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1. 2. 3. Mechanisms are simple devices (machines). It makes work easier. Mechanisms have an input and an output. P !"#$$ !UTPUT


Input%& The input is a chan'e in condition that will in(luence the output. #)ample% Turning a key in the keyhole. Process%& Process takes place when there is a trans(er at the input. #)ample% Movement o( the ke* is transmitted throu'h the lock mechanisms (levers). !utput%& The output can take man* (orms. It is usuall* a predicta+le end result. #)ample% ,oor can +e locked and unlocked. TYPES OF MOVEMENT: -inear Movement% This is movement on a strai'ht line. #'. !penin' a door. otar* Movement% Movement in a circular direction. #'. .heels on a vehicle.

!scillatin' movement% This is semi&circular movement. #'. $win'in' on a swin'. eciprocatin' Movement% This is up&down/ le(t&ri'ht/ (orwards&+ackwards movement. #'. $awin' wood0 openin' and closin' +linds.

Cam systems: 1 cam s*stem is a mechanism that can +e used to chan'e one t*pe o( movement into another. 1 cam s*stem consists o( a cam and a (ollower. 1 cam is similar to a wheel/ +ut the a)le or sha(t is not in the middle o( the wheel. The shape o( the cam is not round either. The shape o( a cam is called a pro(ile. Cam shapes: "ams can have di((erent shapes dependin' on the movement that *ou want to create. .e (ind cam s*stems in to*s/ car en'ines/ etc. Types of cam shapes: Pear shape

2eart shape

#ccentric shape

#lliptical shape

$nail shape

Follower: 1 (ollower is a rod that rests on the ed'e o( the cam and it moves up and down as the cam moves around. The rotar* movement o( the cam creates a linear 3 reciprocatin' movement o( the (ollower. Cranks:

1 crank is a mechanism which turns rotar* movement into reciprocatin' movement. .e (ind cranks in pedals o( +ic*cles/ (ishin' rods/ windows o( cars/ hand operated sewin' machines/ to*s/ etc.

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