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Tom is from England. He’s English.

Tell the nationality of each person below by completing the sentence with the missing
1. pronoun, and
2. adjective.

1. Tom is from England. He’s English.

2. Marie is from France. _____’s __________________.

3. Claus is from Germany._____’s __________________.

4. Katarina is from Poland. _____’s __________________.

5. Mario is from Portugal. _____’s __________________.

6. Tatyana is from Russia. _____’s __________________.

7. Haiyo is from Japan. _____’s __________________.

8. Matilda is from Australia. _____’s __________________.

9. Angelina is from Argentina. _____’s __________________.

10. Ricky is from the U.S.A. _____’s __________________.

11. Poom is from Thailand. _____’s __________________.

12. Yusef is from Abu Dhabi. _____’s __________________.

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