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Faculty Senate Committee Convener’s Meeting

September 1, 2009
327 GMH

Meeting Called to Order at 9:05am

Attendees: Becky LeDocq (FS Chair), Bart Van Voorhis (FS At-Large), Kerrie Hoar (FS
Secretary & IAS CPC), Adrienne Loh (FS Vice-Chair & Budget Review), Don Sloan
(Articles & Bylaws), Sandy Grunwald (APR), Carol Angell (GCC), Enilda Delgado (GCC),
Tim Gongware (Undergrad Research), Melanie Cary (Faculty Development), Sheryl
Ross (Internat’l Ed), Steve Senger (Academic Plannning), Anne Galbraith (Gen Ed),
Suzanne Anglehart (CAPS), Cynthia Berlin (UCC), VJ Agarwal (Grad Council), Jon
Hasenbank (Schol. & Awards), Dean Stroud (CGAAF), Elise Denlinger (IAS), Leslie
Poulton (Research & Grants) and Kathleen Enz-Finken (Provost)

1. Informational Items:
a. A discussion of Informational Items took place which included clarification of
the Open Meeting Law, use of Robert’s Rules of Order, Convener
responsibilities with regards to committee organizational meeting, Non-
Attendance Rule, and End of Year report. An informational handout was
passed out. (see attached)
b. The Faculty Senate Chair will convene a mid-year meeting for committee
chairs in January.
c. The Faculty Senate Chair has sent name of student committee members
directly to the appropriate committee convener. Currently, student members
are not listed as committee members on the Faculty Senate website. It was
discussed that student names might be added to the FS website or at least a
link to the Student Senate website.
2. Senate Committee Newsfeed: This pilot project will be implemented immediately in
order to improve communication between Senate, its committees and the faculty.
A demonstration and explanation of the site followed.
3. Discussion of Charges: The Faculty Senate Chair invited conveners to bring forward
any questions about charge letters. Conveners and committee members were
invited to explore their committee’s webpage on the Faculty Senate website. These
web pages include a list of current and past members, current and past minutes
and final reports (if they are available) and a copy of the committee’s bylaws.

Adjourned: 9:32am

Respectfully submitted,
Kerrie Hoar, Secretary

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