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Basic __ Electricity AN INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMED INSTRUCTION TRAINING COURSE CATERPILLAR BASIC ELECTRICITY A Xerox Education Division Program Prepared for and with the assistance of Caterpiliar Inc. Peoria, Ulinois Copyright 9 1967 Xerox Corporation, All Rights Reterved Meron is 9 trademark, of Xerox Corporation TABLE OF CONTENTS TOPIC Introduction Insteuciions to the Student Current, Resistance, and Yeltage Introduction to Electric Circuits Electrical Symbol= Singla-pale, Singla-throw Switch Fixed Resistors Voriable Resistors Condictors and Incutarors Olnts Lew Using the Ohwa!s Law Tangle Solving lor Totol Retitonee in a Series Cieeuir Solving lor Voltage Drop oF Source Voltage in o Series Circuit Solving far Total Resistence in Parallel Cirewits Voltege ia Powllel Circuit Using Ohm's Low in Porallel Circuits Megnetiso Fropertins of Magnets Electromagnets Residual Magnatiem Using Magnetism to Proéuce Voltage Generarors Simple AC Generator Altomating Current and Direut Current Convorting AC Generator Quiput to DC Grounds Basie Chorging System FRAME 40 $0 58 65 79 87 101 108 ns 133 143 187 os 169 169 V7 188 193 208 206 26 242 265 273 INTRODUCTION The material you ere sbout to reod i in a form called programmed imteustion. The meaner in which the material is presented will greatly assist you in learning obaut Basic Elecwicity, As you will see, the material is presented in small, easy steps, There is no need to memerize—orly to ooswer the questions In this couse, yav will learn some basic electrical theory, including Ohm's low, and sare of the principles of magne Ham, of geuerators ond motors, ond of charging systems. ta addition, some of the basic uies of the multimetes will be discussed The purpore in teaching you about these item: is to acquaint you with the world of electricity and give you some basic knowledge that vrill prepare you to anlar Cateipillar Tractor's raining course A PLACE THE MASK TO COVER THE COLUMN AT THE RIGHT THAT CONTAINS THE ANSWERS. This is a self instruction pragrom designed to introduce you to Basic Electricity Aprogram corsists of ¢ series of teaching units called frames. This i the First frome af the program. Each frame aretents some information and culls for © resvo7se: ‘on your pert Fer example, COMPLETE the sentence below by writing the cppropriate weidts| in the blank: The subject motter of this particuler progrom is Basie SLIDE THE MASK ROWN AND COMPARE YOUR ANSWER WITH THE CORRECT RESPONST. 8 CHECK the phrase thet will complete the fotleeving sentence correctly. ‘the mask is used 39 thot you oa: 1) cover te correct response until you have made your own see the correct response selow you hove made your own SLIDE THE MASK DOWN TO UNCOVER THE CORRECT RESPONSE Elersiety TURN PAGE AND PLACE MASK OVER RESPONSE COLUMN cover the cancel sesparise ati yeu Suave maze: your TURN PAGE AND PLACE MASK OVER RESPONSE COLUMN, © De we recommend thot you write your respense to a frome before o* after you have looked ot *he correct response? T before ‘2 ofter Whot da you do in order “0 expose the correct response toa frame? D The nome of the course you are toking is Basie € Some fromes require yeu te respond by writing one oF more words ina blank, However, becouse the umber of blanks may “give away" the corect tespome, a single olonk may call for a response of Tone word only one word or severo! words several words only belore slide the mask down (or equivalent response} Eleeteisity fone word or several words F Sonutines you will be required te choose one ar more of several multiple-choice items. For example, CHECK the correct stotement(s) below: 11 A blonk frequently conteins one or more frames TA fiome frequently contains one oF mare blonks. A frome frequently contains ne or more blenks CHECK the correct stotement(s) below UL A frame always requires only one response ~ A frame may require enly one response. A frame moy equity only A frome may reauire one or mare responses. one response A frome may require one for more responses 6 CHECK the correct statement{s} ielow: LL & multiple-choice question may hove more A multiple-choice question than ang voriset answer may heve mare “hon one A culliple-cnoice quattion will bave only correct answer fone correct ansivet H An important feature of self-iastruction is that it enables you te proceed of your own pace. Results obtained sing self-instruction indicate that successful learning does rot depend upon o Fost or slow rate of progress through the text Thus you should: Li move along ot a faitly fas rare 7 move atong ot a fairly slow rote LI move along ot your own best rote move along at your oon 1D try 10 compere with the rates of others Dest rate There is another type of sneltivle-choice question in aihich you are giked fe mach wards or phracet in hwo columns. Below are examples of this type of cuestion: MATCH the type of vehicle at the sight with the way it travels, of the left, by writing the appropriate letter{s) in each blank: AL travels in the oie only airplone 8. travels un the groved wutoncbile only C. travels under the water MATCH the typo of vehicle at the sight with ite charaeteristics of the left A. carries over 100 _._sirplene Posengers avtonobile has wheels stops ot alt red lights travels at 0 mites er ho J Matching quettions mey ever only ong letter piaced ino blank BOTH RESPONSES SHOULD more than one liter placed in 9 blank BE CHECKED kK Which of the statements below describe(s) the teaching techniques of this text? They ondble you to respond la mot items BOTH RESPONSES SHOULD comes BE CHECKED = They permit you to move through the material ot your own cate L Now thot you hove matered the Fundamentals of learning efficiently from a wlf-instructional program, we will begin the study of Bosic Electricity END OF INSTRUCTION FRAMES Figure @ Bulb Electricity Flctricity Figure C fleciric Fan REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURES In the figures, an arrow shows thot something is moving. What is moving in Figuie A? What is moving in Figue 8? In Figure C, the fon blades do nat rotate becouse: The blades oe broken. = The plug i connected to the woll socket. Electricity is moving through the wire. Electricity is not moving through the wise electricity electricity and the fon blodes Electisity is eat moving thraygk che wre Figure 8 Electric Fon Hectriciry Hectrisity REEER TO THE ABOVE FIGURES In order for the uth to light in Figure A, elecirictiy, ust 7} move through the wine move through the wire | nat move through the wire stay in one place The fan blade» in Figure B ratore becauie: LI Bleehicity flowing through the wire. Electricity is Flowing oo Bloetrieity is not flawing theaush the wire Hough the wire 3 We show electricity by using arrows. An arrow shows thot something Ts F moving moving SL standing «ill From the woy the head of the arrow points, you con oka tel! Li direction dircetion C place what is moving shat i stonding still 4 You row know thot electricity hos 1 bulbs 2 direction direction Ls fon blades 1 notion motion Electriety REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURES Water Flows through @ Electricity Hows threugh a The Hlow of water ond the flow of electeicity are L different 6 As you moy know, wote is compesed ob hydrogen and oxygen otome. Thus, flow of water can be thought of a2 @ flow af hydrogen ard oxygen atoms. Similarly, elecwictty can be thought of as mode up of many small particles called electrons. Thus, you con think of @ flow of clectricity as being 0 {ow of; electrons electrons hydrogen atoms 11 oxygen atoms Point A Elactrons Paint & REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURES If you were te station yourself at point A and count the gallur of soter flowing post, you would be mooturing the: amount af electricity flowing = omount of wetee Floving amount of woter slewing speed af the electricity speed of the worer If you were te stond of paint & ond court the rumber of electron flowing past, you weuld be measuring the: < omount of electricity flowing amount of electricity omount of water flowing Flowing u 1 speed of the electricity n speed of the water a The emovat of electricity flowing through a wire i called current. Curren ix 9 wiew is cimilor to [7 the omount of water Flowing ine pipe the amount of water lowing in pipe Gi woter flowing in @ pipe 3 in vip 2 Which of the Following electrical reims is. most similar te the omount of water flowing in a pipe? 1 eweest curer Tr electron LU wire Which of the following terms indicates the omount electrons flowing in a wie? Uo current currant electron ater 10 COMPLETE the Fallowine: Woree Hlectiaity pipe wire water electrons amount of water Flowing current u When force is used on on ebject, the object will move. Electron: move only when pressure is applied to then. Pressure is: Ca type of force © type of force © an abject ued 19 couse mation used te couse mation In which of the cbove figures is presiure cpplied to in which of the chove figures is pressure apalied 1 slectrons? Water pressure aad electrical presure ore different 1 sienitar similor 3 Electrical presture is called voltage. Voltoge forces current to flow tne wire forces current to flow in U forces water ba flaw in a oipe oie Li similar te water oressure jn ¢ pine is similar 10 water pressure in @ pipe “ MATCH each term at the right with its definirienis} at the let omaunt af electrons eunent Flowing caviar water Yo move — volloge ino pipe water causes electron te ~ pressure electrical presure forces eurent to Flow 5 WRITE "valtage” neat to eoch choice thar resembles cor defines voltoge electrical pressures _ voltoge pipe water pressue: voltoge forces current to flow ina wive veltoge % The electricol equivalent of water pressure is ica Wi itt Shown obove are two pipes emptying water into tanks Both tonks ore the same ze hich pipe will fll is took most rapidly? C pine} ke ple? vipe 2 Which pipe hes the tergest opening ? pipe 3 pipe 2 pine 2 i REFER 10 THE ABOVE FIGURES. if necessary Both pipes above resist er slow down the fiow of Which pipe would hove the mest resistance to the Flow of water? "the pipe with the lergest opening tne pipe with the smelles! opening the pipe with the mallest opening The cimaunt of setistonce to woter flaw depends om [the size of the pipe opening the sire of the pipe Ti the size of the water renk ovening To the weight of the woter Shown above ore these wires of differant sizes You know that currest ina wire is similer 10 1. the amount of wate: flawing ina pipe tne cmoun: of wotsr Howing i 6 pipe the amaunt of voltoge Li the size of the pipe opening Resistance, of the ability to slow down curwnt, occurs in wires of well os pipes Which wive above will hove the most resistance to cureent flow? A LB © A B c Which wire above ollows the mest curent to flow? Which wire hes the most resistence to cutrent flow? a1 Resistance is @ properly of a wire thot stows down current flow: Electrical resistance con ke computed ro: Ihe amount of water flowing ino pipe the size of the pipe opening the size of the pipe opening eter pressure voltage 22 MATCH each water term at the right with the eopro= priate electrical term at the left 1 amount of eater Flowing A. curent direction 8. C. resistonce ___pressue D. voltage size of oipe opening 2 WRITE “resistonce” next to the word or phrases thal indicate resistance pressure: shes of wire! resistance size of pion opening resistonce slows dows euirent flow resistance wcter ow: 7 WRITE the electrical term for each of she # amount of water flowing: size of pipe opening: presure: 2B PREVIEW FRAME When you buy food in © store, é is esually meosured in pounds and ounces. the pourds ord ounces tall you the emoun* of food. Current, resistance, and voltage can also be meosure In the following section af the program, you will learn the words for the amount of current, resistance, ond voltae. NO RESPONSE REQUIRED voltogs GO ON TO NEXT FRAME % You ase hours orci minutes owhen you wiih te. know! how much distance you have traveled & how much maney yeu have earned Le how tauch time you have how such tine you hove hon you swish to know how mich water you hove ia a bucket, you Figure the emount in Ly tot or inches C. pounds ot ounces T queers ox gollors quarts a¢ gallons 2 Hours ore minutes, quasts and gallens, and dollars and cents are all collad units of measure Units of measure help you find out P how much af something you hove how much of something how ta make semnething you sigue how to use something 28 Mf you wish to know how muca current, voltage, or resictonce you hove, you we C distonce units of measure C electrical units of measure electrical units of 1 length units of measure meesure Electrons / When we discussed electron How, we used the obove Figure to thow how electrons flow througs © wice If you were to atend ef potat A end count how many electrons were flowing past ol a particulor time, you would be meaiuring the emount of C current cuent © resistance © voltoge The omount of electron flow is maosued in emperes. Amperss aie the unit of neesure for 1 euwrent current LE voltage: fe measured in omperes onpeces elecirens CE quarls and gallons a As you know, voltage provides the pressure needed fa push current through a wire. In order to know how much valtage you have, you need: amperes La unit of measure for current Cio unit of measure for resistance unit of memure for woltoge © unit of measure for 0 electrans voltage 32 Pressure i Velts eve: c q 33 The unit 1 1 v non electric circuit is meosured in volts. nit of measure mevsute of current meosure of eesistonce mesure of voltoge of measure for presiure in on elsctric circuit pounds per square foot pounds per squore inch volts © unit of measure a meawre of voltege 3a Which 9f the following words a1 phrases best definets) voltage? © omperes fo unit of measure of electrical presure fo unit of measure of resistance the yount of voltage 35 Voltage is measured in 36 hing are sed to tell you how much resistorce you hove Ohms eve a urit of measure for unit of measure of ectrical pressare amount of volrage w If you with te knew how much tesistonge there ih 19 current flow, you measure the resistance in TE omperes chang J volts 38 MATCH each erm of the right with its equiv tent ot the lett: current erpetes volts A 8 C. vohege D. pounds 8 Current is measured in cenperes Revistonce is meowrad in cohens Voltage % meosured in volts The figure ahove shows @ woy af rowting a shoft The water pump provides the pressure thet iorces woter to arove thiaugh the pipes. This moving water touses the blades te turn, fhe shoft ovill then revolve hectute it is ofteched to the blades. ‘You can see two pipes connected othe pump. The oullet pine connecticn carries woter Eo from the blades to the pomp from the pump 1 the blader fram the pump to the blades The jolat pipe connection: ES carries water 40 the blades Ls cnrries water 10 the shaft LE returns the water to The pump returs the water to: the pump: Pipe In the above figure, what is happening to the wetor ? n Ii Flom out of the pipe Ih returns to the water pump dose not return te the water pump The blades will turn and ratare the staft only when: There i 0 break in the inlet pipe connection there fsa break in the outlet pipe conection, Woter flows through the sipes. Woler leuving the pomp from the outlet sipe connection is returned to the pump. through the iolet pipe connection. ‘Water leaving the punp from the inlet pipe connection iz returned to the pump through the tome comection br flows os! of the pine Ht does not return to the woter owmp: Water Flaws fhrough the pipes: Ware: leauing the pump from the outlet pipe cone nection is returned to the pomp through the inlet pipe connection The wete: sump, pipes, biedes, ond sheft noice up 0 water circuit The purpose ef the above woter circuit is te: prevent the blades fram moving 1 provide woter for the pump © otate tae shoft jotate the aol SEFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURE In ofder for the woter circuit to rorare the shoft 1 All pipe: mar be conmected. AI pipes must be connected. At least ane pipe mat be conectod, Water must be flowing through the circuit Worer must be rowing through the circuit Which por of the woter circuit provides the pressure that force: water 16 Flow through the pipes? — the puma Connecting Wires ‘As you con see irom the figure above, electric circuits For exunple, the connecting wires in un electric cincuit fre gimiler to: 77 pines tne water cireait pipes in @ moles elreuit the pump in a water circvit The purpose of the woter cirevit ts to turn the chalk lathe electric circuit, current moving through the the bulb te light the bulb to light D resistance in the bute 1D voltage in the battery Connecting pressure needed ' force current through con say Het the bstrery °s tha source oft voltege ‘sorter pressure In order for the bull: to light 1 ALL the wites must be connected FI Current must flow theough the wives and the bulb. 1 One wire may be broken All the wires mast be connected. Current myst flow through the wires ond the bulb. Bontecy Current | — Connecting ‘Wires Curent You knew that, in order far woter te flow through the pipes in c water circuit, Eoth an inlet pipe ond an bullet pipe must be aneched ‘0 the pump Inthe figuie oboe, current will flaw thraagh the bulb when one wire carrier cuneat aut of the suttely ond the other wire carries cuvrent back to tae hatrery for equivalent response) attery Connecting ‘Wires | Corrent Ateninal ts a point 9 04 electrical device to which wires ore connected How mony terminals ore there en the bettery shows stove? a ne 3 na When the wires and the bulb are eannected so that eurrent con flaw from rhe negative Lonery terminal to the positive battery terminal, we say thot the circutt te closed In which of the above circuits are thy wires ord bulb propery comectad ‘a the bottery terminals? In which of the above circuits is current flowing through the wires ond the bulb? nA ne ae Which of the above ere closed circuits? mA =B ne Yihen current does not flow though un electric circuit, we soy that the cirevit is oper. All af the obave cireuits cre open cireuits. By loosing of the circaits, you con tell why the circuit is open CHECK the statereats that tell you that the ofres open: 12 Cartent is Flowing through the bulb. LJ The wires ore comected Io both battery terminals and the bulb ina way rat provider « divact path for current flow There isa breok ia the wire, There is o breok ie the The wires are connected to only one wie terminal The wires are connected te oely ong terminel Bottery Current Comectieg Wires The word eircuit comer ‘rom tha ward circle In order for current to meke a complete circle, if must How threugh the irae, the: bully, and te: 5 bledor 17 pine veltage source voltage source As you con see, currest flows cul of one ond of the battery and: LE back into the same end TI botk inte “he other end back into the other cad 1) never goes hock to the dattery a When everent is flowing through the wires and the bulb, we say that the cfvcult ist closed incomplets 3 open = complete complete 32 MATCH ecch definition at the right witk phe eppro~ priate storement(s) at the left All ites ore conrected 1 closed cirevit Theie is 0 steak in the wire open circuit The circuit is complere One wire is not connected to the battery Ne current flowing 5a fn electric circuit ts made up of o voltage source, connecting wites, xd components The voltage saurce providus the pressure neaded to push current through the wires The wires curiy the cunest from tho veltace source 10 the components and hock to the voltoge source The componen’s are current-using devices, When current flews through 6 component, the component does tome kind of job in the circult. Fer exemple, on elec trie touster si!l produce heat, hich sonsts bread. An electric motor will rotate a fon LABEL the voltage source, the connecting wivetsl, ond the components) in the circuit below: B. voltage source ©. component D. camponeat Positive Terminal REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURES Figure A is o drawing of w botiery and bulb cireuit showing the positive ond regalive battery terminals and the connecting wires of they actually lock. In Figure B, the ports of the cireuit ere deawn in symbols, The symbols represent the actual cirsuit poats. Which cizevit is easier to draw? ga aa Which of the falfewing is a symbol for o betteny? Positive Terminal Positive Teresina REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURES In Figure A, the terminals of the battery are lobeled povitive and negative In Figure B, the positive ond negottve termine are shown by «ymbols In Figure 8, the potitive battery terminal fs indicoted by (CHECK THO) along line A} a tong ine (Lh) Ft a short Uae GL) LD a ples sign (4) a plussion (*) To minus sige) 5 INDICATE the positive and negotive terminals on the bottery symbol below with the appropriate signs: ” MATCH each description of the right with the appropriate syrnbolGs) at tne Leite “1 1 symbol for a battery A 2. symbol for a bulb 3 syobal fora wire 8 When you turn e light switch off, dows current Flew thraugh the bulbs? 1 yes Ono Vithe Light switch is turaed os, the ch > closee closed 2 complete complete 1 incemplete U open metol strio teignioal rerininel, Switch In the switch shown cbove, a metal sirip i» used 1 conngct the terminals When the switch is closed so that both ends of the metal strip touch the terminals of the switch, the metol strip can carry cutrent between the terminals, The metal trip is TD simitor to a wire miler toa wiee 0 different than @ wire R Sitch ON Switch OFF Shown above is a uiagiom of ¢ switch connected to a battery and o lee, As yeu con see, when the switch isin the off position, it'serves the some purpose 08: battery 1 e break ia the wire a break in the wire = camplure wire connection fan incomplete wire coanection dingle throw erminel Connecting wire Single pole Connecting Wire Terminal Tre switch shown in the Figure chove is called a SPST peiteh You can yee fiom the drawing that SPST stonds fors double polis, single throw single pole, single throw ingle pole, single throw single pole, sivgle termi-el single throw, tingle pole Shown above are wo symbolic deowings of the SPST seer When the swiich i closed, the metal strip in the switel touches both switch terminals Which drowring shows @ closed SPST switch? 1A 8 6 MATCH each term ut the right with the appropriate symbals 4 the leh: A ae bottery ewitel REFER TO THF FIGURES ABOVE Which of tie civesits contains 0 SPST [single-90"e, single-throw) r0iich? TA Is the obove circuit open er closed? The bolls will light necause escrent is Flowing theough the circuit the switeh is in o position to form 6 complete cieevit were is very high resistance to current flow in the ireh curtent is Hlawing through the circuit the switch Js in 0 position to Farm a complers circuit 2 amperes 1/4 ampere 4 emperes x 8 c REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURES As you know, currant is measured in The ore current fiows through o cirevit, the Srighter the bulb will be. the ebove circuits will have the brightest Inthe above figures, the circuit with the most current hes the: Li brightest bull 7 bulb thar doesn't light 17 dullest bul Ac the eunent ip Incraased, the bi S decreotes 1 increases In order to make the fomp less bright, the: current flowing Hheough the bully must 2 decrease 1D increase C1 remoin the seme a Te have less eureent flowing Hroush the lamp, « device Is needed -o: FD decteose the current 1D increase the current Adding resistance to 9 circuit 1 decreases current flow increases current flow brightest bull decreme docracee thes cucrent decrecses current flow 4 amperes © REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURES Which bulb will barr brightest? Which bulk hes the least amovat of current flowing in i The component Inholed & introduces additional resistance into the cireuit Which circuit has the most resistonce? 4 onpees a Resister Lomseves REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURES Arresistar is en electrtcel component thot is used to ade bo tixed (yacheaging) emount of resistovee to on electric Which circuit has a resister init? va ae Adding a \esistor 10 a etrcott LU decreoses current Mow TI increases curent flow 77 keeps current flow tho came a A Fixed resistor hes a specific amount of resistance This means thet the fixed resintor's value of resistonce 1D chonges decrassor currant flow remains the some Velue of Resistance on July 8 Male of Revisronce: on tuly 30 Yak 2 ahs 0 show 00 chs 5000 shea OO tie 7,000, 000) cobra { 800,000 Resistor The sesistor ia she above electrie sireuil | decreases the 6: through the bulb decreases tue cuirent flowing througr che balis 7 increases the current flowing theough sre bulls makes Hae uth brigivter {makes the buib dimerer rrckus the bul dimmer Resistor (alee of Curent Flowing resistence! in Cireuit 10 obms & amperes 20 ohms Damperes 60 chime Tempera V2 ampere The toble above shows the omount of euivent Taal will flow through « circoil for diftecent values of resisiance: As you can see fran she table, as the volue of resistence Increeses, tre current flowing "araugh the ciresit® decreoses 1) incre, 1 semaine she ome By using resistors with different values of resistance, you chorga the velue of 9 Fixed resistor charge the voltage souce contiol the enourt of euirent flowing ia the control the aroun! of clresit current Flowieg in the 78 The omou-t of currant flowing in an eluetric circuit can be ser by using resistors with: 11 Fiaed velue of resistonce (7 e value of resistance thot changes 1 on unknaws value af resistonce % What is edded to 9 circuit to dacransa the: curzent flow? a Which of he Iollowing atotements desersbels) 0 resistor? 17 a component with ¢ fixed amount of resistonce 2 component used to oper oF lose un electric aeauit « component used t@ control the amount of current flowing ia an electric circuit @ source of voltoye 2 fixed value of resistonce fo- equivalent response) a component sith a fied onaunt af resistance © componnnt used 19 cor tral the arreunt af current Flowing tn an electric circuit REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURES Two of the mnny types of fixed resistor: vsed in electric circuits are Huowa ia Figur Acad B. Figure C iso symbol used to represent any Fixed resistor Which of the sbour figures would be mast useful for Growing resistors in electric circuits? ma ne Ve c Whick of the symtols above represents a resistor? a ne 79 In some circuiis, you may wish to vary the amount af current Flowing without replacing ‘he resistor. For enomple, you may want « dul to be very bright ens hoor, very dim the next hour, cad of medium brightness the following hour, To accomplish this, you would use © resistor whose resistonce: 71 ean te chongee! (1 is fixed will not affect current flow can be chonged sliging contect connesting Some resistors cre called variable resistors. As you ean see from the sbove Figures, thy variable resistor hos a sliding contact thot can be moved by hard In Figure A, the value of resistance between the sliding contact and terminal | is cokes In Figure &, Pre sliding contact "as buen moved, ene value of the resistance betwees the sliding contac! and termingl | has Ui docrnased Lo increased increases cemoined the some When you move the sliding contact , you chonge she value ot resistance: 71 change the value of resistence Lt keep the volve of resistance the seme A Fixed Resistor friable Resistor Shiging Mounting aie, Brocket Teuninal Using the shove Figures, MATCH ancn component ot the right with ils characteristte(s} at the leit: A vos sermiscl Fined resistor has 2 termivals varioble resistor 8 Chas 3 termintls D. has « sling Sliding Sliding contact contact es Terminals Terminals Shown chave are drawings of two verinble resisters Mew can s06 from the drawing {nat the sliding sentact Is connected Io: all of the teiminels 15 one of the terminals one af the teeminels ve of the terminals The sliding contact is changed by hand (manuctly) then you move the sliding contoct: the value of resistence changes the waive of -osistence 2 the value of resistance remotns the suine schonges 83 Once the sliding contact of a voriable resistor hos bees moved *0 3 se" position, iract like o fixed resistor in o cixcuit. This means that the value of resistance of the ighle resistor cannot be changed will continue te charge cutometizol ly will remain the soma until the contac! fs will remain the some until manually changed the contac? is manually changed 84 Which of che [ellewing provider # manne of manually osjusting te amour af curren flowing in an clectic 27 battery uth 85 Wich of the following stetements describets} ¢ variable [a component that provides 2 neoas of auto motically adjusting current flow in an electric «9 cemposenl the prevides 0 mean of mewolly [| component thor provides Qujeing current flow inn elecite cca aime o) manwaly edjut= a cusponent whote value af esistance ifinad fF J iM sured Sew ion fo revsto whose value of rsitonce con be mangally ckanged a resistor whore value of resistance can be manually fo resistor whose wilue of resistance chonges changed uremaricelly 86 The symbol For @ yortaote cusislor consists of e fined resistor plus on arrow to represent the sliding contact Three sue! symbals are shown below MATCH each component of the right with its appropriate symbol(s) 9t the leit fixed eesistor vorigble resister 2 DEG 97 Advice thot permits a substonee to Flow from one point to nother is called a ennducter. For exomple, a pipe permits the flow of waver; therafore, © pine is called a conductor of water, Whos ore called conductor of clecrisity kecasse they cerry electric current ina clased circuit. & goad com ductor has law resistence to current flow. Which wite would moke the best conductor? a wite with ¢ resistence of 1 ohm 6 vite with @ wesisionce of a wits with ¢ resistance of 10 obs Tah wine wih ¢ resistance of 199 fins a Which of the wires anave ou'd make the best conductor? aA 8 c ba Most metals permit the flow of electric cument. In other words, most maral: ure goed elachicel conductors, Wick of tie following ore goss electrizal corcuctors? 5 luminum rods luton rods copeer wire cooper wite Li robber eee 2 wood 89 Materials such as rubber ond glass have o very high resisiaace t9 the Tlaw of eurrent. These materials ore called iamuleters. You cen also say that insulators » permit large amounts of electric current 10 Flow 7 permit the same amasat af eloelte currant *6 flow es « yood conductor prevent che flow of electric current 9 Which has more resistnnce to Curent flow? conductor EE inpulator A moteriat shot permits the Slow of elechie current called winds conductor 12 inssloter pipe In-an electri creuit, metal acts os @ conductor 11 on insulator Vo pump revert the Flow of eheeie conductor 6 conductor v1 Yeu ore likely to get @ severe shock if you touch conductor in an electric circuit. For your protection, wires in electric circuits are coverad with wblser or , plastic insulation A Outlet c Which arrows! in the azave Figure poiat(s) too Which arrows] in she above figure point(s) 19 on imulator? You would get on electric shock M you testbed whor points in tne cireyit? Cf MATCH eacis erm ar fhe right with is choracteriatiets) at the left: high resistonce te current 1 conductor low resistance 19 curent 2, insulator permits current flow prevents current flow caries current in an electric circuit 8 st os there ere symbols for a battery, © bulb, and resistors, there ove symbols for electrical wiring The symbol for a wire is a streight line. The symbol for a terminal, of the point a! hich wires are comected 50 that current con flow, is ¢ do* (el Unconnected wires thet cross each other in the circuit do rot hove the dot symbal Yihich of the follawing figares show connected wires? ‘y 94 MATCH each term ut the ‘ight with its oppropriate symbol|s) of the left: buttery connected ices Fixed resistor SPST (siagle-pole, ingle-throe) switel wnconnested wires vorlable resistor 8 The current flowing ia 0 cirevit is 10 amperes. Whot ‘would hoppen if you added a cesistor to the circuit? You would inecease the surrent 7 You would decease the current You would deerecee the 1) The current would remoin the same. current 2 Volts = A As you know, the voltage source provides the presure thot forces curren? 19 flow through a circuit REFER TO THE A8QVE FIGURES The WBevalt battery #9 Cireuit A is replaced with a Bevolt bettery, a8 shows in Circuit & The amount oi cverent Flowing in Circuit 8 will bet D amperes 6 amperes 5 mote than 6 amperes less then & amperes Jn whar wayls) is/are Circuits A ond B similar? 17 Both have the some amount of currest fewing. | Both have the same emount of resistance. Bots ore supplied with the same omaunt of souree voltage. If resistance remains *he some, you can change the current by changing te more thon 6 omperes Both have the sane amount of resistence: battery veltege source voltage ” If you increase the source voltage in a circuit, the current: 1 increases inereoses 71 decreases remains the some To increase the cuwent in a circuit, you cont 1 tncrense the amount of resistance J increase the voltage increate the voltage decrease the value ef resistence decrame the value af LI decrease the veltoge rovistonce Jah. Te decrease the current in the above circuit you could: odd onather resistor add unather resistor increase the souree voltage inereate the volve of resistance of the varicble increase the volue of reritor retitonce of the veriable decrease the sourte voltage resistor decrecie the source decrease the value of resistance af the varioble valtage resistor co ‘When you chonge efther the voltage or resistance in a Hireuit, the amavi of current flowing in the céreuit Ls inceeews or decreases 1 remedies the sore If you change e*ther the vinount af abins or sols in a circuit, you willt TF change the amount of curant ilowing ar Ihe change the unler of omperes keep the some amount af amperes flawirg in the circuit too You eon incrucee the current by? TH thereasing voltage o- desrecsing resistance =; increasing voltage or increosiag rosistonce = deeteosing voltage or Increasing resistance TY decreasing voltage or decreasing resisiance Inceeoses or decreases change the amount ef euirant flowing in the chonge the aumber of erspares irereesing valtage oF cecressing resistance 10) PREVIEW FRAME As you have seen, thove are three oasie electrical quantities #n o cireuit—current, voltage, and resistance. When working with circuits, itis generally necessary that you know alll three quantities. Hewever, many times you may know enily two of the quantities, Hew do you Find the third? The onswer to thar question is thet you con caleulate the third os long «8 you know the other two. As you will see In the Following section, there is @ low *hot states the relotionship between the three basic quantities. Once you know this lew ond the three forms thot the equation may tke, you ore always equipped te find the enésting quantity NO RESPONSE REQUIRED GO ON TO NEXT TRAME W2 In one circuit, the vollage #2 known ta be 6 voits oad she resistence 10 be 3 ohms The currant con he found ky dividing the voltage by the resistence in the following manner voltage cueent Stee 2 amps {amperes If the cireuit had a voltage of 8 volts and a resistance of Aches, what would ve the current in te decuit? valtege. current s reiisiones 109 Suppose you ure working with o circuit aud you know that the soltege i« B volts and the cverent is 4 amps You do rot know the resistance: of the ciccuit Jo find the resistance, divide the voltage by the current COMPLETE the following equation ta determine she resistance of this circuits restores ~ ilove Gorent Now suppose yout know the current and the 1esistonce of a circutt und need 10 kagw the voltage. |r this cose, multiply the curient by the resistance COMPLETE the following equation to Hrd the volroge voltage: “current x resistance = 4 3 = volt los The three problems thot you solved in the preceding Frames ore cxomples of tha three eqeation ferms yOu weil se Just os thave ara symbols for drewing electrical com: ponents, there are symBols for writing electrical quantities For exomple, the equation voltoge = current xresistence con also be written os Vio ik In this formule, | stands for current. As you con see, V stonds for 7 and R stends For voltage resistance ves ¥ 1 formula 17 X is called Ohm's low. The formula 1* 1s colled Obm's | Ohm's law con be applied to all electric circuits. It tells you that voltuge divided by equals the curcent flow {or equivalent response) The above triangle is another way of writing Ohm's low In the drawing, | represen's current for amperes) Rrepeesents: recistonce for ohm) Wher does V represent? veltoge (or volts) fons x The figtie ABOVE shows the Ohm's law triangle with nity of meesure In the Figures BELOW, FILLIN rhe blonks in the tricngles with the opproariale wor ds or aymbolss symbol cltoge 108 WRITE the triangle tha! illustrates Ohm's law: w09 You can vse the Ohm's law triangle: to find Ye formulas for the voltoge or resistance of a circuit ax sell os Yhe: current For example, le1's suy you wished 40 find a formula for voltege If you ploce your finger aver the V “0 the oheve torgle, which letters are lef uncovered? _ and & hor sigh sepurotes these letters? + cddition (4 sign FT division (27 sign 2 multiplication (9 sign meubtiptication 9 sign In erder to Find volts, you ad amps end ohms Lo divide amgs by ohms 1 divide aba by amas rnultiphy obs Himes volts LI maltiply omps times ohms rulbiply amps times cbers You wish ta Find the voltage of 9 e"revit, usiog the obave teiengie The first thing you ao i¢ place your finger over tre 1D | in the wienale 7 Rin the triangle FLV inthe triengte Vin the tangle What units of measure must you multiply in ardor 12 find the voltage? ohms ond amperes Which Fonnula de yor now nave for voltoge? TMv-iwe REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURE Using the Ohm's Low ‘risngle, SRITE the formula for wahiage: REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURES. Using the Ohm's low trfangle in Figure By ‘WRITE the formula you would use to find the missing quewity in Figure A: Using the formule, SOLVE for the missing qaaetity: Ghow yaur wore below) Bemps x 19 ohne ve V+ 80 voll REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURES You can ulio vie the Orm's law triangte to find 0 formula for resisionce. As you know, you place your finger aver the letter i the triangle that stand For resistance, as shown in Figure B. Whot quantities de you seed to Find recistonce? eurrent ond voltage From the position of the cemaining lelters in Figure 8, you can ‘ell that in order 10 fird resistonce, you imatt odd svoltiply subtroct When you place your Sager aver the letter for resistance: jn the obove triangle, which lelteris] remainis) above ths tine? In order to Find ensistance, yo.t civic: the velue above the Hine oy volue abave the live ay the volue below Ihe valve below the ine 11 value below the Pne oy tke value above REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURE In order 10 find resisionce, you divide by WRITE the formule you would use to Fine resistonce: WATTE the formule for resistance: SOLVE far the reristanca in the above circuit (how your work) _ Avolts ome Roe 4chmn. 12 volts [As you con sce, the vollage avd the resbtane fobeve cireuit arg known, [is necessary to fiao the Reconstruct tor youre the Oha's iaw tiaagle end determise the equation far finding Pre ewrent. Then tse the equation and CALCULATE re current for the above cireuil: [show your work) 16 the formulas you have learaed for current , esiererice , nd voltage ore ell equations hat define Ohm's low. WRITE the three equations thot define Ohm's tows Ww PREVIEW FRAME Now that pou are familior with Ohm's ow, you ore prepored to tearn nare about resistance. You have already used rote! resistonce to solve for voltoge or cusrent, using Ohm's low Ia the fallowing section of the progreim you will Leura how to find the total resistance in 9 eirauit NNO RESPONSE REQUIRED GO ON TO NEXT FRAME Which of the above is 9 closed circuit? ne B Will current flow ip she open circuit? In Circuit 8, through Sow many resistors must *he current flow in order tor reach the vositive ettary terminal? cy m2 2 "a ie The obove circuits are called series circuits. Ina series circuit, current leoves the negative boltery terminal ond returns ro the positive battery terminal by means of: 71 one divect poth though the circuit cone direct poth through AI tee direct pote though the circuit the circuit Tl three direct paths theough the circuit 122 The current slows througk all the resistors in a terios To determine the otal resistance ino series sireuit ‘dual resistors. Ciresit, you add the values of all the indivi 6 kms V7 volts = 4 ohms the volues of all the resistors in the circuit above: rming the torel resistence The totel resistance is _ You con ceo thot, in a series cirevit, We toto! sevisiones larger thon the value of losger than the valve af any single resistor 1 gmalter than te value of ony sing'e resistor ony Single sesisror LL the seme value as thot of any single resister 129 CHECK the tue stotenents below: UA series circuit het one poth through which A.soties cliceit hos one current can flow, path through which current A series circuit has more than one path through can flow wich current can Flew In o closed series circuit, tae current flows Ina clased series circuit, theowgh oll resistors. the erctent flows throug’, tn o cloned series circuit, tne current flows oll resistors through only some eesistors In asuries cheuil, the total resistence is lorger Ino series circuil, the total than that of any single resistor resistence is lerger than tet of any single resistor 128 To find the raval resistance in v series circuit, you "edd vhe values of all individvel resistors add te values of all 1 divice the volues of oll individuol resistors Individuan resistors LI meltiply te values of ell Indivicivel resistors The totel resistence of the above circuit is 1110 ohms L. 20 ohms 24 ohms LL 39 abr SOLVE for the totol resistence of the sbove circuit A 100 ohers 30 ohins 400 obs 700 ones 3 ohms The amount of current flowing én a series circuit is the seme at all points of the cirevit. In the obove circuit, the cuetent is showa os 2 cmperes. This means thot 2empe will Flow through the nwsister, Z comps will flow through the lamp, end 2 amps will Flow through the bettery In the above civeuit @ 24 voit hattery wpleces the 12 volt battery. The current is new 4 amps, How much curcent will flaw though the J-ohm resistor? How much cunent will flow though the bettery? 4 ohms If the corient in the cbove circuit Is 4 amperes, how much current Flows throegh the S-ohm resistor? How much curent flows through the bortery? Suppore you wish 19 fied the omount of current flowing through the battery in the circvit ebove Vat informetion can you get from this circuit in order te Find current? DD omperss in the circuit source voltage LU torel resistance 12 volts 2 chins Jobs The total resistance in the obove cireuit is Whot ether electrical quantity is given in the above circuit? ‘Once you have these two volves, you can solve o formule for source valtage 12 ohm voltage The valtage source in the ebove circuit is The toral resistance is Using the emule |= SOLVE for he amout surrent in the etrevit: 4 chs REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURE How much current flows thiough she buttery? how your work) fe vol 2 volts | 5 ohms Vobm T ——m zener As you con see in the above cirevit, when there fs rare than one resistor in a circuit, 0 port of the source voltage js ued up by ecch of the resistors. In the exompie above, whot is the soures voltage? What port of the souree volloge is being used by the Sechm resistor? What part is being used by the | ~abm resistor? 12 ches 6 ohms You vse Ohm's law ta find out how much voltage it needed to push current through a eeststor The formula for voltage is V~ 1 xR. If you want ‘0 know the voltage nected for the [2-chm resistor in the Gircult above, 12 ohn is used for & fn the Fenula, COMPLETE the formulo and solve for the veltage ceross the 12-ahm resistor: Veta ve vo 2x12 v vou ohms Inthe aboxe cirevit, the current is 2 omps. Hew mich voltage is needed to keep 2 cmps flowing through the 4-chm resistor? (show your work) How much valtoge fs needed to keep Z omperes Flowing Hweugh the 2-shm resistor? (how your werk) 8 4 Jrel\ Jolt 4 hens 2 ahs, Th 2awps REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURE 2 vals The toral yoltaye newded 10 force 2amps cf eunent thyough all the resistor is 12 volts The voltage needed for both resistors is leeger than the source voltage smaller tren te source voltage the some os the souree voltage the some as the source volrege Poier foint B er Ia vols oq 10 volts The los ta voltage (os the aurrent flows through the resistor) is called the voltage drop. What i the vattoge drop betwooe points A and 8 in the above figure? How much valtage is left to continue feicing current through the rest of the circuit? 2 Lots Ne ene ‘Avother woy te show how much voltage drop secure worast fe teeision fe shown above The Figure abore tells you thet: 7 volts are dropped aeoss LI 2 volts ere dropped aorous the resistor, the resistor. 12 volts oFe dropped across the resistors The resistor weer anps of cureents The cance voltage is 2 volts. 6 valts In the serias circuit shown above, you are given the woltoge drop across each cesistor, os well os the source veltage. The source volinge is ADD the total emaunt of valtege dropped across oll the resistors. The total voltage crop is ‘The taral amount af voltage dropped across atl the: resistors is: LE the some as the scures veltege ‘ae sane as the sowee volroge Iz less then the source voltage 2 more than the source voltage volt The total onount of voltage dropped in p sevies circuit is the sone as Ihe source voltage - Wihet is the source voltuge in the chove circuit 4 alts 3 volte Are the resistors cove connected in series? Ui yes How wauld yeu find te total voltage drap and/or tne source voltage in the obove circuit? edd the valtoge drops of all the resistors (or equivalent reseonse} 3 LS REFER TO THE ABOVE CIRCUIT SOLVE for the veltage belween peints A and B 12 welts a3 PREVIEW FRAME To this point in the pregran, we nove been using series circuity as examples of esis electric circuits. Yeu nave Teorned that series circuits hove all components connected inseries with the battery end thot series cireuits provide only ene poth from the negative bettery terminal to tre positive battery terminal threvgh which eusrent con How. Another type of circuit connection is found in perallel circuits, Purallel circuits provide more thun one poth for Current flow. This means Mot @ brea tn ene porn of the revit will ner prevent current from Flowing threusy other parts af the cirevit. In ofter words, each componert Connected tn parallel iz independent of the others end ray be turned on and off without effect*ag the other com= ponents. For this rearun, perellel circuits ore .sually tied in homes gn eats The follawing sections of "he progiam will reach you some of the chorccieristies of parallel circuits and how 10 ie Ohm's low with porallel circsits. NO RESPONSE REQUIRED GO ON TC NEXT FRAME REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURE Cerrent leoviag the segotive bettery terminal wills 1 first ester terminol 1 Tiest enter termineh 1 1 Fist eater terminal 2 ~ atop flowing Current leoving te-minal 1 5 rows through resistor only 11 Flaws trough resistor Ry oily Li flows thrasgh resistors Rand By flows theough resistors Ry ond Ry stops Honing Current leaving the resiston 8, ond | UL esters terminel 1 © eness serminal 2 enters terminal 2 stops flowing Current leaving terminal 2: FL enter: the ~ battery *ermisal enters the + battery termizal emiers the ~ bottery terminal 21 stops flowing wed im In the above circuit, current leeves the negative barery teimingl and returs 20 the positive bettory terminal by way of: Tone direet path one direct pot 1 tao aireet paths = iheoe direct pots four direct pal Inthe obove sireuit, currant lenves the negative bbottery teeminot and returns t0 tke positive battery teiminal by wey of: 1 one direct pati tao direct poths twa direct pots FV saree direct paths four dieeet pothe In the circuit obove, current leaves the negative bottery terminal ond ceturns to the positive bottery terminal by vay of direst pat RO) 146 Electric circuits in which current retuins to the volinge sourea hy wey af more than one diract path are called porallel circuits. MATCH each tern at the right with its oppropriote diggram’s) a* the left: 1. parailel ciresit 1B ce = ; 2, series circuit 24,9 io Le =] ar In aseries circuit you tennd the total resistance by adding he reseance of eect individual resistor In © paralle’ circuit tha! eactoins two resistors, you Find the tote! cetistence by using the folkswing formutes REFER TO THE ANOVE FORMULA Wher you s20 & | you ast dst 2 ane Ry oud & one divide Ry ond Ry snvitiply Ry andl 2p When you S00 By x Ray ye mos ~ aud mutligly ultiply T A For which of tie cirevits stove woule you use *his fermelo? REFER TO THE ABOVE FORMULA AND FIGLRE In the formale, R stands ‘or the tote! resistance of the R, stands fr: the sestatanga of ove vesision fa the obove the resistence of one circuit sesistor in the obeve elteut ha resistence of both resistors in the obove the vesistance of the uortery in the above circuit the resistance of the entire clisuit To find the terel resistance of the ubsve cireair, you should Tol resiaters Ry cred Ry only rrultiply resistors 8, and 8) only 10 velts Using the formula R= for the above civeit, 1% the resisrance af one resistor will be Ry. The vesistence 7 of the next eusister willl be Ry: WRITE the formile, repiocizg Ry ond Bo with wae valves shove in the obove circuit 80 ches weal REFER TQ THE ABOVE FIGURE RR, Using the equerion & = gl yge! SOLVE for totol 1 2 resistonce by completing the Following sept: hos The total resistance in @ paral lel circuit is: more shan that of any indivicual resistor lege then that oF any Individcol vesistor 71 tess thet thot of aay individeol resistor 1 the sane as thot of of leas! one individuol 152 COMPLETE the Following Formula 193 The formule you wauld use to find totel resistance in « parallel civcvit ist SOLVE for the total resistonce of the above circuit Ghow your work) 400_» 100 doo + 100 40,000 = BO abens MATCH the circuits at the right with their oppropriste characteristics ot Ihe Yeft: A. Current loaves the 1. pasallel cirevit = bortery terminal ond mt returas to the + battery 2 series circuit terminal py means of cone direct paths Currant leaves the = bottery terminal end return ta the + bottery terminal by means of more than ane direct path. Total resistance is more then ony individual Totol resistance is less than any individual Total resistance is the some 95 one of the individual resistances. Total resistance =R, +R, «Total resistence Total resietance 156 INFORMATION FRAME The formule you have learned for total eesistance in a porallel circuit applies only to circuits with two resistors If yu have more than two resistors, you use the Formule: 1. Rfrotal) As you know, the total veltage drop ino sevies circuit equals the source voltage From the daove diogran of o porollel cirevit, you can see thot tha voltage drop acrass ony component i “1 higher than the source voltoge 1 lower than the source voltage C1 the same os the source voltage Ifyou know the voltage drop of any ene comporent in the above circuit, you will know the: 7) source velhage 1 tho voltage oorast the resistor Li the valtoge across the bulls GO ON TO NEXT FRAME the same as the soures voltage ALL RESPONSES SHOULD BE CHECKED. Ge : REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURE What is the valrage ucrass the bottery terminols? What is the valtage across terminals 1 ond 2? What is the voltage acrass terninots 3 and A? What is the volhage wcioss the resistor? A In which of the above circuits is the source voltage 6 volts? Cireuit A cbove is 4 perollel cireuil. The source voltage is The voltoge actors terminals | ond 2 is What is the source voltage in Circuit 8? 24 vols vl The rule for voltage ocross a component in ¢ paraslel 1D The source voltage is obtained by adding the veltoges across each component 20 The voltage across any component equols The voltage scrote ony the source voltage. component equels the sF z source voltege. 162 WRITE the Ofm's low formate for Finding currents The Ola's lew formuiar work for any typo of elect circuit Using the formula you hove wriltes above , you con find the current tn: 1 parallel ciccuits only saving circuits only 2 parallel circuits and series circvits oorallel cirevits ed 163 MATCH enck circuit of the right with its appropriave chorecteristieG) at the $ohte A, The voltage drop parallel circuit nero any component is the some as the setter cireuit source voltage The surn of the volt age drops veross wach component is the some ts the source voltage. Ii you know the volt ‘age drop cress any componset, you witl ‘know the source voltage. IF you know the source voltage, you will know the voltage drop ocross ‘any component REFERTO CIRCUIT A ¥ et lithe formula 1, ¥ stones Fo the battery voltage the veltoge drop ccress Ry the voltage drop cones By the sum ef the voltage drops ceross Ry ONE Ry REFER TO CIRCUIT B v tn the formele 1 - LV stands for 7 the battery voltage Tr the voltage drop across 8) the voltage drop across Ry the holte-y voltage the sum of he voltage drops scram 8, ond Ry ALL RESPONSES SHOULD BE CHECKED 6 volts 2ahms tn onder to solve the Obm's low formula Far current ia the cbove parallel cireuit, you need to know the source voltage end the total resistonce You can find the totel resistonee in the above circuit by 11 adding the resistonces of the individual resistors ping the formula B CI using the formyl 8 = RRR The sousca voltage ist LI found ty adding the voltage drup across each resistor the some es the vollage drap across either comporent 1 6 volts O12 vel using the foraule > Ry tha tome os the voltage deop across either component 6 volts Whot formulas would you use to salve for currant in the above parallel cizcuit? x z Use the formula to SOLVE for total resistance in the above cirasit: (show your work) The source voltage is Now SOLVE for the betiery current How much current flows through the battery inthe above cixcuir? [show your work) Zahm 12 volts x z 12 volts Tonnes b amperes vee As you know, voltage forces current 20 move Fhrough Another type of force is magnetism. As with voltage, you con't ee magnativm, but you can see its effect For example, magnets cov attrcct iron objects Two types of magnets you have probably seen are iver megne's ard herseshoe magnets MATCH ech type of magnet ot the Fight with js drawing of the left , ‘@) a Which will ottrect Tres ebjers? 7 e bar magnet hor mageer Feber of hor | a hanechon 1D @ honteshoe mogner horseshoe magne! cy REFER TO PANEL 1 Figure A illustrates the ability of mognets to: 17 attract iron opiate attract iron objects Lt repel iran objects Figure 8 shows that magnetism is made sp ct 1 ion aails mogretic lines of force that have cirgctien mognetic lines of force magnetic fiaes of force that do net have thot have direction, direction objects with direction By comparing Figue A ond Figsre Bin the Porel, you can see thot nagnelic force is stroages! Tat the curvue portion of the horseshoe *y pe magnet 1 at the ends of the Sar magnet af the und of the bar roe ends of the honushoe type magnet magnet ft the ead af the horse Tin the setter af the kor magner ® shoe type magnet 171 The end: of # magne? are catlad "pales." Each angret has @ north and a south pole. The poles are the points of the megnet where the mog- netie Farce i U strongest 1 weakest LABEL the narth and south poles on each of the following magnets: strongest for equivalent responce! Vt A magnetic [eld consists of magnetic lines of force. The symbol for magnetic lines of force isa series of dashed Hines In which of the figures above is there a magnetic, fistd? 173 Magnet alttact iron abjects becouse they hove: a mognetic field © magneric field LU a source of electric pressure © electric current Flowing through them 7 mognetis Hines of force magnetic tines of fercr 74 Magners arn known to retain their magnetism fer many yeors. For cl! practicel purposes, magiets cor be cone sidered te hover FL permenent megnarie: Mele pormaneat magnetic Fels “L remparary magnetic Seles Since magnetic poles caret exist without mogretic Fields, you would expect magnets #9 hove: permanent norte pole ond c lenparary scuth pole permenent orth cad south poles permanent nueth ard south LL temporary aorth ond south poles poles 175 Which statements below best describe magnets? Tr They have the ability to attroct metol abjects, they have the obility to repel metol objects Tr They have magnetic Fields made up of magnetic lines of force They hove perinanent magnetic Fields They hove permanent noch and south poles They kave temporory aeuh ard south poles Horseshoe and bor type magnets: = do nor require a source of electricity to wetain thet magnetism TL mnt be tonected 49 9 source af clectricity to tain their magnetism 176 The only netul magnet isa type of rock cailed a iode~ stone. Ber magnets ond harseshoe magnets are made by To make » bar of iron into @ kar magnet, you can pass ii over a bur mognet ar shown below: The bar of iron now hos posmonent noth ond south poles ond is 0: permanent magnet temporary mognet They hove the ability 10 altract metal objects They dave magnetic fields made up of megaetic lines of fare They have permanent magnetic Hele They hove persanent north and south pokes do nel requice a scurce oF cinctricity ta vetain their mageetiem peemoneiy megnet Ww You hove learned that bur ond horseshoe mognets hve mognetic fields, Whenever on electric current flows through 0 wire, @ magnetic field is ereoted areund the A or wer a ox eS Sa Inwhich of he wives cove is coven! owing? ca a ne Which of the wires above har @ magnetic field? mA curreat current The Figure above shows a piece of wire in the shape of a ceil When current it Flowing inthe ceil, the cal hex Lo a mognutie field BOTH RESPONSES SHOULD north ane south peles BE CHECKED The coil of write arith current Mowing chrough it end @ bor magnet are: different Will the above enil etteact iron abjcets? 1 yes 7 Magners thor requite the use of electricity are called clectromagnets. Since electromagners have ¢ magnotic, Field only when conent is Hlowing through them, you would soy thet electonognets ore: permanant magne Fy tamporary magnets temporary megnel Pesenanent inane ts plwoyt need elecie current sometimes need electric, everest rover need ever nmed electrie current cartent 18 Current flowing in an eleetiomogner enables it 10 Li attract iran objects T develop © mognetic field ALL RESPONSES SHOULD T develop north and south poles BE CHECKED 181 The tea main types of magnels are: 1. permanent magnets 2. elecrromagnets ties order! B iron core “Y Snown above ars 1wo electiomegne's with the same amount of auvem fiowing through them, One vietro~ fagne! ho an iron ere ploced in the conler of its coll. This coil concentrotes the magnetic. field: Which etectraragaet has the strongest ragnetic Field? 4‘ 8 Which elecctamagnet will Aa hoesie: ison eight? A i The iron cote in the eleetsomagne! strengthers the magretic Silt stoanghhaes the magnetic: (inl 1 weukens the magaeric field does ror alte: the strength af the magnetic field LOO. Figure A Figure B Figure C Figure D A coil consists of veveral hnns, oF iwops, of wire The schematic symbol ter © coil Is @ looped Hine Which of the above figures illustrates on actuol coil? a a b Wikich of the above figures shew the schematic symbol for © coil? 188 All coils with elecirtc curreat Howing through them heve mognetic fields. fecause the strength of the megnetic Field increases wher on iran core is placed in she coil, the symbol For an electromagnet shows she coli with an The symbol fer as wimctomognet conis's af the symbol for 0 coi! plus fae lines that represent the iron ere © ile Which of the above figures is o symbol fo! an cicero magnet? ' REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURES Which electromagnet supports the heaviast weight ? A iB « Which electromagnet hos the most currest through it? a © What will increase the strength af eleet-omognet A? [increasing the curient 1H deceeasing the current Ineraasing the ewirent REFER TO THE ABOYT FIGURES. The same emounl of curren! flows through all of the obave eiectronagrels Which electromogne: supports the hoeviast weight? the evil wish 2 turns of wire the coil orth 4 toons af wire ha ecil seth B hums of wite will increase the strength of electromagnet A? incieose the source waltoge decrease the source voltage increase the number of turns of wiew in the coll decrease the nuber of turns of sine in the ceil 1: remove the iron core inside the coil the coir with B tures oF crass the acuece voltoge inciecn the number of turn af vice in the coil 1a? The strength of an eluciiomugnet cor ve increased by increesing tne curient decremsing the cuweat increasing the nunber of turns of wire ) decreasing the number of turns of wire plocirg an ion cere jn the center of the coil The diograms above show electromagnels in sirple battery cireuis When the cizcuit % closed, the electromagnet can pick up on iron cbject cannot pick vp an iran obje When the circuit is ogen, the electromagnet: Lo loses oll of its magnetic Fietd loses most of its magnetic Held EE maintain o strong mogneti« field increasing the current Increosing the number of placing an iron coil in He center of the coil can pick up an ion object loses most of iis magnetic eld REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURES Current is not Flowing in Cleeui When the cusent is not Flowing ia on electromagnet: 1 Whas re sagnetism 4 Ithes the some magnetism as shen there ik curent Flowing. H retains @ smell onou-t Li Se retains ¢ emall emaunt of magnetism of magnetism. 19 The magnetism remoining in an electiomagret ofter the ccurront stops flowing & called residual mognet’sm An electromagnet with residual mognerism ios 51 tess magnetism thon when current ist mageetion thon wher is Flowing cortent is flewing more magnetism thon when current is Flowing fo magnetism the sume amount of magnetism os when currant is Flowing 191 When current stops flowing through an electromagnet E It has ne magnestiom: LE It has residual magnetism HW has residvot magnetism. Ia the magnetism developed by an electromagnet thet hos 9 very small amount of curren: flowing through it cclled residual magnetism? 1 yes magnetism ts: the incerose in inagnetism erected by jeceeasing the umber of turns of vine on an clectionegnet the magne-ise created by un electro ognat when curient slowing the magnetisin found in srall permanent magnets the mognetiom remoining in an electio~ the magnetism remmoisteg magnet ashen careent stops flowing nan electromagnet shen the mognetisa remaining in an electro- sateent stops Flowing nagret when o very sal amount of ‘current is flowing 193 ln this gor of she progam we vil chow how mognatism is used to proguce electricity S In the diagre» cheve, an aluctromagne! is shown ohached too bulb 9 source of valinge present? pes Will the bulb light ? yey le order far eatrent ta tow, there me: 2 coil in He eset 2 an open circuit 1 a soytee of voltoge paauce of ve tage 198 @ Cieevit A Cireuit B iron core REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURE tn Circuit 8, bor magnel fiat replaced the iran cone of the coil in Circuit A, The bar magnet ' being moved up ang dawn inside the coil In which circuit $5 9 souree of voltage present? A Le Voltage is produced by: F mowing @ bor mogaet up end down inside moving a bat mognet up a coil ond down insiou @ colt moving an iren core Up ard down inside 2 coil placing a bor magnet in a cui” placing en iran bur is @ cal bar magnet & REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURE To produce voltage by means of magnetim, you need: 1. a condueror 2. @ magnetic Feld 3, teiotive motion butuaan the conductor rd the magnatic field Inthe above figure, the coil azts os the conductor What supplies the magnetic fteld? th bar enogne Relotive motion Is supplied by moving the i bulo cl bor magne! baer magnet 196 REFER TO PANEL 2 Which figures illustrate mation of the bar magnet or coil? aA B c Mognatic liter of faves ore cutting the conductor, the coil in Figura: A 5 ¢ In hick figure) will the cailist net gererote @ voltage? \97 REFER TO PANEL 2 Since thy evils in bots Figure A and Figure C can aro~ auce or generate voltage, you con conclude shat rela~ Five motion means thot ther the voncueter ar the magnetic Either the cenductor or field mat move ia order to produce the magnetic Field must voltage move in order to produce vellege. Orly the conductar should move is orcet *o produce voltage Only the magnetic Field should move in order to prodsew valtage 198 REFER TO PANEL 2 ‘The coil and bar magnet in Figure B do not produce voll age becaure there is ne relative motion iron core magne o a e Cireuit Ain the Hgure above will not produce vokage becauie there is no > conductor mageetic field magnetic Held rubber coil In Circuit A above, a rubter coil las replaced the metal coil of Circuit B. Voltage will rot be produced because Circutt A has no: conductor 1 invulator magnetic Field C: relative mation conauctor The magnetic Field in the figure above comes kom ain}: ul ceil Lr electromagnet horseshos magnet The magnetic tield in the figure ebove cones from ain) Li coil E elecromagret © horveshoe magnet orsethoe magnet ebeciromagnet the metal coils in the megnetic fields of Figues A and B are moved up end down, whet requirements for praducing valtage will be Filled? a conductor ALL RESPONSES SHOULD 11 a magnetic Field BE CHECKED. 2 Which of the following is/ere required ia order to pro~ duce voltage? [i @ conductor a conductor Li a magnetic Field a magretic fale LE @ magnetic Field ond conductors that Cemain stotionary selarive motion between the megnetic relative mation between field and the conductors the magnetic field ond the conductors 206 PREVIEW FRAME ‘You are Fonitier with the battery os one source of voltage used in electric cirevits Now you have learned that you con also produce velt~ ‘age by using magnetism, One device that % made spa cifically ta produce voltage by means of magnetism 3s the generotor The following scetion uf this course will tech you how a generator uses magnetism to produce voltage. NNO RESPONSE REQUIRED GO ON TO NEXT FRAME 205 Abotiery produce: voltage by using certain chemicals ‘A generator is a device trot produces valtege by mane fal magnetic In order to produce voltage by meers of -magnattam, generator requires: 2 conductor o conducter Can tenulerer 5 a mugnotic field a magnetic Cele relative motion sciative motier REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURE 4 generotor uses on electromagnet! to provide the mag netic Field needed to produce voltage by meors of rognatisn la the obove figure, the iron core of the electromagnet in shaped like a D. bar magnet horseshoe megnet horsesioe magnet The iron core of the clect-omegne! is called w pole piece. The pole piece will Fi center the strength of the magnetic field center tne strength of the Fs hove nen and south poles magnetic fietd provide voltage have north ond south pales REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURE the wire coil on the pale piece is called the field coil. Which is the Held coil? =A ne Does electric eunent How thiough the field coil? yee Une The field coil provides the Fi candvetors F: magnetic Held magnetic Field F: reletive motion The pole piece ond the Field coil toy Ls elestiamognat electromagrat {naturel magnet C permanent magnet The field coil could supply 0 mognetic field by itself. The purpose of the pole piece i te: increase the dength of the elactramagnet inevease the strength of the electromagnet 1 daecuate the trangth of the electromagnet supply the Field cail with electric current REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURE Abottery supplies current [field curren) ro the Field ceil of the generator above. The lerer & indicates the = battery Lt conductor 1 field coil field colt T pale piace The letter 8 indicctes thes * battery 1: conducter field coil pole wiese pole piece The letter C indicates the: LU: battery bertery D coneveter Ti fiele coil TI pole plese 210 MATCH each term ot the sight with its appropriote def= inition(s) of the left centers the srength —T.__ field coll of the magnetic field __. __ pole piece supplies the mog= nette field supplies cureent tothe alecto- mogaet al The field coi! center, the strength of the magnetic field provides w path for the eenduetor provides the magnetic Field the pole piece: TL centes the strength of the magnetic frekd provides o path for the conductor provides the Feld centers the strength ©! nognetic field a2 The pole pices and the field catl sotisly one of the foctors requited te produce voltoge in 6 generctor. Other requiraments inclu 2 conductor @ conductor a megneric fietd o source of volteue relative motion telative motion a3 SEFER TO PANEL 3 The magnetic field of the electramognet will be seongest: ;CHECK OIC) round the field ceil tt the endh of the pale piace ff the enels of the pole piece ED at the voltage source for the electromagner If you wishes te produce voltage, you would move a conductor: (CHECK ONE) 1D between the ends of the pole piece hetween the ends of the gole piece Ti past the field coil p TG post the voltage source For the electromagnet pole piece fiele coil REFER TO THE ABOVE FIGURE ure, you can see 9 gail of wire in the In the ebove magnetic Held preduced by the electromagnet Ii the coil of wire cuts through the line af force of the: oct asa conductor electromagnet, thy coil of wire will Li eet e: a canéuctor carry current out ef he magneric ficld vo the bulls act as an insulator P corty current out of the magnetic field to the bale Will voltege be procuced if you mave the coil of wire to eat the lines of force? AS REFER TO PANEL 4 In the generator, the coneuctar moving in the magnetic figld ic @ coil of wire with an iron core Vihich ortow poinrs ro the conductor ? “ Eq] SZ alte FEFER TO THE ASOVE FIGURE Ihe coil of wire maving ia the mogneite field is called Whe! requirement for producing voltage is pravided by the cimaryre? conuctor conductor > magnetic field ar REFER TO PANEL 3 As you know, current must flow through an electromagnet if iti 10 produce @ magnetic field This means that the generator must have some electrical input in area: to produce voltage The electricity thet flows through the electromagnet ila coil) is called the electrical input The electricity that Hows out of the conductor in the mognelis field fs colled the electrical output. The voltage source of the Field coil is the source of: Ty electrical input electrfcol input electrical cutput 1b the magnetic fleld The armature is the source of L electrical input ( electcal output electrical curpat the magnetic field ag REFER TO PANEL 4 Which orroar pointe te the armature? 219 In the Hgure below, LABEL the: 1. field coil 2. pole piece: 2. armature: A 8. Se ros | J ¢. Which provides the megnetic field? he Field 4amperes 4 ohms Avoltmeter iso device that measures the omourt of vol tage a! any point in the circuit. A voltmeter is shown by the symbot-Qp- Inthe above cireuit, how many valts willl be shown on the pbove voltmeter? how your work) VElKe BERLE Re? VodxT la volts AC source connected wires generator moter SPST ssvited variable resistor 265, When we discussed switches, you learned that the metal strip in the suitch wor used to C conduct electric current through the circuit conduct electric current when the sitch was closed through the circuit when prevent the flow of electric current through the suitch wor closed the circuit when the aveiteh was closed The netol strip hed a very low resistance 10 current flow You could replace the metal drip with C1 gloa rod G suber tod 266 The resistence of wire i genevally very smell compored to the resistance of a component. Fat all practical pur- poses, we can soy that a wice has ro iesistonce. Aire In an electic clreuit is used to: CS cary curient through the circuit epiey curvent through the provent current fram Howing siecuit How much resistance does 9 short piece of wire have? she 0 tehers) Ifa ship of metol had « resistence af Oohms, you coulu se Ht 2s 0 voltage source: ‘ = to corty currant Fre «come to corty current fiom o companvat back ta the ponent back to the vallage voltage source source te eoiry current ia on electric circuit to comy current Inn elec Sto provect current Flow tric circuit 287 Amctil stip could be ued in place af wire to: TD conduct current ino cieeuit conduct current in circuit prevent current fier flowing in 0 circuit T prevent voltage tom being produced in a circuit tail ight + The figute above shows @ simple cutomobile lighting Is me taillight part of the complete circuit? Li yes yes Is the headlight port of the complete elie Dyes yes Cie Current is returned fo the battery through So metal sirip OF wiee wine ‘metal The Figure obove shows anather simple ouromobile circuit In the diagram, the current flowing through the lights (em turns to the battery shrough: wire! the metal e) = wire 2 a REFER TO THE AEQVE FIGURES The metal in Figure B takes the place of Ci wie 1 in Figure A LE wire 2 in Figure & wine 2 in Figuce & Li wires T ond 2 in Figure A The metol in Figure & con be thought of os Co conductor © conducto: 5 an insulator 1 path for electric eurrest we path for electri eument La veriubie resistor 271 heedlight v Rey [ony order) y toe RRR Ry ea ani 2 15 1 = 1 omp 70 5. 420 vols, Total Points Points ec pot ag 400 ec = Total Points: Question No. ‘6 Answers ® r t 3 amps electiomegnets permenen’ magne’s 1 ot 2 A,B the magnetism aft in on electromagnet when the current taps Flowing conductors nugretic Fivld relotive motion helween the conductors cud © magnatic field a poem Question Points _No. 1. a a eu o % 19 ie 33. oy ac 1 M, 0 al (2) tos. a) loa Dou hou io lc loc loc loc a) n roo 12. a) %. Tote! Posters Aanwers 8 Hy L [either oe both} G, E [either o both) Dy J either or both) A £, G (either or both} sip ings K o oF Ee FORM SEBVE594

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