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AN OFFBEAT SOUNDTRACK RESEMBLING DANIEL BJARNASONS SPINDRIFT INTRODUCES ITSELF. 1 EXT/INT. MONTAGE - ORDINATION A) MASS AT CHURCH - Opening montage presents a young man ETHAN BUCKLEY (early 30s) with a stubborn attitude and a charming face, as a Deacon in a Church. He sits quietly observing the mass take place. The Priest JEREMY ELWOOD (70s) is old with a bitter face, gives mass to his congregation. He reads his sermon passionately. ELWOOD No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. B) THROUGH DOORWAY - Voyeuristic and curious, ETHAN watches ELWOOD in pain. He helps ELWOOD take his vestment off after mass. He struggles, but ETHAN manages to help him sit down in a chair. He thanks him. C) AFTER MASS - Socialising with the parishioners at the Church, ETHAN talks to some of the elderly people and families. They all seem very polite with there eyes bright when talking to ETHAN. D) BEDROOM - ETHAN is in bed fucking a young women (late 20s) from behind. She turns her head and asks if hes actually a Priest. He stops and looks at her blankly. E) PASSAGE AT MASS - ETHAN reads The Gospel According to Luke from the bible. Later he gives bread to the congregation beside ELWOOD. F) OFFICE - Well dressed in suits, ELWOOD and ETHAN have a meeting with the Bishop about ETHANs ordination as a Priest. ETHAN has a grin on his face. CUT TO: 2 INT. CHURCH (MORNING) MUSIC DIES OUT. In a Church not too large with bright vivid pastel colours and traditional religious imagery, a full congregation of men and women including families are seated comfortably in the church whilst Ethan delivers his sermon about Direction. Some are silently listening attentively, others whisper to each other. ETHAN moves around on the stage away from his pulpit with a piece of paper in his hand. This is his sermon.
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ETHAN Looking forwards is the most important attribute to include when talking about direction. Our own self direction is important for us as an individual but we also have to think of the people around us that this will effect. (beat) When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth... A young couple (MANUELA, petite, sexy with bright eyes, looks Mediterranean - DANIEL tall, pure face with no guilt, both in there early 30s) enter the Church late and find empty seats. MANUELA notices ETHAN immediately - obtaining a cheeky grin on her face. ETHAN (CONTD) ...for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak and he will declare to you the things that are to come. (smiles) Its a bit of a mouthful. Congregation smile and laugh with ETHAN. ETHAN What does that mean? (beat) It means God...the Lord-our Lord shall lay down upon us the path-a path for which is suitable for us to follow. Once we call for the Holy Spirit....then, Only then shall we feel more purposeful in our direction. ETHAN sees MANUELA grinning at him. His face drops. ETHAN (CONTD) (tongue tied) For those who are failing need a little bit of faith to succeed. CUT TO: 3 INT. CHRUCH - LATER After mass, the congregation are broken up in small groups talking or in silent prayer. ETHAN stands by ELWOOD (now struggling on crouches) near the front entrance greeting parishioners out of the Church. A woman comes with hymnal books slightly confused as to where they should go. ETHAN takes them off her. He sees ELWOOD isnt feeling well and asks if he would like to sit down. He grabs a chair and helps ELWOOD sit. The woman talks to FATHER ELWOOD.
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In a quieter area of the entrance, (voices of random conversation can be heard in the background) ETHAN tidies the books. MANUELA (O.C.) Hello Ethan ETHAN is frozen. Eventually he turns around slowly and reluctantly. His face looks stunned as if hes seen a glimpse of the Apocalypse. MANUELAS face is charmingly hypnotic with a sweet smile. LONG PAUSE. ETHAN Hello They stand looking at each other. MANUELA gets closer to him. MANUELA Your a Priest? (looks at him, smirks) Different. (beat) How long for? ETHAN Two years(shakes head) What are you doing here? MANUELA The man stood talking to your friend behind you see him? ETHAN nods his head. MANUELA (CONTD) Thats Daniel. (pause) Hes my fianc. MEANWHILE - in conversation with DANIEL, ELWOOD notices from the corner of his eye MANUELA and ETHAN talking. MANUELA kisses ETHAN on the cheek and pulls away from him. ETHAN sees MANUELA and DANIEL saying goodbye to ELWOOD. MANUELA winks to ETHAN. ELWOOD (O.S.) What was-what was that thing you refferenced this morning? CUT TO: 4 INT. LIVING ROOM (NIGHT) 4

In a dark vintage living room that occupies a small fireplace and various pieces of Victorian furniture, (a living from post war Britain) ELWOOD and ETHAN are sat next to each other drinking hot tea overlooking the fireplace.




ETHAN John 16:13... (interrupted) ELWOOD (interrupts) ...yes John 16...yes (beat) Convincing. You were refreshing this morning. You were talking about them...each-of-them. When its about what they can do to help themselves...arr...then they can listen. They weren't falling asleep or slipping away into a stroke. (looks at ETHAN, grins) ELWOOD sips his tea. He finds it hard to swallow as his face tightens up. ETHAN listens closely. ETHAN Why? Whose getting married? ELWOOD The young man I was talking to this morning....Daniel (sips tea) I know his father Malcolm-dead now. I baptised him, communed him and conformed him-Daniel that is. (beat) Hes invited me to there anniversary celebration. It would make sense for me to marry him off to his fianc erm....Ma soemthingETHAN -Manuela. ELWOOD looks at ETHAN suspiciously. ELWOOD Yes. Manuela. (beat) It will be the first wedding I do you know? ETHAN looks down at the ground in thought. ELWOOD sips his tea. He finds it hard to swallow as his face tightens up as he groans in pain. Both of them share a glance with each other. ELWOOD nods reluctantly to ETHAN. He stands up and takes his cup of tea. He loosens ELWOODS top button of his shirt, and feeds him a spoon of liquid morphin. It drips down his chin. ETHAN wipes it with his sleeve. ETHAN puts the morphin down. PAUSE.
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ETHAN Have you ever been married Elwood? I mean, before all of this? ELWOOD grunts whilst sipping his tea. He looses eye contact with ETHAN. He doesn't answer and is silent. There's tension. SOFT MUSIC RESEMBLING DANIEL BJARNASONS BLOOD TO BONES HOVERS IN THE BACKGROUND. CROSSFADES TO:



A) FLASHBACK - (SLOW MOTION): A young womans features. Her hands are soft with long fingers. She has a well defined cleavage. She drags her long fingers through her brown hair. Her eyes are inviting and sexy. Her lips are lush as she cheekily sticks her tongue out. B) BED - ETHAN is in bed masturbating under the sheets with his eyes closed. ETHAN (O.C.) Its easy to become idle. Lazy. Restless... C) CHURCH - ETHAN delivers a sermon during mass about All Good Things and all the wonderful opportunities we have and have to make four ourselves in life. ETHAN (CONTD) ...Sometimes we need motivation-I know I need motivation, sometimes to do the smallest things. (smiles) In some cases we need to motivate other people and to do that we need to motivate ourselves for us to motivate others. D) CHURCH (MOMENTS LATER) - ETHAN is greeted by MANUELA with a flirtacious, naive grin on her face. ETHAN is forwards and takes her cautiously out of the room to one side. MANUELA Where do you put all these robes on? ETHAN The Vestry. E) VESTRY - ETHAN and MANUELA are kissing in the Vestry passionately. ETHAN has his hand all over the place. ETHAN (O.C.) (CONTD) What Im motivated by are All Good Things.
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All the good things we do eventually lead us to God. We know this too well. (smiels) F) CHURCH - ETHAN delivering his sermon to congregation. ETHAN (CONTD) Dont be frightened to be positive because positivity can be a blessing as well as a curse. Lets not forget our opportunities. Lets not forget about all the good things. G) RESTAURANT - ETHAN and MANUELA are sat opposite each other in the corner of a posh restaurant drinking and talking. ETHAN Dose Daniel know about this? MANUELA Why? Are you scared? H) CHRUCH - A young girl (20s) sings with her guitar an extract of the Gospel (According to Matthew). ETHAN sits in silent prayer. He opens one eye and sees MANUELA sat next to DANIEL looking at him from amongst the congregation in a trance. I) RESTAURANT - ETHAN replies to MANUELA ETHAN (smiles) No. Should I be? MANUELA takes a a mouthful of food. J) CHURCH ALTER - ETHAN stood at the Alter in his Church. He walks up and down slowly. He becomes irritated and with the Bible in his hand, he slams it down hard on the Alter and slams the Bible with his hand several times. MANUELA (O.S.) Daniel invited your friend for dinner to celebrate our engagement anniversary. ETHAN (O.S.) Father Elwood. MANUELA (O.S.) Elwood. Daniel told me that hes ill? ETHAN (O.S.) He has cancer. K) RESTAURANT - MANUELA smiles cheekily. MANUELA (sarcastically) Wouldn't God save him?
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ETHAN doesn't look happy at the remark. L) LIVING ROOM - ETHAN helps feed ELWOOD sat in his arm chair. MANUELA (O.S.) Instead he wants you to come. He knows Elwood isnt well enough, so...he wants you to come. M) RESTAURANT - ETHAN looks an MANUELA frozen by the invitation from MANUELA. He becomes slightly uncomfortable. JUMP CUT TO: 6 INT. BEDROOM - LATER 6

MUSIC CONTINUES BUT IS SOFTER AND MELLOWER IN THE BACKGROUND. ETHAN kisses MANUELA as he has her cornered up against the wall. He starts to grope her and kiss her neck. MANUELA stops and goes to sit on the bed. ETHAN watches as she starts to cry with her head in the her hands with her legs crossed. ETHAN approaches her cautiously like a distressed horse; calm and carefully. He comforts her and begins to kiss her affectionately. MANUELA Dont do that.... ETHAN Whats wrong? They both share a glance. BEAT. MANUELA Why did you leave me Ethan? ETHAN pulls away from her slowly. MANUELA You know-at the time...if you wanted to leave me that would-I would have been ok with that. You could have said to me-told me that you wanted to leave. (beat) You could have told me that you were leaving. You never said where you were going but you left me standing on a rock in the middle of fucking no where-You dont leave people like thatETHAN -It was a hill. I left you standing on a hill. (beat) I didnt want to leave.
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MANUELA So why did you? ETHAN How did you meet Daniel? MANUELA I dont think that matters. ETHAN Why? MANUELA I dont think he loves me says he dose. BEAT. MUSIC DIES OUT. They share another intimate glance. ETHAN gets closer and kisses MANUELA. He pushes her down on the bed and lays on top of her kissing her with his busy hands groping her. MANUELA has her eyes open whilst ETHAN starts to undo her shirt. She pushes him away. He stops and looks at her... MANUELA Your not suppose too. (smiles) ETHAN kisses her...she stops him abruptly again... MANUELA (CONTD) (whispered) Do you love me? He looks at her blankly. He looks at her eyes, at her lips. To him - her angelic face glows. LONG PAUSE. SOUND BRIDGE; HOLY MARY FULL OF GRACE SPOKEN BY A LARGE CONGREGATION BRIDGES... CUT TO: 7 INT. ELWOODS BATHROOM (NIGHT) 7 like he

The door to the bathroom opens. ETHAN helps ELWOOD as he struggles his way out. With one hand leaning on a crutch and the other on ETHANS shoulder, ELWOOD shuffles his way. His face is grey and his eyes heavy with illness. They both stop walking. ETHAN You need a wheelchair. They both stop walking. ELWOOD Why would I use a wheelchair? I have two legs.




ETHAN I know but, it would be easier(interrupted) ELWOOD (interrupts) -Why would I use a wheelchair? BEAT. ELWOOD looks at ETHAN determined. ETHAN grabs his arm to help him...ELWOOD pushes him away. ELWOOD Dont...dont I can still walk. I can walk to my bed by myself. ELWOOD walks by himself with one crutch and his other arm to balance himself. He stops and start to sway. He looses his balance....ETHAN grabs him just in time before he falls. COUGHING profusely - ELWOOD is out of breath. BEAT. ELWOOD At least I tried. Take me... (coughs) ...take me to my bed. CUT TO: 8 INT. ELWOODS BEDROOM (NIGHT) Sat on the edge of the bed, ETHAN feeds ELWOOD pot of yogurt. As he eats it hes in pain with every spoon. ELWOOD Thats enough. ETHAN stops feeding him. ELWOOD When are you going to this engagement?... ETHAN Its a anniversary celebration tomorrow night. ELWOOD I want to remind you...dont say anything out of place. Dont talk about me unless they ask.... CUT TO: 9 EXT. HOUSE (NIGHT) 9 8

A large house stands tall on its own in the darkness of night. Non of the other houses can be seen. ETHAN walks up to the front door and hesitates to ring the bell.
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10. With a bottle of red wine in his hand, he tries again and walks away - EXIT FRAME

ELWOOD (O.S.)(CONTD) And dont talk about yourself unless they ask. I want you to behave. I want to wed the couple so...speak when spoken to. BEAT. ENTERS FRAME -- He walks back up to the door - takes a moment....and rings the door bell again. CUT TO: 10 INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS 10

Wooden flooring - beautiful furniture - a bright glow and comforting atmosphere. The house seems more like a Church than a home; with a small crucifix by the front door, DANIEL ENTERS FRAME - opens it and is greeted by ETHAN. DANIEL shakes his hand and closes the door behind him. He gives him the bottle of red wine DANIEL doesn't take it. ALL CHARACTERS ENTER FRAME -- CHARLOTTE (tall, old, well dressed, 60s) is DANIELS Mother and approaches ETHAN to greet him with a hand shake. He gives her the bottle of wine. She takes it reluctantly. STANLEY (DANIELS BROTHER - well built, quiet, friendly faced, late 20s) shakes ETHANS hand keeping his distance. A young girl (20s - looks younger. Tall, Slim, slender, petite) walks into the hallway... (The girl from the opening montage) The young girl looks at ETHAN with a cheeky grin on her face. He looks back at her....SUPERISED! MANUELA comes down the stairs slowly looking at ETHAN. He glances at her quickly whilst being introduced to the young girl. CUT TO: 11 INT. BATHROOM - LATER 11

After drying his hand, ETHAN opens the door to leave. As he opens...he sees MANUELA waiting to use the toilette. They share a momentary glance and pulls her in and closes the door. With that flirtacious grin on her face...she is slightly confused. ETHAN corners her against the wall. MANUELA I think you should go. ETHAN Why?
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MANUELA Because its late and your Priest friend... (interupted) ETHAN (interrupts) ...Father ElwoodMANUELA -Elwood might be - he might need you. Hes ill. ETHAN YES! I know hes ill. Hes been ill for a long time. (beat) What dose he have? MANUELA What do you mean? ETHAN What I said? MANUELA I dont know... (spoken over) ETHAN (speaks over) ...I told you. MANUELA is intimidated by ETHANS sudden frustration. She looks almost scared by him. MANUELA I cant - I cant remember... ETHAN Your a liar. MANUELA Dont call me a liar EthanETHAN -but you are. BEAT. MANUELA Why did you leave Ethan? ETHAN You keep asking me that question? You dont care what I think.... MANUELA Yes I do! Dont tell me - dont say that. Its not fair for you to say that - AND TO BE SO SURE!




ETHAN Its never been fair. What are you doing? MANUELA Why? Do you want me to stop? ETHAN BEAT. He looks at MANUELA intimately. ETHAN Stop this.... MANUELA ...stop what? ETHAN STOP PRETENDING! (beat) I wish you weren't like this, and I shouldn't have left, but I did. Its all just bad timing. MANUELA looks at ETHAN and steps back from him. With her arms crossed and her face stern, she is uncomfortable. Her facade has dropped. MOMENT BETWEEN THEM ETHAN looks at her as MANUELA focuses on the ground. MANUELA looks at ETHAN, he looks away...MANUELA opens the door... JUMP CUT TO: 12 INT. DINING ROOM - MOMENTS LATER 12

ETHAN says goodbye to DANIELS family. A part from the young girl. He approches DANIEL... DANIEL Wheres Manuela? ...As the rest of the family talk to each other - ETHAN shakes his hand and whispers in his ear. SUDDENTLY...HE PUSHES ETHAN...ETHAN REACTS AND PUSHES DANIEL ACROSS THE ROOM....STAN COMES AND TRIES TO BREAK UP THE COMMOTION. DANIEL PUSHES HIM CAUSING ETHAN TO FALL. HE GETS UP AND STRAIGHTENS HIMSELF. DANIEL GET OUT! His family check if DANIEL is ok.





13. 13

MANUELA stands at the top of the stairs watching ETHAN leave the house. Her face is emotionless - none caring. ETHAN notices MANUELA and leaves. CROSSFADES TO:



In a dark and grim bedroom...ELWOOD is lay on his bed, soaked in sweat, in pain. With his eyes closed he breaths heavily, wheezing on every exhale. He opens his eyes gently and turns his head and sees ETHAN sat watching him. ELWOOD smiles. His voice is deep and gravely. ELWOOD How long have you sat there? ETHAN An hour. I dont know maybe longer... ELWOOD (smiles) Waiting to watch me die... (coughs) I fell uncomfortable. (groans) Pain all down my legs-my feet-my arms all to my hands... (coughs) I fear that....if I move just a little, Ill die. (laughs, coughs, groans) ETHAN Do you want some water? ELWOOD NO! Whats water for? (coughs) Will it save me? No, no, no (groans) Now...Holy water? BEAT. ELWOOD looks at ETHAN with a cheeky grin on his weathered, ill face. ELWOOD Ive known you for a long time how many year? ETHAN About five. ELWOOD Again...?




ETHAN Five years Elwood. ELWOOD Arrr....Elwood - not Father Elwood... (coughs) ...five years - one good question from you in five... ETHAN What is it? (intrigued) ELWOOD Have I ever married? (smiles, coughs) The biggest...biggest mistake of my life - is not marrying. I was with a woman in secret for ten years almost-I never made the tenth. But in secret... (ETHAN, patronising) ...secret means no one else knows. (coughs) Cynthia was...over poweringmanipulative-she made quick-brashno time to think decisions on everything. She was abrupt. (coughs) Abrupt but coherent. I feared at stages that she was inept of feeling you see. (beat) You understand....? ETHAN nods his head. ELWOOD His body, his blood, drink - eat pray - drink eat pray.... (groans) That has been my life and now it finishes. ELWOOD looks at ETHAN with kind eyes and a smile. ELWOOD (CONTD) (beat) Your a good Priest Ethan...but you must remember your place. We share the same past-weve broken away from our roots. Weve broken away from our roots. Roots...and thisthis...the wine - the bread - the prayer that is our... ELWOODS face changes. It slowly sinks into a frown. ELWOOD (CONTD) (pause, coughs) But your not an honest one. Your not faithful.
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Your a young filthy boy... (beat) ...are you faithful? ETHAN Yes. ELWOOD Are you honest to me? ETHAN Yes. ELWOOD Are you honest to yourself? ETHAN Yes. ELWOOD Are you honest to God? ETHAN looks at ELWOOD with heavy eyes. ELWOOD (CONTD) Father Ethan Buckley...the Christ of his generation....he can not speak back to his senior. ETHAN becomes upset, and listens to ELWOOD rant on his final words. ELWOOD (CONTD) Your a stupid boy. (coughs) You will be here... (points at bed) ...waiting like me. (coughs, groans) My vest... ETHAN gets up and grabs a Vestment hanging on a coat hanger. ELWOOD takes it and looks at the symbol of the cross. He caresses the vestment gently-heavily breathing. He throws it on his face, and takes the largest sign - breathing heavily...HE COUGHS DEEPLY...AND COUGHS...AND COUGHS - HE STRUGGLES - HE COMPLAINS OF NOT BEING ABLE TO SEE AND THAT HIS BODY IS COLD AND WARM AT THE SAME TIME. ETHAN KNEELS TO RECITE THE LORDS PRAYERS...he tries to grab ELWOODS hand. ETHAN Our Father, who art in heaven... ELWOOD Lift me up.... ETHAN sits him up.




ETHAN (CONTD) ...hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come... (interrupted) ELWOOD NO! (coughs, pushes) Im burning....I need to lay ETHAN helps him lay down back on the bed. ETHAN (close, whispered) Elwood?... ELWOOD I cant see...I cant see...its black... ELWOOD is more and more distant from this life and his breathing is slower and slower and slower (etc)..... .....until he stops breathing. His eyes are wide open. ETHAN is stood over him in... ...He leans over him and puts his ear to ELWOODS chest. With each of his thumbs, he closes his eyes. EERIE MUSIC RESEMBLING DANIEL BJARNASONS AIR TO BREATH EASES INTO THE BACKGROUND. 15 MOMENTS LATER 15

ETHAN puts cotton buds in ELWOODS ears and nostrils. He strokes his hair and puts a white sheet over him and cups his hands together with rosary wrapped around them Sat looking aimlessly at ELWOODS dead body; which now rests peacefully and undisturbed; ETHAN cries and becomes very emotional. He closes his eyes gently... ...(SLOW MOTION) MOMENTARY FLASHBACK of a young womans features with her brown hair and well defined features. These attributes belong to MANUELA as her face smiles (BREAK FOURTH WALL). MUSIC DIES OUT. FADE TO BLACK: CUT TO: 16 INT. CHURCH (MORNING) 16

In the vibrance of a Sunday Morning mass, ETHAN approaches his pulpit gently and reluctantly. He stands looking uncomfortable with his eyes quickly roaming around the Church to only see the same old faces that attend Church. It is completely silent.



17. Unusually standing behind his pulpit, he looks exhausted and slightly dazed and confused / shaken up. Looking down to his sermon, he decides to turn them over whilst sighing. Grabbing the edge of the pulpit, he leans forwards heavily.

ETHAN The Bible erm.... (louder) ...The Bible teaches us about faith and hope - morals and....responsibility. He looks down and starts to feel even more uncomfortable. ETHAN It is easy to look to other people for an answer to our own challenges. Erm....hard as it can be at times, we need to learn to look to ourselves for those answers - for those answers to our challenges. (clears throat) If you imagine....pretend that there's a garden. Flowers err...trees, life. (beat) Life needs to be looked after. Someone has to keep it alive and if it is not...not kept alive (pause) It will die. ETHAN looks down to his feet, and starts to become emotional. His face twitches, and a shine appears in his eyes. ETHAN Chapter 10 of the Corinthians it is written that....We must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body. (pause, smirk, loudly) The person who fails in their responsibilities will be burdened. They will be burdened, and sometimes when a person gets to that point, when they get to that point of knowing they cant turn back; what is that persons responsibility then? How will they overcome failure? Will they need Jesus? Will they need God? In the end what dose it matter? (beat) If I fail...the garden will die! IT will die. ETHAN leans forwards, and hits the surface of the podium. Through frustration he hits it again, and again.




ETHAN His body. His Blood. Your faith (pause) And responsibility. His body, his blood, drink - eat and pray. He takes a moment and looks out with his eyes now in tears, at his baffled congregation. ETHAN walks slowly to his chair and sits. He rubs his forehead, and the sweat from his brow. He looks down to his lap as the congregation stand and sing God of Mercy and Compassion. A) FLASHBACK - (SLOW MOTION): ETHAN and MANUELA in the countryside. MUSIC RESEMBLING THE LAST 40 SECONDS OF SPINDRIFT BY DANIEL BJARNASON SEEPS IN AND OVERTAKES ALL ATMOSPHERIC SOUND.... CUT TO: BLACK. THE END WRITTEN BY DWANE PERKS



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