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Nekoliko. A few Malo. A little. Davno, pre mnogo vremena. A long time ago. Karta u jednom pravcu.

A one way ticket. Povratna karta. A round trip ticket. Oko 300 kilometara. About 300 kilometers. Preko puta poste. Across from the post office. Ceo dan. All day. Da li ga izgovaram pravilno? Am I pronouncing it correctly? Ejmi je Dzonova devojka. Amy is John's girlfriend. A ti? And you? Bilo sta drugo? Anything else? Da li ima nekih koncerata? Are there any concerts? Da li oni dolaze veceras? Are they coming this evening? Da li su oni isti? Are they the same? Da li se plasis? Are you afraid? Da li si alergican na nesto? Are you allergic to anything? Da li si Amerikanac? Are you American? Da li si zauzet? Are you busy? Da li ti je prijatno? Are you comfortable? Da li dolazis veceras? Are you coming this evening? Da li si slobodan veceras? Are you free tonight? Da li ces prisustvovati njihovom vencanju? Are you going to attend their we dding? Da li ces joj pomoci? Are you going to help her? Da li ces ici avionom ili vozom? Are you going to take a plane or train? Da li si ovde sam? Are you here alone? Da li si gladan? Are you hungry? Da li si ozenjen/udata? Are you married? Da li si dobro? Are you okay? Da li si spreman? Are you ready? Da li si bolestan? Are you sick? Da li si siguran? Are you sure? Da li cekas nekoga? Are you waiting for someone? Da li radis danas? Are you working today? Da li radis sutra? Are you working Tomorrow? Da li su tvoja deca sa tobom? Are your children with you? Sto je pre moguce. As soon as possible. U 3 posle podne. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon. U 3. At 3 o'clock. U petoj ulici. At 5th street. U 7 uvece. At 7 o'clock at night. U 7 ujutru. At 7 o'clock in the morning. U koliko sati se to desilo? At what time did it happen? U koje vreme? At what time? Budi oprezan. Be careful. Budi tih. Be quiet. Iza ledja. Behind the bank. Dodaj mi moju majicu molim te. Bring me my shirt please. Posao je dobar. Business is good. Pozovi policiju. Call the police. Mogu li da pristupim internetu ovde? Can I access the Internet here? Mogu li da pozajmim nesto novca? Can I borrow some money? Mogu li do dovedem svog prijatelja? Can I bring my friend? Mogu li da dobijem casu vode molim Vas? Can I have a glass of water please? Mogu li da dobijem racun molim Vas? Can I have a receipt please? Mogu li dobiti racun molim Vas? Can I have the bill please? Mogu li da ti pomognem? Can I help you? Mogu li da zakazem za sledecu Sredu? Can I make an appointment for next Wedne sday?

Mogu li da vidim Vas pasos molim Vas? Can I see your passport please? Mogu li ja da primim poruku( i prosledim)? Can I take a message? Mogu li ja da probam? Can I try it on? Mogu li da se posluzim Vasim telefonom? Can I use your phone? Moze li to biti jeftinije? -:-))Teeeeskoo. Can it be cheaper? Mozemo li da dobijemo meni molim Vas? Can we have a menu please. Mozemo li da dobijemo jos hleba molim Vas? Can we have some more bread plea se? Mozemo li da sednemo tamo? Can we sit over there? Mozes li da pozoves kasnije? Can you call back later? Mozes li da me pozoves kasnije? Can you call me back later? Mozes li da poneses ovo za mene? Can you carry this for me? Mozes li mi uciniti uslugu? Can you do me a favor? Mozes li da popravis ovo? Can you fix this? Mozes li mi dati primer? Can you give me an example? Mozes li mi pomoci? Can you help me? Mozes li mi ovo pridrzati? Can you hold this for me? Mozes li molim te ponoviti? Can you please say that again? Mozes li preporuciti dobar restoran? Can you recommend a good restaurant? Mozes li ponoviti to molim te? Can you repeat that please? Mozes li mi pokazati? Can you show me? Mozes li pricati glasnije molim te? Can you speak louder please? Umes li da plivas? Can you swim? Da li mozes to da mi dobacis/dodas? Can you throw that away for me? Mozes li mi ovo prevesti? Can you translate this for me? Cikago se veoma razlikuje od Bostona. Chicago is very different from Boston. Dodji ovamo. Come here. Da li je padao sneg juce? Did it snow yesterday? Da li dolazis sa svojom porodicom? Did you come with your family? Da li si primio moj email? Did you get my email? Da li si mi poslao cvece? Did you send me flowers? Da li si uzeo svoj lek? Did you take your medicine? Da li se tvojoj zeni svidja Kalifornija? Did your wife like California? Da li primate dolare? Do you accept US Dollars? Da li verujes/verujete u to? Do you believe that? Da li se osecas bolje? Do you feel better? Da li cesto ides za Floridu? Do you go to Florida often? Da li imas decka? Do you have a boyfriend? Da li imas devojku? Do you have a girlfriend? Imas li olovku? Do you have a pencil? Imas li problem? Do you have a problem? Imas li bazen? Do you have a swimming pool? Imate li zakazano? Do you have an appointment? Imas li jos jednu? Do you have another one? Imas li dece? Do you have any children? Imate li ikakvu/bilo kakvu kafu? Do you have any coffee? Imas li novca? Do you have any money? Imate li slobodnih radnih mesta? Do you have any vacancies? Imate li ista jeftinije? Do you have anything cheaper? Imate li dovoljno novca? Do you have enough money? Imate li broj taxija? Do you have the number for a taxi? Imate li ovo u velicini 11? Do you have this in size 11? Da li si cuo/cula to? Do you hear that? Da li je poznajes? Do you know her? Da li znate koliko to kosta? Do you know how much it costs? Da li znas da kuvas :Dhahahah ne verujem? Do you know how to cook? Da li znas kako stici/kako doci do Marriott Hotel? Do you know how to get t o the Marriott Hotel? Da li znas sta ovo znaci? Do you know what this means? Da li znate sta je rekao? Do you know what this says?

Da li znate gde mogu naci taxi? Do you know where I can get a taxi? Da li znate gde su moje naocare? Do you know where my glasses are? Da li znate gde je ona? Do you know where she is? Da li znate gde je prodavnica u kojoj se prodaju peskiri? Do you know wher e there's a store that sells towels? Da li ti se svidja ovde? Do you like it here? Da li ti se svidja knjiga? Do you like the book? Da li volis da gledas TV? Do you like to watch TV? Da li ti se svidja tvoj sef? Do you like your boss? Da li ste zadovoljni svojim sefom? Are you satisfied with your boss? Da li Vam treba jos nesto? Do you need anything else? Da li Vam je nesto potrebno? Do you need anything? Da li se bavite ijednim poslom? Do you play any sports? Da li igrate kosarku? Do you play basketball? Prodajete li baterije? Do you sell batteries? Prodajete li lekove? Do you sell medicine? Pusite li? Do you smoke? Pricate li engleski? Do you speak English? Ucite li Engleski? Do you study English? Primate li kreditne kartice? Do you take credit cards? Mislite li da ce padati kisa danas? Do you think it'll rain today? Mislite li da ce sutra padati kisa? Do you think it's going to rain tomorrow ? Mislite li da je to moguce? Do you think it's possible? Mislite li da cete se vratiti do 11:30? Do you think you'll be back by 11:30? Razumete/Razumes li? Do you understand? Hoces da te pokupim :D-Zelis li da ja dodjem po tebe i sl? Do you want me t o come and pick you up? Zelis li da podjes sa mnom? Do you want to come with me? Zelis li u bioskop? Do you want to go to the movies? Zelis li da ides sa mnom? Do you want to go with me? Prica li ovde neko Engleski? Does anyone here speak English? Svidja li mu se skola? Does he like the school? Da li je cesto zimi sneg u Masacutesu? Does it often snow in the winter in Mass achusetts? Da li ovaj put vodi za Njujork? Does this road go to New York? Ne radi to. Don't do that. Ne brini. Don't worry. Svake nedelje. Every week. Svaki dan/Svakodnevno ustajem u 6 ujutru. Everyday I get up at 6AM. Svako to zna. Everyone knows it. Sve je spremno. Everything is ready. Odlicno. Excellent. Izvinite, sta ste rekli? Excuse me, what did you say? Izvinite. Excuse me. Rok trajanja. Expiration date. Napunite do kraja, molim Vas(U kontekstuu npr goriva). Fill it up, please. Prati me. Follow me. Za koliko noci? For how many nights? Zaboravi to. Forget it. Odavde do tamo. From here to there. S vremena na vreme. From time to time. Daj mi hemijsku. Give me the pen. Idi pravo napred. Go straight ahead. Dobar dan. Good afternoon. Dobro vece gospodine. Good evening sir. Dobra ideja. Good idea. Srecno! Good Luck. Dobro jutro. Good morning. Sjajno. Great.

Da li je tvoj brat bio u Kaliforniji? Has your brother been to California? Srecan put. Have a good trip. Jesu li je vec upoznali? Have they met her yet? Jesi li stigao/stigla? Have you arrived? Jesi li bio u Bostonu? Have you been to Boston? Jesi li dugo cekao? Have you been waiting long? Jeste li radili ovo ranije? Have you done this before? Jeste li vec jeli u ovom restoranu? Have you eaten at that restaurant? Jesi li vec jeo? Have you eaten yet? Jesi li ikada probao supu od paradaiza? Have you ever had Potato soup? Jesi li zavrsio studije? Have you finished studying? Jesi li gledao ovaj film? Have you seen this movie? On to uvek uradi za mene. He always does that for me. On je slomio prozor. He broke the window. On ne izgleda kao medicinska sestra. He doesn't look like a nurse. On ima lep auto. He has a nice car. On to mnogo voli. He likes it very much. Potrebna mu je nova odeca. He needs some new clothes. On mi nikada nista ne daje. He never gives me anything. Rekao je da je ovo lepo mesto. He said this is a nice place. Rekao je da ti volis da gledas filmove. He said you like to watch movies. On studira na Bostonskom univerzitetu. He studies at Boston University. On misli da ne zelimo da idemo. He thinks we don't want to go. On radi u racunarskoj kompaniji u Njujorku. He works at a computer company i n New York. On ce se vratiti za 20 minuta. He'll be back in 20 minutes. Zdravo. Hello. Izvolite vasu salatu. Here is your salad. Ovde je-Evo to je ovde. Here it is. Ovo je moj broj. Here's my number. Evo Vase porudzbine. Here's your order. On je veoma dobar student. He's a very good student. On je Amerikanac. He's an American. On je inzenjer. He's an Engineer. On uskoro dolazi. He's coming soon. On je brzi od mene. He's faster than me. On je u kuhinji. He's in the kitchen. Nikada nije bio u Americi. He's never been to America. Nije u redu sada. He's not in right now. U pravu je. He's right. Veoma je iritantan/veoma nervira. He's very annoying. Veoma je poznat. He's very famous. Veoma je vredan radnik. He's very hard working. Njegova porodica dolazi sutra. His family is coming tomorrow. Njegova roba je veoma mala. His room is very small. Njegov sin. His son. Kako stojite u subotu, da li ste slobodni u subotu? How about Saturday? Kako placate? How are you paying? Kako si? How are you? Kako su ti roditelji? How are your parents? Kako da stignem tamo? How do I get there? Kako da stignem do Danijel ulice? How do I get to Daniel Street? Kako da stignem do Americke ambasade? How do I get to the American Embassy? Kako da koristim ovo? How do I use this? Kako znas? How do you know? Kako se to izgovara? How do you pronounce that? Kako se to kaze na Engleskom? How do you say it in English? Kako se to speluje? How do you spell it? Kako se speluje rec Sijetl? How do you spell the word Seattle? Kakvog je ukusa? How does it taste?

Koliko daleko je Cikago? How far is it to Chicago? Koliko je daleko? How far is it? Kako je ona? How is she? Koliko dugo ostajes u Kaliforniji? How long are you going to stay in Califo rnia? Koliko dugo planiras da ostanes? How long are you going to stay? Koliko mi treba kolima? How long does it take by car?\ Koliko mi treba da stignem do Dzordzije? How long does it take to get to Georgia? Koliko dugo si bio tamo? How long have you been here? Koliko si dugo bio u Americi? How long have you been in America? Koliko vec dugo zivite ovde? How long have you lived here? Koliko dugo vec radite ovde? How long have you worked here? Koliko dugo je to? How long is it? Koliko dugo traje let? How long is the flight? Koliko dugo ce trajati? How long will it take? Koliko dugo ostajes? How long will you be staying? Koliko dece imate? How many children do you have? Koliko sati nedeljno radite? How many hours a week do you work? Koliko jezika govorite? How many languages do you speak? Koliko milja ima do Pansilvanije? How many miles is it to Pennsylvania? Koliko ljudi ima u Njujorku? How many people are there in New York? Koliko clanova porodice imate? How many people do you have in your family? Koliko ljudi? How many people? Koliko? How many? Koliko ukupno? How much altogether? Posto su ove mindjuse? How much are these earrings? Koliko Vam dugujem? How much do I owe you? Koliko kosta po danu? How much does it cost per day? Koliko ovo kosta? How much does this cost? Koliko je da se ode do Majamija? How much is it to go to Miami? Koliko to kosta? How much is it? Koliko je to? How much is that? Koliko je ovo? How much is this? Koliko novca imate? How much money do you have? Koliko para zaradjujete? How much money do you make? Koliko ce to kostati? How much will it cost? Koliko biste zeleli? How much would you like? Koliko godina imate? How old are you? Koliko ste visoki? How tall are you? Kakav je bio film? How was the movie? Kako ste putovali? How was the trip? Kako ide posao? How's business? Kakvo je vreme? How's the weather? Kako posao napreduje? How's work going? Slazem se. I agree. Vec sam jeo/jela. I ate already. Verujem ti. I believe you. Kupila sam majicu juce. I bought a shirt yesterday. Dosao sam sa mojom porodicom. I came with my family. Umem da plivam. I can swim. Ne cujem te jasno. I can't hear you clearly. Ne cujem te. I can't hear you. Ne osecam se dobro. I don't feel well. Nemam devojku. I don't have a girlfriend. Nemam novca. I don't have any money. Nemam dovoljno novca. I don't have enough money. Trenutno nemam vremena. I don't have time right now. Ne umem to da koristim. I don't know how to use it. Ne znam. I don't know.

Ne svidja mi se on. I don't like him. Ne svidja mi se to. I don't like it. Ne govorim Engleski veoma dobro. I don't speak English very well. Ne govorim dovoljno dobro. I don't speak very well. Ne razumem sta govoris. I don't understand what your saying. Ne razumem. I don't understand. Ne zelim. I don't want it. Ne zelim to. I don't want that. Ne zelim da ti smetam. I don't want to bother you. Osecam se dobro. I feel good. Zaboravio sam. I forget. Zavrsavam sa poslom u 6. I get off of work at 6. Imao sam nesrecu. I got in an accident. Prehladio sam se. I have a cold. Imam glavobolju. I have a headache. Imam mnogo toga da uradim. I have a lot of things to do. Imam pitanje koje zelim da ti postavim-zelim da ti postavim pitanje. I have a question I want to ask you-I want to ask you a question. Imam rezervaciju. I have a reservation. Imam novca. I have money. Imam jednu/jedan/jedno u mojim kolima. I have one in my car. Imam bolove u ruci. I have pain in my arm. Imam troje dece, 2 devojcice i jednog decaka. I have three children, two girls and one boy. Moram da odem do poste. I have to go to the post office. Imam dve sestre. I have two sisters. Nisam bio tamo. I haven't been there. Nisam zavrsio jelo. I haven't finished eating. Nisam jos rucao. I haven't had lunch yet. Nadam se da cete ti tvoja zena lepo putovati. I hope you and your wife have a nice trip. Znam. I know. Svidja mi se ona. I like her. Svidja mi se. I like it. Svidja mi se Italijanska hrana. I like Italian food. Volim da gledam TV. I like to watch TV. Zivim u Kaliforniji. I live in California. Izgubio sam svoj sat. I lost my watch. Volim te. I love you. Pogresio sam. I made a mistake. Ja sam napravio ovu tortu. I made this cake. Potreban mi je doktor. I need a doctor. Potreban mi je drugi kljuc. I need another key. Potrebne su mi maramice. I need some tissues. Potrebno mi je da ovo stigne tamo do sutra. I need this to get there by tomo rrow. Moram da se presvucem. I need to change clothes. Moram da idem kuci. I need to go home. Moram da idem sada. I need to go now. Moram da vezbam svoj Engleski. I need to practice my English. Imam samo 5 dolara. I only have 5 dollars. Zelim samo da pregrizem. I only want a snack. Secam se. I remember. Malo govorim Engleski. I speak a little English. Govorim dva jezika. I speak two languages. Imam jos mnogo toga da kupim. I still have a lot of things to buy. Imam jos mnogo toga da uradim. I still have a lot to do. Moram jos da operem zube i da se istusiram. I still have to brush my teeth a nd take a shower. Jos nisam odlucio. I still haven't decided.

Mislim da moram da posetim doktora. I think I need to see a doctor. Mislim da ima dobar ukus. I think it tastes good. Mislim da je veoma dobro. I think it's very good. Mislim tako. I think so. Mislim da te cipele jako dobro izgledaju. I think those shoes are very goo d looking. Mislim da imas previse odece. I think you have too many clothes. Mislio sam da je rekao nesto drugo. I thought he said something else. Mislio sam da je odeca jeftinija. I thought the clothes were cheaper. Sad razumem. I understand now. Razumem. I understand. Obicno pijem kafu uz dorucak. I usually drink coffee at breakfast. Zelim da kupim nesto. I want to buy something. Zelim da kontaktiram nasu ambasadu. I want to contact our embassy. Zelim da ti poklonim nesto. I want to give you a gift. Zelim da posaljem ovaj paket za Sjedinjene Americke Drzave. I want to send t his package to the United States. Zelim da ti pokazem nesto. I want to show you something. Nameravao sam da napustim restoran kada su moji prijatelji naisli. I was ab out to leave the restaurant when my friends arrived. Krenuo sam u biblioteku. I was going to the library. Bio sam u biblioteci. I was in the library. Bio sam u supermarketu, a potom u komjuterskoj radnji. I went to the supermarke t, and then to the computer store. Zelio bih da imam jednu/jedno. I wish I had one. Zeleo bih mapu grada. I'd like a map of the city. Zeleo bih sobu za nepusace. I'd like a non-smoking room. Zelim sobu sa dva kreveta molim Vas. I'd like a room with two beds please. Zeleo bih sobu. I'd like a room. Zeleo bih sobu za jednu osobu. I'd like a single room. Zeleo bih sto plizu prozora. I'd like a table near the window. Zeleo bih i vodu, molim Vas. I'd like some water too, please. Zeleo bih broj Hilton Hotela molim Vas. I'd like the number for the Hilton Hotel please. Zeleo bih da kupim flasu vode, molim Vas. I'd like to buy a bottle of wate r, please. Zeleo bih da kupim karticu za telefon molim Vas. I'd like to buy a phone card please. Zeleo bih da kupim nesto. I'd like to buy something. Zeleo bih da pozovem Sjedinjene Americke Drzave. I'd like to call the Uni ted States. Zeleo bih da jedem u restoranu u petoj ulici. I'd like to eat at 5th street re staurant. Zelim da zamenim ovo za Dolare. I'd like to exchange this for Dollars. Zeleo bih da odem u setnju. I'd like to go for a walk. Zeleo bih da idem kuci. I'd like to go home. Zeleo bih da idem u soping. I'd like to go shopping. Zeleo bih da odem u radnju. I'd like to go to the store. Zeleo bih da obavim telefonski poziv. I'd like to make a phone call. Zeleo bih da napravim rezervaciju. I'd like to make a reservation. Zeleo bih da iznajmim kola. I'd like to rent a car. Zeleo bih da posaljem fax. I'd like to send a fax. Zeleo bih da posaljem ov za Ameriku. I'd like to send this to America. Zeleo bih da razgovaram sa gospodinom Smitom molim Vas. I'd like to speak to Mr Smith please. Zeleo bih da koristim internet. I'd like to use the internet. Ako ti se svidja ja mogu kupiti jos. If you like it I can buy more. Ako ti je potrebna moja pomoc, molim te obavesti me. If you need my help, ple ase let me know. Odmah se vracam. I'll be right back.

Pozvacu kasnije. I'll call back later. Pozvacu te u Sredu. I'll call you on Friday. Pozvacu te kada odem. I'll call you when I leave. Vraticu se kasnije. I'll come back later. Pozvacu te. I'll give you a call. Hocu da porucim solju caja molim Vas. I'll have a cup of tea please. Hocu da porucim casu vode molim Vas. I'll have a glass of water please. Ja cu isto to. I'll have the same thing. Ja cu platiti veceru. I'll pay for dinner. Ja cu platiti karte. I'll pay for the tickets. Ja cu platiti. I'll pay. Ja cu to uzeti. I'll take it. Uzecu i tu takodje. I'll take that one also. Odvescu te na autobusku stanicu. I'll take you to the bus stop. Pricacu uskoro sa tobom. I'll talk to you soon. Ja cu te nauciti. I'll teach you. Reci cu mu da si zvao/zvala. I'll tell him you called. Imam 26 godina. I'm 26 years old. Imam 32 godine. I'm 32. Visok sam 6,2 inca. I'm 6'2". Ja sam pocetnik. I'm a beginner. Nosim velicinu 8. I'm a size 8. Ja sam ucitelj/nastavnik. I'm a teacher. Alergican sam na morsku hranu. I'm allergic to seafood. Ja sam Amerikanac. I'm American. Dosadno mi je. I'm bored. Cistim svoju sobu. I'm cleaning my room. Hladno mi je. I'm cold. Dolazim odmah. I'm coming right now. Dolazim da te pokupim. I'm coming to pick you up. Ja sam dobro, a ti? I'm fine, and you? Ja sam iz Amerike. I'm from America. Pun sam. I'm full. Spremam se da idem napolje. I'm getting ready to go out. Idem kuci za 4 dana. I'm going home in four days. Idem za Ameriku naredne godine. I'm going to America next year. Idem u krevet. I'm going to bed. Otici cu. I'm going to leave. Dobro sam. I'm good. Srecan sam. I'm happy. Ovde sam poslom. I'm here on business. Gladan sam. I'm hungry. Samo se salim. I'm just kidding. Samo gledam. I'm just looking. Sutra odlazim. I'm leaving Tomorrow. Trazim postu. I'm looking for the post office. Izgubio sam se. I'm lost. Ozenjen sam. I'm married. Ne plasim se. I'm not afraid. Nisam Amerikanac. I'm not American. Nisam zauzet. I'm not busy. Ne idem. I'm not going. Nisam ozenjen. I'm not married. Jos nisam spreman. I'm not ready yet. Nisam siguran. I'm not sure. Na cekanju sam. I'm on hold. Spreman sam. I'm ready. Ja sam samozaposlen. I'm self-employed. Bolestan sam. I'm sick. Sam sam. I'm single.

Zao mi je, rasprodati smo. I'm sorry, we're sold out. Zao mi je. I'm sorry. Zedan sam. I'm thirsty. Umoran sam. I'm tired. Veoma sam zauzet. I'm very busy. Veoma sam zauzet, Nemam sada vremena. I'm very busy, I don't have time now. Veoma sam dobro, hvala Vam. I'm very well, thank you. Cekam te. I'm waiting for you. I ja sam zabrinut. I'm worried too. Za 30 minuta. In 30 minutes. Da li jos neko dolazi? Is anyone else coming? Da li je sve u redu? Is everything ok? Da li je blizu? Is it close? Da li je hladno napolju? Is it cold outside? Da li je daleko odavde? Is it far from here? Da li je vruce? Is it hot? Da li je u blizini? Is it nearby? Da li je moguce? Is it possible? Da li pada kisa? Is it raining? Da li je gotovo? Is it ready? Da li je Dzon ovde? Is John here? Da li je Dzon tamo molim Vas? Is John there please? Da li je to dovoljno? Is that enough? Da li je to u redu? Is that ok? Da li je banka daleko? Is the bank far? Da li u blizini postoji bioskop? Is there a movie theater nearby? Da li postoji nocni klub u gradu? Is there a nightclub in town? Postoji li restoran u hotelu? Is there a restaurant in the hotel? Ima li prodavnica u blizini? Is there a store near here? Da li u sobi postoji klima? Is there air conditioning in the room? Ima li vodica koji govori Engleski? Is there an English speaking guide? Ima li mailova za mene? Is there any mail for me? Ima li nesto jeftinije? Is there anything cheaper? Da li je ovo podrucje bezbedno? Is this a safe area? Da li je ovo gospodin Smit? Is this Mr Smith? Da li je ova hemijska vasa? Is this pen yours? Da li je ovo autobus za Njujork? Is this the bus to New York? Da li je ovo tvoja knjiga? Is this your book? Da li je tvoj otac kuci? Is your father home? Da li je tvoja kuca poput ove? Is your house like this one? Da li je tvoj muz takodje iz Bostona? Is your husband also from Boston? Da li je tvoj sin ovde? Is your son here? Zar ne? Isn't it? To kosta 20 dolara po satu. It costs 20 dollars per hour. To zavisi od vremena. It depends on the weather. Boli ovde. It hurts here. Danas je bas padala kisa. It rained very hard today. Potrebno je 2 sata kolima. It takes 2 hours by car. Stici ce ubrzo. It will arrive shortly. Bice hladno veceras. It'll be cold this evening. Pola dvanaest je. It's 11:30pm. To je 17 dolara. It's 17 dollars. 6 je sati popodne. It's 6AM. 8:45 je. It's 8:45. 15 do 7 je(quarter je cetvrtina). It's a quarter to 7. 25 je Avgust. It's August 25th. Daleko je to odavde. It's far from here. Bice vruce danas. It's going to be hot today. Padace sneg danas. It's going to snow today. Pola 12 je. It's half past 11.

To je ovde. It's here. 9:15 je. It's is a quarter past nine. To je manje od 5 dolara. It's less than 5 dollars. Duze je od 2 milje. It's longer than 2 miles. To je moje. It's mine. To je vise od 5 dolara. It's more than 5 dollars. Blizu je Supermarketa. It's near the Supermarket To je severno odavde. It's north of here. Nije trebalo da pada kisa danas. it's not suppose to rain today. Nije tako daleko. It's not too far. Nije jako skupo. It's not very expensive. U redu je. It's ok. To je u sedmoj ulici. It's on 7th street. To je ovamo. It's over there. Pada kisa. It's raining. Zaista je vruce. It's really hot. Krace je od 3 milje. It's shorter than 3 miles. Trebalo bi da pada kisa sutra. It's suppose to rain tomorrow. To je tamo. It's there. Veoma je kasno. It's too late. Danas je veoma hladno. It's very cold today. Veoma je vazno. It's very important. Vrlo je vetrovito. It's very windy. Vec sam video to. I've already seen it. Ovde sam dva dana. I've been here for two days. Bio sam tamo. I've been there. Cuo sam da je Teksas prelepo mesto. I've heard Texas is a beautiful place. Nikada to nisam radio. I've never done that. Nikada to pre nisam video. I've never seen that before. Video sam to. I've seen it. Radim tamo vec 5 godina. I've worked there for five years. Dzon ide na odmor sutra. John is going on vacation tomorrow. Treci Jun. June 3rd. Samo malo. Just a little. Samo momenat. Just a moment. Sacekaj da proverim. Let me check. Pusti me da razmislim o tome. Let me think about it. Hajde da pogledamo. Let's go have a look. Hajdemo. Let's go. Sretnimo se u holu hotela. Let's meet in front of the hotel. Hajde da vezbamo Engleski. Let's practice English. Hajde da podelimo. Let's share. Musko ili zensko? Male or female? Mozda. Maybe. Vise od 200 milja. More than 200 miles. Vise od toga. More than that. Moj rodjendan je 27og Avgusta. My birthday is August 27th. Moja kola ne rade. My car isn't working. Moja kola su udarena od strane drugih kola. My car was hit by another car. Moj mobilni nema dobar prijem. My cell phone doesn't have good reception. Moj telefon ne radi. My cell phone doesn't work. Moja cerka je ovde. My daughter is here. Moj otac je bio tamo. My father has been there. Moj otac je advokat. My father is a lawyer. Moj prijatelj je Amerikanac. My friend is American. Moja baka je preminula prosle godine. My grandmother passed away last year. Moja kuca je blizu banke. My house is close to the bank. Moj prtljag nedostaje. My luggage is missing. Moje ime je Dzon Smit. My name is John Smith. Moj sin studira racunarstvo. My son studies computers.

Moj sin. My son. Boli me stomak. My stomach hurts. Boli me grlo. My throat is sore. Moj sat je ukraden. My watch has been stolen. U blizini banke. Near the bank. Nema veze. Never mind. Sledeci put. Next time. Drago mi je sto smo se upoznali. Nice to meet you. Nema problema. No problem. Ne,ja sam Amerikanac. No, I'm American. Ne,hvala vam. No, thank you. Ne,ovo je prvi put. No, this is the first time. Ne. No. Niko nam ne pomaze. Nobody is helping us. Nikoga nema tamo trenutno. Nobody is there right now. Besmislica. Nonsense. Ne skoro. Not recently. Ne jos. Not yet. Nista vise. Nothing else. Sad ili kasnije? Now or later? 22 Oktobar. October 22nd. Naravno. Of course. U redu. Okay. Sa leve strane. On the left. Sa desne strane. On the right. Na drugom spratu. On the second floor. Jedan kao taj. One like that. Jednu kartu za Njujork molim Vas. One ticket to New York please. U jednom pravcu ili povratnu? One way or round trip? Otvori vrata. Open the door. Otvori prozor. Open the window. Nasa deca su u Americi. Our children are in America. Izvan hotela. Outside the hotel Tamo. Over here.\ Pokupi svoju odecu. Pick up your clothes. Molim te pozovi me. Please call me. Molim te udji. Please come in. Molim te prebroj mi ovo. Please count this for me. Molim te popuni ovaj formular. Please fill out this form. Molim te sedi. Please sit down. Molim te pricaj Engleski. Please speak English. Molim Vas govorite sporije. Please speak more slowly. Molim te govori sporije. Please speak slower. Molim te odvezi me na aerodrom. Please take me to the airport. Molim te odvezi me na ovu adresu. Please take me to this address. Molim te izuj se. Please take off your shoes. Molim te reci joj da je Dzon zvao. Please tell her John called. Molim te reci mi. Please tell me. Molim te sacekaj me. Please wait for me. Molim te zapisi to. Please write it down. Molim te. Please. Upravo ovde. Right here. Bas tamo. Right there. Vidimo se kasnije. See you later. Vidimo se sutra. See you tomorrow. Vidimo se veceras. See you tonight. Ona zeli da zna kada dolazis. She wants to know when you're coming. Ona je strucnjak. She's an expert. Ona ide sa mnom sutra. She's going with me tomorrow. Starija je od mene. She's older than me.

Lepa je. She's pretty. Da li da sacekam? Should I wait? Neke knjige. Some books. Neko to radi za mene. Someone does that for me. Neko dolazi. Someone is coming. Nekada idem da spavam u 11 uvece,a nekada u 11:30. Sometimes I go to sleep at 11PM, sometimes at 11:30PM. Izvini sto ti smetam. Sorry to bother you. Izvini, nisam jasno cuo. Sorry, I didn't hear clearly. Izvini, nemam olovku. Sorry, I don't have a pencil. Izvini, pogresan broj. Sorry, I think I have the wrong number. Izvinite, ne primamo kreditne kartice. Sorry, we don't accept credit cards. Izvinite, nemamo slobodnih radnih mesta. Sorry, we don't have any vacanci es. Izvinite, mi nemamo. Sorry, we don't have any. Izvinite, mi primamo samo kes. Sorry, we only accept Cash. Pokreni auto. Start the car. Stani. Stop! Iskoristi sansu. Take a chance. Napolje. Take it outside. Vodi me u grad. Take me downtown. Vodi me u Mariot Hotel. Take me to the Marriott Hotel. Uzmi ovaj lek. Take this medicine. Reci mu da moram da razgovaram sa njim. Tell him that I need to talk to him. Reci mi. Tell me. Hvala Vam gospodjice. Thank you miss. Hvala Vam gospodine. Thank you sir. Hvala Vam mnogo. Thank you very much. Hvala Vam. Thank you. Hvala za sve. Thanks for everything. Hvala na pomoci. Thanks for your help. Hvala. Thanks. Taj auto je slican mom autu. That car is similar to my car. Taj auto tamo je moj. That car over there is mine. To izgleda odlicno. That looks great. To izgleda staro. That looks old. To znaci prijatelj. That means friend. Taj restoran nije skup. That restaurant is not expensive. To ima los miris. That smells bad. Taj put. That way. To je dobra skola. That's a good school. To je u redu. That's alright. To je dovoljno. That's enough. To je pravedno. That's fair. To je njena knjiga. That's her book. To je to. That's it. To nije dovoljno. That's not enough. To nije fer. That's not fair. To nije ispravno. That's not right. To je tako. That's right. Bas steta. That's too bad. Previse je skupo. That's too expensive. Prekasno je. That's too late. To je previse. That's too many. Previse je. That's too much. To je pogresno. That's wrong. Nesreca se desila na raskrsnici. The accident happened at the intersectio n. Veliki ili mali? The big one or the small one? Knjiga je iza stola. The book is behind the table.

Knjiga je ispred stola. The book is in front of the table. Knjiga je blizu stola. The book is near the table. Knjiga je pored stola. The book is next to the table. Knjiga je na stolu. The book is on the table. Knjiga je na vrhu stola. The book is on top of the table. Knjiga je ispod stola. The book is under the table. Knjiga je skupa. The books are expensive. Kola su popravljena. The car is fixed. Kola su Americka. The cars are American. Hrana je bila ukusna. The food was delicious. Avion polazi u 5:30 posle podne. The plane departs at 5:30PM. Put je klizav. The roads are slippery. TV je slomljen. The TV is broken. Mnogo je ljudi tamo. There are many people here. Ima jabuka u frizideru. There are some apples in the refrigerator. Ima knjiga na stolu. There are some books on the table. Desila se automobilska nesreca. There has been a car accident. Knjiga se nalazi ispod stola. There's a book under the table. Ima restoran u blizini. There's a restaurant near here. Ima tu restoran, ali ja mislim da nije dobar. There's a restaurant over there, but I don't think it's very good. Imamo pregrst vremena. There's plenty of time. Ove knjige su tvoje. These books are ours. Stigli su juce. They arrived yesterday. Naplacuju 26 dolara po danu. They charge 26 dollars per day. Jos je nisu upoznali. They haven't met her yet. Oni ce se odmah vratiti. They'll be right back. Planiraju da dodju sledece godine. They're planning to come next year. Oni su isti. They're the same. Veoma su zauzeti. They're very busy. Cekaju nas. They're waiting for us. Ovo ne radi. This doesn't work. Ova kuca je veoma velika. This house is very big. Ovo je moja majka. This is my mother. Ovo je prvi put da sam bio ovde. This is the first time I've been here. Ovo je veoma tesko. This is very difficult. Ovo je veoma vazno. This is very important. Ova soba je u haosu. This room is a mess. Oni ljudi pricaju Engleski. Those men are speaking English. Probajte. Try it on. Probaj. Try it. Pokusaj da to kazes. Try to say it. Okreni se. Turn around. Okreni se na levo. Turn left. Okreni se na desno. Turn right. Veoma dobro, hvala. Very good, thanks. Mozemo da jedemo Italijansku ili Kinesku hranu. We can eat Italian or Chinese fo od. Imamo dva sina i jednu devojcicu. We have two boys and one girl. Veoma nam se svidja. We like it very much. Narucicemo dve case vode molim Vas. We'll have two glasses of water please. Mi smo iz Kalifornije. We're from California. Kasnimo. We're late. Da lii je bilo problema? Were there any problems? Jesi li bio u biblioteci sinoc? Were you at the library last night? Sta radis? What are you doing? Sta ces raditi veceras? What are you going to do tonight? Sta ces imati? What are you going to have? O cemu razmisljas? What are you thinking about? O cemu vas dvoje razgovarate? What are you two talking about?

Koji su tvoji hobiji? What are your hobbies? Sta ja mogu da uradim za tebe? What can I do for you? Koja je boja tih kola? What color is that car? Koji dan oni dolaze? What day are they coming over? Koji je to dan u nedelji? What day of the week is it? Sta si radilo sinoc? What did you do last night? Sta si radio juce? What did you do yesterday? Sta ti mislis? What did you think? Sta ljudi obicno rade leti u Los Andjelesu? What do people usually do in the summer in Los Angeles? Sta oni studiraju? What do they study? Cime se bavite? What do you do for work? Sta imas? What do you have? Sta preporucujes? What do you recommend? Sta studiras? What do you study? Sta mislis o ovim cipelama? What do you think of these shoes? Sta zelis da kupis? What do you want to buy? Sta zelis da radis? What do you want to do? Cime se bave tvoji roditelji? What do your parents do for work? Cime se on bavi? What does he do for work? Sta ovo znaci? What does this mean? Sta ovo govori? What does this say? Sta ova rec znaci? What does this word mean? Cime se bavi tvoj otac? What does your father do for work? Sta se desilo? What happened? Sta je bilo? What is it? Sta je to? What is that? Koji je pozivni broj? What is the area code? Koji je danas datum. What is today's date? Kakvu muziku volis? What kind of music do you like? U koju si skolu isao? What school did you go to? Sta da obucem? What should I wear? Koja velicina? What size? U koje vreme oni dolaze? What time are they arriving? U koje vreme ides na autobusku stanicu? What time are you going to the bus stati on? U koliko sati si ustao? What time did you get up? U koje vreme si otisao na spavanje? What time did you go to sleep? U koje vreme si se probudio? What time did you wake up? U koje vreme ides na posao svakodnevno? What time do you go to work everyday? U koje vreme mislis da ces stici. What time do you think you'll arrive? U koje vreme pocinje? What time does it start? U koje vreme pocinje film? What time does the movie start? U koje vreme se radnja otvara? What time does the store open? Koliko je sati? What time is it? Sta bi da popijes? What would you like to drink? Sta zelis da jedes? What would you like to eat? Sta je unutra? What's in it? Koja je adresa? What's the address? Sta je naknada za nocenje? What's the charge per night? Koji je datum? What's the date? Koji je kurs za dolare? What's the exchange rate for dollars? Koji je kurs? What's the exchange rate? Sta nije u redu? What's the matter? Kako se zove kompanija za koju radis? What's the name of the company you work for? Koji je broj telefona? What's the phone number? Koja je temperatura? What's the temperature? Sta je ovo? What's this? Koji je dansnji datum? What's today's date?

Sta se radi? What's up? Sta nnije u redu? What's wrong? Koja ti je adresa? What's your address? Koja ti je email adresa? What's your email address? Koja ti je omiljena hrana? What's your favorite food? Koji ti je omiljeni film? What's your favorite movie? Kako se prezivas? What's your last name? Kako se zoves? What's your name? Koje si religije? What's your religion? Kada dolaze? When are they coming? Kada se vracas? When are you coming back? Kada ces pokupiti tvog prijatelja? When are you going to pick up your frien d? Kada odlazis? When are you leaving? Kada se selis? When are you moving? Kada se to dogodilo? When did this happen? Kada si stigao u Boston? When did you arrive in Boston? Kada stizemo? When do we arrive? Kada idemo? When do we leave?\ Kada si stigao u SAD? When do you arrive in the US.? Kad zavrsavas sa poslom? When do you get off work? Kada pocinjes sa poslom? When do you start work? Kada on stize? When does he arrive? Kada to stize? When does it arrive? Kada se banka otvara? When does the bank open? Kada autobus odlazi? When does the bus leave? Kada slece avion? When does the plane arrive? Kada sam otisao u radnju, nisu imali jabuka. When I went to the store, they d idn't have any apples. Kada je sledeci autobus za Filadelfiju? When is the next bus to Philidalphia? Kada ti je rodjendan? When is your birthday? Kada si poslednji put pricao sa svojom majkom? When was the last time you talke d to your mother? Kada ce se on vratiti? When will he be back?\ Kada ce biti spremno? When will it be ready? U kom periodu zelite da upoznate? When would you like to meet? Gde su majice? Where are the t-shirts? Odakle si? Where are you from? Gde nameravas da ides? Where are you going to go? Gde ides? Where are you going? Gde si ? Where are you? Gde mogu da kupim karte? Where can I buy tickets? Gde mogu da nadjem bolnicu? Where can I find a hospital? Gde ovo mogu poslati? Where can I mail this? Gde mogu da iznajmim kola? Where can I rent a car? Gde se to desilo? Where did it happen? Gde ste otisli? Where did you go? Gde si naucio Engleski? Where did you learn English? Gde si to naucio? Where did you learn it? Gde si ga ostavio? Where did you put it? Gde si radio pre nego sto si se zaposlio ovde? Where did you work before you wo rked here? Gde zivis? Where do you live? Gde zelis da ides? Where do you want to go? Gde radis? Where do you work? Gde boli? Where does it hurt? Gde tvoja zena radi? Where does your wife work? Gde je ATM? Where is an ATM? Odakle je? Where is he from? Gde je on? Where is he?

Gde je to? Where is it? Gde je glavna ulica? Where is Main Street? Gde je moja kosulja? Where is my shirt? Odakle je ona? Where is she from? Gde je aerodrom? Where is the airport? Gde je kupatilo? Where is the bathroom? Gde je autobuska stanica? Where is the bus station? Gde je tamo doktor koji prica Engleski? Where is there a doctor who speaks Engli sh? Gde je tu bankomat? Where is there an ATM? Gde si bio? Where were you? Gde bi zeleo da odes? Where would you like to go? Gde zelite da upoznate? Where would you like to meet? Gde je najblizi restoran? Where's the closest restaurant? Gde je postansko sanduce? Where's the mail box? Gde je najbliza bolnica? Where's the nearest hospital? Gde je apoteka? Where's the pharmacy? Gde je posta? Where's the post office? Sta je bolje, spagete ili pileca salata? Which is better, the spaghetti o r chicken salad? Koje je bolje? Which is better? Koje je najbolje? Which is the best? Koji ti zelis? Which one do you want? Koji je bolji? Which one is better? Koji je jeftiniji? Which one is cheaper? Koji je najbolji? Which one is the best? Koji? Which one? Kojim putem da idem? Which road should I take? U koju skolu on ide? Which school does he go to? Ko si ti? Who are they? Koga trazis? Who are you looking for? Ko si ti ? Who are you? Ko je? Who is it? Ko je to? Who is that? Ko je poslao ovo pismo? Who sent this letter? Ko te je to naucio? Who taught you that? Ko te je nucio? Who taught you? Ko je to bio? Who was that? Ko je bio tvoj nastavnik? Who was your teacher? Ko je pobedio? Who won? Sa kime biste zeleli da razgovarate? Who would you like to speak to? Ko zove? Who's calling? Ko je taj covek tamo? Who's that man over there? Cija je to knjiga? Whose book is that? Cemu se smejes? Why are you laughing? Zasto ne ides? Why aren't you going? Zasto si to uradio? Why did you do that? Zasto si to rekao? Why did you say that? Zasto da ne? Why not? Hoces li mi pozvati taxi molim te? Will you call me a taxi please? Hoces li mi dodati peskir molim te? Will you hand me a towel please? Hoces li mi dodati so molim te? Will you pass me the salt please? Hoces li staviti ovo u kola zbog mene? Will you put this in the car for me? Hoces li me podsetiti? Will you remind me? Hoces li me povesti kuci? Will you take me home? Hocete li ga pitati da me nazove ponovo molim Vas? Would you ask him to cal l me back please? Hocete li ga pitati da dodje ovde? Would you ask him to come here? Zelite li casu vode? Would you like a glass of water? Zelite li kafu ili caj? Would you like coffee or tea?

Zelite li vode? Would you like some water? Zelite li vina? Would you like some wine? Zelite li nesto da popijete? Would you like something to drink? Zelite li nesto za jelo? Would you like something to eat? Zelite li da kupite ovo? Would you like to buy this? Jeste li za setnju? Would you like to go for a walk? Zelis li na veceru sa mnom? Would you like to have dinner with me? Zelite li da iznajmite film? Would you like to rent a movie? Zelite li da gledate TV? Would you like to watch TV? Zelite li vodu ili mleko? Would you like water or milk? Da li cete primiti poruku molim Vas? Would you take a message please? Da, stvarno. Yes, really. Da. Yes. Imas veoma lepa kola. You have a very nice car. Izgledas kao moja sestra. You look like my sister. Delujes umorno. You look tired. Govoris Engleski veoma dobro. You speak English very well. Tvoja deca su jako lepo vaspitana. Your children are very well behaved. Tvoja cerka. Your daughter. Tvoja kuca je veoma lepa. Your house is very nice. Sve tvoje stvari su ovde. Your things are all here. Lep/a si. You're beautiful. U pravu si. You're right. Pametniji si od njega. You're smarter than him. Ti si veoma drag. You're very nice. Veoma si pametan. You're very smart. Svakako Certainly Ziveli Cheers Da li ste zadovoljni vasim saradnicima?  Da li Vam se svidjaju? Do you l ike your co-workers? Pa kao nazovi me, daj mi poziv Give me a call. On voli sok, ali ne voli mleko. He likes juice but he doesn't like milk. Upomoc Help Tu si Here you are. Zdravo, da li molim Vas gospodin Smit ovde? Hi, is Mrs. Smith there, please? Pozuri Hurry Ne zanima me.  Ne marim. I don't care. Ne marim. Svejedno mi je. I don't mind. Ne slazem se.  Ne mislim tako. I don't think so. Odustajem.  Dizem ruke. I give up. Moram da operem odecu I  have to wash my clothes. idem na veceru I'M GOING TO DINNER-I'm going to go have dinner. Da li su najavili da ce padati kisa sutra Is it suppose to rain tomorrow? Da li je gospodin Smit Amerikanac? Is Mr.  Smith an American? To je ukusno! It's delicious! Mogu li da razgovaram sa gospodjom Smit molim Vas? May I speak to Mrs. &nbs p;Smith please? Stvarno Really Ovo je gospodja Smit This is Mrs.  Smith. Konobar Waiter Konobarice Waitress Gde mogu da razmenim dolare? Where can I exchange U.S.  dollars? Dobrodosli ste. /Nema na cemu You're welcome.

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