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The Key Lock Sequence

The Secret to Text Messaging Success Revealed!

Get Your FREE 10 Part Texting Mastery Dating Course and Discover The Secrets That Can Turn Even The Most Average Guy Into A Te ting Ro!eo C"ic# $ere to Access Your Free Te ting Mastery Course

Introduction .................................................................... 3 Why You Should Master Texting ................................... Its !arder to Make a Mistake ....................................... It Re"uires Less #on$idence ........................................ % Wo&en 're$er It........................................................... % You #an Kee( In #ontact With Multi(le Wo&en ....... ) The Rules ........................................................................ * Rule +,- .on/t Text on the Sa&e 0ight ....................... * Rule +1- Kee( Your Texts 2rie$ ................................ ,3 Rule +3- Make It 'ersonal .......................................... ,1 Rule +4- Write in State&ents ..................................... ,3 Rule + - .on/t 5sk 6or a 6or&al .ate ...................... ,4
In the Keylock Sequence Rob Judge revealed his three step process for getting any girl out on a date. Rob Judge in conjunction with pick up uru !obby Rio developed this syste" through trial and error until they had a "ethodology that worked with virtually every girl they tried it on. #he key lock sequence was three specific te$t "essages that needed to be sent in the correct order in order to gain attention% for" rapport and create attraction. &hen used together these three te$ts where incredibly effective. If you haven't watched the video where rob judge and !obby Rio reveal the keylock sequence you can watch it here( Keylock Sequence )ideo.

In this guide you will learn why te$t "essaging is the best way to guarantee that you get a girl out on a date and why "astering te$t "essaging can transfor" your dating life. *ou will also learn the rules of te$t "essaging so that you never again have to waste a girl's phone nu"ber. +long with learning what kind of te$ts are effective you will also learn the no risk way to ask a girl out. !y "astering this "ethod you will not only never again have to risk painful rejection you will also be able to ,playfully persist- and have as "any future opportunities to ask her out again as you want.

%hy You Shou"d Master Te ting Its $arder to Ma#e a Mista#e .ne of the big advantages with te$t "essaging is that it is "uch harder to "ake a "istake. .nce you understand what you need to te$t and what kind of te$ts are effective you just need to ,rinse- and ,repeat-. #here is a specific te"plate of te$ts that you can copy and use that are al"ost always successful. +nybody who understands these te"plates can use the". *ou have all the ti"e in the world to co"pose a good te$t "essage. *ou can think carefully about what you want to te$t and so there is no reason to "ake a "istake with your te$ting. Contrast that with trying to "ake a phone call. &hen you call her up you are only going to be successful if you are good at "aking conversation. If you are nervous then this is going to co"e through in your voice. If she asks a difficult question or wants to change plans then you are going to need to quickly think how to respond. .verall it is "uch easier to use te$ting to get her out on a date and so is far "ore accessible to the average guy.

It Re&uires Con(idence


#e$ting requires less confidence than "aking a phone call. +nyone who has had to "ake a phone call to ask a girl out on a date knows how nervous it can "ake you feel. /nfortunately one of the pri"ary deter"inants of whether a wo"an will feel attracted to you or not is based on your perceived level of confidence. It is hard to co"e across as the confident alpha "ale type if you are stuttering and talking rapidly as you ask her out on a date. 0o "atter how you "ight feel about asking a girl out there will be no indication of your level of confidence in a te$t "essage. In fact if you know the correct for"at for a good te$t "essage then your te$t will shout confidence 1even if you "ight not actually feel that confident inside2 %o!en Pre(er It #e$ting is how wo"en keep in contact with people these days. .ne of the reasons why pick up artists advocated calling up girls in the past is because te$ting "ight co"e off as being unnatural. #hese days however the opposite is the case. Calling a girl up and asking her out on a date see"s old fashioned and strange. #e$ting on the other hand see"s co"pletely natural.

&hen you co"bine this with the other advantages that te$ting has you can see why it "akes sense to te$t rather than to try and "ake a successful phone call. +fter all why "ake things harder for yourself than they need to be. You Can )ee* In Contact %ith Mu"ti*"e %o!en #his "ight be advanced level stuff if you are only at the stage where you are looking to get a date but if you are little "ore successful in your ga"e then te$ting is going to be really great for you. /sing te$t "essaging it is easy to send out a daily ,touch basete$t to "ultiple wo"en. enerally this is best delivered why you are out enjoying yourself. &hen so"ething interesting or funny happens send out a te$t to one of the girls in your address book telling her about it. &hen you want to hook% send out a te$t to one of the girls in your address book asking if they want to "eet up. If you have used the techniques in this book and haven't used the old fashioned ,ask her out on a date- approach then you will be able to get a girl out with you whenever you want. +nd if one is busy there is always another girl that you can get in contact with.

The Ru"es
Ru"e +1, Don-t Te t on the Sa!e .ight 3irstly you shouldn't te$t the girl back on the sa"e night. .ne of the big "istakes that guys "ake is when they "et a girl they send out a te$t asking her if she got ho"e safe. .n the surface this see"s to be a great te$t to send out. It "akes you see" like a gentle"an% right4 5aybe but it also can be perceived as a little la"e. She isn't your girlfriend yet and so you shouldn't be treating her like one. !ut worse that this you are stuck with what to do if she doesn't get back to you. +fter all there is a good chance by the ti"e that she gets ho"e that she will have fallen asleep and not gotten your te$t and so not replied. !ut you don't know that for a fact. She "ight also be ignoring you. 0ow you are in dangerous territory because you will have to double te$t% which is a serious sign of desperation. +nother proble" with the sa"e night te$t is that you have robbed the interaction of its "ystery. .ne of the best ways to build attraction is to keep her wondering if you are going to te$t her not. 6owever if you send a te$t

i""ediately you have not allowed this anticipation of ,&ill he or won't he- to build.

Ru"e +/, )ee* Your Te ts 0rie( 7on't "ake your te$ts too long. #he reason for this has to do with the idea of e"otional co""it"ent. &hen we have a high level of e"otional co""it"ent we are willing to devote "ore of our attention to co""unications that we receive. If for e$a"ple your "other or father sent you a lengthy e"ail chances are that you are going to read it all. 6owever if a tele"arketing fir" calls you up at night you are probably not going to listen to a word that they have to say. #he reason is e"otional co""it"ent. &e will read "ore and answer "ore questions fro" so"eone that we have an e"otional bond with. In the case of a girl that you have just "et the e"otional co""it"ent level is very low. So if you ask a lot of questions or write long te$ts then it is going to be easier for her to ignore you than to respond. Secondly when you write like this you are increasing the chances that what you write is not going to be very interesting. So keep your te$ts brief and to the point. !efore sending it read through it and see if there is any infor"ation that you could take

out. If you have asked "ore than one question you should re"ove this as well.

Ru"e +1, Ma#e It Persona" &hen writing your te$ts you want to "ake it personal. 8ven if she doesn't have your na"e in her address book and can't recogni9e the nu"ber it should still be instantly recogni9able as being fro" you. *ou can do this in a nu"ber of ways. 3irst give her a nickna"e. Ideally you want to give her a nickna"e based on so"ething that happened when you "et. #hen when she reads the nickna"e she will be brought back e"otionally to that ti"e and place. It also helps to show that you have bond and that you aren't actually strangers 1tenuous as that bond "ight be2 +nother reason why nickna"es are so effective is because they i""ediately help to create rapport. #hink of the people that you use nickna"es with. #hey are friends% fa"ily and lovers. #hey are people that you know well and are e"otionally connected with. It is "uch easier to turn a date with so"eone who you have no e"otional connection to versus so"eone who is a perceived ,friend-. 0ickna"es are not the only way you should personali9e your te$ts however. *ou "ight like to have a catch phrase that you always open the te$ts with or a certain distinctive way of writing. Ideally she will be s"iling just at the site of your te$ts when she reads the". Re"e"ber we are always thinking about how we can entertain her and "ake her day better. If you can do that you will have no proble" getting her out on a date.

Ru"e +2, %rite in State!ents &hen writing te$ts to girls you should avoid using questions and always try and use state"ents whenever possible. 3or e$a"ple( ,:et's do so"ething this weekend)s. ,7o you want to do so"ething this weekend4Read those two state"ents aloud and ask yourself which of the two sounds "ore assertive and which is easier to turn down. State"ents straight out sound "ore confident than questions. +nd the "ore questions that you ask the less confidence you are going to see" to have. irls like a guy who can "ake decisions. *ou can consult but you should be driving the initial stages of your relationship. +lso the "ore questions you ask the less interesting your te$ts are likely to be. #ell her about what you are doing. It gives her so"ething to co""ent on. #hink of 3acebook posts for a second. &hen so"eone "akes a post on 3acebook they generally aren't asking a question but "ake a thought provoking state"ent and yet they still get replies. #his is the sa"e sort of effect you are going after with your te$ts. If you ask her too "any questions chances are she is going to end the conversation so don't fall into this trap.

Ru"e +3, Don-t As# For a For!a" Date #his is a big one and can "ake a serious difference in the success you enjoy with te$t "essaging. In the old days when you wanted a girl to go out with you% you would have to call her up at the start of the week and request her co"pany for so"e for"al event such as dinner or a "ovie. o back far enough and "aybe you had to ask her father for per"ission as well. #his however is the ;<st century and things have changed. +sking a girl out on a for"al date looks la"e and is just asking to be rejected. Instead te$t her when you are already planning on doing so"ething and ask her if she wants to join you. If she says she's busy% no big deal te$t a different girl and "ake the sa"e offer or go on and enjoy whatever you were planning on doing anyway. +nd this point is very i"portant. *ou haven't asked her out on a for"al date% and she hasn't rejected your for"al proposition. *ou just asked her to do so"ething fun that you were doing anyway. &hat this "eans is that you can continue to ask her out again in the future.

*ou see% chances are when you te$t a girl you are not always going to get her at the right "ove"ent. 5aybe she has a test to study for or "aybe this weekend is her best friends wedding. She had a life before you ca"e into and you can't e$pect her to suddenly drop her plans. !ut if you are playfully persistent eventually you are going to catch her at the right ti"e. #he ti"e when she is looking to have a little fun. +nd you will be right there with fun a plenty for her to have.

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