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forces u d l f f l c u ~ tc h o ~ c e "
s one." h e said,_'Xoqvi_ng a phase-11
people in tills country, he s a ~ d , of coverage for p e o p l e - ~ h ohave nc
s h ~ j j Mnot be forced to make a deci- Insurance
slon between rnedlcntrpn-s, food Or P0inti!!6 lhe growing cost 01
heat Tor their homes protectipn, he addcd, "If we do noth
"1 relect the thought that we have lng at all, we will bankrupt middle
to make elderly Amer~cansbe colder Income Amerlcan5 we do nothing
Sen. Edward for our cant^," he s a d "We must at all, many other people wlllnot he
Kennedy - develop a nnt~onnlenergy p o l l ~ ythat ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~
w ~ l lbe f a ~ nnd
r equitable across the '*tve have to decide what value we
board " want to put on freelng people of the
fear of f~n_ancialbankruptcy because
hcaltb of sickness and ~llness We ought t o
He had appealed to the Depart- the city pay Wedderspoon for the call for "a real D p o c r a t ~ cpresl-
hy,"o;o;Fv", :,"Y;te;:-40payhours he was suspended a t h ~ s dentnfor the 1980s
rate for the period Wedder -After devotlng 12 m ~ n u t e sto hls
senator also defended the na.
tlonal health Insurance plan he has
be responsive to one of the baslc es-
Sent'a1s Of life "
ning at 11 p m Sept. 28. Wedder- spoon s a ~ dh ~ wages
s were $5 63 prepared message, Kennedy called Opposed t o asylum for sbnh
-- Apgon,a
-- plant operator, had told B ,hour at the bme

M0N.-FRI. 9:30-9

-- OVER30 COLOR- - -

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