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(25 points)

Write one narrative paragraph beginning as follows: For Paul, piano lessons were particularly painful Question II (!5 points)

" Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense a. My father was very pleased when he (1).(buy) this house because he(2) (always want) to own a house by the sea. My parents (3).(live) here for twenty years now and they (4)(never regret) leaving the city. I( )(stay) here at the !o!ent because I (")(need) so!e sea air. It#s wonderful. I ($) (wal%) on the beach every day. I#! sure I (&)(be) sad to leave this earthly paradise. b. 'e(t !onth) *ohn (+)(start) a new ,ob. -e (1.)(decide) to leave his old ,ob when his aunt) who (11)(own) a co!pany) as%ed hi! to ,oin her. -e is sure that he (12)(en,oy) the new ,ob as he wants to wor% in business. /t the !o!ent he (13)(go) through the co!pany files so that he can learn as !uch as possible. -e (14)(wor%) ne(t to an e(perienced accountant for the first two wee%s. -e hopes he (1 )(not let down) his aunt as it#s his first ti!e in a si!ilar post. 30 points B. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given in capitals and the meaning stays the same. The word cannot be changed in any way. 1. 0he has never eaten lobster before. 1I203 It#s the..lobster 2. -e !anaged to pass the e(a! with distinction. 045566767 -ethe e(a! with distinction 3. 3he e(a! wasn#t as easy as we#d e(pected. 7I11I5483 3he e(a!.we#d e(pected. 4. 9e didn#t ta%e a !ap so we#re lost now. 3/:6' Ifnow. . Mary helped hi!) so he won. -/;6 <utwon. ". It#s a sha!e we didn#t go out for dinner. 9I0- I.for dinner. $. 9e#d prefer it if you didn#t tal% to hi!. 2/3-62 9e.tal% to hi!. &. It#s a pity she#s not there. ='8> If..there.

+. 0o!ebody burgled their house a wee% ago. <2=:6' 3heir.a wee% ago. 1.. 0he too% up %nitting five years ago. <66' 0he..years. 30 points C. Use the word in capitals at the end o each sentence to orm another word that its in each blank space 7inosaurs were land ani!als that wal%ed the earth for over 1". !illion years.3hey were an (1)...varied group of ani!als.3here I'5267I<86 were(2).thousands and thousands of species of dinosaurs. 8I362/8 3he largest were over 3. !etres in (3)and 1 !etres tall. 8='? 9hile !any dinosaurs were !eat@eaters) the (4)..were M/*=2 plant@eaters.9hy dinosaurs ( )beca!e e(tinct re!ains one 04776' of the !ost (")Auestions in paleontology. 1/05I'/36 Many ($)believe that an asteroid fro! (&) 05I6'56B=43 space hit the earth and that the dust fro! the(+) 5=88I76 bloc%ed out the sun#s light.3his possibly caused (1.) 72/M/ changes to the 6arth#s cli!ate.but one group of dinosaurs did survive. Indeed they are(11)todayC Most(12) 8I;6B0D65I/8I06 believe that birds are the direct (13)of dinosaurs. 76056'7 0o ne(t ti!e you !a%e the (14)to ta%e a wal% in the 765I76 forest a!d see a (1 )friend) ,ust thin% you#re loo%ing at 16/3-62 dinosaur. !" points

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