior Ci(i% Ju.e'.
02) 1he recr$it&ent in the cadre of 4istrict +$d%es $nder s$b.r$le 02) of r$le 3/ shall be &ade
by a Bi&ited #o&petitie >xa&ination cond$cted by the #o$rt in accordance with the sche&e of
the exa&ination prescribed $nder Sched$le.<III.
!ro(ie t$at in t$e e(ent of non"a(ai%a1i%it2 of 'u&&e''fu% &aniate' in t$e %imite
&ompetiti(e e+amination t$e (a&ant po't' 1e fi%%e up 12 re.u%ar promotion in a&&oran&e
9it$ t$e'e ru%e'.
03) A Senior #iil +$d%e who has co&pleted act$al fie years serice as on the first day
of +an$ary precedin% the last date fixed for the receipt of the applications shall be eli%ible for
appearin% in the Bi&ited #o&petitie >xa&ination for pro&otion to the #adre of 4istrict +$d%e.
04) Dor the p$rpose of Bi&ited #o&petitie >xa&ination' applications shall be inited by
the #o$rt fro& all eli%ible Senior #iil +$d%es in s$ch &anner and in s$ch for& as &ay be
specified by the #o$rt.
(>) Caniate' 9$o $a(e o1taine &ut off mar8' a' fi+e 12 t$e Hi.$ Court in t$e
#imite Competiti(e E+amination '$a%% 1e e%i.i1%e for inter(ie9 12 a Committee &on'i'tin. of
C$ief Cu'ti&e, Amini'trati(e Ju.e an t$ree ot$er Ju.e' nominate 12 t$e C$ief Ju'ti&e.
T$e Committee ta8in. into &on'ieration t$e performan&e at e+amination, t$e 'er(i&e re&or
an t$e performan&e at t$e inter(ie9 '$a%% a''e'' t$e 'uita1i%it2 an re&ommen t$e name' of
t$e offi&er' for promotion.
!ro(ie, 9$i%e &on'ierin. t$e 'er(i&e re&or for a''e''in. t$e 'uita1i%it2 to
re&ommen t$e name' of offi&er' for promotion, it '$a%% 1e ne&e''ar2 for a &aniate to o1tain
out'tanin. or (er2 .oo entrie' at%ea't for t$ree 2ear' in t$e %a't pre&ein. fi(e 2ear' 9it$ no
a(er'e remar8'.
II " Dire&t re&ruitment
33. E%i.i1i%it2 for ire&t re&ruitment.. Dor the p$rpose of direct recr$it&ent $nder s$b.r$le
03) of R$le 3/' applications shall be inited by the #o$rt fro& those Adocates' who f$lfill
the followin% conditions of eli%ibility-.
0i) &$st hae attained the a%e of 39 years and &$st not hae attained the a%e of 49 years on
the first day of +an$ary fo%%o9in. the last date fixed for receipt of the applications-
)roided that
0a) the $pper a%e li&it &entioned aboe shall be relaxed by 9 years in case of
candidates belon%in% to the Sched$led #astes' Sched$led 1ribes' 2ther =ac,ward
#lasses and Ao&en #andidates.
0b) If a &aniate 9ou% $a(e 1een entit%e in re'pe&t of $i'<$er a.e to appear at
t$e e+amination in an2 2ear in 9$i&$ no 'u&$ e+amination 9a' $e%, $e<'$e '$a%%
1e eeme to 1e entit%e in re'pe&t of $i'<$er a.e to appear at t$e ne+t fo%%o9in.
(&) If for an2 rea'on, t$e 9ritten e+amination<inter(ie9 i' &an&e%%e in an2
parti&u%ar 2ear, it '$a%% 1e open to t$e Hi.$ Court to .rant a.e re%a+ation to t$e
&aniate to appear in t$e ne+t e+amination.
0ii) &$st hold a de%ree of =achelor of Baws 0)rofessional) of any ;niersity
established by Baw in India and reco%nised as s$ch $nder the Adocates Act' /"?/.
0iii) &$st hae been an Adocate for a period of not less then seen years on the last date
fixed for receipt of applications.
0i) &$st possess a thoro$%h ,nowled%e of *indi Aritten in 4ena%ri script and Ra(asthani
dialects and social c$sto&s of Ra(asthan.
0) the character of a candidate &$st be s$ch as to render hi& s$itable in the opinion of the
#o$rt in all respects for appoint&ent to the serice. *e &$st prod$ce a certificate of %ood
character fro& the 4istrict +$d%e of the 4istrict in which he has been practisin% as a lawyer
and two s$ch certificates' written not &ore than six &onths prior to the date of s$b&ission
of the application to the #o$rt' fro& two responsible persons not related to hi&.
((i) a per'on i'mi''e 12 t$e Centra% Go(ernment or 12 a State Go(ernment or
&on(i&te of an offen&e in(o%(in. mora% turpitue or an2 'u&$ offen&e, 9$i&$ in t$e
opinion of t$e Re&ruitin. Aut$orit2 rener' $im un'uita1%e for appointment in Jui&ia%
Ser(i&e '$a%% not 1e e%i.i1%e for appointment.
0ii) no person shall be appointed as a &e&ber of the serice $nless he is in %ood &ental
and bodily health and free fro& any physical defect li,ely to interfere with the efficient
perfor&ance of his d$ties as a &e&ber of the serice. =efore a candidate is finally
approed for appoint&ent by direct recr$it&ent' he shall be re5$ired to appear before a
&edical board which will exa&ine hi& and certify if he is fit for appoint&ent to the serice.
34. In(itation of app%i&ation.. Applications for direct recr$it&ent to the post in the cadre of
4istrict +$d%e shall be inited by the #o$rt by p$blishin% a notice to that effect in the
Ra(asthan Ga3ette or in s$ch other &anner as it &ay dee& fit.
39. Form of app%i&ation.. Application shall be &ade in the for& prescribed by the #o$rt
and obtainable fro& s$ch places as &ay be notified in the adertise&ent' on pay&ent of
s$ch fee as &ay be fixed by the #o$rt fro& ti&e to ti&e.
3?. Su1mi''ion of app%i&ation.. E(5) *$i%e 'u1mittin. app%i&ation, &aniate '$a%%
furni'$ parti&u%ar' of 56 Ju.ment' of t$e pre&ein. 'e(en 2ear' in 9$i&$ $e $a' ar.ue
per'ona%%2. He '$a%% prou&e 'u&$ Cu.ment' at t$e time of inter(ie9 a%'o.
(?) E(er2 app%i&ation '$a%% 1e a&&ompanie 12 a &ertifi&ate from t$e Di'tri&t Ju.e
&on&erne 9$ere orinari%2 t$e app%i&ant i' pra&ti&in., a' to t$e fitne'', &$ara&ter an %en.t$
of a&tua% pra&ti&e of t$e &aniate a%on.9it$ 'u&$ ot$er o&ument' a' ma2 1e 'pe&ifie.
In &a'e t$e app%i&ant i' pra&ti&in. in t$e Hi.$ Court, t$e &ertif2in. aut$orit2 '$a%% 1e
Re.i'trar of t$e &on&erne Hi.$ Court.
3@. E+amination fee.. 0/) A candidate for direct recr$it&ent to a post in the serice &$st
pay s$ch fee and in s$ch &anner as &ay be prescribed by the #o$rt fro& ti&e to ti&e.
02) No clai& for the ref$nd of the exa&ination fee shall be entertained nor the fee shall be
held in resere for any other exa&ination $nless the candidate is not ad&itted to the
exa&ination by the #o$rt.
3G. S&rutin2 of app%i&ation'.. T$e Committee &on'titute 12 t$e C$ief Ju'ti&e '$a%%
'&rutiniFe t$e app%i&ation' an '$a%% 'ati'f2 it'e%f 1efore .rantin. &ertifi&ate in ea&$ &a'e
t$at t$e app%i&ation $a' 1een mae 'tri&t%2 in a&&oran&e 9it$ t$e pro(i'ion' of t$e'e
ru%e' an t$e e&i'ion a' to t$e e%i.i1i%it2 or ot$er9i'e of t$e &aniate' for ami''ion to
t$e e+amination '$a%% 1e fina%. No &aniate '$a%% 1e amitte to t$e e+amination un%e''
$e $o%' a &ertifi&ate of ami''ion i''ue 12 t$e per'on aut$oriFe 12 t$e C$ief Ju'ti&e.
3". S2%%a1u'.. S2%%a1u' for t$e &ompetiti(e e+amination '$a%% 1e a' 'pe&ifie 12 t$e
Re&ruitin. Aut$orit2 from time to time. T$e '&$eme of t$e e+amination '$a%% 1e a'
pre'&ri1e in S&$eu%e"IG.
4!. E+amination.. (5) A &ompetiti(e e+amination for ire&t re&ruitment to t$e &are of
Di'tri&t Ju.e '$a%% 1e $e% 12 t$e Court e(er2 2ear on or 1efore t$e ate' 'pe&ifie in
02) A #andidate who obtains s$ch 5$alifyin% &ar,s in written exa&ination' as &ay be fixed
by the #o$rt' shall be called for interiew.
Note-. N$&ber of persons called for interiew shall not exceed three ti&es the
n$&ber of acancies adertised in each cate%ory.
03) T$e Committee &on'i'tin. of t$e C$ief Ju'ti&e, t$e Amini'trati(e Ju.e an t$ree
ot$er Ju.e' nominate 12 t$e C$ief Ju'ti&e '$a%% inter(ie9 t$e &aniate',.
4/. #i't of 'e%e&te &aniate'.. 1he #o&&ittee shall prepare the &erit list cate%ory wise
on the basis of a%%re%ate &ar,s obtained in written exa&ination and interiew considerin%
the s$itability in %eneral.
H!ro(ie t$at no &aniate '$a%% 1e re&ommene 9$o fai%' to o1tain minimum ?>@
mar8' in t$e inter(ie9.
!ro(ie furt$er t$at not9it$'tanin. an2t$in. &ontaine in an2 ru%e or '&$eu%e, an
$a(in. to t$e re:uirement of effi&ien&2 in 'er(i&e, t$e &ourt ma2 etermine 'u&$ &ut off
mar8' a' &on'iere fit for 1ein. re&ommene for appointment.,
III " Appointment
42. Com1ine 'e%e&t %i't.. 1he #o$rt shall prepare a co&bined select list p$ttin% the na&es
of candidates in cyclic order as proided in Sched$le.<II fro& the list prepared $nder s$b.
r$le 0/) and 09) of r$le 32 and 4/ and send it to the Appointin% A$thority.
43. Appointment.. 2n receipt of the select list prepared $nder r$le 42 fro& the #o$rt'
the Appointin% A$thority after satisfyin% that the candidates reco&&ended by the #o$rt
for appoint&ent are d$ly 5$alified in all respects' shall appoint the& to the serice.

44. !ro1ation.. All persons appointed to the serice in the cadre of #iil +$d%e and
4istrict +$d%e by direct recr$it&ent shall be placed on probation for a period of two
)roided that s$ch of the& as hae preio$s to their appoint&ent to the serice officiated
on te&porary post in the serice &ay be per&itted by the Appointin% A$thority on the
reco&&endation of the #o$rt to co$nt s$ch officiation or te&porary serice towards the period of
49. Confirmation.. 0/) A probationer appointed to the serice in the cadre of #iil +$d%e
shall be confir&ed in his appoint&ent by the #o$rt at the end of his initial or extended
period of probation' if the #o$rt is satisfied that he is fit for confir&ation.
02) A person appointed to the serice in the cadre of Senior #iil +$d%e by pro&otion shall be
s$bstantiely appointed by the #o$rt in the cadre as and when per&anent acancies occ$r.
03) A probationer appointed to the serice in the cadre of 4istrict +$d%e by direct
recr$it&ent shall be confir&ed in his appoint&ent by the #o$rt at the end of his initial or
extended period of probation' if the #o$rt is satisfied that he is fit for confir&ation.
04) A person appointed to the serice in the cadre of 4istrict +$d%e by pro&otion on the basis
of &erit.c$&.seniority or by Bi&ited #o&petitie >xa&ination shall be confir&ed in his
appoint&ent by the #o$rt on aailability of per&anent acancies in the cadre.
4?. ;n'ati'fa&tor2'' urin. pro1ation an e+ten'ion of pro1ation perio.. 0/) If
it appears to the #o$rt' at any ti&e' d$rin% or at the end of the period of probation that a
&e&ber of the serice has not &ade s$fficient $se of the opport$nities &ade aailable
or that he has failed to %ie satisfactory perfor&ance' the Appointin% A$thority &ay' on
reco&&endations of the #o$rt' dischar%e hi& fro& serice-
)roided that the #o$rt &ay' in special cases' for reasons to be recorded in writin%' extend
the period of probation of any &e&ber of the serice for a specified period not exceedin% one year.
02) An order sanctionin% s$ch extension of probation shall specify the exact date $p to
which the extension is %ranted and f$rther specify as to whether the extended period will be co$nted
for the p$rpose of incre&ent.
03) If the period of probation is extended on acco$nt of fail$re to %ie satisfactory serice'
s$ch extension shall not co$nt for incre&ents' $nless the a$thority %rantin% the extension directs
04) If a probationer is dischar%ed fro& serice d$rin% or at the end of the initial or
extended period of probation $nder s$b.r$le 0/)' he shall not be entitled to any clai&
4@. Seniorit2.. S$b(ect to the other proisions of these R$les'.
0/) Seniority in the serice in the cadre of #iil +$d%e shall be deter&ined fro& the date of
the order of s$bstantie appoint&ent to the serice -
)roided that the seniority of candidates appointed to the serice shall' in the case of
appoint&ent of &ore persons than one follow the order in which they hae been placed in the list
prepared by the Recr$itin% A$thority $nder R$le 24 of these R$les.
02) seniority of persons pro&oted to the Senior #iil +$d%e cadre in the sa&e year
shall be the sa&e as it was in the post held by the& at the ti&e of pro&otion.
03) Seniority of persons appointed to the Serice in the 4istrict +$d%e cadre by direct
recr$it&ent shall be deter&ined fro& the date of the order of s$bstantie appoint&ent in the
)roided that the seniority of direct recr$itee to the cadre' in the case of appoint&ent of
&ore persons than one by an order of the sa&e selection' shall follow the order in which they
hae been placed in the list prepared by the #o$rt $nder R$le. 4/
04) seniority of persons pro&oted to the 4istrict +$d%e cadre in the sa&e year shall be
the sa&e as it was on the post held by the& at the ti&e of pro&otion.
09) 1he seniority of direct recr$itee the pro&otee appointed to the cadre of
4istrict +$d%e shall be deter&ined in the order of their na&es placed in the co&bined select
list prepared $nder r$le 42-
)roided that the persons pro&oted $nder R$le /9 shall not be %ien seniority oer the
direct recr$itee.
!ART " V

4G. Grant of '&a%e uner t$e A''ure Career !''ion S&$eme.. 0/) S$b(ect to
appraisal of their wor,' and perfor&ance by the #o$rt' the 2fficers of the #iil +$d%e
cadre and Senior #iil +$d%e cadre' who tho$%h' otherwise fit and s$itable for
pro&otion hae not been so pro&oted for want of acancy in the cadre for their
pro&otion' shall in lie$ of pro&otion be %ranted Ass$red #areer )ro%ression Scales
by the #o$rt as $nder-.
0a) an officer of the #iil +$d%e cadre shall be eli%ible for the %rant of first and second
Ass$red #areer )ro%ression Scales 0A#).I E A#).II) on co&pletion of 9 and /!
years of contin$o$s satisfactory serice in the respectie scales.
0b) an officer of the Senior #iil +$d%e cadre shall be eli%ible for the %rant of first and
second Ass$red #areer )ro%ression Scale 0A#).I E A#).II) on co&pletion of 9 and /!
years contin$o$s satisfactory serice in the respectie scales.

02) Ass$red #areer )ro%ression Scale of pay shall not be %ranted to those officers who
hae declined or for%one re%$lar pro&otion on any %ro$nd.
03) Any officer to who& Ass$red #areer )ro%ression Scale of pay has been %ranted'
ref$ses f$nctional pro&otion to the hi%her cadre in his t$rn of pro&otion shall be reerted to his
ori%inal pay scale.
04) Scales of pay of Ass$red #areer )ro%ression.I and Ass$red #areer )ro%ression .II
shall be s$ch as &ay be prescribed by the Goern&ent $nder the r$les %oernin% pay scales of
the +$dicial 2fficers.
4". Grant of 'e%e&tion '&a%e to Di'tri&t Ju.e'.. T$e Offi&er' of t$e Di'tri&t Ju.e &are,
9$o $a(e put in not %e'' t$an > 2ear' 'er(i&e '$a%% 1e .rante 'e%e&tion '&a%e 12 t$e
Court on t$e 1a'i' of merit to t$e e+tent of ?> per&ent of t$e effe&ti(e 'tren.t$ of Di'tri&t
9!. Grant of 'uper"time '&a%e to Di'tri&t Ju.e' ." T$e Offi&er' of t$e Di'tri&t Ju.e
&are, 9$o $a(e put in not %e'' t$an t$ree 2ear' 'er(i&e in t$e 'e%e&tion '&a%e '$a%% 1e
.rante 'uper"time '&a%e 12 t$e &ourt on t$e 1a'i' of merit after ta8in. into
&on'ieration t$e entire 'er(i&e re&or to t$e e+tent of 56 per&ent of effe&ti(e 'tren.t$ of
Di'tri&t Ju.e'.


9/. !a2 '&a%e'.. 1he pay scales of the persons appointed to the posts in the serice shall be
%oerned by the 2rders iss$ed in this behalf by the Goernor' fro& ti&e to ti&e.
92. !a2, a%%o9an&e', amenitie', a(an&e' an ot$er finan&ia% 1enefit'." >ery &e&ber of
the serice in addition to any other allowances' a&enities and adances aailed by hi& and
ad&issible to hi& $nder the r$lesForders &ade by the Goern&ent fro& ti&e to ti&e'
shall be entitled to receie or rei&b$rse the followin% allowances' a&enities' and
financial benefits on and fro& the date and in s$ch &anner as &ay be specified by the
Goern&ent fro& ti&e to ti&e by %eneral or special order' na&ely-.
/. S$pply of News paper0s) and &a%a3ine'
2. #ity #o&pensatory Allowance'
3. Robe Allowance'
4. #oneyance Allowance'
9. S$&p$t$ary Allowance'
?. :edical Dacility'
@. Beae 1rael #oncession'
G. *o&e 1rael #oncession'
". #onc$rrent #har%es Allowance'
/!. 1ransfer Grant'
//. Rei&b$rse&ent of >lectricity and Aater #har%es'
/2. Soft Boan and Adances'
/3. Rent free f$rnished Goern&ent Acco&&odation or *o$se Rent Allowance'
/4. 1elephone Dacilities'
/9. =enefit of Beae encash&ent' and
/?. Any other facility as &ay be proided to the +$dicial 2fficers fro& ti&e to ti&e by the
State Goern&ent or the #entral Goern&ent.
93. #ea(e, a%%o9an&e' an pen'ion et&.. >xcept as otherwise proided in these R$les and
$ntil separate r$les are fra&ed by the Goern&ent in this re%ard' the allowances' pension'
leae' cond$ct and other conditions of serice of the &e&bers of the Serice shall be
re%$lated by the followin% R$les' as a&ended fro& ti&e to ti&e' na&ely-.
/. 1he Ra(asthan Serice R$les' /"9/' as a&ended fro& ti&e to ti&e7
2. 1he Ra(asthan #iil Serices 0#lassification and Appeal) R$les' /"9G' as a&ended fro&
ti&e to ti&e7
3. 1he Ra(asthan #iil Serices 0#ond$ct) R$les' /"@/' as a&ended fro& ti&e to ti&e7
4. 1he Ra(asthan #iil Serices 0)ension) R$les' /""?' as a&ended fro& ti&e to ti&e7
9. 1he Ra(asthan 1raellin% Allowances R$les' /"@/' as a&ended fro& ti&e to ti&e7 and
?. Any other R$les %oernin% %eneral conditions of serice' &ade by the Goernor
in >xercise of powers conferred $nder the proiso to Article 3!" of the #onstit$tion of India
and for the ti&e bein% in force and applicable to the &e&bers of the State Serices.


94. Oat$.. >ery person appointed to the serice shall &a,e and s$bscribe an oath or
affir&ation in the prescribed for& set o$t for this p$rpose in Annex$re.6A6 appended to
these r$les.
99. Deputation.. 0/) Any &e&ber of the serice &ay be dep$ted by the Goernor'
in cons$ltation with the #o$rt to perfor& the d$ties of any post in the #entral
Goern&ent or a State Goern&ent or to sere in a body incorporated or not' which is
wholly or s$bstantially owned or controlled by the Goern&ent.
02) 1he ter&s and conditions for placin% a &e&ber of the Serice on dep$tation shall be
s$ch as &ay be specified by the Goern&ent in cons$ltation with the #o$rt.
03) S$ch dep$tation shall not be for &ore than three years' which shall not be extended
f$rther in any case beyond a period of two year except by the #o$rt for special reasons to be
04) A &e&ber of the serice repatriated bac, fro& dep$tation shall not be sent on
dep$tation a%ain before co&pletion of a period of fie years on a ($dicial post $nder the #o$rt.
9?. Re"emp%o2ment.. 1he Appointin% A$thority in case of te&porary acancy in the #adre
of 4istrict +$d%e on the reco&&endation of the #o$rt &ay proide re.e&ploy&ent to a
retired +$dicial 2fficer in the 4istrict +$d%e #adre till the a%e of ?2 years.
9@. Repea% an 'a(in.'.. 1he Ra(asthan *i%her +$dicial Serice R$les' /"?" and the
Ra(asthan +$dicial Serice R$les' /"99' as a&ended fro& ti&e to ti&e' are hereby repealed-
)roided that s$ch repeal shall not affect any order &ade' action ta,en' effects and
conse5$ences of anythin% done or s$ffered there $nder or any ri%ht' ' priile%e' obli%ation or
liability already ac5$ired' accr$ed or inc$rred there $nder' or en5$iry' erification' or proceedin%s
in respect thereof &ade.
JSee R$le 30c) E ?0/)K




De'i.nation of !o't Stren
/. 4istrict E Sessions +$d%es-.
Metropo%itan &it2F+aip$rdistrictF+aisal&erF+aloreF+halawarF+h$n(h$n$F
Jo$pur Metropo%itan Cit2FJo$pur Di'tri&t<Lara$liFLotaF:ertaF)aliF
2. Additional 4istrict E Sessions +$d%es-.

No./ A(&erF No.2 A(&erF No.3 A(&erF =eawarF Lishan%arhF Le,ariFNo./
AlwarF No.2 AlwarF =ehrorF No./ Lishan%arhbasFNo.2 Lishan%arhbasF
Ra(%arh0Alwar)FBax&an%arh0Alwar)F 1i(ara 0Alwar)F =ar&erFNo./
=haratp$rFNo.2 =haratp$rFNo./ =ayanaF No.2 =ayanaFNo./ 4ee%FNo.2
4ee%F=answaraF =aranF#hhabraF No./ =hilwaraFNo.2 =hilwaraF
G$labp$raFShahp$raFNo./ =i,anerFNo.2 =i,anerFNo./ =$ndiFNo.2 =$ndiF
*an$&an%arhFNo.2 *an$&an%arhFNoharF =hadraF No./ +aip$r
Metropo%itanFNo.2 +aip$r Metropo%itanF No.3 +aip$r Metropo%itanF No.4
+aip$r Metropo%itan FNo.9 +aip$r Metropo%itanF No.? +aip$r
Metropo%itanF No.@ +aip$r Metropo%itan F No. G +aip$r Metropo%itanF
No." +aip$r Metropo%itanF No./ +aip$r 4istrictF No.2 +aip$r 4istrictF
Lotp$taliF Sa&bharF Shahp$ra0+aip$r 4istrict)F =hin&alF +halawarF A,leraF
LhetriF+h$n(h$n$FNo./ +odhp$r Metropo%itanF No.2 +odhp$r
Metropo%itanF No.3 +odhp$r Metropo%itanF )halodiF *indon #ityF No./
LotaF No.2 LotaF No.3 LotaFNo.4 LotaF No.9 LotaF Ra&%an(&andiF
Na%o$rF)arbatsarF 4eedwanaF =aliFSo(atFSumerpur< No./ #hittor%arhFNo.2
#hittor%arhF Ni&baheraF Gan%ap$rcityF No./ Si,arF No.2
Si,arFNathdwaraFNee& ,a thanaFAb$ RoadF :alp$raFNo./ ;daip$rFNo.2
;daip$rF No.3 ;daip$r.
3. +$d%e' Special #o$rt' Sched$le #astesF Sched$le 1ribes 0)reention of
Atrocities #ases) A(&erF AlwarF=aranF =hilwaraF=i,anerF 4a$saF
Gan%ana%arF +aip$r #ityF +halawarF +odhp$rF Lota F :ertaF )aliF
)ratap%arhF Sawai :adhop$r F 1on,F ;daip$r.
4. +$d%e' Special #o$rt 0Ao&en Attrocities) =hilwaraFGan%ana%arF LotaF
+aip$r #ity.
9. +$d%e' Special #o$rt 0N.4.).S.#ases) =hilwaraFGan%ana%arF
*an$&an%arhF +halawarF+odhp$rF)ratap%arhF#hittor%arhF +aip$r.
?. +$d%e' Special #o$rt 04acoity Affected Areas) =haratp$rF4holp$r. 2
@. +$d%e' Session #o$rt 0)reention of Anti #orr$ption Act)

G. Special +$d%e 0#.=.I.) +aip$rF +odhp$r. 2
". +$d%e'Da&ily #o$rt' A(&erF7$i%9ara<7uni<7i8aner<7aran<$ <+aip$r No./F +aip$r No.2F J$a%a9ar< No.5 +odhp$rF
No.? Jo$pur<LotaF ;daip$r.
/!. +$d%e' Special #o$rt 0#o&&$nal Riots') 1on,F+aip$r. 2
//. +$d%e' Special #o$rt 0 Sati Niaran)' +aip$r. /
/2. +$d%e' Special #o$rt 0 Da,e #$rrency #ases) +aip$r. /
/3. +$d%e' Special #o$rt 0)rintin% and Stationary >&be33le&ent #ases)'

/4. +$d%e' 4esi%nated #o$rt' A(&er. /
/9. )residin% 2fficer' Special #o$rt for >ssential #o&&odities Act #ases'
+aip$rF +odhp$r.
/?. )residin% 2fficer' Ind$strial 4isp$te 1rib$nal and Babo$r #o$rt
A(&erF=haratp$rF=hilwaraF=i,anerF +odhp$rF LotaF;daip$rF Gan%ana%ar.
/@. +$d%e' Ind$strial 1rib$nal'+aip$r. /
/G. +$d%e' Babo$r #o$rt' +aip$r No./F +aip$r No.2 2
/". +$d%e' :otor Accident #lai& 1rib$nal A(&erF=$ndiFLotaF)aliF
#hittor%arhF Ra(sa&andFSirohiF;daip$rFAlwarF=hilwaraF +aip$r.
2!. )residin% 2fficer' Ra(asthan State #o.operatie 1rib$nal' +aip$r. /
2/. )residin% 2fficer' Ra(asthan Non Goern&ent >d$cational
Instit$tions 1rib$nal' +aip$r.
22. )residin% 2fficer Aa,f 1rib$nal' +aip$r /
23. :e&ber' State 1ransport Appellate 1rib$nal' +aip$r. /
24. :e&ber' Ra(asthan #iil Serices Appellate 1rib$nal' +aip$r. /
29. :e&ber' =oard of Reen$e' A(&er 2
2?. :e&ber' Ra(asthan 1ax =oard' A(&er /
2@. :e&ber Secretary' Ra(asthan State Be%al Serices A$thority' +aip$r. /
2G. Re%istrar General' Ra(asthan *i%h #o$rt' +odhp$r. /
2". Re%istrar 0<i%ilance)' Ra(asthan *i%h #o$rt' +odhp$r. /
3!. Re%istrar0Ad&n.)' Ra(asthan *i%h #o$rt' +odhp$r. /
3/. Re%istrar 0Ad&n.)' Ra(asthan *i%h #o$rt =ench' +aip$r. /
32. Re%istrar 0R$les)' Ra(asthan *i%h #o$rt' +odhp$r.
33. Re%istrar 0<i%ilance)' Ra(asthan *i%h #o$rt =ench' +aip$r. /
34. Re%istrar 0Arits)' Ra(asthan *i%h #o$rt =ench' +aip$r. /
39. Re%istrar c$& )rincipal Secretary to *onMble #hief +$stice /
3?. Re%istrar 0#lassification) Ra(asthan *i%h #o$rt' +odhp$rF+aip$r =ench. 2
3@. 4irector' School of +$dicial Ad&inistration E Ra(asthan +$dicial Acade&y /
3G. Resere for Beae' 1rainin%' 4ep$tation and for holdin% te&porary post
N /!C of the 1otal #adre Stren%th.
Gran Tota%

S.No. De'i.nation of po't Care Stren.t$.
/. #iil +$d%e 0Senior 4iision).c$&.#hief B>
+$dicial :a%istrates-.

A(&erF AlwarF =ar&er F =haratp$rF
=answaraF =aranF =hilwaraF =i,anerF
=$ndiF #h$r$F 4a$saF 4holp$rF
4$n%arp$rF *an$&an%arhF Gan%ana%arF
Jaipur Di'tri&t< +aisal&erF +aloreF
+halawarF +h$n(h$n$FF
Jo$pur Di'tri&tFLara$liF LotaF Na%a$rF )aliF
#hittor%arhF Ra(sa&andFSawai&adhop$rFSi,arFSirohiF
1on,F ;daip$rF)ratap%arh.
#iil +$d%e 0Sr.4i.)E #hief :etropolitan :a%istrate
+aip$r Metropo%itan F +odhp$r Metropo%itan

2. #iil +$d%e 0Senior 4iision).c$&.Additional 5K0
#hief +$dicial :a%istratesF Addl. #iil +$d%es
0Senior 4iision).c$&.Addl. #hief +$dicial

No./ =eawarFNo.2 =eawarFLishan%arhF
No./ A(&erFNo.2 A(&erF No.3 A(&erF
NasirabadF No. / Le,riF No. 2 Le,riF 0Railway) A(&erF
Lishan%arhbasFNo. / AlwarF No.2
AlwarF No.3 AlwarFNo.? SriMa$opur<
No. /. =ehror
F Bax&an%arhF Ra(%arhF No.2.
=ehrorF L$shal%arhF =answaraF
=ar&erF =alotraF =aranF #hhabraF
ShahbadF 4ee%F No./ =haratp$rF No.2
=haratp$rF No.3 =haratp$rF No.4
=haratp$rF Lum$er <=ayanaF AeirF =hilwaraF
Shahp$raF Gan%ap$rF G$labp$raF :andalF
:andal%arhF No./ =i,anerF No.2
=i,anerF No.3 =i,anerF No.4
=i,anerF 0Railway) =i,anerF =$ndiF
NainwaF Ratan%arhF$<Ra(%arhF 4a$saF
:ah$waF BalsotF =andi,$iF No. / =ariF
No. 2 =ariF 4holp$rF 4oon%arp$rF Sa%waraF
Raisin%na%arF Gan%ana%arF Laranp$rF
S$rat%arhF Anoop%arhF *an$&an%arhF
San%ariaF NoharF =hadraF F S ).>. #ases
F No. / +aip$r
4istrictF No.2 +aip$r 4istrictF
Sa&bharF Lotp$tliF Shahp$raF #ho&$F
No. / +aloreF No. 2 +aloreF=hin&alF
LhetriF+h$n(h$n$F Nawal%arhF
=hawani&andiF A,leraFMano$art$ana< J$a%rapatan< +halwarF
F )halodiF =ilaraF )o,ranF *ind$anF
Lara$liF#o&&$nal Riots' LotaF
Ra&%an(&andiF No. / LotaF No.2
LotaF No.3 LotaF No.4 LotaF No.9
LotaF 0Railway) LotaFNa%a$rF :ertaF
)arbatsarF 4idwanaF :a,ranaF So(atF
=aliF +aitaranF )aliF #o&&$nal
Riots )aliFNo./'#hittor%arhF No.2
#hittor%arhF )artap%arhF Arnod 0)ratap%arh)FLapasanF
Ni&baheraF =e%$nF =adi SadriF
#hhoti SadriF =hee&F Ra(sa&andF
NathdwaraF Sawai :adhop$rF
Gan%ap$rcityF Nee& La 1hanaF Si,arF
Datehp$rF 4antanra&%arhF
Sri&adhop$rF :o$nt Ab$F 1on,F
:alp$raF NiwaiF;niyaraF :aliF
LanoreF No. / ;daip$rF No.2
;daip$rF No.3 ;daip$rF +hadolF
<allabhna%arF LherwadaF Sal$&berF
4hariawadFNo./'+4A'+aip$rFNo.2 +4
+aip$r Metropo%itanF No./ +aip$r Metropo%itanF No.2
+aip$rMetropo%itan F No.3 +aip$r Metropo%itanF No.4
+aip$r Metropo%itanF No.9 +aip$r Metropo%itanF No.
? +aip$r Metropo%itanF No. @ +aip$r Metropo%itanF
No. G +aip$r Metropo%itanF No." +aip$rMetropo%itanF
No. /! +aip$r Metropo%itanF No. //'+aip$r Metropo%itanF
No./2 +aip$r Metropo%itan FNo./3 +aip$r Metropo%itan
<No.5 Jo$pur Metropo%itan<
No.? Jo$pur Metropo%itan No.B Jo$pur Metropo%itan<
No.= Jo$pur Metropo%itan
Aitiona% C$ief Metropo%itan Ma.i'trate
E&onomi& Offen&e', Jaipur Metropo%itan<
Communa% Riot', Jaipur Metropo%itan<<
Railway' +odhp$r Metropo%itan F 0Railway) +aip$r
:etropolitanF>cono&ic 2ffences' +odhp$r Metropo%itan F
(C7I &a'e') Jo$pur Metropo%itan<

3. 21*>R )2S1S -.

4ep$ty Re%istrar 0+$dicial)' 9
+odhp$rF +aip$rF 4y. Secretary' R*#'
Be%al Aid #o&&ittee'+aip$r0A#+:)F4y.
Secretary' R*#' Be%al Aid
#o&&ittee' +odhp$r 0A#+:)F 4ep$ty
4irector' School of +$dicial Ad&inistration.
. E Ra(asthan +$dicial
1otal - ?60

4. Resere for Beae' 1rainin%' ?5
4ep$tation and for holdin% te&porary
post N/!C of the 1otal #adre Stren%th.

Grand 1otal ??3


/. #iil +$d%e0 +$nior 4iision).c$&. 53M
+$dicial :a%istrates' Ist #lass

A(&er 0>ast) F A(&er 0Aest)F =eawarF A(&er
04istt.)F Lishan%arhF A(&er 0North)F A(&er
0So$th)F <i(ayna%arF)$sh,arFNasirabad
FLe,riF SarwarF No./' AlwarF No.2' Alwar
FRa&%arhF Lishan%arhbas F Ra(%arh F
1hana%a3iF =ansoorF 1i(ara F :$ndawarF
Bax&an%arh F =ehror F Lath$&erF =answaraF
=a%idoraF GaddiF Ghatol F =alotra F =ar&er
FSiwana F =haratp$rF 4ee%F AeirF RoopwasF
La&aF Na%arF =ayanaF NadbaiF =aran F Atr$ F
:a%role F #hhipabarodF AantaF Lishan%an(F
:andal%arhF=hilwara0>ast)F =hilwara0Aest)F
+aha3p$rF :andalF LotriF =i(oliyaF AasindF
=i,aner F No.3' =i,anerF Boon,arnsarF No,ha
F LolayatF Lha($wala F 4$n%ar%arh F =$ndi F
Inder%arhF Ba,heri F *indoliF NainwaF
LeshoraipatanF 1alera F #h$r$ F SardarsaharF
S$(an%arhF 1arana%arF Ra(%arh F 4a$saF
=andi,$iF Balsot F Si,raiF :ah$waF 4holp$rF
Ra(a,heraF =ariF 4$n%arp$r F See&alwada F
Aashp$r F Gan%ana%ar F Raisin%hna%arF
Anoop%arhF )ada&p$rF Sad$lsahar F Gharsana F
<i(ayna%ar F S$rat%arh F *an$&an%arh F Nohar
F )iliban%a F 1ibbi F Rawatsar F +aip$r 4istt.F
Lotp$tli F Sa&bhar F 4$d$ F F
<iratna%arF Shahp$raF +alore F
Sanchore F Raniwada F +h$n(h$n$ F #hirawaF
LhetriF ;daip$rwati F )ilaniF +halawar F
Lhanp$rF )irawa F A,leraF =hawani&andiF
#ha$&ohalla F +odhp$r 4istt.F
2sian F )ipar F =alesar F +aisal&er F
*inda$n F Lara$li F 1odabhi&F Sri&ahaeer(iF
Lota 0North)F Lota 0So$th)F ItawaF San%odF
Ra&%an(&andi F Lanwas F 4i%od F :erta F
Na%a$r F Nawa F :a,rana F 4e%ana F Badn$ F
L$cha&ancity F +ayal F4eedwana F )ali F
So(at F 4es$ri F =ar F S$&erp$r F +aitaranF
:arwar +$nction F =ali F )ratap%arh F =adi
Sadri F Ni&bahera F #hittor%arh F Manafi2a<Rash&i F
4$n%la F Rawatbhata F Lapasan F =e%$n F
Gan%rar F Ra(sa&and F Rail&a%ra F Nathdwara
F A&et F 4e%arh F L$&bhal%arh F
Sawai&adhop$r F Gan%ap$rcity F =onli F
Lhandar F =a&anwas F Si,ar F Sri&adhop$r F
Bax&an%arh F Rin%$s F Nee&.,a.1hana F Sirohi
F Ab$ Road F Sheo%an( F Redar F )indwada F
1on, F 4eoli F 1odaraisin%h F :alp$raF Niwai
F Lotra F Go%$nda F LherwaraF :ali F Sarada
F =hinder F ;daip$r0North)F ;daip$r 0So$th)F
#iil +$d%e 0+4) E :etropolitan :a%istrate
0>ast) +aip$r :etropolitanF 0Aest) +aip$r :etropolitan
F+odhp$r :etropolitan

2. Additional #iil +$d%e 0+$nior 4iision).#$&. 55M
+$dicial :a%istrates' Ist #lass.-.

No./' A(&er F No.2' A(&er F No.3' A(&er F
No.4' A(&erF No.9' A(&erF No.? A(&erF No./
=eawarF No.2 =eawar F Lishan%arh F No./ Alwar
F No.2 Alwar F No.3 Alwar F No.4' AlwarF
=answara F =ar&er F =aran F Roopwas F No./'
=haratp$r F No.2' =haratp$r F No.3 =haratp$rF
No.4 =haratp$rF No./' =hilwara F No.2'
=hilwara F No.3' =hilwara F No./' =i,aner F
No.2' =i,aner FNo.3' =i,aner F No./' =$ndiF
No.2' =$ndi FNo.3' =$ndi F No./'
4holp$r F No.2' 4holp$r F No./' Gan%ana%arF
No.2' Gan%ana%arF *an$&na%arhF
F No./' +aip$r 4istt. F No.2' +aip$r 4istt. F
No.3' +aip$r 4istt.F No.4' +aip$r 4istt. F No.9' +aip$r 4istt. F Lotp$tli F
No./' *inda$n F Lara$li F No./' Lota 0North) F No.2' Lota 0North) F
No.3' Lota 0North)F No.4' Lota 0North) F No.9' Lota 0North) F
No./' Lota 0So$th) F No.2' Lota 0So$th) F No.3' Lota 0So$th)F
No.4' Lota 0So$th) FNo.9' Lota 0So$th)F :ertaF Na%a$r F No./')ali F
No.2' )ali F )ratap%arh F #hittor%arh F Sawai&adhop$r F No./' Si,ar F
No.2' Si,ar FNo./' ;daip$r #ity 0North) F No.2' ;daip$r
#ity 0North) F No./' ;daip$r #ity 0So$th) F
No.2' ;daip$r #ity 0So$th)
Additional #iil +$d%e0+4) E :etropolitan :a%istrate
0>ast) +aip$r :etropolitanF0Aest) +aip$r :etropolitan
No.5, Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.?, Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.B,
Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.=, Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.>,
Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.K, Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.M,
Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.0, Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.3,
Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.56, Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.55,
Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.5?, Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.5B,
Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.5=, Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.5>,
Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.5K, Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.5M,
Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.50, Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.53,
Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.?6, Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.?5,
Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.??, Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.?B,
Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.?= Jaipur Metropo%itan < No.?>,
Jaipur Metropo%itan <No.?K, Jaipur Metropo%itan< < No.B6, Jaipur
Metropo%itan < No.B5 Jaipur
Metropo%itan < No.B?, Jaipur Metropo%itan<No.BB,
Jaipur Metropo%itan<No.B=, Jaipur Metropo%itan
No.5, Jo$pur Metropo%itan < No.?, Jo$pur Metropo%itan <
No.B, Jo$pur Metropo%itan <No.=, Jo$pur Metropo%itan <
No.>, Jo$pur Metropo%itan < No.K, Jo$pur Metropo%itan <
No.M, Jo$pur Metropo%itan < No.0 Jo$pur Metropo%itan <
No.3 Jo$pur Metropo%itan <No.56 Jo$pur Metropo%itan<
No.55 Jo$pur Metropo%itan <
Sp%. Jui&ia% Ma.i'trate, NI A&t Ca'e' No.5 ;aipur <
Sp%. Jui&ia% Ma.i'trate, NI A&t Ca'e' No.? ;aipur <
Sp%. Jui&ia% Ma.i'trate, NI A&t Ca'e' Lota <
Sp%. Jui&ia% Ma.i'trate, NI A&t Ca'e' ACmer <
Sp%. Jui&ia% Ma.i'trate, NI A&t Ca'e' <
Sp%. Jui&ia% Ma.i'trate, NI A&t Ca'e' 7i8aner <
Sp%. Jui&ia% Ma.i'trate, NI A&t Ca'e' 7$i%9ara <

B. Gram N2a2a%a2a' =>
1otal B>3

4. Resere for Beae' 1rainin%' 4ep$tation and BK
holdin% for te&porary post N /!C of the 1otal ...................
#adre Stren%th.
Grand 1otal B3>

JSee R$le ?02)K




S.No. 4esi%nation of post Stren%th.
/. Be%al Re&e&brancer #$&. )rincipal Secretary to Got.' /
Baw E Be%al Affairs 4epart&ent' Got. of
Ra(asthan' +aip$r.

2. +oint Be%al Re&e&brancer.I' Baw 4epart&ent' /
Got. of Ra(asthan' +aip$r.

3. +oint Be%al Re&e&brancer.II' Baw 4epart&ent' /
Got. of Ra(asthan' +aip$r.

4. +oint Be%al Re&ebrancer 0<RS)' Baw 4epart&ent' /
Got. of Ra(asthan' +aip$r.

9. +oint Be%al Re&e&brancer.#$&.4irector Biti%ation' /
Baw 4epart&ent' +aip$r.

?. +oint Be%al Re&e&brancer.c$&.Additional 4irector /
Biti%ation' Baw 4epart&ent' +aip$r.

@. +oint Be%al Re&e&brancer04raftin%)' 4eptt. of Baw' /
Got. 2f Ra(asthan' +aip$r

G. 4ep$ty Secretary 0+$dl. 4eptt.)' Got. of Ra(asthan. /

". Special Secretary0law) and 4irector 0)rosec$tion) /
*o&e 4epart&ent' +aip$r.

/!. 4ep$ty Secretary to Got. *o&e0Baw) E Additional /
4irector )rosec$tion' +aip$r.

//. Secretary' Ra(asthan Be%islatie Asse&bly' +aip$r. /

/2. Special Secretary' Ra(asthan Be%islatie Asse&bly' +aip$r. /

/3. Secretary' Bo,ay$,ta' Ra(asthan /

/4. 4ep$ty Secretary' Bo,ay$,ta' Ra(asthan /

/9. Re%istrar' State #ons$&er 4isp$tes Redressal /
#o&&ission' +aip$r

/?. Re%istrar' State Ao&en #o&&ission' +aip$r /

/@. Be%al Adisor'Ra(asthan )$blic Serice #o&&ission' /

/G. 4irector 0Baw)' +aip$r 4eelop&ent A$thority' +aip$r /

/". )residin% 2fficer'+aip$r 4eelop&ent A$thority /
Appellate 1rib$nal' +aip$r
?6 Spe&ia% Court for tria% of 5
Jaipur 7om1 7%a't Ca'e', Jaipur

2/. Additional 4istrict +$d%es 0Dast 1rac,s) G3

TOTA# - 56B

J 7 J


S.No. 4esi%nation of post Stren%th.

/. 4ep$ty Re%istrar' State #o&&ission @
#ons$&er )rotection' Ra(asthan'
+aip$rF Asstt. Goern&ent
Adocate' #entral Serice A%ency'
S$pre&e #o$rt' New 4elhi 0A#+:) F
4y. 4irector 0Baw) Reen$e
Research 1rainin% Instit$tion'
A(&er 0A#+:) F +$d%e Attorney'
Assistant #o&&andent' I1= )olice'
New 4elhiF Recoery 2fficer F
Re%istrar' F Assistant
Re%istrar'4ebt Recoery 1rib$nal'

S.No. 4esi%nation of post Stren%th.
H(5) A%. Ci(i% Ju.e (JD) No. ?M Jaipur Metropo%itan < =
No. ?0 Jaipur Metropo%itan<No. ?3 Jaipur Metropo%itan<
Spe&ia% Jui&ia% Ma.i'trate(Mo1i%e) No.? Jaipur Di'tri&t

NSee Ru%e M, 0, B? (5) O =6 (5)P
Time S&$eu%e for E+amination
A. For fi%%in. of (a&an&ie' in t$e &are of Di'tri&t Ju.e in re'pe&t of
a) twenty fie per cent acancies to be filled by direct recr$it&ent fro& the =ar7 and
b) ten per cent by pro&otion thro$%h li&ited co&petitie exa&ination of #iil +$d%es
0Senior 4iision) not hain% less than fie years of 5$alifyin% serice.
S.No. De'&ription Date
/. N$&ber of acancies to be notified by the *i%h #o$rt.
<acancies to be calc$lated incl$din%
aK existin% acancies
bK f$t$re acancies that &ay arise within one year d$e to retire&ent.
cK f$t$re acancies that &ay arise d$e to eleation to the *i%h
#o$rt' death or otherwise' say ten per cent of the n$&ber of
dK <acancies arisin% d$e to dep$tation of ($dicial officers to other
depart&ent &ay be considered as te&porary acancy.
3/st :arch
2. Adertise&ent initin% applications fro& eli%ible candidates /9th April
3. Bast date for receipt of application 3!th April
4. )$blication of list of eli%ible applicants
Bist &ay be p$t on the website
/9th :ay
9. 4espatchFiss$e of ad&it cards to the eli%ible applicants /?th :ay to /9th
?. Aritten >xa&ination
Aritten exa&ination &ay be
aK ob(ectie 5$estions with &$ltiple choice which can be scr$tini3ed
by the co&p$ter7 and
bK s$b(ectieFnarratie
3!th +$ne
@. 4eclaration of res$lt of written exa&ination
aK Res$lt &ay be p$t on the website and also p$blished in the
/?th A$%$st
bK 1he ratio of / - 3 of the aailable acancies to the s$ccessf$l
candidates be &aintained.
G. <ia <oce /st to @th
". 4eclaration of final select list and co&&$nication to the appointin%
aK Res$lt &ay be p$t on the website and also p$blished in the
bK Select list be p$blished in order of &erit and sho$ld be do$ble the
n$&ber of acancies notified.
cK Select list shall be alid till the next select list is p$blished.
/9th Septe&ber
/!. Iss$e of appoint&ent letter by the co&petent a$thority for all
existin% acant posts as on date
3!th Septe&ber
//. Bast date for (oinin% 3/st 2ctober
7. For fi%%in. of (a&an&ie' in t$e &are of Di'tri&t Ju.e in re'pe&t of 'i+t2 fi(e per
&ent (a&an&ie' to 1e fi%%e 12 promotion.
S.No. De'&ription Date
/. N$&ber of acancies to be notified by the *i%h #o$rt.
<acancies to be calc$lated incl$din%
aK existin% acancies
bK f$t$re acancies that &ay arise within one year d$e to retire&ent.
cK f$t$re acancies that &ay arise d$e to eleation to the *i%h #o$rt'
death of otherwise' say ten per cent of the n$&ber of (a&an&ie'.
3/st :arch
2. )$blication of list of eli%ible officers
aK 1he list &ay be p$t on the website
bK Ione of consideration sho$ld be / - 3 of the n$&ber of acancies
/9th :ay
3. Receipt of ($d%&ents fro& the eli%ible officers 3!th :ay
aK A#R for last fie years7
bK >al$ation of ($d%&ents f$rnished7 and
cK >al$ation of special report of the 4istrict E
Sessions +$d%e.
/9th to 3/st +$ly
9. 4eclaration of final select list and co&&$nication to the appointin%
aK Res$lt &ay be p$t on the website and also p$blished in the
bK Select list be p$blished in order of &erit and sho$ld be do$ble
the n$&ber of acancies notified.
3/st A$%$st
?. Iss$e of appoint&ent letter by the co&petent a$thority for all
existin% acant posts as on date
3!th Septe&ber
@. Bast date for (oinin% 3/st 2ctober
C. For fi%%in. of (a&an&ie' in t$e &are of Ci(i% Ju.e (Senior Di(i'ion) to 1e fi%%e
12 promotion.
S.No. De'&ription Date
/. N$&ber of acancies to be notified by the *i%h #o$rt.
<acancies to be calc$lated incl$din%
aK existin% acancies
bK f$t$re acancies that &ay arise within one year d$e to
cK f$t$re acancies that &ay arise d$e to pro&otion' death or
otherwise' say ten per cent of the n$&ber of (a&an&ie'.
3/st :arch
2 )$blication of list of eli%ible officers
aK (Deleted)
bK Ione of consideration sho$ld be / - 3 of the n$&ber of
/9th :ay
3 Receipt of ($d%&ents fro& the eli%ible officers 3!th :ay
4. #riteria
aK A#R for last fie years7
bK >al$ation of ($d%&ents f$rnished7 and
/st to /?th
9. 4eclaration of final select list and co&&$nication to the appointin%
aK Res$lt &ay be p$t on the website and also p$blished in the
bK Select list be p$blished in order or &erit and sho$ld be do$ble
the n$&ber of acancies notified.
/9th Septe&ber
?. Iss$e of appoint&ent letter by the co&petent a$thority for all
existin% acant posts as on date
3!th Septe&ber
@. Bast date for (oinin% 3/st 2ctober
D. For appointment to t$e po't' of Ci(i% Ju.e (Junior Di(i'ion) 12 ire&t

S.No. De'&ription Date
/. N$&ber of acancies to be notified by the *i%h #o$rt.
<acancies to be calc$lated incl$din%
aK existin% acancies
bK f$t$re acancies that &ay arise within one year d$e to
cK f$t$re acancies that &ay arise d$e to pro&otion' death or
otherwise' say ten per cent of the n$&ber of (a&an&ie'.
/9th +an$ary
2. Adertise&ent initin% applications fro& eli%ible candidates /st Debr$ary
3. Bast date for receipt of application /st :arch
4. )$blication of list of eli%ible applicants
1he list &ay be p$t on the website
2nd April
9. 4espatchF iss$e of ad&it cards to the eli%ible applicants 2nd to 3!th
?. )reli&inary written exa&ination
2b(ectie 5$estions with &$ltiple choice which can be scr$tini3ed
by co&p$ter
/9th :ay
@. 4eclaration of res$lt of preli&inary written exa&ination
aK Res$lt &ay be p$t on the website and also p$blished in the
bK 1he ratio of 5 - 5> of the aailable acancies to the s$ccessf$l
candidates be &aintained.
/9th +$ne
G. Dinal Aritten exa&ination
/9th +$ly
". 4eclaration of res$lt of final written exa&ination
aK Res$lt &ay be p$t on the website and also p$blished in the
bK 1he ratio of / - 3 of the aailable acancies to the s$ccessf$l
candidates be &aintained.
cK 4ates of interiew of the s$ccessf$l candidates &ay be p$t on
the internet which can be printed by the candidates and no separate
inti&ation of the date of interiew need be sent.
3!th A$%$st
/!. <ia <oce /st to /9th
//. 4eclaration of final select list and co&&$nication to the appointin%
aK Res$lt &ay be p$t on the website and also p$blished in the
bK Select list be p$blished in order of &erit and sho$ld be do$ble
the n$&ber of acancies notified.
/st Noe&ber
/2. Iss$e of appoint&ent letter by the co&petent a$thority for all
existin% acant posts as on date
/st 4ece&ber
/3. Bast date for (oinin% 2nd +an$ary of
the followin%
JSee R$le 2!K

A. 1he exa&ination sche&e for recr$it&ent to the cadre of #iil +$d%e shall consist of an
ob(ectie type preli&inary exa&ination' a written &ain exa&ination and an interiew to test
%eneral ,nowled%e of the candidate and his fitness 0s$itability) for appoint&ent.

=. 1he preli&inary exa&ination shall be ob(ectie type exa&ination in which @!C
wei%hta%e will be %ien to the s$b(ects prescribed in syllab$s for Baw )aper.I and Baw
)aper.II and 3!C wei%hta%e shall be %ien to test proficiency in *indi and >n%lish lan%$a%e.
1he &ar,s obtained in the preli&inary exa&ination shall not be co$nted towards the
final selection.

#. 1he &ain exa&ination shall consist of followin% s$b(ects-

S$b(ects :ar,s

0i) Baw )aper.I /!!
0ii) Baw )aper.II /!!
0iii) Ban%$a%e 0i) )aper.I *indi >ssay 9!
0ii) )aper.II >n%lish >ssay 9!
0i) Interiew 39

It shall be co&p$lsory to appear' in each and eery paper of written test' as also before the
Interiew =oard for ia.oce.
Baw )aper.I is desi%ned to test the practical ,nowled%e of the candidates in ciil law
and proced$re e.%. draftin%' pleadin%s' fra&in% iss$es and writin% o$t ($d%&ents etc. in ciil cases.
Baw )aper.II is desi%ned to test practical ,nowled%e of the candidates in cri&inal law and
proced$re e.%. fra&in% char%es and writin% o$t the ($d%&ents etc. in cri&inal cases.
Inter(ie9- After the &ar,s obtained by the candidate in written test hae been receied' the
Recr$itin% A$thority shall call for interiew s$ch of the& as hae obtained a &ini&$& of 39C
&ar,s in each of the law papers and 4!C &ar,s in the a%%re%ate-
)roided that a candidate belon%in% to Sched$led #aste or Sched$led 1ribe cate%ory
shall be dee&ed to be eli%ible for interiew if he has obtained a &ini&$& of 3!C &ar,s in
each of the Baw papers and 39C &ar,s in the a%%re%ate-

)roided f$rther that as far as practicable' the n$&ber of candidates called for interiew
in accordance with their order of &erit in written test shall be approxi&ately three ti&es the
acancies resered for each cate%ory-
)roided also that if the recr$itin% a$thority is the #o&&ission A sittin% +$d%e of the *i%h
#o$rt to be no&inated by the #hief +$stice sho$ld be inited to participate in the interiew as an
expert' 1he adice %ien by hi& sho$ld ordinarily be preailed.

In interiewin% a candidate' the s$itability for e&ploy&ent to the Serice shall be tested
with reference to his record at the School' #olle%e and ;niersity' and his character'
personality' address and physi5$e. 1he 5$estions' which &ay be p$t to hi&' &ay be of a %eneral
nat$re and will not necessarily be acade&ic or le%al. 1he candidate will also be p$t 5$estions
to test his %eneral ,nowled%e incl$din% ,nowled%e of c$rrent affairs and present day proble&s.
:ar,s shall also be awarded for the candidateMs proficiency in the Ra(asthani dialects and his
,nowled%e of social c$sto&s of Ra(asthan. 1he &ar, awarded shall be added to the &ar,s
obtained in the written test by each candidate.
J See R$le 2902) K

Instr$ctions as to the )hysical >xa&ination of candidate for Ad&ission into #iil +$d%e

I. 1hese instr$ctions are intended to proide %$ide lines to the :edical >xa&iners
and a candidate who does not satisfy the &ini&$& re5$ire&ents prescribed in these
instr$ctions cannot be declared fit by the :edical >xa&iners. *oweer while holdin% that a
candidate is not fit accordin% to the nor&s laid down in these instr$ctions it wo$ld be
per&issible for :edical =oard to reco&&end to the Goern&ent of Ra(asthan for reasons
specifically recorded in writin% that heFshe &ay be ad&itted to Serice witho$t disadanta%e
to Goern&ent. If any do$bt arises relatin% to the application and scope of these instr$ctions it
shall be referred to the Goern&ent in the 4epart&ent of )ersonnel' whose decision thereon
shall be final.

II. 1he Goernor of Ra(asthan' *oweer' reseres to hi&self absol$te discretion to re(ect
or accept any candidate after considerin% the report of the :edical =oard.

III. 1he S$perintendent of the hospitals attached to the :edical #olle%eF#hief
:edical and *ealth 2fficers shall be the co&petent a$thority to constit$te the :edical =oard
$nder these instr$ctions.


/. 1o be passed as fit for appoint&ent' a candidate &$st hae so$nd health'physi5$e'actie
habits and free fro& any or%anic disease' bodily infir&ity li,ely to interfere in the efficient and
contin$o$s perfor&ance of hisFher appoint&ent.
2. In the &atter of the correlation of a%e' hei%ht and chest %irth of candidates of
Indian0incl$din% An%lo.Indian)race' it is left to the :edical =oard to $se whateer correlation
fi%$res are considered &ost s$itable as a %$ide in the exa&ination of the candidates. If there is
any dis.proportion with re%ard to hei%ht' wei%ht and chest %irth' the candidates sho$ld be
hospitalised for inesti%ation and O.Ray of the chest ta,en before the candidate is declared fit or
not fit by the =oard.

3. 1he candidateMs hei%ht will be &eas$red as follows. *eFShe will re&oe hisFher shoes and
be placed a%ainst the standard with herFhis feet to%ether and the wei%ht thrown on the heels and
not on the toes or other sides of the feet. *eFShe will stand erect witho$t ri%idity and with the
heels' cales'b$ttoc,s and sho$lders to$chin% the standard' the chain will be depressed to brin%
the ertices of the head leel $nder the hori3ontal bar' and hei%ht will be recorded in centi&eters
and parts of centi&eter to hales.

4.1he candidateMs chest will be &eas$red as follows-.*eFShe will be &ade to stand erect
with hisFher feet to%ether' and to raise hisFher ar&s oer hisFher head. 1he tape will be so ad($sted
ro$nd the chest that its $pper ed%e' to$ches the interior an%les of the sho$lder blades behind and
lies in the sa&e hori3ontal place when the tape is ta,en ro$nd the chest. 1he ar&s will then be
lowered to hand loosely by the side' and care will be ta,en that the sho$lder are not thrown
$pwards or bac,wards so as to displace the tape. 1he candidate will then be directed to ta,e a
deep inspiration seeral ti&es and the &axi&$& expension of the chest will be caref$lly noted'
and the &ini&$& and &axi&$& will then be recorded in centi&etres' G4."3 etc. In recordin%
the &eas$re&ents' fractions of less than a centi&etre sho$ld not be noted.

JN.7." 1he *ei%ht and chest of the candidates sho$ld be &eas$red twice before co&in% to
a final decision.6

9. 1he candidate will also be wei%hed and hisFher wei%ht recorded in Lilo%ra&s'half
of Lilo%ra& sho$ld not be noted.

?.0a). 1he #andidateMs eye si%ht be tested in accordance with the followin% r$les. 1he
res$lt of each test will be recorded.
0b) 1here shall be no li&it for &ini&$& na,ed eye ision b$t the na,ed eye ision of the
candidate shall' howeer' be recorded by the :edical =oard or other a$thority in eery case' as it
will f$rnish the basic infor&ation in re%ard to the condition of the eye.
0c) 1he followin% standards are prescribed for distant and near ision with or witho$t
4istant <ision Near <ision
?F" ?F/2 +FI +FII
?F? or NIB +FI NIB
1he a&o$nt of *yper&etropia and :yopia shall not exceed 9 4, has nor&al f$nd$s and
nor&al field of ision. Nor&al colo$r ision whereer re5$ired.

)roided the =oard is satisfied that the candidate can perfor& all f$nctions of a +$dicial
0d) In eery case of :yopia' f$nd$s exa&ination sho$ld be carried o$t and the res$lts
recorded. In the eent of patholo%ical condition bein% present which is li,ely to be pro%ressie
and effect the efficiency of the candidate' heFshe sho$ld be declared $nfit. 1otal a&o$nt of
*yper&etropia 0 incl$din% the cylinder) shall not exceed G4.

0e) Fie% of Vi'ion- 1he field of ision shall be tested by the confrontation &ethod' when
s$ch test %ies $nsatisfactory or do$btf$l res$lts' the field of ision sho$ld be deter&ined on the
0f) Ni.$t 7%inne''- =roadly there are two types of ni%ht blindness, 0/) as a res$lt of
ita&in deficiency and 02) as a res$lt of 2r%anic 4isease of petinee co&&on ca$se bein%
petinit in pi%&entoso. In 0/) the f$nd$s is nor&al' %enerally seen in yo$n%er a%e.%ro$p and ill
no$rished persons and i&proes by lar%e dose of ita&in A. In 02) the f$nd$s is often inoled
and &ere f$nd$s exa&ination will reeal the condition in &a(ority of cases. 1he patient in this
cate%ory is an ad$lt' and &ay not s$ffer fro& &aln$trition' persons see,in% e&ploy&ent' for
hi%her posts in the Goern&ent will fall in this cate%ory. Dor both 0/) and 02) dar, adaptation
test will reeal the condition for 03) specially when f$nd$s is not inoled elector )etino%raph is
re5$ired to be done. =oth those test 0 dar, adaptation and petino%raphy) are ti&e cons$&in%
and re5$ired speciali3ed set $p' and e5$ip&ents7 and th$s are not possible as a ro$tine test in
&edical chec, $p. =eca$se of these technical consideration' it is for the 4epart&ent to indicate if
these tests for ni%ht blindness are re5$ired to be done. 1his will depend $pon the (ob
re5$ire&ent and are re5$ired to be done. 1his will depend prospectie Goern&ent e&ployee.

N.7. #olo$r perception sho$ld be %raded into a hi%her and lower %rade dependin% $pon the
si3e of aperat$re in the lantern as described in the table below-.
Grade *i%her Grade Bower Grade of
of #olo$r #olo$r )erception

/. 4istance between the
la&p and candidate /?M /?M

2. Si3e of aperat$re /.3 &.& /3 &&

3. 1i&e of expos$re 9 Seconds 9 Seconds

Satisfactory colo$r ision constit$te reco%nition with case and witho$t hesitation of si%nal
red' si%nal %reen and white colo$r. 1he $se of IshaFas plates' shown in %ood li%ht and a
s$itable lantern line >drid%e Greentnts shall be considered 5$ite dependable for testin% colo$r
ision' while s$fficient in respect of the serices concerned with road' rail and air traffic it
is essential to carry o$t the lantern test. In do$btf$l cases where a candidate fails to 5$alify when
tested by only one of the two tests' both the tests sho$ld be e&ployed.

0%) 2c$lar conditions other than is$al ac$ity.

0i) Any 2r%anic 4isease or a )ro%ressie refractie error, which is li,ely to res$lt
in lowerin% the is$al ac$ity sho$ld be considered dis5$alification.
0ii) S5$int-. 1he presence of s5$int sho$ld not be considered as a
dis5$alification' if the is$al ac$ity is of the prescribed standard.

0h) #ontact Benses- #ontact Benses &ay be allowed.


@. 1he =oard will $se its discretion re%ardin% blood press$re. A ro$%h &ethod of calc$latin%
nor&al &axi&$& systolic press$re is as follows-

0i) with yo$n% s$b(ects /9.29 years of a%e the aera%e is aboe /!! pl$s the a%e.

0ii) with s$b(ects oer 29 years of a%e the %eneral r$le of //! pl$s half the a%e see&s 5$ite

N.7. -" As a %eneral r$le any systolic press$re oer /4 and diastolic oer "! sho$ld be
re%arded as s$spicio$s and the candidate sho$ld be hospitali3ed by the =oard before
%iin% their final opinion re%ardin% the candidateMs fitness or otherwise. 1he hospitali3ation
report sho$ld indicate whether the rise in blood press$re is of a transisent nat$re d$e to
excite&ent etc.'or whether it is d$e to any or%anic disease. In all s$ch cases O Ray and
electro.cardio%raphic exa&inations of heart and blood' $rea clearance test sho$ld also be
done as a ro$tine. 1he final decision as to the fitness or otherwise of the candidate will'
howeer' rest with the :edical =oard only.


1he &erc$ry &ano&eter type of instr$&ent sho$ld be $sed as a r$le. 1he &eas$re&ent
sho$ld not be ta,en within fifteen &in$tes' of any exercise or excite&ent. )roided the patient
and partic$larly hisFher ar& is relaxed heFshe &ay be either lyin% or sittin%. 1he ar& is
s$pported co&fortably at the patientMs side in a &ore or less hori3ontal position. 1he ar&
sho$ld be freed fro& clothes to the sho$lder. 1he c$ff co&pletely' deflated sho$ld be applied
with the &iddle of the r$bber oer the inner side of the ar&s and its lower ed%e as an inch or two
aboe the bend of the elbow. 1he followin% t$rns of cloth banda%e sho$ld spread eenly oer
the ba% to aoid b$l%in% inflation.

1he brachical artery is located by palpitation and the bend of the elbow and the stethescope
is then applied li%htly and centrally oer below b$t not in contact with the c$ff. 1he c$ff is
inflated to abo$t 2!! &&. *%. and then slowly deflected. 1he leel at which the col$&n
stands when soft s$ccessie so$nd are heard represents the systolic press$re. Ahen &ore air is
allowed to escape the so$nds will be heard to increase in intensity. 1he leel at which the
col$&n will heard clear so$nds chan%e to soft &$ffled feedin% so$nds represents the diastolic
press$re. 1he &eas$re&ents sho$ld be ta,en in fairly brief period of ti&e as prolon%ed press$re
of the c$ff is irritatin% to the patient and will itiate the readin%. Re.#hec,in% if necessary sho$ld
be done only a few &in$tes after co&plete deflection of c$ff. 0So&eti&es as the c$ff if deflated
so$nds are heard at a certain leel7they &ay disappear as press$re' falls and re.appear at a still
lower leel. 1his 6Silent Gap6 &ay ca$se error in readin%).

G. 1he $rine passed in the presence of the >xa&iner sho$ld be exa&ined and the
res$lt recorded. Ahere a :edical =oard finds s$%ar present in a candidateMs $rine by the
$s$al che&ical tests' the =oard will proceed with the exa&ination with all its other aspects and
will also specially note and si%ns or sy&pto&s s$%%estie of diabetes. If except for the
%lycos$ria the =oard finds the candidate confir&s to the standard of the &edical fitness re5$ired
they &ay pass the candidate 6fit s$b(ect to the Glycos$ria bein% non.diabetic6 and the =oard will
refer the case to a specified specialist in :edicine who has *ospital and Baboratory
facilities at his disposal. 1he :edical Specialist will carry o$t whateer
exa&inations'clinical and Baboratory heFshe considers necessary incl$din% a standard
blood's$%ar tolerance test' and will s$b&it hisFher opinion to the :edical =oard $pon which
the :edical =oard will base its final opinion 6fit or $nfit6. 1he candidate will not be
re5$ired to appear in person before the =oard on the second occasion. 1o excl$de the effect of
&edication it &ay be necessary to retain a candidate for seeral days in hospital' $nder strict

". A wo&an candidate who as a res$lt of tests is fo$nd to be pre%nant of /2 wee,Ms standin%
or oer' it sho$ld be declared te&porarily $nfit $ntil the confine&ent' is oer. She sho$ld be
re.exa&ined for fitness certificate six wee,s after the date of confine&ent' s$b(ect to the
prod$ction of &edical certificate of fitness fro& a re%istered &edical practitioner.

/!. 1he followin% additional points sho$ld be obsered-.
0a) 1hat the candidateMs hearin% in each ear is %ood to the extent that he can hear a forced
whisper at a distance of /!ft. Aith his bac, towards his exa&iner and there is no si%n
of disease of the ear. >ach ear sho$ld be exa&ined separately. In case it is defectie
the candidate sho$ld be %ot exa&ined by ear specialist. )roided that if the defect
in hearin% is re&ediable by operation or by $se of a hearin% aid a candidate can not be
declared $nfit on that acco$nt proided heFshe has no pro%ressie disease in the ear.

/. :ar,ed or total deafness Dit for non (obs
in one ear' other ear if the deafness
bein% nor&al. is $pto 3!
decibel in hi%h

2 )ercentie deafness Dit in respect of
in both ears in which both of technical
so&e i&proe&ent is and non technical
possible by a hearin% (obs if the deafness
aid. is $pto 2!
4ecibel in speech
fre5$encies of
/!!! to 4!!!.
3. )erforation or ty&panic 0i) 2ne ear
&e&rance #entral or nor&al other per.
:ar%inal type. foration or ty&p.
anic &e&rance
present te&porar.
ily $nfit.
;nder i&proed
conditions of >ar
S$r%ery a candidate with
:ar%inal or other
perforation in both ears
sho$ld be %ien a
chance by declarin%
hi& te&porary
$nfit and then he
&ay considered 4
0ii) below-

0ii) :ar%inal or
attic foration in
both ears $nfit.

0iii) #entral
perforation both
ears 1e&porarily $nfit.

4 .>ars with &astoid 0i) >ither ear
caity s$bnor&al nor&al hearin%
hearin% on one side other ear &ast.
Fon both sides. oid caity fit
for both technical
and non.technical (obs.
0ii) :astoid
caity of both
sides. ;nfit for
technical (ob.
Dit for non.
technical (ob if
hearin% i&proes
to 3! 4ecibels
in either ear
with or witho$t
hearin% aid.

9 )ersistantly dischar%in% 1e&porarily
earoperatedF$noperated. $nfit for both
technical and
non technical

?.#hronic infla&&atoryFall. 0i)A decision
er%ic conditions of will be ta,en
nose with or witho$t bony as per circ$&.
nosal sept$&. stances of

0ii) If diided
nosal sept$& is
present with
1e&porarily $nfit.

@.#hronic infla&&atory 0i)#hronic
conditions of tonsils infla&&atory
andFor Barynx. conditions of
tonsils andFor
Barynx. fit.

0ii) *oarseness of oice of
seere de%ree if present.
then.te&poraily $nfit.

G.=eni%n or locally &ali%nant 0i) =eni%n
te&e$ers of the =.N.1. 1$&o$rs. te&porarily

0ii) :ali%nant t$&o$rs.
1e&porarily .$nfit.
". 2tosclerosis. If the hearin% is within 3!
decibels after operation or
with the help of hearin%

/!.#on%enital defects of 0i) If not interferin%
ear' nose or throat. with f$

0ii) St$terin% of seere
de%ree. $nfit.

//.Nasal )oly 1e&porarily $nfit.
0b) that his speech is witho$t i&pedi&ent7

0c) that his teeth are in %ood order and that he is proided with dent$res where necessary
for effectie &astication 0well filled teeth will be considered as so$nd)7

0d) that the chest is well for&ed and his chest expension is s$fficient7 and that his heart and
l$n%s are so$nd7
0e) that there is no eidence of any abdo&inal disease7

0f) that it is not r$pt$red.

0%) that he does not s$ffer fro& hydrocele seere de%ree of aricels ' aricose eins or piles.

0h) that his li&bs' hands and feet are well.for&ed and deeloped and that there is free and
perfect &otion of all his (oints7

0i) that he does not s$ffer fro& any ineterate s,in disease7

0() that there is no con%enital &alfor&ation of defect7

0,) that he does not hear traces of ac$te or chronic disease pointin% to an i&paired

0l) that he bears &ar,s of efficient accination7 and

0&) that he is free fro& co&&$nicable disease.

//. Screenin% of the chest sho$ld be done as a ro$tine in all cases for detectin% any
abnor&ality of the heart and l$n%s' which &ay not be apparent by ordinary physical exa&ination'
where it is considered necessary a s,(a%ra& sho$ld be ta,en.

Ahen any defect is fo$nd it &$st be noted in the #ertificate and the &edical exa&iner sho$ld
state hisFher opinion whether or not it is li,ely to interfere with the efficient perfor&ance
of the d$ties which will be re5$ired of the candidate.

Note-. #andidates are warned that there is no ri%ht of appeal fro& a :edical =oard'
Special or standin% appointed' to deter&ine their fitness for the aboe serice it' howeer'
Goern&ent are satisfied on the eidence prod$ced before the& of the possibility of an error
or ($d%e&ent in the decision of the first =oard' it is open to Got. to allow an appeal to the
second =oard. S$ch eidence sho$ld be s$b&itted within one &onth of the date of
co&&$nication in which the decision of the first :edical =oard is co&&$nicated to the
#andidate' otherwise no re5$est for an appeal to a second :edical =oard will be considered.

If any &edical #ertificate is prod$ced by a candidate as a piece of eidence abo$t the
possibility of an error of ($d%e&ent in the decision of the first =oard' the certificate will
not be ta,en into consideration $nless it contains a note by the :edical )ractitioner
concerned to the effect that it has been %ien in f$ll ,nowled%e of the fact that the candidate
has already been re(ected as $nfit for serice by the :edical =oard.

1he followin% inti&ation is &ade for the %$idance of the :edical >xa&iner-.

1he standard of physical fitness to be adopted sho$ld &a,e d$e allowance for the a%e and
len%th of serice' if any' of the candidate concerned.
No person will be dee&ed 5$alified for ad&ission to the )$blic Serice who shall not satisfy
Got. or the appointin% a$thority' as the case &ay be' that heFshe has no disease'
constit$tional affection' or bodily infir&ity $nfittin% hisFher or' li,ely to $nfit hi&Fher for
that serice.

It sho$ld be $nderstood that the 5$estion of fitness inoles the f$t$re as well as the
present and that one of the &ain ob(ect of &edical exa&ination is to sec$re
contin$o$s effectie serice and in the case of candidates for per&anent appoint&ent to
preent early pension or pay&ents in case of pre&at$re death. It is at the sa&e ti&e to be
noted that the 5$estion is one of the li,elihood of contin$o$s effectie serice and the
re(ection of a candidate need not be adised on acco$nt of the presence of a defect
which is only a s&all proportion of cases' fo$nd to interfere with contin$o$s effectie

1he =oard sho$ld nor&ally consist of three &e&bers'0i) a physician' 0ii) a S$r%eon and
0iii) an 2pthal&olo%ist' all of who& sho$ld as far as practicable' be of e5$al stat$s. A lady
doctor will be coopted as a &e&ber of the :edical =oard wheneer a wo&an candidate is
to be exa&ined.

1he report of the :edical =oard sho$ld be treated as confidential'

In cases where a candidate is declared $nfit for appoint&ent in the Got. Serice' the
%ro$nds for re(ection &ay be co&&$nicated to the candidate in board ter&s witho$t
%iin% &in$te details re%ardin% the defects pointed o$t by the :edical =oard.
In cases where a :edical =oard considers that a &inor disability dis5$alifyin% a candidate
for a Got. serice can be c$red by treat&ent 0&edical or s$r%ical) a state&ent to the effect
sho$ld be recorded by the :edical =oard. 1here is no ob(ection to candidate bein%
infor&ed to the =oardMs opinion to this effect by the appointin% a$thority and when a c$re
has been affected it will be open to the a$thority concerned to as, for another :edical

In the case of candidates who are to be declared Mte&porary $nfitM the period specified
for re.exa&ination sho$ld not ordinarily exceed six &onths at the &axi&$&. 2n re.
exa&ination after the specified period these candidates sho$ld not be declared te&porary
$nfit for a f$rther period b$t a final decision in re%ard to their fitness for appoint&ent or
otherwise sho$ld be %ien.


1he candidate &$st &a,e the state&ent re5$ired below prior to hisFher &edical
exa&ination' and &$st si%n the declaration appended thereto.
*isF*er attention is specially directed to the warnin% contained in the Note below-.
/. State yo$r na&e in f$ll 0in bloc,
2. State yo$r a%e and birth place.
3. 0a) 4o yo$ belon% to races s$ch
as Gor,has' Garwalis' Assa&ese'
Na%aland 1ribes etc. whose aera%e
hei%ht' is distinctly lowerP
Answer' MQesM or MNoM and if the
answer is MQesM state the na&e of the
0b) *ae yo$ eer had s&all.pox
inter&ittent or any other feer'
enlar%e&ent or s$pp$ration of %lands'
spittin% of blood' asth&a' heart
disease' l$n% disease' faintin%
attac,s rhe$&atis&' appendicitis P

0c) any other disease or accident
re5$irin% confirne&ent to bed and
&edical or s$r%ical treat&ent.

4. Ahen were yo$ last accinated P

9. *ae yo$ s$ffered fro& any
for& of nero$sness d$e to oer
wor, of any other ca$seP

?. D$rnish the followin% partic$lars
concernin% yo$r fa&ily-.
DatherMs a%e DatherMs a%e N$&ber of N$&ber of
if liin% at death and =rothers =rothers
and state ca$se of liin%' dead' their
of health. death. their a%es a%es at'
and state and ca$se of health. of death.
:otherMs a%e :otherMs a%e N$&ber of N$&ber of
if liin% at death and sisters sisters
and state ca$se of liin%' dead'
of health. death. their a%es their
and state a%es at'
of health. and ca$se
of death.
@. *ae yo$ been exa&ined by a
:edical =oard before P

G. If answer to the aboe is 6Qes6
please state what sericeFserices yo$
were exa&ined for P

". Aho was the exa&inin% a$thority P

/!. Ahen and where was the :edical
=oard held P

//. Res$lt of the :edical =oardMs
>xa&ination' if co&&$nicated to yo$
or if ,nown P

All the aboe answers are to the best of &y belief' tr$e and correct.

#andidateMs Si%nat$re
Si%ned in &y presence.
Si%nat$re of the #hair&an
of the =oard.
Note-. 1he candidate will be held responsible for the acc$racy of the aboe state&ent. =y
willf$lly s$ppressin% in any infor&ation he s$perann$ation allowance or Grat$ity.


0 Na&e of candidate )

)hysical >xa&ination

/. General deelop&ent-

Good.......... Dair......... )oor......
N$trition- 1his......... Aera%e........
2bese....... *ei%ht 0witho$t
shoes)........ Aei%ht...... =est
Aei%ht........ when....... Any recent
chan%e in wei%ht P ........

Girth of chest-. 0i) 0after f$ll
inspiration) 0ii) 0after f$ll expiration)
2. S,in- Any obio$s disease.

3. >yes- 0/) Any disease-
02) Ni%ht blindness-
03) 4efect in colo$r ision-
04) Dield of ision-
09) <is$al ac$ity.
0?) D$nd$s >xa&ination-
Ac$ity of Na,ed Aidth Stren%th of %lases
Glasses __________________
ision eye Sph. #yl. Axix.
4istant R>
<ision B>
Near R>
<ision B>
4. >ars - Inspection..........*earin%-
Ri%ht >ar.............

9. Glands ...........1hyroid...........

?. #ondition of teeth..................

@. Respiratory syste&- 4oes
physical exa&ination reeal anythin%
abnor&al in the respiratory or%ansP

G. If any' explain f$lly, #irc$latory

0a) *eart - Any 2r%anic lesions'
Rate- Standin%........ After hoppin%
29 ti&es........ 2 &in$tes after

0b) =lood )ress$re - Systolic....

". Abdo&en -
Girth.......1enderness..... *ernis.....

0a) )alpable-

0b) *a&orrhoids............ Dist$la......

/!. Nero$s Syste&- Indication of
nero$s of........ :ental

//. Boco.:otor syste&- Any

/2. Genito.;rinary syste&- Any
eidence of *ydrecele'<aricolele

0a) )hysical Appearance 0b) Sp.Gp. 0c)
Alb$&in 0d) S$%ar 0e) #asts 0f)

/3. Report of Screenin%FO.Ray
exa&ination of chest.

/4. Is there anythin% in the health
of the candidate li,ely to render
hi&Fher $nfit for the efficient
dischar%e of hisFher d$ties in the
serice for which heFshe is a

Note-. In the case of a fe&ale
candidate' if it is fo$nd that she is
pre%nant of /2 wee,s standin% or
oer' she sho$ld be declared
te&porarily $nfit' ide Re%$lation P

/9. 0i) State the serice for
which the candidate has been
Ra(asthan +$dicial Serice.

Note-. 1he =oard sho$ld record their findin%s $nder one of the followin% three cate%ories-.

0i) Dit
0ii) ;nfit on acco$nt of
0iii) 1e&porary $nfit on acco$nt of

)lace- #hair&an-
4ate- :e&ber-
NSee Ru%e B5(5) O B?(5)P
S&$eme of E+amination
for pro&otion to the cadre of 4istrict +$d%esFAdditional 4istrict +$d%es fro& a&on%st the
#iil +$d%es0Senior 4iision)
S$itability of an officer of the cadre of #iil +$d%es0Senior
4iision) for pro&otion to the cadre of 4istrict +$d%esF
Additional 4istrict +$d%es shall be deter&ined on the basis
of the exa&ination of ($d%&ents' assess&ent of the
A.#.Rs. for the last fie years and Special Report of the
4istrict and Sessions +$d%e' as $nder-.
0i) >al$ation of fie ciil and fie cri&inal ($d%&ents
rendered by the eli%ible +$dicial officer d$rin% last one
year in any &onth to be specified by the *onMble #hief
...........9! &ar,s
)roided that where the concerned #iil +$d%e0Sr.
4iision) is wor,in% on a post in which he does not hae
to write ($d%&ents s$ch as a dep$tation post in the *i%h
#o$rt or in any other a$thority or Dor$& or Goern&ent
etc. the expression Rlast one year8 shall be constr$ed as the
last one year prior to his aforesaid postin% &eanin% thereby
RS$ch a year8 in which he was occ$pyin% a postFholdin% an
appoint&ent in which he had to write ($d%&ents.
0ii) >al$ation of A#Rs for last fie years
......... 4! &ar,s
0iii) >al$ation of Special Report of the 4istrict and
Sessions +$d%e abo$t the eli%ible +$dicial 2fficer in
profor&a as prescribed in Annex$re.MAM.
........../! &ar,s
1otal /!! &ar,s
1he 5$alifyin% &ar,s in the s$itability test shall be ?!C
3 I2N> 2D
1he Ione of consideration shall ordinarily be three ti&es
the aailable and anticipated acancies.
4 #2NS1I1;1I2N
2D #2::I11>>S
1he D$ll #o$rt shall constit$te two co&&ittees' each
consistin% of at least two +$d%es' hereinafter referred to as
RDirst #o&&ittee8 and R Second #o&&ittee8.
9 D;N#1I2NS 2D
AN4 DA#12RS 12
=> #2NSI4>R>4
=Q 1*>
0/) 1he RDirst #o&&ittee8 shall eal$ate A#Rs and
Special Reports of the 4istrict and Sessions +$d%es in
respect of the eli%ible +$dicial 2fficers.
02) 1he Special Report fro& the 4istrict and Sessions
+$d%e shall be called for in the profor&a appended as
Annex$re MAM
03) Ahile assessin% the A#Rs and exa&inin% the Special
Reports' the RDirst #o&&ittee8 shall &a,e eal$ation on
the basis of the entries in the ario$s col$&ns of the A#Rs
and the Special Reports and the assess&ent will not be
&ade only on the basis of the entry &ade a%ainst the last
col$&n0Net res$lt) so far as the A#Rs are concerned' or
the $lti&ate opinion of the 4istrict and Sessions +$d%e so
far as the Special Reports are concerned.

4. 0a) 1he RSecond #o&&ittee8 shall exa&ine the
($d%&ents of the eli%ible +$dicial 2fficers.
0b)1he ($d%&ents shall be eal$ated hain% d$e re%ard to
the followin% factors-.
0i) Lnowled%e of Baw
0ii) #ollation and appreciation of facts
0iii) #orrectness of concl$sions
0i) Ban%$a%e
0) #larity and Reasonin%
0c)1he final &ar,s obtained shall be wor,ed o$t by process
of aera%in%' that is to say' by diidin% the %ross total
&ar,s allocable for all the ($d%&ents by the n$&ber of
($d%&ents exa&ined.
?. )R>)ARA1I2N 2D
:>RI1 #;:
Dro& a&on%st s$ch +$dicial 2fficers who hae 5$alified
the s$itability test by obtainin% the 5$alifyin% &ar,s as
prescribed in Re%$lation No.2' the pro&otion shall be
&ade on the basis of the principle of seniority in the lower
Name of t$e offi&er.............................
5. Dua%it2 of Cu.ment' (A''e''ment to 1e 1a'e' on
a''e''ment '%ip' pertainin. to t$e perio).
? Lno9%e.e of %a9 an pro&eure a''e''e on t$e 1a'i' of
per'ona% &ontra&t< i'&u''ion', if an2.
B. Attitue to9ar' 'uperior', &o%%ea.ue' mem1er' of t$e
7ar, %iti.ant' an 'u1orinate'.
=. Amini'trati(e &apa&it2
>. Genera% reputation of t$e offi&er an t$e (ie9 of t$e
Di'tri&t O Se''ion' Ju.e re.arin. inte.rit2 of t$e
K. Ot$er remar8', if an2.
Date ........................
Di'tri&t O Se''ion' Ju.e
0See R$le 3/ 04) )

Ro'ter for

fi%%in. up (a&an&ie' in t$e Di'tri&t Ju.e &are 12 ire&t re&ruitment an 12 promotion

S%.No.of Cate.or2 for 9$i&$ t$e (a&an&2 '$ou%
(a&an&2 1e earmar8e
5. ?.

5. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
?. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
B. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
=. 72 ire&t re&ruitment
>. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
K. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
M. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
0. 72 ire&t re&ruitment
3. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
56. 72 promotion"#imite Competiti(e E+amination
55. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
5?. 72 ire&t Re&ruitment
5B. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
5=. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
5>. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
5K. 72 ire&t Re&ruitment
5M. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
50. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
53. 72 promotion"#imite Competiti(e E+amination
?6. 72 ire&t Re&ruitment
?5. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
??. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
?B. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
?=. 72 ire&t re&ruitment
?>. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
?K. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
?M. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
?0. 72 ire&t re&ruitment
?3. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
B6. 72 promotion"#imite Competiti(e E+amination
B5. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
B?. 72 ire&t Re&ruitment
BB. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
B=. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
B>. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
BK. 72 ire&t Re&ruitment
BM. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
B0. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
B3. 72 promotion"#imite Competiti(e E+amination
=6. 72 ire&t Re&ruitment
=5. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
=?. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
=B. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
==. 72 ire&t re&ruitment
=>. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
=K. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
=M. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
=0. 72 ire&t re&ruitment
=3. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
>6. 72 promotion"#imite Competiti(e E+amination
>5. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
>?. 72 ire&t Re&ruitment
>B. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
>=. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
>>. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
>K. 72 ire&t Re&ruitment
>M. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
>0. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
>3. 72 promotion"#imite Competiti(e E+amination
K6. 72 ire&t Re&ruitment
K5. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
K?. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
KB. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
K=. 72 ire&t re&ruitment
K>. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
KK. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
KM. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
K0. 72 ire&t re&ruitment
K3. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
M6. 72 promotion"#imite Competiti(e E+amination
M5. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
M?. 72 ire&t Re&ruitment
MB. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
M=. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
M>. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
MK. 72 ire&t Re&ruitment
MM. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
M0. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
M3. 72 promotion"#imite Competiti(e E+amination
06. 72 ire&t Re&ruitment
05. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
0?. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
0B. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
0=. 72 ire&t re&ruitment
0>. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
0K. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
0M. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
00. 72 ire&t re&ruitment
03. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
36. 72 promotion"#imite Competiti(e E+amination
35. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
3?. 72 ire&t Re&ruitment
3B. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
3=. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
3>. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
3K. 72 ire&t Re&ruitment
3M. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
30. 72 promotion"merit"&um"'eniorit2
33. 72 promotion"#imite Competiti(e E+amination
566. 72 ire&t Re&ruitment


JSee R$le 3202)K

S&$eme For #imite Competiti(e E+amination For !romotion To T$e Di'tri&t Ju.e

T$e '&$eme of t$e 9ritten e+amination for #imite Competiti(e e+amination for
promotion to t$e Di'tri&t Ju.e Care '$a%% &on'i't of (a) a 9ritten e+amination in
t$e 'u1Ce&t' mentione $ereinafter, an (1) an inter(ie9 to te't t$e .enera%
8no9%e.e of t$e &aniate an $i' fitne'' for promotion to t$e Care.
T$e e+amination 9i%% 1e of t$e fo%%o9in. 'u1Ce&t', ea&$ 'u1Ce&t &arr2in. t$e
num1er of mar8' '$o9n a.ain't ea&$-
Su1Ce&t Ma+imum Mar8' Minimum pa'' mar8'
5. #a9 !aper"I 566 =>
!aper"II 566 =>
?." >6 50
(i) Tran'%ation ?>
(ii) !re&i' ?>
B. Inter(ie9 B6
T$e paper in '$a%% &on'i't of t$e fo%%o9in. t9o part'-"
i. Tran'%ation from Hini to En.%i'$ an (i&e"(er'a
ii. !re&i' 9ritin. in En.%i'$ an in Hini.
In inter(ie9in. a &aniate, 'uita1i%it2 for emp%o2ment to t$e Jui&ia% Ser(i&e in
t$e Care of Di'tri&t Ju.e '$a%% 1e te'te 9it$ referen&e to $i' re&or at t$e
S&$oo%, Co%%e.e an ;ni(er'it2, an $i' &$ara&ter, per'ona%it2, are'' an
p$2'i:ue. Due'tion 9$i&$ ma2 1e put to $im ma2 1e of a .enera% nature an 9i%%
not ne&e''ari%2 1e a&aemi& or %e.a%. T$e &aniate 9i%% a%'o 1e put :ue'tion' to
te't $i' .enera% 8no9%e.e in&%uin. 8no9%e.e of &urrent affair' an pre'ent a2
pro1%em'. T$e mar8' 'o a9are '$a%% 1e ae to t$e mar8' o1taine 12 ea&$
&aniate in t$e 9ritten te't.,
JSee R$le 3"K

S&$eme For Competiti(e E+amination For Re&ruitment To T$e Di'tri&t Ju.e Care

T$e S&$eme of t$e 9ritten e+amination for &ompetiti(e e+amination for
re&ruitment to t$e Di'tri&t Ju.e Care '$a%% &on'i't of (a) a 9ritten e+amination
in t$e 'u1Ce&t' mentione $ereinafter, an (1) an inter(ie9 to te't t$e .enera%
8no9%e.e of t$e &aniate an $i' fitne'' for appointment to t$e Care.
T$e e+amination 9i%% 1e in t$e fo%%o9in. 'u1Ce&t', ea&$ 'u1Ce&t &arr2in. t$e
num1er of mar8' '$o9n a.ain't ea&$-"
Su1Ce&t ma+imum mar8' minimum mar8'
5. #a9 !aper"I 566 =>
!aper"II 566 =>
?. >6 50
9$i&$ in&%ue' tran'%ation
pre&i', e''a2' et&.
Tran'%ation ma2 in&%ue
Hini to En.%i'$ an En.%i'$
to Hini.
B. Inter(ie9 B6 M.>
In inter(ie9in. a &aniate, 'uita1i%it2 for emp%o2ment to t$e Jui&ia%
Ser(i&e in t$e Care of Di'tri&t Ju.e '$a%% 1e te'te 9it$ referen&e to $i' re&or
at t$e S&$oo%, Co%%e.e an ;ni(er'it2, an $i' &$ara&ter, per'ona%it2, are'' an
p$2'i:ue. Due'tion 9$i&$ ma2 1e put to $im ma2 1e of a .enera% nature an 9i%%
not ne&e''ari%2 1e a&aemi& or %e.a%. T$e &aniate 9i%% a%'o 1e put :ue'tion' to
te't $i' .enera% 8no9%e.e in&%uin. 8no9%e.e of &urrent affair' an pre'ent a2
pro1%em'. Mar8' '$a%% a%'o 1e a9are for t$e &aniateQ' profi&ien&2 in t$e
RaCa't$ani ia%e&t' an $i' 8no9%e.e of 'o&ia% &u'tom' of RaCa't$an. T$e mar8'
'o a9are '$a%% 1e ae to t$e mar8' o1taine 12 ea&$ &aniate in t$e 9ritten
J See R$le 94 K
Form of Oat$

6I .................. hain% been appointed as #iil +$d%e
0+$nior 4iision) c$& +$dicial :a%istrate Ist #lassF
Additional 4istrict E Sessions +$d%e do swear in the
na&e of GodF sole&nly affir& that I will bear tr$e
faith and alle%iance to the #onstit$tion of India
as by Baw established' that I will $phold the
soerei%nty and inte%rity of India' that I will d$ly and
faithf$lly and to the best of ability' ,nowled%e and
($d%&ent perfor& the d$ties of &y office witho$t
fear and fao$r' affection or ill.will and that I will
$phold the #onstit$tion and the Baws6.
4ate - Si%nat$re of the 2fficer'

)lace -
Sworn E Si%ned before &e
Si%nat$re with date E desi%nation
=y 2rder and in the na&e of the Goernor'
( )
.................... to the Goern&ent


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