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sftp commands

Basic Commands

sftp [-vc] [-b batchfile] [-o ssh_option] [host]

sftp [[user@]host[:file[file]]]

sftp [[user@]host[:dir[/]]]

Interactive Commands

cd path Changes remote directory to path.

lcd path Changes local directory to path.

chgrp grp path Changes group of file path to grp. grp must be a numeric GID.

chmod mode path Changes permisssion of file path to mode.

chown own path Changes owner of file path to own. own must be a numeric UID.

exit Quits sftp

get remote-path [local-path] Retrieves the remote-path and stores in on the local
machine. If the local-path name is not specified, it is given the same name that it
has on the remote machine.

help Displays help text.

lmkdir path Creates local directory specified by path.

ln oldpath newpath Creates a symbolic link from oldpath to newpath.

lpwd Prints local working directory.

ls [path] Displays remote directory listing of either path or current directory (if path
is not specified).

mkdir path Creates remote directory in location specified by path.

put local-path [remote-path] Uploads local-path and stores it on the remote

machine. If the remote-path name is not specified, it is given the same name as it
has on the local machine.

pwd Displays remote working directory.

quit Quits sftp

rename oldpath newpath Renames remote file from oldpath to newpath.

rmdir path Removes remote directory specified by path.

rm path Deletes remote file specified by path.

symlink oldpath newpath Create a symbolic link from oldpath to newpath.

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