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The swastika an extremely powerful symbol known worldwide.

It resembles an equilateral cross with its arms bent at right angles. Swastika has been linked with the celestial order and stability and originates from the Sanskrit language. It is honored by various cultures and religions as a symbol of universal welfare. Considering the Indian perspective, Swastika has been associated with positivism and as a emblem of the sun, life, authority, power, and destiny. It is not only considered auspicious but also is known as an omen of harmony and serenity. Except Islam, mostly all other religions adorn their place of worship with this auspicious symbol. It is rather considered a way of paying tribute to the Sun God. It is considered a solar symbol because it is drawn with its arms pointing in a clockwise direction. Indians associate the Swastika with Lord Ganesha given that it symbolizes his palm. Original The early signs of Swastika were found in the Euphrates-Tigris valley and the Indus valley. The Sumerians also have used the swastika, but not either of their successors. Symbol of Swastika was also common in Greece during ancient times. In Iran, China, India, Japan, and Southern Europe, the swastika was used well before the birth of Christ. Conversely, many of the Indian tribes in the southern parts of North America started using the sign after the onset of the first Spanish explorers. After the birth of Christ, Swastika lost its status in most of Europe, except in Nordic countries. Gradually it became popular as a sign representing Buddha and thus was considered anti-Christian.

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