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Oracle iProcurement, securing attributes called realms are used to restrict requester access to the catalog. or Realms are securing attributes used to control access to the catalog as an additional layer for application security ICX_POR_RE !"_I# $$%&se this attribute to secure the responsibility for category or item source realms. Once you create a realm, you assign it to a responsibility or user. 'he requester associated (ith that responsibility or user can see (hate)er categories or item source catalogs are contained in that realm. STEPS: *. Create the realm. +. ssign the realm to a responsibility. ,. Optionally assign realms to indi)idual users if desired. Create the Realm: *.!og in to Oracle Purchasing nd -a)igate .etup % E$Catalog dmin % Realms. (indo( enter your o(n -ame and #escription for the realm. component 'ype / Category components/ select any e0isting Category. ,. .a)e your (or1 Realm Id 2enerated automatically.
Assign the Realm to a Responsibility:

*.!og on to .ysadmin +.Open the Responsiblities (indo( ,.3uery the responsibility to (hich you (ill assign the realm.4E0/ iProcurement5

6.n the -ame field, use the !O7 to select ICX_POR_RE !"_I#. 8. Clic1 on 7alues 9utton In the 7alues 9utton .elect the Relam I# :. nd .a)e your Changes. ssign the Realm to &sers 4Optional5/ *.!og on to .ysadmin. +.-a)igation path/ .ecurity % &ser %#efine. ,.3uery the user 4person5 to (hom you (ant to assign the realm. 6.In the .ecuring ttributes tabbed region,in the ttribute field, use the !O7 to select ICX_POR_RE !"_I#.

8.In the .ecuring ttributes tabbed region, create a line for each realm you (ant to assign to the user. .elect ICX_POR_RE !"_I# in the -ame field and the Realm I#

for each realm. :. .a)e your (or1.


Categories restricted by realms display to requesters (hen bro(sing categories;ho(e)er, the items in those categories do not display.

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