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"#$%&'()##*+ ,-+ .*/*01*% 23+ 4526 - kenLucklana Medlcal CenLer (kMC), now managed by Lhe naLlonal
healLhcare developmenL flrm Callchla PosplLal Croup (CPC), has opened lLs new Lmergency ueparLmenL and
offers L8 paLlenLs a walL Llme of 13 mlnuLes or less. 1he announcemenL ls made by CPC's Chalrman & CLC
!oseph . Callchla, M.u., l.A.C.C., who says: Cur group has had exLenslve hands-on experlence runnlng an
Lmergency ueparLmenL aL a hosplLal much llke kMC, and proven our ablllLy Lo successfully reduce paLlenL walL
Llmes for Lhose needlng emergency care. We're Lhrllled Lo now be worklng ln Clarksvllle, helplng lmprove Lhe
dellvery of emergency and acuLe medlcal servlces Lo Lhe communlLy."
ur. Callchla says Lhe ldea for shrlnklng L8 walL Llmes came from dlscusslons on ways Lo address common
emergency room problems people face everyday across Amerlca. "1he real Lragedy," says ur. Callchla, "ls LhaL
ofLen paLlenLs don'L come Lo Lhe L8 because Lhey Lhlnk whaLever's boLherlng Lhem lsn'L worLh Lhe Lrouble or
Lhe expense of a check up by a physlclan, or Lhey fear Lhey wlll be humlllaLed for maklng a fuss over noLhlng.
1herefore people experlenclng chesL palns Lhlnk Lhey can rlde lL and Lhey someLlmes end up wlLh a hearL
aLLack. We've learned LhaL early intervention saves lives in emergent situations."
"We're Lrylng Lo provlde and expand care for people who oLherwlse mlghL noL seek lL, by addresslng Lhe long
walL Llmes found aL mosL Lmergency ueparLmenLs," ur. Callchla sald.
As announced earller ln Lhe monLh, Lhe Callchla organlzaLlon has relocaLed Mlchael hllllps from lLs WlchlLa,
kansas, headquarLers Lo Clarksvllle Lo serve as kMC's CLC and lead Lhe medlcal cenLer's expanslon efforLs
golng forward. revlously, Mr. hllllps served as Lhe CLC for Callchla Medlcal Croup, a large and growlng
mulLl-speclalLy physlclan group LhaL provldes comprehenslve medlcal servlces Lo all of WlchlLa's hosplLals, and
LhroughouL Lhe SLaLe of kansas. Mr. hllllps served as a key member of Lhe Leam LhaL recenLly negoLlaLed Lhe
sale of Callchla PearL PosplLal Lo PCA, whlch closed lebruary 2012.
lurLher, aL Lhe requesL of local physlclans, kMC ls also lnsLalllng a large scope of new equlpmenL aL Lhe faclllLy.
ln addlLlon, kMC wlll lncrease ln-paLlenL rooms from 34 Lo 46, of whlch 12 wlll lnclude LelemeLry monlLorlng.
1he maln core of physlclans aL kMC lncludes urs. Chrls SLavens, Anls Chalhoub, !ohn 8umlsek and 8ob
uowllng, cardlac surgeons, urs. Lll Pallal, !oseph 8eaven, !eff Campbell, prlmary care physlclans, and ur.
8enaLo La 8occa, an oncologlsL.
ur. Callchla explalns: "We asked our physlclans whaL Lools Lhey needed aL kenLucklana Lo provlde Lhe besL
posslble care Lo paLlenLs, and we've purchased exacLly whaL Lhey requesLed. We had Lhe physlclans speak
dlrecLly Lo vendors, so Lhe physlclans could offer lnpuL aL every sLep of Lhe process."

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CPC's phllosophy ls Lo glve physlclans Lhe Lools Lhey need Lo provlde Lhe hlghesL quallLy care for Lhelr
paLlenLs. "Cur Lhlnklng ls, who knows beLLer Lhan physlclans how Lo care for paLlenLs, so we glve Lhem whaL
Lhey need," ur. Callchla says, ln facL, for Lhose area physlclans readlng Lhls announcemenL who are looking
for a 'hyslclan CenLrlc' envlronmenL Lo care for paLlenLs, we encourage Lhem Lo conLacL Lhe kMC
managemenL Leam for deLalls regardlng prlvlleges aL 812-284-6100."

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kMC employs close Lo 200 people and ls locaLed [usL off u.S. 31 ln Clarksvllle, ln, whlch ls parL of Lhe greaLer
Loulsvllle MeLropollLan area. kMC has been servlng Lhe communlLy of SouLhern lndlana and kenLucky slnce
2009 and has slnce recelved cerLlflcaLlon from Lhe PealLhcare laclllLles AccredlLaLlon program (PlA). lor
more lnformaLlon abouL kenLucklana Medlcal CenLer, vlslL hLLp://
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Culded by ur. !oseph Callchla, CPC's mlsslon ls Lo provlde lnLegraLed healLhcare sysLems LhaL provlde Lhe
hlghesL quallLy care posslble. 1he Croup's model ls Lo provlde efflclenL, cosL-effecLlve healLh care servlces LhaL
meeL Lhe needs of Lhe communlLy whlle embraclng Lhe concepL LhaL paLlenL care comes flrsL. 1hls vlslon ls
based on ur. Callchla's experlence provldlng medlcal care ln many lnLernaLlonal locales and varlous healLhcare
sysLems. lor more lnformaLlon, vlslL: hLLp://

Maggle Chamberlln Polben, A8, AbsoluLely ubllc 8elaLlons - hLLp://, 303-984-9801
or 303-669-3338 (cell), maggle[

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