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PROIECT: POSDRU 62665 - Formarea continu a cadrelor didactice pentru utilizarea resurselor informatice moderne n predarea eficient a limbii

engleze i evaluarea la nivel european a competenelor lingvistice

Devise two vocabulary activities, one based on using realia and one based on semantic maps; indicate also the level that you are working on. 1. Realia (A1 level)

T asks Ss to write down all the food vocabulary they know. T elicits some items. One S uncovers the food basket on the desktop with a number attached on each item. In small groups they match the food words with the numbers. T checks the answers with the whole class and drills the items they find difficult to pronounce (e.g. cauliflower). Guess the food game: Ss work in small groups. One S thinks of an item of food beginning with a particular letter and says the letter aloud. The other Ss take it in turns to guess the item of food.

PROIECT: POSDRU 62665 - Formarea continu a cadrelor didactice pentru utilizarea resurselor informatice moderne n predarea eficient a limbii engleze i evaluarea la nivel european a competenelor lingvistice

S scores a point for every right guess.

A: Is it an apple? B: No, it isnt. A: Is it a pear B: Yes, it is.

2. Semantic maps (A2): - visual representations of the relationships between concepts; - they demonstrate logical connections between the words.

Organising new vocabulary: T draws the map on the board, writing down the three categories: land, water, air .

PROIECT: POSDRU 62665 - Formarea continu a cadrelor didactice pentru utilizarea resurselor informatice moderne n predarea eficient a limbii engleze i evaluarea la nivel european a competenelor lingvistice

T elicits an item to add to each section. In small groups, Ss complete their webs. T pairs them with Ss from another group to check their webs.

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