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I. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. It is no .exaggeration.. to say that the world become a global village. Modern methods of .(1)have made the world much smaller and the problems we face such.( ) are not restricted to this country. !he (") of rainforests in #ra$il is everyone%s problem and the(&)which is common in many 'frican countries is a challenge for (urope too. !he ..()) of rare species is a tragedy for the planet as a whole and the (*) of oil supplies will sha+e the (,) of the world%s economy. !he .(.) of the environment is the responsibility of all nations -rich and poor. /owever- uncontrolled economic.(0) between strong and wea+ nations leads to the.(11) of the greater ine2uality between the rich and poor nations of the world. exaggerate communicate pollute destroy starve extinct ex aust !ound protect compete create


3or each of the following sentences - write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence but using the word given. !his word must not be altered in any way.

1. I may go to wor+ overseas."t in#ing$ . I was wondering whether to as+ 4ichard to help me out "suppose$ .. ". 4eading between the lines - I thin+ the honeymooners are en5oying themselves. "sounds$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%& &. I can%t possibly finish this wor+ without your help. "depending$ ..... ). !he new receptionist certainly has plenty of confidence. "lac#$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%& III. 6ou are in charge of arranging the entertainment for this year%s graduation party at your college. 7rite a letter to a well8+nown singer inviting him to perform at the party and as+ing him for the necessary arrangements you would have to ma+e for his arrival.

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